Plaster for treatment of calcaneal spur

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  • 1A patch from the heel spur - the name, how to apply, the mechanism of action
    • 1.1What patches are used for the calcaneal spur
    • 1.2Pepper plaster "Doctor Peretz"
    • 1.3Chinese orthopedic plaster ZB Pain Relief
    • 1.4Chinese plaster Tianhe Zhuifeng Gao
    • 1.5Magnetic plaster Hyperosteogeny
    • 1.6How to apply a patch from the calcaneal spur
    • 1.7Mechanism of action
    • 1.8Contraindications
  • 2Treating the calcaneal spur with a plaster
    • 2.1Characteristics of medical plaster
  • 3Mechanism of treatment of calcaneal spur with plaster
    • 3.1Heel spur and mechanism of its formation
    • 3.2The causes of fasciitis
    • 3.3How to treat bone formations on the heel
    • 3.4Band-Aid Treatment: Features of the Process
  • 4Overview of patches for the treatment of the calcaneal spur
    • 4.1Recommendations when choosing a band-aid
    • 4.2Chinese plaster
    • 4.3Pepper plaster
    • 4.4Orthopedic plaster
  • 5Plasters for treatment of heel spurs
    • 5.1Pepper plaster
    • 5.2Contraindications to the use of plasters
    • 5.3Application
    • 5.4Chinese
    • 5.5Cleaning
    • 5.6Combined
    • 5.7Orthopedic
    • 5.8Benefits
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A patch from the heel spur - the name, how to apply, the mechanism of action

In complex therapy of plantar fasciitis (heel spurs), doctors use several methods of treatment.

Using medical plasters is one of the additional ways to relieve pain in the heel.

They help not only with cold, but also with many diseases of the musculoskeletal system. Bandages are popular and people often resort to this home doctor.

To treat the heel spurs apply all kinds of patches, which contain various combinations of inputs.

Some of them are official medical means of treatment, others are sold through online stores and do not appear in the register of medicines.

Let's look at several types of these products and learn how to apply them, the mechanism of action on the heel spur, whether there are contraindications to use.

What patches are used for the calcaneal spur

The therapeutic effect of plaster applications lies in their irritating effect, which causes an increase in blood circulation. These products, helping to relieve pain with a calcaneal spur, differ in their composition, have different trade names.

  1. "Doctor Pepper" with analgesic action.
  2. Silkoplast is an analogue of "Doctor Pepper".
  3. Orthopedic plaster ZB Pain Relief.
  4. Magnetic plaster "Ganton Pin".
  5. Chinese plaster Tianhe Zhuifeng Gao.
  6. Chinese magnetic plaster Hyperosteogeny and others.

Pepper plaster "Doctor Peretz"

This band-aid is officially a medical drug that belongs to the pharmacological group - non-narcotic pain medications. In the Register of medicines (radar) it is registered under №ЛС-002185-210214. The manufacturer of the drug is the pharmaceutical company Veropharm.

The composition of "Doctor Peretz" includes the following substances.

  • Active ingredients: plant belladonna, gr, "Analgin" 20 g, bitter chilli pepper 8 g.
  • Excipients: synthetic and natural rubber, rosin, vaseline oil, anhydrous lanolin, zinc oxide.

The pepper bandage from the calcaneal spur is a cotton fabric (often used perforated) with a sticky layer that is protected with an anti-adhesive coating. Manufacturers produce adhesive labels of various sizes for convenient use in different places of the body.

After applying for more than two days, a burn is possible. In case of burning, the application is removed. Traces of adherent tissue, if any, are washed off with a soap solution. The next sticker can be used only after 24 hours.

The warming effect of the application is felt almost immediately.

Due to the irritating effect in the place of application, blood circulation is increased, it is anesthetizing, anti-edematous and anti-inflammatory effect.

The effectiveness of treating the heel spurs with pepper bandage is recognized by the doctors, as well as the patients themselves.

In the pharmacy chain, there is a pepper bandage called Silkoplast. Of all the modifications of this brand, it is a complete analogue of "Doctor Pepper" and is used to treat spurs in the same way.

Chinese orthopedic plaster ZB Pain Relief

ZB Pain Relief is an innovative orthopedic plaster, the curative substances of which are able to penetrate deep into the tissues of the body, which allows you to quickly get rid of almost any pain.

