Lumbar sciatica: symptoms and medication


  • 1Lumbar sciatica: symptoms and treatment
    • 1.1Causes of lumbosacral radiculitis
    • 1.2Symptoms of sciatica
    • 1.3Diagnosis of the disease
    • 1.4About the treatment of lumbar radiculitis
    • 1.5Medication
    • 1.6Physiotherapy with lumbar radiculitis
    • 1.7Physiotherapy
  • 2Lumbar sciatica: symptoms, treatment at home
    • 2.1Lumbar radiculitis - varieties
    • 2.2Causes
    • 2.3Pathology of intervertebral discs
    • 2.4Types of malignant tumors of the spine
    • 2.5Types of benign tumors of the spine
    • 2.6Causes of professional radiculopathy
    • 2.7Symptoms of sciatica
    • 2.8Diagnostic Methods
    • 2.9Methods of treatment
    • 2.10Medication
    • 2.11Treatment of lumbar radiculitis folk remedies
  • 3Lumbar sciatica: symptoms and treatment
    • 3.1General characteristics of the disease
    • 3.2Causes of the disease
    • 3.3Symptomatology
    • 3.4Medication
    • 3.5Exercise and massage
    • 3.6Folk remedies
  • 4Sacral Radiculitis - Symptoms And Treatment
    • 4.1Causes of development
    • 4.2Symptoms
    • 4.3Treatment

Lumbar sciatica: symptoms and treatment

Radiculitis is a disease in which compression or inflammation of nerve endings occurs.

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In this case, the patient feels severe pain in the area of ​​the affected nerve, numbness and sharp weakness in the muscles.

There are several varieties of this disease, but one of the most common is lumbosacral radiculitis.

Causes of lumbosacral radiculitis

The prevalence of this type of disease is due to the fact that it is the lumbosacral spine that accounts for the greatest burden.

It used to be that lumbar puncture appears as a result of an infectious lesion.

Now experts have come to a common opinion that this disease is a direct consequence of the development of osteochondrosis and arises from degenerative processes in the tissues of the intervertebral discs.

If the intervertebral discs do not receive the required amount of nutrients, their structure begins to change - the fibrous ring (the outer part of the vertebra) becomes denser, dries and cracks.

With the development of the degenerative process, the internal structures of the vertebrae protrude, which leads to the formation of protrusions and intervertebral hernias.

This decreases the distance between the vertebral discs, and also weakens the ligamentous apparatus.

Modified intervertebral discs with time begin to squeeze the nearby nerves of the spinal cord.

With further development of the disease, a complication such as stenosis can occur, in which the vertebral canal narrows, and the blood circulation in it is disturbed.

The main factors provoking the appearance of lumbosacral radiculitis are:

  • trauma of the spine;
  • hypothermia of the body;
  • neoplasms in the peripheral nervous system;
  • arthritis, arthrosis;
  • elderly age - the elasticity of the cartilaginous discs is lost over the years;
  • inflammatory processes in tissues that are located near the spinal column;
  • degenerative and dystrophic changes;
  • sedentary lifestyle;
  • diseases of autoimmune origin;
  • diseases of internal organs;
  • salt deposits;
  • bony proliferation;
  • increased load on the spine;
  • genetic predisposition.

An attack of lumbosacral radiculitis may occur under certain external or internal conditions. These include: physical overstrain, intoxication of the body, viral disease, sudden body movement.

From Wikipedia

Lumbosacral radiculitis with the predominance of lesions of the rootlets of the sacral region, from which the sciatic nerve is formed, is called sciatica.

With sciatica, the pain spreads along the sciatic nerve (to the buttock, the hindquarters of the thigh and lower leg, the heel); is accompanied by sensations of a coldness of a leg or foot, a numbness of a skin, "crawling of shivers".

Symptoms of sciatica

The first and main symptom of the lumbosacral radiculitis are pronounced pain sensations, the intensity of which depends on the degree of nerve fiber damage.

Most often, a painful attack can be triggered by a sharp physical exertion. The pain increases with coughing, abdominal tension, sneezing, torso movements, lifting of weights and other loads on the lumbar zone.

It becomes difficult for a person to tilt the trunk, to bend his toes, his mobility worsens.

