Treatment of arthritis with sprouts of potatoes: tincture


  • 1Potato sprouts medicinal properties
    • 1.1The healing properties of potato sprouts
    • 1.2Potato sprouts in folk medicine
    • 1.3Tincture of potato sprouts
    • 1.4Treatment of joints with tincture of potato sprouts
    • 1.5Potato sprouts from cataracts
    • 1.6The use of tinctures of potato sprouts in other diseases
    • 1.7Contraindications to the treatment of tincture of potato sprouts
  • 2The healing properties of potato sprouts
    • 2.1Potato sprouts application in folk medicine
    • 2.2Tincture for joints from potato sprouts
    • 2.3Treatment of cancer with potato sprouts
    • 2.4An infusion of vodka from arthritis
    • 2.5Reproduction and conservation of potato sprouts
  • 3We treat joints with tincture from potato sprouts
    • 3.1What are the benefits and harms
    • 3.2Compress preparation
    • 3.3Tincture of sprouts
    • 3.4Tincture from flowers of a potato
    • 3.5Application of juice from raw potatoes
  • 4Potato sprouts in folk medicine
    • 4.1Useful properties of potato sprouts
    • 4.2Recipes of infusions from potato sprouts
    • 4.3External application of tincture from potato sprouts
    • instagram viewer
    • 4.4Pain in the joints
    • 4.5Otitis
    • 4.6Colds
    • 4.7Wounds and Skin Diseases
    • 4.8Diseases of the mouth
    • 4.9Internal use of tincture of potato sprouts
    • 4.10Cataract and glaucoma
    • 4.11Other diseases, including cancer
    • 4.12Contraindications to taking tinctures from potato sprouts
  • 5We cook potato sprouts on vodka for the treatment of joints
    • 5.1When should I take it?
    • 5.2Contraindications
    • 5.3Folk recipes
    • 5.4Vodka tincture
    • 5.5Alcohol tincture
    • 5.6Juice of sprouts on vodka
    • 5.7"Sprouts from various diseases"

Potato sprouts medicinal properties

Potato has long been learned to apply not only to food, but also to use it for the treatment of various diseases. And not only the tubers themselves, but the rest of this vegetable culture. Today we will talk about the medicinal properties of potato sprouts and their application for treatment.

Potato sprouts appear on tubers at the end of winter and early spring. They germinate not only in a warm room in the light, but also in the cellar closer to the spring. Their wide application as a medicine they received in folk medicine. But their therapeutic effect has a scientific justification.

When germinating in the potato sprouts, glycoalkaloids are formed, which are considered toxic and have a toxic effect on the nervous system, disrupting the conduction of nerve impulses. But it is the alkaloids that give the healing properties to the sprouts and allow them to be used for the treatment of arthritis, cataracts, skin diseases and even cancer.

The healing properties of potato sprouts

Potato belongs to the family of Solanaceae. Most nightshade contains a large number of alkaloids, which affect the human body.

Potatoes produce an alkaloid solanine, most of which is in the skin and immediately under the skin. It is developed as a protective mechanism against pests and insects. In addition, this substance kills various bacteria and viruses, fungi that are found on the peel of potatoes.

In large quantities, solanine can cause poisoning and in particularly severe cases even lead to death. But in not large quantities, it has a therapeutic effect, which gives anesthetics, anti-inflammatory, wound-healing and antispasmodic properties.

Preparations prepared on the basis of potato, have a beneficial effect on blood vessels, improve their permeability, strengthen the walls of blood vessels.

Thanks to these properties, potato sprouts can be used to treat:

Respiratory organs: angina, laryngitis, bronchitis and other colds;

Skin diseases, including fungal infections, dermatitis, eczema;

Diseases of the mouth: stomatitis, gingivitis, caries, various inflammations;

Ran, cuts, ulcers, boils;


Diseases of the joints: arthritis, gout, rheumatism and others.

In folk medicine tincture on sprouts of potatoes is used for the treatment of oncological diseases.

In large quantities, an alkaloid solanine can cause:


Abdominal pain;


Spasm in the stomach and intestines;




Therefore, for eating greenish tubers can not be used, and with small spots they need to be completely cut off.

In sprouted potatoes, solanine is also formed. If the tuber is shriveled, then a large amount of solanine has accumulated in it and such tubers can not be used for food.

Potato sprouts in folk medicine

The use of potato sprouts has found wide application in folk medicine in the form of alcohol tincture. It is used to treat various diseases.

But the most famous use in the treatment of joints, cataracts, skin diseases. Under a special scheme, tincture is used to treat cancer. It is also used for gargling with angina and colds.

External in the treatment of various inflammatory diseases, including psoriasis, eczema, acne, boils.

