Which doctor heals the spine in adults? to whom to turn for back pain?


  • 1Which doctor heals the spine?
    • 1.1Diseases of the spine
    • 1.2Therapist
    • 1.3Orthopedist
    • 1.4Neuropathologist
    • 1.5Rheumatologist
    • 1.6Other specialists
  • 24 doctors you need to contact if you have a low back pain
    • 2.1Because of what the back can hurt
    • 2.2Relationship with diseases
    • 2.3In pregnancy
    • 2.4What kind of doctor should I contact?
  • 3Which doctor should I consult if my back hurts
    • 3.1When should I go to the doctor?
    • 3.2Causes of discomfort
    • 3.3Who should I contact if my back hurts
  • 4The back hurts
    • 4.1Causes of back pain
    • 4.2Factors contributing to the manifestation of pain in the back
    • 4.3What can I do to keep my back from hurting? Prophylaxis of pain in the back
    • 4.4When should I see a doctor with back pain?
    • 4.5What kind of doctor should I go if my back hurts?
  • 5What kind of doctor should I contact if my back hurts and when should I do it?
    • 5.1Determine the cause of pain
    • 5.2Factors in which the disease manifested itself
    • 5.3What if my back hurts?
    • 5.4Do I need to see a doctor?
    • 5.5To what doctor to address?
    • 5.6What can I do to keep my back from hurting?
  • instagram viewer
  • 6What kind of doctor should I go if my back or spine aches?
    • 6.1Why does the back hurt?
    • 6.2What kind of pains are there in character?
    • 6.3Symptoms
    • 6.4What kind of doctor should I use for back pain?

Which doctor heals the spine?

Back pain is not uncommon for adults. They appear after a long stay in an uncomfortable position, heavy physical work, hypothermia.

Excessive training, playing sports can also cause uncomfortable sensations in the spine. Often these symptoms disappear on their own after a decrease in exercise and rest.

But sometimes the pain in the back area persists for a long time.

Diseases of the spine

Diseases of the spine are at the junction of several medical specialties. And not just one doctor deals with these problems.

Back pain can occur with scoliosis or osteochondrosis, with bruises or inflammatory processes.

Diseases of the spine can cause infringement of nerve roots and new symptoms - a violation of sensitivity or motor activity.

Sometimes back pain, on the contrary, is only a consequence of other diseases - metabolic or neoplastic. And to treat such a patient will be a doctor who, at first sight, does not have a relationship to the vertebral column.

So which doctor heals the spine? To whom to go with back pain? Specialists involved in the treatment of the spinal column include:

  • orthopedist;
  • the neuropathologist;
  • rheumatologist;
  • other specialists (endocrinologist, oncologist).

But how can a person, far from medicine, determine to which doctor to apply in the first place? After all, back pain is a symptom that occurs in many diseases. The registrar of the polyclinic will come to his aid, who will in any case first write him to the therapist or general practitioner.


Do not underestimate the importance of therapeutic examination. From the literacy of this specialist depends on whether you get to the right specialist immediately or spend your time handing in unnecessary tests and consulting with all the doctors in a row.

Some spine diseases experienced therapist quite successfully heals himself. In addition, it is this specialist that conducts differential diagnosis of diseases.

Not always back pain is a sign of osteochondrosis or intervertebral hernia. This is often the manifestation of pyelonephritis, and sometimes even - lower-grade pneumonia.


Just like pain in the scapula area may be a symptom of acute myocardial infarction, or intercostal neuralgia.


A competent therapist with suspicion of spinal cord injury will immediately send the patient to the necessary tests, radiography or computed tomography of the corresponding department. And only with the results of a full survey will issue a referral to the appropriate specialist, thereby saving the time of the sick person.

If a serious pathology is not revealed during the examination - the therapist himself prescribes symptomatic treatment of the problem and gives recommendations for the prevention of exacerbations. If necessary, opens a list of incapacity for work.


The orthopedist is engaged in structural pathology of the spine. This is a narrowly focused field of medicine, heavy artillery. The main pathologies of the spine, which the orthopedist encounters, are:

  1. Violation of posture and scoliosis.
  2. Deforming osteoarthritis.
  3. Congenital malformations of the spine.
  4. Severe forms of osteochondrosis.
  5. Intervertebral hernia.

The orthopedist conducts a more detailed examination of the spinal column, directs the patient to a computer tomography or magnetic resonance study. He prescribes conservative treatment:

  • Tablets and injections.
  • Therapeutic physical training.
  • Physiotherapy (magnetotherapy, electrophoresis).
  • Wearing bandages and corsets.
  • Use of motion limiters - tutors and orthoses.

Serious deformations and severe degenerative processes of the spine are handled by an orthopedic surgeon. He conducts surgical treatment.

