What to do with pneumonia

How to treat pneumonia?



Hello. I'm sorry, but I did not understand if you consulted your doctor or made a diagnosis yourself. Pneumonia, or as it is called - pneumonia, is the infection of one or both of the lungs, which is usually caused by bacteria, fungi and viruses. Symptomatic of pneumonia is quite diverse. In recent years, the asymptomatic course of pneumonia is becoming more common, during a person's illness there is no fever, a cough, sputum does not go away. Such pneumonia is treated with delay, so it is dangerous for a large number of complications. The main symptoms of pneumonia include the following symptoms: fever, in the range of 37 to 3 degrees, respiratory distress and separation of sputum, chills, cough. Sometimes there are bloody discharge that go away in the form of veins of blood, structured in sputum. Also, a typical symptom is chest pain when trying to take a deep breath, usually the pain develops in the place where the main focus of inflammation is. Especially often, painful sensations appear in the pleural form of pneumonia. For proper treatment it is necessary to consult a doctor and urgently, only a specialist pulmonologist can appoint you competent treatment and follow the dynamics (development) of the disease or even hospitalize. Very often, antibiotics of the second and third generations are used in therapy: cephalosporin, amoxicillin, clavulanate, levofloxacin, sulfamethoxazole. With slowly developing pneumonia, it is recommended to use sulfur-containing antibiotics. In the treatment of pneumonia caused by adenoviruses, rhinoviruses, influenza and parainfluenza viruses, antibiotics often do not give the proper therapeutic effect. In such cases, antiviral drugs are necessarily added to them. In fungal forms of inflammation of the respiratory organs (histoplasmosis, blastomycosis, aspergillosis and cryptococcosis) it is mandatory to use drugs acting locally for each species of fungus. In addition, in the treatment of compulsory adherence to a special diet (you can get acquainted with it on this one. In addition, during treatment it is mandatory to adhere to a special diet. Therefore, I hope you will act reasonably and in a positive mood, contact your therapist without delaying the treatment, so that there will be no complications later. Sincerely, Julia.

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alexander ion

urgently to the doctor


If you can not "clear your throat" - expectorating, expectorant drugs in the pharmacy.
These are drugs such as bromhexine, ambroxol, ambroben, broncholitin, ATSTS, etc.
At home, alkaline drink will help clear your throat. Fill a glass of warm-hot water, not hot, so as not to irritate the throat. There 1/4 vat. spoons of soda. It will help. And tomorrow, go to the pharmacy for medicine, because a lot of soda - is harmful to the stomach. Instead of water, a glass of milk is very good. Herbs of herbs are thyme, linden, sage. Abundant drink, - tea with raspberry jam, lemon, honey.
In addition, rubbing and wrapping the back and front of the chest will help.
Massage with any massage aids. If only to achieve during the grinding effect of heat, which will help maintain wrapping after the massage. Best badger fat, different balms, but suitable and improvised means. You can independently rub your chest in front - the sternum, the area under the collarbone, neck, shoulders, ribs. And back, as far as you can reach it yourself. Movement is useful to you, too, the drainage effect and excretion of mucus from the bronchi. You have a cold. Heal, recover, health!

(And pneumonia is treated only in a hospital. Antibiotic therapy is prescribed, treatment aimed at improving the drainage function of the bronchi - coughing, expectorating cough, restorative therapy, physiotherapy after recovery. The criterion of pneumonia is a high, persistent temperature.)

Folk cough and bronchitis treatment at home.
It is recommended to drink plenty of hot infusions of raspberry, lime blossom, black elder flowers or sweatshops. For moderate sweating the following dues were prescribed:

1. Chamomile flowers pharmacy -30 g, blackberry flowers -30 g, lime -25 g, peppermint leaves -25 g. 1 tablespoon of the mixture to brew for 1 cup of boiling water, drain. Infusion from this collection is taken in hot form for 2-3 glasses a day. To calm the paroxysmal coughing, steam inhalations are made from the infusion of pine buds and this infusion is used by 1/4 stakaya-3 times a day.

