Diprospan: instruction on the use of injections, side effects of the drug


  • 1Diprospan - instructions for use, side effects
    • 1.1When is diprospan used?
    • 1.2Contraindications to the appointment diprospan
    • 1.3Dosing and Administration
    • 1.4Side effects of the drug and an overdose
    • 1.5Special instructions for the use of diprospan
    • 1.6Interaction with other medicinal products
    • 1.7Storage conditions and shelf life of the diprospan
  • 2Diprospan, injections
    • 2.1Price
    • 2.2Instructions for use
    • 2.3Description of the preparation and composition
    • 2.4Indications for use
    • 2.5Method of administration and dosing regimen
    • 2.6Contraindications
    • 2.7Side effects
    • 2.8Precautions and special instructions
    • 2.9Other
  • 3Diprospan
    • 3.1Injections of Diprospan
    • 3.2Diprospan: side effects
  • 4Indications for use of diprospan: instructions and dosage for injection, cost and contraindications, reviews
    • 4.1Composition and mechanism of action of the drug
    • 4.2Instructions for use and dosage of the drug
    • 4.3Side effects and contraindications
    • 4.4Analogues of the drug Diprospan
    • 4.5Where to buy and how much are ampoules for injections
    • 4.6Customer references and doctor's advice
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Diprospan - instructions for use, side effects

Diprospan is a glucocorticoid agent of a wide range of effects and is used in medical practice for the treatment of diseases of the musculoskeletal system, including the spine.

The formulation contains the active substance betamethasone disodium phosphate (2 mg), which provides exposure speed, and betamethasone propionate (5 mg), which provides a prolonging action diprospan.

Diprospan during therapy has anti-inflammatory, antiallergic, immunomodulating, anti-shock and desensitizing effects on the body.

The speed of exposure to diprospan is from 10 to 20 minutes, so the drug has been widely used for the treatment of acute conditions, as an antishock agent.

The speed of the action of diprospan is largely dependent on a substance called betamethasone, which is a glucocorticoid of synthetic origin.

After one injection of the drug, the effect persists for 72 hours.

When is diprospan used?

For the drug diprospan, the instructions for use should be carefully examined before the patient takes the appointment. The fact that the spectrum of the drug is very wide and the drug diprospan is used in the following cases:

  • Inflammatory diseases of the muscles, ligaments and tendons of the musculoskeletal system (myositis, tendovaginitis, fibrositis, synovitis).
  • Specific rheumatoid and psoriatic polyarthritis.
  • Lumbago, sciatica, pain in the lumbar region, torticollis.
  • Pain after injury.
  • Gouty arthrosoarthritis.
  • Osteochondrosis of all parts of the spine.
  • Allergic conditions and attacks of bronchial asthma (allergic rhinitis, hay fever, allergy to insect bites).
  • Shock of different origin (after burns, injuries, blood transfusions, drug administration, cardiogenic).
  • Edema of the brain and pulmonary edema.
  • Various skin lesions (atopic dermatitis, psoriasis, dermatosis, neurodermatitis, urticaria, acne, pink lichen, usual pemphigus).
  • Systemic diseases of connective tissue (systemic lupus erythematosus, dermatomyositis, scleroderma, nodular periarteritis).
  • Palliative treatment for various forms of leukemia in children and adults.
  • Liver diseases and hepatic coma.
  • Acute adrenal insufficiency.
  • Benign malignant neoplasms.

Contraindications to the appointment diprospan

Medication diprospan has, like any other drug, its contraindications:

  • The main contraindication is the increased sensitivity of people to the drug.
  • It is also not advisable to inject diprospan into the joint if there is an infected area or infiltrate due to infection.
  • It is not recommended to administer the drug in cases where there is a violation of the process of blood coagulability, as well as after arthroplasty.
  • If the patient has skin lesions (dermatoses, dermatitis, psoriasis, eczema), it is recommended to enter the drug is only intramuscular or intradermal, but in no case as a local therapy inside the joint.
  • The drug diprospan contraindications has during pregnancy and lactation. Do not apply the drug to pregnant women, and also the time of breastfeeding. If nevertheless it is necessary to conduct a course of diprospany therapy during feeding, then during the therapy the child is weaned.
  • You can not use diprospan in combination therapy for tuberculosis and peptic ulcer, as well as in the case of existing chronic infection (viruses, bacteria, fungi).
  • You can not use the drug for chronic kidney failure and type 1 and type 2 diabetes, as well as in the presence of cholelithiasis.
  • Do not administer diprospan with ulcerative lesions of the stomach and intestines.
  • It is strictly forbidden to administer the drug for mental disorders and during vaccination with various vaccines.

