Otipax in otitis in children

Otypax: instructions for use and effectiveness of the drug

  • For children
  • Instructions
Ear drops Otypaks - packaging

According to the instructions for use Otypaksa, this drug serves to combat otitis various types. Otypax refers to the medication for local treatment.

For reference: otitis is an inflammatory process, localized in the ear.As a rule, such inflammation is accompanied by edema leading to painful sensations. According to official statistics, a third of cases of otitis media is an acute form of this ailment. Children at the age of three years suffer from otitis at least once.

Otipaks are produced in France.The otipax is manufactured by the manufacturer in the form of drops in a convenient for use bottle with a dropper tip: no need to pour the contents of the vial or use a pipette. Before using these or other drops to treat otitis media, it is important to understand which otitis media you are suffering from. With otitis inflammation can occur in the outer, middle or inner ear. Drops against otitis are divided into antibacterial agents, drops with a combined component and monopreparations with nonsteroidal agents. Otypaks refers to mono preparations.

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The composition of Otipax drops includes:

  • Lidocaine hydrochloride and phenazone are the two active substances of the drug, which provide the necessary therapeutic effect in the treatment of otitis. Phenazone - a popular analgesic, which, in combination with lidocaine - an effective local anesthetic - blocks the manifestation of pain in the ear.
  • Thiosulphate of sodium, ethanol, glycerol and water as auxiliary substances of the preparation.

Externally, Otypax's drops look like ordinary water. A yellowish shade of the solution may be present. Otipax has an alcoholic odor. Otopix preparation instructions for use position, as ear drops contributing to the removal of ear pain in adults and children in cases of acute otitis media, complications influenza (manifested in the form of otitis) and with unilateral pressure on the tympanic membrane (the so-called barotraumatic otitis disease, characteristic of some professions).

It is believed that the treatment of otitis with ear drops is absolutely safe and does not carry any side effects.However, this is not the case: in the composition of any drug for treating ears from otitis there are components, each of which has features of pharmacological effect. A person who is far from the medical field, to understand the possible side effects of the drug, only reading the composition, it is impossible. Even a remedy such as ear drops can lead to side effects (cases are quite rare, but possible). In the treatment of otitis with ear drops in any case, consult with a specialist.

The therapeutic effect of Otipaksa is achieved due to the active substances that make up the drug: drops remove the symptoms of otitis, stopping the inflammatory processes of the ear and relieving pain. The maximum therapeutic effect of the use of drops of Otipax against otitis media is achieved at the earliest stages of the fight against the disease. Timely treatment of otitis allows you to cope with the disease without any complications. On the effectiveness of drops Otypaks can be judged by comparing this drug with analogues-drops, used to treat otitis.

Unlike other drugs, Otypax:

  • Allows within ten minutes after instillation to get rid of pain in the ear.
  • The powerful effect of Otipaksa has a gentle effect, so these drops can be used to treat otitis even in infants.
  • Otipax's instructions for use exclude side effects.
  • Otypax is able to relieve pain in the ear with a variety of otitis media. These drops help in the fight against catarrhal, chronic and barotraumatic otitis media.

There are isolated cases of side effects due to treatment with Otipax drops: as a rule, these are exceptional allergic reactions to the components of the drug, manifested through irritation of the skin of the ear and itching in it. Another fairly rare side effect of Otipax is the swelling of small vessels in the external auditory canal from excessive blood (ie, hyperemia).


Before using any drops for the ear, including the Otypax preparation, it is necessary to verify the integrity of the eardrum where the drug is to be injected.

This is due to the fact that the damaged organ can cause complications when using drops: the active substances of the agent adversely affect the injured membrane. In these cases, you can only hurt yourself more.


Drops Otypaks can not be used in cases of purulent otitis media. It is this type of disease that provokes the rupture of the tympanic membrane or greatly damages it.

If you are engaged in professional sports, then on the eve of the submission of anti-doping tests should refrain from the use of drops of Otipaks. The fact that the drug contains substances that are recognized as banned for use in professional sports. Drops Otypaks can be stored at room temperature. It is important to close the vial tightly after each use. Keep the drug away from children. The shelf life is three years.

Otypax for children: instructions for use

Otipax in children's otitisAny drops in the ear, including the Otypax preparation, must first be warmed by holding the bottle in the palms of your hands.

The mucous ear suffers from contact with any cold liquids, so you should always remember to create the necessary temperature of the medication that enters the ear of the patient with otitis media.

The Otopipx drug for children recommends the instruction to instill three to four drops of the drug three times a day.If the otitis occurs in a not too severe form, then the drops can be used twice a day. Adults instill a similar number of drops of Otipax, as well as children - three or four. The course of otitis treatment with Otipax drops usually does not exceed ten days, in some cases a little longer. Otypax is appointed only by a specialist after examining the condition of the ear.


