Virus cough without fever 2016

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Cough is, but there is no temperature - what is the reason?

Bronchospasm is not always accompanied by any additional symptoms. Often a person at first sight seems completely healthy in all respects. Cough without temperature is misleading by its frivolity and inoffensive. Often it is because of the absence of other signs that the patient is delayed with a visit to the doctor, and does it in vain.

Does a cough without fever be a sign of severe ailments?

Of course, in a number of cases, sharp spastic exhalations are only a natural single reaction of the organism to external stimuli. Smoke, crumbs, dust, water can get into the respiratory system and cause a cough, the temperature of 35 degrees is not an indicator of the presence of pathology that causes bronchospasm. The phenomenon will be one.

However, if a person has a serious anomaly or the virus gets into the body, a cough without temperature becomes a signal for help. In this case, we can talk about the presence of not only diseases that are easily treated, but also about fatal ailments:

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  • Cancer.
  • Tuberculosis.
  • HIV infection.
  • Cardiovascular pathologies.

That is why an immediate appeal to a doctor has a very important role for the further favorable prognosis of the patient's recovery.

Strong cough without temperature - the body's response to external factors

Reflex spasms of the respiratory tract may be a response to provocators present in the environment, or mechanical stimuli.

Cough without fever and cold may indicate the following:

  • The emergence of allergies to food, animal hair and stuff.
  • Work in harmful conditions (at chemical plants, in dusty premises).
  • Falling into the respiratory organs of foreign particles.
  • Increased dryness of air indoors or outdoors.
  • Regular exposure to the lungs of tobacco smoke.
  • Taking medications. In some people, side effects in the form of a cough arise in the treatment of drugs that reduce blood pressure, as well as ACE inhibitors.

In all these cases, you can get rid of bronchospasm only by removing the irritant, their caller.

Causes of cough without fever: various chronic diseases

Sharp spastic exhalations and lack of heat can indicate different ailments that are in a state of latent flow. Often cough, low body temperature are observed in the following chronic diseases:

  • Sinusitis, rhinitis, frontal sinuses. Mucus, accumulating in the sinuses, gets into the throat when changing the position of the body, irritates it and causes reflex spasms of the diaphragm. Additional symptoms for these diseases are: pain in the frontal or nasal zones, poor sense of smell, worsening of breathing through the nostrils.
  • Pulmonary diseases. Although often there is tuberculosis and pneumonia without fever and cough, in some people these diseases, which occur in a chronic form, are accompanied by bronchospasm.
  • Heart ailments. An unpleasant symptom, not accompanied by fever, arises from the increase in the heart. It exerts pressure on the receptors of the respiratory system. Also stagnation occurs in a small venous circle of the respiratory system.

Cough, chills without fever, as a sign of respiratory viral infections

Bronchospasms are a frequent companion of ARVI. Chills, cough without fever can be observed at the beginning of the development of diseases related to this group of infections:

  • Influenza.
  • Colds.
  • Adenovirus.

Additional symptoms are often:

  • A sore throat.
  • Fatigue.
  • Nausea.
  • Coryza.

Cough, weakness (without fever) with HIV

Respiratory spasms of the respiratory tract are often a symptom of late stages of development of the human immunodeficiency virus. This dangerous disease can for several months and even years not manifest itself in any way, and only then the patient learns about the terrible diagnosis.

If there is a cough and there is no temperature, then you should pay attention to the presence of such additional symptoms as:

  • Appearance of pink, red, brown spots on the mucous membranes and skin of the face, torso.
  • Peeling of the epidermis.
  • The formation of cones and furuncles.
  • The onset of rash.
  • The appearance of stomatitis and thrush in the oral cavity.
  • Distribution of fungus on legs.
  • Weight loss.

If normal or low fever and cough are accompanied by similar symptoms, you should immediately pass tests for HIV infection. This can be done in every city, if desired - anonymously.

Mycoplasmosis: there is cough - no temperature

Sharp spastic exhalations can be caused by infectious microorganisms occupying an intermediate stage between bacteria and viruses. These are the so-called mycoplasma. When ingested, the infection can infect various organs, including the respiratory tract.

The development of mycoplasmosis lasts from 1 to 2 weeks. When the respiratory organs are affected, a small temperature and cough are observed. Additional symptoms may include:

  • Nasal congestion.
  • Pershenia and redness in the throat.
  • Intoxication of the body (in children).

Coughing attacks without temperature with mycoplasmosis are characterized by duration. Sharp spastic exhalations are quite debilitating, sputum discharge is not accompanied.

Wet cough without fever, like a symptom of cancerous tumors

Reflex spasms of the diaphragm may indicate the appearance of malignant neoplasms in the larynx, pharynx or lung. Strong moist exhalations without temperature in this case occur in combination with the following symptoms:

  • Contains blood or pus in sputum.
  • Difficulty breathing.
  • Swollen neck.
  • Painful sensations in the throat.
  • Weight loss.
  • Lack of appetite.
  • Common weakness.

Is a cough infectious without fever?

Reflex spasms of the respiratory tract are a sign of a protective reaction of the body. They are not passed from one person to another directly. Infect bronchospasm can only become ill with the disease that causes it. Naturally, it is impossible to pick up from someone:

  • Allergies.
  • Smoking.
  • Cancer.
  • Cardiovascular diseases.
  • Inhalation of dry air.
  • The reaction of the body to pharmaceuticals.

However, viral diseases that cause a cough without temperature, it is very easy to get infected. This applies to diseases transmitted by airborne (ARVI) and sexual transmission (mycoplasmosis, HIV).

In order not to run the disease and not infect surrounding people, it is necessary to immediately go to the hospital at the first sign of a cough. The doctor will diagnose and prescribe the right symptomatic and basic treatment. After all, there are many ways that will help ease the intensity or temporarily remove in adults and children cough without fever (Komarovsky, for example, gives many useful tips in TV shows and Internet forums).

Of course, recommendations heard on TV or read on the Internet should be used only after consulting a doctor. However, they are often very useful.

There are many medications available in the form of tablets, syrups, sprays. Help people cure cough without fever. Great effect is inhalation, warming up.

Viral and bacterial infections that cause cough

As a rule, cough is attributed to the symptoms of colds. However, it can be caused by viral and bacterial infections. To date, there are more than 142 known viruses that provoke the development of a reflex act. Among the most common: influenza, adenovirus, respiratory syncytial virus and others.

Viral infections

It should be noted that, as a rule, the incubation period for viral infections is from 1-5 days. It is believed that this time is enough for the virus to disperse into the body and manifest itself in the form of cough and other symptoms. The time indicator plays an important role in determining the type of infection (bacterial or viral) that has entered the body. That is, you need to remember when the last time, perhaps, was contact with a sick person (circles, school, garden, work). If no more than 5 days have passed, the most likely cause of the cough and other accompanying symptoms is the virus.

Of course, one argument that speaks in favor of this or that infection is not enough, for a more accurate diagnosis of the type of pathogen it is necessary to compare other factors.

After the end of the incubation period, the next phase of the disease begins. At this time, the antigen is already beginning in all its power to attack the human immune system.

At this time, the following symptoms are observed:

  • Loss of appetite.
  • Temperature increase.
  • The defeat of the respiratory tract, including diseases such as pharyngitis, bronchitis, tonsillitis.
  • Coryza, and the snot does not flow from the nasal sinuses, but flow into the nasopharynx, thus irritating the respiratory tract.

