What are the symptoms of pneumonia in adults?

Symptoms of pneumonia in adults

Pneumonia is an infectious disease. It remains one of the most common in the world. It is the leader among nosocomial infections leading to death. It is important to know the symptoms of pneumonia in adults in order to take timely action. Treatment of pneumonia and the prognosis of the development of the disease depends on the nature of the infection, age and general condition of the patient.

What is pneumonia and how dangerous it is

Inflammation of the lungs in an acute form is called pneumonia. It is caused by infections that can be transmitted in various ways, affecting the lung tissue. In the list of diseases that caused death, she is in fifth place, and medicine does not always help. Lethal outcome among adults from pneumonia is 10-33%. Intrahospital and atypical form of the disease takes even more lives - the risk of dying increases to 50%. In elderly people, people with weakened immunity, the prognosis of pneumonia is often disappointing.

From usual pneumonia, 1-3% of young patients who do not have diseases that die, can die. Among elderly patients, the mortality rate is up to 40-50%. Causes of death from pneumonia:

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  • Concomitant diseases, such as cardiac pathologies, existing respiratory diseases (such as bronchitis), diabetes mellitus, problems in the genitourinary system;
  • bad habits (smoking, especially lengthy experience, drug addiction, alcoholism);
  • dysfunctional living conditions;
  • weakened immunity.

A special risk of inflammation of the lungs is for pregnant women. The disease itself is heavy due to dangerous pathologies. For a woman who carries a child, she is doubly dangerous - for the future mother and fetus. In early terms, pneumonia is threatened by an embryo, the tissues and organs of which are not yet formed. In the last trimester for a child, pneumonia is less dangerous than for a mother. Prevention is simple: strengthening the immune system of the mother.

The first signs of pneumonia

Symptoms of pneumonia in adults depend on the type of infection that caused the disease. There are several types of pneumonia, and each has its own clinical picture. The provoking factor for the onset of pneumonia is hypothermia affecting the upper respiratory tract. In the elderly, it often goes into a pathological form. Symptoms of pneumonia in adults are several: they are divided into varieties of insidious disease. The common form of pneumonia is viral, occurs in half the cases. Other reasons:

  • bacteria;
  • mycoplasma;
  • fungus;
  • parasites;
  • chlamydia;
  • streptococcus.


A disease that occurs without symptoms characteristic of pneumonia is called atypical. The latent inflammation of the lungs is dangerous because it is delayed for its treatment, when many complications appear. Pulmonary manifestations fade into the background, the patient is more concerned about general intoxication. The X-ray does not show changes in the airway. Signs of atypical inflammation:

  • dry cough;
  • sore throat;
  • muscle pain;
  • headache;
  • weakness.

Aseptic atypical pneumonia is caused by Legionella, viruses, chlamydia, mycoplasmas, therefore, it is treated with antimicrobials. After infection, the symptoms of the disease manifest themselves in a period of 2 to 10 days. Changes in the lungs begin later than with a typical pneumonia. The temperature rises, the patient starts to suffocate, he does not have enough air. A large percentage of patients can be cured at home, but sometimes the ailment is difficult. The mortality from this type of disease is 3-5%, the cause is cardiopulmonary insufficiency.


This type of disease is caused by several viruses. In the first place - the flu. At the onset of pneumonia, triggered by the influenza virus, malaise is noticeable during 3-5 days. Then the condition worsens, shortness of breath starts, chest pains appear. Pneumonia is treated with rimantadine, zanamivir, oseltamivir. Viral pneumonia is caused by cytomegalovirus.

Serious complication of viral pneumonia is SARS, respiratory syndrome. It is caused by the viruses of Paramyxoviridae (they are also the cause of measles and mumps). The syndrome poses a great danger. Symptoms of pneumonia in adults with viral pneumonia are:

  • very high temperature accompanied by chills;
  • dry cough (unproductive);
  • headache and muscle pain;
  • fatigue without reason.


The cause of pneumonia in this case are bacteria: pneumococcus, staphylococcus, streptococcus. Bacterial pneumonia begins with a sharp temperature jump to a mark of 41 degrees. It lasts up to 3 days, and this symptom is considered a clear sign of bacterial infection. If the temperature then falls, then rises - this is a viral picture. Pneumococcal pneumonia is accompanied by the escape of "rusty" sputum, cardiac contractions become more frequent (tachycardia), breathing becomes more difficult. Treat the disease with antibiotics.


The most dangerous variant of pulmonary inflammation is fungal infection. It is due to the fact that fungal pneumonia is not manifested at first, and people do not know that they are sick. The disease is diagnosed late. The onset of the process of inflammation of the lung tissue is like atypical pneumonia, but with the exacerbation of symptoms, the nature of lung damage changes, cavities are formed. A frequent causative agent of such pneumonia is Candida albicans, a fungus. Initially, the patient has catarrhal symptoms: fever, cough, fatigue and shortness of breath. Then, when pussy is pus, then the correct diagnosis is made.

The main symptoms of pneumonia in an adult

The cold, the flu, should not last more than 7 days, if in 4-7 days after the onset of an acute respiratory infection the condition of the patient worsened, this signal starts in the lower respiratory tract of a dangerous inflammation. Symptoms of pneumonia in adults include pallor and dyspnea. If they have a cold, they are accompanied by weakness, sweating, decreased appetite - this is typical for intoxication in the beginning of pneumonia.

Temperature with pneumonia

With atypical pneumonia, body temperature is not always greater than 3,. In the usual cases, a sharp increase to 40 degrees is typical. With pneumonia, antipyretic drugs do not work. If you can not bring down the temperature - it's a sign of pneumonia. The temperature begins to drop when antibiotics work. It is dangerous if the disease runs without temperature: the patients sometimes do not take measures until the condition worsens. How much the temperature lasts depends on the pathogen: a fungus, a bacterium or a virus.

What a cough with pneumonia

At the beginning of the disease, a cough is dry, this is called unproductive. He becomes obtrusive, constant, exhausting. Inflammation develops - this symptom also changes. The sputum departs, the color of which depends on the nature of the infection: yellow-green, purulent, "rusty." Nasal cough, which does not pass for 7-10 days, is a clear sign of the inflammatory process in the lungs.

Voice tremor

The doctor can recognize the symptoms of the disease, assessing the patient's jittery response. The patient says words where there are several "p" sounds, and the doctor puts his hands on his chest, and determines the voice trembling. With pneumonia, part of the lung, or it is whole, becomes denser. This will be noticed by the medical doctor who conducts the diagnostics, by the fact that the voice tremor is amplified.

Diagnosis of the disease

If there is a suspicion of an inflammatory process in the lungs, a comprehensive diagnosis is performed. Sometimes already at the primary admission the doctor can determine the disease by conducting an auscultation, that is, having listened to the chest with a phonendoscope. But the main method of diagnosis in an adult is an X-ray. Necessarily the patient will take blood for general and biochemical analysis. If the patient is in the hospital, examine the culture of sputum, urine, check blood for antibodies to viruses.

Types of pneumonia

The mild forms of pneumonia, found in the initial stage, are treated at home. Remember that even mild pneumonia will complicate with improper care. It is necessary to adhere to the doctor's recommendations how to treat pneumonia in the home:

  • antipyretic drugs, anti-inflammatory;
  • an abundant drink is prescribed;
  • an important component of the treatment is a diet: the body is poisoned by toxins, light foods, more fluids are required.

How to treat pneumonia, how long the process will last depends on the severity and variety of the disease. Infection is sometimes found in the lung tissue for years, leading to a chronic illness. Fibers and connective tissues are damaged, they press on the pulmonary vesicles, which leads to hardening of the lungs, pneumosclerosis. The patient feels discomfort, constantly coughs. It is a slow, prolonged illness, which gradually leads to complications.

Conventional pneumonia is divided into mild, moderate, severe and extremely severe in severity, it depends on how the disease proceeds. Severe acute forms include pleuropneumonia, when one or more of the lungs are inflamed. There is pneumonia in the localization:

  • Focal (concentrated in the focus of inflammation);
  • segmental or polysegmentary, depending on whether one or more segments are located;
  • share - does not exceed one share;
  • total - covers all the lungs.