As tincture, tincture is used for joint diseases. It effectively and quickly relieves pain in the joints and knees, which greatly facilitates the patient's condition.

Inside tincture is used in the treatment of cataracts, oncology.

For the preparation of tinctures, sprouts of about 1 centimeter length are used. Recipes of preparation of infusions for each disease will be given below.


To germinate the potatoes, it is enough to lay the tubers in the light in a warm room. The potatoes germinate quickly, within 2-3 weeks. By spring, this process is even faster and in a few days you can germinate tubers and get sprouts of the required length.


Then they must be broken off, rinsed well with cold water, dried and chopped. It must be remembered that the germs lose their healing properties literally in a couple of days. Therefore, long-term storage is not allowed.

Tincture of potato sprouts

There are several ways to prepare tinctures with potato sprouts.

1 way.Sprouted and prepared potato sprouts are put in a half-liter jar. Fill the can with sprouts, leaving the level of two fingers on top. Pour vodka or 45% alcohol so that the shoots are completely closed.

Close the lid and put in a warm dark place. Insist for two weeks. During the period of insisting, the bank should be shaken daily. After the expiration of the infusion, strain and pour the tincture into a bottle of dark glass. The tincture should turn out to be brown. Store in a cool place.

This tincture can be used both externally and indoors, to rinse gums and throat.

Method 2.A faster method of making tinctures is to scroll the sprouts in a meat grinder or grind it in a blender. Throw it back on the strainer and drain the juice.

Take the juice of sprouts and vodka in the ratio i.e. for 1 part of the juice of sprouts 2 parts of vodka.

This tincture is used externally for rubbing and lotion, when you need to quickly make a remedy.

Method 3.As with the 2nd method, potato sprouts need to be blended in a blender. Take in a ratio of 1 tablespoon of puree 200 ml of vodka. This tincture is used only inward.

Treatment of joints with tincture of potato sprouts

For the treatment of joints tincture of potato sprouts can be made according to the first or second prescription. Rubbing with tincture quickly helps relieve pain in the joints, including the knees. Its action is comparable with such painkillers as "Diclofinac" or "Ibuprofen".

The joints are rubbed 1-2 times a day. After rubbing, the sore spot must be well insulated by tying it with a woolen shawl or wearing warm socks.

At night, it is good to make a compress. To do this, moisten the cloth or gauze in a tincture and wrap the affected joint. From above heat and keep at least two hours.


Such rubbing helps with arthritis, arthrosis, osteochondrosis, pain in the knees and other pains.


After such treatment, pain and stiffness go away, joint mobility improves.

Potato sprouts from cataracts

Cataracts most often affect people in old age. As a result of the disease, vision is sharply weakened, appears as a film before our eyes.

Treatment of this disease with potato sprouts is one of the alternative ways of treating the disease, helping to improve vision.

To make the tincture, take a tablespoon of chopped sprouts and pour 200 grams of vodka. Insist for three weeks. Strain and store in a cool place in a container of dark glass.

Take tincture three times a day before eating 1 teaspoonful. The course of treatment lasts 2 weeks. Then you need to take a break for a week and repeat the treatment. During the treatment you need to do from 2 to 4 courses.

Within a few days, a sticky liquid resembling slime will begin to appear from the eyes.

Before using the tincture, consult a doctor. You may need to use drugs that improve tearing.

It is recommended to clean the body of toxins and toxins before starting treatment. During the treatment, observe dietary nutrition, preferring fresh vegetables, juices cooked on steamed or boiled food and avoiding the use of sharp, smoked, salty foods.

The use of tinctures of potato sprouts in other diseases

In addition to the treatment of joints and cataracts, the most common tincture of potato sprouts is used to treat skin diseases.

With the disease of the upper respiratory tract and oral cavity prepare a solution of tincture in warm water, prepared in a ratio of 1 part of tincture 4 parts of water.

When coughing, bronchitis rubs the upper part of the chest and back in the area of ​​the scapula, avoiding the heart area, and wraps the patient well.


For washing the wounds, the tincture is diluted with water in proportion to 1 part of the tincture of 3 parts of boiled water.


With psoriasis or eczema make lotions with tincture, which is left for 2 hours. With sensitive skin it needs to be diluted.

For boils, boils, pimples, treat the affected area with a diluted tincture in the ratio of 1 tablespoon tincture to 2 tablespoons of water. To do this, a bandage or a clean napkin is impregnated with a prepared solution, fixed and left for several hours or overnight.

When a gum disease is useful, rinse your mouth with a dilute tincture or make lotions that are kept for 10-15 minutes.

Contraindications to the treatment of tincture of potato sprouts

Solanine, produced in all parts of the plant, serves to protect the plant naturally. It can be dangerous not only for rodents, insects, animals, but also humans.

