Effective therapeutic gymnastics with a hernia of the lumbar spine

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Article content:
  • Action on the body
  • Probable harm and contraindications
  • General rules
  • Exercise complexes
  • With exacerbation
  • When the pain subsided
  • Comments on gymnastics

Action on the body

Herniaspinal column - protrusion from the vertebra of the spinal cord, the nerve that results from the formation of a crack in the disk. Mature hernia due to degenerative transformations in the cartilage, if a person stays in an antiphysiological position or raises loads. For its treatment, therapeutic exercise is used.

Possible harm and contraindications

Contraindications are as follows:

  • , oncological diseases;
  • early postoperative stages;
  • angina;
  • condition before infarction;
  • hypertensive crisis;
  • is a critical violation of the circulation of blood in the brain.
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Some of the exercises listed below are performed by the patients themselves. But immediately after the operation of the instructions, adhere to it extremely punctually, preferably under the supervision of a neurosurgeon or a treating doctor.

The rehabilitation period is curtailed by the application. As a result, the patient again can return to the ordinary type of life.

General rules

The choice of exercises depends on the stage of the disease and the degree of localization of the hernia. In the first two stages, the ridge stretches, the muscles relax, the third stage stabilizes the spinal column and strengthens the back muscles.

What are the physical exercises for this disease?

With exacerbation of

Esdi syndrome worsened( shooting, acute pain), doctors advised to relieve the load. Relief delivers posture with bent legs. The patient lies on the back, side. Its use increases the clearance between the vertebrae, reduces the irritation of the nerves, improves blood circulation of this zone.

The main elements of the exercise therapy at this stage:

1. Unloading positions, which the patient takes for a day repeatedly for ten or twenty:

  • lying on his back, bent at 90 degrees in the knees, hip joints( use the stand);
  • lying on the belly downward face, slip under it a roller diameter of six to eight centimeters.

2. Exercises in a posture lying on the back:

  • clenching your fingers in a fist, bending your legs, breathing in, relaxing;
  • legs stretch, bend in the knees, not tearing off the heels from the bed;
  • is repeatedly deeply inhaled;
  • move your feet up and down.

Exercises should be played for five minutes three times a day. As the pain subsides, the knee exercises are added to the complex, resting on elbows. Turn off the types of exercises, which provide for the bending of the ridge.

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When the pain subsided

After softening of acute pain prescribed exercises for the press, correcting the posture.

In this stage, contraindications are:

  • lifting the legs or body from a lying position;
  • full squats;
  • sweeping motion.

Beneficial effect on the spine gives swimming on the back, the crawl, which reduces the load on the spine.

Exercises Bubnovsky

Used to prevent the formation of hernia spinal ridge. Effect:

  • strengthening of the back muscles;
  • improvement of cardiovascular system, including reduction of blood pressure;
  • perfection of blood flow in the problem areas of the back;
  • unloading of joints and ridge.
These exercises are performed in the centers of kinesitherapy under the guidance of experienced instructors;autonomously at home. They are performed smoothly, without gross movements.

Gymnastics for the house

  • We squat, we rest in the palms of our hands, we relax our backs.
  • Same, but the back is bent.
  • A similar exercise, but at the moment of exhalation, bend your back to the top, inhale downwards.
  • We walk on the buttocks, hands behind the head, legs are straight.
  • We sit on the floor, leaning on the palm of the back. One after another we lift first half-bent, after straightened legs.
  • We bend the legs, straighten the left leg, we unfold the toe of the foot, pull the socks. Make small ascents with your left foot twenty times. Then the same with the right foot.
  • We lay on the floor, doing a "bicycle".

Gym with

simulator Removes pain syndrome, increases mobility of joints, normalizes tone and relieves muscle spasms. Classes are conducted under the supervision of a doctor according to the developed personal plan, which is compiled taking into account the severity of the illness and acuity of pain. Useful and after surgery on the ridge for rehabilitation.

Gymnastics for Norbekov

Lumbosacral part of the ridge:

  • We improve the condition of the genitourinary system, revitalize sexuality.
  • The legs are bent at the knees, stand shoulder-width apart. Taz forward. Torso is motionless. Coccyx rushes upward. The back is held vertically. We bend the lumbar region.
  • Then the same coccyx to the back of the head. Again we rush the coccyx from the bottom upward. We instill the trunk forward. Knees slightly bend. We squeeze the coccyx to reach the nape. We bend in the lower back. We do roll back. We bend the lower back, pull the coccyx to the back of the head. We evenly divide the load. We relax the lower back.
  • Circular movement of thighs. Torso is motionless. We fix this pose, stretch the side, directing the trunk to the side.
  • Change the pose. We reject the second thigh to the side. Again stretch with pleasure! We lean towards the retracted thigh.
  • We bend the lumbar spine. Feet together. Tugging up. I try to touch the ceiling with my palm. Start the slope. They stretched. We change the hand. Second hand up. Again roll.

You can find out more about gymnastics with a hernia of the lumbosacral spine in this article.

Gymnastics for capillaries and vessels:

  • Shake muscles.
  • We weaken the trunk and shake it.

Spindles for the whole

ridge Spinal column is the axis of movements. We begin a soft twist of the body. Hands on the forelegs. A glance at the elbow, in the ceiling. We add effort. Holding the roll forward, turn around.

We curl along the axis of the ridge in the opposite direction. A glance at the elbow. Stress-relaxation. We return to the roll pose and become even. Ridge straight, shoulders back. The body was turned up to the last point. Add effort. The same in the opposite direction.

The chin is pointed toward the sternum. Look over your shoulder down. Align. We lean to the side. We begin twisting. The head, shoulders, sternum rotate around the spine, unfold to the ceiling.

A look over your shoulder. Do not change the pose, turn around in the opposite direction. We reach the extreme point. Roll in the second direction. Turn around the ridge, keeping a roll. We develop through the back, reach the extreme point.

Calming Breath:

  • Breathing in the nose. Hands raise. Exhale - hands down. We breathe easily and calmly. We close our eyes and imagine how the body is filled with magical power.
  • Tuning breathing. The back is straight. We are climbing upwards. My eyes are closed. Palms put on an imaginary cool surface.

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Causes and treatment of hearing loss in adults - http: //netlekarstvam.com/ narodnye-sredstva / lor-zabolevaniya / tugouhost.html

Reviews for gymnastics


Last time the hernia was so sick that it did not sleep at night. I despaired of all means. I went to the courses Bubin. After two weeks of training, the pain subsided. Now I'm doing the same thing myself - it helps.


I went to this center. First it helped, then the pain began to return. Now I'm desperate, I do not believe in anything anymore.


If you follow all the prescriptions of a doctor and you go through a course of treatment without interrupting it, then there can be no censures. From a reasonable physical exertion, no one else in the world was getting sick!

I myself, a doctor by training, do not work in the medical field, and I can speak as an expert who underwent a course of treatment in the center of Bubnovsky after the fracture - the physical load under the supervision of rehabilitation specialists can not be harmful.

And the condition deteriorates, and the hernia can not increase - because regular correct movement is a point of no return, then it should only get better.

Just keep in mind - it's important to vary your lifestyle, not just 10 lessons and think that the treatment is over. If a person has driven himself to the sex of life, then a month of recovery is not enough.

The video shows super-exercises for the treatment of the disease:

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