The child's immune system is very weak, so the negative reaction of the body to children on the components of the drug is more likely than in adults. Before applying even such a safe preparation as Otipax always consult a pediatrician.

Pregnant doctors try not to prescribe Otipax drops. Nevertheless, if there are no contraindications, the drug may be prescribed. As a rule, Otipax is prescribed for pregnant and lactating mothers in the treatment of tubootids - inflammatory processes in the eustachian tube, which provoke the development of infection in the tympanum.

When applying drops, after the bottle is warmed in the hands, it is necessary to tilt the head in such a way that the sick ear is at the top.It will be most convenient to lie on your side, with a healthy ear down. To drop the drops in the ear, lightly press on the bottle of Otipax. If you are not sure that you get the right amount of drops in your ear, ask for help from a relative or friend.

Instructions for drops in the ears Otypaks: compatibility with other drugs and analogues

According to the instructions of droplets in the ears Otypaks, the drug is well combined with other medications. Otherwise, otipax drops would not be prescribed as a component of complex therapy. The cost of Otypax varies from 180 to 250 rubles per bottle, depending on the price policy of the pharmacy.

Analogues of drops of Otipax are the following drugs:

  • Drops of otinumbasically contain choline salicite. The structure of the Otinum does not include lidocaine, which is extremely important for people who possess individual unbearability of this component of Otipax. As a rule, Otinum is used against external otitis, contributes to fighting with ear plugs, and is also extremely effective against tympanitis. Unlike Otipax, Otinum can not be used during pregnancy.
  • Anauran dropsrefer to combined antibiotics. This tool has a broader spectrum of action than Otipax and Otinum: Anauran is used in the fight against external and secondary otitis, against purulent discharge from the ear and as a drug for rehabilitation after surgical manipulation on the ear. The main active substances of Anauran are neomycin sulfate and lidocaine. This remedy is also forbidden to use during pregnancy and feeding. Do not use these ear drops and to treat babies. More often than Otypax, Anauran can cause allergic reactions.
  • Otirelaks, Otikain-Health and Ototon- in the composition of these drops, active substance is phenazone and lidocaine (as in Otipax). In general, Otirelaks, Otikain-Health and Ototon duplicate Otipax according to the rules of admission, and in their contraindications regarding the prohibition of treatment with drops in case of damages of the tympanic membrane. Drops Folikap, Dropleks and Otibryu also have a similar composition of active substances.
Indications for use OtypaksaIn general, a large number of ear drops, which have the same composition of active substances as Otipaksa - lidocaine and base, are proposed on the market at present.

However, the differences are observed in the content of various auxiliary substances:it is important to familiarize yourself with the composition of the drug before use to avoid possible allergic reactions to the components of the drug.

It is best if you seek medical advice or at least consult with pharmacists working in the pharmacy. In general, the web has positive reviews about Otipax drops.

Here are some reviews about this product:

  • "The ear hurt for a long time and very much, in the end, it became unbearable. Before going to bed, Otipaksom's sore ear dripped and immediately fell asleep. There was no pain in the morning! The only drawback - sticky hair and a pillow: tossed in different directions, so part of the money flowed out. To avoid this, now after digging in I put in the ear a piece of cotton wool. "
  • "I want to share my joy. My baby is seven months old, but at this age we encountered otitis of the ear. And I wanted to help, and it's scary to use anything, because the immunity of the child is still very weak. The pediatrician ordered to buy Otipax and not to worry. And a miracle - it worked! The kid calmed down and immediately fell asleep, no side effects and really no. Now only Otypax! ".
  • "My husband was diagnosed with otitis in the middle of the workweek, he could not miss work. On the advice of a friend, I bought Otipax: as my husband said, the ear pain has considerably subsided already five minutes after instillation, although it did not pass completely. By the weekend, the pain had gone completely, the hearing had recovered completely. "
  • "My son had a severe pain in his ear, he immediately drank it Otipaksom. In parallel, he drank antiviral drugs. The required number of drops was dripped three times a day, but there was no effect from the use of drops, it only got worse. A couple of days later went to the doctor, it turned out - purulent otitis with a damaged eardrum. And to apply at such diagnosis Otipaks it is impossible. Who knew... ».
  • "I'm very prone to colds with pain in two ears. Each season is the same. Best of all tried in the fight against ear pain - a drop of Otipax. They act quickly, are inexpensive, there are no side effects. I advise everyone! ".


Otitis in the child: symptoms, treatment, prevention

When the ears begin to ache, even experienced parents can lose self-control from whims and tears. In order to effectively combat the disease, it is necessary to know the enemy, which is called "in person", warned - means armed.

What is otitis media?

