How to calm a dry cough at night

Tip 1: How to calm night cough

How to calm night cough

An excruciating night cough appears at the very beginning of a cold and only gradually turns into a wet cough. Getting rid of dry cough does not always work, because bacteria irritate the pharynx and provoke a new attack.


  1. If you just got sick, and there is no coughing effect, then take the drug that contains codeine. This remedy cures cough, but it can be consumed no more than 3 days in a row. Before use, consult a doctor. If you experience side effects, which are described in detail in the annotation, stop taking the drug.
  2. A safer way to get rid of dry cough is by inhalation with steam. Boil a liter of water and add a teaspoon of soda. Breathe in over the evaporation, then immediately go to bed. Vapors of soda not only soften mucous, but also contribute to the elimination of pathogenic bacteria. Inhalations run daily 3-4 times. Instead of soda suitable and essential oils, for example, fir or tea tree.
  3. Take expectorants or herbs. Good helps the broth of wild rosemary or thyme. In a glass of water, brew 2 tablespoons of herbs, take 50 ml 3 times a day. These herbs help to defeat a dry cough in just a few days.
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  4. Buy peppermint lozenges. Rassassyvayte before going to bed - it will soften the mucous membrane. In pharmacies, you can find and special pastilles, which contain a decoction of medicinal herbs and oils. Many of their trademarks are issued, so ask the pharmacist. There should be no side effects, as there are no medicinal components of synthetic origin in them, except perhaps allergic reactions.
  5. Dissolve a teaspoon of honey in a glass of warm milk. Add a pinch of soda. Slowly drink warm milk and go to bed.
  6. If a night cough, and even more dry does not stop more than 2 weeks, go to the hospital. The doctor will prescribe to you potent drugs that will help to defeat the disease. Remember that self-medication can provoke the development of chronic bronchitis, asthma and other serious diseases.

Night cough exhausted, how to calm?


Niki Sergeev

At me such was - then the liquid in lungs was found out. It is necessary to drink diuretics (Furosemide or herbs that replace it) and to compensate for Asparkam calcium. And what would the cough be softer and lighter, take honey natural, mix with lemon juice (I do 1 to 1) and drink 3 to 4 times a day. When I have a sore throat and drink this mixture in a special way: I lift my head as high as possible to slightly overlap the larynx and for a longer time the mixture lingered in the throat and swallowed with effort. It helps me. And in general, during catarrhal diseases do not deny yourself honey and lemons!! ! Very beneficial for immunity. Health to you and good luck in the new year!


try the blackened radish juice with honey or take 3 pieces of prunes and pour a glass of warm milk


