Chronic tonsillitis decompensated form

How to treat decompensated tonsillitis

Chronic decompensated tonsillitis occurs quite often in our time.In fact, this is a chronic diagnosis that develops from an acute form of tonsillitis, and if it is not treated, you can get a number of serious complications.

The problem of tonsillitis

Features of tonsillitis

Tonsillitis is a disease of the tonsils. This disease can provoke and cause frequent sore throats in the patient. If you do not pay attention to this problem of the throat, the chronic form of tonsillitis will be accompanied by frequent exacerbations.

Types of tonsillitisRelapses occur 3 times a year, and even more often. If treatment is carried out with the help of a conservative method, that is, with the help of medications, this form of the disease is called compensated tonsillitis.

But it happens that the patient has an exacerbation of the disease for more than 3 times a year, the treatment does not give results, and the amygdala turns into a hotbed of infection for the body. Then the decompensated form develops, and it manifests itself in that the body does not react to any conventional treatment.

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The human tonsils are an accumulation of lymphatic tissue and they are located on the sides of the throat. They are able to delay the external infection of the throat so that it does not descend downward into the internal organs. In the most ordinary state, all 6 tonsils form a so-called ring, which protects the body from infection, therefore frequent inflammation occurs.

Because of such frequent diseases, immunity begins to decrease significantly. And glands can not fight new types of infection, and therefore they themselves become a dangerous focus. When they become inflamed, nearby tissues come into rotting state and form abscesses. This is how the chronic tonsillitis begins to develop. If it is not treated in time, then on the background of the general picture decompensated chronic tonsillitis starts, due to which inflammatory processes will begin in the entire body. Therefore, it is better to diagnose and treat it in time.

Signs and symptoms of the development of this disease

High fever with angina
  1. First, the patient begins a significant increase in body temperature.
  2. Secondly, the entire body becomes tired and broken, all the time you want to relax, because there is a constant fatigue.
  3. Thirdly, the patient begins to get sick more often 3 times a year. And basically a disease like angina.
  4. Fourth, there are changes in the tonsils, they become large and loose. And thus there are painful sensations in a throat.
  5. Fifth, on the tonsils and around them coils with pus are formed, that is, a parathonsillar abscess begins.
  6. Sixth, the intoxication of the body begins, internal organs (such as the cardiovascular system, the kidneys) can be affected.

Angina is an acute form of tonsillitis. It is caused by various microbes that fall into the throat of a patient with household items. At the moment when the microbes hit the throat, they are waiting for the moment to activate, and the ideal time for this is considered to be a subcooling or a sudden change in the temperature of the environment.

Some people will have enough to sit in a draft to exacerbate the illness or take a dip in the cool water. If you frequently get sore throat, it can provoke the appearance of inflammatory foci in the nasal cavity and its appendages, as well as in the oral cavity.
If you ignore this disease, the patient is significantly reduced immunity. And the tonsils will not be able to cope with their basic function.

And then the bacteria begin to multiply on the lymphoid tissue, and also around it, and then already throughout the body. As a result, your doctor will diagnose chronic tonsillitis. If it is not treated and is negligent to treat this disease, it is for a person threatened with the development of myocardial infarction, diseases such as arthritis, small chorea, glomerulonephritis and sepsis. Infection of the blood often occurs after severe tonsillitis, and as a result, it can lead to rather disastrous consequences. The patient should never be neglected to his health.

Treatment of decompensated tonsillitis

When directly chronic tonsillitis has passed into a decompensated form, then standard therapy does not help. Therefore, the patient can only agree to an operation to remove the tonsils. This is necessary because they do not fulfill their immediate function, but are the peddler of various infections. This type of surgery occurs under local anesthesia. However, now in the 21st century they use a laser procedure during their removal, and earlier doctors used simple surgical instruments.

During the removal of tonsils with a laser, all affected tissues are eliminated, and their areas of contact are cauterized to finally eliminate the focus of infection.

Herbal teas with anginaAnd as a result of this, a 100% cure for this type of disease occurs. The recovery period lasts only a few days. Understand that surgery is the only way to treat decompensation of tonsillitis.