Dosing and Administration

Treatment with diprospan should be agreed with the attending physician, who selects the dose of the drug in accordance with the form and severity of the disease. The drug is available in ampoules for parenteral administration, 1 ml in one ampoule.

When systemic therapy with diprospan should comply with the following requirements:

  • If the patient's condition is severe and requires urgent measures, the initial dose of the drug may be 2 ml.
  • In case of skin diseases, the therapeutic dose of the drug usually does not exceed 1 ml.
  • With chronic lung diseases (bronchial asthma) and various allergic conditions, the drug can be administered in a dose of 1-2 ml. The effect of therapy occurs within a few hours. If necessary, you can divide the reception diprospan 1 ml with a break in 4-5 hours.
  • In acute and chronic inflammation of the articular bag, the initial dose of diprospan can be 1-2 ml. Further doses of the drug are prescribed, based on the individual condition and state of health of the patient.

How to prick diprospan? Diprospan in the form of injections are injected deep into the gluteus muscle in a dose of 1-2 ml. For intradermal injection in the area of ​​joint damage, the dose of the drug is, ml per square centimeter, and the total number of intradermal injections should not exceed 2 ml per week.

Also diprospan injection is injected into the joint or periarticular bag as a local therapy. The dose of the drug in this case varies from, to 2 ml, and the total amount should not exceed 1 time per week.

Diprospan in the joint is administered for a variety of inflammatory diseases, and the dosage is applied depending on the magnitude of the infiltrate.


The larger the size of the infiltrate, the more the drug is administered, but the single dose should not exceed 2 ml.


The therapeutic effect of the drug begins immediately after the introduction of diprospan in the joint, the pains go away, and the mobility returns to the joint again.

Injections diprospan painless, but in some cases, the drug can be administered with an anesthetic drug (novocaine, lidocaine, procaine), which is mixed with the main drug in a single syringe. To do this, first the main drug (diprospan) is injected into the syringe, and then anesthetic is taken and shaken for 1-2 minutes.

Side effects of the drug and an overdose

The drug diprospan can have side effects on the part of different systems:

  • On the part of the endocrine system - increased body weight and metabolic disorders, as well as delayed growth and development in children. Also, menstrual cycle disorders in women may increase, an increase in the need for hypoglycemic drugs in the treatment of diabetes mellitus.
  • From the side of the musculoskeletal system can cause osteoporosis, aseptic necrosis of the head of the humerus or femur, muscle weakness, myopathy, fractures of the bones.
  • From the side of the immune system can cause its weakening and, as a consequence, the attachment of a secondary infection.
  • From the side of the central nervous system can cause excitement, followed by drowsiness, as well as feelings of anxiety and fear, a depressive state, various neuroses. Tonic cramps and increased intracranial pressure may appear.
  • From the gastrointestinal tract - increase or decrease in appetite, ulcers of the esophagus, erosive and ulcerative lesions of the stomach and intestinal mucosa, pancreatitis, bloating, and stool disorder and nausea.
  • When using diprospan during pregnancy, the fetus may have various malformations and abnormalities in development.
  • From the side of the urinary system - fluid retention in tissues, increased release of calcium and potassium from the body, increased sodium content in the blood plasma.
  • On the part of the cardiovascular system - arterial hypertension, the phenomenon of congestive heart failure.
  • From the skin - a violation of healing of skin wounds, thinning and atrophy of the skin, redness of the skin of the face, angioedema, skin rash.
  • On the part of the organs of vision - glaucoma, exophthalmos, increased intraocular pressure.

Special instructions for the use of diprospan

Do not take the drug with the usual dislocation, because in this case, the introduction of the drug does not solve the underlying problem.

Also, with a prolonged course of treatment, it is necessary to periodically monitor the level of sugar in the blood plasma. Intravenously, the drug is not recommended.

It is also not recommended to inject the drug into intervertebral discs.

The instruction for the use of diprospan also contains warnings that are associated with the simultaneous administration of the drug and alcohol, since alcohol and diprospan are incompatible substances.

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All those who undergo treatment with diprospan, it must be remembered that during therapy is not recommended use weak and strong alcoholic beverages, since alcohol can exacerbate the side effect of taking diprospan.