Under otitis means any inflammation of the ear. Distinguish:

  • The external ear (the auricle and the external ear canal to the tympanic membrane) whose inflammation will be external otitis. Here, the first place is played by furuncles caused by staphylococci and fungal lesions of the auditory canal.
  • The middle ear that begins behind the tympanic membrane and includes the tympanum, the Eustachian tube, the cells of the mastoid process and the antrum. Inflammations in this department are called otitis media. This is the most common ear pathology in children.
  • Internal otitis is also called labyrinthitis. In this inflammation affects the cochlea, its vestibule or semicircular canals.

Who is guilty?

The average otitis develops against a bacterial (less often viral) infection. The most common cause of its development is aggressive streptococcal or staphylococcal flora. Most often, it enters the ear cavity through the Eustachian tube, balancing the pressure between the ear and the nasal cavity. Therefore very often otitis is the outcome of the common cold.

A prerequisite for the development of otitis media is a significant decrease in local immunity in the child's body, more prone to ear infections:

  • suffering from rickets (see p. symptoms and treatment of rickets in infants)
  • anemia
  • lack of weight
  • chronic pathologies of ENT organs
  • exudative diathesis
  • extreme forms of immunodeficiency takes with diabetes, AIDS and leukemia.

But even a child without severe somatic diseases can become a victim of otitis with trivial hypothermia. The fact is that the external ear canal of a child, unlike an adult, does not have an S-shaped curvature. Therefore, any flow of cold air can provoke otitis in a child, the symptoms of otitis will directly depend on the location of the inflammation.

Manifestations of otitis media

With external otitis, the symptoms in children may vary depending on the severity of the process.

  • Otitis in the child: symptoms, treatmentA furuncle of the ear or auditory canal will manifest reddening, swelling, the appearance of an inflammatory tubercle, which gradually will change color from red to bluish. In the center of inflammatory education a purulent stem will form. Until the tissues melt to pus, the pain will be very intense. After the death of the receptors, it will become a little less. After the boil opens and the necrotic stem leaves, there will be a deep wound that will heal with the formation of a hem.
  • Fungal otitis externa is characterized by the appearance of crusts and scaling in the ear passage against the background of a fungal infection. There is also itching.
  • The average otitis can be divided into catarrhal otitis and purulent. Qatar is when inflammation caused by microbes is manifested in the form of redness, swelling and inconstant pain of a stabbing or shooting character. Depending on the severity of the inflammation, the intensity of pain varies, from weak to unbearable. The pain may be located inside the ear or be given to the cheek, temple, throat. This is due to the common nerve, which supplies the tympanum and oropharynx. Pain can be combined with ear congestion.
  • Since the formation of the abscess on the tympanic membrane, they speak of a purulent otitis. In addition to the pain for him is typical of hearing loss. If the abscess breaks, a purulent effusion with an admixture of blood follows from the ear. Later, the eardrum heals with the formation of a scar, after which the hearing is restored. With a significant defect, the membrane can not completely heal, and then there will be hearing problems.

Also, the child will be disturbed by temperature rises and intoxication (muscle, joint and headaches, weakness and weakness).

  • In addition to acute otitis media, a chronic inflammatory process can develop, which is divided into exudative otitis media, purulent or adhesive. Exudative and adhesive otitis variants have mild manifestations in the form of noise in the ears (causes) and hearing loss. Adhesive (adhesive) otitis is the result of the proliferation of connective tissue and fibrosis of the tympanum and tympanic membrane.
  • In chronic purulent process, there is a periodic leakage from the ear and a persistent decrease in hearing due to the perforating perforation of the tympanic membrane.
  • The labyrinthitis is manifested by pain, hearing loss and dizziness (cause), since the body involved in the process is an organ of balance that is conjugated to the inner ear.

How to suspect an otitis at home?

Older children may well complain of pain in the ear and even talk about what kind of pain and where it gives. It is much harder with kids up to two years old who can not really talk and just cry in response to pain (including, and on otitis). Symptoms in infants at this pathology are not specific:

  • on the thought of inflammation of the middle ear can push the child's anxiety
  • his unmotivated crying
  • abandonment of a breast or bottle
  • also children can grasp handles for a sore ear
  • to turn one's head from side to side
  • if you press on a tragus of a sick ear, a child's anxiety or crying is aggravated by the intensification of pain

For any suspected otitis, the child should immediately be shown to a pediatrician or an ENT doctor.

How does a doctor determine otitis?

The otolaryngologist has such a simple and convenient device as an ear mirror. With its help, you can see changes in the external ear canal, the tympanic membrane. Thus, the average otitis corresponds to changes in the light cone in the eardrum. With the same purpose the doctor can use the otoscope.