But there are a number of contraindications to this operation. It can not be done by patients:

  • in whom blood clotting is impaired;
  • when cardiovascular and renal diseases are detected;
  • in whom a severe form of diabetes mellitus is diagnosed;
  • it is contraindicated to also do this procedure during acute and with exacerbation of chronic diseases;
  • during pregnancy and critical days.

Of course, after a surgical operation, a number of consequences may occur because the tonsils performed the necessary protective functions, and now they are gone. The main consequence is a significant decrease in immunity. Patients with this form of the disease simply do not have a way out, since the tonsils do not fulfill their basic function. And if you refuse surgical treatment, the consequences will be much more serious than you imagine.

After the surgical intervention, a recovery process takes place. After removing the necessary organs, all the functions of protecting the body from infection are taken over by the remaining tonsils.

That you do not have this disease, you need to know a number of rules how to protect yourself from this type of disease. So, in order not to suffer from chronic tonsillitis, you need to monitor your health. Once you have found the first signs of angina, seek help immediately from a doctor. Always remember the consequences of tonsillitis.

Chronic compensated tonsillitis: the main symptoms

Chronic compensated tonsillitis is characterized by pus on tonsilsEveryone knows the diseases of ENT - organs, for example, angina or sinusitis.

In the body, there are tonsils, in which lymphoid tissue accumulates. The palatine tonsils have a second name - glands. It is in them most often there are processes of inflammation.

After the angina has been transferred, the function of the tonsils may not completely recover, they become "loose." Glands are covered with specks of whitish color - this accumulates lacunar contents.

If it appears regularly or is improperly treated, there may be an onset of chronic tonsillitis.

Chronic compensated tonsillitis leads to permanent inflammation, but the tonsils remain protective qualities.

There are a number of symptoms of this disease:

  • the presence of not the most pleasant odor from the mouth;
  • the appearance of pain;
  • the formation of caseous congestion;
  • the appearance of a touch on the tonsils.

Chronic compensated tonsillitis differs, first of all, by partial returns of angina. It does not turn into a disease, but into an acute stage of tonsillitis.

The disease can be triggered by hypothermia, reduced immunity, drinking cold liquids. As a result, tonsillitis may start rheumatoid arthritis, post-streptococcal glomerulonephritis, a variety of system diseases, complications of cardiac system.

There are some criteria by which the otolaryngologist diagnoses chronic tonsillitis:

  • the edges of the palatine arches turn red, there appears a seal similar to the roller;
  • an increase in the size of submandibular lymph nodes;
  • there are cicatricial adhesions between the glands and palatines;
  • glands turn into loosened, with seals and scars;
  • the appearance of caseous congestion;
  • from the lacunas liquid pus is separated.

Form of chronic tonsillitis: compensated and decompensated

Chronic tonsillitis in compensated form is determined by some criteria:

  • in the morning hours in the throat there is a feeling of dryness, pain and tingling;
  • when swallowing there are unpleasant sensations;
  • constant angina.

During pharyngoscopy, the compensated form of chronic tonsillitis is manifested:

  • the appearance of adhesions of the tonsils and palatine arch;
  • unevenly colored tonsils, looseness, clear lacunar pattern;
  • hypertrophy of palatine tonsils in children;
  • change of arch (edge ​​eddies, thickening appears in the form of a roller);
  • an increase in regional lymph nodes, their soreness;
  • the formation in the depths of two dozen lacunae of purulent-caseous stoppers or liquid creamy pus.

Decompensated form is characterized by all the features listed above. In addition, with her two or three times a year there are acute forms.

There are also general manifestations of decompensation:

  • in the evening there is a low-grade fever;
  • there are pains in the heart and joints;
  • the patient suffers from increased fatigue, his working capacity decreases;
  • during exacerbations, conjugate diseases manifest themselves;
  • there are functional disorders that affect the urinary, nervous and other systems.

How to treat compensated and decompensated tonsillitis

In some cases, tonsillitis requires surgical interventionIn the process of drawing up a plan for the treatment of chronic tonsillitis, various indicators are taken into account.

It is necessary, when the compensated tonsillitis is treated, it is necessary to get rid of the problems connected with adjacent organs: the oral cavity and the nasopharynx.

