Asthmatic bronchitis symptoms and treatment in adults

Asthmatic bronchitis: treatment. Bronchitis with asthmatic component

Asthmatic bronchitis is a fairly common disease of infectious and allergic origin. It is interesting that in this case the bronchi of large and medium sizes are most often affected. According to statistical research, the children are most vulnerable to junior and middle school age. Therefore, today many parents are interested in questions about what constitutes an ailment, and what methods of treatment modern medicine offers.

The main causes of asthmatic bronchitis

Asthmatic bronchitis is a disease of polyethological origin. Inflammatory process of the bronchial mucosa develops on the background of an allergic reaction. In this case both pathogenic microorganisms and non-infectious substances can act as allergens.

Quite often bronchitis with asthmatic components develops against the background of the transferred diseases - it can be influenza, SARS, laryngitis, tracheitis, measles, whooping cough and other viral, bacterial or even fungal infection. Risk factors can also include vaccinations, which sometimes cause asthmatic bronchitis in childhood.

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As for non-infectious allergens, this role can play household and industrial dust, animal hair, pollen of plants (in such cases, exacerbations develop during the flowering season). Allergens can enter the body and through the gastrointestinal tract - for example, it can be food additives, some food, preservatives, etc.

Pathogenesis of the disease

The mechanism of the development of this disease is based on the increased sensitivity of the bronchi to the effects of certain components. In turn, such allergic reactions can have both an immunological and a neurogenic origin (most often these factors are present in the complex). As already mentioned, contact of the allergen with the antibody occurs in the tissues of large and medium bronchi - small-sized bronchi are not involved.

It should also be noted that allergic reactions of both immediate and delayed type are characteristic for this disease. The disease is accompanied by very characteristic changes - in particular, this spasm of the smooth muscles of the bronchial wall, as well as the violation of the normal patency of the bronchi. In addition, there is inflammation and swelling of the mucous membrane. Bronchial glands begin to produce an increased amount of secretion, which subsequently accumulates in the lumen of the bronchi, further breaking their patency.

Asthmatic bronchitis: symptoms of the disease

The clinical picture with such a disease is very characteristic. Most often, patients are diagnosed with chronic asthmatic bronchitis, in which acute attacks are followed by periods of relative well-being. As a rule, outside of exacerbations a person feels quite normal - only occasionally you can note lethargy, fatigue, increased irritability, and sometimes a strong sweating.

The acute period is accompanied by regularly recurring coughing attacks. At the same time, body temperature, as a rule, remains normal and only occasionally rises to sub-ferrile indices.

Most often, paroxysmal cough is preceded by some other symptoms. For example, patients often complain of unexpectedly developing perspiration in the throat, malaise, nasal congestion, sometimes serous-purulent rhinitis.

A coughing attack, as a rule, is provoked by physical stress, crying, laughter, crying or contact with an allergen. At first, a dry, unpleasant cough arises, which, however, can go to the wet one. During paroxysm, the breathing of the patient is greatly hampered. As a rule, the attack ends with the spitting out of the sputum - after that the person feels much better.

Features of asthmatic bronchitis in children

It is worth noting that asthmatic bronchitis in children is by no means a rarity. Moreover, the disease is most often diagnosed precisely in childhood. The clinical picture in this case corresponds to the above-described - acute attacks of a painful cough result in the spitting of phlegm. By the way, exacerbation can last from several days to several weeks.

In any case, it is necessary to understand that the sick child needs medical assistance. In the absence of treatment, there is a high probability of developing asthma, which is extremely dangerous.

Modern diagnostic methods

If you have any symptoms of the patient, you must show the doctor. Diagnosis in this case includes several basic steps. To begin with, the doctor will conduct a general examination. It is very important to collect a complete history and determine if the patient has a tendency to allergies. When auscultative examination you can hear hard breathing and wet rales.

Further tests are conducted. For example, a blood test will show eosinophilia, an increase in the level of histamine and some immunoglobulins. It is very important to determine the allergen that caused the reaction - for this purpose, as a rule, skin tests are carried out. In addition, the patient is taken sputum samples for bacterial inoculation - this makes it possible to determine the presence of infection, its variety, as well as sensitivity to a particular group of drugs.

Obligatory is also radiography of the lungs. In the presence of indications, other studies are being carried out - spirometry, pneumotachography, gas analysis of external respiration, etc.

Asthmatic bronchitis: treatment

After conducting a full diagnosis, the doctor will be able to make a final diagnosis and determine the choice of therapy. What kind of recovery requires bronchitis with an asthmatic component? Treatment in this case is complex and is selected individually.

First you need to eliminate the causes of the disease. For example, in the presence of infection, patients may be prescribed antibiotics. If the allergen has non-infectious origin, then you should try to reduce contact with it to a minimum. Patients are recommended to adjust the diet, regularly ventilate the house and work area, avoid contact with animals, etc. Besides Moreover, the treatment includes taking antihistamines that help prevent or stop the development of an allergic reaction.

In some cases, the procedure of hypersensitivity-for a certain time patients are given minimal amounts of allergen, which allows the body to get used to its effects.

In addition, asthmatic bronchitis in adults and children is treated with anti-inflammatory drugs - most often the drugs are administered by inhalation. The health massage will be positively affected by therapeutic massage. In addition, patients are recommended regular curative gymnastics, as well as special breathing exercises. Naturally, spa treatment is also desirable, which makes it possible to achieve maximum effect in a relatively short time.