One-sided and two-sided

The inflammatory process is concentrated either on one side or it is bilateral. Unilateral pneumonia is divided into two types:

  1. Right-sided - occurs more often, the right bronchus is wider than the left and shorter than it, the infection penetrates there freer.
  2. Left-sided - develops less often, with it there are stagnant processes in the lung.

Two-sided covers both lungs: all lung tissue becomes inflamed, and the disease is provoked by bacteria (pneumococcus, hemophilic rod). Against the background of one infection, other harmful microorganisms are multiplied, mixed-infection develops. In the fight against a person enter several pathogens, to select antibacterial drugs for treatment is difficult.


The focus of inflammation, located along the root of the lung, is difficult to diagnose. Such cases are called basal pneumonia. In the diagnosis of computed tomography. The doctor should exclude tuberculosis and lung cancer, the focus of inflammation is similar to a picture on a tumor. Tuberculin tests are carried out. If you mistakenly prescribe drugs against tuberculosis, but they do not give an effect - this is considered a diagnostic sign.


Bronchial pneumonia characterizes the lesion of small branches of the bronchial tree of the patient. Bronchopneumonia refers to focal. The process of recovery will take a long time. Sometimes the disease is secondary, develops against the background of bronchitis. A person tries to cure bronchitis, that is prolonged, the condition worsens, weakness appears, temperature jumps. The cough that accompanies bronchitis intensifies, unpleasant purulent sputum is separated, at times - with veins of blood.

Important symptoms of this disease: shortness of breath, increased heart rate to 110 strokes for a minute, chest pain. To the development of bronchopneumonia leads not only bronchitis, but also ARVI. Often this type of pneumonia and viruses cause this kind of pneumonia, in order to treat the disease correctly, establish a pathogen, prescribe antiviral drugs or antibacterial. How much the disease is treated depends on the type of pathogen.


In addition to community-acquired pneumonia, which develops under normal conditions, there is a serious form of illness - hospital, it is also hospital-acquired. The diagnosis is made when the inflammation appears after two days and more after placing a person in a hospital clinic with a completely different diagnosis. This is the most ruthless species, killing 50% of patients. The disease is caused by microorganisms. Types of nosocomial pneumonia:

  • associated with artificial ventilation;
  • postoperative;
  • Hospital-acquired pneumonia in hospitalized in serious condition.

Immunity of patients is weakened, the body struggled with another disease, was not ready to invade new microbes. To save the situation, patients are placed with droppers, use intravenous nutrition to maintain the vital forces of the body, use drugs of a new generation, potent drugs. Cure nosocomial pneumonia can not always. Treatment of pneumonia in this case is excluded.

The equity

Fracture pneumonia affects the lobe of the lung and the pleura. With this type of pneumonia, it is important to schedule injections of antibiotics, the duration of which is determined by the doctor. Applied physiotherapy, detoxification. Partial pneumonia begins suddenly and sharply. There are three forms of the disease:

  • Upper-lobar - it is difficult, with neurological disorders;
  • lower-lobed - gives a pseudo-picture of the "acute abdomen which confuses during diagnosis, chills and "rusty" sputum are characteristic;
  • central - inflammation develops deep in the lung, symptomatology is poorly defined, difficult to define.


Croupous pneumonia proceeds acutely. The nature of the defeat of the lungs is bilateral. If the pathology is not recognized and the treatment is not started quickly, the patient will die from cerebral hypoxia and cardiovascular insufficiency. The first day the patient has a dry cough. The next day, sputum is rusty, vomiting occurs. On the third day, it becomes worse, dyspnea appears, tachycardia develops. The patient is not able to climb to one floor. Treat croupous pneumonia in pulmonology, in a hospital or resuscitation. Pulmonary lobes of the patient are totally affected on both sides.

Video: types and symptoms of pneumonia

Pneumonia is a dangerous disease, it is important to determine it in the early stages, when the treatment is effective even with folk remedies at home. In the video offered below, experts will tell in detail about the symptoms of pneumonia, teach what to look for if pneumonia occurs without the typical symptoms. Timely detection will avoid irreversible consequences.


Pneumonia in adults

Pneumonia is an acute inflammation of the lungs caused by infection. The initial diagnosis is usually based on the chest x-ray.

Causes, symptoms, treatment, prevention and prognosis depend on whether the infection is bacterial, viral, fungal or parasitic; hospital, or hospitalized in a nursing home; develops in an immunocompetent patient or against a background weakened immunity.

Code for the ICD-10 J18 Pneumonia without specifying the pathogen


Pneumonia is one of the most common infectious diseases. In Europe, the annual number of patients with this diagnosis is between 2 and 15 per 1000 population. In Russia, the incidence of community-acquired pneumonia reaches 10-15 per 1000 population, and in older age groups (over 60 years) - 25-44 cases per 1000 people per year. Approximately 2-3 million people in the US are ill with pneumonia every year, about 4, 00 of them die. This is the most common hospital-acquired infection that has a lethal outcome, and is the most common of the common causes of death in developing countries.

Despite significant progress in diagnosis and treatment, mortality in this disease is increasing. Community-acquired pneumonia is the most common cause of death among all infectious diseases. In the general structure of causes of death, this disease ranks fifth after cardiovascular, oncological, cerebrovascular diseases and COPD, and in the older age group, lethality reaches 10-33%, and among children under 5 years - 25%. Even more high mortality (up to 50%) is characterized by the so-called hospital (hospital or nosocomial) and some "atypical" and aspiration pneumonia, which is due to the highly virulent flora that causes the listed forms of the disease, as well as the rapidly developing resistance to traditional antibacterial medicinal drugs.

The presence of a large number of patients with severe concomitant diseases and certain risk factors, including number of primary and secondary immunodeficiency, has a significant effect on the course and prognosis pneumonia.

Causes of pneumonia

In adults over 30 years, the most frequent pathogens of pneumonia are bacteria, and in all age groups, under all socio-economic conditions and in all geographic areas, Streptococcus pneumoniae. However, pneumonia can cause any pathogens, from viruses to parasites.

The respiratory tract and lungs are constantly exposed to the pathogenic organisms of the environment; upper respiratory tract and the oropharynx are especially colonized by the so-called normal flora, which is safe due to immune defense organism. If pathogens overcome numerous protective barriers, an infection develops.

See also: Inflammation of the lungs

The protective factors of the upper respiratory tract include IgA saliva, proteolytic enzymes and lysozyme, and growth inhibitors produced by normal flora and fibronectin that covers the mucosa and inhibits adhesion. Nonspecific protection of the lower respiratory tract includes cough, clearance of the ciliated epithelium and angular structure of the respiratory tract, which prevents infection of air spaces. Specific protection of the lower respiratory tract is provided by pathogen-specific immune mechanisms, including opsonization of IgA and IgG, anti-inflammatory effects of surfactant, phagocytosis by alveolar macrophages and T-cell immune reactions. These mechanisms protect most people from infection. But in many conditions (for example, in systemic diseases, malnutrition, hospitalization or stay in a nursing home, antibiotic therapy), normal flora changes, its virulence increases (for example, when exposed to antibiotics), or protective mechanisms are broken (for example, when smoking cigarettes, nasogastric or endotracheal intubation). Disease-causing organisms, which in these cases reach the alveolar spaces inhalation, due to contact or hematogenous spreading or aspiration, can multiply and cause inflammation of the pulmonary tissue.

Specific pathogens that cause inflammation of the lung tissue are not excreted in more than half the patients, even with a comprehensive diagnostic study. But, since under similar conditions and risk factors there are certain trends in the nature of the pathogen and the outcome of the disease, pneumonia are classified into out-of-hospital (acquired outside the health facility), hospital (including postoperative and associated with artificial ventilation of the lungs), acquired in nursing homes, and in immunocompromised individuals; this allows you to assign empirical treatment.

The term "interstitial pneumonia" refers to a variety of unrelated states with unknown etiology, characterized by inflammation and fibrosis of pulmonary interstitium.

Community-acquired pneumonia develops in people with limited contact or without contact at all with medical institutions. Streptococcus pneumoniae, Haemophilus influenzae and atypical microorganisms are commonly identified (i.e. e. Chlamydia pneumoniae, Mycoplasma pneumoniae Legionella sp). Symptoms - fever, cough, shortness of breath, tachypnea and tachycardia. The diagnosis is based on clinical manifestations and chest X-ray. Treatment is carried out empirically selected antibiotics. The prognosis is favorable for relatively young and / or healthy patients, but many pneumonia, especially those caused by S. pneumoniae and the influenza virus, are fatal in the elderly and weakened patients.