This remedy helps with arthritis, rheumatism, radiculitis, osteochondrosis, heel spur, injuries and other pathologies of the spine and limbs.

Plaster ZB Pain Relief quickly removes pain, increases blood circulation at the site of application, reduces puffiness, increases the elasticity of tissues, removes inflammation.

The mechanism of action of the patch is that when heated from body heat, it begins to literally melt, while the substances penetrate through the skin to the sore spot. As a result, there is a local cure of a single site without consequences for the whole organism.

In the composition of ZB Pain Relief Chinese and Tibetan herbs, which enhance the action of each other. And also an innovative technology is used, in which substances are ground almost to the size of nanoparticles, which allows them to penetrate deep under the skin.

"Ganton Pin" is a magnetic patch, which is also used for calcaneal spurs. It is manufactured using the latest technology based on the recipes of ancient Chinese healers.

The composition of "Ganton Pin

  • the Ceylon pangolin;
  • Chinese shield muzzle;
  • eucommia is elm-like;
  • vermilion gyrus;
  • Freema thin-cocked;
  • 28 medicinal Chinese herbs.

"Ganton Pin" is designed specifically for the treatment of the calcaneal spur. After clinical trials, the patch was approved by the International Association of Physicians. It is distinguished by the absence of toxicity and other side effects.

"Ganton Pin" enhances blood flow and metabolic processes at the site of exposure, quickly relieves pain, inflammation and swelling from the calcaneal spur.

In the process of treatment, it also eliminates spasm of the gastrocnemius muscle, increases the amount of movement in the ankle joint.

Chinese plaster Tianhe Zhuifeng Gao

The therapeutic effect of Chinese adhesive labels is based on natural remedies - extracts of medicinal plants and extracts of animal origin. The Tianhe Zhuifeng Gao plaster, also used for heel spurs, has recently appeared on the market, but is already in high demand.

This drug affects the acupuncture points of the foot due to the following components:

  1. a plant of momordica;
  2. extract from willow willow branches;
  3. gummy resin of myrrh;
  4. boswellia;
  5. beeswax.

Therapeutic effect of Tianhe Zhuifeng Gao patch, the following:

  • increases blood circulation at the site of application;
  • accelerates the resorption of the inflammatory process;
  • has an analgesic effect with a calcaneal spur;
  • removes edema of surrounding tissues, which improves the volume of movements in the joints of the foot;
  • removes calcium salts from the plantar fascia, increases its elasticity.

Tianhe Zhuifeng Gao application exerts a general relaxing effect on the body by affecting the reflexogenic foot zones.

The therapeutic effect is manifested in the reduction of pain in the foot, the improvement of its biomechanics, the removal of spasm of gastrocnemius muscles. According to the instructions for the treatment course, 10 applications are required.

Each package contains 4 stickers.

Chinese plasters do not belong to a medical device of treatment. But people who apply them, respond positively about the therapeutic effect.

Tianhe Zhuifeng Gao contains vegetable raw materials, so sensitive people are advised to follow the precautionary measures.

Pregnant women should also refrain from using.

Magnetic plaster Hyperosteogeny

The production of this medical application is also based on vegetable raw materials. Hyperosteogeny contains the following components:

  • vine;
  • turmeric;
  • saffron;
  • ginseng.

Hyperosteogeny patch with heel spur is pasted for two days. The next application is imposed no earlier than one day.

Do not apply this adhesive sticker in pregnant and lactating women, as well as sensitive people.

Produced Hyperosteogeny with different images on the box, but they are all manufactured in the same factory and contain the same composition.

How to apply a patch from the calcaneal spur

Patches should be applied on clean skin. To do this, before using them, the feet should be washed, wiped dry and disinfected with any alcohol-containing solution.

Practice using a patch in two ways.

  1. The so-called "leaf" method, when the entire application is glued to the affected foot, completely enveloping it.
  2. The use of rugged pieces that are superimposed more punctually.

Both methods are suitable for treating the calcaneal spur. You can cut a circle and put it on the sole in the place of pain localization. Or completely wrap the foot with a single sheet of plaster. After this, it is desirable to put on a warm sock.