First aid for otitis

If the visit to the doctor is postponed for objective reasons (although it is not possible to delay it), and the child is worried and crying, the first thing to do if you suspect otitis anesthetize the ear.

For this purpose, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs can be used that have the property of suppressing inflammation, temperature and pain. Children are allowed paracetamol derivatives (tayled, kalpol, efferalgan, panadol, tylenol), ibuprofen (nurofen, ibuklin) and naproxen (cefecon) Review of all antipyretics for children, with dosages and prices. You can use syrup, tablets or rectal suppositories.

The second remedy for otitis media is ear drops Otypaks (170-250 rub), Otirelaks (140 rub) This combined a preparation containing anti-inflammatory phenazone and a local anesthetic of lidocaine hydrochloride. It must be remembered that otipaksom can be used only if the tympanic membrane has not been damaged (the ear did not flow). In infants instilled by 2 drops, and in children older than two years, 3-4 drops in each ear.

How correctly to drip drops?

  • Before burying drops, the bottle should be warmed to room temperature. In infants, the temperature can be up to 36 degrees. Alternatively, the drops are poured from the vial into a warm spoon, and then pipetted.
  • The child must be placed with the ear up and pull the auricle back and down to spread the auditory canal.
  • After the drops are dipped, the child is kept up in his ear for at least ten minutes, so that the medicine does not leak.
  • In children, drops are buried in both ears, since the process is usually two-sided.
  • A baby sucking a pacifier needs to be removed before dropping drops. In combination with a stuffy nose, a pacifier can cause a barotrauma of the tympanic membrane.

Treatment of external otitis media

Furuncle of the external ear (purulent otitis) is treated according to the classical scheme. At the stage of infiltration (before the formation of the rod) with anti-inflammatory agents and alcohol compresses for the purpose of resorption. After the rod is formed - surgical opening of the abscess with drainage of the cavity, washing with Peroxide hydrogen or chlorhexidine, Miramistin and subsequent ointment bandages with levomelem to complete healing of the wound. When intoxication, high temperature, lymphadenitis, antibiotics are connected.

Fungal lesions of the auditory canal are treated with antifungal ointments (clotrimazole, candid, flucanazole), if necessary prescribe systemic antifungal agents in tablets (amphotericin, griseofulvin, mycosyst). As a rule, in children up to two years of age, systemic antifungal agents are not used.

Treatment of otitis media

The smallest preference is given to local treatment. For them, systemic antibiotics - too heavy a load on the immune system and intestines (see. list of probiotics, analogues of Linex). Therefore, very strict indications are given for antibiotics:

  • Hyperthermia within three days of the onset of local therapy
  • severe intoxication
  • poorly docked pain that prevents a child from sleeping and eating normally

Drops in the ears are used by the course for seven to ten days. During this period, the child is necessarily examined by an otolaryngologist to be sure of the positive dynamics of the inflammation or to correct the treatment if the result is unsatisfactory.

In older (from two years) children, therapy also begins with ear drops, supplemented with anti-inflammatory drugs (see. First aid for otitis).

A prerequisite for the treatment of otitis media is getting rid of the common cold. With untreated rhinitis, there are risks of re-development of middle ear inflammation. For this purpose, antiviral (interferon), antibacterial (drops - isofra, polidex, protorgol) and combined (vibrocil) drops are used.

  • Drops in the ears

- Otypaxcombines anti-inflammatory and analgesic effects.
- Sulfacil sodium (albucid) - a universal antimicrobial and antiviral agent.
- Otofa- antibacterial drug based on antibiotic rifamycin.
Albucid and otofa are not contraindicated in the case of perforation of the tympanic membrane.
- Polidex- children older than two and a half years have the opportunity to use polydix (a combination of antibiotics neomycin and polymyxin with the addition of hormonal anti-inflammatory dexamethasone).

Course treatment is carried out from seven to ten days. During this time, it is quite possible to cure uncomplicated catarrhal otitis in a child. Treatment should be prescribed and monitored by an ENT doctor.

  • Antibiotics in tablets, suspensions or injections

Requirements for these drugs: safety, non-toxicity, achievement of sufficient concentrations in the site of inflammation, preservation therapeutic doses for a long time (no less than eight hours for a comfortable multiplicity of receptions per day). The duration of therapy with antibiotics is seven days, except for drugs that are able to accumulate and maintain therapeutic concentration in the blood for a week or ten days (for example, azithromycin, which is administered within three to five days).

