Antelisthesis of the vertebra: what is it?


  • 1What is antelisthesis of the spine?
    • 1.1Clinical picture
    • 1.2Classification
    • 1.3Diagnostics
    • 1.4Treatment
    • 1.5Complications
  • 2What is the anthnesthesis of vertebrae L3, L4, L5?
    • 2.1Causes of lumbar antelisthesis
    • 2.2Clinical manifestations of lumbar antelisthesis
    • 2.3Etiology and clinic of cervical antelisthesis
    • 2.4Principles of treatment of antelisthesis
  • 3What is the antelisthesis of vertebra L4 and why does this state develop?
    • 3.1Level of pathology formation
    • 3.2Because of what develops the disease at the level of the loin
    • 3.3Classification of antelisthesis on an etiological basis
    • 3.4Symptomatology
    • 3.5Offsets at the neck level
    • 3.6Diagnostic measures
    • 3.7Therapeutic and surgical measures
  • 4Antelistesis L5 vertebra - what is it?
    • 4.1Description of the disease
    • 4.2Features of the disease
    • 4.3Causes and types
    • 4.4Symptoms
    • 4.5Conservative treatment
    • 4.6Physiotherapy
    • 4.7Operative intervention
    • 4.8Types of spondylodesis
  • 5Antelistesis L3, L4, L5 vertebrae: what is it?
    instagram viewer
    • 5.1The essence of pathology
    • 5.2Etiology of the process
    • 5.3Varieties of the disease
    • 5.4Symptomatic manifestations
    • 5.5Principles of treatment of ailment
  • 6Antelisthesis of the spine: treatment, degree
    • 6.1Description of the disease: what is antelisthesis?
    • 6.2What vertebra affects?
    • 6.3Classification of antelisthesis: species
    • 6.4Causes of development
    • 6.5Symptoms and Diagnosis
    • 6.6What is the danger: possible complications
    • 6.7Treatment of the disease

What is antelisthesis of the spine?

Antelisthesis of the vertebra is a pathological condition characterized by a change in the location of the vertebra.

Because of this, the structure of the spine itself is broken, which also leads to damage to the nerve roots.

Especially it is dangerous when it develops in the lumbar region, or rather at the level of 3, 4 and 5 vertebrae.

Clinical picture

Antelisthesis of the spine at the first stage is practically not manifested. The disease is most often detected entirely by accident.

But clinically important symptoms that allow you to diagnose, because of which a person has to go to a doctor, start to appear rather late.

And most often, there are already lesions of the spinal cord.

The main signs of the disease can be considered:

  1. Impaired sensation in the arms and legs.
  2. Loss of control over acts of defecation and urination.
  3. Use only one position of the body, which is almost impossible to change without taking painkillers.
  4. Loss of movement in the arms and legs, complete, or partial.

However, it is worthwhile to know that all of the above symptoms are only common. But there are some that can be considered private, and which are inherent only in the defeat of a particular vertebra.

Thus, for example, the antelisthesis of the l5 vertebra is expressed in the compression of the spinal cord, which occurs due to severe deformation of the spinal canal.

All this will be manifested by uncontrolled urination and defecation, constant forced position, immobility of muscles.

This is accompanied by severe pain and spasms, which can be removed only by analgesics. Such a lesion of the spinal cord is the heaviest.

Antelisthesis of the l4 vertebra is a severe pain that occurs when urinating and defecating. Also, the classic symptom is spasms that arise in the gluteus muscles, which leads to strong combat sensations in the perineum.

What is an integrase of the l3 vertebra? This condition is also manifested by muscle spasm in the lumbar region, which also leads to a violation of urination, defecation and decreased reproductive function.


Antelisthesis of the lumbar spine is classified according to the reasons that caused this condition. So, for example, the congenital kind which is connected with a hypoplasia of sheaves or joints of a backbone is seldom meets the congenital kind.

Most often there is a traumatic appearance, which begins to manifest after almost any trauma to the spine.

Also here can be attributed and the isthmic mechanism of development, in which trauma, which occurred in childhood, leads to subluxation or a dislocation of the vertebra, which in turn can not return to its normal position in relation to the rest vertebrae.

The degenerative form is diagnosed in the elderly and is associated with age-related changes in the bones of the skeleton.

The pathological form develops in the presence of a tumor in the lumbar region or other part of the back, as well as in infections, for example, in tuberculosis or poliomyelitis.

And, finally, surgical, which arose due to the doctors in the operation on the spine.