In what place should I apply a patch to treat the calcaneal spur? Recall that the pain causes inflammation of the plantar fascia in the place of its attachment to the calcaneus. Hence, in order to achieve the maximum therapeutic effect from the action of the plaster, it is necessary to apply it from below to the sole of the foot, closer to the heel.

After the application of the patch, there are usually no side effects, it rarely causes allergic reactions, however, the individual intolerance of the components, as with any drug, can be.

Therefore, you must first check the effect of the patch on a small area of ​​the skin.

If the application of the application feels a burning sensation or other discomfort, you should immediately remove it, and place it with petrolatum oil.

Mechanism of action

Each patch has its own composition, but the general principle of their therapeutic effect is the same - due to the irritating effect in place application increases blood flow, resulting in accelerated metabolic processes, that is, reduced inflammation of plantar fascia. This is also promoted by the action of medicinal herbs.

After the treatment course, the pain in the heel subsides, the mobility of the foot increases, and the edema of the surrounding tissues decreases.

Another advantage of the plaster method is that it does not detract from the usual rhythm of life, does not require the allocation of a separate time and place.

Therapeutic effect of the application continues for 2 days, including during work.


As mentioned above, patches are mostly well tolerated, but there are contraindications to their use.

  1. Do not apply the applique to people prone to allergies and with individual intolerance to certain herbs.
  2. Pregnant and lactating women also should not use it.
  3. It is not recommended to use on open wounds and skin areas with infectious and fungal lesions.
  4. Do not glue them to birthmarks.
  5. Do not use if bone and cartilage tissue is damaged.
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Patches are used by most people with a calcaneal spur, since this method of treatment helps to reduce pain. It is justified at the beginning of the disease by plantar fasciitis and at the next exacerbation.

At the same time, one should not forget to combine the application with other types of treatment, because in itself this the method does not relieve the calcaneal spur, but it will significantly improve the recovery with the integrated approach in therapy.

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Treating the calcaneal spur with a plaster

Heel spur is a disease characterized by spine-like growth of the bone at the foot of the foot in the heel area. Severe acute pain in the heel, worse when attacking the foot - the main clinical picture of the disease.

Soreness is so pronounced that it resembles the feeling of a nail stuck into the heel. Under the influence of the formed build-up, soft heel tissues are damaged, which provokes the development of the inflammatory process in deep mucous bags.

The disease is often manifested by symptoms of periostitis (inflammation in the periosteum of the bone).

Heel spurs cause considerable discomfort to its owner

With a heel spur, pain occurs due to the pressure of the formed build-up on inflamed tissues in the heel area, which causes enormous discomfort, significantly reduces the quality of life of the patient.

The size of the built-up edge varies. The magnitude does not affect the intensity of pain. Sometimes a large bone layering does not cause any symptoms, and a small defect is excruciating with severe pains. How to deal with the disease?

A patch for the treatment of the calcaneal spur is a painless and inexpensive method of combating spine-like growth of the bone on the sole of the foot, which has repeatedly proved its high efficacy and effectiveness. Read more about the inexpensive Chinese tool - later in this article.

Characteristics of medical plaster

Plasters from the calcaneal spur are different. The best reviews of customers who successfully cured the disease, about Chinese and pepper remedy. Such patches have confirmed the effectiveness and persistent effect, therefore they are in great demand.

Chinese medical plaster

Advantages of using a plaster:

  • low cost;
  • availability;
  • the possibility of using at home;
  • ease of use. For successful treatment, special training in medicine is not needed;
  • the product has 100% natural composition, therefore it is safe for use by people with sensitive skin. There are no dyes, preservatives, chemical additives.

The Chinese plaster from the heel spurs not so long ago appeared in universal access, but has already managed to win a lot of admirers. Thanks to its natural composition, it is suitable for use by people prone to allergic reactions.

In addition, it has a minimum of contraindications, except for individual sensitivity to the components of the drug. Heel spurs, rheumatoid arthritis, bone hyperplasia, bone pain - direct indications for the use of Chinese plaster.

Ingredients of the drug have analgesic effect, contribute to the elimination of the inflammatory process that affects the soft tissues of the feet. Safflower, angelica Chinese, rhizome aconite, gentian, borneol - the main components of the plaster.

