
Elkar is a vitamin preparation that takes an active part in metabolism, has a lipolytic effect, and also normalizes the secretion of the stomach.

The main active ingredient of the Elcar solution is levokarnitin, a natural organic compound that is related to the B group vitamins. It affects the metabolism of cells by facilitating the transfer of certain fatty acids into the mitochondria, where they undergo oxidation with release of energy.

By improving metabolic processes in cells, the drug has several positive therapeutic effects.

Clinical and pharmacological group

A drug that improves the metabolism and energy supply of tissues.

Terms of sale from pharmacies

Can buywithout a doctor's prescription.


How much does Elkar cost in pharmacies? The average price is at the level of370 rubles.

Composition and form of release

The Elcar solution as the main active ingredient includes a compoundlevocarnitine (carnifite). Its content in 1 ml of the solution is 300 mg. Also the composition of the preparation includes auxiliary components, which include:

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  • Propyl parahydroxybenzoate.
  • Methylparahydroxybenzoate.
  • Citric acid monohydrate.
  • Purified water.

The solution is in a 50 ml vial. Cardboard pack contains one bottle with a solution for oral administration and an annotation.

Pharmacological effect

The structure of Elkar includes levokarnitin (carniphyte, L-carnitine) - a natural substance that has a relationship with the vitamins of group B. It is contained in the body of a healthy child and takes part in the process of splitting proteins, fats and carbohydrates, which come with food. Their chemical "destruction" leads to the release of a sufficient amount of energy, which is expended on the needs of the brain, muscles and other internal organs.

The main biological functions of L-carnitine are:

  • normalization of metabolism in the body;
  • strengthening the work of digestive enzymes;
  • activation of the cleavage of fats with the release of 38.9 kJ energy for each gram of the substance;
  • increase in the production of adenosine triphosphate (ATP) - a universal source of energy for all biochemical processes in the human body;
  • stimulation of protein and carbohydrate metabolism.

Another function of the drug - hehelps to normalize body weight:children with excess weight for a short time become slender, and thin people quickly gain a few pounds. Children with a normal metabolism better adapt to physical and mental stress, easier to endure stress: Levocarnitine increases the saturation of brain tissues with oxygen, improves the ability to memorize and concentrate attention. Additional energy helps kids to cope with severe diseases and recover faster after them.

But there are cases when the development of their own levocarnitine is disrupted. The matter is that for synthesis of substance in a liver and kidneys the sufficient maintenance is required:

  • vitamins B3, B6, B9, B12, C;
  • gland;
  • amino acids methionine and lysine;
  • enzymes that control the rate of chemical reaction.

Lack of any of these elements leads to a decrease in the content of L-carnitine in the body. Self-generated energy becomes a baby is not enough, and it is required to get it urgently from the outside. Then Elkar comes to the rescue, which compensates for the lack of carnite and starts the processes of energy exchange.

Indications for use

According to the annotation to the drug, Elkar is recommended:

  • for the treatment of pancreatic and liver diseases, digestive disorders, dermatological diseases, hyperthyroidism (in mild form);
  • at conditions accompanied by a deficiency of carnitine in the body;
  • at conditions provoked by increased psycho-emotional and physical stress;
  • with increased fatigue and reduced performance (in particular, in older people);
  • in the rehabilitation period after a surgical operation, trauma and somatic diseases;
  • patients suffering from anorexia nervosa.

The drug is used to treat brain lesions, accompanied by neurologic symptoms.

Elkar is prescribed with vitamin-deficiency deficiency, which is caused by diseases associated with a metabolic disorder in the muscle tissue, mitochondrial diseases or myocardial diseases accompanied by electrical or mechanical dysfunction of the heart.

Patients with heart disease taking the drug can increase tolerance to physical exertion. In elderly patients Elkar slows down the aging of the brain, improves concentration and higher mental functions.

Also, the drug can be recommended to people who adhere to a vegetarian diet, patients with reduced appetite and physical exhaustion.

L-carnitine is also shown to athletes to increase endurance and effectiveness during training, increase performance strength and speed, improve coordination of movements, to reduce adipose tissue and more rapid build-up of muscle mass.

In addition, in sports medicine, the drug is prescribed for the prevention and reduction of symptoms post-training syndrome, as well as to accelerate the regeneration of injuries injured by muscle injuries.

The drug may also be prescribed to children born before the due date, as well as to children in the period of active growth. Against the background of treatment, the child improves appetite, normalizes body weight, normalizes the development of skeletal muscles.

In acute hypoxic conditions (for example, with ischemic stroke, acute hypoxia of the brain or transient ischemic attack); acute, subacute and rehabilitation period circulatory disorders in the brain; DEP, lesions of the brain of various genesis, after surgical interventions; patients who are on hemodialysis, with a deficiency in their body Levocarnitine; with ischemic disease, hypoperfusion due to cardiogenic shock, and other pathological processes in the myocardium, Elkar IV can be appointed.


Contraindications to the appointment of Elkar are hypersensitivity and intolerance of components the preparation, the raised maintenance in an organism of carnitine, serious diseases of digestive system.

With caution, the drug is prescribed during pregnancy and breastfeeding, in children under 3 years.

Dosage and route of administration

As indicated in the instructions for use, Elkar is taken orally 30 minutes before meals, additionally diluted with liquid.

Childrenthe drug is prescribed as an additive to sweet dishes (jelly, compote, juices).