No wonder first potatoes did not take root for a long time with us. Yes, and in Europe did not taste right away. Potato riots went down in history.

And the reason - the solanine, about the properties of which the Europeans did not suspect.

Since the time that potato became known to us, people have learned to apply this property of potatoes for their needs. In small doses, solanine does not cause harm and is not dangerous even when ingested.

But if you feel the signs of poisoning, which are written at the beginning of the article, you should immediately stop taking the tincture and go to the doctor.

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In addition, there is a category of people who generally do not use the tincture. These include:

Pregnant and breastfeeding women;

Young children at the age of 12;

Patients with diabetes mellitus and with metabolic disorders;

Patients with sexually transmitted diseases;

People with increased excitability.

Between courses it is necessary to take a break and do not exceed the dosage. Then treatment with tincture of potato sprouts will benefit and relief from the disease.

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The healing properties of potato sprouts

Potato sprouts have unique healing properties, but it is worth remembering that this method of treatment is not suitable for every person. It is very important to observe precautions when preparing a prescription, in case of any complications, immediately consult a doctor.

Potato shoots are arranged in such a way that the batwa is able to protect the vegetable tuber from parasites and diseases. They form special protective substances - alkaloids.

Potato also contains a poisonous substance - solanine.

Solanin is an active alkaloid, which in small doses has a curative effect, and if not carefully applied it can cause serious poisoning or even death.

It favorably affects the walls of the vessels, strengthening them and reducing the permeability of the vascular wall. Substances contained in shoots other than antibacterial action, also have the properties of an antiviral, analgesic, anti-inflammatory and wound healing spectrum.

In order to prepare medicinal tincture from potatoes we will need to prepare shoots according to a special recipe.

Typically, tincture recommends for the prevention of treatment of diseases such as:

  • skin diseases - fungal skin lesions, dermatitis, eczema, etc .;
  • diseases of the oral cavity - stomatitis, caries, etc .;
  • diseases of the respiratory tract - inflammatory processes, angina, bronchitis, laryngitis, cold, etc .;
  • diseases of bones and joints - arthritis, gout, arthrosis and others;
  • skin lesions - wounds, cuts, abscesses, boils, etc .;
  • Cancer - oncological diseases

Before you start treatment consult your doctor. They can not be used by pregnant, nursing mothers, children with diabetes, elderly people suffering from metabolic disorders and a violation of the balance of the digestive tract.

Potato sprouts application in folk medicine

Potato shoots in folk medicine are used in the treatment of various diseases, because they have amazing beneficial properties.

In order to obtain useful substances, it is necessary to prepare tincture for alcohol or vodka.

We have selected several recipes for the preparation of medicinal tinctures.

Tincture for joints from potato sprouts

Joint disease is a common disease not only among the elderly, but also among the young.

In order to cure joints, it is necessary to undergo examination and make a correct diagnosis.

Diseases of the joints can have many causes, and before you treat the symptoms of this disease, make sure that you understand the causes of the disease.

Tincture from shoots has an anti-inflammatory and analgesic effect. To prepare tinctures for joints, we need shoots from sprouted potatoes, they contain a poisonous substance - solanine. It is this substance that has medicinal properties in small doses.

We need vodka or alcohol - 200 - 300 ml., And white shoots of potatoes. Let's start cooking, first cut them off from the potato tuber, and rinse with water. Washed sprouts are dried.

After grinding the potato sprouts in a mixer and piling into a glass container. Shredded rostochki pour vodka so that they are completely covered with liquid.

Close the airtight container and place it in a dark place for 2 - 3 weeks.


The finished medicinal tincture is brown. Filter it through a strainer and use it externally. We wipe the sick joints tincture morning and evening, twice a day.


With severe inflammation, you can make a warm compress from the solution. In two hours you will feel the anesthetic effect. For a better effect, the procedure should be done for a few weeks.

Potato sprouts perfectly relieve pain and swelling.

For the treatment of cataracts in folk medicine, there is one proven method - a tincture of sprouts. Cataract is a serious eye disease that can lead a person to blindness.

Experts do not recommend self-medication, it is better not to take risks and be examined by a doctor. If you want to try to cure cataract sprouts of potatoes, you need to consult a doctor.

In case of side effects, immediately contact the clinic.

Tincture must be drunk at least twice a day. We need shoots and good vodka or alcohol. They are washed and dried, finely chopped. One tablespoon of sprouts are put in a glass container and poured into 200 ml. vodka.

Close the lid and insist in a dark and cool place for 14 days. Ready tincture filtered and poured into a glass bottle. Take tincture of 1 teaspoon two, three times a day for half an hour before meals.