At this time, various antiviral drugs are particularly effective. However, one should not rush to give antipyretic tablets. Only after the temperature has risen to 38 degrees, traditional means such as paracetamol can be used. It is worth noting that if such a course of the disease has developed, then it is not necessary to wait for a speedy recovery. It is necessary to prepare for the fact that the virus can "walk" through the body for 5-7 days. At the same time, it is necessary to call a doctor.

What are the viral infections that cause coughing?

Rotovirus infections are spread all over the world. As a rule, their action is activated in the winter and off-season. The main and largest reservoir for them is the person himself. The method of transmission is airborne. However, even the most innocuous handshake can lead to infection.

The danger of viral infections lies not only in provoking a strong, debilitating cough, high temperature, but also in that they are able to bring bacterial agents into the body. It is important to know that very often a virus ARVI can provoke an allergic reaction in humans. Therefore very often together with medicines from an ailment antiallergic agents are appointed.

Bacterial infections

Bacterial infections caused by cough and airway damage are significantly greater than those of viral. Among the most common are:

  • Pathogens pertussis.
  • Pneumococci.
  • Chlamydia.
  • Haemophilus influenzae.
  • Streptococci.

At once it is necessary to note, that in this case, about any antiviral preparations and speeches can not be conducted. It is necessary to use antibacterial therapy as soon as possible, because the consequences can be serious.

By the way, Staphylococcus aureus, which is so often sown, and then treated with antibiotics, is not a dangerous pathogen. This agent in the respiratory tract is absolutely accidental, moreover, he is completely uncomfortable and without medication. He used to live on the skin of any person and gets into the body quite by accident.

Than bacterial infections are dangerous

The main difference of the causative agent of this type is a long incubation period. As a rule, it is from 3 to 14 days. It is worth noting that in this case it is necessary to consider not only how much time passed after possible contact with an unhealthy person (as was the case with viruses), but other factors. For example, the command "On the Start" can be the usual overwork, hypothermia, cold drink. It is necessary to do this because some microorganisms are able to live in cells and in no way to show themselves for a long time. And to activate their vital activity can lead to any deviations from the normal state of health.

Again, it should be noted that smears on the flora, taken in advance, in order to prevent the development of the disease are completely useless. Moreover, standard media used by medium-level laboratories do not grow chlamydia, which are culprits in a quarter of all tonsillitis, a concomitant secondary symptom, which is a severe dry cough. As a rule, the fastest grows golden Staphylococcus, which clogs the growth of other microbes, possibly implicated in a cough caused by bacterial infections.

A characteristic difference between bacterial infection and viral infection is that there is no blurred clinical picture during the prodrome, as can be seen in the first case. Here everything looks like a complication of SARS and manifests itself in the form of already specific ailments. For example, otitis, tonsillitis, tonsillitis with a dry strong cough. In fairness, it should be emphasized that such a common disease as tonsillitis can be caused by Epstein-Barr.

Of course, bacteria can cause not only upper respiratory tract damage accompanied by severe cough, but also more complex diseases, such as interstitial pneumonia. This disease is caused by chlamydial and mycoplasma infections, bacterial. Unfortunately, to put this diagnosis to doctors is very difficult, because external symptoms are completely absent. Moreover, even listening, tapping does not give a chance for a specialist to know about the disease. Only an x-ray can reveal this ailment. At the same time, this disease is easy enough to treat, since bacteria are very sensitive antibiotics. The main sign of pneumonia is a severe cough, sometimes it can be accompanied by a sputum discharge.

Algorithm for diagnosis of cough in a bacterial or viral infection

In order to determine exactly which ailment causes a cough, it is necessary to carry out the following sequence of actions:

  • Compose a detailed medical history from the words of a person.
  • Perform a visual examination of the oral cavity and throat.
  • To send for examination, during which a clinical and biochemical blood test should be taken, a general urine test is performed, and detailed fluorography is also needed.

The exact nature of the cough will help to establish a complete sputum analysis. The need for this type of survey for the diagnosis of infectious diseases is particularly acute when it comes to pneumonia or bronchitis. According to WHO statistics, only in 2014 in the world from this more than 900 thousand died. children up to 5 years old.

Flu 2016: How to avoid infection?

Autumn is already on the doorstep, and this means that seasonal diseases make themselves felt. We will study the characteristics of influenza this year, the methods of treatment and prevention, as well as the main symptoms of the disease.

Information that the virus mutates for more than a year at all on hearing. The best specialists of WHO are engaged in the study of its species, analyze and predict which strain will make itself felt in the autumn-winter period and will be a real test for human health.

Every year, people with low immunity suffer from seasonal infectious and viral diseases. The main danger of the disease is that the virus is prone to frequent mutations. Every 10-20 years, the epidemiological situation changes drastically and is complicated by a complete mutation of the strain. But this does not mean that the symptomatology of the disorder is drastically changing. As a rule, more dangerous symptoms are added to the "classic" signs.

For 2015-2016 epidemiologists expect influenza outbreaks for November-January. And this means that the planned vaccination will be carried out in September-October. But for this season experts predict a stable situation even in the first months of cold weather. Therefore, there is an excellent chance to prepare for a meeting with the infection and to neutralize it.

Flu season 2016 is a hidden danger

For the coming season, doctors do not foreshadow catastrophic outbreaks of influenza. But this does not mean that you do not need to prevent the disease. Since the virus is rightfully considered the most dangerous among known virus lesions. The greatest danger is for people with chronic diseases of the respiratory system and a weakened immune system. The risk group includes elderly people, pregnant women and children.

In 2016, analysts predict an insignificant activity of earlier known strains:

  • A / California / 7/2009 (H1N1) pdm09 is a subtype of swine flu, which became known in 2009. It is this virus that caused the epidemic all over the world. The greatest danger is the complications that very often lead to death. Infection can cause sinusitis, pneumonia and even inflammation of the meninges.
  • A / Switzerland / 9715293/2013 (H3N2) is a subtype of strain A. Its danger in complications, which pathologically affect the cardiovascular system.
  • B / Phuket / 3073/2013 (B / Yamagata) and B / Brisbane / 60/2008 - a subtype of strain B, refers to poorly studied viruses. The disease is difficult to diagnose because of the lubricated symptoms. But doctors do not consider it dangerous, since it does not cause life-threatening complications.

Solving the problem of influenza is significantly complicated by the fact that the symptoms that appear at its early stage can be observed in other diseases. Under the mask of influenza infection can be: tonsillitis, food poisoning, typhoid fever, rheumatism, dysentery, tuberculosis and other disorders. There are known influenza-like respiratory tract infections that occur as influenza, but are caused by very different viruses.

To date, there are eight families of such viruses, including the common cold viruses, adenoviruses, parainfluenza and 1RS viruses. Diseases caused by such an infection resemble a real flu. To determine the true pathogen that caused the outbreak, an antibody test is performed.

Flu 2015-2016: special risk groups

Any disease has certain risk groups among people who are predisposed to infection. Since influenza infection is a respiratory disease caused by viruses, its main danger is a high level of infectiousness, severe course and weight of complications. With improper treatment or lack of it, the ailment can be fatal.

Consider who is at risk for the incidence of influenza infection:

  • Newborn children

Children have no immunity, which significantly increases the risk of infection. The situation is complicated by the fact that up to six months, routine vaccination is not carried out. To prevent illness, it is recommended to follow preventive measures. So, if the child is breastfed, the mother should be vaccinated. This will allow the baby to get antibodies through the milk. All who contact the child should also be vaccinated. If someone from family members have symptoms of infection, then any contact with the newborn is contraindicated.