The localization of pain depends on the level of lesions of the vertebrae. A pain symptom can occur not only in the lower back, but also in the buttocks, hips, calf muscles or in the lower leg. The attack of radiculitis lasts about two weeks and can be characterized by the following specific signs:

  1. Symptom of Lasega. Characterized by pain in the gluteus, lumbar region, as well as on the back surface of the leg, which are strengthened when lying on the back position, or when lifting the straightened leg.
  2. Symptom to Bonnet. In the area of ​​the lesion under the buttock, the fold is straightened.
  3. Symptom of Bechterew. When you get up from a lying position to a sitting position, there is a reflex leg fold.
  4. Symptom of Neri. Characterized by increased pain syndrome during the tilt of the head forward.
  5. Symptom of Dejerine. It is manifested by increased pain when sneezing or coughing.

If the radiculitis is formed because of an osteochondrosis, external changes of a body can be observed: a curvature of a backbone, protrusion of the vertebrae, rectification of the lordosis in the lumbar region, curvature of the spine in the direction opposite to amazed. In the infectious nature of radiculitis, pain can only increase when the torso is tilted forward, and physical activity does not cause symptoms to increase. When the inflammatory processes fade, the pain quickly passes.

Diagnosis of the disease

At the first signs of radiculitis, you should always contact a qualified specialist.

Lumbosacral radiculitis, whose treatment has not been performed in a timely manner, can lead to the development of serious complications, which will be extremely difficult to eliminate in the future.

Diagnosis of lumbosacral radiculitis includes the following survey methods:

  • study of anamnesis, symptoms of the disease;
  • external examination of the patient for signs of curvature of the spine;
  • laboratory tests of blood and urine;
  • radiography;
  • Computed tomography, MRI.

These diagnostic procedures can accurately determine the cause of the disease, the degree of lesions of the vertebrae and the localization of degenerative processes.

About the treatment of lumbar radiculitis

Treatment of lumbosacral radiculitis is determined by many factors: the degree of development of the disease, symptomatology, the presence of complications, and others.

At the beginning it is recommended to observe strict bed rest to exclude additional traumatization of vertebrae and to stop the development of inflammatory processes.

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It is advisable for the patient to sleep on a hard bed, ideally - use a special orthopedic mattress.

The load on the lower back should be kept to a minimum. Often, they assign wearing special corsets for several hours a day.

The basis in the treatment of lumbar radiculitis is drug therapy.


The most effective anti-inflammatory drugs of the non-steroid type with this disease. Their action is to stop the inflammatory process, reduce pain symptoms, remove swelling.

Taking such medications is strictly permitted by agreement with the attending physician, since they have a lot of contraindications and can have a negative effect on the mucous membranes organs of the digestive tract.

During the exacerbation, the following drugs are prescribed: Diclofenac, Indomethacin, Ibuprofen, Orthofen. When the inflammation decreases and the pain diminishes, it will be possible to switch to ointments that have a softer effect: Apizarthron, Voltaren, Naise, Camphocin, Diclofenac gel, Finalgon.

A beneficial effect can provide cream and ointments based on natural ingredients - Liver, ointments with snake venom (Viprosal, Alvipsal, Vipratox), ointments with bee venom (Virapine, Apizarthron, Mellivenon).

These creams, due to their irritating effect, increase blood circulation in the area of ​​the affected vertebrae.

It should be borne in mind that any medicinal cream has a number of contraindications, so you need to consult a doctor before starting to use them.

With very severe pain, blockades and injections are prescribed. They do not treat the disease itself, but only temporarily relieve the symptoms.

To relieve the pain symptom, pain relievers and muscle relaxants are used: Midokalm, Lidocaine, Meloksikam, Ciralud, Novocain, Trimekain.

As in the case of ointments and anti-inflammatory drugs, injections have a number of negative effects, so their use should be a one-shot.

To restore cartilage tissue and prevent the development of the disease, chondroprotectors are used: Arthron flex, Alflutop, Hyaluron, Rumalon, Honda, Noltrex, Tombstone, Structum, Teraflex, Fermatron, Chondroitin Sulfate and others. In addition, sedatives and vitamin complexes may be required to saturate damaged vertebrae with nutrients.