You take an Asperin pill just do not drink it, but munch


Cough is a manifestation of many diseases. Cough can occur with colds, bronchitis, tracheitis, pleurisy, pneumonia and other lung diseases. First of all, you need to treat the underlying disease, but at the same time, it can be facilitated by using cough remedies.
Traditional methods of cough treatment:
1) Grind 500 gr. peeled onions, add 2 tablespoons of honey, 400 gr. sugar and cook over low heat in 1L. water for 3 hours. Then cool and drain. Store in a tightly closed container in the refrigerator. Take a mixture of warm 1 tablespoon 4-5 times a day with a strong cough.
2) From the cough is useful to eat onions, toasted in butter and mixed with honey.
3) Mix in equal parts the purified hazelnuts and honey. Take 1 teaspoonful 5-6 times a day with warm milk.
4) Mix honey and horseradish juice in a ratio of 1: 3. Take small portions throughout the day with a cup of tea. To drink for the whole day 2-3 cups of this infusion.
5) Wipe the ripe bananas through a sieve and put them in a pan with hot water at the rate of 2 bananas per 1 glass of water with sugar. Warm up and drink this mixture when coughing.
6) When coughing, cut into small cubes a black radish and put it in a saucepan, sprinkling with sugar. Bake in the oven for 2 hours. Strain and drain the liquid into a bottle. Drink 2 teaspoons 3-4 times a day and at night before going to bed.
7) When treating a cough, the healer Vanga advised to cook 1 potato, 1 onion, 1 apple in 1l. water. Cook until the water is less than half. This broth drink 1 teaspoon 3 times a day.
8) Fresh cabbage juice with sugar is useful as an expectorant for coughing. A decoction of cabbage with honey works well.
9) With a prolonged cough, mix 300gr. honey and 1kg. crushed aloe leaves, pour mixture of 0.5 liters. water and bring to a boil. Keep on low heat for 2 hours, stirring. To cool. Keep in the refrigerator for no more than a month. Take 1 tablespoon 3 times daily before meals.
10) Juice from aloe leaves mixed in equal proportions with warm honey and butter. Take 1 teaspoon 4 times daily before meals with a strong cough.
11) Mix 3 tablespoons of severed birch buds with 100 gr. unsalted butter, put on fire, bring to a boil and simmer on very low heat for 1 hour. Strain, squeeze, kidney discard. Add 200gr. honey and mix well. Take with cough 4 times a day before meals.
12) Freshly cut nettle roots and finely chopped in sugar syrup. Take 1 tablespoon per day with a strong cough.
13) Pour 1 teaspoon of nettle grass 0.5L. steep boiling water, insist, wrapped, 30 minutes and strain. Drink as tea for expectoration and dilution of sputum.
14) 1 tablespoon chopped plantain leaf pour 1 cup of boiling water, insist on a boiling water bath for 15 minutes, cool and strain. Take 1 tablespoon 5-6 times a day with a strong cough.
15) Thymus broth or liquid extract is used as an expectorant for coughing.
16) When coughing it is recommended to drink hot milk with butter: ¾ cup of milk for 50 grams. oil.

Yana Myshlyaeva

Tablets or syrup Erespal.


night cough may be a sign of the initial stage of bronchial asthma. you need to a pulmonologist

Plugina Lyudmila

If you cough dry, you can drink Proshpan. five days is usually enough to cure a cough. And before going to bed a glass of warm milk with honey, if honey is not allergic. I always benefit from such treatment.

Valeriya Yusupova

To get the phlegm out of the lungs you need an expectorant to take. Good inhalation to do, with droplets of Spleen. And then it's easier to breathe and the mucus displays well.

Olya the Resurrection

Thank you for a useful and interesting article.
Many people do not know what cough is and how it happens. In fact, it is a normal physiological response of the body, not just pathology, as we used to think.
Its appearance should not cause you acute experiences, urgent use of medicines. Before beginning any treatment it is necessary to find out the causes of the appearance of the symptom. Remember that sometimes we even specifically call a cough to attract the attention of another person: [link is blocked by the decision of the project administration]

How to calm a cough before bedtime

How to calm a cough before bedtime

Cough itself is very unpleasant, but when it interferes with sleeping at night, it becomes almost unbearable. Of course, in order to solve the problem, one must try to cure the disease, the symptom of which is cough. However, to make the process easier and faster, you can use additional tools.

You will need

  1. Warm sweater, milk, honey, ginger tea, butter, pine needles, mineral water.


  1. In the evening, just before sleep, hold your hands under a stream of hot water for 5-7 minutes. Thoroughly rub them, ensuring that the skin from the tips of the fingers to the shoulders warms up well. Then quickly wipe your hands with a towel and put on a warm woolen sweater. This is important to do immediately after rubbing, otherwise the skin will have time to cool down. Then lie down on the bed, drink a glass of hot milk with honey or ginger tea and try to fall asleep. It is important that you do not talk to anyone, so as not to strain your vocal cords again. To read too it is undesirable. Otherwise, you can provoke another bout of coughing.
  2. Take the radish, wash it, peel it, and then cut into small pieces or grate on a grater and lay it in a bowl along with the juice that has separated out. In the resulting mass, add a little sugar, and then mix. The sweetened juice of a radish should be drunk 1-2 tablespoons. every hour for the whole day. Be sure to take this "medicine" and before bedtime - for an hour and half an hour. This remedy is a good help in the fight against a night cough.
  3. Boil a glass of milk and add 1 teaspoon to it. butter and a pinch of soda. The resulting drink should be mixed and drunk while it is still hot. Drink slowly, in small sips. Milk with oil "envelops" the throat, relaxing discomfort and relieving cough.
  4. Make a decoction of pine needles and inhale its vapor. A good option for getting rid of a night cough - first breathe over the pot with broth for 10-15 minutes, and then boil the liquid again and leave in an open container near the bed. Thanks to this method, you can remove spasms, relieve the pain in the throat and get rid of a cough. Well, if after inhalation you will drink a glass of hot tea with honey or boiled milk.
  5. Be sure to ensure that the room is maintained at an optimum humidity, especially if the heaters that dry the air are working. You can leave a pot of hot water in the room or use a special humidifier. Dry air irritates the throat and becomes an additional cause of coughing attacks.
  6. Open a bottle of sparkling mineral water and leave it for 2-3 hours, so that the gases gradually come out. An hour before sleep, start to drink a little water. It will soften the throat, help ease the attack of cough. This method is appropriate if it is a dry, rather than a damp cough.

