Appendicitis in men: symptoms and early signs

Appendicitis in men symptomsAppendicitis is a disease that develops due to the inflammation of the appendix (the appendix of the cecum). The inflammatory process testifies to the acute form - acute appendicitis.

The symptoms of appendicitis in men depend on the age and well-being of the patient, as well as on the individual features of the location of the appendix.

A typical picture of appendicitis is characterized by the appearance of pain in the right iliac and a general negative reaction of the body.


The main reason for the appearance of this pathology is the obstruction of the lumen of the appendix. The provoking factors for the appearance of this violation are the following:

  1. Activation of pathogenic microorganisms;
  2. Hyperplasia of lymphoid follicles;
  3. Parasites;
  4. Chronic constipation;
  5. Tumor formation.

Appendix, in fact, does not play any role for the body, but some doctors believe and there is a small the probability that they are right, that in childhood it is a full-fledged organ of the immune system. With his loss, a person does not feel any problems in the future.

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There is an opinion that a remote appendix at a young age affects the mental development in the future. There is no final verdict on this matter, this hypothesis is not confirmed, not disproved.


  1. Acute appendicitis occurs as a result of certain structural modifications in the appendix, and can also be due to its location, the form of concomitant impairment, the age of the person.
  2. Chronic appendicitis is very rare and is observed in patients who have suffered an attack of acute appendicitis, but the removal of the appendix is ​​impossible due to the development of some complications.

Signs of appendicitis in men

In men, among the first signs of inflammation of the appendix are:

  • abdominal pain;
  • temperature increase;
  • vomiting, as a rule, single;
  • the appearance of white plaque on the tongue;
  • general weakness;
  • dry mouth, with time increasing;
  • tachycardia;
  • loss of appetite;
  • stool disorders, and the like.

The nature and intensity of appendicitis in all patients differ. Of no small importance is the age and characteristics of the patient's body. You also need to know how many days have passed since the beginning of the process. In any case, a sharp diffuse pain with appendicitis should be a signal for a visit to a specialist.

Symptoms of appendicitis in men

A characteristic symptom in appendicitis is that initially a man can not accurately determine the source of pain. He has the impression that the whole stomach hurts. But over time, sometimes after 2 hours, sometimes after 7 hours, pain concentrates in a certain area. In this case, severe sneezing, hiccough or laughter.

  1. The location of the pain syndrome depends on the location of the process. As a rule, it is located in the lower abdomen on the right.
  2. Sometimes the appendix is ​​also located on the site of the cecum, which is in the middle. In this case, appendicitis pains are felt in the right hypochondrium, which can create certain difficulties in diagnosing.
  3. If the process is in the direction of the kidneys and spine, it hurts not only the abdomen, but also the loin or side.

With appendicitis, men experience vomiting and nausea. Vomiting is generally not a debilitating type of up to three urges per hour. Desires remain, even if the person did not eat anything. As a result of the accumulation of fluid in the intestine, there will be a loose stool.

One of the symptoms of appendicitis in men is a dry tongue with a white touch. At first the tongue will be moist, but in the future there will be dryness. The "forced" position of the person testifies to the course of the disease. That is, a man takes a certain pose, in which he experiences the least pain. In addition, throughout the illness of the patient will accompany a strong fever.

But worse than pain can be only relatives and acquaintances who read the information in the surface sources and begin to put the patient wrong diagnosis. They can touch the patient, ask him to bend and unbend his legs, which can not be done categorically, as these movements provoke an appendix break.

Operative removal of the appendix

When all the signs of appendicitis in men are identified, then you can proceed to the treatment of the patient. Treatment will be promptly in any case. But the speed of preparation and operation will depend directly on the severity of the disease, as well as the stage at which the disease has come.

There are two methods of treating appendicitis. The first method is considered obsolete, it involves the removal of the appendix in the process of a normal cavitary operation.

  1. During this operation, an incision is made in the right side of the patient to gain access to the inflamed area of ​​the intestine.
  2. With laparoscopic appendectomy, three punctures are made in the abdominal cavity of the patient. Through these punctures, remove the appendix, then apply a few small stitches on them.

Depending on the type of surgical procedure, as well as normal state of health, a man can leave the medical facility 1-4 days after the removal of the appendix.

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