Sometimes you can hear a question like this: what is an anthelide c4 vertebra? This means an incorrect position of the third cervical vertebra in relation to the fourth. This pathology is very rare, so it is very rare.


Antelisthesis of the vertebra does not cause any difficulty in diagnosis. Most often, an X-ray examination is performed, but a CT scan may be needed.

At the same time, several degrees of wrong location are distinguished:

  • First, the displacement is less than 25%.
  • The second is the displacement from 25 to 50%.
  • The third is the displacement from 50 to 75%.
  • The fourth is a displacement of more than 75%.

Depending on the degree chosen and the type of treatment - conservative or operative.


Conservative treatment without the use of surgery is effective only at the early stage of antheltosis l5. In this case, the use of tablets, ointments and injections only removes symptoms, but can not cure the disease itself.

Conservative methods include the use of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, the use of analgesics, and novocain blockades. If necessary, additional therapies can be used:

  1. Application of electrophoresis.
  2. Bed rest.
  3. Use of a bandage.
  4. Compresses with the use of anti-inflammatory ointments.
  5. Physiotherapy exercises and dosed physical exercise.

After the treatment it is necessary to carry out rehabilitation. It is best to do this in a sanatorium-resort setting. If conservative treatment does not bring any result, treatment of antelisthesis l4 and other vertebrae is performed surgically.


With this pathology, very often serious complications arise, many of which require long-term treatment. For example, most often:

  • Incontinence of urine and feces.
  • Disturbance of sensation in the legs.
  • Paresis or paralysis of muscles.
  • Pain in the lower back, which changes into a chronic one.
  • Rachiocampsis.

To understand, after what time these complications can appear, it is necessary only to make a radiographic study, and to keep the course of the disease under strict medical control.

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What is the anthnesthesis of vertebrae L3, L4, L5?

By this term we mean the displacement of the vertebrae forward.

Often antisthelete is identified with spondylolisthesis, since it occurs most often, but in pathogenetic terms these pathologies differ in the fact that with antelistese the entire vertebra is displaced forward, and the interruption (spondylolysis) in the interarticular zones of the arches is not observe.

As a rule, antelisthesis develops in women, among elderly patients and in people with severe hyperlordosis.

This pathology in most cases is diagnosed with concomitant osteochondrosis in the lumbar spine. In this case, the shift is greater, the lower it is localized.

So, on average, the second lumbar vertebra changes its position by 4 mm, the third - by 6, and the fourth - by 10 mm.

An exception is the antelisthesis of the spine in the region of the fifth lumbar vertebra (L5), which changes as much as possible position at 6 mm, which can be explained by its strong connection with the first sacral vertebra and the wings of the iliac bones.

Causes of lumbar antelisthesis

Among them, the following should be mentioned:

  1. Congenital pathology of facet joints and vertebral arches.
  2. Traumatic injuries.
  3. Inflammatory processes or oncological lesions of the spine.
  4. Surgical removal of the posterior parts of the vertebral bodies.
  5. Degenerative antelisthesis of the L4 vertebra often develops with spinal arthrosis, in which the instability of the vertebral segments is formed.
  6. Weight lifting and exercise.
  7. Sharp contraction of the spinal muscles.
  8. Stay in a forced position for a long time.
  9. Sharply changes in temperature.

In addition, this pathology can develop due to age-related changes, which are accompanied by narrowing of the spinal canal and arthropathies.

Clinical manifestations of lumbar antelisthesis

Complaints of patients depend on the place of displacement. When the position of the 3 lumbar vertebra changes, the innervation of the pelvic organs, the functioning of the reproductive system, spasm of the dorsal muscles is disrupted.

When L4 is displaced, there are radicular pains and unpleasant sensations in the perineum and buttocks, and their sensitivity decreases. Antelistesis of the L5 vertebra is accompanied by low back pain, which is not amenable to analgesic therapy.

Patients are in a compelled position. Typical stenosis of the spinal canal, involuntary urination or defecation, immobility of the back muscles in the lumbar region. The patient's posture and gait change, the lower extremities atrophy.

Further development of the disease leads to disability.

Etiology and clinic of cervical antelisthesis

In addition to the displacements in the lumbar region, antistheletee in the neck region is often diagnosed. Among the main causes of this pathology can be identified as follows:

  • congenital hypoplasia of processes of cervical vertebrae;
  • antelisthesis of the cervical spine due to birth injuries;
  • age changes;
  • injuries;
  • tumor lesions;
  • cervical osteochondrosis.