Emergency help for an asthmatic attack

In fact, asthmatic bronchitis is rarely accompanied by acute attacks, because small bronchi in the inflammatory process are not involved. However, the risk of a bronchial asthma transition is high. If there is an attack of asthma, you must quickly call an ambulance or take the patient to the hospital.

If the attack is life-threatening, inhalation of oxygen is used as an emergency measure, which helps to prevent hypoxia. In addition, patients are administered selective beta-2 antagonists of adrenoreceptors, in particular "Fenoterol". In more serious cases, the patient is prescribed an injection of prednisolone - an anti-inflammatory agent of steroid origin, which gives a quick and lasting effect.

Folk remedies

Undoubtedly, there are many non-traditional means of treatment of asthmatic bronchitis. For example, at home, you can use inhalation with a soda solution. In the kettle you need to pour a glass of water and dissolve in it a teaspoon of baking soda. After the water starts to boil, put a paper tube on the nozzle of the kettle and breathe steam for ten minutes. This procedure facilitates the process of sputum discharge.

Teas and medicinal herbs will be useful. In particular, the flowers of St. John's wort and meadow clover are considered to be good expectorants. You can sweeten tea with honey, drink it necessarily in a warm form.

Forecasts for Patients

Asthmatic bronchitis is a very dangerous disease, therefore, in no case should you ignore the doctor's recommendations or refuse treatment. With properly conducted therapy, the prognosis for patients is quite favorable - most often the disease can be eliminated. Naturally, after the end of treatment, people are advised to follow certain rules. For example, positivity on the state of the immune and respiratory system is affected by stabbing, respiratory gymnastics, as well as regular spa treatment.

In some cases, the disease passes into asthma, which is much more dangerous. To the list of complications it is possible to add and chronic obstruction of the lungs.

Treatment and prevention of bronchitis with an asthmatic component

Bronchitis with asthmatic component treatment requires symptomatic, using traditional and folk medicine methods. Very often, against the background of influenza or acute respiratory viral infection, an inflammatory disease of bronchial tubes develops - bronchitis, which can occur in acute or chronic form.Chronic bronchitis with an asthmatic component is a dangerous disease.Especially often it is diagnosed in childhood. Chronic bronchitis has forms of remission and exacerbation. Provoke an exacerbation of hypothermia, increased physical activity, a viral infection. Very often the cause of bronchitis is an allergic reaction.

The danger of this disease is that often it is asymptomatic, the patient does not have a high temperature and signs of intoxication. A symptom that should alert is a persistent cough that intensifies at night. In this case, very often there is shortness of breath, which is accompanied by a whistle on exhalation, shortness of breath.

Forms of bronchitis with asthmatic components

The manifestation of the disease largely depends on the reasons that caused it:

  1. It can be an allergic reaction, in which case it can be concluded that the form is atopic.
  2. If the causes are viruses and allergies, then consider the infectious form of asthmatic bronchitis.
  3. There is another form - pathomorphological. Violated patency of the bronchi, develops spasm and swelling of the mucous tissue. Sometimes against the background of this in the bronchi begins to form pus.
  4. Often, bronchitis leads to serious complications from the cardiovascular system.

Methods for diagnosing this disease

In order to determine asthmatic bronchitis, you need to undergo examination with a specialist. If the disease is allergic, it develops as a systemic allergic disease. In this case, the therapy will be prescribed by an allergist.

One of the symptoms of asthmatic bronchitis is an increase in the size of the chest. At the same time, breathing becomes hard and is accompanied by wheezing and wet wheezing.

Very often, after an X-ray, emphysema is detected, a rarefied lung pattern is a characteristic feature. When conducting a general blood test, there is an increased amount of histamine, eosinophil, immunoglobulin.

One of the methods for diagnosing asthmatic bronchitis is to conduct a bacterial culture test. This allows you to determine the presence of infection, sensitivity to certain types of antibiotics. In addition, a study of the washing water is carried out.

How to cure asthmatic bronchitis

Treatment of asthmatic bronchitis should be started as soon as possible. His danger is that he can very quickly go into asthma. The main treatment for bronchitis is symptomatic. As a rule, this is a medication that facilitates the phlegm withdrawal. If the disease passes in severe form, then the administration of antibiotics is prescribed. It is very useful to conduct physiotherapy in the form of warming up, therapeutic gymnastics and massage.

Patients with asthmatic bronchitis are recommended treatment in a sanatorium.

Effective use and folk therapy. In particular, the use of decoctions and inhalations.

It is useful to take broths of anise, dill, thyme, licorice, mother-and-stepmother, oregano. It is very useful to drink juices.

Traditional expectorants are the juice of black radish, onions with sugar, in the absence of an allergic reaction to beekeeping products, it is best to add honey to them.

How to deal with asthmatic bronchitis

As a rule, asthmatic bronchitis has a direct connection with an allergy. Therefore, taking antihistamines is mandatory. These include tavegil, suprastin, diazolin and a number of others. Expectorants include bronchodilators, antispasmodics, vitamins, mucolytics. The patient must necessarily have with him special inhalers, such as borotec, salbutamol.

A person who suffers from asthmatic bronchitis must completely change his way of life. Of great importance is the prevention of seizures, which can be life-threatening.