Plant components act gently, relieving the painful symptoms of the disease. The course of treatment is about 13-16 patches, depending on the individual characteristics of the course of the disease, the degree of defeat of the heel, the intensity of the symptoms.

The remedy is placed on the sore spot, securely fixing it on the foot. The duration of one patch is 24-48 hours. Then the used tool is changed to a new one.

Women during pregnancy, people with obvious damage to the skin in the field of application, as well as allergy sufferers are appointed with caution.

Treating the heel spur with magnetic therapy

Pepper adhesive with heel spur is used as a remedy, promptly eliminating the symptoms of the disease, improving the patient's condition.

Helps not only with bone growth in the heel, but also radiculitis, gout, neuralgia, osteochondrosis, lumbago.

Due to irritation of skin receptors, it has a distracting effect, significantly reducing tenderness in the heel, improves trophism, increases blood circulation in the affected area. For heel spurs used in two ways:

  1. Remove the protective film, paste on the affected part of the foot, slightly pressing to the surface. Before gluing to clean the skin, dry with a soft towel, disinfect with medical alcohol (vodka, Chlorhexidine, cologne).
  2. Prepare the epidermis in the foregoing way, paste point directly to the places that have biological activity. To do this, cut one stick plaster into small pieces (squares).

Pepper plaster with a calcaneal spur is more convenient to use in the first way, cutting a rounded piece according to the size of the heel. Having stuck on the foot, put on warm socks (wrap it with a scarf or a handkerchief).

The duration of use of one patch depends on the individual characteristics of the organism. Keep until the product has a warming effect (24 to 48 hours).

The average course of treatment is 3-7 days, that is, 3-5 patches. After removing the used remedy, provide daily rest for the heel. Only after 12-24 hours you can paste a new adhesive plaster.

Severe burning, tingling, itching, redness are signs of an allergic reaction. Immediately remove the remedy to avoid aggravation of the condition.

After using the patch do not forget to lubricate the irritated area with petroleum jelly

Pepper means has more contraindications than Chinese.

Despite 100% natural composition can cause allergy in people sensitive to the components of the plaster.

It is contraindicated to use by pregnant women, patients with open injuries of the epidermis, moles, dermatological diseases of a purulent-inflammatory nature at the site of application, as well as by people who have bone and cartilage tissue.

Applying a remedy according to the specified instructions, after a few days there will be a noticeable improvement in the condition, and painful symptoms will pass.

The curative drug will help to avoid complex medication, including the use of anti-inflammatory drugs, injections of corticosteroid hormones, and laser therapy. Drug treatment is long, and it also requires tangible material costs.

Healing adhesive - an inexpensive and effective method of therapy, treating the heel spur for several days (up to a week). It is no longer necessary to spend a fortune on expensive medication procedures, to stay in hospital queues.

A Chinese or pepper sticker will help you cure the disease yourself at home without the help of a doctor.

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Mechanism of treatment of calcaneal spur with plaster

The patch from the heel spur is one of the ways to treat a non-dangerous, but painful disease. In the heel appears a small extra bone, after which the life of a person turns into a series of problems of overcoming the space and their own emotions.

Heel spur and mechanism of its formation

At some point a person begins to feel discomfort in the heel, in the part where her bones are connected to the tendon of the plantar muscle. After a while, discomfort turns into pain and difficulty when walking.

This pain makes a person go to the doctor and undergo a checkup. Usually, as a result of the examination, a diagnosis is made of fasciitis, or heel spurs.

In fact, the calcaneal spur is a foreign body, despite the fact that these outgrowths are formed from the bones of the body itself.

When everything is balanced in the body, the appearance of something not provided for by the system begins to affect all organs, cells and tissues, to some extent related to neoplasm.

This influence is usually negative and often accompanied by pain, which is a signal of trouble sent to the central nervous system.