This leads to a loss of consciousness due to severe hypoxia of the brain.

With the displacement of 2 cervical vertebra, as a rule, there is a severe headache (migraine), which is associated with a violation of blood supply to the brain tissue.

When the location of C3 changes, the vertebra often records dizziness, sleep disturbances, hoarseness, strabismus, frequent sore throats and laryngitis.

With the displacement of the fourth vertebrae of the neck, as a rule, hearing is disturbed, since the nerve endings that pass in this region innervate the Eustachian tube.

Also characterized by pain syndrome, violation of the sensitivity of the hands, chronic fatigue and catarrhal phenomena, violation of the sensitivity of the face.

When compressing the nerve roots in the C4 region, the vertebra also records motor disorders in the form of paraparesis and paraplegia.

If the displacement of the cervical vertebrae is accompanied by a pronounced stenosis of the spinal canal, the work of the parasympathetic nervous system is disrupted. This is accompanied by hiccups, vomiting, high fever, a sensation of a coma in the throat, and changes in the functioning of the cardiovascular system.

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Principles of treatment of antelisthesis

Conservative therapy involves the maximum exclusion of loads on the spine, wearing corsets, taking painkillers and anti-inflammatory drugs, muscle relaxants to eliminate muscle spasm.

Can use blockades in combination with vitamins of group B. Physiotherapy methods that strengthen the abdominal muscles, as well as massage, swimming, exercise therapy, electrophoresis with diprospan are allowed.

In the absence of positive results, surgical treatment is performed.

Surgically, the vertebrae are fixed in the correct position, if necessary, Artificial implants (for example, with unshielded archs or to restore the required height vertebrae).

It is worth remembering that if you have any complaints that indicate the displacement of the vertebrae, you should immediately consult a doctor. This will prevent a number of serious complications and will avoid disability.

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What is the antelisthesis of vertebra L4 and why does this state develop?

What is antelisthesis, how it manifests itself and why it develops? An article is devoted to these questions.

So, antelisthesis of the spine is a pathological condition in which under the influence of one or another unfavorable factor, the vertebra is displaced anteriorly and its rotation relative to the overlying vertebra and the entire vertebral post.

The process is accompanied by a violation of the structure of the spine, narrowing of the spinal canal, leads to compression of the nerve roots, because of which the patient feels a pronounced soreness.

This condition is particularly affected by women of elderly and senile age, who for a long time develop degenerative changes of intervertebral discs (osteochondrosis).

Level of pathology formation

Practitioners in their clinical practice usually accept patients with signs indicating an antisthelete of the lumbar and cervical spine.

The displacement of structures depends on their level of location and size:

  1. L2 is given at, cm;
  2. antelisthesis L3 reaches, cm;
  3. the fourth vertebra of the lumbar region can be displaced by 1 cm.

The fifth - the last lowest - the lumbar vertebrae, firmly connected to the sacrum, is maximum exposed, see,

Because of what develops the disease at the level of the loin

  • congenital malformations affecting the vertebral arches and facet joints;
  • spine trauma (in women it can develop during the birth process);
  • development of a benign or malignant process affecting the spine or structures located near it;
  • inflammatory process (infectious or aseptic);
  • an indication in the history of surgical treatment of diseases of the back;
  • arthrosis, localized in the lumbar region;
  • physical overstrain associated with lifting heavy objects or excessive physical exertion;
  • a serious condition associated with a forced position that has been preserved for a long time;
  • a significant change in body temperature over a short period of time;
  • spasm of the muscles of the back.

Classification of antelisthesis on an etiological basis

  1. congenital: the symptoms can appear already in childhood and adolescence;
  2. traumatic: develops as a consequence of serious damage, accompanied by active proliferation of connective tissue;
  3. degenerative: this process is typical for people of elderly and senile age, due to age-related changes;
  4. pathological: is formed as a complication of the neoplastic or infectious process (cancer, poliomyelitis, tuberculosis);
  5. iatrogenic: a consequence of a medical error committed during the operative manipulation.


Clinical manifestations directly depend on which department the vertebral anthylogenesis occurred.

The most common complaints are:

  • change in the sensitivity of the upper or lower limbs;
  • loss of control of pelvic functions (involuntary defecation, involuntary separation of urine);
  • the need to maintain a forced position that reduces the severity of the pain syndrome;
  • the change in position is possible only after the use of medicines.