  • Pregnant

Immunity is weakened by hormonal changes caused by the development of the fetus. The flu of 2016 in a pregnant woman is dangerous for both the woman herself and her child. The most serious consequence of an ailment is premature birth. If a woman carries the disease on her legs, this can lead to the development of various defects in the fetus, even miscarriage is possible. Prevent these processes can be timely vaccination and preventive measures.

  • Elderly people

The risk of infection is caused by a number of factors, primarily - a large number of chronic diseases and a natural decrease in immunity. Misconduct has a disastrous effect on vaccination.

In addition to the above categories, at-risk groups include people with chronic diseases and disabilities, patients with impaired neurological development, asthmatics, patients with chronic lung, kidney and liver lesions, as well as people with developmental delays and mental disorders.

World Flu 2016 - already on the threshold

Mixovirus influenzae that is the influenza virus, is a member of the family Orthomyxoviridae and has three forms: A, B, C. Types A and B are found in humans. Virus A is the main source of influenza epidemic, and type B provokes milder forms of the disease. Infection is determined by antigenic properties, that is, for the differentiation of A and B types, a solution of antigens of matrix proteins and antigens of non-cloproteins is used.

Consider the main clinical signs of viruses and their stages (found all over the world):



The form

Assessment of severity

Flow features


Intoxication of the body, headaches, chills, convulsive syndrome, catarrhal phenomena.


The temperature is subfebrile, with little indication of intoxication.

Without complications, a mild course.

Pathological changes from the bronchopulmonary system (hemorrhagic edema, bronchitis, segmental edema).

Medium Heavy

Body temperature 3, -3, ° C, symptoms of intoxication (head and muscle pains, adynamia, dizziness) are expressed. In rare cases, abdominal syndrome and segmental puffiness are possible.

Possible complications associated with the virus (neuritis, encephalitis and others).


The body temperature reaches critical values ​​of 40-4 ° C. Possible loss of consciousness, nonsense, convulsions, hallucinations, nausea and vomiting.

It is characterized by bacterial complications (otitis media, purulent necrotic laryngo-tracheobranchitis, pneumonia, bronchitis)

Immunofluorescence and immunoenzyme assays have positive results


Hyperthermal Syndrome; meningo-encephalitic syndrome; hemorrhagic syndrome

World statistics indicate that annually about 15% of humanity suffers from influenza. It is this affliction that causes irreversible damage to the structures of the brain and the cardiovascular system. The European Center for Disease Control and Prevention predicts a low activity of the infection for the coming year. But isolated cases of infection are possible, which can be prevented by a timely vaccine.

The flu epidemic 2016

The beginning of the flu epidemic is forecast for January-February 2016. There is still enough time to think about the options for prevention or get vaccinated. A sharp jump in the incidence rate is possible in November-December this year. The danger of the ailment is that only limited means are required to eliminate it.

Annually more than 200 thousand people die from the disease and its complications. Since infection occurs by airborne droplets, the flu takes the form of epidemics, that is, sudden outbreaks that quickly and suddenly spread. In especially acute periods, up to 50-70% of the total population can be infected.

To prevent the catastrophic extent of the disease, it is recommended to carry out prophylaxis. To date, vaccination is considered the most effective. This method not only reduces the mortality rate and maintains health, but also has a significant economic effect. This is due to the fact that the economic damage from the virus of one person is more than $ 100, and the cost of vaccination is 6-8 times lower than the losses from the disease.

For the 2015-2016 season, the composition of influenza vaccines has been updated, according to the recommendation of the World Health Organization. In the vaccine, two strains have been replaced, and now it protects against the three most commonly encountered and serious virus complications.

The strains of influenza vaccines:

  • A / California / 7/2009 (H1N1) pdm09
  • A / Switzerland / 9715293/2013 (H3N2) -like virus
  • B / Phuket / 3073/2013-like virus

Compulsory vaccinations are free of charge: children from 6 months, schoolchildren, students, medical, educational, transport and communal workers. And also pregnant women, patients older than 60 years, persons subject to conscription for military service and people with chronic diseases. The procedure is allowed to be carried out simultaneously with other vaccinations, except for vaccination against tuberculosis.

Flu 2016 in Russia

According to the forecasts of the Federal Health Service, an increase in the incidence of influenza and acute respiratory viral infections will begin in January 2016. February will be unsuccessful, since an epidemic of moderate intensity is assumed. According to preliminary estimates by WHO in 2016, the following strains will prevail in Russia: AH1N1, AH3N2 and influenza B. These strains became the basis of the vaccine "Grippol plus which is about to vaccinate the Russians.

In all districts, the level of morbidity is monitored to prevent an epidemic. Influenza is dangerous because of complications, the most unfavorable of which is pneumonia. To date, it is this complication that holds the leading position among infectious diseases. Particular attention is paid to informing the population at the regional level.

Quarantine-restrictive measures have been developed in medical institutions. For the period of the epidemic, additional beds were procured and drugs were purchased, which would allow patients to be hospitalized in the infectious departments in a timely manner and begin therapy.

Flu 2016 in Ukraine

The World Health Organization has published a forecast of the circulation of strains of the influenza virus in this epidemic season for the northern hemisphere, which is likely to affect Ukraine. According to the data received, the composition of the viruses has been updated, so people with a weakened immune system need to be vaccinated.

For 2015-2016, it is recommended to use vaccines against such strains as:

  • A / California / 7/2009 (H1N1) pdm09
  • A / Switzerland / 9715293/2013 # 01
  • In / Phuket / 3073/2013

In the past epidemic season, about, cases of influenza infection. At the same time, about 13% of the total population of the ARVI got sick, 49% of them - children under 16 years old. The Ukrainian Center for Disease Control and Monitoring regularly analyzes the immune stratum of the population. Fresh information indicates insufficient immunological protection of Ukrainians, which threatens the epidemic state and dangerous complications of influenza.

Symptoms of influenza 2016: warned - means armed

Clinical signs of influenza and SARS have much in common because of the defeat of the respiratory tract and general toxic symptoms. Influenza is an acute, infectious disease with mild catarrhal symptoms and severe toxicosis. The largest lesion occurs in the trachea and large bronchi. Symptomatics varies and depends on the immune status of the patient's body and age, as well as on the type of virus and its strain.

In 2015-2016, there can be both uncomplicated and complicated forms of the disease. The incubation period can last from a few hours to 1-5 days. After this, acute clinical manifestations begin. The severity of any form depends on the severity and duration of intoxication and catarrhal symptoms.


The main sign that manifests itself in the first hours of infection. The disease begins with a sharp rise in temperature, from subfebrile to hyperthermia. If the disease has an easy form, then the temperature is not high. Severity of intoxication shows the level of fever. When infected with type A (H1N1) virus, the symptoms of intoxication are poorly expressed even at very high body temperature.

  • Temperature - acute and short. The period of fever lasts 2-6 days, after which the temperature decreases. If it persists for a long period of time, then this indicates complications.
  • Headache - unpleasant sensations arise in the frontal and supraorbital areas, intensify when the eyeball moves. The severity of the pain may be different, but, as a rule, it is moderate. Pronounced pains are accompanied by sleep disorders, vomiting and unfavorable symptoms from the CNS.
  • General weakness - this symptom also refers to the syndrome of intoxication. There is fatigue, increased sweating, a sense of weakness. The patient complains of muscle and joint pains, aches in the whole body, and especially in the lumbosacral region.
  • Appearance - the patient's face looks red, conjunctivitis, photophobia and lacrimation possible.