Take a tincture course in two, three months.

If you do not want to wait two weeks, then tincture can be prepared from freshly squeezed juice shoots. To do this, take my escape.

Extrude the juice from the shoots, and dilute the resulting juice with vodka in the ratio of 2: 1. Ready tincture to drip 3 drops into the water, and drink 3 times a day. The course of treatment is two months.

In case of side effects, he will contact the attending physician.

Treatment of cancer with potato sprouts

Traditional medicine uses tincture from sprouts and flowers of a potato for treatment of a cancer tumor.

Shoots have unique healing properties: anti-inflammatory, analgesic, wound-healing properties.

It is worth noting that oncological diseases must be constantly monitored under the supervision of the attending physician. If you decide to use shoots to treat cancer, then consult a doctor.

It is also necessary to follow a special diet: to give up fatty, salty, spicy food, reduce the use of meat products to a minimum, eat more vegetables and fruits.

In addition to diet, you also need to take care of the sleep regime, go to bed at 9, 10 hours and sleep at least 8 hours a day. With the right mode of sleep, diet and taking tinctures of potato sprouts, you can achieve amazing results!

Tincture from shoots should be taken in courses of 2 - 3 months, with a break of at least 1 month. To make the tincture, we need white healthy sprouts and quality vodka or alcohol (40% - 96%).


My shoots and chopping finely, mixed with alcohol so that the sprouts were completely covered with vodka. We put it in a cold and dark place for 2 weeks.


After filter and take 1 teaspoon, previously dissolved in a glass of water, 2 times a day.

An infusion of vodka from arthritis

Potato sprouts have unique healing properties and are used to treat various diseases.

Today we will consider with you a simple recipe for vodka for the treatment of arthritis.

Do not forget about the right way of life, healthy food, and moderate exercise.

In order to prepare an infusion of vodka, we need vodka and white shoots of a medicinal vegetable. The sprouts are finely chopped and poured into 200 ml. vodka. Let the solution stay in a dark and cool place for three weeks.

After the resulting solution is passed through the gauze, and poured into a bottle. We store it in a dark place. We take infusion 2 times a day, a few drops diluting with water. You can also do compresses and rubbing.

For best effect, it is recommended to combine rubbing with ingestion.

Reproduction and conservation of potato sprouts

In order to get shoots, you need to create special conditions: the tuber should be in a cool, not less than 10 degrees Celsius, and also create the optimal humidity. To grow the tuber, it is necessary to place the eyes upwards, so that the shoots have access to air and sunlight.

If you did everything right, then you should have beautiful white shoots in a week. In order to use them in folk medicine, it is necessary to use only freshly sprouted shoots.

Save the shoots by placing the sprouted vegetable in a cool place, but this method of conservation only works for a couple of days.

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We treat joints with tincture from potato sprouts

Treatment of joints with potatoes gives good results, but it is important to use the raw materials correctly, as this tuber is gradually accumulating in the skin a dangerous substance - solanine. Recipes with such a component in the composition are diverse. It can be:

  • alcohol tincture;
  • compress;
  • rubbing;
  • solution for oral use.

In each case, different parts of the plant are used: potato flowers, shoots or tubers.

What are the benefits and harms

The therapeutic properties of the tuber can help overcome various diseases:

  • pathology of skin (furuncles, eczema);
  • burns;
  • severe allergic reactions;
  • hemorrhoids;
  • lesions of mucous membranes.

Among other things, potatoes are effective in degenerative processes in the tissues of the joints.

Potatoes are not too rich in useful substances. In its composition there are vitamins A, B, C, E, H, PP, as well as some trace elements and minerals. At the same time, potassium and iodine are released. Due to the high content of starch and carbohydrates, nutritionists recommend limiting this tuber.

If there are problems with excess weight, it is better not to eat or cut the amount of servings as much as possible.

When diseases of the joints are usually used potato sprouts or flowers of the plant, so the metabolism of tuber will not affect.

Compress preparation

This recipe is based on the use of raw potatoes, it is the tubers that are involved.

However, there is a nuance: you need to use a tuber, which managed to accumulate the substance of solanine. It is not difficult to determine such potatoes.

He has been lying for a long time, he managed to germinate. If the tubers are peeled, a greenish surface will be visible.

Use this recipe to reduce the intensity of joint pain. Crushed potatoes are recommended for all inflammatory processes and chronic diseases (arthritis).


First tuber is washed, but it is not necessary to clean it from the peel, since it contains the largest amount of solanine. To make a compress, the potatoes must be grated or grinded in a juicer / meat grinder.


It is very important after the procedure to combine the cake and juice.