How to stop coughing

How to stop coughingCoughing is a reflex action of the body in response to irritation of the mucosa of the respiratory tract with pathological contents, a foreign body or some inflammatory process. The sudden coughing can turn out to be harmless and can only be a response from the body. But when there are other symptoms besides cough, it's worth paying attention to it. If it lasts several weeks, it's a chronic disease.

To understand how to cope with a cough, you first need to understand its causes.

How to stop a cough in a child

The structure of the larynx in the place of vocal cords in children is slightly different. It is located slightly higher than that of an adult, but in the place of the cricoid cartilage (in the region of the subglottic space) it is narrowed. Thus, the child's larynx has the shape of a funnel. The vocal cords form a voice gap, they are thin and short. The laryngeal lumen is narrow, has many nerve endings, mucous edema may occur. Therefore, children often suffer from laryngitis. Cough in infants can also occur due to ARVI or allergies.

If the cough caught a child during a night's sleep, you should calm it down and give it a drink of mineral water, a chamomile broth or a glass of warm milk. These products will soften the larynx and pharyngeal mucosa, which will calm the cough and take away the perspiration in the throat.

You can give a teaspoon of honey or butter for resorption. This method also has a soothing effect on the tender baby's mucous membrane. It is not necessary to give honey in the event that the little one has an allergy to it.

In the event that the cough does not subside, try to make the baby inhalation: pour hot water into the pot and add the essential oil there (for example, cedar or eucalyptus). Inhalation with boiled potatoes is unlikely to be appropriate, since a fit of coughing will not wait. In an emergency, with a strong growing choking, you can simply open the hot water in the bathroom and tilt the child over the steam. At this moment, the humidity of the room is also increased, so that the airways are moistened, and the cough comes to naught.

You can use syrup for children, containing in its composition essential oils. This often helps to calm the cough.

When coughing a child during ARVI, you can use some techniques:

  • Give sweetened almond oil.
  • Mix 50 g of honey and 50 g of olive oil. Give for 1 hour. l. three times a day.
  • Put lemon in boiling water and boil for ten minutes, then pull it out and wait until it cools. Lemon juice squeeze into a glass, add the same amount of glycerin and add the honey so that the glass is filled. This mixture is taken to cleanse the airways.
  • Cut small pieces of orange, without removing the skin from it, sprinkle with sugar and cook for half an hour on low heat. Give the child during a dry cough (in the event that the allergy to citrus is absent).

Despite getting rid of a cough, if it appears again, you need to see a doctor, as a dry cough can be a laryngitis, a complication of which is an attack of suffocation. This condition requires the call of emergency medical care and is called a false croup.

How to stop a cough at night

At night, the flow of blood in the lungs slows down, mucus is absorbed with difficulty, sputum accumulates, while the person is constantly in one horizontal position. Because of this, most often coughing attacks are painful at night, preventing relatives and the patient from sleeping. During the whole length of sleep it is recommended to change the position of the body more often in bed.

The main cause of night cough are acute inflammatory processes in the bronchi caused by viruses or bacteria, but there may be other factors: allergic reaction (to fluff or feathers in pillows), dryness of air in the room, body position during sleep, bronchial asthma, chronic diseases of the respiratory system.