It should be regularly examined by a doctor, this will keep the disease under control.


Do not forget that asthmatic bronchitis is allergic in nature, so you need to eliminate the factors that can trigger an allergic reaction:

  1. It is important to keep the room clean. Wool of domestic animals, fungi, cockroaches of litter are strong allergens.
  2. Often an allergy attack can also cause pollen of flowering plants.
  3. Do not take medications that are capable of provoking an allergy attack.
  4. Care must be taken when working with chemical allergens.
  5. It is extremely important to get rid of bad habits, especially from smoking. Tobacco smoke is an allergen.

It is very important to monitor your health. As a rule, the onset of an attack is accompanied by swelling of the tissues of the nose, and the patient has sneezing. Cough has a paroxysmal character, the skin becomes pale, a cold sweat appears. There is frequent urination, there is a seizure.


It is very important to stop the attack of itching at the very beginning, for this use the prednisolone nebulizer. It has an anti-inflammatory effect. As a rule, it allows you to quickly stop the attack. In the event that you can not cope with the attack, you should immediately call an ambulance.

Very often, the treatment of asthmatic bronchitis occurs long and hard. If you do not go through the course of therapy, then the seizures will repeat. Gradually bronchitis will pass into asthma. In order to avoid this, it is necessary to follow a diet prescribed by a doctor, have at hand drugs that allow you to time to stop seizures

Asthmatic bronchitis is a bronchitis with shortness of breath, caused by a spasm of muscle fibers in the wall of the airways. The word "asthmatic" implies the similarity of cough and shortness of breath in this disease to signs of asthma. What is this disease: asthma or bronchitis?

Is there a real disease with this name?

The term "asthmatic bronchitis" in medicine has long since disappeared and is obsolete. This happened in connection with the distinction between the concepts "bronchitis" and "asthma which denote various diseases by their nature. Inflammation in the bronchial wall with asthma and bronchitis has different causes and mechanisms of implementation. Accordingly, the treatment of these two different diseases is carried out by different medications. Therefore, scientists and doctors agreed to call asthma an asthma, without hiding the allergic nature of the disease behind the vague "asthmatic bronchitis" signboard.

Some health workers received vocational education more than 35 years ago. They remember this outdated term "asthmatic bronchitis" and, habitually, call it chronic obstructive adult bronchitis or asthmatic (acute obstructive) bronchitis in children. Also, patients who many years ago had been diagnosed with "chronic professional bronchitis with an asthmatic component out of habit, call it their condition.

What is bronchial obstruction?

Bronchitis, accompanied by attacks of suffocation or persistent shortness of breath, is now called the term "obstructive." Bronchial obstruction means a restriction of the speed of movement of air through the bronchial tubes due to the narrowing of their lumen. The name "asthmatic" in the characteristics of diseases is replaced by "obstructive as a more accurate reflection of the mechanism of dyspnea. And the nature of lung diseases that occur with dyspnea may be different, and asthma is not always the cause of obstruction.

Why did they separate bronchitis and asthma? Is it all the same?

The causes of bronchitis, which occurs with attacks of suffocation or dyspnoea with exercise, need to be clarified. Revealing the true nature of inflammation will allow the doctor to choose the right treatment that will benefit the patient.

Currently, the diagnosis of obstructive bronchitis (with an asthmatic component according to old terminology) in each patient should be refined and assigned to one of the really existing types of inflammation bronchi.

How to recognize asthma behind a screen of asthmatic bronchitis?

If the "asthmatic" bronchitis has such symptoms as choking attacks, arising at rest; cough with difficult passage of viscous vitreous sputum; episodes of wheezing in the chest; frequent allergic reactions; manifestation of these symptoms in the early hours before the dawn, then, most likely, a person suffers asthma.

The essence of asthma is allergic inflammation in the wall of the bronchi. A person who has allergy symptoms and "bronchitis" at the same time should consult a pulmonologist. The doctor will conduct the examination and pick up the correct treatment of asthmatic bronchitis, which is the beginning of asthma.

Treatment of asthmatic bronchitis, as a precursor of asthma, is carried out with special medications: anti-inflammatory and bronchodilators. Antibiotics are not used to treat asthmatic cough and suffocation, since they do not have an application point. It is also necessary to warn people, prone to allergies, from self-treatment "folk" methods. Medicinal herbs can benefit if the patient does not have allergies to plant pollen. Only after consulting with an allergist or pulmonologist can the treatment be supplemented with folk recipes.

What else can be hidden under the mask of asthmatic bronchitis?

If the symptoms of chronic "asthmatic" bronchitis appear in the form of a constant cough with the release of purulent sputum, dyspnoea with physical load (walking uphill, on the stairs), there are no attacks of suffocation at rest and at night, it is likely a diagnosis of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD). The cause of COPD is a combined effect on light smoking and harmful production factors. In the early stages of this disease, dyspnea is negligible, the predominant symptoms are coughing and spitting.

If such a patient measures the rate of movement of air through the bronchi during inspiration and exhalation, then there are initial signs of difficulty breathing. This is bronchial obstruction of mild severity. This bronchitis was called chronic obstructive bronchitis.