Antelisthesis L5 of the vertebra is considered the most complex pathology, it is accompanied by a significant violation structure of the spine and provokes compression of the spinal cord, it is characterized by the following features:

  1. impossibility to control pelvic functions;
  2. forced position;
  3. significant soreness;
  4. muscular spasm, muscle atrophy;
  5. paralysis;
  6. paresis;
  7. ineffective use of analgesic drugs.

The diagnosis of anthylosis of the L4 vertebrae and what is it, what symptoms accompany it? The vertebra L4 is projected anterior to the body of the L3 structure above. Typical signs:

  • a long asymptomatic period during which the detection of antelisthesis can be a chance finding when trying to diagnose another pathological condition;
  • Discomfortable sensations that extend to the crotch and buttocks;
  • a violation of the sensitivity of the perineum and gluteal muscles with subsequent loss of control over pelvic functions;
  • violation of posture;
  • change gait;
  • radicular pain, sometimes observed over many years and aggravated with time.

Offsets at the neck level

Cervicel antelisthesis is formed due to the following congenital or acquired factors:

  1. congenital disruption of the structure of the cervical vertebrae (for example, dysplasia of the arch), birth or other trauma;
  2. degenerative processes (including osteochondrosis) that occur when the body ages;
  3. oncopathology.

Antelistes C2 entails such a symptom, caused by hypoxia of the brain, like migraine headaches.

Symptoms of displacement C3 (third cervical vertebra):

  • dizziness;
  • sleep disorders;
  • strabismus;
  • relapsing tonsillitis and laryngitis.

Symptoms of displacement C4:

  1. impaired hearing;
  2. severe soreness;
  3. change in sensitivity of the upper limbs;
  4. increased fatigue;
  5. catarrhal phenomena;
  6. change in the sensitivity of the face;
  7. paraparesis;
  8. paraplegia;
  9. increased body temperature;
  10. hiccough;
  11. nausea, vomiting;
  12. disturbance of the functioning of the cardiovascular system.

Diagnostic measures

X-ray examination and tomography allow not only to diagnose the displacement of vertebral structures, but also to formulate a diagnosis indicating the degree of the disease:

  • The first degree is said when the displacement occurs by less than a quarter.
  • The second degree is indicated by a displacement of 25-50%.
  • A sign of the third degree is a shift of 50-75%.
  • The displacement of one vertebra relative to the adjacent vertebrae by more than ¾ points to the fourth, most dangerous degree.

Therapeutic and surgical measures

  1. Therapeutic treatment implies the maximum reduction of the burden on the spinal column: patients are recommended to wear special medical corsets.
  2. To reduce the severity of the pain syndrome, the doctor advises taking medicines from a group of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. Novocain blockades are also used.
  3. With significant muscle tension, it is necessary to use muscle relaxants.
  4. Beneficial effects on the nervous system are vitamins of group B.
  5. Physiotherapy techniques and moderate exercise, agreed with the attending physician, allow the muscles of the abdominal and back muscles to develop. Electrophoresis with diprospan has a significant anti-inflammatory effect. It is recommended to perform special complexes of exercise physical therapy, swimming in the pool, a course of massage.
  6. If conservative therapy over a long period does not allow for significant improvement in the condition, the doctor may recommend surgical intervention. During the operation, the displaced vertebrae return to their place and, if necessary, are fixed using special structures.

Antelistesis, like many other diseases of the spine, requires timely diagnosis and the appointment of adequate treatment.

Otherwise, serious complications may develop, as well as disability of patients. Occurrence of even minor complaints indicating a disease of the spine, should serve as an occasion for visiting a qualified specialist.

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Antelistesis L5 vertebra - what is it?

Pathologies in the structure of the spine of any genesis are a serious problem. They can cause irreversible complications for human health.

Antelisthesis L5 of the vertebra is no exception, since untimely intervention during the course of the disease can have fatal consequences, up to a lethal outcome.

Description of the disease

The pathology consists in changing the location of the vertebra, which extends forward relative to the rest. The consequence of this displacement are strong nerve clamps and pain syndrome, especially noticeable during intense physical exertion.

The greatest danger in this is the lumbar localization of the disease, namely in vertebrae L4 and L5, located directly near the sacrum.

In the vertical position, the lumbar spine undergoes the greatest load in comparison with the rest.

So, let's see what it is - anthylosis L5 vertebrae.

Features of the disease

This pathology of the lumbar region in most cases occurs in the elderly and women. Its development occurs against the background of the existing hyperlordosis, in which the natural bending of the spine is strongly protruded.

Detection of the disease is made by a specialist at the examination, with concomitant antelisthesis pathology often becomes osteochondrosis.

