Headache and vomiting in the child

  • Diseases of the digestive system
  • Dysfunction of the liver
  • Abdominal migraine
  • Food poisoning
  • Incorrect nutrition
  • Acetonemic syndrome
  • Other causes of vomiting and headaches
  • How to help the child
  • Related videos

Because of the onset of a headache, vomiting and nausea may occur, but it also happens that the gag reflex this reaction to the same factor that provokes and pain in the head. Therefore, for some diseases, the main symptom is a headache, and it is worth paying more attention to it, and in other cases it is nausea. The way to eliminate the symptom will depend on the provoking factor.

Headache begins because of the expansion of the cerebral vessels( GM) after a change in their tone. Often a symptom appears in adults as a result of fatigue, neurologic or vegetative disorders. Children also have a headache that can occur after a busy day, strong impressions, as a reaction to the weather.

At first the child is emotionally excited, then in the eyes there are flies, headache and nausea. Vomiting can be caused by organic pathologies of the brain and its membranes, impaired cerebral circulation, emotional disorders, and can be caused by irritation of the stomach receptors due to diseases of the digestive system and other organs.

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Sometimes the child's headache and vomiting is not a sign of an organic pathology, it is only a reaction to stress or overexcitation: the child will calm down and everything will pass. In other cases, vomiting is a sign of a serious illness requiring therapy.

By concomitant symptoms, you can determine what is the cause of the pathology. But since vomiting and headache in children occurs in many diseases, it is worthwhile to see a doctor for the correct diagnosis and the appointment of therapy.

Diseases of the digestive system

In the pathology of the gastrointestinal tract, the motor, secretory or suction function is impaired. Vomiting as a protective reaction can occur with gastritis, peptic ulcer, stenosis, tumors in the intestine or stomach, pancreatitis, duodenitis, intestinal obstruction, appendicitis.

The reason for vomiting indicates whether there is relief after cleansing the stomach, its multiplicity and abundance. With stomach cancer, pancreatitis, "irritated stomach" after vomiting, well-being does not improve. With cholelithiasis, cholecystitis and strictures of the bile ducts, pain is more intense when vomiting.

Depending on the causes, the contents of the vomit will change. So, with neoplasms or expression of vomiting with blood veins, with pancreatitis and gastrointestinal reflux, there is profuse vomiting with an admixture of mucus and bile, with obstruction of the intestine there is vomiting.

Vomiting of undigested food after meals or foods eaten 2 days ago is a sign of stenosis of the pylorus of the stomach. With hyperacid gastritis and peptic ulcer, vomit masses may not contain eaten, but consist only of gastric juice.

Vomiting that occurs due to a diverticulum or narrowing of the esophagus is often characterized by small portions of food and is supplemented with regurgitation.

Fasting vomiting occurs with chronic gastritis with high acidity, and if it appears 10-15 minutes after eating, it indicates gastritis or gastric ulcer, the outflow of stomach contents after 4-6 hours after a meal happens in the presence of ulcers in the area of ​​the pylorus.

If vomiting occurs due to a disease of the digestive organs, it is often accompanied by abdominal pain, dry mouth, heartburn, headache, weakness, dizziness, increased urination.

Sometimes vomiting can cause an increase in body temperature, chills

The main symptom of an appendix inflammation is a pain in the abdomen, which is initially diffused or localized in the peripodal region, and then is felt in the right hypochondrium. Inflammation is also indicated by vomiting( 1-2 times in older children, and multiple in infants), fever, stool, headache, plaque in the tongue.

Liver failure

The liver cleans the intestinal blood from endo- and exotoxins. If the body does not cope, then harmful substances penetrate into the bloodstream, which affect the activity of all body systems.

Due to the inflow of toxic substances into the blood, an intoxication syndrome develops, in which the endocrine and nervous system, blood, blood circulation, urination, urination are disrupted, and immunological reactivity decreases. Many metabolic products are toxic, and if the liver function is impaired, they are not neutralized. This means that you do not need to eat or drink anything poisonous for poisoning.