It should be noted that if a coughing attack is accompanied by tachycardia (increased heart rate), shortness of breath and lack of fresh air, it is most likely a heart cough. With this cough, sputum does not go away, in some cases, hemoptysis may appear, it is dry and intensified when the person takes a horizontal position. People suffering from a heart cough need to be treated primarily in the heart, but a fit of cough that has arisen at night should be stopped.

Before going to bed, you can prepare a special water, which will ease the condition with a sudden night cough: pan the sugar until the moment it turns brown and dissolve it in a glass of plain boiled water.

To calm down the night cough will help warm broths of herbs, alkaline drink (milk with Borzhomi).

With an allergic cough, you need to take an antihistamine.

Do not forget about the dampening of the bedroom.

In the absence of the effect of home methods and increasing cough, you need to call an ambulance.

How to stop dry cough

There are very simple folk methods that will save you from a painful dry cough in a few minutes:

  1. Pour 100 ml of boiling water into a glass and add 2 tbsp. l. vegetable oil. For a taste, you can add a pinch of salt so that it's not nasty to drink, then the solution will look like a meat broth. With small sips, drink half a glass.
  2. Beat the yolk from the egg and, stirring, add hot milk (pour a neat trickle), to mix in there for 1 tbsp. l. honey and butter. To drink the resulting "gogol-mogol" in a hot form, then go to bed.
  3. With dry cough, mulled wine will help. This drink will be both tasty and useful. To make such a drink you need to boil half a cup of water, throw in two dried cloves, two small pieces of ginger root and sprinkle with a pinch of cinnamon. Remove from heat and let it brew for 10 minutes. Add 200 ml of red wine, 1 tbsp. l. honey and a slice of lemon. To drink a drink in a hot kind, to go to bed and to be wrapped up.
  4. A quick way to eliminate dry cough: a piece of ginger grate on a fine grater and get from it for 1 hour. l. juice, add 1 hour. l. honey, mix ingredients and drink.

Dry, debilitating cough can become a symptom of such dangerous diseases as whooping cough and tuberculosis, so you need to go to a doctor for a consultation and conduct a survey.

How to stop dry cough

How to stop a strong cough

With a strong prolonged cough, the main task is to eliminate it. Before you drink pills, you can use natural remedies:

  1. Take a spoonful of lime or other honey with propolis, put on the tip of the tongue and slowly dissolve. Perform this procedure several times a day for half an hour before meals. Swallowing honey at once is impossible, since its help lies precisely in the careful irrigation of the oral cavity and pharynx.
  2. 3 tbsp. l. lime flowers pour 500 ml of boiling water, cover and insist half an hour. After this, drain the infusion, take for 20 minutes. before eating 100 ml three times a day.
  3. Mix a large chopped onion and 2 tbsp. l. Sahara. Steep the mixture for five hours. Take, without pouring the juice, for 1 hour. l. half an hour before meals 4 r. per day.
  4. Wash the black radish, cut off the top two parts. At the bottom, make a groove with a knife, fill it with sugar or better with honey. Cover with the top and leave in a warm place for the formation of juice. Take 1 hour. l. twice a day.
  5. Inhalations with fir oil have an excellent effect with a strong cough. Five drops of oil to add to the pan with hot water, bend over the steam, cover with a towel and breathe five minutes. During the illness, perform these inhalations three times a week.
  6. Cowberry crumble with sugar (1: 1), pour into a glass jar and insist for a day in a warm place. Take cranberry syrup for 1 hour. l. 4 r. the day before meals.
  7. A great remedy is raspberry syrup. Since raspberry has a diaphoretic effect, it helps not only to eliminate a strong cough, but also to improve the overall condition. 200 g raspberries crush, add 100 grams of sugar. Insist 24 hours and take 1 tbsp. l. before eating three times a day.
  8. Place a large head of garlic in 200 ml of milk and cook until it softens. Put 1 tbsp. l. honey, mix and drink a medicine for 1 tbsp. l. an hour before meals 3 times a day.

Coughing is normal, moreover, it is needed by our body, since it has a protective and cleansing effect. Care should be taken to develop a cough and to know its etiology.