  • Penicillins. Preferred semisynthetic (oxacillin, amoxicillin, flemoxin, ampicillin, carbenicillin) and inhibitor-protected, allowing resist resistant strains of microbes (amoksiklav, flemoklav, augmentin, unazin, sultamitsillin, ampaksid).
  • Cephalosporins of the second (cefuroxime, cefaclor) of the third (ceftibutene, ceftriaxone, cefotaxime, cefazidime) and the fourth (cefepime) generations.
  • Macrolides now displace cephalosporins. More convenient in dosing, the duration of the course and the forms of administration (tablets, suspension). Treatment of otitis media in children is carried out with azithromycin (azitral, sumamed, chemomycin), clarithromycin.
  • Aminoglycosides are the drugs of choice if there is staphylococcal purulent otitis in a child. Treatment with kanamycin, gentamycin, sizomycin, amikacin is carried out mainly permanently due to nephrotoxicity.

The peculiarities of antibiotic therapy in children include refusal to use fluoroquinolones, since they are contraindicated for children under 18 years old, as well as to reduce the number of antibiotic-resistant infections.

To the question of antihistamines

Classic treatment regimens for otitis media suggest prescribing antihistamines to reduce the allergic component of inflammation and reduce edema. Recommended second and third generation drugs that do not cause drowsiness or have a minimal sedative effect: claritin, desloratadine, loratadine, clarixens, cetirizine, ketotifen (see. medicines for allergies).

However, today a number of specialists (primarily American, conducting selective clinical studies involving children-children) believe that the use of of this group of medicines in otitis is inexpedient, since there is no direct relationship between their use and the rate of cure for the disease. To date, the issue remains open, as there are still no full standards for the treatment of acute otitis in children.

Treatment of labyrinthitis

Since the process can easily be complicated by meningeal inflammation, sepsis and even disorders of cerebral circulation, the treatment is carried out under stationary conditions. Antibiotics, anti-inflammatory and dehydrating drugs are used. If necessary, surgical intervention is performed.

Treatment of otitis media folk remedies

Traditional methods of treating otitis in children are quite diverse, but it should be noted that turning a child into a testing ground is not humane and reckless. Of course, in the field, when a doctor and a pharmacy are unavailable, a person will resort to any improvised means to alleviate the pain, suffering of the child. Therefore, we will focus on the most appropriate and less harmful for children's health folk remedies against otitis (ear inflammation).

External otitis, flowing in the form of a furuncle in the stage of infiltration (with reddened tubercle without a purulent stem), as well as the average catarrhal otitis in children is susceptible to folk remedies. You can use a vodka or alcoholic compress or lotion:

  • boric, camphor alcohol or vodka are applied to a gauze pad that is applied to the ear area
  • Polyethylene film or wax paper is placed on top
  • the dressing is strengthened with a scarf or scarf
  • exposure time from 15 to 30 minutes (the younger the child, the shorter the procedure time)
  • Decently resolves infiltrates and iodine
  • Also apply and leaves of an aloe, cutting them in half and applying to an abscess a cut of a leaf

No heating procedures for otitis are allowed. Treatment with alcohol-containing solutions is strictly prohibited in children up to a year, even for external use. In older children it is also not desirable, especially it is contraindicated to use for medical purposes with medical alcohol in undiluted form. It is better to use camphor, boric spirits or vodka. Burying boric or camphor alcohol in the ear is acceptable, but only in children older than 6 years - not more than 2 drops.

In fungal lesions of the auditory canal, people rub it with a solution of soda (not to be confused with instillation or washing). Soda creates an alkaline environment in which mushrooms do not breed well, but can not completely cure the fungal infection.

Sollux (blue lamp) is a thermal procedure, shown with a noggin otitis. However, in everyday life, nocturnal otitis from purulent is difficult to distinguish, especially since a bacterial infection can not be heated. Therefore, any folk methods should be coordinated with the treating pediatrician.

Prevention of otitis

  • Rational ear hygiene. It is inadmissible to clean the ears of a child with improvised means, to penetrate deep into the ear canal.
  • After bathing, the baby needs to shake out or get wet from the ear.
  • Children under one year should not be in drafts without head covers covering their ears.
  • It is necessary to treat all diseases of ENT organs (sore throats, tonsillitis, rhinitis, pharyngitis) in time and fully. Bilateral otitis in the child often develops against the background of the common cold.


"Otipaks" for children: reviews, advantages and disadvantages

Diseases of the hearing organ disturb many children at an early age. "Otipaks" for children (reviews, photos are presented in the article) are often used in such ailments. The drug has analgesic and anti-inflammatory effect, heals otitis in people of different ages. There are contraindications, therefore, before using drops, consultation with a doctor is mandatory.

otipaks reviews for children

Composition and form of release

"Otipaks" for children (the reviews ask you to pay attention to the short shelf life of the medication, it is equal to six months since the opening of the bottle) is the drug of choice for ENT diseases and in the composition has two active substances. This is lidocaine hydrochloride and phenazone. The first is an anesthetic of local action, which promotes rapid relief of pain. The second substance is characterized by anti-inflammatory properties, antiseptic, anesthetizing. The combined combination of these components strengthens the action of the drug and accelerates the moment of recovery. Auxiliary ingredients in the formulation are sodium thiosulfate, glycerol, ethanol, water.