Physiotherapy with lumbar radiculitis

Physiotherapeutic treatment can sometimes have an even more beneficial effect than taking medication. The basic physiotherapeutic procedures for lumbosacral radiculitis include:

  1. Ultraviolet irradiation, which is carried out on the lumbar region and in the legs, along the length of the affected nerves. Assign it in the subacute stage, when the inflammatory processes decrease and the pain symptoms are not so pronounced.
  2. Electrophoresis, in combination with drugs - dicain, phenol, adrenaline, virapin ointment. If radiculitis is of infectious origin, lithium and copper solutions, as well as salicital, are used. A good effect is provided with electrophoresis with therapeutic mud.
  3. Ultrasonic therapy with the use of a mixture of analgesics (analgesics). Ultrasound treatment can be in continuous or pulsed mode, depending on the form of the disease. If radiculitis is infectious, ultrasound is prescribed together with chloride-calcium and hydrogen sulfide baths.
  4. Application of diadynamic currents. In this case, electrodes are placed on the sites of the affected nerve endings, which cause the activation of the affected nerves.

If the radiculitis was provoked by an osteochondrosis, the spinal traction can be shown. Conduct it on the bed with a slight rise in the headboard. The duration of training is usually 10 minutes, the frequency - 2-3 times a day.

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For the treatment of radiculitis, special therapeutic exercise (LFK) is mandatory. It can also be prescribed as a prevention of exacerbations. The goal of therapeutic gymnastics is to reduce the load on the affected area of ​​the spine. In the acute phase of the disease, therapeutic exercises can not be dealt with.

The exercise load should increase gradually. Before the start of the exercises, you must make an easy warm-up to prepare and warm up the muscles.

All exercises must be done carefully and slowly, without sharp movements, twists and turns of the body. If there are painful feelings, you need to reduce the intensity of the exercises, or stop the exercises.

Treatment of chronic radiculitis always includes curative gymnastics. A specific set of exercises is determined by the doctor on the basis of the form and stage of the disease.

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Lumbar sciatica: symptoms, treatment at home

Lumbar radiculitis is a disease of the musculoskeletal system characterized by squeezing and inflammation of the spinal roots. Radiculitis is a secondary disease that is the result of degenerative processes of the musculoskeletal system.

Lumbar radiculitis - varieties

Depending on the pain manifestations, radiculitis is divided into:

  • lumboschialgia - characterized by increasing pains, giving to the buttock and lower limbs;
  • ishialgia - pain resembles a sharp electric shock, accompanied by burning, tingling, gives to the buttock and back of the thigh and lower leg;
  • lumbago - acute pain in the lower back, arising against the background of displacement of the vertebrae, hernia and overstrain of the muscles of the waist.

By type of anatomical manifestations:

  1. meningoradiculitis - infection of the spinal cord;
  2. myeloradiculitis-infringement of roots, accompanied by the loss of tendon reflexes in the lower extremities and changes in spinal fluid;
  3. radicugungoglionitis is an infectious disease that affects the posterior nerve roots and nodes ("shingles");
  4. radiculoneuritis - total lesion of roots and spinal cord.


The root cause of radiculitis of different localization can be:

  • osteochondrosis;
  • arthritis;
  • spondylolisthesis;
  • tumors;
  • spine trauma;
  • pathology of metabolic processes;
  • autoimmune pathologies;
  • inflammation of soft tissue adjacent to the spinal column;
  • increased load on the spine;
  • hypodynamia;
  • hereditary predisposition.

Most often lumbar radiculitis occurs as a result of several reasons, among which it is difficult to identify the root cause.

Lumbar radiculitis is the payment of humanity for uprightness.

In an upright position, the spine column is affected by a variety of factors that damage bone, muscle, ligamentous and nerve endings.

The maximum load falls on the lower - lumbosacral spine. Therefore, among the forms of radiculitis the most common is the lumbosacral radiculopathy.

Dystrophic changes in the intervertebral discs in osteochondrosis occur as a result of a violation of the blood supply of the cartilaginous surface. Nutrition and tissue regeneration are disturbed, which can lead to various pathologies.