Treatment of chronic obstructive bronchitis is unthinkable without parting with smoking. The cause of inflammation in the wall of the bronchi in this disease is the toxic effect of tobacco smoke, together with industrial aerosols. Currently, methods of treatment with effective drugs have been developed, inhibiting the deterioration of lung function in the early stages of COPD. But the treatment will be effective only if the cause of irritation of the bronchi is removed.

Along with bronchodilating drugs (spiriva, onbrez), the treatment of chronic obstructive bronchitis is supplemented by expectorants that facilitate coughing. The most effective and safest drugs in this class are ambroxol, N-acetylcysteine, carbocysteine. These funds dilute sputum, help self-purification of the bronchi, removing purulent mucus and releasing the airway clearance of the bronchi. Cough with purulent bronchitis with an obstructive component can and should be treated with folk methods, if there is no allergy to grass.

Why are children often diagnosed with asthmatic bronchitis?

The field of medicine, where till now it is possible to meet the legitimate use of the phrase "asthmatic bronchitis is pediatrics. Why is that?

In the child's body there are features of the structure of the respiratory tract, which differ from those in adults. In children, bronchi have a relatively narrow lumen, and the mucous membrane is loose and prone to edema. With the usual viral infection, massive edema of the inner shell of the bronchi can develop. The lumen of the bronchi narrows, and the child suffers suffocation. In the narrowed bronchi air passes with a whistle, which can be heard even from a distance.

This disease is now called acute obstructive bronchitis, and used to be called "asthmatic bronchitis." Treatment of acute viral bronchitis with an obstructive component includes antiviral and bronchodilator drugs (salbutamol, berodual, atrovent). Treatment for suffocation is best done by inhaling the medication through a nebulizer - a compressor inhaler.

With severe dyspnea, the treatment of asthmatic bronchitis is supplemented by inhalation of hormones, which usually treat asthma. A short course of inhalation budesonide will quickly reduce the mucosal edema, eliminate the life-threatening asphyxiation. After recovery, the patient should consult an allergist or pulmonologist in order not to miss the onset of asthma.

Prognosis and prevention

Usually the prognosis with this disease is favorable, but in some patients it can go to asthma.

To prevent the recurrence of the disease, the elimination of the allergen is necessary, it is necessary to conduct non-specific and specific hyposensitization, and sanation of chronic foci of infection. In rehabilitation, in some cases, tempering, aeroprocedures, therapeutic breathing exercises, water procedures are shown. Patients with these diseases are to be monitored by an allergist and pulmonologist.

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Asthmatic bronchitis: symptoms and treatment. Folk remedies for asthmatic bronchitis

Asthmatic bronchitis, whose symptoms and treatment deserve special attention, is a widespread disease. Everyone is at risk, both as an adult and as a child. The most important symptom of the disease is a buildup of mucus in the bronchi. It is not displayed independently. As a result, spasms appear, manifested by a cough, on the background of which bronchial canals narrow.

Description of pathology

The disease is characterized as an inflammatory process of the lower respiratory tract. Doctors say that it is the allergic reactions to various irritants (dust, pollen, bacteria and viruses) that trigger asthmatic bronchitis. Symptoms and treatment of pathology deserve special attention.

It is very important, once the diagnosis is confirmed, immediately begin therapy. Otherwise, as a result of complication, bronchitis risks developing into asthma. And this is already a very dangerous disease. Pulmonologists consider bronchitis a harbinger of asthma. Distinguish these diseases only by the absence of attacks of suffocation in the first case.

Disease affects people of all ages. But most often it manifests itself at an early age. Constant satellites of bronchitis - rhinitis, dermatitis and other allergic reactions in chronic form.

What triggers asthmatic bronchitis

Symptoms and treatment of pathology are determined by the sources that caused the disease.

As a rule, the causes of the development of an ailment are hidden in the nature of stimuli:

  1. Non-infectious. Various household and food irritants. These include: dust, wool, pollen, cleaners, paint, citrus, chocolate, nuts, seafood. Also in this group of allergens are all red and orange berries, fruits and vegetables (even carrots).
  2. Infectious. These are viral irritants of the mucous membrane. These include staphylococcus, fungal infections, mold and others.

At a young age, asthmatic bronchitis can occur as a result of a hereditary predisposition or allergy to a medicine, an inoculation. Also, the causes of the disease can be respiratory diseases: bronchitis, influenza, measles, whooping cough.

Symptoms of pathology

It is important to recognize such a disease as asthmatic bronchitis in a timely manner. Symptoms and treatment can be properly interpreted only by a specialist. Therefore, if you suspect a pathology, you should consult a competent doctor.

For the disease characterized by pronounced symptoms. Therefore, you can suspect the presence of asthmatic bronchitis yourself.

Characteristic signs of the disease are:

  1. Attack long-lasting cough. It intensifies during small physical exertion, laughter or crying. Since this is an allergic reaction, it will be preceded by a stuffy nose and a sore throat. It all begins with a dry cough, and after a couple of days, sputum appears.
  2. Difficulty exhaling. This is due to the narrowing of the bronchi.
  3. Increased sweating, lethargy and malaise.
  4. Chryps in the bronchi. Characteristic wheezing will be heard even without a stethoscope.
  5. There may be a slight increase in body temperature.

If asthmatic bronchitis is caused by a reaction to a domestic irritant, then after excluding the allergen from the environment, the symptoms will disappear. If the cause of the disease is an infection, then the temperature will rise and a runny nose will appear.