The liver can not fully perform its function if its tissues are inflamed( hepatitis), replaced by fibrous tissue( cirrhosis) or fatty( hepatosis), not supplied with oxygen( infarction, ischemia).In liver diseases, weakness, headache, nausea, decreased efficiency, the skin turns yellow and itches, urine becomes dark, and the feces are light.

The liver can also be affected by inflammatory processes that occur in the gallbladder and pancreas.

Abdominal migraine

Often, the disease worries children 5-9 years, but can occur in adolescence. The disease develops due to vascular pathologies, lowering of blood glucose, malnutrition, lack of sleep, stress, metabolic disorders or the endocrine system.

In pathology, there is severe spasmodic pain in the abdomen, which can be localized in the navel or diffuse. Spasm leads to the appearance of dyspeptic symptoms: stool, gas, nausea.

In most cases, abdominal pain is joined by the headache. The child sweats strongly, he is pale and sluggish, light spots can appear on the skin. The attack can last less than an hour or several days. After an attack the child quickly restores.

Symptoms of abdominal migraine are similar to those of food poisoning, however, the means used to excrete toxin do not yield results.

In this pathology, therapy should be aimed at the treatment of migraine( non-steroidal painkillers, antiemetic, sedative, antimigraine drugs are indicated).

Food poisoning

The child's headache and vomiting are often caused by food poisoning. It can be triggered by the use of water contaminated with bacteria or virus, food, poisonous substances( chemicals, plants, medicines).Vomiting arises from the fact that a toxic substance circulating in the blood irritates the vomiting center.

Abdominal pain in a child 3 years old

Food poisoning in children is more difficult than in adults, because the acidity of the gastric juice is still low, the process of formation of the intestinal microflora is taking place, the poison is absorbed more quickly and spreads throughout the body for a shorter period of time. In addition, the liver does not yet have sufficient detoxification capacity.

It also happens that with the use of the same products, adults do not show symptoms of poisoning, and the child is very ill. Regardless of what was the source of poisoning, the pathology clinic is very similar.

Symptoms occur within 2-6 hours after ingestion, however, this period may be reduced to 30 minutes or extended to a day. To start the disease is characterized by an acute current. The child complains of nausea, a sharp pain in the abdomen( around the stomach), there is multiple vomiting, watery diarrhea with mucus and blood( stool can be up to 10 times a day).

Almost simultaneously with the symptoms of gastroenteritis, heat begins( 38-39 ⁰С).The patient refuses to eat, he is worried about muscle and headache. Because of profuse vomiting and diarrhea, there are symptoms of dehydration( dry pale skin, pointed features).

The most severe symptoms of food poisoning are convulsions, anuria( absence of urine in the bladder), acidosis

When poisoning is shown enema, gastric lavage, appointed enterosorbents( combined agents, activated charcoal, Smecta).During dehydration, it is necessary to give a lot of liquid( sweet tea, saline solutions).You should refrain from eating during the day. After the vomiting stops, you must adhere to a sparing diet( give mucous soups, compotes, kefir, liquid porridge).

Incorrect nutrition

Nitrates contribute to the narrowing of the vessels of the brain. They are found in foods with processed meat( sausages, sausages).On an adult's condition, they have no effect, and a child, especially younger than 5, may experience a headache after excessive consumption.

Various nutritional supplements can affect the well-being, for example, sodium nitrite or chloride. The excess in the body of retinol( vitamin A) has a negative effect on the child's condition, therefore, vitamin complexes should not be given without a prescription. Headache occurs if the child does not have a meal schedule.

During starvation, the body does not receive the necessary substances, which leads to deterioration of well-being and development of organic pathologies.

Acetonemic syndrome

The disease develops due to the increased amount of ketone bodies( acetoacetic acid, acetone, oxidized acid) in the bloodstream, which are formed as a result of a violation of the metabolism of amino acids and fats. Pathology can be primary( arises as an independent disease) and secondary, formed against diabetes mellitus, dysbacteriosis, gastritis, glycogen disease, leukemia, liver damage, hemolytic anemia, starvation.