Pathology of intervertebral discs

As a result of degenerative-dystrophic processes, the shape, consistency and height of the intervertebral disc changes, which entails various forms of pathology:

  1. disc protrusion - protrusion of intervertebral disc tissues into the spinal canal without compromising the integrity of the fibrous ring;
  2. intervertebral hernia - protrusion of the pulpous nucleus of the disc outwards due to rupture of the fibrous ring;
  3. kyphosis - violation of the vertical position of the spine in the thoracic region, arising for a number of reasons.

As a result of the pathology of the joints of the spine, there is a disease - osteochondrosis.

Arthritis - inflammation of the joints of the spine, affecting the articular tissues (cartilage and its membrane).

The causes of inflammation causing many are trauma, metabolic disorders, allergies, excessive workload, overweight, chronic infectious diseases, diseases of the nervous system, endocrine pathologies, age-related changes, etc.

Any reason or several factors that have changed the biomechanics of the spine can lead to osteoarthritis of the spine. As a result of damage to the fibrous tissue of the intervertebral cartilage, they are replaced with a fibrous tissue.

The mobility of the joint decreases, the load on the spinous processes of the vertebra increases, and bone protuberances-osteophytes-form.

They can be located in any part of the vertebral body and if there is a nerve root or brain substance next to it, compression and damage occurs.

Most often, the back, sensitive spine is damaged, which leads to severe pain.

Lumbosacral radiculitis can be a consequence of spondylolisthesis, a disease in which the stability of the vertebrae is broken and they "slip" in the horizontal plane. As a result, destruction of the arch or spinal processes may occur, compression of the nerve roots or brain substance.

Another cause of the origin of sciatica is lumps. Most often, malignant tumors are formed as a result of metastasis of a cancerous tumor located in other organs.

A large number of blood and lymphatic vessels permeating all parts of the spine are transport routes for the penetration of cancer cells into the spinal cord and soft tissues of the spine.

Types of malignant tumors of the spine

Most often, the formation of cancerous tumors in the spine is a secondary process that accompanies the late stages of development of tumors of other organs. Oncologists are divided into:

  • metastatic sarcomas - inoperable tumors;
  • single plasmacytoma (myeloma) - malignant bone tumor;
  • osteosarcoma - malignant lesion of the vertebral column and bone tissue of the vertebrae;
  • chondrosarcoma - affects the cartilaginous tissue of vertebral joints;
  • fibrosarcoma - a tumor of soft tissues (muscles, tendons, ligaments);
  • chordoma - a tumor of the spinal cord.
  • Benign tumors do not form metastases and have a capsule.

Types of benign tumors of the spine

Depending on the location of benign tumors in the spine, they are divided into:

  1. osteoblastoma and osteoid osteoma - most often affect the posterior parts of the vertebra;
  2. giant cell tumor - borderline, between malignant and benign, tumor that does not give metastases, but can sprout into adjacent parts of the spine, adjacent tissues and other bodies;
  3. eosinophilic granuloma - damage to bone tissue migrating through the blood stream of eosinophils. As a result of damage to the false tumor by the body of the vertebra, a compression fracture may occur;
  4. An endochondroma is a cartilage tumor that compresses the spinal cord or roots. Sometimes it degenerates into a malignant chondrosarcoma;
  5. hemangioma - affects the body of the vertebra, as a rule, is localized in only one segment.

Violation of metabolic processes in the body can be accompanied by the crystallization of calcium salts in the lumen of the intervertebral joints, which leads to a limitation of the mobility of the spine. The reason for the violation of water-salt metabolism can be:

  • age changes;
  • occupational hazards;
  • sedentary lifestyle;
  • overeating and bad habits.

The result of the disturbance of mineral metabolism, accumulation of salts in the body leads to deformation of bones and joints, stiffness of movements, severe pain.

Curvature of the spine (scoliosis, kyphosis, lordosis) leads to a change in the distance between the vertebrae, a change in their position relative to the vertical axis.

As a result, there is an infringement of the medulla or nerve roots and, as a consequence, radiculitis, including radiculitis of the lumbar spine.

Hypodynamia leads to a weakening of the muscular corset, supporting the vertical position of the spine, weakening of the ligamentous apparatus. As a result, the curvature of the spine is observed.

Excess weight, flat feet, different length of legs create an intense strain on the spine, which is also fraught with pathological changes that lead to the appearance of lumbosacral radiculitis.