The latter is a very common disease, affects the lumbar and cervical divisions and in one form or another occurs in almost every person.

Numerous studies have shown that the location of the vertebra with an inward orientation increases the risk of displacement. L5 the vertebra can move no more than 6 mm, which is due to its fixation to the wings of the iliac bones and the first sacral vertebrae ligaments.

Quite often, this ailment is mistaken for spondylolisthesis. However, these are completely different diseases. Antelisthesis L5 of the vertebra involves the displacement of only the vertebral body.

In the case of spondylolisthesis, not only the body but also the arches are subjected to displacement, that is, the entire structure of the vertebra moves from place to place.

Such pathology is peculiar to localize in the departments of the spine, which are distinguished by great mobility due to the presence of a developed apparatus of ligaments.

Causes and types

In most cases, the post-traumatic complication leads to the development of antheltosis l5 1 degree in the lumbar and cervical spine.

Another prerequisite for his appearance is weight lifting, too sharp movement not only in the neck, but also in any other department of the spine, as well as static pressure on the dorsal region.

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In addition, pathology can cause cancer neoplasms and other degenerative pathologies. But a person with a strong health can face this disease due to certain prerequisites, for example:

  1. Congenital underdevelopment of ligamentous structure.
  2. Inflammatory processes in the spine, the consequence of which are swelling and enlargement of the joint capsule.
  3. Muscle spasm, which results in displacement of the vertebrae.

The reasons why the antelisthesis l5 vertebra develops play a decisive role in determining the form of pathology:

  • Congenital. It manifests itself in both childhood and adulthood.
  • Traumatic, accompanied by the relevant factors. In an isthmic type, the trauma was inflicted in childhood or adolescence, which led to an abnormal growth of connective tissue.
  • Degenerative antelisthesis. Most often, lumbar or cervical spine is affected in elderly people. It develops as a consequence of age-related changes in the body in the aging process. The most common among women.
  • Pathological. It occurs against the background of an oncological neoplasm, and it does not matter whether it is benign or malignant. Infectious diseases also relate to the causes of development of this type of antelisthesis.
  • Iatrogenic. Occurs as a complication after a surgical intervention on the spine.


What signs of the disease will manifest, and with what intensity, directly depends on the degree of protrusion of the vertebra. To determine this factor, a special classification was developed:

  1. Antelisthesis l5 vertebra 1 degree - displacement in relation to the vertebral axis by no more than 24%.
  2. The second degree is the displacement from 25 to 49%.
  3. The third degree is characterized by a shift from 50 to 74%.
  4. The fourth degree means a shift of more than 75%.

The first two degrees occur with minimal manifestation of symptoms. As a rule, they are accompanied by discomfort, pain syndrome with a change in the position of the body or intensive physical activity.

At the third and fourth degree of antelisthesis of the L5 body of the vertebrae, the symptoms are much more pronounced, they are more pronounced, which is associated with a strong constriction of the nerves, which impair the conductivity of the impulses.

In the lumbar region of the spine are nerves that provide innervation of the lower extremities, and they suffer in the first place. There is paralysis and paresis of the legs, loss of sensation, gradual muscle atrophy.

Pathological changes are made to organs of the small pelvis and gastrointestinal tract, as there is a malfunction in the urethra and defecation system. The pain syndrome acquires intensity and sharpness, giving to the leg area.

Conservative treatment

At the first manifestations of antelisthesis l5 of the vertebra, conservative therapy is performed. In more advanced cases, the only method of treatment is surgery. Conservative methods of therapy suggest taking anti-inflammatory and analgesic drugs.

The patient must strictly observe bed rest and wear special bandages and corsets that will help fix the back in the right position to avoid further displacement of the vertebrae.


With regard to physiotherapy, the most commonly prescribed electrophoresis with novocaine. In addition, special compresses and various ointments for external use are used.

After the inflammation is removed, physiotherapy exercises can be appointed individually, which aims to strengthen the ligaments and muscles.

In order to maximize the effect obtained from the therapy, blockades are sometimes carried out with the help of anesthetics and local anti-inflammatory drugs.

To restore and strengthen damaged vertebral cartilages, chondroprotectors are used. The duration of their intake should not exceed several months.

Operative intervention

At the third and fourth degree of development of anthylogenesis of the L5 body of the vertebra, as mentioned above, conservative therapy does not give a result.

The only way out is the operation.

If the shift is close to the third degree, but has not yet reached it, a correction can be assigned, but only a highly qualified specialist should conduct it.