Particularly complex operations are performed in the case of severe forms of scoliosis, when patients are placed metal structures in the spine to correct the curvature.


The neurologist, as is known, deals with nervous illnesses. But the spinal cord is located just in the spinal column.

In addition, from the spine come out the nerve roots, responsible for the sensitive and motor activity of different parts of the body.

A fairly large part of neurological manifestations is connected with the pathology of the spine and, first of all, with osteochondrosis and intervertebral hernias.

The neurologist is referred when back pain is accompanied by such symptoms:

  • lumbago;
  • impossibility to bend or straighten your back;
  • lameness;
  • weakness in the hands or feet;
  • crawling goosebumps, feeling numb;
  • noise in the ears and head;
  • dizziness, pre-syncope;
  • loss of consciousness.

Conservative neurological therapy of spine diseases includes:

  1. Medicines in the form of tablets, injections, ointments, plasters.
  2. Therapeutic physical training.
  3. Physiotherapy, acupuncture.


Rheumatologists are engaged in diseases of connective tissue, including bone and cartilaginous structures formed by it.

Autoimmune inflammatory spinal lesions lead to back pain. The probability of rheumatological disease is evidenced by the characteristic changes in the general blood test and inflammation markers in biochemical analysis.

One of the most well-known autoimmune pathologies affecting the spine is Bekhterev's disease. In addition, in addition to pronounced pain sensations, stiffness and deformation of the spinal column are observed in patients. Often the spine is affected with rheumatoid and psoriatic arthritis.

Other specialists

Spinal injury can occur with endocrine diseases. For example, disruption of the parathyroid gland leads to a decrease in the level of calcium, which will cause pain in the spine. This symptom can occur and with metabolic diseases - gout.

In recent years, medicine has been developing a specialty called vertebrology.

She deals with problems of the spine and structures related to him anatomically and functionally.

But while vertebrologists are available only in large medical centers and in the direction of the primary specialist.

A source: http://MedOtvet.com/drugie-zabolevaniya-pozvonochnika/kakoi-vrach-lechit-pozvonochnik.html

4 doctors you need to contact if you have a low back pain

Every person needs to know what kind of doctor should be contacted if the lower back pain. A banal decision is to make an appointment with a local therapist, and he will direct you to a narrow specialist.

But often his recommendation is wrong and the patient has to wander for a long time on the cabinets, until he gets to the right doctor.

Therefore, to have a minimal idea of ​​what diseases of the organs can cause back pain, it is necessary for every adult person.

Because of what the back can hurt

When the back hurts, doctors are needed who can determine what caused the problems with it. The doctor who deals with your spine should tell you why it has pain.

Most often they arise due to the displacement of intervertebral discs.They also appear due to osteoporosis (cartilage deletion), reducing the distance between the discs.

Painful sensations can be supplemented by symptoms that tell you which doctor is needed for such a character and the localization of pain.

It's not always the case in the spine, pain can signal problems in other organs.

If you have a backache in the lumbar region, you need to decide which doctor to apply to. Pain in the lower back is possible due to many diseases, so the patient often experiences difficulties, not knowing to which doctor to enroll.

When the spine is aching, you also need to understand the doctor of what specialization is needed in this situation. This part of the spinal column looks like a bone consisting of 5 intergrown vertebrae.

The peculiarity of pain in it is its strength, incomparable with arising in other parts of the spine. They are caused by abnormalities and injuries of the sacrum.

Osteochondrosis, thrombophlebitis of pelvic arteries, infections, tumors, pathologies of the sigmoid colon also cause pain in it.

Women can cause sacramental pain can gynecological diseases, abnormalities of female organs, pregnancy, menstruation. They need to see a gynecologist. In men, pain in this area is associated with chronic prostatitis, which they should be treated by a urologist.

Pain in the middle of the back can be the result of mechanical damage caused by lifting weights or excessive physical exertion, the presence of scoliosis.They arise here and with arthritis of the thoracic region, trauma with displacement of the vertebrae.

- What kind of doctor should I go for pain in the lower back?

Relationship with diseases

The main doctor on the whole spine, which should be addressed in order not to miss the development of serious illnesses, a neurologist or vertebrologist. If their disease profile is not found, then they will advise who to turn to with pain in the back.