Separately it is necessary to allocate professional radiculopathy.

Causes of professional radiculopathy

Damaging factors of working conditions lead to the appearance of lumbosacral radiculopathies. The spine is affected by:

  1. microclimate in the workplace;
  2. forced working posture;
  3. general or local vibration;
  4. physical overload;
  5. static loads;
  6. long, rapid movements of the same type.

Professionally conditioned lumbosacral radiculitis is affected by transport workers, workers employed in mining, machine-building industry, in agriculture, as well as cashiers, operators, teachers, hairdressers and many other representatives different professions.

Symptoms of sciatica

Clinical manifestations of sciatica radiculitis vary depending on the cause that caused the disease, stage and course. But there are common symptoms of sciatica:

  • pain syndrome;
  • increased pain in cases of stress on the spine, sudden movements, coughing, sneezing;
  • limited movement of the spine;
  • tension of the dorsal muscles;
  • pallor and coldness of the skin in the course of the clamped nerve;
  • increased sweating;
  • change in sensitivity from the side of the damaged nerve;
  • weakening of the blood filling of the arteries of the foot on the side of the lesion.

Painful manifestations are transmitted to the buttock, thigh, shin, foot. Symptoms vary with acute and chronic radiculitis. Some forms of lumbar radiculitis occur asymptomatically and can be detected only by X-ray examination or on a tomogram.

Diagnostic Methods


  1. Hardware research methods:
  2. X-ray examination;
  3. magnetic resonance or computer tomography;
  4. electromagnetography;
  5. electromyography;
  6. ultrasonography;
  7. scintigraphy (scanning);
  8. densitometry (determination of bone density).
  9. Laboratory methods of research:
  10. blood test;
  11. Analysis of urine;
  12. analysis of spinal fluid puncture.

Based on the results of the studies, the study of the anamnesis and the observation, the doctor clarifies the diagnosis and describes the method of treatment.

Methods of treatment

  • medicamentous;
  • non-pharmacological:
  • physiotherapy;
  • operative intervention;
  • folk therapy;
  • manual therapy;
  • underwater or dry traction of the spine;
  • Spa treatment.


With conservative treatment with synthetic drugs use:

  1. analgesics;
  2. anti-inflammatory;
  3. antibiotics;
  4. sedatives;
  5. drugs, normalizing metabolic processes in tissues;
  6. drugs that increase blood supply;
  7. diuretics;
  8. muscle relaxants;
  9. corticosteroids.
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If the cause of radiculitis are tumors, then appoint:

  1. antitumor drugs;
  2. narcotic analgesics;
  3. nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs.

Medicamental treatment of lumbar radiculitis is prescribed by a doctor, according to the individual features of the causes and course of the disease. Self-medication is unacceptable.

Physiotherapy uses a variety of hardware methods of influencing the focus of the disease.

Depending on the cause of the appearance of sciatica in the lumbar region, electrophoresis with medicinal applications is used, anti-radiculitis massage, improving trophic tissue, combining the use of analgesic and warming ointments and massage.

According to the indications, manual therapy of lumbosacral radiculitis is prescribed. Manual therapy is similar to massage and is used at the stage of recovery to mobilize the internal regenerative forces of the body.

A very popular method today for conservative treatment of jamming of the nerve roots of the spine is underwater or dry traction of the spine. Its task is to alleviate the symptoms of the disease. The traction method is an element of the complex treatment of lumbosacral radiculitis.

Sanatorium treatment is prescribed outside the exacerbation of the disease in sanatoriums, specializing in the rehabilitation and rehabilitation of patients with radiculitis.

In the complex treatment of radiculitis, the methods of traditional medicine have long been well established. Also, to cure pain, the cream of Arthropant will be effective.

Treatment of lumbar radiculitis folk remedies

The advantages of using folk remedies in the absence of side effects, in the use of natural medicines and medicinal plants.