The course of treatment for asthmatic bronchitis lasts less than a month. The disease itself has no effect on other internal organs. But with frequent repetition, pathology can lead to bronchial asthma.

Obstructive asthmatic disease

This is a complicated form of the disease.

Such asthmatic bronchitis is characterized by:

  • night cough,
  • impaired breathing,
  • slight suffocation,
  • dark spongy dark sputum.

This leads to contaminated air.

Therapy is based on mucolytic and moisturizing drugs. Benefit will bring home recipes. Patients who are diagnosed with obstructive asthmatic bronchitis, symptoms and treatment with folk remedies should be discussed with a doctor in advance. Typically, recommended soda inhalation with the addition of medicinal herbs.

It is also necessary to fight with the symptoms. Drugs that reduce temperature can be used. If necessary, rinse the nose and nasopharynx.

Chronic asthmatic bronchitis

If the cough and other symptoms that characterize asthmatic bronchitis do not leave the patient for more than 3 months, and the disease repeats annually, then this is already a chronic stage.

Most of all from such pathology workers of industrial enterprises suffer. Often, the disease is detected in smokers. Tobacco, dust and a couple of harmful chemicals affect the bronchial mucosa. As a result, infection easily enters the body.

Most often, men over 50 suffer from such a disease as asthmatic bronchitis. Symptoms and treatment in adults should be considered exclusively by a specialist. After all at this age as a result of the disease, the functioning of the bronchi is severely impaired. Mucous is simply not capable of completely withdrawing phlegm.

At a chronic stage, asthmatic bronchitis is also obstructive and non-obstructive. The course of the disease without obstruction allows the patient to live a full life and work. However, such individuals are sensitive to weather changes and often suffer from colds. And people with obstructive form should strictly follow all the doctor's recommendations to prevent the development of pulmonary embolism. Treatment in this case is mandatory. It will take a long time.

The first sign of chronic asthmatic bronchitis is a morning cough. Then it begins to manifest itself day and night, and in the cold season increases. Over time, cough becomes round-the-clock and hysterical. It is accompanied by a permanent discharge of sputum. During exacerbations, it becomes a yellow-green color, with the presence of pus and it smells unpleasant. The disease can lead to chronic obstructive pulmonary disease.

Pathology in children

For the first time the disease can manifest itself in the preschool age.

This is due to the structural features of the bronchial tree:

  • the tendency of the mucous to edema,
  • narrowed passage in the bronchi.

During the reaction, the irritant develops the strongest edema, the bronchi closes as much as possible.

For a child this is a serious pathology - asthmatic bronchitis. Symptoms and treatment in children should always be discussed with a pulmonologist. Kids need correct therapy.

For the production of sputum in small children nebulizers are used - compressor inhalers containing bronchodilators. A pulmonologist can be assigned a short hormonal course if there is a strong shortness of breath.

Disease in adults

Pathology can appear at any age.

In adults, the disease develops as a result of:

  • work in hazardous industries,
  • long-term smoking,
  • polluted ecosystem,
  • weakened immunity.

Not every person connects morning coughing with bronchitis. Because of this, the late discovered disease has time to develop and move to a more serious stage.

Diagnosis of pathology

Do not rush to make a diagnosis, even if they indicate symptoms of asthmatic bronchitis. Treatment of pathology can be initiated only after confirmation of the disease by a doctor. For this, the patient will need to undergo some tests.

In the laboratory, the following studies are carried out to identify the disease:

  1. X-ray. Can show emphysema of the lungs.
  2. Blood test. Shows the level of immunoglobulins E and A, histamine. When the disease is elevated, and the level of the titre of the compliment, on the contrary, is lowered.
  3. Scraping of the skin.
  4. Bakposev phlegm. The reaction to antibiotics is checked.
  5. Endoscopy. The mucous membrane of the bronchi is examined in detail.
  6. Spirography. The volume of exhaled air is measured.
  7. Pikloometry. The rate of exhalation is measured from morning and evening. Then is the percentage between them. For a healthy person, the norm is 20%.
  8. Pneumotachography. Identification of the causes of difficulty in the passage of air through the bronchi.

Traditional treatment

Each patient has a disease depending on the individual characteristics. Therefore, there is no single therapy scheme. Initially, the doctor will determine what factors provoked asthmatic bronchitis. Symptoms and treatment in adults by folk remedies and medicines completely depend on the sources of pathology.

Depending on the characteristics of the disease to each patient, the pulmonologist appoints the appropriate therapy:

  1. Viral bronchitis. Antiviral drugs are prescribed.
  2. Allergic pathology. Recommend antihistamines.
  3. Infectious disease. The course of antibiotics is prescribed.

In addition, all without exception are prescribed bronchodilators, inhalations with alkaline and chloride-sodium solutions.

Therapy with folk remedies

But remember that only a doctor should prescribe medications to you that will treat asthmatic bronchitis.

Treatment with folk remedies can also be carried out, but by appointment and under the control of a pulmonologist. Such measures help support the body and prevent the onset of asthma.