Catarrhal syndrome

Another leading sign of influenza infection. But, as a rule, he recedes into the background, and in some cases is absent. The duration of catarrhal syndrome is 7-10 days, but cough may last longer.

  • The oropharynx - the reddening of the soft palate with a distinction from the hard palate is observed. By the 3rd day of the disease, redness changes to a vascular network. If the ailment has a severe course, then in the soft palate there are small hemorrhages and cyanosis. The mucous membrane is restored on the 7-8th day of treatment.
  • Nasopharynx - the nasal mucosa is hyperemic, dry, edematous. Nasal conchae are swollen, which significantly hinders breathing. These symptoms occur on day 2-3 of the disease and are accompanied by discharge from the nose. In the case of toxic damage to the vascular walls and intense sneezing, there may be nasal bleeding.
  • Cough, tracheobronchitis, laryngitis - there are painful sensations behind the sternum, dry cough. If the flu is uncomplicated, then cough persists for 5-6 days. In addition, there is rapid breathing, pain in the throat, hoarse voices, wheezing.
  • Cardiovascular system - changes due to toxic damage to the heart muscle. When the temperature rises, palpitations occur, accompanied by blanching of the skin. After this, there is sluggishness, slowing of the pulse and redness of the skin.
  • Digestive system - changes are not expressed in character. There is a decrease in appetite, constipation, impaired intestinal motility. On the tongue appears a white coating, possibly an intestinal disorder.
  • The urinary system - as the viruses are eliminated from the body through the kidneys, it leads to damage to the kidney tissue. In the analysis of urine appears protein and blood elements.
  • CNS - toxic reactions from the nervous system entail severe headaches, drowsiness, anxiety, convulsions and loss of consciousness. In rare cases, there are meningic symptoms.

If the flu is extremely severe, complications can lead to cerebral edema and other pathologies. Lightning-fast form of influenza lesion represents a serious danger of death. Patients with chronic diseases and a weakened immune system are at risk. This form causes pulmonary and cerebral edema, various bleeding, severe respiratory failure and other complications.

Features of the flu 2016

Despite the fact that the season of acute infectious diseases has just begun, medical statistics are horrifying. Features of the flu of 2016 is that in the first week of the new year the disease was affected by about 125 thousand people. But the worst thing is an increase in the number of deaths.

The disease causes the influenza virus AN1N1, which first made itself felt in 2009. The average incidence of swine flu is 570 patients per 1, 00 population. In Ukraine, the highest rate of pathology is recorded in the Kiev and Odessa regions, the least affected in the Transcarpathian and Ternopil regions. On the territory of Russia, this strain also rages.

Because the infection is constantly mutating, this greatly complicates the process of diagnosis and treatment. In connection with the epidemiological situation, an intensified antiepidemic regime is being introduced in many cities. Schools and kindergartens are closed for quarantine, infectious hospitals are overcrowded, a masked regime is introduced. All forces are thrown on informing the population about a dangerous disease and the peculiarities of its prevention.

Who to contact?


What is the difference between a cold and flu?

Many people believe that the flu is a synonym for the common cold. Only the temperature rose, there was a runny nose and cough, the patients immediately diagnosed themselves as a flu. Of course, this approach is completely wrong. It is very important to understand the difference between these diseases. Colds are mild diseases with sparing symptoms. Influenza and its complications can cause pneumonia and death.

Influenza infection is a viral disease that is accompanied by high fever, muscle and joint pain, weakness. The common cold is a broader concept consisting of a complex of symptoms that are caused by both bacteria and viruses. That is, to treat the flu, you need a special medicine, and for a cold you need to establish the type of the disease and only then prescribe a therapy.

  • The cold develops slowly, usually with malaise, and the flu - with a sharp temperature jump and increased weakness.
  • Colds can be both viral and bacterial etiology, influenza is an acute viral lesion.
  • For the diagnosis of influenza, bacteriological tests are used, and laboratory tests are used to confirm the cold.
  • As a rule, the cold has a favorable outcome, and the flu, especially severe and neglected forms, leads to complications and even death.

Influenza, acute respiratory infections and acute respiratory infections are colds that have a common symptom but differ in the nature of their course and duration.



Other SARS

Time from infection to the first signs

1-2 hours to 2-5 days

2-7 days

Onset of disease

Fast, there is a headache, chills, weakness.

Gradually, there is a runny nose, cough, mild weakness.


& g;, C

Painful symptoms

General malaise and fever, pain in the muscles.

The defeat of the upper respiratory tract (cough, wheezing).




As a rule, the incidence of colds increases from the end of August and lasts until the spring period. The flu is characterized by epidemiological outbreaks in December and February.

How to treat the flu 2016?

At the first symptoms of a malaise it is very important to react correctly and prevent the development of infection. Treatment of influenza is a complex of procedures that allow to destroy the virus and restore normal functioning of the organism with minimal complications.

Consider the algorithm that should be followed for influenza infection:

  • Bed rest

Disease can not be carried on legs, therefore during this period it is necessary to observe bed rest and to sleep more. But do not forget that an ailment is not an excuse to spend time watching TV or at a computer.

  • Drinking regime

During illness, there is increased sweating, which can lead to dehydration of the body. Therefore, to maintain the water-salt balance, you need to consume a sufficient amount of liquid (herbal teas, juices, fruit drinks, pure water).

  • The climate in the apartment

It is necessary to regularly carry out wet cleaning in the room, since a moist climate helps to tolerate the disease more easily. Ventilation of the premises will allow the accumulation of accumulated microbes and viruses. In addition, fresh air promotes recovery and improves well-being. You can use a variety of aroma lamps with aromatic oils or salt lamps that kill germs.

  • Food

Despite the fact that in the early days of the disease the appetite is significantly reduced, proper nutrition will enrich the body and weakened immune system with vitamins and beneficial substances. Food should be easy, the diet should predominate porridge, soups, boiled meat, fruits and vegetables.

  • Vitamins

Help to maintain the body in a tone and quickly eliminate the symptoms of the disease. Vitamin complexes - Vitrum and Supradin - have a good immunomodulating effect.

In addition to the above methods of treatment, there is also drug therapy. Acceptance of medications should be informed and recommended by the attending physician. Independently take pills is contraindicated. To date, there is no shortage of medicines that eliminate viral and colds. Consider their classification by general criteria.

Drugs for symptomatic therapy

Drugs of this category eliminate only the symptoms of the disease: heat, muscle and headaches, nasal congestion, cough. Such pills do not affect the virus, so they should be used as a secondary agent.

  • Analgesics and antipyretic drugs - have analgesic effect, relieve muscle and joint pain.
  • Vasoconstrictors - help to eliminate nasal congestion, swelling of the mucous membrane of the respiratory tract and nasal sinuses.
  • Antihistamines - reduce swelling of mucous membranes, eliminate inflammation, lacrimation and itching. Most often, patients are prescribed: Chlorphenamine, Promethazine.

The above-described drugs do not eliminate the viral infection, but soften its symptoms. Duration of therapy is 3-5 days.

