After a cough, the taste of iron in your mouth

Cough with a taste of blood in the mouth

Cough is the most common symptom of upper respiratory tract diseases. In this case, patients often complain that they feel a taste of blood in their mouths with a strong cough or after it.

What caused the unpleasant taste of iron in the mouth after a cough and is it worth worrying about it?

Sometimes the metallic aftertaste in the mouth after a cough occurs because the larynx tends to burst small capillaries - in this case there is no cause for concern.

But if there are streaks of blood or even clots in sputum that go away when you cough, it's worth visiting a doctor.

When it's worth worrying

Even the doctor can not immediately tell why the cough in the sputum appears an admixture of blood, and the mouth has a metallic taste. This requires a thorough and thorough medical examination.

If the admixture of blood is insignificant and the general condition of the patient is stable, you can make an appointment with a family doctor and go to the hospital yourself.

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But there are certain situations when emergency medical care is needed. To call a brigade of "first aid" costs in such cases:

  • When coughing suddenly in sputum there are veins or obvious traces of liquid blood;
  • Cough accompanied by suffocation and pain in the chest;
  • Before the cough appeared, an unpleasant metallic taste in the mouth and an impurity of blood in the sputum, there was a trauma;
  • Sputum with blood and metallic taste in the mouth appeared on their own, coughing did not occur;
  • Cough and sputum with a trace of blood arose from an inveterate smoker;
  • Metal taste in the mouth does not pass for several days.

First of all, you need to exclude minor damage to the mucosa in the mouth - with scratches a person also feels the taste of iron. But there is no cough. In all other cases, see a doctor immediately.

Why there is a metallic taste when coughing

The main reasons for which there may be an admixture of blood in the sputum or metallic aftertaste in the mouth after a cough are:

  • Oncological diseases of the lungs - blood in sputum with this bright red color, in addition symptoms such as severe pain behind the sternum, attacks of suffocation, increased sweating in the night time;
  • Croupous pneumonia is an inflammation in the lung tissues, which is caused by pneumococci;
  • Tuberculosis of the lungs is an infectious disease with a negative prognosis caused by a tubercle bacillus;
  • Bronchitis - with such pathology in sputum, in addition to blood veins, pus can be seen, cough lasts more than three months and is not amenable to drug treatment;
  • Bronchoectatic disease - in this case, the patient is also concerned about a prolonged cough, after which the mouth feels iron smack, and in the sputum blood is noticeable, fever, weakness;
  • Abscess of the lung. This pathology is a complication of pneumonia with a strong weakening of immunity. The patient, when coughing, senses the taste of iron in the oral cavity, and the surrounding people notice an unpleasant odor from the mouth - the cause in the accumulation of pus in the lungs. There is also an increase in body temperature, weakness, poor appetite;
  • Pathology of the cardiovascular system. If blood circulation is disturbed in case of malfunctions in the heart, blood can stagnate in the lungs - such a phenomenon in medicine is called pulmonary hypertension. Characteristic symptoms - shortness of breath, tachycardia, taste of iron in the mouth;
  • Embolism of the pulmonary artery. This pathology can develop after surgery or as a side effect of thrombophlebitis and varicose veins. Symptoms are similar to manifestations of other lung diseases - shortness of breath and severe pain behind the sternum;
  • Cystic fibrosis - this disease is transmitted by heredity at the gene level, manifested as frequent colds, accompanied by a strong cough, after which the mouth remains the taste of iron, and in sputum can detect pus and impurity of blood;
  • Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. In this case, the taste of iron in the mouth is explained by persistent and profuse bleeding, which can occur on their own, without coughing. The discharged blood is dark red, and the patient complains of pain in the hypochondrium or peritoneum.

Occasionally, the admixture of blood in saliva or sputum and metallic taste in the mouth appear after a medical examination conducted to diagnose certain diseases - for example, if the probe is swallowed.

Often this phenomenon occurs after the removal of adenoids or tonsils. In such cases, unpleasant sensations usually pass by themselves in a few days, no specific treatment is required.

How to treat a cough with blood

Since symptoms such as blood in sputum and the taste of iron in the mouth often speak of the development of serious diseases, treatment should always be prescribed only by a doctor. Once the underlying disease is eliminated, unpleasant symptoms will also disappear.

But if they are caused by minor traumas of the larynx or by rupture of capillaries with severe attacks of cough, you can help yourself with the help of folk remedies.