The causes of fasciitis

Most often spurs are formed in women, especially those who have reached the age of 45 years and older. Bone growths appear for the following reasons:

  1. Long-term wearing of uncomfortable shoes and traumatic effects in the foot area. Shoes, worn by women, are often the subject of trauma. It is not surprising that the calcaneal spur grows precisely in those women who have long been tormented by walking on high heels.
  2. Flat feet and other abnormalities in the form of a foot. The irregular shape of the foot increases the load on the tendons and muscles, entails the appearance of stretches and micro-injuries. As a result, foci of inflammation form in the heel area, which leads to the build-up of extra bones.
  3. Aging of the body. This phenomenon slows down all processes, which leads to the formation of different kinds of growths.
  4. Too much exercise on the legs. This can be heavy lifting, power sports, etc.
  5. Overweight. In this case, an increased load on the legs is often combined with diseases, including endocrine. Large weight is usually accompanied by a metabolic disorder. All this and generates neoplasm formation not only on the heels.
  6. Inflammatory processes in the joints. With the development of arthritis, it is possible to transform not only bone tissue, but also cartilaginous. It is believed that prolonged inflammation in the calcaneal region is the main cause of fasciitis formation.

How to treat bone formations on the heel

The range of remedies with heel spurs is huge. It can be various poultices, compresses and ointments. It is believed that the most effective method is the treatment of calcaneal spur by ultrasound with the use of hydrocortisone - a steroid hormone drug.

In severe cases, resort to a surgical method of exposure, removing too much overgrown growths.

However, the treatment of the calcaneal spur is not in vain conducted with such a variety of methods and means.

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Their choice depends on the severity of the disease, its genesis, the state of the patient's body.

At an early stage of the development of this disease, you can do with gentle methods of exposure, for example, a special plaster.

This method of treatment favorably differs from others in that it has a rapid impact and does not require much time and money. Therapeutic patch can be used at all stages of the disease.

This can be an independent remedy, which is used when the first symptoms of the disease appear.

It can also be used as an effective supplement to medical treatment after taking an ultrasound therapy course and even after surgery to prevent complications.

Band-Aid Treatment: Features of the Process

Plasters for the treatment of the calcaneal spur are in demand as a very simple and effective means of combating the painful condition. The pharmacy chain offers its customers several options for special plasters. These include:

  • pepper plaster, designed to warm up the inflamed area of ​​the foot and eliminate the pain syndrome;
  • cleansing plasters containing powder of a magnet, angelica and gentian;
  • Chinese version of the therapeutic agent, affecting not only the heel itself, but also the body as a whole;
  • orthopedic plasters, designed to optimize the position of the heel and facilitate movement;
  • combined multifunctional patches, having a complex composition, designed to activate blood circulation and metabolism, accelerate regeneration, etc.

The name of all these medicinal products reflects their functional purpose. The exception to this rule is the Chinese plaster.

Usually any Chinese commodity in people is associated with low quality, causing antipathy and mistrust. However, the testimonies of people who have experienced the action of a patch from the calcaneal spur are an exception to this rule.

Chinese medicine, based on ancient oriental methods of healing, is famous for effective drugs that are really capable of curing a person from many diseases.

The Chinese patch, used for calcaneal spurs, contains components of a natural nature - extracts of herbs, minerals, ingredients of animal origin. All these substances in their combined effect perform the following functions:

  • eliminate inflammatory processes;
  • activate the movement of fluid in the body;
  • stimulate the removal of excess salts;
  • relieve swelling of the tissues;
  • eliminate pain.

The use of a plaster that helps to eliminate the causes and consequences of the origin of the heel spur is in demand not only because of the composition.

The therapeutic effect is also ensured by the fact that the substances contained in the plates also affect the acupuncture centers of the foot.

Here, as you know, there are concentrated points with which you can influence the whole organism.

Chinese plasters are easy to use. You need to wash your feet well, then dry them. On a dry and clean heel, you need to paste one plate. Here it must be at least 3 days.

All this time the legs should be kept clean, dry and warm. Do not wash your feet for 3 days, of course, it is difficult, but otherwise the effect of medicinal ingredients from the plate will not be so effective.

This Chinese drug is sold in packs containing 4 patches each. This means that one package is enough for a whole treatment course, that is, 10-12 applications. Usually in the domestic markets you can buy plasters Tianhe, Bone Spur Plaster, Hyperosteogeny.

Since organisms in humans are different, the appearance of a negative reaction in the form of allergies, high blood pressure, tachycardia, headache, dizziness and other effects of exposure to acupuncture points completely probably. If there are such symptoms, then stop using this tool, switching to the use of other patches, which have a softer effect.

For example, a pepper band-aid has proven itself well. It is considered an affordable and effective tool that can be purchased at any pharmacy for just 100 rubles.