If you still get treatment with diprospanol and used alcohol, as well as in case of an overdose of diprospan, the patient may have the same side effects, only more pronounced.

There is no special antidote for diprospan, so therapy with an overdose (or taking alcohol) is symptomatic.

It is necessary to carry out detoxication therapy with intravenous injection of glucose and isotonic solution.

Interaction with other medicinal products

It is not recommended to take diprospan with non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, since the effect of diprospan aggravates the side effect of the gastrointestinal tract in the form of ulcerative defeat.

Also it is not recommended to take diprospan together with insulin, anticoagulants, hormonal contraceptives and vaccines.

Storage conditions and shelf life of the diprospan

Diprospan does not need special storage conditions, and it can be stored both in the refrigerator and at normal room temperature, making sure that the temperature is not higher than 25 degrees. Freeze the drug is strictly prohibited. Shelf life of the diprospan is not less than 3 years from the date of manufacture.

It should be noted that this instruction manual for the use of diprospan is provided solely for the purpose of familiarization. For more details, please contact the manufacturers of the drug. Before using diprospan it is necessary to consult with a specialist.

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A source: http://spina-sustav.ru/lechenie-sustavov/diprospan-instrukciya-po-primeneniyu-protivopokazaniya.html

Diprospan, injections

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The average price online * 203 r. (1 ampoule)

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Instructions for use

"Diprospan" is a hormonal drug that, according to its pharmacological action, belongs to the group of glucocorticoids.

It has a powerful anti-inflammatory effect, and also quickly eliminates the symptoms that accompany the appearance of allergic reactions.

Another advantage of this drug is its availability - the price for "Diprospan" is much lower than for drugs that have a similar effect.

Very important! It is strictly forbidden to enter "Diprospan" intravenously - this can lead to the death of the patient!

Description of the preparation and composition

The main component of "Diprospan" is betamethasone, which is present in the drug in two forms:

  • betamethasone dipropionate, necessary to provide a prolonged (prolonged) therapeutic effect;
  • Betamethasone disodium phosphate, which is responsible for the rapid onset of medical treatment.

Excipients: anhydrous disubstituted sodium phosphate; sodium chloride; Trilon B; polysorbate 80; benzyl alcohol; carboxymethylcellulose sodium salt; polyethylene glycol 4000; nipagin; nipazel; water for injections.

The drug is prescribed primarily to suppress inflammatory processes at the cellular level. In addition, the tool has the following properties:

  • stimulation of the immune system;
  • antishock effect;
  • blocking of allergic seizures.

According to the results of research conducted in scientific laboratories, "Diprospan" can provoke sodium retention in the body, and also accelerate the excretion of potassium, ammonium and hydrogen ions. When using the recommended doses of the drug, such manifestations are usually absent, or their severity is so small that it has no clinical significance.

The therapeutic effect of "Diprospan" comes in 10 (maximum 20) minutes after the administration of the drug.

The drug is released in injection form as a solution and suspension. The product is placed in ampoules of 1 ml, placed in cardboard boxes (in each package 1 or 5 ampoules).

One ml of the medicine contains:

  • Betamethasone dipropionate, 3 mg (equivalent to 5 mg betamethasone);
  • Betamethasone sodium phosphate, 3 mg (equivalent to 2 mg betamethasone).

those. 7 mg of active ingredient (2 + 5 indicated on the package)

Indications for use

The drug has a wide range of applications, so it is prescribed for the treatment of many diseases accompanied by inflammatory lesions.

Skin diseases:

  • transfusion reactions;
  • leukemia;
  • lymphoma.

Kidney diseases:glomerulonephritis.

Allergic diseases:

Diseases of the digestive system:

  • gluten enteropathy;
  • ulcerative colitis (nonspecific);
  • Crohn's disease.

Rheumatic diseases:

  • rheumatoid arthritis;
  • bursitis;
  • osteoarthritis;
  • exostosis;
  • tendonitis;
  • torticollis;
  • heel spur, etc.

System states:

  • scleroderma;
  • dermatomyositis;
  • lupus, etc.

Diseases of the adrenal glands:

  • adrenogenital syndrome;
  • adrenal insufficiency (primary and secondary).

Method of administration and dosing regimen

There are several ways to administer the drug: intramuscular, intradermal, intraarticular and periarticular (the injection is placed in the area around the joint).

Very important! It is strictly forbidden to enter "Diprospan" intravenously - this can lead to the death of the patient!

