Treating the calcaneal spur with medical jaundice


  • 1Treating the calcaneal spur with a medical bilious
    • 1.1What is a medical bile
    • 1.2Indications for use
    • 1.3Side effects and contraindications
    • 1.4How to treat a heel spur with a medical bilious
    • 1.5Alternative method
    • 1.6The therapeutic effect of bile on the heel spur
    • 1.7Treatment of calcaneal spur bilious with the help of folk remedies
    • 1.8Bilious pepper
    • 1.9Bile with vodka
    • 1.10Bile with spores
    • 1.11Bilge with soap
  • 2How is the treatment of the heel spur treated with medical bile?
    • 2.1The causes of the appearance of the spur and the manifestation of the disease
  • 3Treating the heel spur with medical bile: application, reviews
    • 3.1The action of medical bile from the heel spur
    • 3.2Advantages of using bile from spurs on the heels
    • 3.3Disadvantages of using bile from calcaneal spurs
    • 3.4How to use medical bile from calcaneal spurs
    • 3.5How effective is the use of bile?
    • 3.6about the treatment of the heel spur
  • 4Bile medical: application with heel spur, reviews of doctors and patients
    instagram viewer
    • 4.1Basic information
    • 4.2What causes the disease?
    • 4.3What is this tool?
    • 4.4The effectiveness of the folk method
    • 4.5Features and composition of the preparation
    • 4.6Properties of the medicine
    • 4.7Application features
    • 4.8Prohibitions to use
    • 4.9Feedback from consumers and doctors
  • 5Medical bile with heel spur - reviews, application features and efficacy:
    • 5.1What is the heel spur?
    • 5.2Why do heel spurs appear?
    • 5.3The main symptoms
    • 5.4What is medical bile?
    • 5.5Indications for use
    • 5.6Scope of medical bile
    • 5.7Contraindications to use
    • 5.8Side effects
    • 5.9Compress of medical bile in its pure form
    • 5.10Based on vodka
    • 5.11Bile with pepper
    • 5.12Bile with dimexid
    • 5.13Hot foot baths
    • 5.14Drug from spurs with iodine
    • 5.15Reviews

Treating the calcaneal spur with a medical bilious

> Treating the calcaneal spur

The traditional method of treating the heel spur is a compress made of medical bile in combination with non-steroidal oral preparations.

This method of treatment for dozens of years is used in official medicine for diseases of the joints, spine and including with plantar fasciitis (heel spur).

At the same time, medical bile has gained deserved popularity among doctors and patients.

Contrary to popular belief, bile is not a folk remedy, but a medical product that requires compliance with the rules of use according to the instructions.

So let's find out - how to apply a medical bilge in the treatment of the heel spur, so as not to harm your health? Is the treatment of the calcaneal spur painful and is there any contraindication for its use? How does the medical bile act on the heel spur? How does it use traditional medicine? Below we will answer all these questions.

What is a medical bile

The medical canned bile (Chole conservata medikata) - is included in the register of medicines of Russia under № P N002089 / 01-2003. It belongs to the pharmacological group of locally irritating drugs.

The drug is produced in the form of an emulsion for external use of a dark brown color with a characteristic odor.

The drug is a bile of cattle with the addition of the following components per 100 ml:

  • rectified ethyl alcohol 10 ml;
  • solution of furacilin in 70% ethyl alcohol;
  • Formalin or Lysoform, ml;
  • perfume perfume, ml.

Pharmacological action of canned medical bile:

  • irritating;
  • anti-inflammatory;
  • anesthetizing;
  • absorbable.

During the application, the emulsion due to irritating local action causes increased blood circulation. This property causes an anti-inflammatory effect on the site of application.

In turn, resorption of the infiltrate leads to an analgesic effect. A preserved medical emulsion is an available preparation. It is dispensed without a prescription.

Before use, the medicine should be shaken.

Indications for use

Medical canned bile is effectively used in inflammatory processes of the musculoskeletal system. It is indicated in such situations and diseases:

  • trauma of soft tissues and joints;
  • sprain;
  • dislocation;
  • post-traumatic myalgia without compromising the integrity of the skin;
  • radiculitis;
  • osteochondrosis;
  • bursitis - inflammation of the periarticular bag;
  • spondylitis;
  • arthritis of various etiologies;
  • Tendovaginitis.

Medical bile finds its application in the heel spur. It is also used for subcutaneous hematomas without compromising the integrity of the skin.

Side effects and contraindications

In isolated cases, on the site of application, bile causes irritation in the form of burning and redness, which occurs after the end of the course of treatment. Contraindications for use:

  • individual intolerance;
  • people prone to allergies;
  • maceration or open skin damage;
  • erysipelas of the skin;
  • allergic and fungal diseases of the foot;
  • pyoderma (pustular skin lesion);
  • lymphadenitis and lymphangitis (redness along the lymphatic vessels).

