Cough from the throat of a child than to treat

Throat cough

Everyone understands how much trouble and discomfort is caused by a throat cough, which is always accompanied by such unpleasant sensations as pain, perspiration and itching. The most common cause of throat cough is a cold or contact with irritants (smoke or dust).

Dry throat cough

For the most part, the throat cough is dry. Naturally, he does not bring benefits, but only irritates the already sensitive mucous membrane of the respiratory tract. Most often, the cause of unproductive dry throat cough is viral diseases that occur against the background of inflammation of the pharynx (laryngitis) or the posterior wall of the larynx (pharyngitis).

Cough throat in a child

Each parent can not help but be disturbed by a dry, intrusive cough in the child. But with this kind of cough, everything just looks (and is heard) much worse than it really is. The reasons for manifesting such a cough are the same as in adults. For the most part, these are diseases such as laryngotracheitis, pharyngitis and laryngitis. The most dangerous disease is considered to be laryngotracheitis, it is an extremely contagious infection. With laryngotracheitis swelling and edema of the trachea and throat occur. But these organs are extremely narrow in their anatomical and physiological characteristics, so swelling can lead to unpleasant consequences. That's why, if your child has a dry throat cough, you should not postpone the trip to the doctor. Here the main thing is to start treatment.

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Treatment of throat cough

In case you are worried about a paroxysmal dry cough, there are several folk ways that can stop it. These include: hot steam showers and steam inhalations. Also good help to calm the cough of hot tea (you can even use just hot water) with lots of honey and lemon, as well as lozenges and candies with eucalyptus or menthol. Do not forget about the rinsing of the throat with salt water.

You can also use medicines. The most commonly prescribed antitussive drugs, such as libexin, dextromethorphan and codeine. But there are cases when a dry cough is caused by an allergy, it is advisable to take antihistamines.

How to treat a throat cough in a child

Treatment, especially the child, must be prescribed by the attending physician. Most often recommend rinsings, steam inhalations using fir oil, in rare cases, drugs from a number of antibiotics. Many doctors recommend that you do inhalation with a drug such as Lazolvan to get rid of dry cough and always prescribe an antiseptic for the oral cavity (for example, lysobact). But it is worth taking into account one point, the taking of these drugs depends on the age of the child.

In addition, it is not necessary to use drugs during treatment. You can use the advice of traditional medicine. For example, you can get rid of a child's cough by rinsing with calendula infusion or chamomile. Also for the relief of throat cough, it is recommended to drink warm milk with one spoon of honey or tea with lime color and jam from raspberries. These drugs soften the throat and relieve swelling.

How to treat a sick throat in a child?

Before you start to treat a sore throat in a child, you need to find out the cause of its inflammation - colds, SARS, infectious, bacterial disease, treatment will depend on the type of disease. It is important immediately that the child was at rest, went to bed. If the throat is very red and it hurts, you must immediately call the therapist. When the symptomatology is aggravated, high body temperature rises, it is necessary to call for emergency help.

Treatment of the throat in a child on the first day of illness

Often the child refuses, when ill from eating, do not force him, on the contrary provide him sparing food, which will not irritate the mucous throat, it is worth to give up acidic, spicy, salty, spicy food. Do not eat hot and cold food.

The child is allowed to eat grated soup, mashed potatoes or fruit. Also helps to remove the inflammation of the porridge, cooked on milk, water. It is recommended to drink as much as possible - yogurt, kefir, warm milk is allowed. So you can quickly overcome the intoxication of the child's body, which develops against the background of the virus, with the help of liquid the body will quickly be cleaned of harmful substances.

Often painful sensations in the throat of a child are accompanied by a high body temperature, it leads to rapid breathing. It is necessary to drink fruit drinks with black currant, cranberries, nastitis on herbs, compote, warm boiled water, raspberry tea, add a small amount of honey, lemon. Carbonated water, lemonade is forbidden. With the help of warm drink it is possible to improve blood circulation in the throat, which is inflamed, at first it is pershot, it is sour, then it feels dry, at the end there is a cough.

It is impossible to give a sour drink to a child with a sore throat, it can even irritate the throat even more, honey should be added to the fruit juice with berries, sugar should be added to the tea, the lemon lies in a small amount.

Painful sensation in the throat removes:

1. Tea with chamomile, sugar is added and drunk in a warm form

2. Tea from a linden, to it it is possible to add lipu. In addition to having an antiseptic anti-inflammatory effect on the body, it is one of the best antipyretic, sweatshops.

3. It is recommended to use a decoction with raspberry leaves, currants, they relieve inflammation, knock down the heat of the body. You can not use raspberry sprigs with bronchial asthma, it contains a large number of salicylates.

4. Broth of dogrose not only reduces pain in a child, saturates the body with vitamin C, normalizes the immune system.

5. If, in addition to pain in the throat, disturbs a strong cough, you need to use broths based on herbs - thyme, St. John's wort, mother-and-stepmother.