Drugs affecting the immune system and the virus

These drugs are prescribed only after determining the cause of the disease and the type of virus. Antiviral and immunomodulating drugs destroy the virus and prevent the possibility of development of the pathogen. Preparations of this category are classified according to the mechanism of action:

  • Inhibitors of neuraminidase - stop the spread of infection in the body, reduce the risk of complications. Most often, patients are prescribed: Oseltamivir and Zanamivir.
  • Inductors interferon - perfectly combined with other antiviral agents and enhance their effect. Promote the production of proteins in the body that suppress the infection. Effective as a preventive tool during influenza epidemics. This category includes: Cycloferon, Arbidol, Amiksin.
  • The blockers of the viral protein M2 are antiviral agents of the type A. Appointed very rarely, as they have many side effects: Rimantadine, Amantadine
  • In addition to the above described funds, antiviral preparations are isolated, we consider them:
  • Homeopathic medicines - Aflubin, Anaferon, Arbidol, Antigrippin.
  • Immunostimulating agents - Koldenflu, Imudon, Kagocel, Amiksin.
  • Antitussive - Ats, Lazolvan, Kodelak, Libeksin, Sinekod.
  • To relieve the inflammation of the throat and the common cold - Pharinggocept, Strepsils, Nazivin, Naftizin, Sinupret.
  • Antiviral powders - Koldakt, Lemsip, Nurofen, Panadol, Tamaflu, Kodelmikst.

Any drugs aimed at treating a viral disease should be prescribed by the attending physician. Their independent use can cause serious side effects from all organs and systems, which will aggravate the course of the underlying disease.

Read also:

  • The most modern means of influenza
  • Treatment of influenza by folk methods
  • Home remedies for flu: which ones to choose?

Complications of the 2016 flu

AH1N1 or swine flu hit the world in 2009, taking with it a lot of human lives. This year, a mutated strain appeared, which also caused deaths. Its danger in rapid spread, especially in rainy and wet weather. Since this winter lives on the weather of autumn, it is this that can explain the prevailing epidemiological situation.

Danger of the virus in its complications. Flu 2016 causes non-susceptible antibiotic viral pneumonia. The disease quickly affects the lungs and vascular system, provoking puffiness, which can lead to death within 24 hours. The preconditions for secondary infection are associated with a weakened immune system. Because of the severe inflammatory process, she can not fight new pathologies.

Signs of secondary infection in cases of flu have differed depending on the general condition of the body and the bacteria that caused the pathology. But characteristic for all the symptom (appears on the 3-6th day of the disease) is the second wave of fever. It is from this point on the life of the patient depends on the effectiveness of treatment.

Consider the most common complications of influenza 2016:

  • Pneumonia - the danger of pneumonia is that it appears suddenly when it seems that the disease has receded. High body temperature 39-40 ° C is accompanied by chills, pain in the chest, cough with phlegm and blood.
  • Sinusitis - a prolonged inflammatory process in the nasopharynx causes severe headaches, changes in the voice. Perhaps the redness of the skin and the release of pus from the sinuses.
  • Otitis - this complication occurs in both children and adults. There are severe pains in the ears with sharp lumbago, which intensify during conversation, food intake or pressure in the ear.

With timely medical care, these bacterial complications can be quickly eliminated. For treatment use a wide range of antibiotics and vitamin therapy.

More dangerous complications:

  • Hypertensive pneumonia - many specialists attribute this pathology to influenza varieties, but in fact it is its consequence. Body temperature exceeds the threshold of 40 ° C, it is accompanied by neurotoxicosis, convulsions, hallucinations, nosebleeds. It is this pathology that is the main cause of deaths from influenza.
  • Reye syndrome - as a rule, occurs in patients under 12 years of age. It arises because of the use during therapy of aspirin, which destroys the functioning of the liver and the central nervous system. In half the case this leads to death. The first symptoms appear on the 5th-6th day of the disease. In children, convulsions, respiratory disorders, increased drowsiness, apathy, coma begin. The only prevention of this pathology is the rejection of aspirin during the treatment of viral infections.
  • Guillain-Barre syndrome is another complication that occurs most often in children. It makes itself felt 1-2 weeks after the flu. The child suffers from muscle pain, increased weakness, heart rate abnormalities and blood pressure, impaired kidney function. The main cause of the disorder is that the body produces antibodies to its cells in the nervous system that have been infected with the virus. The acute period lasts for a month, and for a full recovery it will take years. Without timely medical assistance, the child is paralyzed, and even death.

Another group of influenza complications are brain and CNS lesions. The risk group includes children, people with predisposition to brain disorders, pregnant women and elderly patients.

  • Meningitis - there are severe headaches in combination with vomiting and increased tone of the neck and neck muscles. In especially severe cases, the patient throws back his head. The prognosis of the pathology depends on the results of the diagnosis, but, as a rule, unfavorable.
  • Encephalitis - influenza infection affects the cerebral cortex and cerebral vessels. It develops at the acute stage of the flu, that is, in the early days. Against this background, there is a high fever, convulsions, loss of consciousness and even violations of speech function. May lead to paralysis or paresis.
  • Arachnoiditis - this complication has a hidden nature, since it may appear in a couple of months, or even a year after the flu-like defeat. For its slow course, there is a growing symptomatology. Patients complain of frequent headaches, nausea, tinnitus, increased fatigue. There are epileptic seizures, reduced visual acuity and hearing. Most often, arachnoiditis is detected in differential diagnostics with oncology.

The pathologies described above are only a small part of what the flu can lead to. The reason for concern should be an unexpectedly emerging, uncharacteristic for the viral infection symptomatology. At the first signs of a pathological condition, you need to seek medical help. After a comprehensive examination, the doctor will determine the reality of the threat of complications.

How to prevent the flu this season 2015-2016?

Many preventive measures are used to prevent influenza. But special attention is paid to vaccination, which is a specific immunoprophylaxis.

To date, there are three generations of vaccines - whole-virion, split, subunit. They have in their composition viral antigens, which allows the body to develop protection. But this method has a number of drawbacks. The vaccination is done from one virus, so if another species appears during the epidemic, the vaccine will not protect and will have to be vaccinated again. Do not forget about those cases when vaccination caused a number of negative consequences. Therefore, this method is a personal choice for everyone.

Read also: Vaccination against influenza

Common methods of preventing infection:

  • Strengthening the immune system - for preventive purposes it is recommended to take immunostimulating drugs and carry out tempering of the body.
  • Vitamin therapy - to strengthen the protective properties of the immune system, natural vitamins are excellent, which are found in fresh vegetables, fruits and greens.
  • Hygiene - after visiting the street, wash your hands thoroughly with soap and clean your nose with a solution of sea salt.
  • Avoid places of congestion - during the epidemic, refuse to visit public places and transport. To prevent infection, wear a cotton-gauze dressing.
  • Healthy indoor climate - regularly wet cleaning and airing. If you have a humidifier, an aroma lamp or a salt lamp, then use them, they kill germs in the room and refresh the air.

Flu 2016 is a seasonal ailment, to the appearance of which it is possible to prepare. Conducting elementary preventive measures, will protect against acute viral infection.

Mortality in influenza in 2016

According to official data, about 30 people died of influenza infection in Ukraine this year. Mortality in influenza in 2016 is many times higher than this figure for the past period. Since the beginning of the epidemic season, that is, from October 1, 2015 to today, about, cases of influenza and ARVI. About 4% of all patients were hospitalized, the majority of whom were children under 17 years of age - 75%.

The seriousness of the situation is aggravated by a sharp increase in mortality. This season prevails swine flu (Californian strain). 80% of deaths are associated with late seeking medical help (5-6 days). This indicates that many people do not perform basic preventive recommendations.