Many microorganisms cause out-of-hospital pneumonia, including bacteria, viruses and fungi. In the etiologic structure different pathogens prevail depending on the patient's age and other factors, but the relative importance of each as a cause of the out-of-hospital inflammation of the lungs is questionable, since most patients do not undergo a complete examination, but even with a survey, specific agents are detected in less than 50% of cases.

S. pneumoniae, H. influenzae, C. pneumoniae and M. pneumoniae - the most frequent bacterial pathogens. Chlamydia and mycoplasma are clinically indistinguishable from other causes. Frequent viral pathogens are the respiratory syncytial virus (RSV), adenovirus, influenza virus, metapneumovirus and parainfluenza virus in children and influenza in the elderly. Bacterial superinfection may make it difficult to differentiate the viral from bacterial infection.

FROM. pneumoniae causes 5-10% of community-acquired pneumonia and is the second most frequent cause of lung infections in healthy people aged 5-35 years. FROM. pneumoniae is usually responsible for outbreaks of respiratory tract infections in families, educational institutions and military training camps. It causes a relatively benign form, rarely requiring hospitalization. Pneumonia caused by Chlamydia psittaci (ornithosis) occurs in patients with birds.

Reproduction of other organisms causes lung infection in immunocompetent patients, although the term community-acquired pneumonia is commonly used for more frequent bacterial and viral etiologies.

Ku fever, tularemia, anthrax and plague are rare bacterial infections in which there may be severe pneumonia; the last three infectious diseases should raise suspicion of bioterrorism.

Adenovirus, Epstein-Barr virus and Coxsackie virus are widespread viruses that rarely cause pneumonia. Chicken pox and gantavirus cause infection of the lung with chickenpox in adults and gantavirus pulmonary syndrome; A new coronavirus causes severe acute respiratory syndrome.

The most frequent fungal pathogens are Histoplasma (histoplasmosis) and Coccidioides immitis (coccidioidomycosis). Less common are Blastomyces dermatitidis (blastomycosis) and Paracoccidioides braziliensis (paracoccidioidomycosis).

Parasites that cause lung damage in patients in developed countries include Plasmodium sp. (malaria) Toxocara canis or catis (migration of larvae to internal organs), Dirofilaria immitis (dirofipyariosis) and Paragonimus westermani (paragonimiasis).

Symptoms of pneumonia

Symptoms of pneumonia include malaise, coughing, shortness of breath, and chest pain.

Cough is usually productive in older children and adults and dry in infants, young children and the elderly. Dyspnoea is usually mild and occurs with physical activity and is rarely present at rest. Pain in the chest is pleural and localized next to the affected area. Inflammation of the lung tissue can be manifested by pain in the upper abdomen, when the infection of the lower lobe irritates the diaphragm. Symptoms vary in extreme age groups; Infection in infants can manifest as vague irritability and restlessness; in the elderly - as a violation of orientation and consciousness.

Manifestations include fever, tachypnea, tachycardia, wheezing, bronchial breathing, euphony and dullness with percussion. Symptoms of pleural effusion may also be present. Inflammation of the nostrils, the use of extra muscles and cyanosis are frequent in infants.

Signs of pneumonia, as previously thought, differ depending on the type of pathogen, but there are a lot of common manifestations. In addition, none of the symptoms or symptoms are sufficiently sensitive or specific to be able to determine the etiology on its basis. Symptoms may even resemble non-infectious lung diseases, such as pulmonary embolism, neoplasms and other inflammatory processes in the lungs.

Where does it hurt?

Chest pain Chest pain after pneumonia Chest pain with inspiration Chest pain when coughing

What's bothering you?

Shortness of breath Body temperature Chrypses in lungs Cough

Diagnosis of pneumonia

The diagnosis is suspected on the basis of the symptoms of the disease and is confirmed by chest radiography. The most serious condition, mistakenly diagnosed as an inflammation of the pulmonary tissue, is pulmonary embolism, which is more is likely in patients with minimal sputum production, absence of concomitant ARVI or systemic symptoms and risk factors thromboembolism.

When chest radiography is almost always found infiltration of a certain degree of severity; rarely infiltration is absent in the first 24-48 hours of the disease. In general, no definite results of the study distinguish one type of infection from another, although multi-dose infiltrates suggest infection of S. pneumoniae or Legionella pneumophila, and interstitial pneumonia involves viral etiology or mycoplasma.

A generalized blood and electrolyte test, urea and creatinine should be performed by a hospitalized person to determine the degree of hydration and risk. Two blood cultures are done to detect pneumococcal bacteremia and sepsis, as approximately 12% of all patients hospitalized with pneumonia have bacteremia; S. pneumoniae accounts for two thirds of these cases.

Studies are continuing to help determine whether the results of blood cultures are so important for treatment to justify the costs of these analyzes. Pulse oximetry or analysis of arterial blood gases should also be performed.

Usually, there is no evidence to conduct research, including the analysis of sputum, identifying a pathogenic microorganism; exceptions can be made for critically ill patients, suspected drug resistant or unusual microorganism (eg, tuberculosis), and patients whose condition worsens or who do not respond to treatment in for 72 hours. The feasibility of Gram staining and bacteriological examination remains questionable, since samples are often contaminated and their overall diagnostic effectiveness is low. In patients who do not produce sputum, samples can be obtained non-invasively by simple cough or after inhalation of hypertonic saline, or the patient may undergo bronchoscopy or endotracheal suction, which can be easily performed through the endotracheal tube in patients on IVL. In patients with a worsening condition and not responding to broad-spectrum antibiotics, the study should include staining for mycobacteria and for fungi and crops.

Additional studies are appointed under certain circumstances. People with a risk of legionellosis pneumonia (for example, patients who smoke have chronic lung diseases, the age is older 40 years old, receive chemotherapy or take immunosuppressants for organ transplantation) should carry out a urine test for Legionella antigens, which remains positive for a long time after the initiation of treatment, but allows the identification of only L pneumophila serogroup 1 (70% of cases).

A fourfold increase in antibody titers up to>: 28 (or in a single serum upon recovery>: 56) is also considered diagnostic. These tests are specific (95-100%), but not very sensitive (40-60%); Thus, a positive test indicates an infection, but a negative test does not exclude it.

Babies and small children with a possible RSV infection should be promptly examined for antigens in swabs from the nose or throat. There are no other tests for viral pneumonia; Viral culture and serological tests are rarely available at the clinic.

The PCR test (for mycoplasma and chlamydia) is not yet available, but it has good prospects due to its high sensitivity and specificity, as well as speed of execution.

The SARS-associated coronavirus test exists, but its role in clinical practice is unknown, and its use is limited beyond known outbreaks. In rare situations it is necessary to consider the possibility of anthrax.

What it is necessary to survey?


How to inspect?

X-ray of the lungs Examination of the respiratory (lung) organs Computed tomography of the chest Study of bronchi and trachea

What tests are needed?

Sputum analysis General blood analysis Antibodies to pneumococcus in serum Antistreptolysin O in serum Antibodies to streptococcus A, B, C, D, F, G in the blood Staphylococcal infections: antibodies to staphylococci in the blood serum Respiratory mycoplasmosis: detection of the Mycoplasma pneumoniae antigen in the direct immunofluorescence Mycoplasma infection: detection of mycoplasmas Chlamydia: detection of Chlamydia trachomatis Influenza A: antibodies to the influenza A and B virus in the blood Antibodies to cytomegalovirus class IgM and IgG in the blood Cytomegalovirus infection: detection of cytomegalovirus HIV / AIDS test HIV infection: detection of the immunodeficiency virus human (PCR vich)

Who to contact?