6. Mint calms the pain and relaxes the throat muscles.

Gargle for baby

This is one of the most effective methods of treatment. These procedures are recommended after 3 years, at an early age children can not do this. If the child is not allergic, you can use calendula, sage, eucalyptus, rotokan, chlorophyllipt.

Effectively helps the soda solution, it takes 200 ml of water, it dissolves soda, a little iodine, you need to gargle as much as you can bowl up to 6 times a day, after eating nothing, do not drink until one hours.

Recommend rinsing furatsillinom, for this dissolves the tablet in warm water. For a child, one tablet will suffice. In the form of rinses you can use salt, you need to dilute it in a glass of water, it's best to use sea salt.

Sprays for watering the throat of a child

You can use rinsing with antiseptics. Recommend to use painkillers, antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory drugs. It is popular Tantum Verde, with the help of it you can stop the inflammatory process, save the child from pain, destroy the pathogenic microflora. Use it as a spray for children from 3 years old. Some pediatricians prescribe it with half a year, remember that this is dangerous, there may be spasm of the larynx. You can not jump in the throat, and on the cheeks, the child himself will smear his tongue on the throat.

Miramistin is popular, it is sold in vials, the liquid has no taste, smell, relieves inflammation, actively fights against viruses. With the help of it you can cure various diseases of the oral cavity. Is safe for children, inject it with a syringe without a needle.

Since 3 years you can use anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial sprays - Hexoral, Ingalipt, Bioparox. Watch the reaction of the child to avoid a serious allergic reaction.

Treatment of a child's throat with solutions

If the pain is caused by a sore throat, you can often prescribe the treatment of the throat with the help of a solution of Chlorophyllipt, Lugol. This method is not always effective, it only brings psychological discomfort to the child. Why treat the throat, if you can spray the spray, the effect will be the same. The child often with this procedure begins to scream, break away, you can injure yawns, tonsils, because of this, the infection will worsen even more.

Inhalation for a child from sore throat

Pain provoked by redness, excessive dryness. Do not put the baby over a boiling pan, this procedure can lead to serious burns. It is better to use ultrasonic, steam inhalers, nebulizer. Applied for inhalation of various essential oils, mineral water, medicines, it all depends on the model of the inhaler. With this method, you can moisten the mucous membrane, the baby will breathe easier, especially inhalation if it is disturbed by a dry cough.

Treatment of sore throat in a child with the help of pastilles

Do not use for children who are under 5 years old. To have the effect you need to keep them for a long time in your mouth. Little children often choke on them. Also remember the composition, often in such seemingly harmless candies, add antiseptic components, antibiotics, they can only be used for the doctor's prescription. This group includes Tharyngept, Strepsils, Septepriye, Lizobakt.

So, in order to heal the pain in the throat, you first need to find out what disease it provoked, only then you can move on to the full course of therapy.

How to cure snot, cough and sore throat? child, year.


Elena Panikhidina

Tanya, hi! Do not panic! No nazivina! His children can not be more than 3 days, and he is addictive. We too often get sick. We apply in different combinations constantly changing.
In the nose - rinsing with a marimer (aquamaris, saline solution), vibrocil, if the saline solution for rinsing - it is not necessary to drip, he heals.
The throat is lugol (there is a spray, it's more comfortable for children, it can be used 10 days with a break of 1month), if there is no temperature, any heating is a bath with sea salt that can be given to children, with decoction of herbs, warm the legs and baths, and ointments, and dry mustard in toe socks for the night, changing techniques, mustard plasters on the back between the shoulder blades, if possible, make quartz in nose and throat (we were helped by 5 procedures for 30 seconds per spout and 1min in the throat), buy a salt pump in the pharmacy, use the instructions as a yellow card, just wrap it in a thin towel to avoid burn.
Cough - any syrup for children, ATSTS, you can apply antihistamines (fenistil, zirtek, etc.), tk cough can be with an allergenic component.
At any treatment necessarily a diverse warm drink, it is better compotes and fruit drinks, give thoracic fees (we like Elekasol), try to do inhalations. Change the techniques as needed. If there are more questions, write - I will help! Do not be ill!!!

La Muri

viferon a good remedy, drops in nose Nasivin and nose on top of smear with petroleum jelly, it heats.


The doctor prescribed normal treatment for the child. He saw the child, listened and diagnosed, prescribed treatment. If there is no temperature before going to bed, warm the legs with dry mustard: 5 liters of water 2 tbsp. l mustard, warm exactly 5 minutes, dry foot soles lubricate any (the cheapest, but also effective-Turpentine ointment), socks to the feet and under the blanket. Often cleanse the nose of Saline or Fizrastvorom, remove mucus.

Maria Kalugina



normal treatment! I would give more vitamins, multi tabs, a lot of them in our pharmacies! and strengthen immunity if you often get sick.


Make a normal humidity in the room where the child is 40-60% and moisten the baby's nose with saline solution, tested helps, with reddening of the throat squirting chlorophyllite (natural without chemicals) and effective means. And do not dunk once again with chemistry. After 5-7 days must pass.