It's hard for a person to understand the reason why pain pain occurs in the back, but he should know about his connection with the pathologies of the spine and internal organs:

  1. Osteochondrosis is the most likely cause of pain in different parts of the back. Osteochondrosis of the lumbar or lumbar-sacral region causes them in the lower back, sacrum. It has a dull, aching character, is given to the legs, sometimes it is supplemented by stiffness, a violation of sensitivity.
  2. Complications of osteochondrosis in the form of a hernia of intervertebral discs is manifested by pain in the same parts of the spine, but is given not only to the legs, but also to the groin.Its strength and intensity depends on the location of the hernia, the degree of infringement of the nerves.
  3. Painful sensations can cause problems of the sigmoid colon located next to the sacrum - colitis (inflammation), its expansion (with accumulation of fecal masses).
  4. Pain in the lower back causes thrombophlebitis with damage to the pelvic, iliac arteries.
  5. Lumbago is manifested by short-term shooting pain, arising from sudden movements, unsuccessful lifting of gravity. Sometimes it becomes pulsating and prolonged for a long time.
  6. Lumbagia is characterized by a dull, aching pain in the back, caused by heavy loads, hypothermia of the body. You can learn it by spreading from the waist to the buttock area and legs.
  7. Possible pain in the instability of the spine because of the displacement of the vertebrae.
  8. The lumbar region is hurting with sciatic nerve neuritis (sciatica), radiculitis.
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Internal organs can also report a pathology of back pain, which has a reflex character. Diseases of the heart, kidneys, lungs, respiratory organs and the gastrointestinal tract are transmitted by painful impulses along the nerves from their foci to the muscles of the back and lower back.

In pregnancy

In women, because of less strength of the spine, poor tolerance of the load, pain is often observed in it.

But especially she starts to torment them during pregnancy.

The cause of pain in the lower back of women can be the pressure on the sacrum, which is especially vulnerable in pregnant women, which causes them to seek help from a doctor.

But the doctor, who treats the spine specifically, is unlikely to help them until the birth is completed.

Back pain during pregnancy rarely becomes a reason to call a doctor of another profile, as it is usually caused by this condition.

To which doctor should contact a woman, if the back hurts more intensively than it occurs during pregnancy, she will be prompted by a gynecologist.

What kind of doctor should I contact?

There are many causes of lumbar pain, because all diseases are reflected on the spine or problems in it cause diseases of other organs. Therefore, it is important to determine in time which doctor will help the spine to heal.

You need to go to the clinic if you have back pain:

  • appears constantly after physical overstrain;
  • has a periodic character;
  • Do not let go for several days in a row;
  • accompanied by numbness of limbs, fever;
  • does not disappear in the lying position.

With violations related to the spine, you need to understand what kind of doctor to handle if there are pains in the back.

The main specialists, who know what to do if the back hurts, usually is in the clinic:

  • Therapist. It often comes to him to complain that his spine is hurting. It can help you figure out which doctor is treating your back in your case. Sometimes the pain is not the main sign, the patient has other complaints. It is possible that it arose because of problems with the heart, lungs, digestive system. Then the patient goes to the cardiologist, pulmanologist, gastroenterologist.
  • Vertebrologist. He is engaged in the treatment of osteochondrosis, accompanying neurological diseases. He conducts diagnostics using instrumental examination (ultrasound, MRI, CT, X-ray). But such a doctor on the back - a big rarity in our medical facilities.
  • Neurologist. To address at pains in a back it is possible to this doctor as the communication of a backbone with nervous system is known. He diagnoses after examination, examining the patient by hand, with the help of a hammer, needles, supplemented with instrumental research.
  • Nephrologist (urologist). If problems are eliminated directly from the spine, then the patient with pain in it can refer to this doctor to check if he has a kidney pathology.

This is the main list that helps determine which doctor heals the spine in adults, to whom you should go first.Probably, still consultation of the orthopedist is required.

After the diagnosis is made, the treatment of the underlying disease is immediately started, in parallel, removing the pain syndrome with anesthetic, anti-inflammatory drugs.

A source: https://SkeletOpora.ru/sipmtomy/bolit-poyasnitsa-k-kakomu-vrachu-obratitsya

Which doctor should I consult if my back hurts

Back pain is a common problem.
By the age of thirty, at least once in a lifetime every person has experienced, and with age, this symptom begins to bother more often.

It is good, if during rest or at rest the discomfort disappears by itself.

But what if he remains, is of an intensive nature and significantly reduces the quality of life? In this case, you should always consult a doctor to make the correct diagnosis and prescribe the necessary treatment.

Back pain can have a different character: aching, stitching, burning, etc. Sometimes it gives to other parts of the body, for example, upper or lower limbs.

Independently determine the cause of its occurrence, you are unlikely to get it - you need to go to a hospital or a clinic where you will be fully diagnosed and determine which treatment course you need. The longer you delay the trip to a medical facility, the more difficult it will be for you to later deal with the problem.

When should I go to the doctor?

In different people, the back hurts differently: the intensity of discomfort changes, its frequency and character. It happens that once appearing, the pain no longer arises. In this case, you can forget about the problem.