Treatment of pneumonia

Risk assessment is carried out to identify those patients who can safely be treated on an outpatient basis and those who require hospitalization because of a high risk of complications. Prediction should reinforce, not replace, clinical data, as the choice of location of treatment is affected a host of invaluable factors - compliance, ability to self-service and the desire to avoid hospitalization. Hospitalization in OITR is required for patients who need artificial ventilation, and patients with arterial hypotension (systolic blood pressure <90 mm Hg. st.). Other hospitalization criteria in PIT include a respiratory rate of more than 30 / min, PaO2 / on inhaled O2 (PO2) less than 250, multi-lobe inflammation of the lung tissue, diastolic blood pressure less than 60 mm gt; st., confusion and urea of ​​blood more than 1, mg / dl. Adequate treatment includes the fastest possible initiation of antibiotic therapy, preferably no later than 8 hours after the onset of the disease. Supportive treatment of pneumonia includes fluids, antipyretic and analgesic drugs and O2 for patients with hypoxemia.

Because microorganisms are difficult to identify, antibiotics are selected taking into account the likely pathogens and severity of the disease. Agreed recommendations have been developed by many professional organizations. Recommendations should be adapted to the local characteristics of the sensitivity of pathogens, the available drugs and the individual characteristics of the patient. It is important that none of the guidelines have recommendations for the treatment of viral pneumonia.

In bronchiolitis in children caused by RSV, ribavirin and specific immunoglobulin are used in monotherapy and in combination, but data on their effectiveness are inconsistent. Ribavirin is not used in adults with RSV infection. Amantadine or rimantadine orally at a dose of 200 mg once a day, taken within 48 hours of the onset of the disease, reduce the duration and severity symptoms in patients with suspected influenza during the epidemic, but effectiveness in terms of preventing unwanted outcomes of influenza pneumonia is unknown. Zanamivir (10 mg in the form of inhalation twice a day) and oseltamivir (orally 2 times a day for 75 mg, with an extremely severe flow of 2 times 150 mg) are equally effective in reducing duration of symptoms caused by influenza A or B if the reception is started within 48 hours of the onset of symptoms, although zanamivir may be contraindicated in patients with bronchial asthma. Acyclovir 5-10 mg / kg intravenously every 8 hours for adults or 250-500 mg / m2 body surface intravenously every 8 hours for children protects against infection of the lung caused by the varicella virus. If the patient does not begin treatment with antiviral drugs in the first 48 hours from the onset of the disease, then they should be used and to patients with the flu 48 hours after the onset of the disease. Some patients with viral inflammation of the lung tissue, especially those with influenza, develop additional bacterial infections and require antibiotics directed against S. pneumoniae, N. influenzae and Staphylococcus aureus. With empirical therapy, the condition of 90% of patients with bacterial pneumonia improves, which is manifested by a decrease coughing and shortness of breath, normalizing the temperature, reducing pain in the chest and reducing the number of white blood cells. The lack of improvement should cause suspicion of an atypical microorganism, resistance to an antibiotic with an inadequate spectrum action, co-infection or superinfection with a second pathogen, obstructive endobronchial lesion, immunosuppression, distant foci of infection with repeated infection (in the case of pneumococcal infection) or insufficient adherence to treatment (in the case of outpatients). If none of these causes is confirmed, failure of treatment is likely to result from inadequate immune protection.

Treatment for pneumonia of the viral origin is not carried out, since most viral pneumonia is resolved without it.

Patients older than 35 years after 6 weeks after treatment should undergo a second X-ray study; Preservation of an infiltrate causes suspicion of a possible malignant endobronchial formation or tuberculosis.

In addition to treatment

Physiotherapy for pneumonia What to do with pneumonia? Antibiotics for pneumonia Than to treat? Zaxter Paxeladine R-Cynex Saironem Tavanik Fagotsef Fazizhin Hailefloqs Cebopim Zedex Thyme Herb Galavit


Some forms of community-acquired inflammation of the pulmonary tissue can be prevented by the use of pneumococcal conjugate vaccine (for patients <2 years), N. influenzae B (HIB) vaccine (for patients <2 years) and influenza vaccine (for patients> 65 years of age). Pneumococcal, HIB and influenza vaccine are also recommended for high-risk patients. High risk patients not vaccinated against influenza can be prescribed amantadine, rimantadine or oseltamivir during flu epidemics.


The status of candidates for outpatient treatment usually improves within 24-72 hours. The state of hospitalized patients may improve or worsen, depending on the concomitant pathology. Aspiration is the main risk factor for death, as well as the elderly age, the amount and nature of concomitant pathology and certain pathogens. Death can be caused by pneumonia itself, by progression to a septic syndrome that damages other organs, or by aggravation of underlying co-morbidities.

Pneumococcal infection still causes approximately 66% of all fatal cases of community-acquired pneumonia with a known pathogen. The total mortality in hospitalized patients is approximately 12%. Adverse prognostic factors include age less than 1 year or older than 60 years; involving more than one share; the content of leukocytes in peripheral blood is less than 5000 / μL; concomitant pathology (heart failure, chronic alcoholism, hepatic and renal insufficiency), immunosuppression (agammaglobulinemia, anatomical or functional asplenism), infection with serotypes 3 and 8, and hematogenous spread with positive blood cultures or with extrapulmonary complications (arthritis, meningitis or endocarditis). Infants and children are in a group of special risk for pneumococcal otitis media, bacteremia and meningitis.

Lethality in legionella infection is 10-20% among patients with community-acquired pneumonia and is higher among immunosuppressive or hospitalized patients. Patients who respond to treatment recover very slowly, radiologic changes usually persist for more than 1 month. Most patients require hospitalization, many require respiratory ventilation support and 10-20% die, despite adequate antibiotic therapy.

Mycoplasma pneumonia has a favorable prognosis; almost all patients recover. Chlamydia pneumoniae responds slower to treatment than mycoplasma, and tends to recur after premature discontinuation of treatment. People of young age usually recover, but mortality among the elderly reaches 5-10%.


Pneumonia in adults treatment and symptoms | How to treat pneumonia in an adult

It is an infectious disease in which the infiltration occurs in the lung parenchyma. Pneumonia captures lung tissue and proceeds when harmful bacteria and microorganisms enter the body. There are a number of main factors that directly affect the development of the disease in adults: alcohol, smoking, chronic diseases of the nasopharynx and lungs.

Symptoms of developing pneumonia in adults

This disease in the people is called simply - pneumonia. This is a fairly common and dangerous disease, which has severe consequences for the body and sometimes for a person's life.

Symptoms of pneumonia at the initial stage can be misleading to any doctor. Often there are cases when a doctor makes a false diagnosis and after a couple of days changes his mind.

The first sign of the disease is a cough, which is wet and dry, at the beginning of the disease only dry. When you cough, there are sharp pains in the chest area, and this is already alarming, pneumonia is more likely to begin, and you need to urgently tackle the illness.

When rusty sputum appears, this indicates that the patient has croupous pneumonia. When there is blood sputum, you need to act immediately. To be engaged in a selftreatment in that case is contraindicated, as blood allocation appears, when the disease is caused by Friedlander's wand. To localize the rod, you need to take more serious methods of treatment.

Such bacteria as streptococci, cause purulent sputum, with a characteristic unpleasant smell of sputum is very important to know that there are purulent foci and the disease begins to progress. When a patient has severe pain in his side, it is a lung infarction, a sign of hemoptysis. Another symptom of the disease in adults is often chest pain, with a deep inspiration or a fit of coughing manifests itself at full strength. When a patient feels a sharp lack of air - this is a sign of shortness of breath. In some cases, with the disease, the temperature rises to 40 degrees, sometimes adheres to 3 degrees, and the patient feels a certain malaise, lethargy, chills. Sometimes there is vomiting and a decrease in appetite.

The main syndromes of pneumonia:

1. compaction of lung tissue,

2. bronchitis,

3. general inflammatory,

4 intoxicating,

5. asthenic,

6. bronchial discretion,

7. bronchoobstructive,

8. respiratory insufficiency.

Types of pneumonia in an adult and its manifestation

The source of infection is most often the bacteria, but sometimes there is a viral form of pneumonia. According to the nature of the current, acute and chronic pneumonia is distinguished. If the infection penetrates into the pulmonary lobes, then this disease is called lobar pneumonia, while bronchopneumonia is an inflammation of the smaller airways within the lung.

Pneumonia in an adult is divided into several types, which contributes to a different approach to treatment:

1. Non-hospital form of the disease, which occurs in an adult person outside the hospital walls.

2. Nosomial or hospital (hospital) - developing for 48 hours in connection with the stay of an adult at the hospital.

3. Aspiration - which is associated with the inhalation of foreign masses into the lungs (vomiting after surgery, loss of consciousness, facial trauma, nasopharynx).