To date, it is difficult to predict the extent and lethality of the influenza epidemic. Therefore, at the first sign of the disease, you need to seek medical help. In order to prevent pathology and its complications, it is very important to carry out prevention:

  1. Always wash your hands - in most cases, infection occurs by contact. Malicious microorganisms can live on the surface of infected objects for several hours, or even weeks. Disinfect hands after visiting public transport and other places of congestion.
  2. Limit the use of alcohol and nicotine - it is the smokers and alcoholics who are most often ill with the flu and have its complications. Tobacco smoke dries the nasal passages and paralyzes the ciliated epithelium, which begins to pass the infection into the body. Passive smoking also poses a danger, as it reduces the status of the immune system.
  3. Drink plenty of fluids, do exercises and breathe fresh air. Regular airing of the room and walks in the fresh air temper the body. Physical loads accelerate the oxygen exchange between the circulatory system and the lungs, which contributes to the elimination of toxins.

Do not forget that the flu is one of the most dangerous infectious diseases to date. And even if the disease is not severe, it can cause serious consequences.

Cold without temperature is absolutely normal

Despite the fact that the art of healing has long become a medicine, that is, a system of scientific knowledge and practical ways of determining and treatment of human diseases, so far a viral infection of the upper respiratory tract, we call a common word "cold". And a cold without temperature also refers to viral diseases. Thus from all organs of the upper respiratory tract, first of all, the nose and pharynx are affected.

Causes of cold without temperature: the virus is to blame for everything

Without going deeper into the medical jungle, we can say that of the two hundred strains of viruses involved in the occurrence of colds, the most active are rhinoviruses from the family of picornaviruses. Getting into the human body, rhinoviruses multiply in the cells of the mucous membrane of the nasopharynx, which leads to inflammatory diseases of the upper respiratory tract - nasopharyngitis, rhinopharyngitis, acute rhinitis or, as we speak, cold. Why does this happen most often in the cold season? Because some of the viruses that cause colds are seasonal. But the reason for their seasonality has not yet been clarified ...

In addition, experts have on this occasion two more versions. Some believe that the causes of the development of colds, including the causes of colds without temperature, are purely physiological. Under the influence of cold air, the blood supply of the mucous membrane of the respiratory tract changes, this leads to reduce the production of mucus, and at this point, viruses that get into the respiratory tract, begin to multiply intensively.

According to the second point of view, in the cold, the human body experiences stress, to which the immune system responds by reducing its protective functions. And a cold without fever (if you stick to this version) is an indicator of strong immunity, which is stricken with infection without the involvement of the hypothalamus, responsible for the thermoregulation of our body and "giving the command" to begin the development of protective antibodies.

However, a lot of studies have been conducted, which suggest that the increased susceptibility of the organism to infection during hypothermia is no more than a myth ...

Because the common cold causes a virus, it can be infected. The most common route of transmission is airborne, as well as direct contact when a person touches the source of the infection.

Symptoms of colds without fever

On average, the incubation period of a cold without temperature does not exceed two to three days. From unpleasant sensations in the nose and throat, it comes to sneezing and a cold. According to medical experts, a sore throat with a cold senses up to 40% of the sick, about 60% of people complain of a cough, the presence the cold reaches almost 100%, but the temperature in adult patients, as a rule, remains within norms.

At first, the main symptom of a cold without fever is abundant, watery discharge from the nose. In a day or two they become thicker and acquire a mucus-purulent character. Cough is attached to the cold - at first dry, and then with a small amount of sputum.

In the absence of bacterial complications (in the form of sinusitis or otitis) after 5-7 days, the symptoms of a cold without temperature disappear. True, cough can last much longer (up to two weeks) and often leads to bronchitis, laryngitis or tracheitis.

A cold in pregnancy without fever (when its cause is a rhinovirus) has similar symptoms. The same signs are accompanied by a cold in a child without temperature, but most often the body temperature in children still increases, especially in very young. Their body is still developing, so the reaction of the immune system is aggravated. For this reason, any cough, like the physiological function of cleaning the airways, requires finding out the reason - not to miss the same pharyngitis, laryngitis or bronchitis.

In most cases, the diagnosis of cold without temperature is based on clinical manifestations of the disease and does not represent difficulties.

Treatment of a cold without fever

Symptoms and treatment of colds were described as far back as the 16th century BC - in the medical papyrus of Ebers "A book of medicines for all parts of the body." But there is still no cure for colds, and we are treating - or rather, relieving - only her symptoms.

At the same time, one must not forget that antibiotics can not be taken with colds, since they do not affect the viruses that cause this disease.

Treatment of colds without temperature is recommended to be carried out with the help of proven folk remedies, which are now called alternative methods. So, with the appearance of the first cold symptoms you need to make a hot foot bath (with the addition of dry mustard) or rub your feet with vodka or turpentine ointment and put on warm socks. In the treatment of colds with pregnancy without temperature, the use of thermal procedures is strictly prohibited: you can only warm a scarf around your neck and woolen socks on your feet.

But tea with lemon and honey, as well as with ginger is absolutely useful to everyone. With reddening of the throat and cough, inhalations are well assisted by infusions of pine buds, sage, eucalyptus leaves, baking soda solution, mineral alkaline water of Borjomi type. Do it better twice a day - in the morning (one hour before leaving home) and in the evening - an hour and a half before bedtime.

To get rid of cough, a warm drink gives a positive effect - a decoction of dogrose, tinctures of thyme, lemon balm, leaves mother-and-stepmother, roots of elecampane, and also warm milk in half with alkaline mineral water, and at night - warm milk with honey and butter. Note that hot milk will slow down the sputum. Drink slowly, in small sips.

With sore throat in the treatment of colds without temperature, you can not do without rinsing. Their recipes are great, but the most effective are: salt + soda + iodine, chamomile or sage infusion, and solutions of natural apple cider vinegar (tablespoon per 150 ml of water), furacilin and hydrogen peroxide (1-2 teaspoons per glass water). Throat should be rinsed as often as possible - at least 5-6 times a day.

Irritation and sore throat are often the result of a strong cough, and as a result, coughing attacks happen more often. To get rid of this problem, regular gargling of the throat with a warm solution of common salt: a teaspoonful for 200 ml of water.

Relieves the pain in the throat, ingestion of a mixture made of 100 grams of natural honey and juice of one lemon. This natural medicine should be taken two teaspoons several times a day. A cure for a runny nose will help drop home preparation - juice of fresh carrots with honey, raw beet juice: 5-6 drops in each nostril 4 times a day. You can apply a little bit of balm "Asterisk" several times a day on the bridge of the nose and make acupressure in the region of the wings of the nose and at the highest point of the nose - between the eyebrows.

Since treatment of colds during pregnancy without temperature maximally excludes the use of pharmaceuticals and presupposes symptomatic therapy with folk remedies, then all of the above methods are completely safe for expectant mothers.

Drugs for treating colds without fever

In medicamental treatment of colds without fever, preparations are used for cough, runny nose and sore throat. Good expectorant means are classic potions - althaea syrup and pertussin. Pertussin belongs to the combined preparations of plant origin (it is based on the extract thyme or thyme), it exerts an expectorant effect, promotes the dilution of sputum and accelerates it excretion. Adults need to take a potion of one tablespoon three times a day, children - for tea or dessert.

Tusuprex tablets and mucaltin are also considered classics in the treatment of cold cough. Tusuprex has antitussive and weak expectorant effect. The daily dose for adults - a tablet (2 g) 3-4 times a day, for children up to a year - on a quarter of a tablet, and older than a year - half a tablet 3-4 times a day. A possible side effect is digestive disorders. This drug is contraindicated in bronchospastic states (narrowing the lumen of the bronchi) and in bronchitis with difficulty expectoration of sputum.