But if she visits you again and again, it's time to think about which doctor to go to. Until you are diagnosed accurately in a medical institution, any treatment can be not just useless, but even harmful.

You must go to the doctor if:

  • you are often disturbed by discomfort in the back;
  • pain occurs almost always after overexertion or physical exertion;
  • sometimes the loin hurts for several days;
  • discomfort does not disappear even when lying down, can return at night;
  • The pain symptom is supplemented by an increase in body temperature, limitation of mobility, numbness of limbs, etc.

Remember that even a mild discomfort can indicate a serious destructive process in the spine. Self-medication will only bring harm, so it is very important that you are examined by a qualified doctor.

Causes of discomfort

The back hurts according to a wide list of reasons, and only an experienced doctor can determine the exact diagnosis and choose the right treatment according to the results of oral interrogation, palpation and laboratory tests.
To painful sensations can result:

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  1. Pathologies of the spine
    • Osteochondrosis is a degenerative process in vertebral discs;
    • Spondylosis - deformation of the cartilaginous tissue due to bone growth;
    • Spondyloarthrosis - destructive changes of the intervertebral joints;
    • Disc protrusions and intervertebral hernias;
    • Scoliosis - curvature of posture;
    • Osteoporosis is a disorder in the metabolism leading to a decrease in bone density;
    • Sciatica is a lesion of the sciatic nerve;
    • Radiculitis - pinching of the nerve roots;
    • Consequences of the transferred traumas and operations on a backbone, etc.
  2. Pathologies of internal organs - along nerve fibers painful pulsations from them can spread to the lower back, back muscles, the area of ​​the diaphragm. Feeling of discomfort can cause:
    • Diseases of the respiratory tract (eg, pleurisy);
    • Kidney disease (urolithiasis, pyelonephritis, etc.);
    • Diabetes mellitus (provokes a burning sensation in the back);
    • Heart problems (cause pain in the sternum);
    • Malignant tumors;
    • Other problems of internal organs, vessels and soft tissues.

Obviously, the number of probabilities is very high in order to diagnose without special studies. Symptoms of certain diseases requiring completely different therapies can be similar to each other. For example, intercostal neuralgia is often confused with myocardial infarction or pulmonary problems. Only a doctor can understand the true causes of discomfort.

Pulling a visit to the doctor should not: the neglected illness can develop into a chronic form, and some problems can worsen and even lead to disability: the protrusion becomes a hernia, and the advanced sciatica of the lumbar region leads to paralysis of the lower extremities.

Who should I contact if my back hurts

There are several specialists who deal with this problem:

  1. VertebrologistThis doctor treats the problems of the spine: osteochondrosis and accompanying neurological disorders. For diagnostics, he uses modern technologies: X-ray, ultrasound, magnetic resonance imaging and computed tomography. After carrying out the research, he will confirm or exclude the pathology of the spine.

    If the diagnosis is confirmed, you will be given the necessary medication, physiotherapy, exercise therapy. Experienced vertebrologists have the skills of massage and manual therapy, and in some cases can even perform operations on the spine.

  2. Neurologist
    This specialist will conduct a survey of the nervous system, with the condition of which many diseases of the spine are directly related. For this he can use specific devices: a hammer, needles, etc. Based on the results of the primary examination, he will appoint additional studies to make an accurate diagnosis, and also prescribe a drug therapy.
  3. Urologist and nephrologist
    Such a doctor is needed when the probability of problems with the spine is excluded. These experts will check whether discomfort is associated with renal pathology, and will select effective treatment.
  4. Therapist
    It should be addressed in the event that the back hurts due to problems with internal organs: the heart, lungs, stomach, intestines, etc. The general practitioner will refer you to a narrow specialist to solve the problem - cardiologist, pulmonologist, gastroenterologist, etc.

Do not delay taking care of your health for later: if you are worried about back pain, immediately consult a doctor. This will help in due time to choose an effective treatment and avoid possible complications.

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  • It seems to you that this will soon pass by itself, but the pains are only intensifying ...
  • Many methods are tried, but nothing helps ...
  • And now you are ready to take advantage of any opportunity that will give you the long-awaited well-being!

A source: http://lechuspinu.ru/other/k-kakomu-vrachu-obratitsya-esli-bolit-spina.html

The back hurts

Back painIs a common complaint. Usually, back pain is said when there is pain in the lumbar region.

Sometimes in such cases it is said that "pinch his back".

According to recent research, out of every five people, four have experienced similar pain at least once in their life.
Similar to back pain >>>

Another typical localization of pain in the back is under the right or left scapula or between the shoulder blades.
More information about pain under the scapula >>>

With age, back pain is more common, - among the elderly, every second from time to time experiences similar pain.