For the treatment of joints, the resulting mass must be heated. First, the crushed potatoes are transferred into a container, then a little water is added and left on the plate.

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It is important to control the temperature. The medium must be heated to a value of 40 ° C.

If you leave the crushed potatoes on the stove for a longer period, it will lose a significant portion of the beneficial properties,

When the product warms up to the desired temperature, it can be used: a shredded tuber, without pressing, spread on the burlap, under which pre-laid polyethylene, so that the liquid is not flowed out.

The thickness of the layer of mass should be 2 cm. Then, prepared sackcloth with chopped potatoes cover the patient joint and wrapped on top with polyethylene so that the compress does not leak.

Sometimes a little bit of olive oil or honey is added to the mass.

The preparation is prepared before bedtime and left for the whole night. The duration of treatment is 7 days. In the case when the pain is faster, there is no need to use potatoes in the future.

Usually the compress works for 20-30 minutes - it almost immediately reduces the intensity of unpleasant sensations.

If this did not happen, then inappropriate potato was used or technology was disrupted when applying the mass to the joint.

Tincture of sprouts

Compress will help relieve pain and remove swelling. To prepare the medicine you need an alcohol-containing remedy.

Tincture of potato sprouts is usually cooked on vodka. If it is not at hand, you can use ethyl alcohol.

The main component of the recipe is the sprouts. It is important to properly harvest raw materials.

To prepare the tincture for alcohol, it is necessary to use only shoots that have reached 5 cm in length. In this case, the amount of solanine will be sufficient. In small shoots it is not enough. In the long processes contains a significant amount of poisonous substance.

At the initial stage, prepare a remedy from 250 ml of vodka / alcohol. It is necessary to prepare the raw material: the shoots are torn from the tubers, washed, then ground using a blender or a meat grinder.

Mass is transferred to glassware.

The number of processes is determined by eye: it is necessary to use so much ground raw material that the vodka in a volume of 250 ml completely covers it.


No more ingredients to add to the medicine. The container is tightly closed and put in a dark place. Insist means 2-3 weeks.


The degree of readiness is determined by the shade of the solution - it should be brown.

When the medicine is infused, it is allowed to use it, after having strained at the same time.

The main way to use this tool is rubbing. The liquid is applied to the diseased joint and methodically rubs it into the skin.

This recipe is suitable for cases when it is necessary to reduce the intensity of pain. The frequency of such a drug is 1-2 times a day.

As a rule, this is enough to significantly alleviate the patient's condition.

You can use tincture based on the potato shoots inside, and also in another way - make a compress. Prepare any woven natural material. It must be moistened with a remedy.

The compress is applied to the affected joint. From above it must be covered with polyethylene. To strengthen the action of the medicine, the compress is warmed with a woolen shawl. Duration of treatment - 2 hours.

Tincture from flowers of a potato

This tool helps to reduce the intensity of pain, which is confirmed by the reviews. It is important to collect the raw materials correctly. Violation of the technology of manufacturing a drug will lead to a loss of properties. Tincture is made from dry raw materials.

In the next stage, the flowers are dried. Do it in a shady area. Strictly forbidden to expose raw materials to the influence of the sun. To get an effective medicine, you need to monitor the temperature of the environment. Do not dry the raw materials in a cold place.

Tincture from flowers of a potato prepares in a plastic bottle of small volume (, -1 l). In the dishes pour pre-dried raw materials and pour vodka to the neck.


For this purpose, any alcohol-containing remedy, even cologne, is suitable. The cooking time is 14 days. You must insist that the medicine be closed by closing the bottle. It is important to leave the remedy in a dark and warm place.


Shake the container with the medicine should not be.

Treatment is carried out by grinding.

Before going to bed, the alcoholic tincture of potato flowers is applied to the diseased joint, then the wounded place is warmed with a woolen scarf.

In the morning, the skin treated with the product should be rinsed under running water. Treatment is repeated every day until the entire amount of the medicine is consumed.

In the event that the effect of using the tincture is invisible, you should take a break for 1 month after the end of the course. Then the treatment is resumed.

However, the lack of results during the first month of using the rubbing can indicate that the joint condition is started, and you need to see a doctor. Tincture from flowers of a potato use and for preparation of a compress.

However, in this case it is not recommended to leave the remedy for the whole night, since alcohol can cause a burn of the upper layers of the epithelium.

Application of juice from raw potatoes

For the treatment of joints, almost always use external means. However, few people know that you can strengthen the effect. For this, it is necessary to take medicine on the basis of raw potatoes inside.

It's about freshly squeezed juice from the tuber. It is prepared easily: the potatoes are washed, cleaned, and then ground using a blender or a meat grinder.

Unlike previously considered recipes, it is not necessary to combine the obtained juice with the oil cake.