The therapeutic effect of this patch is based on the irritating effect in the area of ​​the heel. Pepper warms tissues, stimulates blood circulation, which activates the natural processes of the body's defense systems. Antibodies are produced which remove inflammation in the foot area.

Long-term use of pepper plaster reduces the manifestation of pain syndrome, normalizes metabolic processes, helps restore the integrity of the tissues of bones and joints. All this leads to a slow resorption of the thorn and a gradual improvement in the condition of the foot.

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Overview of patches for the treatment of the calcaneal spur

Plantar (plantar) fasciitis, or calcaneal spur is a common disease that causes discomfort to a person due to painful sensations in the heel area. The diagnosis is made by the doctor, physiotherapy, medication and home methods are used for treatment, in surgical cases - surgical intervention.

A patch is frequently used to treat the calcaneal spur. It effectively fights the first symptoms and helps to reduce sensitivity and get rid of pain during long-term treatment.

Recommendations when choosing a band-aid

When choosing a band-aid, you should pay attention to the absence of harmful substances. Even natural extracts of herbs, which are part of the composition, can cause allergies.

Before use, read the instructions and contraindications.

Be sure to conduct an allergy test - glue a small piece of patch on the skin and observe the reaction for 24-48 hours.

Chinese plaster

Traditional medicine of the Celestial Empire has long been known for its positive effects on the body. Chinese plaster from the spurs on the heels affects the energy points, speeding up the healing process.

The plaster contains only natural ingredients, including extracts of animal origin, extracts of medicinal plants and minerals. The main natural ingredients used in Chinese stickers:

  • Chinese angelica;
  • gentian large-leafed;
  • aconite root;
  • perlite;
  • chitosan;
  • silicon;
  • tourmaline.

The active substances contained in the patch help to get rid of pain and swelling, remove toxins and salts, improve blood circulation, stimulate the work of the liver, increase immunity, and medicinal extracts accelerate the resorption of bone growth and positively affect the joints.

Contraindication for use is only the individual intolerance of the components that make up the label.

When applying Chinese applications, it is recommended to follow a healthy diet: to refuse from acute, meat food and milk, this will speed up the healing process.

The main drawback of Chinese labels is their lack of free sale. They are only available when ordering through the Internet.

To treat a calcaneal spur with a patch, it is recommended to perform 10 to 12 procedures, in one package there are usually 4 stickers.

So you need to buy several packs for a full course of rehabilitation.

Pepper plaster

Pepper plaster with heel spur is the most affordable option for treating the disease. It can be purchased at any pharmacy, and it costs quite inexpensively. He has the following curative actions:

  • Warming. Increases blood flow, which helps to get rid of the disease faster;
  • Distracting. Reduces pain;
  • Locally irritating. It improves blood circulation and metabolism, eliminates stagnation, helps to relieve inflammation more quickly.

Usually the composition of the plaster includes: extract of red pepper, arnica and belladonna, lanolin, pine rosin, oils on a vaseline basis, salepod resin and other components of natural origin

Pepper sticker is easy to use. There are two ways of applying:

  1. Sheet - a single piece of the sticker is superimposed on the heel;
  2. Partial - Adhesive plaster is cut and glued only to the affected area.

When applying, follow the instructions. Sore place should be carefully washed, wipe dry and rub with alcohol. After that, remove the protective film and seal the heel with a patch, smoothing the surface of the application.

The sticker stays on the skin for 48 - 72 hours, while there is a warming effect. During all this time, the leg must be kept warm. In case of severe burning and discomfort, the adhesive plaster must be removed immediately.

After use, you can apply Vaseline oil to soften the skin.

Despite its effectiveness, the papillary patch has a number of contraindications.

Do not use on damaged skin areas, with individual intolerance to the components, not It is recommended to use it for pregnant women, people with damaged bone and cartilaginous tissue, if there are birthmarks and irritations.

Orthopedic plaster

Often the cause of the appearance of the heel spur is the deformation of the foot (flat feet). In order to get rid of plantar fasciitis, it is necessary to eliminate the cause of the disease.

This can help the elastic orthopedic plaster, which not only fixes the foot, but also helps her take the correct form, provides additional cushioning while walking and removes unnecessary heels.

Due to this, painful sensations decrease.

