How to cure otitis media

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Otitis of the ear: types of otitis and causes of development

  • Otitis in children
  • Otitis in adults
  • Treatment

Ear Otitis is an ENT disease of the hearing organ, characterized by an inflammation of one of the ear sections connected together.

The reasons for the development of otitis media can be very different, ranging from mechanical damage and improper personal hygiene, to serious complications arising from acute respiratory infections, influenza and colds.

Few people know, but even a common runny nose in neglected form can become the beginning not only of maxillary sinusitis, but also of otitis media.

Let us consider in more detail what otitis media are and what types of this disease are encountered.

The structure of the human ear is divided into three interconnected parts, which bear the following names:

  • external ear;
  • middle ear;
  • inner ear.

Depending on the specific part of the body the inflammatory process is taking place, in medicine it is customary to distinguish three types of otitis:

  • outer;
  • average;
  • interior.
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Ear canitis: symptoms of the disease in children

Otitis in children (see the photo on the left) occurs much more often than otitis in adults whose symptoms are identical. First of all, this is due to the not fully developed structure of individual tissues and parts of the hearing organ.

Also, the symptoms of otitis media (also called inflammation of the middle ear) are observed in children with reduced immunity or due to complications of viral, colds, flu.

As already noted above, the disease is divided into three types. For each type of otitis, adults and children have their own symptoms and signs.

Whenexternal otitis media, the causes of which are often violations of the rules of personal hygiene of the child, microtrauma of the shell of the ear, internal boils, observed:

  • elevated body temperature (up to 39 ° C);
  • chills;
  • the child's refusal to eat;
  • capriciousness and irritability;
  • poor sleep;
  • unreasonable crying;
  • puffiness and redness of the auricle;
  • the appearance of small bubbles on the skin around the ear;
  • pain in ear is constant or when touching;
  • an increase in parotid lymph nodes.


Amoxicillin Otipax Ceftriaxone Azithromycin Dioxydin Protargol Polidexa Dimexide Levomecol Flemoxin Solutab Sumamed Otofa Miramistin Otipax

Whenaverage otitis, which most often occurs against the background of acute respiratory viral infections, as well as in children with low immunity, the following symptomatic pattern is observed:

  • earache;
  • continuous crying;
  • lack of sleep;
  • the child's desire to rub or scratch his ear (rub on the pillow);
  • refusal of food;
  • painful reaction when pressing on the tragus (outer cartilage of the auricle);
  • elevated temperature;
  • lethargy;
  • vomiting;
  • diarrhea;
  • purulent discharge from the ear, possibly with an admixture of blood (with a purulent form of acute otitis media).

Wheninternal otitis, manifested much less frequently than the two previous forms, but it is much more dangerous than them as a result complications of otitis media or against the background of a general serious infectious disease are characterized by the following symptoms:

  • elevated temperature;
  • noise in ears;
  • dizziness;
  • nausea;
  • vomiting;
  • loss of balance;
  • hearing loss.

Diagnosis of the symptoms of the disease will be helped by the characteristic symptoms of otitis of the ear, but this does not give the right to self-medicate. At the first manifestations of inflammation of the middle ear, it is necessary to seek help from an otolaryngologist, who, based on a real clinical picture, will prescribe the right treatment.

Symptoms of a cold in the ear in adults

Unlike children, otic otitis, the symptoms of which are known to many of us since childhood, in adulthood happen much less often and is mainly the result of hypothermia, violations of personal hygiene and complications after a viral cold diseases.

Species of otitis

Middle ear External Sharp Bilateral Allergic Outward diffuse Perforating Inside Child Eustachyte

It is much easier to diagnose an individual's disease in an adult than a child in the first place, because he can describe in detail the whole picture, including the power of pain in the ears. This will help determine the severity of the disease.

However, only the doctor can make a final verdict and prescribe the appropriate treatment for otitis media of the middle ear, after having undergone proper examination with the help of special ENT instruments.