How to stop a fit of coughing

Effective is a moist cough, because together with sputum, it displays pathological substances and promotes the purification of the respiratory tract. Dry cough, on the contrary, increases irritation and spasm of the respiratory system. In order to remove all toxins, it is necessary to provoke the separation of sputum and its active diversion. Therefore, if you have a dry cough, you should drink thinner sputum preparations - mucolytics (Bromhexin, Ambroxol). There are also plants that have mucolytic effects - eucalyptus, sage, chamomile, thyme. In addition to stimulating sputum removal, these drugs have anti-inflammatory effect and soothe cough. To increase the amount of sputum to be separated and to dilute it, it is necessary to drink plenty of water.

Smokers often suffer persecution in the throat and dry cough. They can be helped by such drugs as Gedelix, Bonhosan, Doctor MOM, tincture of eucalyptus. Traditional medicine recommends treating cough from smokers in this way: dilute milk with mineral water, drink solution three times a day.

Such drugs as "Stoptussin" and "Libexin" have antitussive effect and help to cope with persistent exhausting cough.

How to stop a fit of coughing

How to stop an asthmatic cough

Asthmatic cough loud, nasal, accompanied by chest tightness and dry rales, intensifies in the evening. This problem occurs against the background of asthmatic bronchitis. The temperature does not increase.

During an asthmatic attack, it is very important to relax the muscles and calm down. To do this will help a special pose: sit on a chair facing his back, put a pillow from above and lean on it. Make deep exhalations. If possible, use an inhaler to stop the attack (Salbutamol, Berotek), making two breaths. In the absence of effect, the drug is inhaled repeatedly. When a person knows about the presence of a similar disease, he should always have an inhaler with him.

Do not use mustard and steam baths, as they further increase the spasm of the bronchi.

In the case where it is impossible to remove the attack, urgent help is called. The doctor helps with the injection of euphilin, which allows you to instantly expand the bronchi and remove the spasm. In an emergency, an injection of dexamethasone or prednisolone is given.

How to stop an attack of an allergic cough

Symptoms of an allergic cough are very similar to an asthmatic attack, but it occurs in response to an active allergen (pollen of plants, harsh odors, animal hair, dust, household chemicals). Often, the allergy is accompanied by lacrimation, redness of the skin, facial edema.

At the very beginning of the attack, it is necessary to remove the source that caused the allergic reaction, then take an antihistamine drug (suprastin, diazolin, tavegil). Nasal and oral cavity rinse with water.

For the prevention of allergies should be ventilated rooms, regularly perform wet cleaning. If you do not know what you are allergic to but feel its symptoms, you need to organize a trip to the doctor and do not start the condition.

How to stop an attack of cough in ARVI

In inflammatory processes of the respiratory tract cough occurs after a few hours. At first it is dry, then it becomes wet. With laryngitis, for example, a cough dry and "barking," expressed hoarseness. With tracheitis, a loud, severe cough with painful sensations in the chest. Bronchitis is characterized by a painless cough with shortness of breath and damp rales.

Dry air in the room provokes broncho- and laryngospasm. Therefore, humidifiers must be present in the room. If there are no humidifiers, you can arrange containers with water in different places. In winter, they are placed near the battery or heater. Inhalations by simple hot steam or steamed boiled potatoes allow to moisturize and soften the mucous membranes of the respiratory tract.

During the seizure, it is better to sit down, leaning on the pillow. If the cough is dry, it is recommended to drink ginger tea or warm milk, adding butter or honey. Promotes the improvement of onion juice with honey: the ingredients are bred in equal proportions, the resulting mixture is infused for four hours. Take 2 times a day for 1 hour. l.

Breathing exercises also help during a bout of coughing. First you need to take a deep breath and exhale, then hold your breath. Repeat the exercise 4-5 times.

How quickly to calm at night a cough in the child?

How to calm a cough in a child at night? The answer to this question can not be unambiguous, since all symptoms of a child's disease should be taken into account. If you consider all the factors, then very quickly can ease the suffering of the baby.

Strong cough in the baby at night

In order for the child not to suffer from a cough at night, the correct treatment should be organized in the afternoon.The patient must comply with bed rest. Let the child drink as much as possible herbal teas with honey. If the child has a dry cough, expectorants should be used, as well as those that moisturize and restore the mucous membrane of the throat. Very good at the same time helps rinse the throat with a solution of furacilin, sea salt, soda, decoctions of chamomile and elderberry. If the child has a high fever, be sure to call a doctor at the house and follow the prescribed course of treatment. Many complain that the child feels well during the day, and cough begins at night. If so, the disease is present and should not be ignored. It is necessary to identify all factors provoking night cough and eliminate them.