2. Mother-and-stepmother (leaves) -5 g, black elderberry (flowers) -5 g, sporish (grass) -5 g. This mixture brew 1 glass of boiling water, insist for an hour, strain, drink 3 times a day for bronchitis, pneumonia.

3. Fruits of raspberry -2 parts, leaves of mother-and-stepmother-2 parts, herb of oregano -1 part. Two tablespoons of the mixture brewed with two glasses of boiling water, boil filtered through gauze and drink the broth hot

4. Willow bark 1 part, anise fruits -1 part, mother-and-ma Czechs -1 part, linden flowers 1 part, fruit part. A tablespoon of the mixture to brew with two glasses of boiling water, boil for 5 minutes, strain through gauze and drink the broth hot 3 times a day as tea. Has a mild and diaphoretic effect.

5. Willow bark -2 parts, leaves of mother-and-stepmother-2 parts, herb oregano 1 part. Two tablespoons of the mixture to brew with two glasses of boiling water, to insist 20 minutes, strain through gauze and drink the broth hot for half a glass or 1 glass 3 times a day. Has a strong diaphoretic effect.

6. Chamomile pharmacy (flowers) 1 part, oregano (grass) 1 part. Two teaspoons of the mixture to brew in a glass of boiling water, boil for 10 minutes, strain, cool, take 1 glass in the morning and evening as a carminative.

7. Kidney buds -1 part, plantain (leaves) 1 part, mother-and-stepmother (leaves) 1 part. Two teaspoons of the mixture to insist 2 hours in a glass of cold water, boil for 5 minutes, strain, take 1 glass during the day for three meals. It is used for bronchial asthma, pertussis, tracheobronchitis.

further http://medicina.kuvshinka.net/load/organy_dykhanija/organy_dykhanija/narodnoe_lechenie_kashlja_bronkhita_v_domashnikh_uslovijakh_bronkhit_kashel_lechenie_narodnymi_sredstvami/150-1-0-260



Antibiotics, physio procedures, warm abundant drink, expectorant drugs such as lazolvan and other, vitamin complex.

Anastasia Martynova

Pneumonia of the lungs. The folk remedy is honey lime, aloe, olive oil, birch buds, linden flowers:

honey lime 1 kg, aloe leaves 200 g., olive oil 200 g., birch buds 150 g., linden flowers 50 g. Birch buds and linden color brew separately in, l of water, boil for 1-2 minutes strain. Broth pour into a mixture of honey with finely chopped aloe leaves and add olive oil. Take under Art. spoon 3 times a day; Shake before use.
Means from honey and aloe from pneumonia:

300 gr. honey, 1/2 cup water and a sheet of finely chopped aloe, cook over low heat for 2 hours, cool, stir. Take under Art. spoon 3 times a day.
Garlic oil - treatment of pneumonia:

grate garlic on grater with salt and grill with fresh butter (100 gr. oils of 5 large cloves of garlic). Spread the garlic oil on the bread or add to the food.
Treatment scheme for pneumonia. Vodka with garlic. :

take 10 garlic cloves, finely chop, pour 1 liter of vodka, insist 8 days in a warm place. Take 1/2 teaspoon of spoon 3 times a day.
Eastad the Siberian. Course of treatment of pneumonia. :

8-10 gr. crushed roots of Siberian wasteland on a glass of water. Insist, drink during the day.
Methods of treatment of pneumonia - lungwort and beer:

2 tbsp. spoons of crushed leaves of the lungwort on 1 liter of beer. Add 1 tbsp. a spoonful of honey and all this boil up to a half of the original volume. Take 1-2 hours. spoon 3 times a day before meals, washing down with water.
Treatment of pneumonia in the home. Herbal preparations. :

- Herbage of a lungwort, a plantain of a large, sage medicinal, an umbrella of an umbelliferous, an Artemisia vulgaris - equally. One st. Spoon the mixture into a glass of boiling water. Add 1 tbsp. a spoonful of honey, cook, strain and add to the original volume (1 glass). Drink 1 tbsp. spoon 3 times a day before meals.