There are different recipes:

  1. As a mucolytic agent and antibiotics can take 1 h. l. juice turnips with honey (ratio:) 4 r. / day.
  2. Broth from the leaves of St. John's wort, mother-and-stepmother, nettle and motherwort (1 tbsp. l. collection is poured into a glass of hot boiled water and infused for 30 minutes). Decoction should drink a month.
  3. To prevent attacks of cough, it is recommended to drink a glass of milk with the addition of 15 drops of propolis tincture.
  4. Do inhalation with soda. 1 hour l. soda diluted in a glass of water, boil the solution in a teapot. The steam is inhaled for 10 minutes through a paper tube, put on the tip of the kettle.
  5. Mucolytic effect has and whey. It should be drunk 2-3 times a day, warmed or at room temperature.
  6. Infusion of flowers of clover or St. John's wort with the addition of honey. Prepares and uses a remedy like regular tea. It is recommended to improve sphagnum expectoration.

However, remember that this is a rather complex pathology - asthmatic bronchitis. Folk remedies are effective and effective. However, they can not replace medicinal preparations prescribed by a specialist. But they are an excellent addition to the main treatment.

What is asthmatic bronchitis?

Asthmatic bronchitis is a pathology of inflammatory bronchi accompanied by difficulty breathing, coughing. This is a chronic form of the disease.

Asthmatic bronchitis is a disease of the upper respiratory organs, which has a chronic and inflammatory nature, allergic and / or infectious etiology.Bronchitis with an asthmatic component differs from asthma in that it is not accompanied by suffocation.

The disease is most often diagnosed in preschool children, as well as in primary school students, whose history includes such diagnoses as neurodermatitis, allergic diathesis and rhinitis.

In the course of the disease, there are 2 stages - exacerbation and remission. Stage 1 is caused, as a rule, by physical load, hypothermia, and viral infections. It is not excluded and the allergic nature of exacerbations. The disease can accompany a slight rise in temperature, the phenomenon of intoxication. Asthmatic bronchitis in the acute phase is manifested by persistent cough, which becomes stronger during the night. Breathing is difficult, accompanied by shortness of breath.

Remission is a period when the patient's well-being improves.

Causes of pathology

It should be remembered that the causes of such a disease as chronic bronchitis are quite numerous. That's why they say that it is a polyethological pathology, which is caused by agents of 3 types:
  1. Infectious, arising from pathogenic staphylococcus. Often, bronchitis is a complication after such diseases as pneumonia, laryngitis, tracheitis, influenza, whooping cough.
  2. Non-infectious - allergens. This can be house dust, pollen of plants and flowers, pet hair, down trees, food. In the case of development of chronic bronchitis with an asthmatic component in children, the disease is most often the result of vaccinal and / or drug allergies.
  3. Hereditary.

The type of agent that caused the disease determines not only the course of the disease, but also the frequency and seasonality of the periods of exacerbation.

How does the disease originate and develop?

The impetus for the development of the disease is an increased reaction of the bronchi to various allergens, especially if immunity is weakened or there is inflammation. The immune conflict in the "allergen-antibody" line develops in medium and / or large bronchioles. Small bronchioles are not exposed to the inflammatory process. This explains why the clinical picture of the disease does not have bright bronchospasm. Therefore it is incorrect to say that asthmatic bronchitis is asthma. This is a kind of predatmatic state.

According to the type of immunopathological reactions, two forms of the disease are distinguished:

  1. Atopic - on the allergen reaction develops quickly enough. The mucous membrane is characterized by pallor, swelling, segmental bronchi as a result of the edema narrowing, a large amount of viscous mucous secretion is formed in their lumen.
  2. Infectious-allergic. Mucous edematous, mucopurulent secret is observed.

Symptomatic picture

Asthmatic bronchitis has phases of exacerbation and remission. In acute period in adult patients, the disease has such symptoms:
  • coughing attacks that occur after laughter, crying, physical activity;
  • serous-mucous rhinitis, nasal congestion - cough precursor;
  • a slight deterioration in overall well-being;
  • a slight increase in temperature;
  • sore throat.

In the peak of exacerbation, patients can be observed:

  • labored breathing;
  • dyspnea;
  • exhale with noise and whistle;
  • copious sputum discharge.

With non-infectious form of the disease, stopping contact with the allergen, coughing attacks can end. In children, the symptoms of asthmatic bronchitis may be accompanied by manifestations of other allergic diseases.

Diagnosis of the disease

To diagnose "bronchitis with an asthmatic component" a patient should undergo examinations from 3 specialists: an allergist, a pulmonologist and an immunologist.

During listening, the specialist notes a hard breathing with wet whistling wheezing. The next mandatory examination is X-ray. With asthmatic bronchitis, the radiograph can show:

  • rarefaction of the pulmonary pattern, its condensation;
  • strengthening the pattern of the root of the lung.

Endoscopy is also mandatory for the proper diagnosis. Due to the variety of the picture that can be obtained, specialists are not based only on the results of endoscopy. When examining the patient's blood, an increased content of histamine, eosinophilia, an increase in immunoglobulins E and A.

If the allergic nature of the disease is suspected, the patient is assigned a skin test with the suspected allergen.

For infectious forms, sputum is examined and sensitivity to various antibiotics is determined.


Methods of treatment of pathology

Treatment of bronchitis with an asthmatic component is always complex and individual. In the acute phase of the pathology, expectorant medications must be prescribed. If there is a temperature - antipyretic agents. To remove the edema, it is recommended to perform inhalations using a nebulizer. In case of allergic form, antihistamines are used.

The patient in the acute phase should comply with bed rest, try to drink as much as possible. If an infection of any microbial nature is observed, appropriate therapy is prescribed.