  1. Children under 3 yearsthe dosage regimen is set individually.Children from 3 to 6 years- in a single dose of 100 mg (5 drops) 2-3 times / day, daily dose of 200-300 mg (11-16 drops). The course of treatment is 1 month.Children aged 6 to 12 yearsappoint a single dose of 200-300 mg (11-16 drops) 2-3 times / day, daily dose of 400-900 mg (22-48 drops). The course of treatment - at least 1 month.
  2. With growth retardation - 250 mg (13 drops) 2-3 times / day. The course of treatment is 20 days. The course of treatment is repeated after 1-2 months break or appointed for 3 months without interruption.

Dosages for adultsare somewhat different:

  1. Adults with prolonged physical and psychoemotional loads the drug is prescribed in a dose of 750 mg (1/2 measuring spoon or 2.5 ml) 3 times / day to 2.25 grams (1.5 scoops or 7.5 ml) 2-3 times / day.
  2. With anorexia nervosa, as well as during rehabilitation after a number of diseases and surgical interventions and injuries - 1.5 g (1 measuring spoon or 5 ml) 2 times / day. The course of treatment - within 1-2 months.
  3. In the complex therapy of chronic gastritis and chronic pancreatitis with a decreased secretory function, the drug is prescribed for 375 mg (1/4 of a measuring spoon or 1.25 ml) 2 times / day. The course of treatment is within 1-1.5 months.
  4. For the treatment of skin diseases - 750 mg (1/2 measuring spoon or 2.5 ml). The course of treatment is within 2-4 weeks.
  5. With hyperthyroidism of a mild degree, the drug is prescribed 250 mg (13 drops) 2-3 times / day. The course of treatment is 20 days. The course of treatment is repeated after 1-2 months break or apply for 3 months without interruption.
  6. With brain lesions of vascular, toxic and traumatic genesis - 750 mg (1/2 measuring spoon or 2.5 ml) / day. The course of treatment is within 3-5 days. If necessary, after 12-14 days, appoint a second course.
  7. For diseases accompanied by a deficiency of carnitine (primary and secondary carnitine insufficiency), the drug is prescribed at a dose of up to 50-100 mg / kg (2-5 drops / kg) of body weight. Multiplicity of admission - 2-3 times / day. The course of treatment - for 3-4 months.

Adults in sports medicine and intensive training appoint 2.5 g 1-3 times / day (daily dose of 2.5-7.5 g); in the case of use with a therapeutic purpose - 70-100 mg / kg / day (5-7.5 g / day). Admission courses: 3-4 weeks in the pre-contest period, during the training process - up to 6-8 weeks.

Adverse Reactions

In general, the solution for oral (oral) use of Elcar is well tolerated. Sometimes, against the background of its reception, several negative reactions may develop, which include:

  1. Pain in the stomach (gastralgia).
  2. Dyspeptic phenomena in the form of nausea, unstable stool, bloating.
  3. The appearance of pain in the muscles (myasthenia), which can occur in patients with concomitant increase in urea concentration (uremia).
  4. Allergic reactions - rash on the skin, accompanied by itching, hives, reminiscent of nettle burn, angioedema Quincke with an increase in peripheral tissues (mainly in the area of ​​the face and external genital organs) in volume due to the release of the liquid part of the blood from the vessels into the intercellular substance.

With the development of negative pathological reactions after starting the solution, Elkar should refer to a medical specialist who will determine the possibility and feasibility of its further application.

Overdose Symptoms

If the dosing is correct, there is no risk of overdose. If a child accidentally drank a large amount of medication, you should immediately cause him to vomit, pressing on the root of the tongue. After that, the introduction of enterosorbents and the provision of medical care in a hospital environment are recommended.

special instructions

Treatment of children under 3 years of age should be carried out under the supervision of a doctor.

The drug does not affect the performance of potentially hazardous activities requiring special attention and speed of psychomotor reactions (driving and other vehicles, working with moving machinery, dispatcher and operator work, etc.)

Compatibility with other drugs

With the simultaneous use of GCS contribute to the accumulation of carnitine in tissues (except for the liver), anabolic drugs enhance the effect of the drug.

Patient Reviews

We offer you to familiarize yourself with the opinions of people who used Elkar:

  1. Snezana. Elkar was taking with fatigue, there was such a depressed state that she could not do anything, she got up to work in the morning and was already tired. I did not understand what was happening to me. Have advised to spend on drink lkarnitin. I chose for myself Elkar, because it is a medicine, not a dietary supplement. I feel well enough, there is strength for everything - and for work and for family and for rest.
  2. Elena. Assigned to the elder in 4 years, and then every year drank the course, and the youngest at 8 months. In both cases, with a bad gain in weight and for a general strengthening of the body. The effect of the elder was, but insignificant, the younger had a noticeable increase in the next month after taking. Of the side effects - nothing happened.
  3. Ksenia. A month ago I had a bad illness with flu, I lost weight, I have to go to work, but I have no strength. She began to take Elkar, she began to feel much better, she had an appetite, and straightened her spirits, not at once, of course, after the first week of admission noticed an improvement, and by the end of the course (1 month) I felt just fine. No bruises under the eyes and fatigue. As if there was no illness.

Reviews about Elkar for weight loss suggest that the drug really helps to keep the weight in the norm. It helps to reduce body weight due to the normalization of protein and fat metabolism.

However, almost all who tried to lose weight with the help of this remedy note that the best effect can be achieved by supplementing the intake of drops with regular active training and balanced nutrition.


Structural analogs for the active substance:

  • Carnithen;
  • Carnify.

Before buying an analogue, consult your doctor.

Shelf life and storage conditions

Store in a place protected from light and inaccessible to children at a temperature not exceeding + 25 ° С. After opening the vial with the solution stored in the refrigerator no more than 2 months.

Shelf life - 3 years.

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