4. Pneumonia associated with human immunodeficiency (HIV-infected, oncological, drug-dependent, diabetic).

Stages of pneumonia in the adult and their symptoms

Pneumonia is divided into three stages according to the severity of the disease. Symptoms of the disease at each stage are different.

1. an easy stage in which mild intoxication, fever, tachycardia, dyspnea;

2. for the average stage of pneumonia in adults characterized by signs of weakness, dry or wet cough, moderately severe intoxication;

3. with pneumonia of severe severity, there is an increase in temperature to 40 degrees, turbidity, shortness of breath, tachycardia more than 100 beats per minute.

When pneumonia is in the tidal stage, the deterioration of health in the form of chills, headaches, fever, dry cough, dyspnea, acute pain in the chest area is noted. By the end of the tidal phase, there is a cough with the release of "rusty" sputum and herpes.

When the disease is at the stage of densification, during coughing sputum with purulent sputum is discharged, dyspnea increases, severe pain in the chest with a fit of cough and inspiration, high body temperature, also observe nervous excitement and icterism sclera.

When the disease is at the final stage of resolution, then normalize the temperature, chest pain and shortness of breath pass, sputum is not significant, improve your well-being.

How to treat traditional methods of pneumonia in an adult?

Treatment of the disease is prescribed when the diagnosis is clearly established. And only after this, a qualified treatment is prescribed. The first step (in treatment) is to remove focal inflammation. In this case, prescribe a course of antibiotics. The second step is to lower the temperature of the body, relieve the exacerbation of cough and organize care for the sick person. Recall that pneumonia, a serious disease. To reduce the elevated body temperature (if above 39 degrees), prescribe antipyretic drugs. Assign mucolytic agents for better separation of sputum. Particular attention should be paid to general toxication manifestations, the output of sputum, the disappearance of infiltrates. It is necessary to conduct an X-ray examination while establishing the inflammatory process. In medical practice, there are pneumonia with a changed immunological reactivity, especially in military hospitals. Pneumonia in adults is characterized by an atypical onset and presents certain difficulties in treatment, since the body does not respond to pathogens.

Treatment of a disease of a mean and severe course is carried out in a hospital. Assign easily digestible, high-calorie diet with a high content of proteins and vitamins. Preferred ward mode.

How to treat pneumonia in a hospital?

A person who has contracted pneumonia often needs inpatient treatment. In this case, the doctor prescribes strong painkillers to relieve pain that occurs in the chest area during breathing and coughing or as a result of pleurisy. Physiotherapy procedures are designed to facilitate the allocation of sputum, which often has a rusty color.

If the patient is hospitalized, he is prescribed treatment in the form of intravenous infusion of antibiotics (droppers), so in this case a strict dosage is maintained. Oxygen can also be prescribed, either through a special mask or through thin hollow tubes inserted into the nostrils. This facilitates breathing and provides sufficient supply of all body tissues with oxygen. In addition, there is a regular record of the temperature and pulse rate of the patient.

When the acute form of the disease is under constant control, antibiotics can be taken in the form of tablets. It is very important to ensure that the course of treatment of pneumonia is carried out to the end, in order to prevent the occurrence of possible complications.

Also, a regular examination of his breathing is performed and all improvements and deterioration of this process are accurately recorded. With the help of a blood test, the amount of oxygen and carbon dioxide present in it is determined, as well as the presence of bacteria in the body of the patient that caused pneumonia.

What drugs cure pneumonia?

When a symptom of pneumonia is detected, treatment is usually directed to the localization of the inflammatory process of the disease. Apply eryiotropic treatment, in which first of all antibiotics of a wide spectrum of action are appointed. After receiving laboratory tests (seeding on flora and sensitivity), correction of pneumonia treatment is performed.

Pathogenic treatment consists in improving the sputum production from the bronchial tree by reception mucolytics Bromheksin, Mukaltina, ATSTS) and bronchodilators (Berodual, Atrovent, Teopek, Eufillin). After the course of treatment of pneumonia, breathing improves, the infection is localized.

Symptomatic therapy includes antipyretic drugs. In the absence of contraindications, prescribe breathing exercises and physiotherapy.

Antibiotic therapy is carried out taking into account the results of microscopic studies. If sowing and microscopy are not performed or are non-indicative, antibiotic therapy is selected based on the patient's age, epidemiological factors and the severity of the disease. Treatment of pneumonia should be carried out in accordance with the concept of "stepwise therapy in which a two-stage application is proposed antibacterial drugs: the transition from the parenteral to the non-parenteral route (usually oral) antibiotics as soon as possible (under normal temperature, positive clinical, laboratory and X-ray dynamics).

In case of viral pneumonia (influenza viruses A, B), the drugs of choice are zanamivir, oseltamivir (therapy should begin no later than 48 hours after the onset of symptoms). Alternative drugs for influenza A - Remantadine or Amantadine. For community-acquired pneumonia, the drug of choice is Azithromycin (Clarithromycin). Fluoroquinolones (Levofloxacin, Ofloxacin, Ciprofloxacin) are used orally. Alternative drugs are second-generation cephalosporins or "protected" penicillins (Amoxicillin Clavulanate or Doxycycline). Finally, for community-acquired hospitalized pneumonia, the drugs of choice are fluoroquinolones (Levofloxacin, Ofloxacin, Ciprofloxacin), which are administered parenterally.

Cephalosporins of the third generation (Ceftriaxone, cefoperazone) are administered intravenously, in especially severe cases The parenteral use of carbapenems (meronem) or cephalosporins of the fourth generation (Cefepime).

In patients with "atypical" (including Legionella pneumonia) pneumonia, the use of antibiotics in the macrolide group is indicated. For the treatment of pneumonia caused by Pseudomonas aeroginosa, combined antibacterial therapy ("protected" penicillins, Tazocym and Gentamicin, Fluoroquinolone and Carbapenem, or the fourth generation Cephalosporin with an antibiotic from another group to which Pseudomonas is sensitive aeroginosa). Improvements in the elimination of secretions from the lower respiratory tract are achieved with the help of physiotherapeutic procedures and by the appointment of mucolytic drugs. Derivatives of carbocysteine ​​normalize the rheological properties of the secretion, its viscosity and elasticity, secretory function of glandular cells of the respiratory tract, the ratio of sialomucins and fucomycins, accelerate mucociliary transport.

Derivatives of bromhexine improve the drainage function of the lungs, increase the secretion of glycoproteins (mukokinetic effect), increase the motor activity of the cilia of the ciliated epithelium, stimulate the synthesis of surfactant and prevent its decay.

Disintoxication therapy: abundant warm drink, if necessary - intravenous fluid (polarizing solution, Hemodeza). Symptomatic therapy:

1. antipyretic drugs;

2. drugs that suppress the irritant cough (antitussive), bronchodilator, antihistamines;

3. means, modulating the general and local immunity,

4. vitamins of group B, ascorbic acid,

5. analgesics for pain.

In the treatment of severe or complicated cases of pneumonia, correction of microcirculatory disorders and dysproteinemia, oxygen therapy, glucocorticoid, antioxidant therapy, etc. depending on the clinical course of the disease.

Until now, Ampicillin in combination with Clavuanic acid has been used to treat pneumonia. However, in practice, it has been proven that the antibiotic is highly resistant to this type of antibiotic. Severe course of the disease requires hospitalization and the appointment of cephalosporins or Ampiox with Synthomycin. Monitor the treatment after 3 days.

How to be treated by home methods for pneumonia?

Most people who have pneumonia (up to eighty percent) can be treated at home. The patient needs to arrange appropriate care, appropriate care. This is done in order to improve the effectiveness of treatment of pneumonia in adults and accelerate its recovery. As with most diseases, it is necessary to include as much vegetables and fruits as possible in the patient's diet. As little as possible to eat fatty foods and hard to digest food. It is recommended to the patient abundant, warm drink.

1. First, fluid in pneumonia helps to sputum.

2. Secondly, it prevents dehydration of the body during elevated body temperature.

3. You can drink: milk, alkaline mineral water, juices. A person who has become sick with pneumonia needs complete rest and a bed rest.