Do not use this medicine for children - on their tender and sensitive skin the drug can provoke a strong irritation or even a burn.

It is not recommended to use emulsion to pregnant women and nursing mothers. When using the compress, you need to be careful - the bile should not get on the mucous membranes.

If this happens, wash them immediately with cold running water.

How to treat a heel spur with a medical bilious

To avoid an allergic reaction before use, medical bile should be checked for individual tolerability.

To do this, apply a little substance to the extensor surface of the shoulder and wait 15 minutes.

If there is no itching, burning, sharp redness or a rash on the body, then the medicine can be used.

Treating the calcaneal spur with medical bilious it is recommended to begin with the first signs of the calcaneal spur or with exacerbation of the chronic plantar fasciitis. Practice shows good results using this tool for inflammation of the joints and soft tissues.

In order not to harm yourself, you need to know how to treat a heel spur with a medical bilge.

  1. In the evening, first half an hour steal your feet in hot water.
  2. Then, a sterile pharmacy gauze napkin folded in 6-8 layers is abundantly moistened with an emulsion and applied to the painful patch on the foot in the heel area.
  3. Top layer of cotton wool and cover only with compress paper (polyethylene can not be used).
  4. Fix the compress with a bandage.
  5. To create an additional heat effect, wear a woolen sock and leave it overnight.
  6. In the morning, remove the compress, and rinse the remnants of the drug with water.

In the evening, repeat the procedure. The course of treatment requires 10 daily procedures.

Alternative method

There is another way of treating the calcaneal spur with medical bile, which is carried out according to the following procedure:

  • before the procedure, the foot is not steamed;
  • pharmacy gauze napkin impregnated with a liquid emulsion and superimposed on the area of ​​the projection of the calcaneal spur;
  • top covered with compress paper;
  • add a layer of cotton wool and fix it with a bandage;
  • put on a woolen sock and leave a compress for 24 hours;
  • morning napkin is not removed, but if removed, then the place of compress rubbed with alcohol;
  • the course is recommended 15, but not more than 20 procedures.

The course of these procedures can be repeated no earlier than in 1-2 months. Do not forget that the use of the same drug causes addiction and a decrease in the sensitivity of tissues to therapeutic effect.

Therefore, medicines for external use should be alternated.

To enhance the therapeutic effect of medical bile it is recommended to combine compresses and the intake of oral non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, such as "Dexalgin "Voltaren".

The therapeutic effect of bile on the heel spur

The emulsion has a warming, analgesic and absorbing effect. With the correct use of the drug after a few days, the pain syndrome subsides. Due to improved blood circulation, the plantar fascia is inflamed.

After the course of treatment, the tension of the calf muscles is relieved, the biomechanics of the foot improves, which leads to a decrease in the load on her arch. The therapeutic effect of bile effectively removes progressive inflammation.

Treatment of calcaneal spur bilious with the help of folk remedies

This wonderful tool is used not only in official medicine - it is popular with folk healers. Healers use this medical emulsion in combination with various additives.

Immediately make a reservation that all national recipes cause great doubt!Especially - in the instructions for the use of medical bile, it is said in the direct text that this drug should not be mixed with other drugs.

Do not forget that bile is a biological material, and an unexamined mixture of natural medicine with something can turn into an unpredictable reaction.

But since there is an interest in folk medicine, we can not help but tell about such recipes, giving the readers of this article the opportunity to draw conclusions.

Bilious pepper

To treat the calcaneal spur bilious at home use a compress of the infusion with pepper.

Ingredients for mixture preparation:

  • camphor alcohol 100 ml;
  • 4 pods of bitter pepper;
  • half a bottle of medical canned bile with a capacity of 250 ml.

The components are mixed in a glass jar with a capacity of 1 liter and cover with a lid.

The mixture is placed in a dark place at room temperature and left to infuse for 3 days.

After preparation, tincture is filtered and placed in a refrigerator for storage for a period of 7 days. After the product is finished, the next serving is prepared.

Such a folk remedy healers recommend to apply in the form of a compress 20-25 days a day. To do this, moisten the folded in six layers of fabric emulsion with pepper and put on the heel.

Closure with a thick paper cloth and secure with tape or bandage. Over put on a sock and leave a compress for the night. In the morning the product is washed off, but repeated for the night.

Healers are advised to do 20-25 procedures.

Bile with vodka

At home, according to the advice of people's doctors, people confidently mix canned bile with shampoo and vodka. For the preparation of the composition apply:

  • vodka 20 grams;
  • medical bile is 40-50 grams;
  • shampoo 20 ml.

After shaking, the folk remedy is ready for use. People suffering from pain in the heel, moistened with a cloth prepared by the rattle, folded into several layers, and applied to the site of inflammation.

Top with a compress paper and put on a sock. This kind of compress is left overnight. In the morning, the talker is rinsed off with warm water. At night, repeat the procedure.

