How to cure conjunctival chemosis

The surface of the eyeball is constantly exposed to various environmental factors, often unfavorable. And the greatest part of the burden to eliminate the consequences of such contacts lies with the conjunctiva - the mucous membrane of the eyes. One of the most difficult types of inflammatory processes in the conjunctiva is chemosis, the edema of the conjunctiva of the eyeball.


  • 1Definition of disease
  • 2Causes
  • 3Symptoms
  • 4Possible complications
  • 5Treatment
    • 5.1Medication Therapy
    • 5.2Surgically
    • 5.3ethnoscience
  • 6Prevention
  • 7Video
  • 8conclusions

Definition of disease

The conjunctiva covers not only the eyeball, but also the eyelids from the inside, thus providing functionality to the eyes and providing them with the necessary amount of lubricant.That part of the conjunctiva that covers the eyeball is called bulbar and consists of a superficial epithelial layer and a deep submucosa.When inflammation occurs between the layers, moisture begins to accumulate and swelling forms.

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In the region of the iris, the conjunctiva smoothly passes into the corneal layer.Here the border of the limb passes, where the conjunctiva is especially tightly welded to the underlying tissue. As a consequence of this, during the development of chemosis, the conjunctiva protrushes above the surface of the eyeball and even difficulties arise when trying to close the eye.


Adverse effects on the superficial layer of the conjunctiva can be of a very different nature, so the following conditions often become the cause of chemosis:

  • Injuring effect(foreign body, chemical or thermal burn, exposure to ultraviolet, dust or over-dried air);
  • Allergy(house dust, pollen of plants, animal hair, components of cosmetic and perfumery);
  • Conjunctivitis- Infectious inflammation of the conjunctiva, which has a viral, bacterial, fungal nature;
  • Blepharitis- Inflammation of eyelid edges (follicle of eyelashes), resulting from infection with Demodex mites, viruses, bacteria, fungi;
  • Meibomite- the formation of an abscess in the inner or outer (barley) part of the century as a result of inflammation of the sebaceous glands;
  • Abscess of the century- the formation of infiltrative-purulent inflammation in a certain part of the century, characterized by the restriction of the affected area;
  • Exophthalmos- the shift of the eyeball anteriorly or to the side, most often is a symptom of serious pathologies, eye or systemic;

  • Vascular pathology(congestion of venous blood);
  • Tumors of the periorbital area- edema in the eye orbit, resulting from not only eye lesions, but also sometimes a sign of pathologies of the brain or the whole organism.

Chemosis is a sign of serious impairment in the functionality of the eyes and always requires a serious examination and timely treatment. One of the most common causes of chemosis is allergic reactions, sometimes arising from the uncontrolled use of medications.


At the initial stage, the pathological condition is difficult to detect, since there are almost no external signs. After all, at this stage, the accumulation of fluid between the layers of the conjunctiva is insignificant, and only an ophthalmologist can detect it.

When the process progresses, the patient's condition may worsen, and the symptoms may become worse:

  • The appearance in the eyes of uncomfortable sensations: rubbing, itching, burning;
  • The appearance of fuzziness in the perception of images (fogging);
  • The development of edematous phenomena can spread to the conjunctiva of the eyelids, in this case they are closed with difficulty and a sensation of pain;
  • Allocations from the eyes become purulent, since bacterial infection is most commonly associated with inflammation.

In the most severe cases, swelling spreads to both eyes. In this case, the violation of visual acuity becomes very pronounced.

Possible complications

When eliminating the causes that caused swelling and irritation, chemosis occurs after appropriate treatment. This may be the elimination of an allergenic factor or an effect on the pathogenic microflora, as well as the use of other reducing agents.

If the elimination of the causes of chemosis is delayed by time or treatment is not adequate, then there may be a malnutrition of the corneal tissue with all the ensuing consequences.In this case, the development of inflammation of the cornea (keratitis) of non-infectious nature can occur in the presence of serious infections of a systemic nature (tuberculosis, syphilis).


The purpose of the necessary treatment is after the patient is questioned, examined and the necessary studies are carried out:

  • Laboratory tests: scraping with conjunctiva, bacteriological tests, blood tests;
  • Ophthalmoscopy;
  • Biomicroscopy;
  • Visometry- definition of visual acuity;
  • Tonometry- measurement of intraocular pressure;
  • Special studies: ultrasound, CT, radiography.