Characterize the adult otitis as a cold of the ear, its symptoms are similar to children's:

  • congestion of the ears and hearing loss;
  • acute or aching pain in the ears;
  • elevated temperature (not mandatory);
  • headaches and dizziness;
  • pains that give to the neck, teeth, whiskey, forehead;
  • weakness and general malaise;
  • nausea and vomiting.

In order to avoid the occurrence of such diseases of the ear, proper preventive maintenance should be carried out, and then the pain in the ears will not bother you or your children.

How and how to treat otitis media - doctor's prescriptions and recipes of folk medicine

How to treat an otitis of an ear the doctor the otolaryngologist defines, having established a kind and a degree of disease.

Treatment of otitis media

Treatment of otitis externa Treatment of otitis media of the middle ear Treatment of purulent otitis Ear drops Ear pills Antibiotics Ear wax Ear candles In adults In children In pregnant women

In any case, first of all, drug therapy is aimed at the destruction of bacteria that contribute to the development of otitis media. It is done with the help of antibiotics, and selected such drugs that can not only to eliminate the bacterial damage of the body, but also easily penetrate into the ear drum cavity to the hearth disease.

The most commonly used antibiotics for the treatment of otitis media- Tsifran, Flemoklav, Solyutab.

As a local treatment, special ear drops-antiseptics are used, most often in the ENT practice, the old-fashioned method uses a solution of boric acid.

However, there are a number of other similar drugs of a new generation that can easily cope with infections.

In addition, such drops often include anesthesia, which helps to significantly reduce and eliminate pain.

Some of the best ear drops from otitis are Sophradex, Otipax, Otinum, Garazon.

In combination with ear drops in otitis, otolaryngologists often prescribe vasoconstrictive drops in the nose (Naphthyzine, Nazol, Galazolin, Otrivin and etc.), thanks to which it is possible to remove swelling of the mucous membrane of the Eustachian tube and thereby reduce the load on the eardrum.

In addition to drops in the nose in the complex can be appointed and antihistamines (antiallergic) funds, pursuing the same goal - removing the edema of the mucosa. These can be tablets of Suprastin, Diazolinum, Loratadina, etc.

If there is an increased body temperature, which often causes otitis media, mandatory prescribed antipyretic drugs, which are also able to partially relieve or reduce pain in the ears. The most safe and effective remedy for temperature is Paracetamol.


All of the above drugs used to treat otitis media can not be regarded as a guide to action. The question, than to treat an ear otitis independently, should not stand at all. Treatment of this disease, like most other things, can only take place under the guidance of a qualified doctor.

With a timely visit to the otolaryngologist and the exact observance of all prescriptions, the ear otitis passes quickly enough without leaving any consequences.

How to treat otitis with folk remedies

In addition to drug therapy, there are many ways of alternative treatment of otitis media. I must say that such methods are acceptable for use and are mostly of an auxiliary nature. However, it should not be forgotten that people's prescriptions can be used only after consulting a doctor and in no case should they self-medicate to avoid complications and irreversible consequences.

Folk remedies

Treatment with folk remedies Home treatment Camphor alcohol Geranium Hydrogen peroxide Tincture of propolis Tincture Calendula Furacil Alcohol Washing the Ear Aloe Boric Acid Warming Up the Compress on the Ear Blowing the Hearing Pipes

Depending on the form and degree of the disease, otitis symptoms are accompanied by different symptoms, on the basis of which various recipes of folk medicine are applied.

Recipe number 1.For example, to reduce tinnitus and prevent the development of otitis, it is recommended to chew buds of fragrant cloves or cook on based on the broth, observing the proportions of 15 grams of cloves 100 grams of hot water and take it on a teaspoon 2-3 times throughout day.

Recipe number 2.With hearing loss after otitis, it is recommended to brew and drink tea from rose petals (red) for two weeks, which will help restore hearing in a short time.

Recipe number 3.To cure otitis externa, one should take the root of elecampane, incinerate it on fire, and then grind it in a coffee grinder and mix it with a small amount of lamb fat. Lubricate the prepared earwax with otitis shell to complete recovery.