Healers are advised to use the remedy for 20-30 days, and before the procedure to warm up the legs.

Bile with spores

In people, medical bile with heel spur is used in combination with sporich. The whole process is that a person who wants to get rid of the calcaneal spur all day walks in comfortable shoes, in which he invents a miraculous fresh grass - sporish.

In the evening the patient makes a compress of bile by medical means. In the morning the compress is cleaned, and the foot is washed.


After drying the foot in the morning, early again put under the heel of almighty grass sporish, which relieves pain in the foot.


Combination in the morning sporish, in the evening - a medical compress made of bile for 10 days in a row. This method of treatment is very effective, from a psychological point of view.

Bilge with soap

Preparation of the composition for the compress does not take much time. For this, only grind 20 gr of laundry soap. A scrap of soap is steamed in a water bath.

After that, mix gruel with 20 grams of vodka and 40 grams of bile. All components are mixed and put on the heel as a compress at night.

Over the gruel, a compress paper is applied and wrapped with a handkerchief, on top for reliability put on a sock.

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In the morning they wash the weight off the heels. If the gruel is stuck and not removed, you'll have to sit in a basin with warm water. In case of appearance of a redness after a compress, next time apply the gruel on a piece of tissue.

In the final part, we note that canned bile is a medical biological preparation that requires compliance with the rules of use according to the instructions.

With proper application of the traditional medical method, bile is an effective method for treating the calcaneal spur. The drug has contraindications for use. When mixed with other substances, bile may cause an unpredictable reaction.

So do not be too gullible to treat the people's ways of using this medicine.


A source:

How is the treatment of the heel spur treated with medical bile?


  • The causes of the appearance of the spur and the manifestation of the disease
  • Composition and properties of bile medical
  • The use of bile
  • Contraindications to the use of bile medical

Severe pain in the heel causes suspicion of an internal growth on the bone.Treating the calcaneal spur with medical bile is a fairly effective technique.

To the causes of neoplasm doctors refer the extra weight of the patient, the violation of metabolic processes in the body, flat feet. The disease strongly prevents walking and maintaining a normal lifestyle.


To treat a heel spur is necessary under supervision and with appointments from the qualified experts. If you do not do it for a long time, the foot can deform, which is much harder to fix.


The medical name of the disease is fasciitis. The disease is characterized by a strong muscular inflammation. To this process connect and ligaments with tendons. Inflammation leads to the formation of a build-up on the heel bone. Spines, which are formed as a result, strongly injure tissues and cause painful sensations.

The causes of the appearance of the spur and the manifestation of the disease

Heel spur is a common disease. They suffer more often city dwellers.

This is due to the peculiarities of life in a metropolis, and for women - by walking on high heels.

This spoils and deforms the foot, creating additional threats of the occurrence of various types of diseases of the musculoskeletal system.

Most of those who applied for help to doctors when they found a calcaneal spur were women aged 40-45 years.

In medical practice, there are situations when a rather large spine (over 1 cm) does not bring strong pain sensations to the patient when walking. The presence of a spine as a result of an X-ray done on a different occasion was found out.

In other cases, a small growth on the bone caused severe pain and inflammation, and the patient had to urgently relieve the pain syndrome.

Treatment of calcaneal spurs with medical bile is widely used in medicine.

Bile is obtained from animals. The medication sold in the pharmacy contains bile of cattle or pigs.


Since ancient times people have been using this remedy to eliminate all kinds of ailments. Official medicine took the bile for armament, carefully studying its properties.


Proceeding from this, medicines have been successfully developed, which are widely used in medicine and now.

In the pharmacy chain, canned bile sold, which has a dark color with a mixture of shades of yellow and brown. The odor of the substance is specific. In addition to the bile in the composition of alcohol, furatsilin, formalin. The drug is used only externally.

The action of bile is as follows:

  • she is anesthetizing;
  • removes inflammation;
  • resolves bumps and outgrowths.

In addition to cases with spurs, bile is used when:

  • arthritis;
  • bursitis;
  • radiculitis;
  • osteoarthrosis;
  • traumatic tissue damage (sprains, bruises).

In the pharmacy the drug is sold without a prescription. Treatment spurs are spent at home. Use the product with caution. To achieve maximum effect, the procedure with bile conduct a long time. A course of 20-30 manipulations can not be interrupted.

If a person has allergic reactions to the components of the drug, such treatment is contraindicated. In order not to harm your body, you must try to avoid getting bile on the mucous membranes.

To combine bile with other medicines, doctors are not recommended to get rid of unforeseen reactions, burns and allergies.

If the diagnosis is correct and this is the heel spur, consult a doctor, as in your case correctly use medical bile.

When treating the spinal spur with medical bile, other methods should be used: physiotherapy, massage, gymnastics, corticosteroids, pain medications.