Use of medicinal plants:

  • to warm up the affected area apply compresses with horseradish, mustard, garlic, black radish;
  • for the removal of inflammation use - aloe, marshmallow, balsam, patch, heather, water pepper, harmal, gryzhnik, elecampane, oregano, vitality, etc.
  • sedative - astragalus fluffyflower, patchworker, black elder, valerian, amphibian, European zoo, etc .;
  • analgiziruyuschie - adonis, autumn autumn crocodile, ordinary buckwheat, sweet clover, fragrant spikelet, cattail, mullein bear ear, etc .;
  • distracting - mustard white, mustard septic, red pepper, fir, horseradish, chieftain Lobel, et al;
  • with edemas - cornflower rough, windmill, buttercup, umbrella, duck dye, icteric, sporach, etc.
  • Use of products of beekeeping (bee venom, bee pollock, zabrus, honey, pollen, perga, wax moth larvae).
  • Lithotherapy (treatment with stones and minerals);
  • Clay treatment;
  • Salt treatment.

Despite the increased popularity of folk methods, like every treatment, it requires knowledge in physiology, biochemistry, anatomy.

Therefore, it is better to take the treatment under the supervision of a doctor, and the preparations are infusions, the skilled phytotherapeutist will do the preparations.

In folk medicine, as well as in official medicine, self-medication is unacceptable.

For the purposes of prevention and rehabilitation after treatment, special sets of exercises are used.

The complex "Hadu developed by Zviyad Arabuli, proved itself well. The complex of exercises aimed at strengthening the muscular corset, stretching the spine without the use of burdening, gently affects the body and the musculoskeletal system.

Exercises from Qigong gymnastics, which combine a set of breathing exercises and relaxation techniques that remove muscle blocks that affect all the joints of the body.

Gymnastics Qigong consists of ten exercises that correct the work of different parts of the spine.

Both gymnastics can be held without physical training, avoid sudden movements and unusual biomechanics of the spine exercises.

Only a competent, comprehensive approach to the treatment of lumbosacral radiculitis will help to avoid the progression of the disease and the chronization of the process.

Most often folk remedies can not help in neglected cases. Then the gel will come to the aid of Pantogor.

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Lumbar sciatica: symptoms and treatment

According to statistics, lumbosacral radiculitis is a disease that affects every 8th inhabitant of the planet.

The disease progresses every day and the worst is that recently the symptoms of sciatica began to appear in young people under the age of 35 years.

In medicine, radiculitis is also called the spine, because spinal nerves of the roots are affected in the course of the disease.

Treatment is possible with medicines, folk remedies, and doctors prescribe ointments, massage, and physical exercises. An excellent way to overcome the ailment is gymnastics and a belt from sciatica.

General characteristics of the disease

Such a disease as lumbosacral radiculitis is today considered to be the most well-known and widespread, because through heavy loads this part of the spine suffers the most.

In the lumbar region of the spine, there are five mobile vertebrae.

It is also worth mentioning that radiculitis is often called ischialgia, a disease in which a sciatic nerve becomes inflamed and strongly irritated.

The reasons for the development of radiculitis can be different and most unexpected. As a rule, the disease is associated with some changes of the degenerative type in the spine department, that is, cartilaginous discs.

People suffering from osteochondrosis are often exposed to the disease.

Develops radiculitis as a result of the fact that the distance between the vertebrae decreases, and this in turn causes infringement of nerve fibers.

The very first signs of the development of pathology in the spine are noticeable almost immediately.

The patient feels pain, which gives to the lower limbs, as well as many other painful symptoms.

In order to correctly treat the pathology of the spine, it is necessary to study the clinical picture well and find out the causes that led to the development of the disease.

Causes of the disease

As a rule, lumbosacral radiculitis refers to diseases for which development causes are necessary.

Nerve fibers that exit the spinal cord and pass through the foraminal canals, go in the direction of the limbs and internal organs.

If the channels are too narrow, infringement of the roots and development of pathology occurs.

Often, through pathology, the patient suffers from a herniated intervertebral disc. In this case, it is necessary to take appropriate measures and immediately treat the spine. First and foremost, the doctor definitely recommends a belt with radiculitis.

The causes of lumbosacral radiculitis may be as follows:

  1. spondylolisthesis;
  2. tumors in the body's hypothermia;
  3. arthritis of the peripheral nervous system;
  4. development of inflammatory processes in soft tissues near the spine;
  5. metabolic disorders;
  6. autoimmune pathologies;
  7. regular stress on the spine;
  8. hereditary predisposition;
  9. physical overvoltage;
  10. colds, flu;
  11. general intoxication of the body;
  12. sharp, awkward movements in the lumbar region of the back.