4. A positive result will give therapeutic gymnastics. It can accelerate the recovery of a person. It must be done from the first days. From the second day of illness, it is necessary to carry out respiratory gymnastics (lying in bed). Also, during the illness it is necessary to perform tilting (forward, sideways), rotate the body. Such exercises are useful for the chest.

5. Treatment with antibiotics is strictly individual. To prescribe antibiotics, it is necessary to establish the degree of development of the disease, determine at what stage the disease, and what form of pneumonia. From the correct diagnosis depends on the purpose of antibiotics. The duration of treatment for pneumonia is also strictly individual.

6. Give up smoking, go in for sports, change your diet so that this disease will pass you by.

Causes and prevention of pneumonia in adults

Typical pathogens of primary out-of-hospital pneumonia are Streptococcus pneumoniae, Mycoplasma pneumoniae, Haemophilus influenzae, Chlamidia pneumoniae. In 20-30% of patients, the etiology of the disease can not be established. Some microorganisms are normally rare in the composition of the microflora of the upper respiratory tract and can cause development of pneumonia in older age groups with concomitant severe chronic diseases of other organs and systems.

Acute respiratory viral infections, primarily influenza, are certainly the main risk factor, but most scientists say that they rarely cause pneumonia in adults. At the same time, in infants, viruses can cause pneumonia.

In secondary (hospital) pneumonia in adults, the role of gram-negative microorganisms and conditionally pathogenic flora is great: Staphylococcus aureus, Klebsiella pneumoniae, Esche-richia coli, Proteus vulgaris, Pseudomo-nas aeroginosa, Legionella pneumoniae. The etiology of aspiration pneumonia is characterized by the involvement of nonclostridial anaerobes (Bacteroides spp., Micoplasma spp., Candida spp.), Often in combination with an aerobic graffiti microflora (Hae-mophilus influenzae, Enterobacterio-ceae). In the development of the disease in persons with severe immunological disorders, cytomegalovirus infection, Pneumocystis cari-nii, pathogenic fungi, mycobacterium tuberculosis, along with other microorganisms encountered in other pneumonia.

The causative agent of the disease is epithelial dysfunction and mucociliary clearance disorder. Thus, pathogens search for the receptor field, adhesion on it and colonization. The use of antibiotics gives results only at the stage of colonization of microorganisms.

Mucociliary transport is the main factor of lung protection, which is disrupted in acute pneumonia. Disturbance of pulmonary ventilation is an obligatory factor of acute pneumonia.

The age of the patient influences the development of the disease. The disease also depends on the time of the year, most often a high percentage of the disease occurs during the cold season, a severe illness is observed in people who have come from the regions of the far north. A major role in the disease is chlamydia pneumonia, which affects young people. The main pathogens of pneumonia: in winter - streptococci, in autumn - mycoplasma, for summer is characteristic - legionella. The advantage is led by streptococcus, the etiology of the disease has not yet been established.

According to the European Society of Pulmonology, the number of pneumonias does not include diseases of pulmonary tissue of non-infectious nature; caused by physical, chemical factors; having allergic or vascular origin; caused by highly contagious infectious agents (plague, measles, rubella, abdominal typhus, influenza; such diseases are considered in the context of an appropriate infectious disease); diseases caused by a viral infection (in the first place with the flu).

Prevention of pneumonia in adults

In the future, it is necessary to temper and observe common sanitary and hygienic factors (do not smoke, avoid dust, airing rooms or cabinets, full nutrition and much more). Be careful to your health! Take care of yourself!

In medicine, the term pneumonia refers to an acute infectious disease, predominantly bacterial etiology, with focal lesions of the respiratory departments lungs and mandatory presence of intraalveolar exudation, which is detected during physical and / or instrumental examination, with general inflammatory and toxic changes.


Inflammation of the lungs: symptoms (without temperature). What are the symptoms of pneumonia?

Unfortunately, pneumonia occurs quite often. Respiratory organs are very sensitive to all kinds of infections, bacteria and fungi. Many people often ask the question: "What are the symptoms of pneumonia?" Is it necessary to have a high temperature? Many diseases are latent in nature. Often in a latent form and inflammation of the lungs. Symptoms without temperature significantly complicate the diagnosis.


Pneumonia is a serious disease of the respiratory system, which affects the lung tissue. This condition can provoke streptococci, staphylococci, other bacteria, chlamydia, legionella, some fungi (eg, candida), influenza viruses, herpes. Infection "settles" is not in the nasopharynx, but falls below, causing inflammation in the lungs. The products of the vital activity of pathogens, which are inherently toxins, poison the body. Special harm is done to the central nervous system, the heart and blood flow organs. Pathogens penetrate the body by airborne droplets. Often, the disease can cause bacteria that inhabit the upper respiratory tract.


In general, pneumonia develops on the background of a weakening of immunity and respiratory diseases. With significant supercooling, the defenses of the body weaken, and harmful microbes penetrate into the lung tissue without much difficulty. In addition, fatigue, improper nutrition, lack of essential vitamins and minerals, stress and strong emotional outbursts also contribute to the development of a disease such as inflammation lungs. Symptoms (without fever or with a significant increase in it), cough should alert the patient. The danger of a latent course of the disease lies in the fact that there is a great risk of all kinds of complications (damage to the central nervous system and the cerebral cortex, decrease in the level of red blood cells in blood) and so on. The mildly flowing disease is not paid special attention, it is not difficult to confuse it with other similar ailments.

Types of pneumonia

Pneumonia can develop as an independent disease (primary), and as a complication after the transferred infectious diseases (secondary). Depending on which area of ​​the lung is affected, the following types are distinguished: focal, segmental, lobar, draining, total pneumonia. In the first type, a small area of ​​the lung tissue becomes inflamed. Segmental affects several segments, and the share can spread even to the whole organ. With drain inflammation, small areas merge into one large one. Total pneumonia affects all of the lungs. If the inflammation is present in one lobe, then they say one-sided pneumonia. But if the disease touched both, then bilateral inflammation of the lungs is diagnosed. Symptoms (without temperature and cough, including) can be used to judge the development of SARS. By type of pathogen, the following types can be distinguished: bacterial, parasitic, viral, fungal inflammation of the lungs.

Classic Symptoms of Pneumonia

The most common is pneumonia as a complication in acute respiratory infections. As an independent disease in infections, it is not so widespread. What are the first symptoms of pneumonia? Cough, which has a permanent character, and over time it becomes stiff, with phlegm. The body temperature is significantly increased, the person is shivering. Paracetamol often does not have any effect. It becomes hard to breathe, an attempt to take a deep breath provokes a fit of coughing. It is worth paying attention to the bluish shade of the skin around the mouth and wings of the nose. If the catarrhal disease does not pass in a week, or the symptoms worsen, the doctor may also suspect pneumonia. Knowing which symptoms of pneumonia most often occur will help in time to consult a doctor. After all, this disease is extremely dangerous, especially in young children.

Pneumonia. Symptoms without fever

Unfortunately, it is widely believed that pneumonia is a disease in which a high fever is required. Her absence misleads people, they do not even suspect that a disease such as pneumonia is already developing. Symptoms without temperature characterize atypical pneumonia. General lethargy, fatigue, headache, nausea - all these signs a person often closes his eyes. In addition, it is possible to suspect pneumonia if breathing becomes severe, there is pain in the chest, dyspnea appears. A cough that does not go away for a long time should be alerted. All this is the main feature. Inflammation of the lungs (the symptoms are often contradictory) requires a complete examination for confirmation of the diagnosis, including X-ray and blood tests to determine level of leukocytes.

Pneumonia in children

And how does pneumonia develop in children? The disease has its own characteristics. Inflammation of the lungs in infants has the following symptoms: lethargy, anxiety, poor sleep and appetite. Atypical pneumonia is characterized by the fact that the child constantly wants to sleep, he literally falls asleep on the go. He will not perform the usual actions for him, he does not want to play if the inflammation of the lungs develops. Symptoms (without temperature) also include increased sweating, pain in different parts of the body. Children become more capricious during the period of the disease. If there is a suspicion of the usual inflammation of the lungs, Komarovsky's symptoms are as follows: a prolonged cough, high body temperature does not go away after 3-4 days. You can conduct a small test. If more muscle participates in breathing, it is given as it were with difficulty, then the development of pneumonia is possible. To make a diagnosis, you should consult a pediatrician. Obligatory is a blood test, which will determine the level of leukocytes.