Recipe number 4.To reduce the symptoms of acute otitis will help tincture of nightshade sweet and bitter. To make it, you need to take 2 tablespoons of chopped grass and pour 100 grams of vodka. Insist for a week, then inject into your ear soaked in a means of cotton turuns 2-3 times a day.

You can also cook the infusion. To do this, pour a tablespoon of herbs with a glass of boiling water. Insist for an hour and apply as in the case of tincture, in the form of embedded turundas.

Recipe number 5.To reduce severe pain in the ears with otitis will help glycerin with alcohol. It is necessary to combine the two ingredients in equal proportions (:), moisten the turunda in this mixture and lay it in the diseased ear.

The recipe number 6.When asked how and how to treat ear inflammation, many will give an unambiguous answer - dry heat.

This is really an effective method for acute otitis, which is widely used in medicine (blue lamp, UHF).

It can also be used in the home if the ear is inflamed. To do this, take ordinary table salt, heat it in a clean dry frying pan and fill it in a linen bag.

Through an additional folded in several times the tissue, the patient's ear should be heated for 30 minutes.

It is important to know

You can not heat your ears with the help of dry heat at an elevated body temperature and purulent secretions from the auricles.


How to quickly cure otitis media?



do not self-medicate!
for the ears there are drops of Otypax (relieve pain, you can not drip with pus in the ear)
you can do a compress
can be warmed with salt (a manga) or a blue lamp
you can put a sheet of geranium
all this after consulting a doctor!

Stanislav Slyunyaev

To the doctor!


Otitis is an ear inflammation. There are three types of otitis, depending on which department has become inflamed:
* outdoor
* average
* Internal otitis media (labyrinthitis).
With external otitis, it is advisable to insert gauze turundum moistened in the ear canal. 70 % alcohol, warming compress, physiotherapeutic procedures (solux, UHF currents), vitamin therapy. Antibiotics and sulfonamide preparations (ciprofloxacin) are used for severe inflammation and fever.
When an abscess is formed, its opening is shown. With diffuse inflammation, the ear canal is washed with disinfectant solutions (3% boric acid solution, furacillin solution).
With otitis media, bed rest is prescribed, antibiotics, sulfonamide preparations, antiseptics according to indications. At a high temperature, amidopyrine, acetylsalicylic acid. Locally apply warming compresses, physiotherapy (solux, UHF currents). To reduce pain in the ear, digest in the warm form of 96% alcohol. With the appearance of suppuration, instillation is stopped in the ear.
In the absence of the effect of conservative treatment, the dissection of the tympanic membrane is performed. After the appearance of suppuration from the external auditory canal it is necessary to ensure its good outflow. If after hearing cessation of purulent discharge from the ear and scarring of the eardrum the hearing remains low, blowing, pneumatic massage and UHF therapy are shown on the ear area.
When otitis inner ear (labyrinthite) with the remains of labyrinth functions conservative treatment (bed rest, dehydration and antibacterial therapy) is shown. With labyrinthitis with a fistulous symptom and a preserved function of the labyrinth, if antibiotic therapy is ineffective, general cough trepanation is indicated.
Absolute indications for the operation on the labyrinth, along with the operation on the middle ear, is the sequestration of the labyrinth or the purulent labyrinthitis with labyrinthogenic intracranial complications.
It is necessary to visit the doctor immediately if there is pain in the ear and if it did not go through two days. Otitis treatment usually lasts ten days. Subject to properly selected therapy and carefully performed appointments, the disease does not affect the acuity of hearing.

How to quickly cure otitis

Otitis - ear inflammation is one of the most common diseases. Of the different forms of otitis, only the acute form of the disease is susceptible to rapid treatment. Symptoms of otitis media are growing pain in the ear, accompanied by a rise in temperature for several days and purulent discharge from the ear, after which comes relief.