Completely eliminate the pathology is possible only if it was not started before the critical changes in the spine.

The operation for the elimination of antelisthesis is called spondylodesis.

Its essence consists in the installation of a special metal structure, which allows you to fix the displaced spine in the correct position.

Types of spondylodesis

There are two types of spondylodesis. In the first version, the design is installed in the area of ​​the sacrum with the help of a staple. The second method involves the installation of metal structures on the rear surface.

As with any surgical intervention, a spondylodease involves the observance of a rehabilitation period. Bed rest should be observed up to two months after the operation. After this, a gradual load on the back is given.

During the year after the operation, it is necessary to wear a corset that will relieve the load from the spine. Therapeutic gymnastics is also an integral part of the postoperative period.

The exercises are selected individually, depending on the severity of the ailment and the condition of the patient after the operation.


Antelistesis l5 s1 is a very serious and dangerous disease that must be treated as soon as possible.

It is impossible to start pathology, since it is better to manage conservative methods of treatment without resorting to surgery.

The launched form of the disease is treated only operatively, but even a correctly performed operation does not guarantee a 100% cure.

A source: http://.ru/article/354743/antelistez-l-pozvonkaeto-chto-takoe

Antelistesis L3, L4, L5 vertebrae: what is it?

Antelistesis L5 vertebra, what is it? This question arises in some people who have encountered this pathology of the spine.

It is quite dangerous, when it occurs, it is necessary to take effective measures.

The launched form of the disease can lead to serious consequences, and this should not be forgotten.

The essence of pathology

Antelistesis is a condition where the vertebra changes its position relative to others, moving forward.

Displacement leads to damage to nerve fibers and to painful manifestations.

Pathology is complicated by the fact that during physical exertion, the displacement may increase, causing a violation of the structure of the whole spinal column.

Most often, antelisthesis affects the lumbar region, where this process is most dangerous.

In this case, most of the cases of pathology occur in the fourth (L4) and fifth (L5) vertebrae of the lumbar region of the spine.

The most dangerous is the deformation of the vertebra L5, which is located on the border between the lower back and the sacrum. It is in the zone of its location that the greatest loads are observed with the vertical position of the body.

Etiology of the process

Medical statistics claim that more than 90% of cases of origin of L5 antelisthesis are associated with mechanical injuries spinal column and excessive physical loads when lifting weights, static pressure and sudden movement in the area loins. The most common causes are: degenerative diseases and various tumor formations.

To provocative reasons, triggering the etiological mechanism, we can include the following factors:

  • weak development of the ligamentous apparatus still in the maternal womb (congenital anomalies);
  • spinal inflammatory diseases that lead to edema and an increase in the size of the joint capsule;
  • tetanus, capable of causing muscle spasm of the tetanic type.

Varieties of the disease

Depending on the etiological mechanism and the pathogenesis of pathology in the 4th and 5th vertebra of the lumbar region, the following main varieties of antelisthesis can be distinguished:

  1. The congenital type is caused by the developmental defects of vertebral ligaments and joints, but it can manifest itself both in childhood and in an adult.
  2. Traumatic type occurs with severe mechanical damage to the spinal column. Particularly distinguished is the isthmic subspecies, characterized by trauma in childhood or adolescence, as a result of which the connective tissue proliferation occurs.
  3. The degenerative type is typical for the elderly and is associated with a natural degenerative aging of the tissues. The most common is among women.
  4. The pathological type of the disease is caused by tumor formations of different genesis or lesion of vertebral elements of an infectious nature.
  5. Iatrogenic type is associated with previous surgical intervention for the treatment of vertebral pathologies.

Symptomatic manifestations

The character of manifestation of vertebral antelisthesis is determined by the degree of displacement of vertebra L5 relative to L4. The following classification is adopted:

  • 1 degree - displacement from the axis of the spinal column no more than 24%;
  • 2 degree - the magnitude of the displacement is 25-49%;
  • 3degree - displacement of 50-74%;
  • 4 degree - the displacement is more than ¾ of the diameter of the vertebra.

Symptoms of pathology of 1-2 degrees are expressed implicitly: discomfort and a small pain syndrome during movement and physical activity. With the displacement of 3-4 degrees, the nerve roots are squeezed and the transmission of nerve signals is impaired.

The lower vertebrae are responsible for the innervation of the lower extremities, and abnormalities in them cause manifestations in the legs: paresis or paralysis, loss of sensitivity, muscle atrophy. Violated the functions of the pelvic organs: problems with urination and defecation.