Complex procedures will get rid of the disease faster. It is known that bile does not help all patients. Some do not react at all to the drug, and the spurs continue to bother them.

Running forms of the disease can not heal only bile. Often, surgery is required.


Before performing the procedures to eliminate the spur, the effect of the agent on the skin should be tested. This is done to find out how the body will react to bile, whether an allergic reaction will appear.


Apply a little to the elbow area on the inside. It is important to do this on clean, undamaged skin (the effect of bile on the places where there are wounds, will lead to irritation and soreness).

Begin the procedure as soon as possible. If the symptoms of spurs are troubling for a long time, have patience. Of the bile make lotions. It is customary to leave a compress at night, and shoot in the morning. To carry out the procedure for treating heel spurs with medical bile, you will need:

  • gauze or a small piece of matter;
  • bile;
  • medical alcohol or ordinary vodka;
  • wide bandage;
  • film or plastic bag;
  • socks.

Undo the heel. Shake the vial of bile well. Dampen the cloth or gauze in the liquid and attach to the spur. Cover with polyethylene, wrap with a bandage. Wear socks made of wool.

In the morning, remove the compress and wipe the heel with alcohol. You can wash your feet extra, but many doctors do not recommend this. Lubricate the place of lotion with baby cream.

This will relieve irritation on the skin.

Do the procedures should be daily, for 20-30 days without breaks.

Even if you are tired, you are no longer tormented by such severe pain, do not interrupt the course, it will turn the process of recovery of your legs back.

It is believed that relief will come after 5 procedures. Completed treatment does not guarantee that pain will not return.

Some experts do not recommend using polyethylene when applying a compress, speaking about the "greenhouse effect" that will be created in this case. So, the risk of getting a burn increases. Instead of polyethylene, wax paper can be used.

According to another recipe for enhancing the effect, it is recommended to mix bile with alcohol or vodka. It is believed that so the agent is better absorbed into the skin, quickly affecting the inflammation.

There are a number of recipes from the spur that can be used in breaks between bile courses. In the summer, when there is a lot of green around, find a fresh grass sponge and put it in your shoes. Walk all day, and in the morning make new tabs. Continue manipulation for a week.

Mix 40-60 ml of bile, 15-20 ml of any shampoo, 20-25 ml of alcohol. Make a compress of this remedy at night. If there is no allergy on the elbow bend when testing the composition, and if there is any on the heel, immediately stop using and wash your feet well.

Apply bile and pepper. On the technology of compressing this recipe from the previous does not differ. You will need about 10 pods of red bitter pepper (do not grind), bile (200 - 250 ml), camphor alcohol (100 ml).


Mix the ingredients in a glass container, close tightly with a lid (non-metallic). Insist 3-5 days. Strain and use for lotions. Keep the product in the refrigerator for no more than 7 days, after you need to cook fresh.


Birch bark is also used. Cut out a narrow strip from it, roll it into a tube, wind the resulting ring with a layer of bandage and put it on the shoes or shoes in place of the heels. The spur must fall into the hole. This reduces the load when walking, the painful area is not injured.

It is not recommended to use bile on damaged skin, even if your body is not prone to allergic reactions, irritation from the burning effect of bile does not have a better effect on sensations.

With inflammatory disease of lymph nodes or infection of the lymph system, it is not recommended to treat spur with bile.

Doctors do not recommend the use of bile in spur in pregnant and lactating women. If there is such a need, then procedures should be done with great care and only under the strict supervision of a doctor.

Children such treatment is contraindicated. The action of bile and on the skin of adults leads to its reddening. The skin of small children is too tender for the use of such drugs.

In the treatment of bile spurs do not combine the drug with pion, licorice, clover, parsley, thyme, hops. These herbs reduce the effectiveness of bile.

A source:

Treating the heel spur with medical bile: application, reviews

To treat the calcaneal spur used a variety of medications that have an analgesic effect. Among them is bile and medical. Spurs, when applied, as many people claim, retreat within a few weeks.

The action of medical bile from the heel spur

Medical bile is an emulsion that has an anti-inflammatory and absorbable effect. It is often used as local compresses for bruises, sprains and joint pain.

The use of medical bile with a calcaneal spur promotes the rapid elimination of the inflammatory process in the plantar fascia and normalization of the local circulation. The dissolving effect of this drug can eliminate bone formation, thereby eliminating the painful sensations that it caused.

Treatment of spur bile has its advantages and disadvantages, which we will now talk about.

Advantages of using bile from spurs on the heels

Medical bile with a calcaneal spur is the simplest and most accessible for every means, which helps to fight against this ailment. It is sold in the pharmacy, so problems with the acquisition of bile should not arise.

The cost of this wonderful remedy does not exceed 300 rubles per bubble, which is enough for almost the entire course of treatment.

Medical bile is very simple to use, and therefore can be easily used at home to treat spurs on the heels.