- grass sporisha, leaves of mother-and-stepmother, elderberry flowers - for 1 hour. spoon. Brew the mixture with a glass of boiling water, insist 30 minutes. Drink 1/2 cup 4 times a day for 30 minutes before meals.

- Grass grass, anise fruits, dill fruits, pine buds, herb thyme, licorice root (crushed) - equally. 4 hours Spoon mixture pour, a glass of cold water, leave for 2 hours, bring to a boil, boil for 2-3 minutes, cool, drain. Drink 1/2 cup 3 times a day for 30 minutes before meals.
Effective treatment of pneumonia. Lemons, eggs, honey, cognac. :

take 10 lemons, 6 eggs (fresh), 300 gr. honey and 1/2 glasses of cognac. Eggs put in a jar and pour fresh lemon juice. Cover the jar with gauze and refrigerate until the eggshell dissolves (days 6-8). Periodically remove mold. Preheat honey to the state of fluidity, cool and add to it a mixture of eggs and lemon juice, then pour in brandy. Take a dessert spoon 3 times a day right after eating.
How to cure pneumonia with honey and birch buds:

with fine-focal bilateral pneumonia: take 750 gr. honey and half a 100-gram cup of birch buds (sold in a pharmacy). Honey put on a water bath. How to boil honey, put the kidneys, boil for 5-7 minutes, then recline on the sieve (remove the kidneys). Dilute with water, water 1 time per day at night. 1 teaspoon of honey stir in as much hot water as the patient will drink.
The folk way of treating pneumonia is an egg-oil-honey-alcohol mixture with juices:

to take
1 cup carrot juice

1 glass of beet juice

1 cup of honey

1 glass of alcohol

1 glass of butter unsalted

3 eggshell eggs without shell
all mix and put in a dark place for 11 days. Drink 1 tablespoon 3 times a day for 30 minutes before meals.
Honey-mustard cake from the inflammation of the leeks:

to take

1 tbsp. spoon of dry mustard powder

1 tbsp. a spoonful of flour

1 tbsp. a spoonful of honey

1 tbsp. spoon is growing

MUZ CRH Borisoglebsky

the inflammation of the lungs in your case without temperature does not happen. Hot milk with honey, you can drink bromhexine. but it's better to show the therapist

Dr. Mary

15-year-old is a young age in which a neglected course of pneumonia can lead to tuberculosis. Address to the doctor. Let him observe you and prescribe an individual treatment.
Here you will not be helped by this fact.
Just pomu that you need to see your tests!


You need to go to the doctor, the inflammation is dangerous, look so that you do not get asthma!

I was once helped by "lincomycin capsules 250 mg."

Lusia Mashnina

abruptly leaves sputum pine buds thyme

What to do with pneumonia (respond only to the knowledgeable)?



go better to the site 03.ru


It is urgent to call a doctor and he will appoint injections

Marfa Abramovna

Penicillin also I will advise, and what, you are afraid of nyxes?

Irina Treil

Now you will be advised here. Go better to the doctor, to the hospital wherever you want, With inflammation, you need to do the injections.

Personal Cabinet Removed

You need antibiotics in combination with bacteria for the stomach, so as not to plant it. Herbs and aspirin will not help here. Specific drugs should appoint a doctor


Antibacterial treatment, in particular penicillin, is the main treatment. In addition, auxiliary therapy, postindromnoy aimed at eliminating inflammation. changes in the lungs, restoration of the reactivity of the body. Peace, warmth in the room, food
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If there is an Internet means not in NizhneZasranske, without antibiotics in any way, it's impossible to advise the name of the lekartsva (inflammation can be different). Look for a good pharmacy or choir. doctor.

Denis Kuzmenko

turn to a good pulmonologist, the danger is that the inflammation of the lungs gives heavy impairment to virtually all organs and systems of the body. You need to intensively heal, the most important thing is to eat more fruits and vegetables, do not use heroes, doses, c, e, marijuana., Do not drink, do not smoke, if you turn to a normal specialist, he will prescribe a course of antibiotic therapy for you, it is necessary because the inflammation of the lungs arises from the weakening of the immune response of the organism to a foreign agent, viruses. Vooebschem you need to be treated! I WISH YOU GREAT HEALTH!