The pain syndrome becomes sharp and intense with irradiation into the lower limbs.

Principles of treatment of ailment

Conservative methods of treatment are effective only at the initial stages of the disease.

Conservative therapy allows you to stop the process and eliminate painful symptoms.

It is based on providing bed rest, taking medications, applying corsets and bandages to fix vertebra, electrophoresis with medicinal compositions, use of compresses and external means, medical gymnastics with individual exercise therapy.

The most common treatment regimen involves fixation of the affected vertebra using a corset. At the same time, the pain syndrome is coped by blocking with solutions of novocaine or lidocaine.

Anti-inflammatory drugs of non-steroid type are prescribed: Citramon, Naise, Nurofen, Analgin, Ketorol, Ketoprofen, Ketorolac (in the form of tablets or injections).

In order to stimulate the regeneration of the tissues of the ligament apparatus, chondroitin sulfate with ingestion and vitamin complexes based on B vitamins are used.

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Surgical treatment is performed at 3-4 degrees of severity and unstable condition of the vertebrae. When the disease worsens, as a rule, the affected vertebra is repositioned.

Such a procedure is carried out in specialized clinics using the apparatus. As a rule, traction is carried out from the lower extremities.

If the disease is not much started, then you can completely correct the vertebra.

In the case of a neglected form of the disease and with a significant displacement of the vertebra, a forced radical Operation of a spondylodease, when the affected intervertebral joint is completely immobilized by the plant transplant.

Such operations are carried out in 2 variants: the vertebra is fixed to the internal sacral surface with a metal clamp and the grip of the affected element with the sacrum and above located bone.

In the latter case, staples or screws are used.

Radical surgery requires a long period of rehabilitation, and bed rest is maintained for 45-60 days. After this, it takes almost 12 months to wear a tight bandage. Rehabilitation also involves special curative gymnastics according to an individual scheme.

Antelisthesis of vertebrae of the lumbar spine is a serious disease, which can not be started.

At the first signs of a pathology it is necessary to urgently address to the doctor and take effective medical measures.

The launched form leads to the operating table, and a complete restoration of mobility is unlikely.

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Antelisthesis of the spine: treatment, degree

Speaking in a simple language, antelisthesis is a pathology characterized by disturbances in the spinal column leading to a change in the position of its individual vertebrae. The disease is most often observed in adults, but in single cases it occurs in children.

In contrast to antelisthesis, retroolisthesis acts. What is it? Here it is necessary to take into account that in the antelisthesis the vertebra is displaced forward.

Therefore, with retrolisteses, it is displaced backward.

Because of the damage to one single vertebra, the whole spine may suffer, and in the absence of treatment, very serious complications can develop.

Description of the disease: what is antelisthesis?

When antelisthesis occursdisplacement of vertebrae forward, which threatens the development of degenerative processes, deformations of the vertebral body, and many other complications, including disc hernias and spinal instability.

In most cases adults suffer from antelisthesis, and women are approximately 2-3 times more likely than men. Antelistesis in a child is a rare case, the cause of which is usually a trauma to the spine or birth defects.

Antelisthesis of the cervical spine

Often antelistesis is mistaken for spondylolisthesis, but these are two different diseases. In antelistesis there is no "break" in the interarticular region of the vertebral arches, which is peculiar to spondylolisthesis alone.

Antelistesis in the early stages can be cured conservatively, in advanced cases (3-4 degrees), a surgical operation is used. In the absence of adequate treatment, serious complications develop which, in the future, can lead to disability of the patient.

Antelistesis usually does not manifest itself in the early stages, so the disease can be overlooked, which is fraught with its progression. For this reason, people over 45 years of age need to undergo a preventive check-up every year, including a radiograph of the spinal column.
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What vertebra affects?

The disease can occur in any part of the spinal column, but it has "preferences".

In the cervical region the vertebrae C2, C3, C4, C5 and C6 are most often affected.

In the lumbar region, the disease is most often localized in vertebrae L3, L4, L5 (90% of cases of lumbar antelisthesis occur in the vertebrae of L4 and L5).

Normal and spine with spondylolisthesis

With lesion of the lumbar region, clinical signs of the disease may appear in the first months after the onset of the pathological process, although this is observed not so often. Symptoms for cervical or thoracic lesions usually appear later, and I can not even bother the patient for several years.

How to treat the disease in each case is decided individually by one or more doctors.