Unlike other medications, bile actually helps to eliminate bone formation without surgery.


And all thanks to its resorptive and anti-inflammatory effect.

It is worth noting that even doctors are not against using bile with a calcaneal spur. They believe that this drug is highly effective and can easily compete with modern anti-inflammatory non-steroidal ointments and gels.

Disadvantages of using bile from calcaneal spurs

The use of medical bile with spurs has its drawbacks. The first thing I would like to note is the need for its continued application.

In order to eliminate the spurs on the heels, you must do at least twenty procedures with the use of bile. And interrupt the course of treatment in any case impossible.

Otherwise, it will be practically impossible to achieve a therapeutic effect.

Medical bile is a powerful drug that contains many active ingredients. Its use can easily provoke the appearance of an allergic reaction.

Therefore it is very important before starting a course of treatment with this drug, to conduct a small test for sensitivity.

Bile in a very small amount must be applied to the aching heel and after 10 minutes to evaluate the result. If there is severe burning, itching or redness, then bile can not be used in any case.

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If no signs of an allergic reaction are observed, then you can safely use this tool to treat the calcaneal spur.


It should also be noted that the use of medical bile is very cautious, not allowing it to hit the mucous membranes, wounds and cuts. Otherwise, a burn is possible.


And one more, probably, the most important lack of treatment of the spur of the bile of the medical - the impossibility of its combination with other medicinal preparations. At the same time, no one can achieve the desired result by 100%.

How to use medical bile from calcaneal spurs

Treating spur bile is very simple. From it you can make medical compresses. It is done this way: first you need to shake the bottle with bile and moisten it with a linen shred.

Then it should be applied to a sore spot, covered with polyethylene on top and wrapped in a few layers with a dry bandage. On top of the leg should wear a warm toe. Keep the compress for at least 12 hours.

If you started to feel that the applied compress begins to dry out, you should replace it with a new one.

Compress of bile medical with heel spur is very effective. After a few procedures, you will see relief. It should be noted that the compress should be done daily for 20 days. The maximum break between them is 12 hours.

Compress with medical bile can be prepared in a different way. For this you will need bile, vodka and shampoo. Ingredients should be mixed in the ratio 1.

They should be mixed very well in order to obtain a homogeneous mass. In it, you need to moisten a scrap of tissue and attach it to a sick heel. On top also need to attach polyethylene and fix everything with a dry bandage.

This compress should also be kept for 10-12 hours.

As in the previous case, the heel spurs should be treated with such a compress for 20 days. After removing it, you should thoroughly wash your feet and lubricate them with baby cream to relieve irritation. Only after the skin has calmed down, you can apply a new compress.

There is another recipe for preparing a solution for a healing compress from the calcaneal spurs. To make it, you need a paprika red pepper (10 pcs.), One bubble of medical bile and 4 flasks of camphor alcohol.

These ingredients should be mixed in a clean jar (pre-chopping the pepper) and remove the infused into a warm place, where the sun's rays do not fall. Then the resulting product should be filtered.

After this, the mixture should be stored only in the refrigerator.

Use the prepared infusion of medical bile as follows. In it you need to moisten a small piece of cotton wool, attach it to a sore spot, cover it with polyethylene and apply a tight bandage. Keep such a compress you need no more than 3 hours.

How effective is the use of bile?

Treating the calcaneal spur with jaundice reviews is different. Some argue that this is the most effective tool that can really eliminate this ailment, while others say that the use of bile is a waste of time.

In any case, even if you decided to treat the heel spur with bile at home, you need to remember that self-medication is unsafe. You can greatly damage your health. There is a high risk of burns, which only exacerbate the current situation.


In this case, it should also be taken into account that medical bile has its contraindications. It can not be used for dermatological diseases, blood clotting disorders and the presence of lesions on the skin.


Since the treatment of spur on the heel of bile can not be combined with the use of other medications, to enhance therapeutic therapy should combine compresses with massage and exercise therapy.

about the treatment of the heel spur

A source:

Bile medical: application with heel spur, reviews of doctors and patients

Is bile effective? The application for a calcaneal spur (consumer reviews discussed below) will be described in detail below. Also, you will learn about the properties of this remedy, whether it has contraindications.

Basic information

About how the spur is treated with bile, we'll talk just below.

How does this pathological condition manifest itself? With a calcaneal spur, a person experiences severe pain during walking, redness of the heel and significant discomfort. Similar symptoms indicate the presence of bone growth.

In order to confirm the alleged diagnosis, very many experts recommend an X-ray examination. The picture clearly shows a pathological build-up, which allows doctors to immediately prescribe treatment.

What causes the disease?

Medical bile with spurs is used very often. But before applying it, you should find out why this pathological growth occurred. Most often, the calcaneal spur arises against the background of flat feet.