It is advisable to prepare a remedy for one use, as it quickly loses its properties if it takes a long time to stand outdoors. The daily dose of this medication may vary.

In some cases, use 1/2 cup per day. This dosage is considered to be minimal. You can drink juice twice a day: 1/2 cup morning and evening before meals.

However, it is important to remember that this is an aggressive remedy for the stomach, so you can use it only after consulting a doctor. Potato juice helps to reduce the intensity of pain, and is also characterized by antiseptic properties.

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Potato sprouts in folk medicine

Juicy, rich in useful substances, potato tubers could not survive until spring, even in a well-maintained storage, if nature did not take care of the mechanism protecting fruits from pathogenic fungi, insects and rodents. This is a solanine - the most poisonous alkaloid, which is found in potatoes with greenery skin and young shoots.

In large quantities, solanine is dangerous to humans, because of which green and sprouted potatoes are not recommended for eating.

But back in 1965, Soviet scientists investigated the properties of this substance and came to the conclusion that in in small doses, it can become a sufficiently effective medicine that helps with many serious diseases.

Useful properties of potato sprouts

Solanine, which is rich in potato sprouts, has a disinfecting, antibacterial effect, so it helps to heal cuts and scratches.

In addition, sprouts are taken from the tubers all the most valuable, including flavonoids - compounds that strengthen the walls of blood vessels and prevent premature aging.

In order to preserve all these useful substances at home, alcohol is used. Alcohol tincture of potato sprouts in folk medicine is used to treat and prevent the following diseases:

  • dermatitis, eczema, herpes, various rashes;
  • abscesses, scratches, cuts;
  • catarrhal diseases, bronchial asthma;
  • inflammation of the gums and caries;
  • glaucoma and cataract;
  • otitis media;
  • pain in the joints that occur with arthritis and arthrosis; playfulness;
  • diseases of the gastrointestinal tract and liver;
  • pain in the heart;
  • high blood pressure;
  • malignant tumors.

Recipes of infusions from potato sprouts

Tincture of potato sprouts can be used both internally and externally (in the form of compresses, lotions, rubbing).

If the medicine is intended for internal use, it is better to use quality vodka or food grade alcohol.

For outdoor use, even a village moonshine is suitable.

To make the tincture, you can collect sprouts in the vault or 50-60 healthy potatoes wash, dry and put on a well-lit surface (on the loggia or just on the kitchen window sill). When the shoots are 5-10 cm long, they should be broken off, washed and disintegrated to dry on paper napkins. From the dried sprouts one of three ways is prepared with tincture:

  1. Sprouts are grinded in a meat grinder or in a blender, then squeezed through 2 layers of gauze. The resulting juice is mixed with vodka in the proportion: (per 100 g of juice - 200 g of alcohol);
  2. sprouts cut with a knife into small pieces, densely put in a half-liter jar so that they occupy 2/3 of the volume, and pour vodka;
  3. sprouts are ground with a blender (or pounded in a mortar) to the state of gruel and filled with vodka from the calculation of 200 g of vodka to a full tablespoon of milled sprouts.

In the first case, the extract of potato shoots is ready for use immediately, it is not necessary to insist. Tinctures prepared according to the second and third recipes differ only in concentration.

The jar with vodka covered with vodka is covered with a lid and kept for 2-3 weeks in a dark place at room temperature, shaking daily. Then potato tincture is filtered through two layers of gauze.

The resulting extract of germs is stored in a dark cool place.

The first variant of tincture (tincture) is mainly used for external use.


This method of preparation is especially convenient when you urgently need to compress and there is no time to wait until the extract is infused.


The extract, prepared according to the second variant of the recipe, can be used both internally and externally, on the third - internally.

External application of tincture from potato sprouts

For compresses or lotions use alcoholic infusion, prepared according to the first or second prescription.

Pain in the joints

With pain caused by arthrosis or arthritis, rubbing alcohol extract of potato sprouts from joints is good.

It is recommended that one to two times a day rub the sore spots with tincture, and then heat it up.

It is necessary to do this before going to bed, but it is possible and again, in the morning or during the day, provided that after rubbing the patient will not go out.

To enhance the effect, in the evening, apply a compress of tincture. It should be kept no more than two hours. As a rule, relief comes after 3-4 procedures, but it is better to conduct a course lasting 3 weeks. The gap between the courses is not less than a week.


When otitis make a turunda from a bandage or a piece of gauze, moisten in a tincture and put into the patient's ear. Turundas should be changed every 2 hours.


When coughing, catarrhal diseases tincture rub your back (under the shoulder blades) and the chest of the patient, and then wrap up the heat. If the throat is inflamed, it is recommended 1-2 times a day to rinse with tincture, diluted with boiled water in the following proportions:.