If an appropriate diagnosis is made, therapy should be started immediately. Atypical pneumonia is well treated with antibiotics, which are selected depending on the type of pathogen. On average, the duration of treatment is approximately 10 days. In addition, the doctor prescribes special cough preparations. They contribute to the dilution of phlegm. Incorrectly selected medications (if the patient decided to prescribe themselves) will only intensify the coughing attacks and make it tough. If there is a high fever, then you can take antipyretic medications alone. Over the course of the illness, a generous warm drink is recommended. If the patient's age is less than 60 years, and there are no accompanying diseases, then therapy can be carried out at home. Indications for hospitalization are the risk of complications, severe form of the disease, age over 60 years. In addition to antibiotic therapy, a specialist can prescribe respiratory gymnastics, vitamin preparations, massage and exercise therapy.

Actions that can not be performed with pneumonia

If all signs are found (inflammation of the lungs symptoms are sufficiently characteristic) of this disease, then it is important to remember and what to do absolutely not. First of all, you should not take antibiotics yourself. Only in the case of a complete clinical picture with an established type of pathogen the specialist prescribes the necessary preparations. You can not warm up your chest. A sauna, a sauna and hot tubs are strictly forbidden. Cough medicine is also prescribed only by a doctor. If the body temperature does not exceed the value of 3, ° C, then do not take antipyretic drugs. It is necessary to give the body the opportunity to fight pneumonia on its own. Large physical exertion, lack of bed rest will only exacerbate the course of the disease. Even if hospitalization is not needed, it is not worth bearing the disease on your feet.

Inflammation of the lungs in animals

Pneumonia often occurs in animals. It is very important to know that such a condition is a direct threat to the life of the pet. Inflammation of the lungs in cats has symptoms similar to those seen in humans. First of all, a cough develops. In addition, the animal loses its activity, refuses to eat. What symptoms of pneumonia can be observed yet? One of them is high temperature. To confirm the diagnosis, an X-ray examination is performed. Inflammation of the lungs in dogs has the same symptoms. However, often four-legged friends retain their usual activity and lead a seemingly ordinary way of life. When the condition is stable, when the animal is active and has a normal appetite, the therapy is carried out at home. If the cat or dog is passive, badly eats, then before the normalization of the state of treatment occurs in the hospital. Everything, as at people. Sometimes our friends have smaller and critical condition, which requires ventilation. As in the case of humans, treatment of cats and dogs can not do without the use of antibacterial drugs. Additionally, physiotherapy, which helps to separate sputum, is also shown. If the therapy is carried out at home, it is worth paying attention to weather conditions. Unusual walks in wet, rainy weather. It is important to complete the course of taking antibiotics according to the recommendations of the veterinarian.


Lung inflammation in adults treatment and symptoms | How to cure pneumonia in adults

The cause of this disease is pathogenic microorganisms, whose activities is catalyzed by an incorrect way of life, bad habits, and disregard for own health. Inflammation of the lungs is a serious disease of the respiratory system, triggered by the development of lung pathogens.

Symptoms of developing pneumonia in adults

As a rule, the disease quickly gives in to the pressure of antibiotics. However, that the disease does not leave after itself consequences, it is necessary, as soon as possible to diagnose it and begin therapy. Significant role in this process is played by the patient himself, who should consult a doctor at the first symptoms of pneumonia. And for this he must know them well.

The first symptoms of the disease in adults are significantly different from the signs of the disease in children. Such signs are considered to be a slight increase in temperature, wet cough, chest pain, shortness of breath, weakness, significant sweating.

The disease begins acutely. The disease is characterized by symptoms such as

1. The raised temperature of a body - 3, -39 degrees, badly reacting to antipyretics. It is worth noting that with slow inflammation of the lungs, there may be a different clinical picture - a low temperature of -3, -3, against the background of general weakness.

2. A prolonged dry cough, wheezing when breathing.

3. Pain under the breastbone, which is intensified with deep inspiration, coughing or inclinations.

4. Shortness of breath, sensation of lack of air

5. Intoxication of the body - nausea, vomiting, stool. The patient, as a rule, refuses food, feels dizzy and weak.

6. With severe forms of pneumonia, a lung infarction can lead to hemoptysis.

It should be noted that these signs correspond not only to pneumonia, but also tuberculosis and other serious diseases. Therefore, I would like to emphasize once again that the inflammation of the lungs, whose symptoms and treatment are controversial, can only be diagnosed by a doctor.

Types of inflammatory phenomena in the lungs in adults and their signs

Consider the classification of pneumonia:

1. croupous;

2. focal;

3. interstitial.

Focal inflammation of the lungs is an inflammatory process that seizes certain areas of the lung tissue - the alveoli. Croupous pneumonia is characterized by the instantaneous involvement of the lung and adjacent pleura with high fibrin content in the exudate into the inflammatory process. Interstitial pneumonia is a lesion of interstitial lung tissue.

Also introduced additional characteristics of the disease, which allow to optimize etiotropic treatment of pneumonia: immunodeficiency, aspiration, community-acquired, nosocomial (nosomial).

Diagnosis of pulmonary inflammation in adults

If suspected inflammation should immediately contact a specialist. Diagnosis of the disease includes:

1. Inspection, in which the affected area of ​​the lung is revealed: shortening of percussion sound, amplification voice jitter, changes in breathing (hard breathing, dry or wet raznochalernye rattles, crepitus).

2. Laboratory diagnostics, revealing inflammatory changes in blood tests.

3. Radiography of the lungs in a straight line and (if necessary) in the lateral projections, which reveals a focus of inflammation in the lung tissue.

To establish the correct diagnosis, it is necessary to collect all laboratory tests. If the above signs you have appeared in the cold period of the year, when the catarrhal diseases are at their height, then you can be sure that these are the first signs of pneumonia. Often the disease manifests itself as a sharp deterioration in the state of health in the most common cold or ARVI. This is most often observed 5-7 days after the onset of a cold.

When the diagnosis is made, they indicate the localization of the inflammatory process (segment, proportion), etiology (staphylococcal, streptococcal, pneumococcal), complication (respiratory failure, pleurisy, infectious-toxic shock, pericarditis). In terms of severity, pneumonia is divided into mild and severe forms.

Complications of pneumonia

The most frequent complications of the disease are:

1. Chronical bronchitis

2. Bronchial asthma

3. Pleurisy, lung infarction

4. Tuberculosis

5. Fibrosis and atrophy of lung tissue

6. Dysbacteriosis, hepatitis.

Pneumonia in patients can clinically proceed in different ways. Features of the course of the disease depend on the initial state of the organism, the characteristics of the immune system, the presence or absence of concomitant pathology and etiology of the disease itself.

In adult patients with immune system defects, suffering from alcoholism or drug addiction, with severe concomitant diseases there may be a prolonged course of pneumonia as a result of the addition of a "new" pathogenic microflora to an already existing outbreak pneumonia.

How can traditional pneumonia cure pneumonia in adults?

Treatment of the disease is stationary. Antibiotics, as well as mucolytics and other symptomatic agents are indicated.

The main goal of the therapy for pneumonia is to destroy the infection and stop the inflammatory process. With this, antibiotics, which are prescribed, both in the form of tablets, and in the form of injections, cope well. In parallel with antibiotics prescribed symptomatic drugs that lower the temperature, ease cough, remove intoxication.

In the treatment of pneumonia in adults, physiotherapy, warming and massages are also used. The therapeutic effect of these procedures is based on the inflow of blood to the affected area, its increased nutrition and warming. Special massage techniques in addition to the above, have an expectorant effect and contribute to a more intensive output of phlegm from the respiratory tract.

At the end of the treatment, experts recommend getting a consultation with the gastroenterologist, since a prolonged intake of antibiotics is detrimental to the intestinal microflora and digestion.

Most often, the treatment of this disease requires hospitalization and constant medical supervision. This is especially true for such severe and neglected forms as cerebellar and focal pneumonia, which are treated in intensive care units. All without exception, patients are prescribed a restriction of physical activity, and in severe forms of the disease - strict bed rest.