Intramuscular injection.For the treatment of diseases, the drug is prescribed in a dosage of 1-2 ml, which is administered once. The interval between administrations should be at least 2 weeks, in some cases the interval between injections is 4 weeks.

Intraarticular and periarticular administration. The dosage of the drug when injected with this method of administration depends on the area in which the drug will be administered:

  • hip joint - 1-2 ml;
  • Shoulder, ankle and knee joints - 1 ml;
  • interphalangeal, metacarpophalangeal and sternoclavicular joints, 5-5 ml;
  • carpal and ulnar joints, -1 ml.

Intra-articular introduction requires high qualification of the surgeon, do not try to perform on your own!

Intradermal administration.The weekly dosage is 1 ml - it can not be exceeded in order to prevent negative consequences for the patient's state of health.

Usually, to provide therapeutic effect, doses from 5 to 1 ml are used, but in some cases the doctor can decide on the need to increase the amount of the drug to 2 ml.

The injections of "Diprospan" often do not require additional use of anesthetics, since they are painless. However, in individual cases, the use of drugs with analgesic properties is quite possible.


Injections of "Diprospan" are categorically contraindicated to people who show increased sensitivity to the main active substance. Also, it is necessary to be careful when assigning a remedy to patients with pathologies of the gastrointestinal tract, among which:

  • ulcerative lesions of the stomach and duodenum;
  • stones in the gallbladder;
  • diverticulitis;
  • violations of the liver.

Relative contraindications for blockade with the use of "Diprospan" are:

  • diabetes;
  • tuberculosis;
  • jade disease;
  • glaucoma;
  • cirrhosis;
  • mental disorders;
  • osteoporosis;
  • hypertension;
  • HIV infection;
  • thrombophlebitis;
  • chickenpox.

Side effects

Undesirable effects from the use of "Diprospan" appear usually with prolonged therapy with this drug. Among such manifestations can be:

  • pathology of the heart and blood vessels (heart failure, increased pressure);
  • fluid retention in tissues and organs, provoking the appearance of swelling;
  • weight gain;
  • abscesses;
  • atrophy of the skin (also subcutaneous);
  • musculoskeletal disorders;
  • ruptures of tendons, osteoporosis;
  • pancreatitis;
  • food disorders (flatulence, hiccough, erosion and stomach ulcers);
  • angioedema;
  • increased sweating;
  • the appearance of blackheads of a steroid type;
  • cycle disorders in women;
  • pathology and impaired puberty in children and adolescents;
  • convulsive syndrome, headaches, migraines;
  • depression, psychosis, sleep disturbances.

Intra-articular administration of the drug may cause the following side effects:

  • infection of blood (sepsis);
  • damage to nerve endings, cartilage and tendons;
  • bone necrosis (aseptic);
  • microcrystalline arthritis;
  • hemorrhage into the joint cavity.

With a single use or the use of small doses, "Diprospan" is tolerated well by all age groups of patients.

Precautions and special instructions

The drug can be combined with therapy of alcohol poisoning, as glucocorticoids reduce the level of toxic effects of ethyl alcohol on the human body.

The use during pregnancy is possible only in case of acute necessity, since the substances that make up the solution and suspension penetrate the placental barrier to the fetus.

If the pregnancy occurred during the therapy "Diprospan do not abruptly cancel the drug - the scheme the doctor must cancel the drug taking into account the underlying disease, as well as the concomitant pathologies and problems.

During lactation, one should also take into account the fact that glucocorticoids in small amounts are excreted in breast milk.

Injections of "Diprospan" can not be placed during the vaccination period, because antibodies are not produced under the action of the drug. After the introduction of the vaccine should take at least 7-10 days.


The drug therapy, administered to patients of childhood, necessarily requires regular consultations of the ophthalmologist, since there is a risk of developing cataracts and glaucoma.


Men should take into account that prolonged use of "Diprospan" can affect reproductive function by reducing the activity of spermatozoa and deteriorating the quality of sperm.


It is released by prescription. Shelf life 3 years. Store in a dark place out of the reach of children, at a temperature of 2-25 ° C.

A source: http://xnbtbfgpcpblyt3f.xnp1ai/diprospan-ukoly/


Diprospan is a glucocorticoid drug used to treat inflammatory diseases.

The drug has anti-shock, anti-inflammatory, desensitizing, immunosuppressive action.