In turn, the aforementioned disease develops due to excess weight, excessive athletic loads on the feet, diseases of the musculoskeletal system, constant wearing of shoes with high heels, broken metabolism and so Further. All these conditions can cause changes in the work of the ankle, which ultimately leads to the development of inflammation and pathological proliferation of bone tissue.

The build-up on the heel has the appearance of an acute spike. During walking, he literally digs into soft tissue and inflicts unbearable pain on a person.

After diagnosis of the calcaneal spur, medication is prescribed. In this case, patients have to drink expensive medications, as well as carry out physiotherapy procedures.

Is it possible to treat the calcaneal spur with bile? In neglected cases such a folk remedy should be combined with the use of certain medications. As for the initial stage of the disease, in such a situation, medical bile is quite capable of coping with the disease on its own.

What is this tool?

What is the medical bile? The use of the heel spur (reviews on the drug in most cases are positive) is quite popular among people with the mentioned problem.

In folk medicine, this remedy has become widespread. It is produced on the basis of bile of cattle, or rather, bulls and cows.

It is a medicinal substance that has a dark yellow or almost brown color, as well as a characteristic pungent odor.

It is used exclusively for medicinal purposes.


Experts say that compresses with bile can have analgesic and warming effects.


This purified and thoroughly processed substance with the addition of fragrances, ethyl alcohol and other auxiliary components is sold in drugstore chains called "Bile Medical".

The use of a calcaneal spur (patient feedback on the effectiveness of the remedy is presented at the end of the article) is very popular. It warms, pains, and speeds up all the necessary resorption processes.

Such properties of the folk remedy are especially valuable not only in the treatment of bone growth on the heel, but also in the treatment of bursitis, arthritis, salt deposits, osteoarthritis, various diseases of the spinal column, sprains and bruises without any damage to the skin.

The effectiveness of the folk method

Why is it so popular to use medical bile to treat spurs? The reviews state that this tool has all the necessary properties that contribute to rapid dissolution of bone growth, as well as the elimination of inflammation and pain sensations.

In order for the drug to be treated as efficiently as possible, it should be used in the form of various compresses.

Thus, the folk remedy must be applied to a gauze or bandage, folded in several layers, after which attach to the patient site, and on top apply a compress paper and put on a woolen sock or warm the foot cotton wool.

Such a compress should be on the sick limb throughout the night. If the treatment procedure was carried out in the afternoon, the patient should be constantly monitored to ensure that the gauze bandage is always wet.

Also, for greater effectiveness, heel spurs can be treated not with pure bile, but pre-mixed with various additional substances.

Features and composition of the preparation

What properties does bile have medical? The use with a calcaneal spur (the doctors' reviews are presented below) is shown only if the disease is at the initial stage of development. After all, the properties of this drug are such that it can only help with an insignificant growth.

In modern medicine, bile is called the secret secreted by the liver cells.

It takes a direct part in the digestion, as well as the absorption of fat-soluble vitamins and fats in the small intestine.

In the distant past, healers used this substance to prepare drugs for various diseases. But in the modern world, this liver secret has not lost its relevance.


Pharmaceutical companies produce medical bile, obtained not only from cattle, but also from pigs.


This drug is subjected to conservation. In addition to bile, it includes formalin, furatsilin, as well as ethyl alcohol.

On sale it can be found in vials that have a volume of 50, 250 or 100 ml.

Properties of the medicine

How to get rid of the heel spur? How is bile treated? The reviews report that the formation of a marginal osteophyte, or the so-called spur on the heel, can cause the development of an inflammatory process in the plantar aponeurosis of the foot.

The use of the drug in question is shown as an external agent in the pathology of the musculoskeletal system, as well as in the development of the heel spur.

Experts argue that the drug in question can provide the following therapeutic effects:

  • Anti-inflammatory - in place of the pathological process, bile improves blood flow, and also normalizes metabolism, promotes the removal of free radicals and under-oxidized products.
  • Local irritating - bile can affect painful and other sensitive receptors of skin, having a distracting effect.
  • Degradable - natural preparation activates the removal of metabolic products of dead cells and various bacteria from the inflammation focus.
  • Anaesthetising - the use of medical bile promotes the blockage of pain receptors, greatly facilitates the patient's condition.

Application features

How long can medical bile be used? The use with a calcaneal spur (the doctors' testimonies testify to the high effectiveness of this remedy) should last from three to thirty days (only about 20 procedures). With acute need for therapy, compressions can be repeated after 1-2 months.

To preserve all the therapeutic properties of the drug, the vial of bile should be stored only in a refrigerator. Before each use, the container with the medicine should be shaken vigorously.