Air in the child's room

In the heating season and in summer, the humidity level in the room is significantly reduced. This can lead to inflammation of the mucous membrane of the throat and the appearance of dry cough. Some parents may notice another symptom of the baby - over-dried skin of the hands. Due to insufficient air humidity, the mucous membrane of the throat and nose begins to dry up, which leads to the occurrence of frequent respiratory diseases. What to do in this case?

Ventilating the room before going to bed to get fresh airBe sure to ventilate the child's room several times a day, especially prolonged ventilation should be before going to bed. Do not be afraid that cold air will enter the room. Fresh air will be much more useful to the baby than the one that is filled with harmful microorganisms. For the time of airing, just take the child out of his room.

Pay attention to the presence of thick curtains, carpets, thick bedspreads and soft toys in the child's room. Often they provoke a cough. Carry out a general cleaning: clean the carpets, wash the windows, wash all or give in the cleaning.

Remember when you last washed the curtains or removed dust from books and walls. In no case should the child keep unnecessary things in his room.

To moisten the air in the room, you can buy a special device or (if you are always at home) every hour to moisten the air with an atomizer. Aquariums with fish can also perfectly moisten the air, but they are not recommended to be put in a nursery, as the child may have an allergy to fish food.

During the heating season, you can wet the cotton cloth with water and lay it on the heating devices (if they are not electric).

Aquarium with fish - an excellent air humidifierThe ability to moisten the air has many types of plants, so you can buy a few plants and put in a room. However, in no case should they become the next dust collectors. For plants, you must take care and always remove dust from the leaves and moisturize. Plants such as lemon, mandarin, juniper, can, in addition, saturate the air in the room with useful phytoncides, which purify the air of harmful microorganisms.

With the same success it is possible to use essential oils. Choose a few oils for which the child does not have allergies and whose smell will be pleasant to him. So that the child does not suffer from a night cough, you can use the essential oil of juniper, cypress, eucalyptus, lemon, mint or lavender, etc. A few drops of oil drip onto the radiators, a pillow, add to the atomizer, which you moisten the air in the room. You can use the aroma lamp, but be careful that the child does not accidentally touch it and fire does not start.

Wool of domestic animals

Very often a dry cough in a child causes living in one apartment with a pet: a cat, a dog, etc. A child can simply be allergic to wool.

Ignore this in no case it is impossible, because this can lead to unpleasant consequences.

Dust as the cause of a coughIf you suspect that a domestic pet is guilty of a cough, try to give it to friends for a few days. Do house cleaning, carefully clean everything from dust and wool.

If after a few days the cough begins to subside, then the cause is really in the pet.

If you do not want to part with the animal, then a daily thorough cleaning should be your responsibility. Wool in dogs should be constantly combed and trimmed in time.

In no case should an animal live in the room in which your child sleeps.

Nasal congestion

Before going to bed, you must always clean the mucous membrane of the nose and throat of the child. For this, a solution of sea salt is suitable.

Cleansing the nose with saline before bedtimeThe composition of the salt solution is very similar to blood and lymph, so you can use it as much as you want. Harm he will not cause. It is important only to correctly calculate the concentration of salt in water.

In order not to be mistaken, it is better to buy a ready-made saline solution in a pharmacy.

After the throat and nose are cleaned, you can use medications: drops in the nose that are prescribed by the doctor, and a spray (or pills) for the throat. If the child does not have a temperature, you can apply a warming ointment containing essential oils to the chest, back and wings of the nose. If a fit of coughing occurred at night and you notice that the child's nose is laid, be sure to ask him to blow his nose, repeat cleaning the mucosa and taking medications. If the child is sleepy and does not want to carry out the procedure, explain that without it he will suffer all night.

How to treat night cough in children with medication?

There are several main groups of cough medicines: expectorants, thinning phlegm and soothing. Depending on what the child is sick, the right drug is selected. In obstructive bronchitis, viscous sputum accumulates in the body, which prevents the baby from breathing normally at night.