Correct fixation of the foot by orthopedic dressing helps to reduce the load on the heel, distributing it on the entire surface evenly. There are several ways to apply it:

  1. Lying on the stomach, you need to put your toes on the couch and pull out the foot (like high heels), the skin should be stretched. From the metatarsal part of the leg, the appliqué is applied to the entire width of the sole. It runs along the entire heel and bends it up the leg approximately 15 cm. Because of the elasticity of the dressing, it is necessary to tighten well. Places where the plaster can move away must be pressed tightly. To fix a cross across the arch of the foot, a second piece is glued, between the cushion and the heel. This piece is glued from the outside of the foot, along the sole, through the ankle, and up the leg. Near another strip is superimposed, which slightly protrudes from one edge to the other and enters the heel.
  2. The patch from the heel spur is applied in several stages:
    from the middle of the heel, where the spur is most often located, to the big toe on the inside of the foot, and on the outside of the heel to the little finger. A wider piece is glued across the foot and from the ankle passes to the calcaneus and rises. Another patch is applied over the previous one, but from the opposite direction.
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Orthopedic dressing differs from other types of plaster and has several advantages:

  • Security. It can be used even without consulting a doctor. But the orthopedic patch works only with the correct dressing, so the doctor still has to visit.
  • Efficiency and simplicity. With the help of a patch you can remove inflammation, reduce pain and even the foot. The same effect will be when applying massage with therapeutic ointments and special gymnastics, however, they take up more time.
  • Protection. Orthopedic bandage fixes the leg, preventing injuries.
  • Depreciation. Thanks to the bandage, the load on the arch of the foot becomes more uniform, which leads to a reduction in pain.

For the treatment of calcaneal spurs usually combine medication and home care. On the Internet, there are reviews of the patch for treating the calcaneal spur, most of them are positive. Particularly praise the usual - pepper plaster, due to its prevalence, availability and a small price.

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Plasters for treatment of heel spurs

Heel spurs are an unpleasant formation on the surface of the foot, which causes severe pain. It is characterized by inflammation, tissue deformation and the appearance of seals.

At the initial stage of the emergence, a patch is widely used to treat the calcaneal spur. It can reduce pain syndrome, relieve swelling of the tissues and facilitate the walking process.

There are several types of products that differ in the composition and nature of the impact on the source of the disease.

Pepper plaster

Pepper patches have been used for many years as an excellent remedy for calcaneal spurs. It is made on the basis of cotton fabric with active substances fixed on the surface.

Anesthetic and therapeutic effect is achieved due to the following:

  • extract of hot pepper;
  • an extract of belladonna;
  • pine rosin;
  • resinous salipod;
  • tinctures of arnica.

Other components that make up the plaster:

  • Vaseline oil;
  • Wheat flour;
  • rubber;
  • anhydrous lanolin;
  • technical neozone D.

All active substances contribute to the elimination of pain, and also irritate local tissues to dissolve the spur. Thanks to the warming effect, the blood flow in the area of ​​application is enhanced, which helps to eliminate compaction, inflammation and pain syndrome.

Contraindications to the use of plasters

The papillary adhesive is not allowed to be used by all patients who have spurs on their heels. Its use is prohibited, if on the surface of the foot there are:

  • open wounds;
  • birthmarks;
  • skin rash or other diseases.

Also, treatment with the help of it is not carried out if cartilage or bone tissue is damaged.
Due to irritating effects, the risk of allergic reactions increases. Therefore, it is better for allergy sufferers not to use it. In addition, pepper band is forbidden for pregnant women.


Before applying the patch, you should pay attention to the skin on the surface of the foot.

It must be washed, thoroughly dried, and then disinfected with an antiseptic solution (alcohol, vodka, Chlorhexidine, hydrogen peroxide).

Thus, it will be possible to exclude the possibility of multiplication of microorganisms and infection.
Remove the pepper patch from the package, you need to remove a special protective film from it.

Preliminarily it is necessary to cut out a piece that corresponds to the shape and size of the heel. In this case, a certain method of gluing is used. Sticky side of it is applied to the heel, slightly pressed.