Prohibitions to use

In what cases is not bile used medical? Use with a calcaneal spur (reviews say that this drug is not sold in all pharmacies) is prohibited when:

  • skin diseases (for example, with erysipelas, boils, abscesses and phlegmon);
  • individual hypersensitivity to the elements of the agent;
  • acute diseases of blood vessels and lymph nodes (for example, with lymphadenitis and lamphangitis);
  • damage to the skin at the site of drug application (for example, with diaper rills, scratches, cracks, wounds);
  • pregnancy and feeding the baby with breast milk;
  • in childhood.
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This must always be taken into account. Also it should be noted that use of bile from the calcaneal spur follows only after contacting the doctor and a diagnostic examination. In addition, it is desirable to use this agent in combination with other methods prescribed by specialists.

Feedback from consumers and doctors

Now you know what constitutes a medical bile. It should be noted that this agent is very often used to treat diseases of the musculoskeletal system. Also, this medication is often used to treat spurs on the heel.

Patients claim that this drug is very effective. After a few procedures, all the painful sensations associated with the build-up formation completely disappear. The same opinion is shared by specialists.

They report that medical bile has all the necessary properties for the treatment of the aforementioned disease.

Timely use of the drug can not only anesthetize the affected area, but also significantly accelerate all processes of resorption spurs.

A source: http://.ru/article/263006/jelch-meditsinskaya-primenenie-pri-pyatochnoy-shpore-otzyivyi-vrachey-i-bolnyih

Medical bile with heel spur - reviews, application features and efficacy:

Among the diseases of the musculoskeletal system, a heel spur is often found in medical practice.

Patients with this diagnosis experience many unpleasant symptoms that significantly reduce the quality of human life.

What kind of illness is this and can it be treated with ordinary medical bile?

What is the heel spur?

The heel spur in the people is often referred to as a plantar fasciitis, which is the formation of calcified outgrowth in the calcaneus region. What does it mean?

The heel bone in the body is responsible for the correct distribution of the body load.

Under the influence of some factors, it deforms in the area of ​​attachment of the tendons, in this connection, the size of the bone increases.


Its form becomes not physiological, the neoplasm begins to press on all surrounding tissues and causes constant pain.


Dimensions of the built-up edge vary - from 3 to 12 mm, with the sharp end of the spur pointing towards the fingers and slightly upward.

Why do heel spurs appear?

Most often, this disease affects women who have already reached the age of 40. In the list of reasons for the appearance of the spur:

  • trauma of the foot in the tendon area;
  • overweight;
  • excessive training and physical activity, which is aimed at the foot;
  • rheumatism;
  • age changes in the structure of ligaments and bones.

The main symptoms

To know about the presence of a calcaneal spur is not difficult, since the symptoms of the disease are always pronounced. Patients complain about:

  • pain when walking (burning or acute);
  • starting pain - severe pain in the morning when getting out of bed;
  • Pain sensations, concentrating in the area of ​​the heel, or extending to the entire surface of the foot;
  • the appearance of a sense of "hammered nails" in the heel;
  • seal in the heel area.

If one or more of the above symptoms is found, treatment should be initiated sooner, as with time the manifestations of the disease will only increase. One of the effective methods of treatment with a calcaneal spur is the use of medical bile.

What is medical bile?

Bile medical is a remedy that is obtained from cattle and then canned. Sometimes the bile of pigs is used. In appearance, it is a yellow-brown liquid substance with a characteristic odor of bile.

In addition to bile, the composition is:

  • rectified ethyl alcohol;
  • solution of furacilin in alcohol 70%;
  • formalin;
  • perfume.

Indications for use

The main pharmacological action is a local irritating effect. In addition, the drug has the following actions:

  • anesthetizing;
  • anti-inflammatory;
  • pronounced resolving.

Due to such characteristics, the remedy is often used in folk and traditional medicine as a local therapy. Judging by the reviews, the medical bile with heel spur is also effective.

You can buy this medicine in any pharmacy, it is dispensed without a doctor's prescription. Vials are available in volumes of 250 and 100 ml.

The cost of the drug in the pharmacy fluctuates around 300 rubles.

Thanks to the low price to use bile for treatment of this or that disease almost everyone can.

Scope of medical bile

Medical bile is used as an analgesic and anti-inflammatory drug in many diseases:

  • some diseases of soft tissues;
  • heel spurs;
  • arthrosis.

Doctors warn that before using the drug should check the skin and soft tissue for external damage.

If they are present, you should stop using medical bile with a calcaneal spur.

Reviews indicate the appearance of irritation and deterioration of soft tissue.

Contraindications to use

Bile has several contraindications to the use. Among them:

  • external mechanical damage to the skin;
  • It is not recommended to use bile in the form of compresses to children, since the skin of the child is thinner and more susceptible compared to the skin of adults (irritation and allergic reaction may appear);
  • skin diseases;
  • diseases of the lymphatic system.

In any case, before treating the calcaneal spur with medical bile, you should first consult with your doctor.