Back pain can have a different character: be sharp, stinging, burning, aching, pulling, can give (irradiate) to other parts of the body (for example, in the chest, legs, abdomen, sex bodies). Pain can be random, or permanent.

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Listening to pain, a person usually asks himself two questions: Do I need to see a doctor, and - to which doctor should I go with back pain? We will try to answer these questions.

Causes of back pain

Back pain can be caused by various reasons. Only an experienced doctor on the basis of examining the patient and the data of laboratory and instrumental tests assigned to him can correctly diagnose and prescribe an effective course of treatment.

The cause of back pain may be:

  • neurological diseases:
    • osteochondrosis of the spine (degenerative damage to the intervertebral disc);
    • spondylarthrosis (degenerative changes of the intervertebral joints);
    • spondylosis (deformation of the vertebrae due to growth of bone tissue);
    • herniated intervertebral discs;
  • curvature of the spine (scoliosis, kyphosis);
  • endocrine diseases, for example, osteoporosis (decreased bone density due to metabolic disorders). This disease often occurs secretively, and a complaint of back pain may be the only complaint of the patient);
  • diseases of the respiratory system (for example, pleurisy);
  • kidney diseases: glomerulonephritis, pyelonephritis, urolithiasis;
  • tumor diseases;
  • as well as many other diseases of internal organs, vessels and soft tissues.

Such a variety of possible causes and makes a person think about which doctor to deal with in back pain. But you should not turn this into an obstacle on the way to the help that professional medicine can give.

Factors contributing to the manifestation of pain in the back

If proper treatment is not performed, back pain is most often repetitive, when the periods of a relatively short period of well-being are replaced by a return pain. Aggravation of the condition can be provoked:

  • heavy lifting;
  • long-term stay in an uncomfortable position;
  • supercooling;
  • infection.

What can I do to keep my back from hurting? Prophylaxis of pain in the back

In order to reduce the risk of diseases that can cause back pain, doctors of the "Family Doctor" recommend:

  • sleep on a comfortable bed with an elastic and rigid mattress;
  • try to maintain a correct posture;
  • do not stay in one position for a long time. When working at a computer or driving a car, you need to take breaks, which enable you to stretch, stretch, move;
  • when sitting properly organize the workplace. The chair should be with a backrest, preferably with armrests and a headrest, so that you can lean back and relax your back and neck muscles. The forearms should not be on weight, it is necessary to watch, that they completely lay on a table;
  • Do not walk in high-heeled shoes for more than two hours in a row;
  • Avoid sharp turns and torso of the trunk. If it is necessary to lift anything from the floor, it is advisable to sit down instead of bending over;
  • when standing in a standing position (when traveling in public transport or waiting in a public place), find a fulcrum (lean on something with your hand or lean your back);
  • do not gain excess weight;
  • avoid heavy lifting;
  • engage in physical exercise, swimming or fitness.

When should I see a doctor with back pain?

If the symptom is manifested for the first time, it is usually not appreciated.

Indeed, one-time pain is unlikely to indicate anything that seriously threatens our health. The pain can go away and not return.

But much more often the back pain comes back. And in this case, you should consult a doctor, and not self-medicate.

Medical consultation is necessary, if you encounter one of the following situations:

  • you often feel pain in the back with exertion or physical exertion;
  • back pain occurs sporadically (from time to time);
  • the sensation of pain does not go away within 3-4 days.

Back pain can testify to neglected pathological processes and dangerous diseases.Do not delay contact with a doctor, if:

  • pain is permanent and localized in one place;
  • in the lying position, the pain does not decrease, or pain occurs during the night when you sleep;
  • back pain accompanied by fever;
  • pain in the back is accompanied by numbness of the limbs (this can occur in the morning), muscle tension or a feeling of lethargy in the legs and hands.

If in the case of permanent or recurring back pain, not diagnose in time and not start treatment of the disease, its development can lead to irreversible consequences and disability. Thus, a chronic or acute inflammatory process in the kidney can lead to kidney failure, and left without treatment of osteochondrosis - to the formation of Schmorl hernias.

What kind of doctor should I go if my back hurts?

On the question of which doctor to go to, if the back hurts, the standard answer is this: if you have back pain, it is best to apply for a primary appointment with a general practitioner or therapist. Depending on the results of the examination, it may be necessary to consult a particular specialist. Can be appointed:

A source: https://www.fdoctor.ru/simptom/bolit_spina/

What kind of doctor should I contact if my back hurts and when should I do it?

Back pain significantly reduces the quality of life, so you can not ignore it, expecting it to pass by itself.