Terms of use:

  • After gluing the product, the patient should wear a sock or wrap a leg with a scarf, a handkerchief. Walk with it is necessary for 1-2 days. During this time, he actively affects the affected area, eliminating pain syndrome.
  • If during treatment a person feels severe itching, burning or discomfort, then it is worth to unfasten the product. Irritated area should be oiled with petrolatum oil, which will soothe the skin.
  • After 2 days you can remove the band-aid. Before the next application, the leg should rest for at least 4-5 hours. It is better to use the new remedy on the second day. To eliminate the pain 2-3 leaves are enough. Therefore, the treatment is carried out in a period of 3 days to a week.


Chinese products easily eliminate spurs

Chinese plaster is often used to treat spurs on the heels.

It has an anesthetic, anti-inflammatory effect due to plant extracts and magnetic compounds.

Due to its special composition it is considered to be a safe product, therefore it is used in the treatment of various categories of patients.

The principle of the patch is based on the effect on the reflexogenic points. It helps to cleanse the skin, normalize the glands, remove toxins and salts, which lead to the spur escalation.

Depending on the active ingredients in the composition, the Chinese patch can have different effects. There are several of its types.


The cleansing plaster acts on the source of pain and swelling. He returns leg ease due to the normalization of metabolism. The purifying effect is on the circulatory system and the liver. Due to the activity of basic substances, excessive moisture is eliminated from the body.

The plaster eliminates the heel spurs due to:

  • aconite root;
  • magnetic and infrared powders;
  • the Chinese Angelica;
  • large-leaf gentian.

The effectiveness of treatment can be estimated after 12 days. But manufacturers recommend a full therapeutic course for 16 days.


Chinese patch combined pattern is a safe tool. It acts directly on the affected heel, and therefore is not absorbed into the blood. Due to this, it can be used for almost all patients.

Each substance that is part of the patch has a special therapeutic effect.

  • Local focal effects are observed due to tourmaline. It produces infrared rays and magnetic fields. They penetrate deeply into the tissue, affecting the affected area.
  • Harmful and toxic substances are excreted due to the composition of chitosan.
  • Normalize the process of blood circulation in the affected area can be due to silicon.
  • Starch removes excess moisture. This eliminates swelling and inflammation.
  • For the healing of cracks, wounds in the impregnation of the patch added wood and bamboo vinegar. The substances possess are antiseptics.
  • Increases metabolism to normalize the supply of tissues and excretion of the salts permeate, which is part of the plaster.


The strongest analgesic effect is possessed by an orthopedic plaster. It is used in diseases of the legs, which lead to the appearance of calcaneal spurs.

One of the most common causes of the inflammatory process is flatfoot. The patch helps to align the leg, fixing it in the correct position. In addition, it reduces the load on the heel due to a special damping effect. As a result, painful sensations are eliminated.

The effect occurs directly on the inflamed area.

The agent contains a large number of active components that have a beneficial effect. Among them are:

  • Ginger root with anti-inflammatory, disinfecting effect;
  • rosin, accelerating metabolic processes and normalizing blood circulation;
  • hot pepper for warming, improving blood flow to the heel;
  • Turmeric with anti-inflammatory and analgesic effect;
  • menthol for cooling and pain relief;
  • Chinese angelica with an antispasmodic effect;
  • a crankcase of the crankcase, restoring the integrity and elasticity of the blood vessels;
  • erizibu for the removal of edema and inflammation.

Chinese patches of any kind are applied similarly to pepper. On a clean, dry skin, the product is fastened for several days. After removal, you need to rest your feet, and then glue the adhesive again. The course of treatment can be up to 3 weeks.


Patches are often prescribed to patients with calcaneal spurs. In some cases, they are more effective than medication and other therapies. There are several advantages of this treatment.

Heel spurs are easily eliminated after the use of the product

  • Products are safe means. Therefore, they can be used for almost all patients. However, before using, it is worth consulting with a doctor.
  • Due to local effects, patches do not affect the functioning of the heart, liver, and gastrointestinal tract, in contrast to medications.
  • Thanks to the fixation of the foot, the remedy prevents the possibility of traumatizing the tissues of the foot, bones, joints.
  • The amortization effect significantly reduces the load on the feet.

Thanks to this cartilage tissue does not wear out, which allows to eliminate pain syndrome.

With the timely detection of the heel spur can easily be eliminated with a patch. It is important to choose the right tool, and also use it according to the instructions.

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