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Wounds and Skin Diseases

To wash out wounds or cuts, tincture is diluted with boiled water in the following proportions:. If the skin is tender, then the lotion with eczema or dermatitis is made a dilute tincture. The rule is the same as for compresses: the lotion should be changed every two hours.

Diseases of the mouth

With periodontal disease, gum disease and even just for the prevention of tooth decay, before brushing your teeth, 2-3 drops of tincture should be applied to the toothbrush.

It well disinfects the oral cavity. It is also useful at least once a day to rinse your mouth with an aqueous solution of tincture.

To strengthen the teeth, you can once a day make lotions on the gums from the aqueous solution (keep 10-15 minutes).

Internal use of tincture of potato sprouts

Solanin, which is found in germs, can accumulate in the body. That it was excreted without consequences, after each course of taking the extract, it is necessary to take a break, during which to refrain from eating meat products and drink a lot of juices.

Cataract and glaucoma

When cataracts and glaucoma is recommended three times a day to take one teaspoon of tincture, prepared according to the third prescription, 20 minutes before eating. The duration of the course is 3 weeks.

During the first course, it is recommended to start with 1/3 of a teaspoon to check the reaction of the body.

After 2 days, the dose can be increased to half a teaspoon, after another 2 days - up to a whole teaspoonful.

In order to achieve positive changes, it will take 2-4 courses. Break between courses - 5-7 days.

At the end of the first or at the beginning of the second course, mucus can flow from the eyes.

It should be consulted with a doctor: it may be appropriate to prescribe a medicine to normalize the outflow of fluid from the tear ducts.

Other diseases, including cancer

Receiving tinctures from potato sprouts significantly alleviates the condition of patients with problems of the gastrointestinal tract, liver, and cardiovascular system.

The extract normalizes blood pressure, strengthens the walls of the vessels, has an antispasmodic effect, relieves headaches.


Tincture helps with bronchial asthma and stops the growth of malignant tumors.


With all these diseases, you should take an extract of potato sprouts according to the scheme:

  • 1st day - 1 drop of tincture per 150 ml of water 3 times a day for 20 minutes before meals;
  • 2nd day - 2 drops, etc .;
  • 20 th day - 20 drops of tincture per 200 ml of water, etc .;
  • 25th day - 25 drops each;
  • 26th day - 24 drops, etc .;
  • 49th day - 1 drop per 150 ml of water.

In total, you may need 4-5 courses, there is no need to break between them. If the patient has felt a great deal of relief, then the course can not be interrupted: it should be completed, and then simply do not proceed with the next.

Contraindications to taking tinctures from potato sprouts

Treatment with potato sprouts is contraindicated:

  • children under 12 years;
  • pregnant;
  • nursing mothers;
  • patients with diabetes;
  • people with metabolic disorders.

Those who are constantly taking any medications, before taking the tincture from potato sprouts, should consult with your doctor.

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We cook potato sprouts on vodka for the treatment of joints

Many people destroy the sprouts of the vegetable when cleaning it for cooking. And in vain! After all, patients who suffer from joint diseases know that sprouts can alleviate pathology if properly prepared from them tincture.

Their composition is rich in proteins, sugar, mineral salts, calcium and iron, potassium and phosphorus. Spring shoots have thiamin, riboflavin. Ascorbic, nicotinic acid contributes to the treatment of avitaminosis diseases.

Potatoes are rich in the appearance of germs with amino acids. = 68Hc5ImPQVQ

Solanin has a positive strengthening effect on the walls of blood vessels. Shoots are often used for antibacterial effects. They actively struggle with pains, viruses, inflammations. Tincture is widely used for wound healing, abrasions.

For the preparation of medicinal product from potatoes, it is necessary to properly process the sprouts, prepare them according to a special, proven by years, patients prescription.

Older people from personal experience talk about the miraculous power of tinctures from potato sprouts. They can be treated with skin rashes, ailments of the oral cavity, respiratory tract, cancer pathologies.

Diseases of bones and joints are also included in the list of treatments given by infusions.

It's not a secret for anyone that a vegetable is peculiar to remove excess liquid from the body, thereby saving it from puffiness and swelling.Vegetable is useful in heart and kidney failure.

Raw potatoes can cope with constipation without problems, leads to normalization of peristalsis of the intestinal tract. Baby powders, cream, talc are made from potato starch.

It does not cause allergic reactions in infants, as artificial bases of cosmetic products.

When should I take it?

Medicinal properties of sprouts are able to cure the ailments of different characters and directions. Prepared drugs relieve pain syndromes, block the migration of the disease to other areas of the human body.