Too many causes and factors can cause pain syndrome of varying intensity in the back area. And the consequences of untimely taking measures can be very deplorable. About the causes of pain in the back in the area of ​​the scapula and their treatment, read here.

Determine the cause of pain

Pain syndrome in the back can be primary, caused by morphological changes in the skeleton and muscles (osteochondrosis, spondylarthrosis), or secondary, caused by a number of possible causes. Therefore, the classification of pain in the back is preferable in its nature.

So, the pain is different:

  • sharp;
  • strong,
  • chronic,
  • aching,
  • giving to other organs of the body,
  • displaced, that is, pain from other organs projected onto the back.

Each type of pain is characteristic of its disease:

  1. Acute pain, as a rule, accompanies such ailments as:
  • displacement of intervertebral discs, for example, as a result of injuries, strokes, weight lifting, osteochondrosis;
  • stretching of the muscles, flowing sharply;
  • lumbago or lumbago.
  • osteochondrosis;
  • intervertebral hernia;
  • radiculitis.
  1. Chronic pain is a consequence:
  • deforming spondylosis;
  • Bekhterev's disease;
  • osteomyelitis.
  1. Aching pain does not give rest at:
  1. Giving back pains of the spine, are peculiar to such diseases as:
  • spondylolisthesis;
  • sciatica
  1. Displaced pains are a consequence of diseases of other organs, for example:
  • stroke status or other cardiovascular problems;
  • pulmonary diseases in acute form;
  • Gastrointestinal diseases, for example, appendicitis or intestinal obstruction;
  • renal colic, pyelonephritis and other kidney diseases;
  • venereal diseases;
  • neurological disorders.

An article on "Bifida's Back - Causes, Diagnosis and Treatment" read here.

Factors in which the disease manifested itself

We list them:

  • lifting weights,which is especially dangerous for the female body, more adapted to long uniform loads, rather than to sharp and infrequent, as a test of power capabilities.
  • increasing the burden on the back in certain periods of life,for example, pregnancy or the need to carry an infant during the first year of life. This factor is also relevant for athletes.
  • stay in the wrong (uncomfortable) position for a long time,this is especially true of people in a certain period of life, for example, students and students who are forced to hold the body for a long time in one position. Also this factor is risky for some professions, for example, work at a computer, driving a car, etc.
  • supercooling,which leads to inflammatory processes in the back - myalgia.
  • spine infections,which in developed countries are quite rare, here include disctitis, osteomyelitis, epidural abscess. Possible infection after surgery.
  • Obesity, bad habits and the conduct of an unhealthy lifestyle.
  • injury.

What if my back hurts?

If the pain syndrome in the back has arisen for the first time and there is an obvious reason for its occurrence, for example, a significant burden on the back in the form of lifting the gravity or prolonged body stay in an uncomfortable position, it is possible to stop pain in the home conditions.

For this you need:

  • stretch the spine,that is, lie on a hard surface, put a middle-sized pillow under your stomach and lie down for a while;
  • hang on the turnstile,completely relaxed the dorsal muscles;
  • take a hot shower,steaming the diseased parts of the back and then lubricating them with appropriate articular ointments;
  • ensure the spine normal rest,moving to the orthopedic mattress and a small orthopedic pillow;
  • for some time to wear a corset,capable of removing the load from the back.

Do I need to see a doctor?

If back pain:

  • Occurs periodically;
  • always accompanies a person after physical exertion and stress;
  • pain does not pass within 3 days, only its intensity changes,

then you need to find time and consult with a specialist.

Postpone the visit to the doctor can not in any case, if you find yourself following a number of signs, namely:

  • pain sharp, constantly present;
  • it is localized in a specific place;
  • chronic pain, which is felt for more than 2 weeks;
  • during rest (lying and sleeping), the pain syndrome does not disappear;
  • there are secondary symptoms, for example, chills, fever, shortness of breath, chest pain;
  • soreness in the back leads to numbness of the limbs, a decrease in the tone of the legs and hands;
  • painful syndrome gives in the lower extremities - thigh, knee, foot.

Thus, you need to visit a doctor to establish an accurate diagnosis of back problems. About what doctor is engaged in the treatment of arthrosis read here.

After examination and further research, the specialist will prescribe adequate treatment, the variants of which are presented below:

  • physiotherapy;
  • massage;
  • spinal traction;
  • drug therapy;
  • physiotherapy;
  • manual therapy;
  • acupuncture;
  • thermal treatment;
  • blockade of the spine and joints;
  • mud treatment and ointments;
  • surgical intervention, etc.

To what doctor to address?

Back or, more specifically, the spine is the sphere of influence of many doctors. Therefore, the choice of a specialist to seek help should be taken seriously.

