Who is subject to marginal keratitis?

Marginal keratitis is a disease in which the cornea is affected. An illness can occur against a background of a viral or bacterial infection. Marginal keratitis requires prompt treatment. It is characterized by a peripheral lesion of the cornea. The disease often develops in people whose body reacts sharply to the antigens of microbes. The result of keratitis is scars on the cornea. These scars greatly affect visual acuity.


  • 1Causes
  • 2Symptoms
  • 3Possible complications
  • 4Diagnostics
  • 5Treatment
    • 5.1Medication
    • 5.2Surgically
  • 6Prevention
  • 7Video
  • 8conclusions


There are three diseases that can provoke marginal keratitis:

  • lupus erythematosus;
  • arthritis;
  • ulcerative colitis.

Among other reasons - microtraumas of the eyeball, improper hygiene when wearing contact lenses. There are cases when marginal keratitis occurs due to the defeat of the corneal epithelium. If a person's immunity is reduced, he is more inclined to this disease.


The disease can not be hidden. It manifests itself with distinct symptoms.

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  1. Tears are excreted for no reason.
  2. Eyelids can be closed involuntarily.
  3. Develop photophobia.
  4. The person feels, as if in an eye a foreign body.
  5. There are unpleasant sensations in the eyeball.

The stronger the cornea is affected, the more intense the symptoms. Discomfort manifestations depend on the degree of ailment. With the progression of marginal keratitis, the iris changes: it becomes turbid, loses its shine. Timely diagnosis improves the outcome of the disease, as a person immediately begins to take medicine prescribed by a doctor. There are times when therapy does not work. The cornea undergoes scarring: this significantly affects the vision.

Possible complications

The most dangerous is blindness. It can develop in the event that a person releases illness on its own accord. The loss of vision is due to a strong lesion of the cornea.


The diagnosis is made after the examination.

  1. The doctor checks the visual acuity: for this he uses the tables.
  2. Examination of the fundus is performed: an ophthalmic lamp is used.
  3. The ophthalmologist finds out complaints of the patient (collects the anamnesis).
  4. Inspects the cornea using a dye.

To confirm the diagnosis, a biopsy can be administered. During the procedure, the cause of the pathological process is determined. The patient should report on previous diseases, including viral diseases.Perhaps the cause of marginal keratitis is a trauma to the eye: it should be reported to the doctor, if any.The above methods are effective, but an ophthalmologist can prescribe bacteriological culture. In this case, the layers of the cornea are examined.



  1. Therapy depends on the cause of marginal keratitis.If the disease is caused by an infection, the doctor recommends antibiotics, antifungal medicines. Some drugs are taken orally, others - are instillated into the eyes. In keratitis, contact lenses can be prescribed: the surface of such lenses is impregnated with the drug.
  2. The cause of the disease can be the impact of a foreign body.In this case, you need to extract it.
  3. If the functioning of the eye film is disturbed, restoration drops are prescribed. Means, in the first place, moisturize the eyes.
  4. With extensive damage to the cornea, steroids are recommended, as a rule, they are drops.Self-medication is unacceptable! Steroid drugs have side effects, and they are not without contraindications. Medicines are taken with the permission of the doctor, it is important to observe the dosage.
  5. Marginal keratitis occurs in people with weakened immunity.In addition to remedies for relief of symptoms, vitamins are prescribed: they help in strengthening immunity. It is important to say that keratitis can lead to complications: if the pathological process affects the deep layers of the cornea, an operation for its transplantation is required. Scarring is dangerous in that it leads to the formation of a "belly this thorns obscures sight.

Marginal keratitis requires professional treatment. If the therapy is started in time, the outcome will be successful. Modern methods of treatment help to achieve resorption of inflammatory areas. Thus, the cornea will restore its functions.


Keratoplasty is recommended for extensive corneal involvement.During the procedure, the cornea is replaced: a transplant is placed in its place.The material is resistant to opacities and well established in the operated area.


The disease can recur. To avoid such a problem, you must follow the elementary rules.

  1. Do not forget about eye hygiene, especially when wearing contact lenses.
  2. Keep your eyes out of the sun.
  3. While in harmful production, wear protective goggles.
  4. Strengthen immunity.
  5. In a timely manner, treat diseases.

Drops for eyes from welding

Eye drops from allergies are presented in this article.

All about eye drops Quinax http://eyesdocs.ru/medicinaoperacii/lekarstva/kapli-dlya-glaz-kvinaks-osobennosti-primeneniya-preparata.html




Marginal keratitis, like other ophthalmologic diseases, requires prompt treatment. A corneal transplant is an extreme measure. Operations of this type are appointed infrequently. The fact that the symptoms of the disease manifest themselves clearly: the patient on time turns for help and begins treatment.

Also read about diseases such as barley on the eye and methods of its treatment, and glaucoma - the features of the course and treatment of the disease.

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