Side effects

When using the drug for the first time, you should proceed with caution. After application to the skin, it is necessary to follow the reaction of the body. If there is a burning sensation, redness and irritation of the skin, the use of medical bile stops.

Repeat the procedure can be no earlier than a month. In the case of a second reaction from this type of treatment should be discarded.

Compress of medical bile in its pure form

One of the most effective methods of combating the calcaneal spur is the compress. The procedure will require:

  • soft gauze (can be replaced with a soft cotton cloth);
  • in fact, medical bile.

The fabric or gauze is folded in several layers and abundantly moistened with bile. This cloth wrapped around the foot in the affected area and superimposed wax paper over the compress.

All this is fixed with a bandage and a dense woolen toe. Sock not only reliably fixes the compress, but also warms.

The dressing is left for a day, when the gauze is drying, it can be moistened with water.

After the specified time period, the compress is removed, and the skin at the site of contact with the medical bile is abundantly rubbed with lotion (an alcoholic tincture is also suitable for this purpose). Do not use foot water.

About such treatment of the calcaneal spur with medical jaundice, the reviews are positive. The effect of patients is noted after five days, but it is impossible to stop therapy on this. The fact is that the relief of symptoms does not mean that a cure has occurred.

The course of treatment is 20-30 days. If necessary, after a break in 1-2 months, repeat the course.

Based on vodka

In a small container mix:

  • 50 grams of medical bile;
  • 20 grams of any vodka (you can use diluted alcohol medical);
  • about 20 grams of shampoo (you can take any).

All the ingredients are well mixed until a uniform consistency liquid is obtained. After that, they proceed exactly as described in the previous method.

Cloth or gauze is wetted in liquid, it is applied to a sore spot, covered with wax paper and bandage.

On top of the bandage is put on a woolen sock.

To get a good result, you should impose such a bandage at least three times. Flush the product after removing the bandage is not necessary. If you believe the reviews, the effect of medical bile with a calcaneal spur in this case is not less than from the previous method of therapy.

Bile with pepper

This recipe is well known in the people for its curative and analgesic properties. For the preparation of a medicinal product it will be required:

  • 50 g of normal bile;
  • camphor alcohol in the amount of 100 g;
  • 5 or 6 small chili peppers.

All these components are mixed in a glass container, tightly closed and sent to a dark cool place for 10 days.

This liquid is used to apply compresses.

According to numerous reviews, medical bile with heel spur markedly reduces pain after only 3-5 applications.

Bile with dimexid

A mixture of bile and dimexide is also in high demand.

Dimexide is a synthetic drug that is used for topical application.

It has pronounced antibacterial, analgesic, anti-inflammatory and antihistamine properties.

Thus, bile and dimexide will effectively complement each other's action.


  • 50 g of dimexide (it can be bought freely in any pharmacy);
  • 50 g of water;
  • 10 drops of bile medical.

Dimexide is diluted with boiled water in the proportion 10 g of bile are added to the resulting solution. The medicine is applied to a clean bandage, applied to the heel and well fixed with a bandage, and a woolen sock is put on top.

Dimexide is used only for external use and only if there are no lesions (wounds, irritation) on the skin.

Hot foot baths

Many people carefully study, before treating the heel spur with medical bile, reviews, the 5 method described here, combines therapeutic compresses with hot foot baths. The steaming helps to relax the muscles, increase blood circulation in the tissues, reduce pain and speed up the healing process.

First, your legs are well ripped out. To do this, in hot water, the legs should be kept for about 30 minutes. Doing it best before bed.

After a hot bath, dry your feet and put a small piece of cotton wool soaked in bile. Vata should cover only a small part of the heel where the spur is probed.

On the entire foot compress should not be imposed, since on healthy tissues bile can cause a burn.

A piece of polyethylene is applied over the cotton wool, and a sock is put on top. In the morning, the compress can be left or removed, but you do not need to throw out cotton.

The next evening the procedure is repeated. For the compress, yesterday's piece of cotton wool is used.

Gradually, the symptoms will start to worry less and after, -2 months, recovery will come.

Drug from spurs with iodine

To make a mixture, you need to take:

  • 50 grams of bile;
  • 20 drops of ordinary iodine;
  • 1 tbsp. a spoonful of glycerin;
  • 30 grams of alcohol.

All ingredients are mixed in an enamel or glass container and placed for 7-10 days in a cold place, away from direct sun rays. After insisting, this medicine is used to apply compresses.


The effectiveness of such treatment is confirmed by medical reports. With a heel spur, the composition of the medical bile helps to relieve inflammation, eliminate pain and stop other symptoms.

Patients say that after a few procedures there is relief. The effect will increase if you combine this therapy with special exercises, regular rest and other appointments of the doctor.

Thus, we can conclude. Despite the ease of use and affordable price, medical bile with heel spurs reviews from patients and doctors deserved only positive. It is important only to regularly do the procedures and supplement them with other therapies.

A source:

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