If the pain is troubling for the first time and there are no guesses about the causes that caused it, then you should consult a general practitioner or general practitioner.

The specialist will conduct an examination and prescribe the appropriate pain syndrome in the back, for example:

  • laboratory tests (general blood and urine tests to detect the presence of inflammatory processes);
  • X-ray of the spine in general or in its departments;
  • ultrasound (ultrasound);
  • magnetic resonance imaging (MRI);
  • electrocardiogram (ECG)
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After the investigations, to clarify the diagnosis and to prescribe effective treatment, consultations of other specialists may be required, namely:

  • Neurologist or neurosurgeonwhen suspected of pinching the nerve, as well as to assess the overall condition of the nervous and musculoskeletal systems of the body;
  • Gynecologistwhen identifying acute and chronic problems in the female reproductive system;
  • Urologist or nephrologistwith probable problems in the organs of the urinary system;
  • The gastroenterologist,if ailments in the human gastrointestinal system are suspected;
  • Traumatologistexamines the muscular and bony systems, can reveal such a cause of illness as a trauma, even an old-time character, which manifested itself only now in the form of an inflammatory process and pain;
  • Surgeon or orthopedistproblems of an orthopedic nature will be revealed;
  • Vertebrologistdeals exclusively with the problems of the spine;
  • Rheumatologiststudies connective tissue and can solve problems of arthritis and arthrosis;
  • Endocrinologistcan reveal the causes of osteoporosis of the spine;
  • Cardiologist,Specializing in heart problems, which can be projected as pain on the patient's back.

Here we have already covered the issue of symptoms of pinching of the nerve in the lower back - what to do and how to treat?

What can I do to keep my back from hurting?

In modern conditions it is very difficult to avoid problems with the back, so it is important to pay attention to preventive measures, they include:

  • reasonable physical loadon the muscles of the back;
  • preservation of the natural position of the body,that is, support for proper posture. The exercise, which should be done daily, will help: stand next to the even wall for 30 minutes, pressing the back of the head, shoulders and shoulder blades, buttocks, calves, heels;
  • uniform distribution of the load on both hands,backpacks are preferable to bags;
  • keep smooth movements,the grace of a cat in all situations;
  • lift the goods correctly,reducing the load on the muscles of the back;
  • to provide yourself with a physiological resting placewith an orthopedic hard mattress and a low orthopedic pillow.

Be vigilant to your health. Especially it concerns problems with a back - after all a backbone knowingly name a column of a life.

We need to identify the cause of the pain syndrome as soon as possible by contacting the appropriate specialists, clearly follow the proposed course of treatment, and then give all the forces to preventive measures.

And the most important advice: love yourself, allow yourself to sometimes relax and throw off the burden of problems, unloading your back in all senses. After all, your health is in your back!

A source: http://SpinaSpina.com/lechenie/k-kakomu-vrachu-esli-bolit-spina.html

What kind of doctor should I go if my back or spine aches?

Who did not have to deal with back pain at least once in a lifetime.

Well, if the disease appeared once after lifting weights or increased physical exertion and did not bother anymore.

But if the back has become painful all the time, gives to the pelvic organs, hips, chest, then surely it's time to undergo the examination. The treatment will be further prescribed by the doctor.

Many people ask themselves which doctor heals the spine. In fact, back pain does not always mean a problem with the spine. There are a number of reasons that can not always be independently. Then what to do if the back hurts, to which doctor to apply?

Why does the back hurt?

To know which doctor to go to, what kind of doctor is still needed, you should carefully study the pain by the nature, extent and time of manifestation. In the back gives pain for various diseases, and of course, only a highly specialized specialist will be able to cure each of them.

The causes of back pain in adults can be physiological or pathological. To physiological it is necessary to carry:

  • osteochondrosis of the spine due to degenerative changes in the intervertebral discs
  • Spondylarthrosis on the background of the course of pathological processes in the intervertebral joints
  • spondylosis with deformation of the vertebrae, proliferation of bone intervertebral tissue
  • scoliosis, kyphosis in the curvature of the spine, disorders in the endocrine system
  • osteoporosis with a decrease in bone density and metabolic disorders.

Pathological pain in the lower back and back is manifested as a result of the development of internal diseases. It:

  • glomerunonephritis - respiratory disease
  • pyelonephritis and urolithiasis in diseases of the kidneys
  • oncology in the development of a malignant tumor in one or another organ or tissues
  • myocardial infarction with lesions of cerebral vessels, soft tissues, other internal organs
  • stomach ulcer
  • pancreatitis, cholecystitis against intestinal obstruction
  • acute appendicitis, in which severe pain occurs abruptly in the abdominal region with recoil in the back and an increase in temperature. If you have these symptoms, you need to urgently consult a doctor, delaying can lead to irreparable consequences.