Ear drops are produced in a glass bottle with a volume of sixteen grams of amber. It is a clear and colorless liquid substance that does not have an odor. The bottle is screwed with a lid and has a convenient transparent dropper for inserting the solution into the ear. The medicine is packed in a cardboard box and is sold together with instructions for use.

The product is produced by the French company Biocodex.

pharmachologic effect

"Otipax" is a combined topical preparation.

The active substance phenazone is an analgesic-antipyretic. Has a pronounced anti-inflammatory and analgesic qualities.

The second active substance, lidocaine, is characterized as a local anesthetic. The combination of phenazone and lidocaine hydrochloride gives a higher effect than the use of these substances separately from each other. This combination of components provides faster anesthesia, prolongs the analgesic period and increases the intensity of the effect on the sore spot. Glycerin and sodium thiosulfate, included as additional components in the composition of the product, soften the tissue of the hearing aid, which allows you not to injure it.

The main use of the drug was found with the average otitis in the acute stage of development. In this case, the earlier treatment of the disease began, the sooner the healing process will begin. The use of the drug in the early stages avoids suppuration, progression of the disease and puncture of the tympanic membrane. Drops are prescribed when the inflammation of the ear is a consequence of complications of respiratory diseases. The medicine needs to be applied when the first signs of the illness show itself, it is a stuffy hearing system, discomfort in the ears, ringing, a violation of the auditory perception. The medicine is also used for barotraumatic otitis.

The drug has a lot of advantages. They talk about the rapid alleviation of the patient's condition when using Otopipx for children. The description of its active ingredients proves this once again. The pain in the ears passes five minutes after the drops are injected into the hearing aid, and the inflammatory process begins to decrease after thirty minutes.

Indications for use

"Otipax" is intended for external symptomatic therapy, as well as for relieving of ear pain in both children and adults.

otypaks for children reviews

Direct indications for use are:

  • otitis of moderate severity in the period of exacerbation;
  • Otitis arising after a flu;
  • barotraumatic otitis media.

With care, drops are allowed to apply to infants, pregnant and lactating women.


If excessive sensitivity to the active ingredients and additional components is not recommended to use drops of "Otipaks" reviews. For children this recommendation is especially important.

Before using, make sure that the tympanic membrane is intact. In the case of using "Otipax" with a perforated eardrum, complications may develop.

It is acceptable to use drops in women during pregnancy and lactation, but on condition that there are no injuries to the tympanic membrane. They say that there is no discomfort during treatment with Otipaks for children.

Instructions for use

Ear drops are used only topically. They are buried in your ear two or three times a day. At a time, you need to enter three or four drops. To cold solution is not in contact with the auricle, before using the bottle a few minutes should be held in hands and warmed.

otypaks for children doctor's reviews

The course of treatment with Otipaks (reviews recommended for children at the initial stages of the disease, then it acts quickly and effectively) should not exceed ten days. After 48-72 hours, you should contact an ENT doctor again to confirm the diagnosis and clarify the correctness of the treatment. Adult people most often suffer from otitis media (i.e. middle ear disease), which is acute. Here there is also barotraumatic otitis, which can be obtained from flying in an airplane, diving to a depth, diving, and so on. "Otipaks" for therapeutic purposes in children is used in doses that are prescribed for adults. To administer the drug correctly, the head should be tilted to the side that will be opposite to the side of the drug administration. After instillation of the solution into the ear canal, this position should be kept for a few more seconds.

Benefits of use

More than once, Otopiphe drops have been shown to be effective in otitis in children. Reviews of some moms, whose babies are sick often, call them real salvation and say that they help to quickly cure otitis.

otypaks for children reviews

The use of this drug has several advantages:

  • rapid local anesthesia, as well as anti-inflammatory and antiseptic effect;
  • a significant reduction in the pain syndrome during the first 5-15 minutes after administration of the drug in the ear;
  • the universality of the drug: it is allowed for use in infants and in older children; adults can use it if necessary;
  • external use of the drug, causes a minimum of adverse reactions.

These positive features explain the relevance and popularity of the drug in doctors and patients.

special instructions

otipax for children reviews user manual

Use of ear drops is permissible only with an intact tympanic membrane. If it is perforated, there is a risk of a number of complications due to the interaction of the active components with the inner parts of the ear.

Athletes should be aware that the drug contains active substances capable of giving a positive reaction in laboratory anti-doping tests.

There are no facts about an overdose of the drug "Otipaks" (ear drops). Reviews (for children, the drug is prescribed very often), they say that the medicine quickly removes pain in the ears.