Len :-) Ok

Inflammation of the lungs should be treated in a hospital, under the constant supervision of a doctor. I do not want to scare you, but I lost two people close to me, the girlfriend did not recover, a year later died of lung cancer, and my stepfather lived in muhosranske and did not go to the doctor, he died. I want to say that this is very serious.

Personal Cabinet Removed

To be treated at a hospital. After the first week, change the antibiotic. Usually change to cephalosporins. But self-healing is a risk too big. It's not a runny nose any. ((

Ghenadiy Vasilyev

Very effective course of antibiotic treatment from the group of cephalosporins ROCEFIN (intramuscularly 7-10 days) or Sumamedom.

What to do with pneumonia


Mom Choli

is it a throat or pneumonia? you already determined with a diagnosis then

Dmitry Surinov

And who diagnosed "pneumonia"? Better go to the doctor faster, so that the inflammation does not really start!


Only in the hospital to be treated.


an antibiotic to take necessarily, well and other medicines. A throat must be rinsed constantly with different solutions, broths. To the doctor addressed? He must appoint everything.


First, an X-ray is made in which segment and how many segments are involved in the next antibiotic injections and droppers.. further expectorants and exercise therapy.
You are to yourselves professors Bobermanlaurate of the Bobrov Prize

Inhalation in case of pneumonia



Depending on the age of the baby, the pathogens of this disease are different: streptococcus (Streptococcus pneumonia) and hemophilic rod (Haemophylus influenzae b), and Staphylococcus aureus Staphylococcus aureus (Staphylococcus aureus), as well as children under five years. In order to obtain the most reliable picture of the development of the disease, it is recommended to perform rapid testing, whether disease by bacteria, if the cause of the virus, then antibacterial drugs will be useless and only exacerbate the condition patient. In the bacterial nature of the disease, antibiotics are prescribed, for optimal selection of these drugs it is recommended to make a test on sensitivity, because a weakened organism, especially a child, can respond to antibiotics with allergic reactions. Testing is carried out on the basis of a blood test. Widely used are not medical methods of treatment: homeopathy, acupuncture, phyto drugs, exercise therapy and physiotherapy. It is also recommended to diversify the food products containing bifido and lactobacilli, or if necessary, to take a course of taking medications that normalize the intestinal microflora. Inhalation with Lazolvanom or Berodualom (serious drug) should appoint a doctor (dosage, etc.) ) I did not say, apparently had in mind with herbs (chamomile, sage, mother-and-stepmother, eucalyptus.), Saline solution. About Berodual find out better from the doctor, Lazolvan more gently: children from 2 to 6 years1 ml saline 25 drops3 times / day. Get well!


Injections do something.

03 "RENAULT" 03

Yes you that, at the doctor to consult it is necessary and not on the Internet!! who is there to tell you my dear!


Be sure to do chest massage and drink expectorants. It is possible to ventilate the lungs to inflate balloons. Helps a lot.

Silantiev Yuri

Up to a year, pneumonia is treated in a hospital. Inhalation with berodualom used for shortness of breath.


My recently had an inflammation of the lungs.
8 years. Pricked antibiotics, berodual-20 drops 4 inhalations a day,
massage of the back and chest and, when already went on the mend, so that the phlegm would come out better,
advise to inflate balls (massage of the lungs is obtained).
I now am afraid of everything, and when I cough I give a drop of chlorophyllipt (a natural antibiotic).
Alcohol solution.

Irina Kobzar

if there is no obstruction of inhalation are not needed! zirtek why? is obstruction or cutaneous manifestations?

Salaam Aleikum

It is necessary to know what kind of pneumonia - croupy idili bronchopneumonia.
With bronchopneumonia without spasm of the bronchi can lasolvanom for inhalation.
Berodual - only if there is a spasm of the bronchi, otherwise it is useless.
And if pneumonia is croupy, it's all not necessary at all. But time treat at home - apparently, bronchopneumonia.

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