If the pains are permanent, it's time to go to the doctors. Otherwise, the disease can be started, complications, other serious troubles.

What kind of pains are there in character?

To understand when back pain and which doctor to go to, it is necessary to reveal the nature of pain, and even when visiting a specialist, the specialist will ask: how and in what place it hurts. By the nature of pain distinguish:

  • sharp, appearing suddenly, giving in a leg, a loin and a backbone, for example, at a spondylosis, illnesses of lungs (if localized under a scapula, give in a breast bone)
  • chronic, sluggish accompanied by weakness in the limbs, for example, with osteomyelitis, impaired metabolism, Bechterew's disease, the development of tumor neoplasm
  • aching, which occur with myositis, overstrain or overcooling of muscles
  • vague with a feeling of numbness in the extremities, which indicates the development of inflammatory processes in the lungs or bronchi, with pneumonia. Pain in the back is worse when coughing, wheezing appears. If it hurts in the lumbar region, then there may be an inflammatory process in the kidneys or stones started their movement along the ureter
  • sharp in the lumbar region, happens with renal colic with recoil into the genitals
  • moderate pain in the back is possible with sciatica nerve inflammation, displacement of intervertebral discs with strengthening during coughing and sneezing.

If there is a sharp pain below the waist, there is also an increase in temperature to high markers, bloating and chronic constipation, then perhaps it is intestinal colic or the development of severe inflammation. We need to call for an ambulance immediately.

You can not run back pain. Only an expert will help quickly get rid of discomfort and prescribe adequate treatment. In advanced cases, the disease will pass into a chronic form. Problems with the spine can lead to disability, paralysis of the lower limbs.


You should not hesitate to contact a doctor when the loins and backbone hurts, the limbs are numb - the right or left part of the body, cold sweat, dizziness, dizziness. The true cause of pain can only be determined by a specialist. Determine what kind of doctor to turn to, if the back is hurting heavily on the basis of the available symptoms.

If there is painful and prolonged pain, it intensifies with coughing, then it is possible in the pelvic organs, large intestine or pancreas inflammatory process. With recoil may be the cause of osteochondrosis, and with recoil into the heart area - with osteochondrosis of the thoracic region, angina pectoris.

With radiculitis, the pain syndrome increases with exercise, and so the movement stops, so that the patient can not even turn around.

If you do not know who to contact and which doctor heals back, it is recommended that you first consult a therapist.


If the back hurts, the waist doctor will listen to all the complaints, prescribe tests and only on the establishment of the true cause will redirect to the right specialist.


Only a highly specialized doctor will be involved in the treatment.

What kind of doctor should I use for back pain?

When the back hurts you need to go to:

  • traumatologist, if there was a spinal cord injury in the past, the spine is twisted or inflammation occurs in the muscle tissues of the back or bones of the spine
  • vertebrologistwith problems with the spine
  • surgeon, as a doctor of broad specialization in diseases of joints and spine, pinching of the intervertebral nerve, loss of sensitivity
  • neurologistin case of violation (total loss) of sensitivity in certain parts of the body or limbs
  • nephrologistor urologist with pain in the lower back, back against the backdrop of the development of pathological processes in the kidneys
  • rheumatologistwhen diagnosing dermatomyositis, scleroderma, lupus erythematosus, rheumatoid arthritis
  • cardiologist, if stitching or aching pain in the heart area with recoil in the back
  • gynecologistat strong cutting pains in a loin and in the bottom of a stomach on a background of diseases in female genitals
  • endocrinologistwith the development of osteoporosis of the bones of the spine, caused by a violation of calcium metabolism
  • pulmonologistwith bronchitis, pneumonia
  • the oncologistat suspicion on development of a tumor. It often hurts in the morning in the back or in any of the departments, tissues
  • phthisiatricianwith lung damage, when it hurts in the sternum with recoil in the back
  • infectionistwith the development of infectious processes in the body, when it hurts in the back, additionally there is nausea and vomiting, signs of diarrhea.

Of course, the list of doctors is great and it's easy to understand right away which doctor can be contacted, if it hurts the back is difficult.

But considering the symptoms and the list of doctors described above, you can definitely decide.

Pain in the spine or back is a symptom of many serious diseases in virtually any human body.

In no case can not tolerate pain. If the back hurts, then to which doctor to consult, the therapist first of all will prompt. We need to identify the cause as soon as possible.

If you do not know where to go, you need not hesitate to address first of all to the therapist.

He after a visual examination and the available symptoms will tell you which doctor is treating a particular disease.

A source: https://MoyOrtoped.ru/info/k-kakomu-vrachu-idti-esli-bolit-spina

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