Mukaltin acts as a thinning phlegm and expectorant due to the content of the extract of the althea medicinal. Adults need to take 1 tablet 4 times a day, children from one to three years - on, pills 3-4 times a day (you can dissolve the pill in 70-80 ml of warm water). Among the contraindications for mucaltin - hypersensitivity to the components of the drug, as well as peptic ulcer of the stomach and duodenum.

With a strong dry cough during a cold without fever, the doctor can prescribe medications that block the cough reflex - glaucine and oxeladine. Glaucin is available in the form of a dragee, syrup (including syrup for children) and tablets, and is prescribed adults - 40 mg 2-3 times a day, children under the age of 4 years - 10 mg 2-3 times a day (after food). The drug is contraindicated in severe arterial hypotension and myocardial infarction. Possible side effects are expressed in the form of dizziness, weakness and nausea.

Bromhexine, lazolvan, ambroxol, acetylcysteine ​​(ACS) are used for liquefaction and treatment of cough expectoration. For example, the drug bromhexine (tablets, drops, drops, syrup) is taken by adults and children over 14 years of age at 8-16 mg 3-4 times a day. Dosage for children under 2 years - 2 mg 3 times a day, at the age of 2 to 6 years - 4 mg, at the age of 6-10 years - 6-8 mg three times a day. Duration of admission - no more than 4-5 days. Among the contraindications for this drug are hypersensitivity, peptic ulcer in the acute stage, pregnancy (especially the first trimester) and breastfeeding.

Among the medicines for cough, which are most often prescribed by doctors for the treatment of colds without temperature in children, syrups Gedelix, Prospan, Tussamag, Travisil and Evkabal.

Treating a cold without fever means getting rid of a cold. The trusted drops from the common cold are naphthysine, sanorin, galazoline. And in the treatment of rhinitis, children use Nazivin drops (for babies from birth to the year), Nazol Baby (for children over 1 year old), ximelin (5% for children 2-12 years, and% for children from 12 years old). With pains in the throat, drugs with local anesthetic action in the form of aerosols - inhalipt, gum, camphor, are used. Also in pharmacies, there are many different dragees, lozenges, lozenges and resorption tablets that help to relieve the inflammation of the throat.

But paracetamol for colds without temperature is obviously not worth taking. Since the pharmacological action of this drug is analgesic and antipyretic, and it is used for: pain of mild and moderate intensity (headache and toothache, migraine, back pain, arthralgia, myalgia, neuralgia), febrile syndrome (ie elevated temperature) with colds diseases.

Among the contraindications to the use of paracetamol - hypersensitivity, dysfunction of kidney and liver, alcoholism, children under 6 years. And in the list of side effects, such blood diseases as agranulocytosis, thrombocytopenia and anemia; renal colic, aseptic pyuria (pus in the urine with its sterility), glomerulonephritis (inflammation of the kidneys with circulatory disturbances in them), as well as allergic rashes on skin.

Paracetamol first appeared in the pharmaceutical market for the first time in the early 1950s in the United States. Its manufacturer (Sterling-Winthrop), attracted buyers by saying that paracetamol is safer than aspirin... According to official medical statistics, in the United States the use of paracetamol (panadol) is the most common cause of liver damage - more 55 thousand. of cases every year.

Cough without fever

Some symptoms of colds run without temperature and, therefore, sometimes do not cause much concern. In fact, they are very dangerous. For example, a prolonged cough without fever and cold suggests that there is a latent infection in the body. This symptom is extremely serious. Let's take a closer look at the causes of this phenomenon and how to get rid of it.

Causes of Cough without Temperature

If a person coughs for a long time, but does not have temperature, a cold or sneezing, this can be a sign of such problems in the body:

  1. Hidden inflammation or allergic reaction. This cough in the throat is accompanied by a runny nose and sneezing, but the temperature of 37 does not rise higher.
  2. Heart failure.
  3. Venereal disease. With this pathology, a constant cough accompanied by skin irritation, a rash, and the temperature does not increase.
  4. Pneumonia or ARVI.

Sometimes people cough not because of a cold, but because of the pollution of the environment. Often this symptom, along with a runny nose, is observed in people working at a mine, metal processing plant or chemical plant. Very often, without a runny nose and temperature, smokers cough for a long time. In people with allergies, this condition can be caused by feather pillows, in which mites are found. To understand how to be treated for a prolonged cough without a cold and fever, determine whether it is dry or wet.


The main causes that can cause a dry cough (sometimes with wheezing) without fever and cold are:

  1. Allergy to external irritants. The body tries to release the respiratory system from irritating particles, for example, dust, animal hair, household chemicals.
  2. Ecology. If you live in an environmentally unfavorable place for a long time, then barking cough with a runny nose without temperature can be caused by environmental pollution. Long-term smoking exacerbates the situation. All this sometimes leads to chronic diseases of the respiratory system.
  3. Heart problems. In this situation, the condition worsens when lying down. Sometimes it becomes difficult to breathe because of this.
  4. Papillomatosis of the larynx. The larynx is covered with papillomas. Another patient feels uncomfortable in the throat, but there is no fever or runny nose, like with a cold.


The reasons for this cough (in the absence of fever and cold) can be the following problems:

  1. Bronchitis, tracheitis, other similar diseases. As a rule, this symptom is a residual phenomenon of the inflammations, the maximum duration of which is a month.
  2. False groats. With this diagnosis, a person has a very strong cough without a runny nose and fever with painful bouts. The sputum practically does not clear the throat.
  3. Tuberculosis. A dangerous disease, which often does not show any other symptoms. Coryza and cough with phlegm containing blood.
  4. Cold. In ARVI, a person suffers from a runny nose, even if the temperature remains normal.


Such a cough in the absence of a runny nose and temperature is very dangerous. Man, suffocating, his throat is very sore. This in no case can not be tolerated or treated at home. It is necessary urgently to address to the doctor who will define, by what symptom such such attacks are a symptom. If you sometimes cough up almost to vomiting, the reasons for this may be:

  • bronchial asthma;
  • whooping cough;
  • ARVI;
  • a tumor in the lungs or bronchi;
  • pneumonia.


A dry cough at night can be a sign of an allergy to natural pillow fillers. But he is also a symptom of other dangerous diseases. It is necessary to try to understand what other signs are observed, for example, a runny nose or sneezing. If you have snot with no temperature at night, you have snot, it's either a cold or an allergy. Often people cough at night because of the wrong structure of the skeleton or internal organs, or inflammation of the nerve endings.


If there is no chill during prolonged cough, this does not mean that there is no danger. Constant coughing may indicate that the body for some reason does not respond to the virus with high temperature. If this lasts a very long time, you need to undergo a medical examination. The reasons for this condition can be:

  • heart diseases;
  • tuberculosis;
  • allergy;
  • pneumonia;
  • ARVI;
  • complex form of bronchitis.

How to cure a cough

To cure a prolonged cough without fever, it is recommended to use medicines and folk recipes. If you prefer the first option, first visit the doctor so that he can determine the cause of the problem and prescribe the prescription for the appropriate medication. If it's a cold without temperature, then the tablets that dilute sputum will help. These include Mukaltin, Ambrobene, Brommgeksin. In more severe cases, antibiotics will be needed.

Wet cough at home is treated and folk medicine. Very effective will be a mixture of mashed cranberries and honey (in equal parts). It is also recommended to drink honey with lime blossom and birch buds in the proportion glass. The mixture is boiled in a water bath for a quarter of an hour, filtered and drunk three times a day on a small spoon. If you do not know how to stop a cough and how to treat this condition, rub your chest with badger fat, which has an anti-inflammatory effect. Be sure to drink plenty of warm liquid. Different approaches are used to treat cough in children and adults.