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Diprospan is prescribed for bursitis, arthritis, osteoarthrosis, radiculitis, allergic diseases (rhinitis, bronchial asthma, allergy to drugs, insect bites), with dermatitis, eczema, psoriasis, urticaria, hemoblastosis and many others diseases. This is due to the fact that glucocorticoids affect many cells of the body. Diprospan is available in the form of a suspension and solution for injection.

Injections of Diprospan

Injections of the drug are made intramuscularly, intraarticularly, periarticularly, intradermally, interstitially, intrabusally and intramuscularly. It is forbidden to administer the drug intravenously and subcutaneously.

The method of administration and dosage is determined by the doctor depending on the severity of the disease, the indications and the reaction of the patient to the drug. The initial dose is usually about 1-2 ml.

Intramuscularly the drug must be injected into a large muscle to prevent tissue atrophy. With local administration, the use of anesthesia is rarely necessary.

If this is desirable, then first put into the syringe a suspension of Diprospan, and then a local anesthetic (lidocaine or a solution of procaine hydrochloride) and shake several times.

Diprospan: side effects

With prolonged use in a large dosage, Diprospan can have many strong side effects. It can cause headache, insomnia, dizziness, seizures, mood changes in combination with irritability and anxiety, psychoses with hallucinations.

Due to edema of the optic nerve disc, vision can be impaired, cataracts may appear, with prolonged use of the drug, fungal, viral or bacterial infection of the eyes may develop.

Diprospan removes potassium and calcium from the body and delays sodium and water, which affects the state of the cardiovascular system, arterial pressure, and heart rhythm disturbances.


Under the influence of this drug, the metabolism changes, which is reflected in the state of the endocrine system (can exacerbate diabetes mellitus, disrupt the menstrual cycle, atrophy the adrenal cortex, develop the syndrome Itenko-Cushing.


Diprospan leads to fragility of bones, propensity to fractures, ruptures of ligaments and tendons. Often there is a stomach ulcer with bleeding, inflammation of the pancreas, thinning of the skin, slowly heal wounds, allergic reactions are possible in the form of anaphylactic shock and angioedema edema.

Content of the site: Dmitry N.





Diprospan is a combination of soluble and sparingly soluble betamethasone esters for intramuscular, intraarticular, periarticular, intraosynovial and intradermal administration, as well as for administration directly to the outbreak defeat. Diprospanhas high GCS activityand minor mineralocorticoid activity. In addition, the drug regulates carbohydrate metabolism and water-electrolyte balance. The insignificant dimensions of the crystals of betamethasone dipropionate allow the use of small diameter needles (up to, mm) for intradermal injections and injection directly into the lesion site.

Pharmacokinetics. Betamethasone sodium phosphate is an easily soluble component that is rapidly absorbed from the injection site, which provides a rapid onset of therapeutic action.

Betamethasone dipropionate is a sparingly soluble component that is slowly absorbed from the depot at the injection site and provides a lasting effect of the drug. Binding to blood plasma proteins - 6,%. Metabolised in the liver.

Eliminated mainly in the urine, a small part - with bile.

Indications for

- extraarticular rheumatism (myositis, synovitis, tendosinovitis, fibrositis, epicondylitis) rheumatoid and psoriatic arthritis post-traumatic osteoarthritis osteochondrosis acute gouty arthritis allergic rhinitis bronchial asthma lumbago hemotransfusion and anaphylactic shock shock (burn, operating, traumatic, cardiogenic, toxic) allergic and anaphylactoid reactions brain edema nonspecific ulcerative colitis contact and atopic dermatitis psoriasis keloid scars collagenosis acute adrenal insufficiency hepatic coma acute hepatitis;

- malignant neoplasms.

Mode of application:

The dose of Diprospan depends on the severity of the disease and the clinical picture.
With the / m introduction of the druginjected at a dose of 1-2 ml into the gluten area every 2-4 weeks. Diprospan is injected deep into the muscle.

With intraarticular and periarticular implantationin the hip joint drug is administered in a dose of 1-2 ml; in the knee, ankle, brachial - 1 ml; at elbow, wrist - 0.5-1 ml; sternoclavicular, metacarpophalangeal, interphalangeal - 0.25-0.5 ml.

With intradermal administrationof the drug directly to the lesion, the single dose should not exceed 0.2 ml / cm2, and the weekly dose should not be more than 1 ml.

For conducting local infiltrationthe drug is used in the following doses: with bursitis - 0.25-1 ml (in acute form up to 2 ml); at synovial cyst, tenosynovitis - 0.25-0.5 ml; with tendinitis - 0.5 ml; with myositis, fibrositis - 0.5-1 ml.