Clinical trials

The drug was a number of clinical studies. The subjects were adults, children of different ages, pregnant and lactating women. The drug was administered to patients with eustachiitis and catarrhal otitis media. Patients were administered four drops of this drug three times a day. In especially severe situations, the dose was increased or "Otipax" was combined with other medications, including antibiotics. Such use of ear drops gave an efficiency equal to 99 percent. On average, pain was felt in the patients after ten minutes.

As practice has shown, one-time use of the drug does not give a stable result, for a lasting effect, the drug should be used for at least three days.

During all the tests, none of the opponents had any allergic reactions.

Interactions of the drug with other drugs during clinical trials were not found.

Side effect

The medicine can cause some side effects during treatment. Among them, allergies, hyperemia of the auditory canal, irritation. To prevent this from happening, you should observe the dosage prescribed by the doctor and do not abuse this remedy.

Storage conditions

To keep the drops do not lose their medicinal properties, you must adhere to the rules of storage of the drug. The shelf life of the unopened Otipaks bottle is five years. After opening, the shelf life of the drug is reduced, as already mentioned, to six months. Do not use the medication after this period.

The agent for the treatment of otitis should be stored at a temperature not exceeding +30 ° C. "Otipaks" during storage should be in a cool and inaccessible place for children. The medicine should not be exposed to sunlight.

The cost of drops, analogs

The drug is fairly common, and it can be found in any pharmacy. The price for it fluctuates around 200 rubles. It is released without a prescription, but, despite this, it can not be used without prescribing a doctor.

If the drug is not suitable for one reason or another, then it can be replaced with ear drops "Otirelaks" or "Folikap." They have a similar action and a similar composition. The cost of these drugs is at the same level as Otipaks and fluctuates around 200 rubles.

Doctor's comments

"Otipaks" for children (reviews of doctors are mostly only positive about this drug and therefore they often recommend it for the treatment of otitis in children) is a highly effective tool, especially if you need to remove the pain syndrome. As experts note, discomfort disappears after five to seven minutes after the application of ear drops. The drug is considered one of the most effective and fast acting analgesics for otitis treatment.

otypaks for children photos

Doctors treat the medicine as safe if the eardrum is not damaged, so it is often prescribed to infants and pregnant women. Until now, no negative effects from the effects of drops on the auricle have been identified.

These drops, as we have already said, can not be used with an injured eardrum. This is a drawback of the drug. In the event that the device penetrates into the ear, it can affect the auditory ossicles, causing their damage, and worsen auditory perception. Therefore, experts do not advise to engage in self-medication (this applies to such a harmless drug as "Otipax"), and when an earache occurs immediately go to the ENT doctor in the clinic.

Otipaks for children: patient feedback

The most different opinion can be heard about these drops for otitis treatment. Testimonials indicate that Otipax really helps to quickly remove ear pain. Most mothers are satisfied with the result, which gives the medicine. From their words, the children's relief comes five minutes after the drug is applied. He has a comfortable dropper and heals inflammation. Perfectly strained with otitis. The drug is affordable, but has a short shelf life, which is its drawback.

otipax for otitis in children reviews

Most often, mothers use these drops when children complain about an unclear sound in the ears, when there is an unreasonable crying in the child, with increased body temperature up to +38 ºС, fever and purulent discharge in otitis.

Reviews of some people claim that they did not help the drops and had to buy another medicine. It is noted that pain in the ears after the application of this remedy has only intensified and when it is severe, it is ineffective. They say that the medicine only anesthetizes, and the therapeutic effect is weak enough.

Despite all these negative reviews, Otipax is almost the most popular drug used to treat otitis media. He has a lot of advantages. It is effective and safe. Available for the price. It is prescribed to people of all ages. It helps to prevent severe purulent diseases, loss of hearing.


Treatment of otitis with "Otipax" drops: reviews, application, expected effect

Ear drops "Otipaks", reviews of which confirm their effectiveness in the treatment of otitis, are produced by the French Biocodex laboratory. The active substance in the preparation is phenazone - one of the first synthetic analgesics. This colorless bitter crystalline powder, in addition to an anesthetic, also has an antipyritic (antipyretic) effect, acting directly on the center of thermoregulation in the hypothalamus. Since its discovery (it was synthesized in 1884) more than a hundred years have passed, and phenazone has gradually lost its significance. At present, in connection with the appearance of other, more effective painkillers, it is rarely used in pharmacology and medicine. However, phenazon was not withdrawn from the nomenclatural reference books - as can be seen from the example of Otypaks, sometimes its use is quite successful.