When the phase of exacerbation passes, patients undergo an immunotherapy course. A study is being conducted to determine the allergen, which causes seizures. Recommended breathing exercises, chest massage.

Causes, symptoms and treatment of asthmatic bronchitis

When diagnosing a disease such as asthmatic bronchitis, symptoms and treatment are of interest to the sick person first. This type of disease refers to an inflammatory disease of the respiratory organs of a chronic nature. There is an infectious or allergic condition, in which the edema and cramps of bronchi, having a large or medium size, are clearly pronounced. Attacks of suffocation for this type of disease, observed with bronchial asthma, are absent.

Modern pulmonology treats ailment as a form of bronchitis or pre-asthma. Asthmatic bronchitis is most often observed in schoolchildren. The disease develops due to the presence of such ailments as neurodermatitis, allergic diathesis and rhinitis.

Causes of the disease

The main cause of the appearance of the disease are allergens. But sometimes asthmatic bronchitis develops due to a viral, bacterial or fungal infection. It penetrates the human body through the respiratory and digestive organs. Allergic reaction occurs due to dust, pollen of various plants, poplar fluff. Provoke allergies can wool and animal feces, chemical additives and some food ingredients.

A medicine or vaccine can trigger the onset of the disease in young children. In some cases, there is a hereditary predisposition to an allergic reaction to objects or foods. Bronchi and trachea affects the staphylococcus a rod, which causes the disease. After such acute virus infections, as measles, influenza, whooping cough and bronchitis, this ailment often occurs. Reflux provokes the development of the disease. Seasons of asthmatic bronchitis are winter, spring and summer. In such periods, the probability of exacerbation of the disease increases.

Main symptoms

Asthmatic bronchitis is characterized by symptoms such as a recurrent course, during which periods of exacerbation and remission are observed. In the acute phase in an adult, one can observe a non-stop cough that can occur suddenly. His appearance provokes laughter, physical stress or crying. If there is a stuffy nose or the presence of gray-mucous rhinitis, the appearance of a cough can not be avoided. Dry cough turns to wet. When acute attacks are often observed shortness of breath, forced, wheezing and noisy exhalation, expiratory dyspnea, deposition of sputum. The relief comes after the listed symptoms.

The occurrence of such phenomena can be repeated several times. Noninfectious pathology is accompanied by an elimination effect, and if there is no allergen, coughing stops. Symptoms of coughing can worsen at a time when another time of the year, when there is a change in the diet, and when the place of residence changes. For an acute period of the disease, the duration is several hours (sometimes it takes up to one month). Bronchial asthma exacerbated several times, if not start a timely treatment. Characteristic for children is the development of traditional symptoms, which are accompanied by ailments that are allergic. This includes allergic diathesis, pollinosis, neurodermatitis. There are cases when in the human body there are polyorganic disorders, as well as changes in the vegetative and neurological nature. With these diseases, lethargy, excessive sweating and irritability are observed.

Disease definition

Doctors usually use some methods to determine the presence of ailment:
  • determine the size of the lungs;
  • determine the presence of sputum;
  • consider bronchial water;
  • find out what spirometry is;
  • endoscopic examination;
  • over the lungs check the box sound and the presence of breath, accompanied by a wet wheeze;
  • often use X-rays, which gives a clear picture of the definition of the state of the lungs;
  • use the patient's blood test.

Proper treatment of the disease

To prevent bronchial asthma, it is necessary to undergo a course of treatment with the use of certain drugs. They are inhalations that dilate the bronchi. Specialists often recommend the use of drugs such as Salbutamol (Saltos, Salben, Astalin). In addition, many patients on the appointment of a doctor during the disease use Fenkarolom (Berotekom). To prevent the development of an allergic reaction during an illness, it is necessary to use antihistamines.


When there are acute bronchitis, you need to use antibiotics. Only they can prevent the further development of infection. Antibiotics should enter the penicillin series and into the macrolith group. If there is a suspicion of the appearance of a viral infection in the body, it is necessary to use Kipferon, Viferon, Genferon. The use of various inhalations leads to the fact that the airways are moistened, the phlegm is diluted and easily leaves the human body, after which the patient feels more easily, and breathing becomes lightened.

Folk remedies for asthmatic bronchitis

Many folk remedies can save adults from a terrible illness that brings discomfort and inconvenience. Some tools can be considered in detail.

With such problems as laryngitis, coughing attacks, shortness of breath and bronchial asthma, use a turnip turnip garden. To do this, mix the juice of turnip with honey in the ratio: and take no more than 1 teaspoon 3 - 4 times a day.

Such herbs as St. John's wort, nettle, motherwort, eucalyptus, and also mother-and-stepmother, in the same the ratio is recommended to use when there is chronic bronchitis, having asthmatic component. One tablespoon of the collection should be poured with steep boiling water and then insist for 30 minutes. For infusion it is desirable to use a thermos bottle. The drug should be taken for 4 weeks, and then stop taking it for a while and, if necessary, re-use it for 4 weeks.The folk remedy should be taken until the patient completely gets rid of the disease.In some cases, the treatment will take a year.

To prevent an attack and sharp unpleasant pain, it is recommended to use milk with alcohol tincture of propolis. To do this, the milk should be heated and add to it an alcoholic tincture in the amount of 15 drops. You need to use the drug for half a cup during the attacks.