Injections of the drug are painless, but in rare cases, the introduction of Diprospan together with an anesthetic is required. If necessary, diprospan is mixed in one syringe (but not in one bottle) with local anesthetics - 1% solution of procaine or lidocaine.

Side effects:

As with other GCS, side effects are due to the dose and duration of the drug. These reactions are usually reversible and can be reduced by lowering the dose.

From the side of the water-electrolyte balance: hypernatremia, increased release of potassium, hypokalemic alkalosis, increased release of calcium, fluid retention in tissues.

From the side of the cardiovascular system: congestive heart failure in predisposed patients, AH.

From the side of the musculoskeletal system: muscle weakness, myopathy, decreased muscle mass, worsening of symptoms in severe pseudo-paralytic myasthenia gravis, osteoporosis, aseptic necrosis of the head of the femoral or humerus, pathological fractures of the tubular bones, tendon ruptures, joint instability (after multiple introductions).
From the digestive system: erosive and ulcerative lesions of the gastrointestinal tract with possible subsequent perforation and bleeding, ulcers of the esophagus, pancreatitis, flatulence.
From the skin side: damage to wound healing, skin atrophy, thinning of the skin, petechiae and ecchymosis, facial skin erythema, increased sweating, skin reactions such as dermatitis, rash, angioedema.
From the nervous system: convulsions, increased intracranial pressure with edema of the optic nerve (usually after treatment), dizziness, headache, euphoria, mood imbalance, depression (with severe psychotic reactions), increased irritability, insomnia.
From the endocrine system: menstrual irregularities, Cushing's syndrome, intrauterine growth retardation or child growth, violation tolerance to glucose, the manifestation of latent diabetes, an increase in the need for insulin or oral hypoglycemic agents.
From the side of the organ of vision: posterior subcapsular cataract, increased intraocular pressure, glaucoma, exophthalmos.
From the side of metabolism: negative nitrogen balance due to protein catabolism; lipomatosis, including mediastinal and epidural lipomatosis, which can lead to neurologic complications; increase in body weight.
Other manifestations: hypersensitivity reactions, including anaphylactic shock on the administration of the drug and hypotensive reaction.
Other adverse reactions associated with parenteral administration of the drug: single cases of visual impairment with intramuscular administration in the face and head, hyper- or hypopigmentation of the skin, atrophy of the skin and subcutaneous fat, sterile abscesses, blood flush to the face after injection (intra-articular administration), and neurogenic arthropathy.


With parenteral administrationand short-term course of treatment, hypersensitivity is the only contraindication.

When intra-articular introduction into the outbreakcontraindications include infected lesions, unstable joints, periarticular infection, previous arthroplasty, and impaired blood clotting.

With external applicationcontraindications are various skin diseases, dermatitis, dermatosis, bacterial, viral, fungal skin infections, acne.

With other methods of administrationdiprospan should not be used if the following conditions occur:
tuberculosis, peptic ulcer, HIV infection, chicken pox, thrombophlebitis, kidney failure, diabetes, osteoporosis, glaucoma, psychosis, viral, bacterial, fungal infections, nephritis, uveitis, thrombophlebitis, diverticulitis, gastric and duodenal ulcer, impaired renal and hepatic function, period vaccination.

Also, the drug is contraindicated for hypersensitivity.

Interaction with other medicines


Simultaneous appointmentphenobarbital, rifampicin, phenytoinor ephedrine can enhance the metabolism of the drug, while reducing its therapeutic activity.

When combined use of GCS and estrogensit may be necessary to adjust the dose of the drug (in connection with the possibility of an overdose).

Simultaneous reception of Diprospanwith diuretics, which promote the excretion of potassium, increases the likelihood of hypokalemia.

Combined use of GCS and cardiac glycosides increases the risk of arrhythmia or digitalis intoxication (due to hypokalemia).
Diprospancan enhance the excretion of potassium, caused by the reception of amphotericin-B. Simultaneous reception of Diprospan and indirect anticoagulants can lead to a change in blood coagulation, which may require dose adjustment.

With the combined use of GCS with NSAIDsor ethanol and preparations containing ethanol, it is possible to increase the incidence or severity of erosive-ulcerative gastrointestinal lesions.

With simultaneous application of GCScan reduce the concentration of salicylates in the blood plasma.
The combined administration of GCS and somatropin can lead to a slower absorption of the latter.