Nadia Fil

from feces ALTEYKA and ACTS, from the common cold TIZIN

Gulnaz Umyarova

my daughter 2.6 is also often sick. I give aflubin-antiviral, from the throat-droplets tonzigon (on grasses) and treat with chlorophyllite (the composition includes oil and leaves of efkalipta) from the rhinitis I dribble fiz. solution. From a cough I do inhalations with fiz. solution or with mineral water (very well expectorates) and warm milk with mineral water (:)., recovery occurs within two days, and most importantly for a minimum of medications. With the question that the child often gets sick go to the LOR (he will prescribe you a cure), hand over the sowing from the nose and throat... Go to the immunologist... Good luck. Get well )))

Ekaterina Trush

I prefer homeopathic medicines. To my daughter, of the year. From the throat Tonsilotren well helps. Quickly removes inflammation and relieves pain when swallowing. For the nose of Cinnabsin, Acts better than any nasal drops. Removes puffiness and breathes itself.

How to cure a cough and sore throat to a child

Cough, reddened throat and chills - the first harbingers of an approaching cold or ARVI. The child should be treated immediately. For professional advice, contact your doctor.

If after a visit to a specialist and undergoing a recommended course of treatment, a child's cough does not go away, it is worthwhile to consider possible ways of solving the problem. The suggested advice can be used only in the absence of pathologies and fever.

It is worth noting that the cough is a reflex protective mechanism. As a rule, it works in response to a variety of irritants of the respiratory tract.

Treatment of cough

To date, a wide assortment of tablets and syrups against cough is available on the drugstore shelves. On their miraculous properties speak from the TV screens. However, most such remedies only mask and suppress cough. To take a great interest in children's age by these preparations it is not necessary. It is necessary to help the body to cope with the problem on its own.

Begin treatment with inhalation. In this case, hot water and broths on herbs will do. To do this, you can purchase a dry collection of oregano, sage, eucalyptus, mint or chamomile in the pharmacy. This procedure effectively warms the airways, dilutes sputum and kills bacteria. Carry out inhalations at night, before bedtime.

Help to cure cough can and mustard plasters. In childhood, they should be put through a rag so as not to get a burn or skin irritation. The optimal procedure time is 5-7 minutes.

Treatment of sore throat

To remove the inflammatory process in the child's throat can be folk ways:

A solution of apple cider vinegar (especially good for fungal lesions of the pharynx).

Iodine solution (3 drops), soda (1 teaspoon), table salt (2 teaspoons), a glass of water.

A solution of propolis (a glass of water 3 drops of oil).

The proposed solutions are used to rinse the baby's throat from 3 years. It should be noted that the water should be warm.

Means for sore throats in childhood should be selected with extreme caution. A sick child often fits and refuses the proposed treatment. Not bad with this problem will cope:

- broths for rinsing from mother-and-stepmother, sage or chamomile;

- honey;

- sea buckthorn oil (they are lubricated by the main foci of inflammation).

Folk tips and recipes can be used in the absence of individual intolerance of components in a sick child. If cough and sore throat do not recede for a long time, you should immediately seek a second consultation with your doctor. Remember: timely treatment is the guarantee of the health of your children.

Tell me how to cure a cough and a throat in a child 12 years



call a doctor at home

Dmitry Kirsanov

The throat can be rinsed with eucalyptus, sea salt (in the pharmacy you just need to take it, and not the one for the bath). Old grandfather's way is to breathe over the chicken with boiled potatoes in a uniform


milk propolis honey butter cream temperature degrees 60-80 but not boiling and in the heat so that it sweats for the morning will be alive but the throat will still need to be guarded with a week to talk to and not chill

Personal Cabinet Removed

Coughing happens for different reasons. If tonsillitis, enough medical sosalki give; if angina is more complicated, but there is also pertussis and diphtheria... I would not advise you to treat yourself.


Faster will not work, you will only harm the child. Give it every 15 min. gargle with what thread of a solution (in the pharmacy ask what children are) for rinsing. And cough syrup what thread heal.


It depends on what cough... Gargle with a throat (warm water with salt / soda / iodine, many recipes). If it is cold and there is no temperature, then you can warm your throat. There are many sprays in pharmacies. Some people are helped by warm milk with sl. oil / honey. Of the most innocuous tablets: "From cough" and "Bromgexin."
And the word "faster" should be excused from the question! It is better to treat "more correctly" ...

Svetlana Zholus

My breastfeeding from the pharmacy and licorice syrup very well help me. To rinse does not like, FIG you will force, though the adult, too 12 years. But tea from grass drank in liters, with the addition of grated raspberries or honey. Still propolis gave a small piece of suck, also helps a lot. And two more days ate an ascorbic. ))) It's sour, kids like it.
I got sick on Friday, and today I went to school.

Olga Sorokina

rinse with lemon acid helps instantly

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