  1. Aloe. It is necessary to choose the bottom, fleshy leaf of a medicinal plant and to crush it in a gruel. Add a tablespoon of honey, stir. Take this drug should be a teaspoon in the morning and evening after eating, but do not swallow immediately, and hold it in your mouth for a while, so that the juice gets on the mucous membrane of the throat. After a few days, the blood in the phlegm and the metallic taste in the mouth should disappear.
  2. Goat's milk with Borjomi. First you need to prepare Borjomi - water is poured into a glass, after which from it a teaspoon of carbon dioxide is removed. Then the milk is heated, after which two pieces of milk and one part of the Borjomi are poured into the cup. You can add a little honey to enhance the effect. Take this drink after meals three times a day.
  3. Ginger root. One middle root is cleaned and crushed, after which it is placed in a thermos flask and 500 ml of boiling water is poured. To insist the drink should be 3-4 hours, then add lemon and honey and drink like tea throughout the day.
  4. Inhalations with dry cough with essential oils. The hot steam will warm and soothe the irritated mucous membrane, make the mucus more fluid and will facilitate its retreatment by coughing. But if there is a temperature or problems with blood pressure, this procedure is contraindicated. Preparing the inhalation is very simple: you need to boil 3-4 liters of water and add 5-6 drops of tea tree oil, fir or eucalyptus. It takes at least a quarter of an hour to breathe medical steam.
  5. Mustards. This is a proven and affordable method of getting rid of a debilitating cough, but it is not suitable if its causes are tuberculosis, lung cancer or lung abscess. You can not put mustard plasters on the heart area, birthmarks and bony projections.

Even if you managed to eliminate the taste of blood in your mouth with the help of the above recipes, you still need to visit the phthisiatrician and take a lung X-ray in the near future. Prevention will be refusal from smoking, walking in the fresh air, physical therapy and therapeutic gymnastics.

The video in this article will consider in detail the issue of the taste of blood when coughing.

Today, during a cough, I felt a taste of blood in my mouth


Alexandrov Alexandrov

but my heel itches

Danil Hayrapetyan

Go to the doctor.


From the tension (when coughing), small vessels in the airways collapsed. The blood appeared. Nothing wrong. Cough when it passes, and the vessels will heal.

Tom Sawyer

in fact, why did your doctor ignore such a sign... in the answers of doctors there!

Daria Korshunova

The taste of blood can also be given by sputum itself. Do FLU, see if the roots of the bronchi are dilated. If you are dilated and there is a night cough with bronchitis. Let the pulmonologist listen. If there is no pulmonologist, then the therapist can, just to "hear" and know how to differentiate. If there are no signs of bronchitis, and coughing barking - treat laryngitis, which is treated and goes away for a long time.
So do not think about the bad, find out the nature of the cough.
With a strong cough, the taste of blood in the mouth can be for several reasons.
First, you need to be sure that blood comes from the mouth, because you can make mistakes thinking that your blood is bleeding, but in fact there is no blood.
Secondly, if you have blood coming from your mouth, there can be several reasons.
blood from the mouth can be with a cough, that is, if you are severely coughing, there may be a rupture of blood vessels. It's not dangerous, and after a while everything will be fine, no need to worry.
If you cough badly and you have blood not from the mouth, then this is serious, you may have internal bleeding. The reasons can be very much (Tuberculosis, pneumonia, lung cancer, lung abscess, and so on. In this case, you need to urgently go to the doctor, and take the tests.
If you cough badly then the blood comes from the mouth or the cough, then I recommend that you try the drugs ATSTS (with a damp cough) and Sinekod - syrup (with a dry cough).


This is the disintegration of the cavity

Three weeks a strong cough with an unpleasant aftertaste in your mouth, what does it mean?


you have heartburn


To the doctor did not try to address!? You got straight here and cured ...


To the DOCTOR-therapist. Maybe just a banal allergy.

Christina Rudnicka

Same naimershe before lіkarnі pіdi, провірся, and there тобі vzhe skazhut scho in you !!!


Or pneumonia and something associated with it. Doctor. Fluroography. A great folk almost, CHEAP and very effective tool. Heals an old cough. Syrup from the root of the salt in the pharmacy rub. Is standing. Only for the night, when you will not eat or drink any more, you do not need to use one spoonful with one spoon. He's a luscious sweet-creepy. Overnight, slowly will lubricate you for what you need inside. So the whole vial is not big, for ONE tablespoon at night. If there will be little, two bubbles. And from personal experience, and not only mine. It will not be worse. The truth is there is a small part of alcohol-who has an allergy, small children, and coded from drunkenness, you need to know whether it's worth it?

Nikolay Prokoshev

You have bronchitis and sinusitis. That it is necessary to do or make in t. H and at a cough I will tell or say at the reference skajp.

The taste of iron in the mouth is very obvious.


Elkhan Aliyev

Metal taste in the mouth - it's some kind of dental disorders, or gastrointestinal diseases, (dysfunction of the gallbladder), cholecystitis, biliary tract, dyskinesia. Or maybe you just poisoned with arsenic, salts of copper, mercury, lead (lead sugar), vanadium, cadmium or zinc. Treatment with some drugs, such as metronidazole, amoxicillin, tetracycline, lansoprazole, feramide, histamine injections, can also give a similar effect.