This preparationnot used in pregnancy. If you take diprospan during lactation, then breast-feeding should be stopped immediately.

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Symptoms. Acute overdose of betamethasone does not pose a threat to life.

The introduction of GCS for several days in high doses does not lead to undesirable consequences (except for cases in very high doses or with diabetes, glaucoma, exacerbation of erosive-ulcerative gastrointestinal lesions, or in patients who simultaneously receive therapy with digitalis preparations, indirect anticoagulants or diuretics, excretory potassium).
Treatment. Careful monitoring of the patient's condition is necessary. Optimum fluid intake and control of the electrolyte level in blood plasma and urine, primarily the balance of sodium and potassium, are shown. If an imbalance of these ions is detected, appropriate therapy should be carried out.

Form of issue:

A box with one or five transparent ampoules containing an injection solution.
One ampoule holds 1ml of solution.

Storage conditions:

The drug should be stored in a dark place, and the temperature should be in the range of 2 ° to 25 ° C. Freezing the medicine is prohibited. Shelf life is 3 years.


In 1 ml of the solutionis contained, 3 mg betamethasone dipropionate, 3 mg betamethasone sodium phosphate.

Excipients: water, sodium chloride, polysorbate 80, sodium salt, trilon-B, nipagin, polyethylene glycol 4000, nipazole, disubstituted anhydrous sodium phosphate and carboxymethylcellulose.



More than a year the knee was hurting (went with difficulty). The good doctor made an intra-articular injection of diprospane-since then I forgot where I have a knee ...


2016-04-22T0 2


I can not say that I'm delighted with this drug, but with inflammations, with allergies especially, it does well.

Slightly remove the redness, but it's not bad when you're late and the taxi is about to arrive. So, probably, you can recommend it.

But if you have hard enough with money, then it's better to find an analog at cheaper prices. Otherwise, only spend money, but it will not help at all.

2014-10-22T1: 7


I have asthma and allergic rhinitis. After removing the polyps of the nose for 4 years, there was no sense of smell.

After a dip of diprospan, the nose returned, the nose breathes freely and I do not use the berotek for two weeks already.

The drug is good, but I do not know whether it will be used in the future. Somehow I do not want to sit down on hormones.

2014-08-22T1: 8


I pricked myself once a season diprospan from allergies to something blooming. It helped me, I felt much better. No mustaches grew from me, with monthly ones, too, everything was in order.


But after reading all these terrible reviews about the fact that he had a lot of pokachek and all this decided to do without him this year.


Of course, allergy pills are also not harmless (they lose a liver and all that) and help not so, but I think it's better than drinking hormones

2014-07-18T0: 8


Well, it's a hormonal drug, so you must follow a diet (although even with it is not a fact that does not blow). He did not cause me any negative reactions, but I used it once

2014-05-17T0 2


the most terrible drug. He caused me pain in the stomach, which left only after eating. I scored 10 kg because of these injections. I'm shocked

2014-04-16T1 1

A source: http://MedHall.ru/diprospan/

Indications for use of diprospan: instructions and dosage for injection, cost and contraindications, reviews

Medicines of the group of glucocorticoids, steroid hormones produced by the adrenal glands, are used in clinical therapy for topical treatment of inflammatory joint diseases and pathologies of soft tissues.

Diprospan is a new generation drug that allows to significantly increase the effectiveness of drug treatment.

The medicine is used for intraarticular injections, infiltration of soft tissues, therapy of diseases of the musculoskeletal system.

Composition and mechanism of action of the drug

Diprospan is available as a suspension or solution for injection. The drug is packaged in 1 ml ampoules. The suspension is produced in 1 ml injection syringes. The medicine has a transparent or yellowish tinge, slightly viscous.

The composition of diprospan for injections is betamethasone: in the form of disodium phosphate - 2 mg, as dipropionate - 5 mg. 1 ml of suspension contains, 3 mg of betamethasone dipropionate and 3 mg of betamethasone sodium phosphate.

Diprospan has a significant glucocorticoid and small mineralocorticoid action. The drug has anti-inflammatory, anti-allergic, immunosuppressive, anti-shock effect. The drug has a pronounced effect on human metabolism.

Diprospan is quickly absorbed, so the therapeutic effect is achieved almost instantly. The drug accumulates in the liver, is excreted by the kidneys.

The drug is actively absorbed into human tissues, ensuring the onset of the effect for 1-2 hours. In this case, Diprospan is characterized by a slow solubility up to 30-35 days.

