Pumpkin juice: benefit and harm, cooking at home

Pumpkin juice has long been used to promote health, treat many diseases. It contains many vitamins( C, K, PP, A, Group B), pectin, organic acids, minerals( fluorine, iron, calcium, magnesium, potassium, zinc, silicon).Beta-carotene under the influence of enzymes is converted to vitamin A, which is an antioxidant.

Article content:
  • Than useful?
  • Are there any harm and contraindications?
  • Ways of using and recipes
  • Reviews about juice

Than it is useful?

Pectin( soluble fiber with quality of enterosorbent) contained in pumpkin juice normalizes the activity of the intestine , enhances peristalsis, relieves constipation. It has a choleretic effect, normalizes liver function , improves digestion.

The little-known vitamin T( carnitine) contained in the pumpkin, promotes the strengthening of metabolic processes, fat burning .It also possesses the qualities of an antioxidant( neutralizes toxins, free radicals, delays the aging process).

Low calorie juice( 25 kcal per 100 grams) is explained by the high water content( 90%).

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Apply pumpkin juice is recommended:

  • for anemia to increase hemoglobin in the blood;
  • for removing toxins from the body;
  • with the purpose of improving the work of the digestive system;
  • for improving metabolic processes in the body;
  • for prophylactic purposes in the period of growth of colds( contains vitamin C);
  • for better heart function( due to magnesium and potassium);
  • for increasing blood clotting( this is promoted by vitamin K);
  • as an easy diuretic( eliminates edema);
  • to improve the skin condition( acne disappears, the complexion improves);
  • for getting rid of nausea in pregnancy;
  • in order to reduce body weight.

It is recommended to drink a cup of pumpkin juice every morning in order to prevent it. It is especially useful for people living in areas with high levels of radiation( pectin promotes the excretion of radionuclides and heavy metal salts from the body).

In people with diabetes, pumpkin juice lowers blood glucose levels. It helps women to increase milk production and improve its quality during lactation.

Pumpkin is not considered an allergen, children are allowed to give juice from 6 months.

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Are there any harm and contraindications?

In some cases, the use of pumpkin juice is undesirable:

  • with diarrhea( contributes to its intensification);
  • for individual intolerance to the product;
  • in cases of severe diabetes mellitus;
  • during peptic ulcer exacerbation, gastritis with a decreased secretory function.

Methods of application and recipes

Pumpkin juice can be consumed as a separate drink or mixed with other juices( lemon, orange, apple, carrot).

How to cook pumpkin juice at home? Pumpkin is cleaned, removing the core, cut into pieces, which are placed in a juicer. To grind them, you can use a meat grinder or grater, and then squeeze the juice. In the process of storage, its useful properties are lost.

Preparing pumpkin juice for the winter, use several methods, but when pasteurized it can save more useful substances. To do this, the previously squeezed juice is brought to a boil( not allowing to boil) and poured into sterilized jars. Pasteurize for 10 minutes, close with lids.

It is recommended daily to prepare fresh juice, and the flesh to use for cooking( porridge, jam).Application of pumpkin juice in folk medicine:

What problem is solved by How to use
Weakened immunity Drink 100 ml of pumpkin juice daily.
Insomnia A glass of juice with a little honey to drink before going to bed.
Diseases of the gallbladder, liver Daily drink 1 / 4star.x 3 times within 10 days.
Diseases of the prostate Daily ½ stack.repeatedly.
Constipation of Daily 100 mL for 10 days.
Anemia Daily ½ cup.repeatedly.
Overweight Drink 200 ml daily for 21 days.
Neurasthenia Drink daily ½ cup.at night. Course 2 months, 2 weeks break.

Pregnant is useful for getting rid of the manifestation of a toxicosis every day drinking ¼ cup of juice x 3 times.

To reduce the weight of it is recommended to drink a glass of pumpkin juice 3 times a day and eat 100 g of potatoes with meat, vegetables with rice or cottage cheese. The juice gives a feeling of satiety, so there is no feeling of hunger.

For those who love a pumpkin, you can use a drink obtained from a steamed pulp with a blender, using a blender for slimming. During the day, you can drink up to 2 liters of this drink.

Reviews about juice


I can not stand pumpkin, but I love pumpkin juice. It is not sugary, sweet in moderation, thick enough. I started to use it after surgery and now I always buy it. True, I did not dare to cook by myself.


It's useful pumpkin and juice from it. I read a lot about reducing weight with it and decided to try it. My wife cooked fresh juice every day for me, I drank it 3 times a day for a glass. Well, I went to the gym. After 10 days I managed to lose 8 kg( the result for me is unexpected).So, it still works!

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I want to say that to reduce weight, you must first tune in. I drank pumpkin juice because I love it. But the fact that the appetite disappears is nothing like that. She was constantly hungry, and therefore angry. In general, withstood with difficulty for a week, stood on the scales - it took 4 kg. It inspired, decided to continue.

Gradually the weight went away, I was able to put on things that had long since been abandoned. But after 10 days I almost fainted: the body is under severe stress. After that, I returned to the usual diet and the weight slowly began to return.


Undoubtedly, the pumpkin is useful and is used with a therapeutic purpose for many diseases. But if you drink only pumpkin juice, then the body begins to lose mineral substances and vitamins. Therefore, you can not drink only pumpkin juice, you must include in the diet of other dishes.

In addition, to consume juice for weight loss is not recommended for more than a month and it is better to do this in the season, when the vegetables are fresh and you can prepare juice every day. In a month, if necessary, you can go to another diet.