In addition to phenazone, the composition of ear drops "Otypaks", the use of which is allowed even to children under the age of one year, includes lidocaine (40 mg of phenazone - 10 mg of lidocaine hydrochloride), as well as auxiliary substances - water, ethanol, glycerol and sodium thiosulfate, which has an anti-inflammatory and antitoxic effect. Lidocaine hydrochloride is an effective local anesthetic - its effect is several times stronger than that of novocaine. In addition, phenazone enhances the action of lidocaine - accelerates the onset and prolongs the duration of anesthesia. Thus, the drug "Otipaks" (the reviews confirm this) not only has an anti-inflammatory effect, but also significantly alleviates the pain in otitis.

The use of the drug "Otipaks" is indicated for acute otitis media, with otitis, which has arisen as a complication after SARS, and also with the so-called barotraumatic otite (airborne), consequence of pressure drops - for example, when doing caisson works, diving, or descending an airplane. For the treatment of catarrhal otitis accompanied by a low temperature and moderate pain in the ear, in addition to the Otypaks, use also small cotton swabs (turundas), moistened with boric alcohol or tincture of calendula. With purulent otitis, Otipax drops are prescribed to children and adults as an auxiliary agent against the background of antibiotic treatment. In the presence of a cold, treatment of otitis should also be accompanied by the use of nasal vasoconstrictive drops - one preparation of "Otipax" will not be enough.

The drug does not enter the bloodstream and does not have a systemic effect, therefore, it can be recommended for use by young children. To treat otitis in infants, the Otypax remedy is instilled by one or two drops, up to three years - three, more than three years - four drops in the ear, three times a day. The adult dose is four drops, four times a day. The course of treatment, depending on the patient's condition, lasts from three to ten days. Before using drops, the bottle should be warmed in the palm of your hand. The solution must be used within six months.

The drug "Otypaks" can not be taken with an opening in the tympanic membrane (perforation). Normally, it protects the middle ear from penetration into it of foreign bodies and various liquids. If the integrity of the tympanic membrane is disturbed, otipax drops can penetrate into the middle ear and cause serious complications, up to a decrease in hearing.

On its own initiative, without consulting a specialist, it is not necessary to apply Otipax: reviews testify to the possibility of allergic reactions. In general, they are caused by hypersensitivity to lidocaine, which is not so rare. Therefore, when there is redness and itching in the ear canal, the drug is immediately stopped and consulted by a doctor.

Data on the interaction of the drug "Otipaks" with other medicines is not available today. The agent "Otipaks", whose reviews prove its effectiveness, is not prohibited for use during pregnancy.


Tip 1: How to drip Otypax

How to drip

Ear drops "Otypaks" - a topical preparation. It does not enter the body through the tympanic membrane and does not enter the blood. "Otypax" anesthetizes and relieves inflammation. It is often prescribed for adults and children with various types of otitis. Like any medicine, Otipax drops should be used strictly in accordance with the instructions.


  1. Visit a doctor-otolaryngologist. Although "Otypax"And is sold in pharmacies without a prescription, its use for other purposes may cause harm, rather than the expected relief of pain. The doctor will check the integrity of the tympanic membrane. If it is broken, from "Otypaxa "will have to be abandoned. Having fallen deep into the ear canal, drops can cause irritation and inflammation of the middle ear. Similar problems do not occur with a healthy eardrum and the correct use of the drug.
  2. After buying the medicine in the pharmacy, carefully read the instructions. «Otypax"Has no age restrictions. He fearlessly can use pregnant and lactating women. Drops do not affect the ability to control complex mechanisms, such as a car. The only contraindication is the allergy to the components of the drug, in particular, to lidocaine.
  3. Check the integrity of the package. Find the date of making the drops on it. Shelf life of the drug is 5 years. The open vial can be stored at home at a temperature of no higher than 300 ° C for half a year. At the first use, write on the box the date when you opened the medicine. In the future, you do not need to try to remember how many months have passed, and whether you can still use the drops.
  4. Warm the bottle in your hands, so that the medicine becomes warm and quickly penetrated into the ear. «Otypax"Is often sold in a package with a detachable dropper. Remove the usual cap from the bottle, screw it on a dropper. After use, do not remove the dropper, and tighten the cap firmly on it.
  5. Tilt your head so that the sore ear is on top. It is better to put the child on its side. Insert the dropper into the external ear canal. Enter 3-4 drops of "Otypaxa". Hold your head for a couple of minutes in the same position, so that the medicine does not leak out of your ear.
  6. Repeat the procedure 2-3 times a day for 10 days, unless otherwise prescribed by a doctor. Usually the pain subsides after the first reception, and the inflammatory process stops after 7-10 days.
  7. Repeat to the otolaryngologist after the treatment. The doctor will assess the condition of your external and internal auditory organs with the help of special instruments. It is especially important to show the doctor to the child to avoid relapse of otitis.


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