Visiting a doctor for coughing for treatmentTo eliminate this, a drug is used that dilutes sputum. In addition, the doctor recommends drinking as much fluid as possible and prescribing an expectorant.

When the child is sick with tracheitis, then, on the contrary, the cough is dry. Therefore, the doctor appoints in the first place mucolytic drugs, and after, when the cough is moistened, expectorant drugs.

Be sure to follow the recommendations of the doctor, do not self-medicate.

If antibiotics or drugs have been prescribed to strengthen immunity, then be sure to use them.

How to stop a cough in a child at night with the help of folk remedies?

If the child has a dry cough, use the following recipe. Preheat the milk, add there the dry figs, a little honey, a pinch of soda and butter (1 tablespoon enough 1 teaspoonful). Such milk should be cooled to room temperature and watered by the baby, after which you should wrap up his neck with a warm soft scarf and put him to bed.

Salt helps to soothe night cough. Take 0.5 kg of salt and heat it in a microwave or in a frying pan. After that, fill it gently into the old stocking and tie the edge (you can use the children's tights cut in half). After this, wrap it all in a diaper. You get a kind of hot-water bottle, which you can put on your throat. Take care to feel it was warm, not hot. Salt perfectly warms the sore throat, and the child quietly sleeps until morning. However, take care not to warm up the heart area.

An excellent remedy that helps calm a cough at night is the juice of a black radish with honey. Prepare this remedy better in the morning. Cut off the top part from the radish, cut out the middle and put a spoonful of honey inside. Top cover with a cut top. In the evening, juice will appear inside, mixed with honey. Give it to your child before going to bed and at night, when he starts to torment cough. If the radish is not, then you can use the juice of the viburnum or raspberry, mixed with honey. Before going to bed, let's drink water or tea. Regularly use folk remedies, and a cough at night will very soon stop worrying you.

Treatment of coughing attacks at night in an adult

Coughing is an arbitrary excretion of sputum or other foreign particles from the respiratory tract. Coughing attacks at night in an adult can occur as a result of a cold, allergy or smoking. They can be dry or productive, with excretion of sputum. Dry cough is most often accompanied by loss of voice and hoarseness. Such symptoms are in most cases caused by laryngitis - acute inflammation of the upper respiratory tract.

The problem of coughing

Causes of laryngitis - a strong voice tension, hypothermia, any pollution or steam release into the air, smoking. Usually, these symptoms are accompanied by a slight inflammation of the larynx, and therapy is possible at home.But if suddenly the treatment will be protracted and the state of health will only worsen, then a doctor's consultation is urgently needed, since serious complications are possible.

Treatment of laryngitis

For successful therapy of laryngitis it is necessary:

Consultation of a doctor to determine the cause of a cough
  • to ensure complete peace, not to talk even in a whisper;
  • give up alcohol and smoking;
  • Regularly use warm drinks made from herbs such as St. John's wort, lime blossom, chamomile, sage, gargle with soda or herbs;
  • periodically apply a warm compress to the throat;
  • carry out alkaline inhalation.

Cough in adults, which is accompanied by wheezing, is most often associated with bronchitis. If there are no other symptoms, then it means that one does not have to endure until other manifestations have appeared. Usually such breathing is not audible, but under heavy loads it becomes more noticeable. If other ailments occur, such as a temperature above 38 ° C, a runny nose, tracheitis or laryngitis, an acute bronchitis may develop. His treatment is much more complicated than the usual cough.

The following recommendations should be observed:

  • abundant drinking;
  • bed rest;
  • refusal of any physical exertion.

If the health deteriorated within a few days, you should seek the help of a specialist.

The use of chamomile with laryngitisCoughing attacks at night in an adult can be after stagnant discharge from the bronchi. If the time is not treated, the disease can go to chronic bronchitis. In this case, you need to conduct a study of the chest. Based on the results, the doctor will prescribe the treatment.

Sizzling breath can also cause bronchial asthma, an attack of suffocation occurs during the course of the disease. In this case, you need to seek help from a specialist who will find out what the seizures are related to. It may be found that the patient is allergic, in this case the treatment should be individual.