Having felt such an unceasing taste it is necessary to consult a doctor to give it.

The causes of the appearance of metallic taste in the mouth
The taste of metal may indicate chronic gastritis, gastroduodenitis, or liver dysfunction. Dysbacteriosis is also possible. The exact cause, perhaps, will be determined after an examination by a gastroenterologist.

Active medication, often has a negative effect on the liver. You may need hepatoprotectors. First, consult a therapist.

The metallic taste in the mouth arises from a number of chemical substances in which copper ions or other substances and compounds are present. Metal taste is not among the main flavors, it is defined as a taste. This phenomenon is the result of the parallel complex action of several substances on different chemoreceptors, including olfactory ones.

Iron sulfate FeSO4, other salts of metal-catalysts stimulate the accelerated oxidation of a number of lipids in the oral cavity, and the study of iron ions showed that sometimes they are perceived as metallic, sometimes astringent and bitter taste.

Why we feel the taste of iron
Often this feeling is caused by taking medications.

Often the taste of blood in the mouth is "metallic perhaps this is due to the presence of iron ions released from hemoglobin.

The cause of the appearance of metallic taste in the mouth can be hydrogen sulphide, mineral waters containing iron, saccharin, hydrogen peroxide.

The taste of iron in the mouth can be a symptom of hypovitaminosis, or anemia. To clarify the diagnosis, blood must be submitted for analysis. Anemia can occur in pregnancy, lactation, menopause, hormonal disorders, malnutrition, and accelerated growth in children.

Perhaps, the water you are using is poorly cleaned, there is no need for a doctor, but a check from the Sanitary Station.

Igor Boldyrev

The gums do not bleed? The taste of iron, usually from the blood.

Platonic olga

You have a problem with the liver, you have to go to the hospital to check


You will be an iron man

Yojik v tumane

causes a mass, ranging from taking any medications, to poisoning with heavy metals.

Why does the taste of iron appear in your mouth?


Unmanned Module ™

from radiation

STALKER company

Can with a liver problems? or with pancreas

Rakhimov Chingis

Terminator-5 !!


Iron-deficiency anemia!!! 100 percent. Buy iron preparations. But the level of iron (hemoglobin) will be restored only after 14 days. So drink at least 14 days


or you drink iron-containing vitamins


When there is mercury poisoning, there are many other reasons


The taste of iron in the mouth can be a symptom of anemia, or appear with hypovitaminosis. You can make a general blood test and determine the level of hemoglobin and erythrocytes. And within a month, take multivitamins that contain B vitamins. In general, the metallic taste in the mouth can indicate chronic gastritis (gastroduodenitis), impaired liver function or dysbacteriosis.

Irina Fedoschuk

# Metal taste in the mouth is observed with arsenic poisoning, copper salts, mercury (lead), lead (lead sugar), vanadium, cadmium or zinc. Copper ions are organoleptically felt in aqueous solutions at a concentration of 1-10 mg / l, depending on the individual sensitivity.
# Often this sensation is caused by taking medications, for example metronidazole, amoxicillin, tetracycline, lansoprazole, feramide, histamine injections.
Metallic taste in the mouth is observed in certain diseases (mainly gastroenterological, for example, exacerbation of gastritis).
# In some cases, dentures made of metal can create a galvanic couple (i.e. n. Electro-galvanism in case of poor work of the dentist - application of dissimilar metals; or when contacting crowns and prostheses with metal objects).
# The taste of blood in the mouth is also often called "metallic perhaps because of the participation of iron ions released from hemoglobin
# Hydrogen sulphide can also cause a metallic taste in the mouth [3]
# Mineral waters containing iron (Marcial Waters) have a distinct metallic taste.
Mineral waters containing iron (Marcial Waters) have a distinct metallic taste.

Explicit taste of the metal gives saccharin (imid o-sulfobenzoic acid), previously used as a substitute for sugar, and now, used as a sweetener for toothpastes.

Sakura Haruno

From the blood.

Julia Rumyantseva

Do you have any other seizures besides this? Worries, or are you often nervous, are there stresses? The taste of iron or iron coin is often from the head. There were no head injuries? 1year ago, at least 20 years ago?

Lady Dee

You can go to the dentist

Everybody Lies

The taste of iron in the mouth can be a sign of vegetative-vascular dystonia. Treat the nerves, less stress, more be not fresh air.


can be a sharp pressure jump

Natalia Natalia

Metallic taste appears when a pancreas disease with low hemoglobin. You can also call it iron-deficient anemia. Start drinking the root of a dandelion for the first time. Then you need carrot juice. And it's also good to take a teaspoon of sea-buckthorn oil on an empty stomach at least once a day.

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