For the treatment of inflammation, modern antiviral, antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory drugs are used. In parallel with the main treatment, symptomatic remedies are used that lower the temperature, relieve coughing attacks, improve the tone and improve the overall well-being of the person.

Treatment with antibiotics for pneumonia

Reception of antibiotics very quickly (within two to three days) affects the patient's condition - cough disappears, weakness passes and an appetite appears. At this stage, patients make a common mistake. Feeling relieved, they feel completely healthy and prematurely stop taking medications, and whose lung inflammation treatment has not yet been completed, comes back again. Often the disease comes in a more serious and aggressive form and no longer takes the chosen course of treatment.

For treatment previously often used Ampicillin in combination with Clavuanic acid - Augmentin, which protects the antibiotic against the enzymatic degradation of beta-lactamase. Practice is evidence of the resistance to these antibiotics. The first place in the treatment of pneumonia is occupied by macrolides of new generations (sumamed, rulit). In the severe course of the disease, hospitalization is necessary, and cephalosporins, preferably of the third generation, or ampiox with shintomycin are prescribed for treatment. The effectiveness of treatment is checked after two days. Of clinical signs, regression of intoxasic manifestations is of great importance, the disappearance infiltration, sputum discharge in control radiographic examinations, which are installed laboratory way.

Treatment of the disease in adults, and especially hospital pneumonia, the main pathogens of the disease anaerobes and gramotropic microorganisms, and therefore attention is paid to aminoglycosides for treatment disease. Aminoglycosides include: ciprofloxacin, ofloxacin (quinolones), although to date they are resistant to it. High efficiency quinolones of the latest generation - Sparfloxacin.

Despite the fact that modern medicines are ultra-strong antibiotics, treatment is difficult. The thing is that many young people rarely go to the doctor, trying not to miss work and on the possibility of "walking" the disease on their feet, removing unpleasant symptoms. This leads to the fact that the disease is diagnosed in a very neglected stage, which, unfortunately, is not always successfully cured.

Therapy of atypical forms of inflammation in the lungs

Atypical pneumonia is treated mainly with drugs of the tetracycline group. Apply the active macrolides of the latest generations - Spiramycin, Sumamed, Roelit, Rovamycin. The reserve antibiotic for the treatment of atypical inflammations is Linkomycin. In patients with weakened immunity, the choice of antibiotic depends on the causative agent of the disease.

  • In pneumocystis pneumonia, sulfonamides are prescribed,
  • in patients with neuropathy, aminoglycosides and Augmentin are prescribed.
  • For fungal pneumonia use Nitrosalum, Amphotoricin.

Clinic and treatment of inflammation depends on

  • severity of the course of the disease,
  • lesions of lung tissue,
  • virulence of the pathogen,
  • associated diseases,
  • the instability of the macroorganism,
  • age of the patient.

Why does pneumonia develop in adults?

Pneumonia is the most common disease. It occurs so often, because the respiratory system and lungs are very vulnerable to infectious diseases. Infection by airborne droplets is diagnosed most often. Infectious process for colds is not localized in the upper respiratory tract, but spreads downward, causing a complication - pneumonia. Provoking conditions for the disease are weakened immunity, high activity of microbes, polluted air. It often happens that the inflammatory process ends with inflammation of the mucosa - bronchitis, and in other cases, inflammation of the lung tissue - pneumonia.

The disease is most often caused by a hemophilic rod or pneumococcus, in more rare cases - klebsiella or escherichia. Of the atypical forms of pneumonia for adults, legionellosis is a common inflammation of the lungs. Mycoplasmal, chlamydial, viral and other atypical forms are extremely rare. In persons who have certain risk factors (episodes of impaired consciousness, seizures, gastroesophageal reflux disease, alcoholism, drug addiction and others) there is a risk of developing aspiration inflammation lungs.

Risk factors for pneumonia in adults:

1. chronic lung diseases;

2. smoking, chronic bronchitis;

3. endocrine pathology;

4. heart failure;

5. surgical interventions on the organs of the chest or abdominal cavity;

6. immunodeficiency states;

7. long-term presence in a horizontal position (for example, bed rest with various diseases, after surgical interventions);

8. bad habits (alcoholism, drug addiction).

How does infection with inflammation occur in adults?

Infection with pneumonia can occur in several ways:

1. Airborne droplets. This is the most common way to get the infection into the body. When talking, shaking hands, using one utensil or hygiene items with an infected person, the virus enters the nasopharynx of an adult and begins to develop there.

2. With blood flow (hematogenous method). As a rule, this way develops secondary inflammation of the lungs, as a result of the inflammatory process in the body - hepatitis or sepsis.

3. Endogenous mechanism. With this method, inflammation arises from the activity of pathogens that enter the body earlier. Typically, the endogenous mechanism begins to work during the weakening of the immune system, when its protective functions are reduced.

The cause of the disease is the defeat of pathogenic pathogens respiratory areas of the lungs, the spectrum of pathogens depends primarily on the type of pneumonia.

Frequent pathogens of community-acquired pneumonia are: mycoplasma, streptococci, chlamydia, legionella, staphylococci. The causative agents of nosocomial pneumonia are anaerobes, staphylococcus, streptococcus, various viruses.

With aspiration pneumonia, pathogens are anaerobes, which are often found when aspirating vomit masses and in the masses of virulent microcloflora. If the cough reflex is disturbed, the risk of the disease increases.


What are the signs of pneumonia?



You should know some signs that allow you to suspect the development of pneumonia.
1. Cough became the main symptom of the disease.
2. Deterioration after improvement or any "catarrhal disease" lasting more than 7 days.
3. It is impossible to take a deep breath - such an attempt leads to a fit of coughing.
4. The expressed pallor of a skin on a background of other signs ORVI (temperature, a rhinitis, tussis).
5. Shortness of breath at a low body temperature.
6. At high temperature, paracetamol (panadol, epheralgan, tylenol) does not help at all.
The main signs of pneumonia (pneumonia) are:
• Cough.
Usually cough is accompanied by any respiratory (catarrhal) disease, with the child coughing more at night and in the morning. The cough is more often dry, it lasts for 7-10 days. With pneumonia, cough is almost constant, nasal, with sputum (young children often swallow it). Can be a rusty shade in older children.
• Rapid breathing, when at rest the respiratory rate is higher than the norm: - up to 2 months. - it's 60 or more respiratory movements (counting or inhaling or exhaling);
- from 2 months. up to 12 months. - it is 50 and more respiratory movements;
- from 12 months. up to 5 years is 40 or more respiratory movements.
• Appearance of a difficult, sometimes moaning breathing with visible retraction of the subcostal or supraclavicular parts of the thorax. The child, as it were, includes all the muscles of the chest to facilitate breathing.
• Cyanotic shade around the mouth, sometimes the face.
• Toddlers - swelling of the wings of the nose.
• Increase in temperature to high figures with chills, sometimes sweating.
• Pain in the chest if lung inflammation passes to the pleura.
• Pain in the abdomen, with inflammation of the lower parts of the lungs (sometimes mistakenly refer to surgical care).
• Headache with irritation of the membranes of the brain. Older children complain of severe pain in the chest and abdomen, which is caused by muscle re-contractions due to persistent, painful cough. Children may have general weakness, lethargy, deterioration of appetite, sometimes refusal of food, sometimes confusion, vomiting, etc. Special caution is necessary if pneumonia affects the children of the first months (the first year) of life. The smaller the baby, the less obvious signs: there is no temperature, a typical cough. However, it is necessary to pay attention to the general condition of the child, who may have the following symptoms of pneumonia:
- Pronounced lethargy, even immobility.
- Noticeable swelling of the wings of the nose with a blue around the nose and lips.
- Raging breath with entanglements.
These are very dangerous signs of pneumonia and need immediate treatment in the hospital.


temperature, persistent cough, wheezing

Personal Cabinet Removed

Sore lungs and fever under 40

andrey ivanoff

The temperature is more than 40. The wheezing in the lungs (the ear can be attached, it's audible) And it's better to call the ambulance anyway. It's not a joke.

Alla Morozenskaya

There may be a high T, or maybe not, it all depends on the degree of inflammation. Usually suffocating, painful cough, to sweat on the face and strong weakness. And in general it is defined precisely only by a phonendoscope and a fluorogram. Medic.

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