But in any case, going to the doctor is mandatory, because the consequences of asthma can become deplorable. There are difficulties in breathing, pale face, sweat on the forehead. When the lips turn blue, urgent hospitalization is needed. A man needs help.

Usually people with asthma have an inhaler. It is important to put the patient on a chair and use the necessary medications once. If the condition does not improve, then repeat the procedure.

After that, release from the outer clothing, offer to tilt your head and lean on your hands, so it is easier for a person to suffer an attack. Before the ambulance arrives, it is important to follow the recommendations.

Coughing at night in adults delivers discomfort not only to the patient, but also to others. Especially if there is a new force, a sleepless night is secured.

But even a night cough can accompany much more serious problems, such as chest pain, drying of the larynx, constant perspiration.

Smoking is one of the causes of night coughAt night, a person is more difficult to tolerate the illness that accompanies a cough, because it is in a horizontal position.

The patient simply can not completely free his breath.

Only at night the body is not able to fully function fully, thereby sputum accumulates and the symptoms worsen. It should be remembered that the causes of night cough in adults and children can be a serious cause for concern.

Causes of a night cough:

  • smoking;
  • uncomfortable position of the body during sleep;
  • increased or lowered air temperature in the room in which the person is located;
  • acute bronchitis, chronic or mild;
  • allergy;
  • virus infection, flu, cold.

Folk remedies for treatment

To get rid of a pesky cough at night it is possible with the help of medicines or folk remedies. Any medications containing mucolytics will help to eliminate symptoms at the time. It is important to drink as much warm liquid as possible, and preferably milk with honey or soda. Periodically ventilate the room in which the patient is. Dry air will only aggravate the situation. Traditional medicine comes to the rescue when drugs do not help. Several tips for eliminating a night cough in an adult are suggested:

Treatment of cough honey
  1. Treatment with honey. You need to put a teaspoon of honey on the tongue and dissolve, the cough will not bother all night. Also at night you can drink a glass of milk with the addition of a teaspoon of honey and butter. This drink warms, if the room is cold, and softens the throat.
  2. You need to take a pinch of salt, hold it in your mouth for a while, and then swallow it. This old method has already helped many.
  3. Pine buds also help to avoid a strong night cough. 1 tablespoon of raw material is brewed with 1 glass of steep boiling water. If you have an attack, take a sip of the infusion, immediately you will feel relief.
  4. If you chew a leaf of a golden mustache during an attack of cough, then it eventually stops.
  5. Quickly to remove a strong cough in an adult can be with the help of nettle. Several sheets or a tablespoon of dry herbs brew 1 cup of boiling water.
  6. Infusion of valerian not only helps to get enough sleep, but also calms a strong cough. For 1 glass of water you need 20 drops of infusion. The agent is drunk in small sips.
  7. The black radish is cut in half, in one part the contents are removed with a spoon, several honey spoons are put there. The product closes for several hours. Over time, the medicine will infuse and will have healing properties. Black radish juice can be used to spread the area of ​​the chest and back.
  8. Infusion of 1 tablespoon of sage and a glass of boiling water should be taken in small sips during a strong cough.

But with self-treatment, do not forget that if any complications arise, you should immediately consult a doctor.

The consequences can be severe (possibly the onset of pneumonia).

How to recognize pneumonia?

Recognize the ailment can be on the following grounds:

  • coughing;
  • sudden deterioration or improvement of the condition;
  • pallor of the face;
  • chest pain;
  • increased body temperature;
  • at a high temperature, medicines do not help;
  • wheezing with tight ligaments or coughing.

With any symptoms, specialist help is required. The doctor should prescribe a treatment based on the severity of the patient's condition. In any case, the appointment of antibiotics and lower body temperature. Pneumonia does not need to be treated independently, especially to resort to folk medicine.

All of the above diseases are accompanied by a strong cough at night, which is hard to get rid of. As a result, the body does not rest. An organism in the period of any disease needs a healthy and strong sleep. Only at this time the body is restored and most of all gives in to treatment. In any case, it is worth remembering that only an expert can make an accurate diagnosis and prescribe the right treatment. Be healthy!

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