You will need

  1. - "Sofreks
  2. - "Dioxydin
  3. - Levometricine alcohol;
  4. - 3% hydrogen peroxide;
  5. - "Sanorin
  6. - "Galazolin
  7. - "Naphthyzine
  8. - "Adrenaline
  9. - spirit tincture of propolis, olive oil;
  10. - Alcoholic tincture of calendula, almond oil.


  1. In a hospital, paracentesis is most often done - an incision on the membrane. Assign an intramuscular injection of penicillin antibiotics, lincomycin, etc. Two or three times a day, the ear is washed with a 3% solution of hydrogen peroxide and instilled antibacterial and bactericidal agents - Sophradex, Dioxydin, levomiticinic alcohol, etc.
  2. In addition, vasoconstrictive drops are buried in the nose, such as "Sanorina "Galazolin "Naftizina "Adrenaline etc. Also carry out physioprocedures - UHF, UFO, etc.
  3. Even after the end of inpatient treatment, it is recommended to use the prescription medicine, thanks to which the inflammatory processes disappear, the suppurative discharge stops and improves hearing.
  4. One of the most effective ways to treat acute otitis is alcoholic tincture of propolis. Take 15 ml of pharmacy tincture of propolis and mix with 15 ml of olive oil. Wet gauze turundochku in the prepared mixture and insert into the ear canal for 24 hours. At the same time, it is not necessary to insert it into both ears.
  5. After a day, taking out the turunda from the ear, close the ear canal with a piece of cotton wool, and put a new turunda, moistened in the prepared composition, in another ear for a day. For each ear, do 5 procedures.
  6. An effective remedy for the treatment of acute otitis is the alcoholic infusion of calendula. Take in equal quantities pharmacies almond oil and alcohol tincture of calendula. Mixing the ingredients, wet gauze turundochki in the prepared composition and insert into both ears at night. The course of treatment is 5 days.
  7. At the same time, in the daytime, bury 3 drops of pre-heated calendula tincture in the diseased ear every three hours. It is recommended to cover the auditory passages during treatment with cotton swabs.

Help. How to cure otitis media?



I beg you!! !
Do not practice self-medication! To have an appointment with a specialist! Otitis is not a joke! This is S-L-U-H! It's a head!!! My mother here is so tightened, I thought, "Oh, I'll go, I'll fly-myself!" "
As a result, for 10 years already he suffers from hearing impairment and noises in his ears! Money was then spent on treatment - nemeryanno. I traveled half of Ukraine, I was in Russia on a survey, no one can cure!
Believe me, I do not like doctors myself, but my ears in general. everything connected with the head - it is better to treat at once and at the doctor, and not on the Internet and books!

Svetlana Forkash

Type on Yandex Otitis, treatment. Read it. Do not delay, it is better to go to the doctor.

Malyshkin (I'm a girl)

can be dripped and immediately warmed ear. Are you afraid of a doctor chtoli?


Boiling water in a faience cup. pour out and dry heat warm up your ear and so three times on each ear, turn a mug with a towel and do not burn your ear.


Treatment of external otitis media
Treatment of external otitis: introduction to the external auditory canal gauze turundum, moistened with 70% alcohol, warming compress, physiotherapy (solux, UHF currents), autohemotherapy, vitamin therapy. Antibiotics and sulfonamide drugs are used in cases of severe inflammatory infiltration and elevated temperature. When an abscess is formed, its opening is shown. With diffuse inflammation, the ear canal is washed with disinfectant solutions (3% boric acid solution, fura-cilin solution 1: 5000). The skin of the external auditory canal is lubricated with oxycorte, a synthomycin emulsion.

Danila Karpenko

go to the doctor it's very dangerous !!
smells of inflammation of bone tissue and suspicion of a minigitis !!!
I myself through such crap passed not tupite the lady go to bolnitsu!

Lizards @

I'm being treated with Otipaksom, but if you have a cold and you do not treat it in parallel with your ears, your ears will not pass.

olga doronina

I'm flying malavite, it helps me.

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