Particular importance is given to differential diagnosis, which makes it possible to exclude such serious pathologies as abscess, tuberculosis of the skin and subcutaneous tissue, the presence of neoplasms, and with conjunctivitis - to establish the nature infection.

Medication Therapy

The use of medications in chemosis, in the first place, depends on the nature of the inflammation. Depending on the causes of the infectious or non-infectious nature, drugs from the following drug groups can be used:

  • Antibiotics:Gentamicin, Tobramycin, Okamycin, Floxal. Drugs are applied topically, during the first few days up to 6-8 times, with a decrease in the intensity of symptoms, the instillation frequency is halved;
  • Antiviral:Indoxuridine, Poludan, Interferon alfa, Acyclovir. Can be used for the detected viral nature of the disease and are most effective in the first day of infection;
  • Vasoconstrictor and antihistamine. The use of drugs from this group can be effective for the removal of symptoms in allergic affection of the conjunctiva, after eliminating contact with the allergen.

The use of medication is possible only after examining the ophthalmologist and conducted studies to diagnose the underlying disease.


With moderate and mild illnesses that cause chemosis (conjunctivitis, blepharitis, allergies), treatment is most often carried out with conservative methods at home.If there is a threat of complications, patients may be hospitalized.

However, there are a number of conditions in which the only method of eliminating symptoms is surgical intervention, and urgently. These can be tumors in the orbit, exophthalmos, development of internal barley (meibomite), abscess of the eyelid and some other pathologies.


Eye drops Teorazon with instructions

Everything about tetracycline ointment is written in this article.

Sulfacil Sodium (eye drops): instructions for use



To treat inflammation of the conjunctiva by means of "grandmother's" prescriptions is possible only in addition to drug therapy, at the earliest stages or during rehabilitation:

  • Gadgets from the infusion of althea roots(3 tbsp. l. to 200 ml of water), cooked for 8 hours;
  • Broth from hips(2 hours) l. on 200 ml of water) is prepared by boiling for 5 minutes. and insisting, h. After that they make lotions;
  • Cherries- an excellent tool for the treatment of inflammation in the eyes. It is taken orally, the eyes are washed with diluted juice, and fresh ones make lotions;
  • Honey drops(1 h. l. honey per liter of distilled water) are instilled in the eye 1 drop twice a day;
  • Lotion from chamomile infusion, prepared as follows: a potted 1 cup of boiling water. l. chamomile boiling in a water bath is brought to a boil, then insisted and used for the intended purpose.

Any folk remedy used to treat eye pathologies must be agreed with the doctor. Even the most harmless preparations can contain allergenic components, which can cause even more irritation.


In order to prevent the development of chemosis, it is necessary to follow several simple recommendations that can provide the functionality of the eyes and increase their resistance to eye infections:

  • With increased visual load, do periodic interruptions every hour.At this time, you should give your eyes rest and perform several simple exercises that help stimulate metabolism in tissues;
  • Sleep at least 8 hours a day, and sleep should be of high quality: without breaks, in a comfortable bed, a ventilated room, with thick curtains;
  • To watch the presence in the diet of a sufficient number of products containing vitamins for the eyes: carrots, spinach, parsley, blueberries, broccoli, black chocolate, eggs, onions and garlic;
  • If necessary, use vitamin complexes for the eyes;
  • Follow a healthy lifestyle, since the lion's share of eye diseases appears precisely with age against the background of the progression of chronic somatic pathologies.

Visual perception is a very important factor in human life, and prevention in the power to prevent the majority of eye pathologies. Even just taking care of the level of immunity over time will also benefit the visual acuity.



Chemosis, or edema of the conjunctive membrane, is a symptom of a number of eye diseases, both infectious local and systemic. And the intensity in the course of this or that pathology can be completely different.

Diagnosis of the cause of chemosis can only ophthalmologist, so self-medication when a pathogenic symptom is not only useless, but also dangerous. After all, any disease is best treated in the early stages, and only a qualified specialist can determine the strategy of therapy correctly.

Also, read about why the whites of the eyes are red and what the yellowing of the sclera is saying.