How the secondary acetonemic syndrome occurs depends on the course of the underlying disease. Idiopathic( primary) syndrome occurs at the age of 1-13 years. It develops because of the predominance in the diet of fatty acids and ketogenic amino acids and a lack of carbohydrates. Predisposed to the disease are those children who have a shortage of liver enzymes involved in oxidative processes.

The disease is characterized by acetone crises. They can develop quickly or after the first signs( lethargy or excitability, refusal to eat, nausea, headache like migraines).When a crisis occurs, repeated vomiting occurs in response to drinking or eating, signs of intoxication and dehydration appear, motor excitement is replaced by drowsiness and weakness.

In severe cases, convulsions, meningeal symptoms are likely. As a rule, children have cramping pains in the abdomen, the temperature rises to 38.5 ° C, there is a violation of the stool. From the child and his secretions there is a smell of acetone.

For the first time attacks of migraine-like headache and vomiting appear at the age of 2-3 years, their peak is marked at 7 years, and completely they disappear by the maturation period

. In the treatment, supportive therapy between crises is performed to detune the onset of exacerbation( polyvitamins, enzymes,soothing, hepatoprotectors).When a crisis is necessary, hospitalization. An important place in prevention is diet, prevention of infectious diseases and stresses, hardening procedures.

Other causes of vomiting and headache

Headache and vomiting occur in other pathologies:

  • with head injury. In childhood, a concussion of the GM can occur not only as a result of a blow to the head or a fall, but also because of a sharp head movement( "shaken child" syndrome), for example, when the baby is heavily rocked, jumps from height to foot. In infants, the mind is not lost after getting injured, the baby belches a lot, vomiting is possible, it cries and displays anxiety, appetite and sleep are disturbed. In older children, after a concussion, there is a short-term impairment of consciousness, pale skin, cold sweat. With TBI the baby vomits. After the consciousness clears up the child complains of headache and dizziness, weakness, drowsiness, pain in the eyes, ringing in the ears;
  • with a sunshine. Due to overheating, dizziness, headache, pressure drop, vomiting and loss of consciousness are possible;
  • for infectious disease. If an infection has penetrated, then the body reacts to it with an increase in body temperature, and the heat can cause the emetic reflex. When meningitis, the membrane of the GM becomes inflamed. There is a rash on the body, high fever, headache, vomiting, nausea, nape of the neck muscles;
  • for tumors of GM.In addition to increasing pain in the head and nausea, there is a lack of coordination, a deterioration in vision, the child is passive, capricious, pale, does not eat.

How to help a child

To reduce the severity of headache and nausea that occur periodically, you need to find out the root cause of the disease. To do this, you need to visit a pediatrician, a neurologist, a cardiologist, which depends on the attendant symptoms.

If the child has a strong headache, then you can give analgesics, antispasmodics

The glycine tablet works well. If symptoms of intoxication are present, then sorbents are prescribed. Reduce fever to normal performance will help antipyretic drugs. With a child's headache, Paracetamol( Paracetamol Baby, Panadol Baby, Eferalgan) can be given to the child and he will relieve the headache and heat.

No special therapy for vomiting, treatment is directed to the underlying disease. Vomiting should be stopped with medications only if it is of a persistent nature. Antiemetic drugs should be prescribed by a doctor. Ibuporfen( Ibunorm, Ibufen D, Nurofen for children) will relieve headache and nausea. All medications should be given in a dosage prescribed by a doctor or prescribed in the instructions.

As soon as the child complains of a headache and nausea, it is necessary to put him to bed and provide emotional rest. It is recommended to give a glass of warm water to drink, which will help relieve vasospasm. A small child is not advisable to leave one, because when vomit enters the airways, asphyxia or pneumonia is possible.

It is necessary to watch, that the patient lay on his side, and if it is possible, it is better that during an attack he would sit, leaning forward.

The causes of headache and vomiting in the child are diverse and can be caused by the pathology of the gastrointestinal tract, infections, diseases of the brain and blood vessels. In some cases, the baby's head is very sore due to emotional stress, fatigue. On stress, the body reacts with a headache accompanied by vomiting. If vomiting is severe, then you need to seek medical help.