In each case, the localization of the process, its duration, the age of the patient and the presence of accompanying pathologies of the musculoskeletal system (not only the spine) are taken into account.
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Classification of antelisthesis: species

There is an international classification of spine antelisthesis, dividing the disease into six species, differing from one another in etiology (the cause of development) and the overall prognosis for cure.

The types are:

  1. Congenital appearance. It occurs against the background of congenital defects of the ligamentous and articular apparatus of the spine.
  2. Traumatic appearance. Occurs in the background of severe injuries of the spinal column (usually as a result of an accident or when doing professional sports).
  3. An ishmic appearance. Specific trauma of the spinal column - in adolescence or childhood, that is, in the period when the formation of the musculoskeletal system takes place.
  4. Degenerative appearance. Occurs only in elderly people, associated with age-related pathological changes in the spine and surrounding tissues.
  5. Infectious and inflammatory appearance. Occurs with the introduction of infectious agents in the spine or, less often, against the background of malignant and benign neoplasms.
  6. Surgical (iatrogenic) appearance. Occurs after a surgical operation aimed at removing part of the vertebra.

Causes of development

There are more than twenty reasons for the development of spine antelisthesis, but in the vast majority of cases, nine main causes are responsible for the development of the disease.

Pain with lumbar antelisthesis

The causes of antelisthesis are as follows:

  • congenital defects of the spinal column, in particular - facet joints and vertebral arches;
  • traumatic injuries of the spine, most often severe, but in rare cases even minor injuries can cause it;
  • inflammatory processes of various etiologies;
  • benign and malignant neoplasms;
  • the consequences of a surgical operation to remove a part of the vertebra;
  • degenerative and dystrophic processes (usually as a result of unavoidable age-related changes);
  • excessive physical activity, especially weight lifting;
  • sharp reduction (including as a result of spasm) of the dorsal muscles;
  • stay in a compelled uncomfortable position for a long time;
  • stay in an extremely cold environment, temperature changes.

Symptoms and Diagnosis

Symptoms of antelisthesis appear in most cases not immediately after the onset of the disease. Usually the clinical picture emerges in 1-3 years from the moment of the development of the disease and after that with each month becomes more pronounced.

The main symptoms of spine antelisthesis:

  1. Disturbances of sensitivity and paresthesia in the lower and upper extremities (especially in the fingers).
  2. Development of incontinence of feces or urine (including the third stage).
  3. Painful sensations in the place of the pathological process, because of which the patient constantly takes the forced position of the body.
  4. Partial or total loss of control over the movements of the lower and upper limbs (paralysis).

Degrees of antelisthesis of the spine

For the diagnosis of spine antelisthesis the following techniques are used:

  • classical x-ray is the most accessible, but at the same time the least informative method of diagnosis;
  • computed tomography (CT) without the use of contrast agents;
  • magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) - the technique is inferior to the effectiveness and informativity of computer tomography alone.

What is the danger: possible complications

At the first stages, antelisthesis is not only asymptomatic, but also very favorable, without leading to any serious complications. Apparent well-being dissipates to the second or third year of the course of the disease, when dangerous secondary diseases can join.

Very often complication of antelisthesis is a complete or partial loss of control of the upper and lower extremities. With urgent treatment, there is an opportunity to return their work capacity, but if delayed with it, paralysis treatment is no longer susceptible.

The most common localization of lumbar antelisthesis

Also often develops incontinence and / or urine. This complication occurs in the lesion of the lumbar spine, in which the nerves involved in the regulation of the sphincter function of the urinary and intestinal systems.

Severe pain is rare, but it can still be. In severe cases, the pain is so unbearable that the patient is forced to take painkiller medication every four hours. Including often require long repeated courses of anti-inflammatory drugs.

Treatment of the disease

Treatment of antelisthesis in the early stages is possible with the help of conservative therapy, which in such cases gives the results that can be cured or brought about by remission are about 90% of patients (with adequate therapy).

Gymnastics in antelisthesis

Conservative therapy involves the application of the following techniques:

  1. Long-term course of therapeutic physical education (compiled individually for each patient).
  2. The use of orthopedic corrective and supporting bandages and corsets.
  3. Bed rest, any physical activity - only within the LFK and only with the permission of the attending physician.
  4. Compresses based on anti-inflammatory and decongestants.
  5. If necessary, taking painkillers (oral), including non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (only in short courses, no more than seven days in a row).

If the conservative treatment is not effective, for example, in the antelisthesis of the last stages, a surgical approach is used. Surgery is associated with a risk of complications, including incontinence, paralysis and deformity of the spine.

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