The best remedy for obstructive bronchitis is the inhaler. It should always be nearby, because it is considered a means of quick action. If suffocation comes suddenly, he will cope with the disease in a few seconds.

A patient who knows that he will have seizures, should carry the inhaler with him, wherever he is. The drug will help him in the most difficult situation.

In order to avoid the disease, experts advise tempering your body. In the daily routine should be introduced therapeutic exercise. After using water procedures, the human body is gaining strength and becomes strong. People who engage in various sports are less prone to various diseases.

Asthmatic bronchitis - causes, symptoms, treatment

Asthmatic bronchitis can affect medium and large bronchi. It manifests itself in the form of coughing attacks, exhalation is difficult, dyspnea is observed. It is important to diagnose the disease in addition to contact an allergist, pulmonologist, you may need additional pulmonary percussion, also needed x-rays, various allergic skin tests, to investigate immunoglobulin. Bronchoscopy is mandatory. When treating you need to take bronchodilators, antispasmodics, antiallergic drugs, you need physiotherapy, massage, physical therapy.

Causes of asthmatic bronchitis

Most often occurs due to allergens, and can be triggered by a bacterial, viral, fungal infection that can come through the respiration and the gastrointestinal tract. An allergic reaction is most often to dust, poplar fluff, pollen of different plants, animal feces or wool, food ingredients, chemical additives. In young children, asthmatic bronchitis is a consequence of an allergy to a medicine, a vaccine. It can arise because of a hereditary predisposition to allergic reactions.

Called asthmatic bronchus staphylococcus, he settles in the bronchi, trachea. Often may be a consequence of acute viral infection, measles, bronchitis, influenza, whooping cough. Develops as a consequence of reflux. Asthmatic bronchitis worsens in spring, summer, and winter.

Forms of asthmatic bronchitis

How the disease will manifest depends on how the bronchi react to different types of allergens, while taking into account the immunological and neurogenic factors.

Atopic and infectious forms are distinguished by medicine. The first develops because of allergic reactions, and the second is mixed due to viruses with allergies.

Separately, the pathomorphological form is distinguished, in which a bronchial spasm can appear, permeability is violated, the mucous membrane swells. After the bronchoscopy, it is clear that with the atopic form the bronchial mucosa is paler and swollen, a lot of viscous secretion is collected. If an infection joins, the mucous membrane not only swells, a lot of pus is formed on it.

Symptoms of asthmatic bronchitis

At first the patient may be disturbed by coughing attacks, which appear due to physical exertion, emotional overstrain, crying. Then lays a nose, there is a rhinitis, it strongly shivers a throat, strong weakness is felt. The temperature at asthmatic bronchitis rises only to 38 degrees. The cough is dry, after it becomes wet.

In cases of acute attack of cough, breathing may become very difficult, dyspnea appears, wheezing. After a lot of sputum goes away and the patient becomes lighter.

The symptomatology is constantly repeated if the disease has a non-infectious character, a coughing fit can stop after the bronchus stops affecting the allergen - change the diet, housing. The acute period lasts up to one month, if not started on time, all can end with bronchial asthma.

Children who have asthmatic bronchitis also suffer from neurodermatitis, hives, various allergic reactions. Other changes in the organs with asthmatic bronchitis are not observed. Sometimes there may be disorders of a neurological nature - a person becomes listless, irritable, he has sweating.

Diagnosis of asthmatic bronchitis

It is important to complete the examination in order to accurately diagnose the disease. Note that asthmatic bronchitis manifests as a systemic allergic, so it is diagnosed and treated by allergists.

If a patient has asthmatic bronchitis, his chest considerably increases in size. Breathing is hard, wheezing and wet wheezing is audible.

On the x-ray of the lungs, noticeable emphysema, the pulmonary pattern is sparse. A blood test shows an increased amount of eosinophils, immunoglobulin A, E, and also histamine.

With the help of skin tests you can find out the reason why asthmatic bronchitis appeared. The infectious agent is calculated with the help of bacterial inoculation, it is taken from the patient's sputum, also so it is possible learn about the individual sensitivity to certain types of antibiotics, further explore the wash water bronchi.

Treatment of asthmatic bronchitis

Each patient is treated individually. For a long time, treatment helps - hypersensitivity to the allergen. If this treatment is carried out in time for children, asthma can be avoided later on.

It is necessary to take antihistamines - tavegil, suprastin, ketotifen, diazolin. If the tests show an infection, antibacterial drugs must be taken. The course of therapy includes bronchodilator, spasmolytic, vitamin, mucolytic drugs. To stop an attack of cough, you need to use a special inhaler - berotek, salbutamol.

Especially effective and safe nebulizer, also alkaline inhalation, with their help you can reduce the viscosity, restore the balance of ions. An important role is played by physiotherapeutic procedures, electrophoresis is used, massage of the thoracic respiratory department helps. Also additionally designate swimming, acupuncture, hydroprocedures. The patient is recommended to rest in sanatoria for preventive purposes.

Thus, asthmatic bronchitis should always be kept under control so that it does not develop into bronchial asthma. In addition to the main drug treatment, you need to additionally perform gymnastics, procedures on the water, and also constantly arrive on the account of an allergist and pulmonologist. Patients will have to radically change their lifestyle, abandon bad habits, which can further aggravate the disease.

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