It is necessary to observe the prescribed regime of the day, to perform physical activity, nutrition should be correct.

Compensated tonsillitis with contraindications for the surgeon's intervention is treated conservatively. It is very important to use local remedies against microbes. They are produced as lollipops, rinses or sprays. It is also possible for local application of immunostimulating agents - bacterial lysates, immunomodulators of systemic action.

There are also folk remedies for tonsillitis. The treatment regimen also includes taking antiallergic and antihistamines, calcium preparations, vitamin C and others. In the treatment of tonsillitis it is unlikely to do without antibiotic therapy and local procedures with Chlorophyllipt for the throat.

Another effective way is to wash lacunae with an antiseptic. In addition, magneto- and laser therapy, phonoelectrophoresis, reflex blockades: novocain blockades and manual therapy are used.

Surgical treatment is performed when the tonsils are no longer able to cope with their functions, they only develop an infection. The removal of tonsils can be complete or partial, for this use ultrasound, laser and freezing. Cm. also "Chronic tonsillitis photos".

Chronic tonsillitis - symptoms

chronic tonsillitis symptoms

As a rule, chronic diseases are characterized by prolonged sluggish inflammatory processes with recurrent relapses. This also applies to the chronic form of tonsillitis, in which inflammation of the pharyngeal and palatine tonsils is caused by various pathogens of the infection. Often, as pathogens of the disease are streptococci, staphylococcus, adenovirus, herpesvirus, fungi, etc. Chronic tonsillitis can develop both after the acute process in tonsils, and as an independent pathology against a weakened immune system.

Symptoms and signs of chronic tonsillitis in adults

One of the main symptoms in chronic tonsillitis is the presence in lacunae of tonsils of sealed purulent-caseous slugs, which consist of necrotic tissues, dead blood cells, accumulated infectious particles, toxins. The corks look like yellowish-white curdled clumps, with tubercles protruding on the surface of the tonsils. In some cases, their presence is accompanied by the accumulation of liquid pus. When the lacunae overflow with stoppers, they themselves go into the mouth.

Other manifestations of the disease are:

  • unpleasant odor from the mouth;
  • Discomfort, soreness in the throat when swallowing, especially in the morning;
  • coughing;
  • recurring headaches;
  • increase, soreness of cervical and submandibular lymph nodes;
  • yellowish white coating on the basis of the tongue;
  • persistent redness, swelling, hyperplasia of the palatine arch;
  • looseness or consolidation of the tonsils;
  • the appearance of cicatricial adhesions between the palatine arches and tonsils;
  • frequent feelings of general weakness, fatigue;
  • subfebrile body temperature.

Symptoms of exacerbation of chronic tonsillitis

Chronic tonsillitis in very rare cases occurs without periodic exacerbations, more often in patients there are cases of exacerbation twice or thrice or more times a year. Relapses are provoked by hypothermia, viral respiratory infections, general weakening of the body's immune defense. The clinical picture becomes very pronounced, it includes such signs:

  • intense sore throat, making it difficult to swallow, talk, open the mouth;
  • severe puffiness, redness and enlargement of the tonsils;
  • increase in body temperature, sometimes up to 39-40 ° C;
  • feeling of general weakness, weakness;
  • headache, muscle pain.

Symptoms of chronic compensated tonsillitis

With a compensated form of the disease, there are local symptoms of chronic inflammation of the tonsils, while their basic protective functions are still preserved. As a rule, exacerbations in this case do not happen often, and sometimes the clinical picture of this form of tonsillitis is quite worn out.

Symptoms of chronic decompensated tonsillitis

With the decompensated form of chronic tonsillitis, the tonsils can not cope with their functions due to irreversible changes that have occurred with their tissues. In this case, the tonsils are only the focus of infection, which extends to the surrounding tissues, and also easily penetrates the blood and lymph flow into others

chronic tonsillitis symptoms in adultsorgans - the heart, kidneys, pelvic organs, etc. In this case, exacerbations occur frequently, and there are not only local signs of chronic inflammation, but also the symptoms of significant general intoxication of the body and the manifestation of emerging complications depending on their location:
  • pain in the heart and joints;
  • shortness of breath, etc.

This form of tonsillitis is necessarily subject to surgical treatment.

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