  • In skin lesions the tincture is able to relieve the patient of severe itching discomfort. It effectively acts when carding, if diagnosed with eczema or dermatitis.
  • Folk medicine is effective in coughing, colds. But the procedure is allowed only in the absence of an elevated temperature.
  • Nail and skin fungus is also afraid of medicines from medicinal sprouts of potatoes. Legs can be treated with compresses from the present. On the hands should be lubricated sick areas with a prepared medicine.
  • Rinse the oral cavity with a remedy is recommended by experts in angina, inflammatory processes of the mucous membranes of the mouth.
  • Painful sensations for arthritis, gout, rheumatism go away if you apply self-prepared compresses from the shoots of potatoes.
  • For a speedy healing, apply a small amount of infusion wound, cuts, ulcers, boils.
  • It is recommended, in combination with drug treatment, to use the drug during the period of cataract therapy.
  • Traditional medicine practices the use of a folk drug for the therapy of cancer. But such actions are under the strict control of a specialist of a narrow profile.
  • With pain in the abdomen, diarrhea, vomiting attacks tincture is a means of first-aid. It removes spasms in the digestive tract, relieves nausea, helps to cleanse the body of toxins and harmful substances.
  • Headache, dizziness, manifestations of hallucinations also disappear after taking medicinal drops.
  • Hypertonics and cores at the time of hypertensive crises, heart ailments are saved by the use of infusion from potato sprouts.


Taking decoctions, tinctures, making ointments from the sprouts of a popular vegetable is important to know about contraindications, so as not to cause more harm to the already injured health. Solanin does not pose a danger if you consume it in small amounts. Experts do not recommend taking medicine from this substance:

  1. Children whose body is not yet formed. Such patients include children under 12 years old.
  2. Pregnant women in all three trimesters.
  3. Mothers who feed their babies with their breasts. During lactation, special attention should be paid to their general health. Solanin will not benefit the crumb, but only exacerbate his calm state.
  4. Contraindicated is a remedy for patients with diseases of any nature, if they suffer from a metabolic process.
  5. Do not recommend taking tincture to people with increased sexual excitability.
  6. Patients with a diagnosis of sexually transmitted diseases should also stop using the medicinal tincture.

There are times when the symptoms are similar to other pathological processes.

In such cases, only a professional can deal with the diagnosis, after which he also prescribes methods of therapy.

People do not always get rid of joint pain, they are effective in complex treatment of the disease.

Folk recipes

Treatment of joints, prepared independently at home from the shoots of potatoes, has a large number of variations. It can consist in taking the tincture inside.

Patients apply a soaked towel to the areas of discomfort, getting rid of pain and burning.

Baths with tincture are popular among patients suffering from articular diseases.

To prepare a remedy you need to stock up a certain amount of potatoes. It is determined in heat and after 10-14 days, the epaulettes necessary for treatment grow.


There are also many recipes for cooking. Among them, it is important to choose the most suitable, effective, to eliminate pain and stiffness.


the task to return the joints to full motor activity.

Vodka tincture

  1. Collect, wash, dry medicinal potato processes.
  2. Put them in a glass jar and pour 40% alcohol. Ratio: 100 grams of sprouts per 1 liter of diluted alcohol or vodka.
  3. For the bank to find a warm, dark place. Leave it for 14-21 days.
  4. After two, three weeks tincture to merge and take the doctor's prescription inside or use externally.

Sick places are treated with tincture at least three times a day.

After intensive rubbing, the affected area should be wrapped with a warm kerchief, scarf, towel.

Alcohol tincture

  1. Scions should be rinsed, if they are long, cut into small pieces and dry two, three days in a dark, purged place.
  2. Pour the dried sprouts with alcohol (ratio:).
  3. Infuse the remedy from eight to ten days, choosing a dark place to store.
  4. Further strain the prepared tincture. Store in refrigerator, tightly closed with lid.

Take self-prepared preparation should be after consultation with a specialist. During sleep, it is recommended to apply a compress of alcohol tincture. To have the expected result, the patient's joint needs to be insulated.

The compress can be kept overnight, but if the affected area starts to burn, there are unpleasant sensations, itching, burning, the bandage should be removed.

Juice of sprouts on vodka

A simple and quick recipe has been used for many years and has received positive feedback from patients, doctors.

  1. Scions must be twisted in a meat grinder or chopped with a knife.
  2. Using a tissue piece, squeeze the juice.
  3. Mix it with vodka and take on a teaspoon three times a day. Ratio: (50 grams of juice of shoots, 100 grams of vodka).

The recipe allows you to take the juice as early as the first day after cooking. For storage, choose a cool place.

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"Sprouts from various diseases"

Find out what diseases will help cure potato shoulder straps from the following video.

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