Due to this, the drug has a prolonged therapeutic effect up to 6 weeks.

These unique properties of Diprospan expand the scope of the drug in rheumatology and to level the attack of microcrystalline arthritis.

The drug is prescribed to patients with such diseases as:

  • rheumatoid arthritis;
  • osteoarthritis;
  • inflammation of mucous bags in the region of the joints;
  • ankylosing spondylitis;
  • degenerative muscle damage;
  • radiculitis;
  • inflammation of the coccygeal nerves;
  • ischialgia;
  • lumbago;
  • benign bone formation;
  • heel spur;
  • foot pain;
  • allergic diseases;
  • asthma;
  • Pollinosis;
  • seasonal or all-the-year-round rhinitis;
  • drug allergy;
  • atopic dermatitis;
  • inflammatory skin diseases;
  • contact dermatitis;
  • acute photodermatitis;
  • complications of insulin therapy;
  • chronic inflammation of the hair follicles;
  • discoid lupus erythematosus;
  • herpetic dermatitis;
  • psoriasis;
  • keloid scars;
  • ulcerative colitis;
  • cystic acne;
  • acute hepatitis;
  • malignant neoplasms;
  • hemoblastoses;
  • excessive secretion of hormones of the adrenal cortex;
  • regional ileitis;
  • syndrome of insufficient digestion of food;
  • nephritis.

Instructions for use and dosage of the drug

The method of administration of Diprospan and its norm depend on the origin of the disease, the general clinical picture. For intramuscular injection, apply 1-2 ml of the drug. The medicine is injected deeply into the muscle tissue.

For intradermal injections, the single dose of Diprospana ml, the total dosage of 1 ml is divided into 5 daily injections. With periarticular (periarticular) and intraarticular (intraarticular) intake of the drug, its rate varies from 5 to 2 ml.

For local injections, Disprospan is prescribed in a dosage of from 5 to 1 ml.

Side effects and contraindications

Diprospan is a medicinal product that has both a therapeutic effect and undesirable effects.

The risk of adverse reactions is associated with the presence of chronic ailments in people, overdose of the drug and prolonged use of the drug.

With strict adherence to the instructions to Diprospan, undesirable phenomena arise in rare cases. With prudence prescribe a medicine for women during pregnancy and lactation. The drug is contraindicated in people who have:

  • tuberculosis;
  • HIV infection;
  • varicella-zoster virus;
  • inflammation of the veins;
  • renal insufficiency;
  • diabetes;
  • osteoporosis;
  • glaucoma;
  • mental disorders;
  • viral, bacterial, fungal infection;
  • nephritis;
  • inflammation of the choroid of the eye;
  • viral, bacterial rhinitis;
  • thrombophlebitis;
  • dermatosis;
  • individual intolerance to the components of the drug.

Among the side effects of Diprospans, depression, sleep disturbances, anxiety, and neuroses have been identified.

To undesirable phenomena for the use of the drug include impaired digestion, colitis, limb swelling, weight gain, osteoporosis, corticoadrenal suppression.

If you experience discomfort after the introduction of Diprospan, immediately inform your doctor. He will pick up a substitute for the drug.

Analogues of the drug Diprospan

Substitutes of the drug are pharmacological agents of the group of glucocorticoids. They act on the human body similarly to Diprospan, have a similar therapeutic effect.

However, these drugs differ in dosage, duration and method of administration. Diprospan substitutes have a less prolonged action, a greater concentration of crystals.

The expediency of drug replacement is determined by the doctor, assessing the patient's health and the risks of side effects. Analogs of Diprospan:

  • acryderm;
  • beloderm;
  • betazone;
  • betamethasone;
  • betliaben;
  • Betnoveit;
  • кутерид;
  • flosteron;
  • tedderm;
  • celostoderm-B;
  • celeston.

Where to buy and how much are ampoules for injections

Diprospan is sold in pharmacies, it is released only on prescription. One package contains 1 or 5 ampoules. The price of the drug depends on the manufacturer (Russia, Belgium, France, USA, Croatia).

The cost of Diprospan 1 ml (1 ampoule in the kit) varies from 8, 0 to 505 rubles, 1 ml (5 injections) - from 220 to 879 rubles. The price of a drug of domestic production is lower than that of a foreign one.

The quality of Diprospan from the manufacturer's mark does not depend.

Customer references and doctor's advice

A source: http://sovets.net/3339-diprospan-pokazaniya-k-primeneniyu.html