In adults

To cure a strong prolonged cough in an adult, you need to determine the cause of the symptom and eliminate it. Dry cough at night is treated with antitussive drugs so that a person can normally rest. If it is associated with an infection of the upper respiratory tract, then you will need to drink pills for colds. The most important thing is to understand what to take to turn a permanent dry cough into a wet one. To do this, prescribe drugs that stimulate expectoration:

  1. Reflex. Drugs that drink with a prolonged cold. They affect the areas of the brain responsible for the cough reflex. The most common example is the leaves of mother-and-stepmother, plantain. Of the drugs - Codeine.
  2. Resorptive. Preparations that dilute sputum. Thanks to them, the lungs are intensively cleaned. Often, such medications are used for inhalations. Examples: ATSTS, Amtersol, Ascoril.
  3. Proteolytic. Make sputum less viscous. They include Gelomirtol, the herb of thyme.
  4. Mukoregulators. Tablets for increased production of phlegm, used to treat colds in most cases. For example, Ambroxol, Bromhexine.


A cough in a baby without temperature is normal, if the child is not naughty and sleeps well, behaves very actively, does not complain about a stuffed nose or weakness. But if barking, dry or wet cough does not pass, then you should consult a doctor. Pain when coughing and frequent long bouts, which sometimes lead to vomiting and do not give the baby in 3 years of sleep, talk about the presence of serious diseases in the body.

To treat a prolonged cough without fever, the child is prescribed:

  • remedies that soothe spasms (Dzhoset, Ascoril, Kashnol);
  • drugs for liquefaction of sputum (syrup Thyme, ACC, Bromhexine);
  • expectorants (Stopoutsin, Bronchicum, Plantain syrup).

If your child has a dry allergic cough without a cold, the treatment should be comprehensive. In this situation, you need to drink antitussive drugs and visit an allergist who will identify the allergen and eliminate it. This can be household dust, pet hair. The specialist will write antihistamines (antiallergic), tell you what to drink for general strengthening therapy and improve immunity.

Video: Komarovsky on cough treatment in a child

Watch a video in which the famous children's doctor Eugene Komarovsky tells in detail how to treat a bad cough without a runny nose in an infant. Doctor's advice will help you understand why a cough occurs, what you need to do, so that the ailment quickly passes. Having looked at the video below, you will stop considering the cough something frightening and incomprehensible, and when it appears you can take correct steps without delay.

Cough and runny nose without fever, treatment methods

Cough and runny nose without fever can talk about a hidden inflammatory process, hypersensitivity. Most often, such symptoms appear if a person inhales the polluted air, small dust particles. If these symptoms do not go away, you need to urgently consult with your doctor to clarify the diagnosis.

Causes and coryza without fever

If a person changes in the body, a cough may appear that helps to remove foreign particles, sputum. Cough and runny nose talk about certain malfunctions in the human body, about the onset of a serious inflammatory process.

The most common symptomatology is observed in children who are often exposed to ARVI. If the cough is barking, the body temperature does not increase, it indicates an inflammatory process in the nasopharynx or that the adenoids begin to form. Also cough and runny nose can be a reaction to dust, household chemicals, perfume.

If the cough acquires a permanent character, the body temperature does not increase, it indicates that acute bronchitis or pneumonia develops. It is dangerous when symptoms occur with tuberculosis.

Cough and runny nose without fever during pregnancy

When a cough and runny nose appears during pregnancy, it is dangerous for the fetus. A woman, when she coughs, constantly strains the abdominal muscles, her ligaments are actively contracting, all of which threatens with bleeding. Because of the common cold, often lays a nose, there is nothing to breathe and the child suffers from severe hypoxia. A pregnant woman can not use medicines, so alternative medicine will be the means of traditional medicine, you must choose those that are recommended by the attending doctor.

Prolonged cough and runny nose without fever

If the symptoms are protracted, the temperature is normal, this indicates a hidden inflammatory process or an allergic reaction. Hypersensitivity can occur in a polluted environment when a person inhales sickly particles. When a long time disturbs a dry cough, you need to increase the production of sputum, as much as possible to drink fluids.

How does the runny nose and cough manifest without fever?

When a person becomes infected with a viral infection, he develops catarrh in the upper respiratory tract, which becomes a cough and runny nose, but the temperature does not rise. Also in this situation, there is no sore throat, but cough can be severe.

When you suddenly have a dry cough, it can talk about a serious allergic reaction to the color of the plant, animal, cosmetics, perfume. Note that often in carpets, beds can accumulate a lot of different allergens, because of them there is a constant dry cough. Typically, with allergies, the temperature rarely rises.

If you are fond of different powders, flavors, detergents, abusing aromatherapy - all this can lead to a runny nose and a cough.

Often, when a person has been infected with a virus, an infection, he may be aching in the throat for about one month, there is a cough, tickles in the nasopharynx and the runny nose does not go away. If the symptomatology is delayed for longer, you need to undergo a test.

Treatment of cough and cold without fever

Sometimes symptoms can indicate a serious illness. For example, pneumonia. In this situation, you need to go through fluorography, give phlegm for analysis, a general analysis of blood and urine.

Before you start treatment, you need to know the cause of its occurrence. Smokers can often be bothered by a runny nose, cough, nasopharyngeal irritated by nicotine. Often there are severe attacks of cough, especially, they are aggravated in the morning, then a lot of sputum begins to stand out. This suggests that the smoker already has lung atrophy, which first develops in the alveoli, then affects the entire organ.

When tuberculosis develops, sputum appears with blood. With pneumonia, the thoracic part strongly hurts. With infectious and viral diseases, except for a cough, there is a sore throat, a strong persecution worries.

Antibiotics will be useless if a runny nose and cough provoked:

1. Nicotine (in smokers).

2. When a person inhales various environmental irritants that do not perceive his body.

3. Cough and runny nose due to an allergic reaction.

4. When dust or dust mites have got into the respiratory tract.

5. If cough is caused by worms.

Antibacterial drugs can be used only when the temperature rises, there is an acute inflammatory process, which the body can not overcome by itself.

Cough and runny nose without fever most often has symptomatic treatment:

1. It is important to drink as much as possible - purified water, tea with lemon, chamomile broth, mint, rose hips.

2. If you are worried about a severe dry cough, you need to take medications with which you can dilute sputum - Ambrobe, Bromhexine, Mukaltin.

3. It is recommended to treat a runny nose and coughing with infusions of linden, coltsfoot, plantain, althea, linden.

4. With a common cold, you should wash your nose as often as possible, sea salt, a decoction of chamomile, is ideal.

5. If there is no temperature, you can use warming procedures - soar your feet in soda, mustard. To do this, pour a bowl of hot water, add there two tablespoons of mustard or soda, constantly pour water, so it does not cool. After putting on warm woolen socks and going to bed.

6. You can use different inhalations - steam, nebulizer, etc.

So, cough and runny nose without temperature are a protective reaction from an infectious, viral disease. Most often this symptomatology is characteristic for different types of allergies. Cough with a runny nose occurs if the room is overdried air or hit a foreign body in the airway. Also such symptoms are observed after the experienced stress. It is important to know the cause in time, only then choose methods of treatment so that the disease does not worsen. Especially dangerous is a cough and runny nose without fever in a child, you need to constantly monitor his state of health.

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