The development of radiculitis in the lumbosacral department is considered by doctors to be polyethological pathology.

If the disease is not treated, do not pay attention to primary symptoms, do not reduce physical activity, radiculitis can go into the phase of exacerbation, and this will lead to serious complications.


Regardless of what causes radiculitis, the symptoms are still unpleasant.

Basically, the patient suffering from pathology feels pain of a different nature, which only worsens, if the patient tries to lift the heaviness, bends, falls, makes movements in the lower part of the trunk.

Sensations of pain intensify when the patient sneezes, coughs, strains the abdominal muscles. The patient feels discomfort and pain when the torso is tilted in different directions and the motor functions of the organism are disrupted, it is difficult to flex the toes or become on them.

With the disease, the pain is not always localized in the same place.

The patient can feel a pain symptom in the lumbar region, buttocks, hips, calf muscles, shin.

Pain can manifest itself only in one part of the body, and both. This happens through the uneven protrusion of intervertebral discs.

In the case of nerve endings in the area of ​​1 and 2 lumbar disc, the patient feels lumbago in the lumbar region and buttocks, a severe pain hitting the back and side of the thigh.

If the nerve endings are affected 4 and 5 vertebral disc pain sensations are localized in the shin, calf muscle, ankle, heel. It is very difficult to bend the foot and the big toe.

If you do not treat the disease in the first stages, the symptoms will worsen, in this case even the belt with radiculitis will not help.

Treatment in the hospital will also be required, since at home, it will be impossible to cure the disease.

Experts recommend not to engage in self-treatment of radiculitis, it is better to see a doctor, after diagnosis, he will tell what form the patient is sick and will prescribe the appropriate procedures.

It is worth saying that there is a treatment for radiculitis, not only medication, the doctor appoints wearing a belt from radiculitis, ointments, therapeutic massage, special exercises. Treat the pathology can be and folk remedies at home, well helps therapeutic gymnastics.


Treat the disease immediately, as the first symptoms appear. Especially at the beginning of the development of the disease, it is much easier and even possible to overcome pathology at home using folk remedies, without resorting to tablets, antibiotics, without using other preparations.

After examining the patient, the doctor prescribes the treatment based on the results of the tests and the clinical picture, as well as the factors that led to the development of pathology in the spine department.

First aid is the belt with radiculitis, as well as drugs that belong to the group of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. They are prescribed depending on which symptoms are more pronounced.

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The action of the medicines is directed to the arrest of the inflammatory process and the removal of edema.

However, they can not be used for a long time, it is better to simultaneously use ointments and use folk remedies.

If the spine disease has become sharply aggravated, it is prescribed to constantly wear a belt from the radiculitis and such drugs as Orthofen, Ibuprofen.

When the pain symptom is released, you can use ointments and creams. They are applied to the sites where the pain syndrome is localized.

Doctors recommend ointments Finalgon, Nyz, Diclofenac.

With pain syndromes that are simply unbearable, blockades and injections are prescribed. True, the patient must remember, such procedures are aimed only at the removal of pain symptoms, they are not aimed at treating the pathology of the spine.

Exercise and massage

In addition, that the patient suffering from the pathology of the spine should constantly wear a radiculitis belt, the doctor additionally prescribes massage and exercises.

Therapeutic exercises are aimed at training the muscles of the trunk and strengthening the spine, restoring its functions. Exercises are best suited for patients with spine pathology in the sacral and lumbar region.

Exercise one is best performed on the back. The patient should lie on his back, arms stretch along the trunk and slightly bend his knees in the knees. In this position, you need to try to strain the abdominal muscles, while not having to hold your breath and tuzhitsya.

The abdominal muscles must be firm. Repeat the exercise about 15 times. In case of strong pain, the procedure can be slightly eased by changing the position of the legs, to the right or to the left.

When the patient cope with the first exercise, you can proceed to the second.

Without changing the starting position, stretch out your legs and try to slightly raise the upper part of the trunk. Doing your leg can not be torn off the floor.

When the trunk is elevated, you need to stand in this position for a few seconds and return to its original position. Repeat about 15 times.

This exercise promotes the development of abdominal muscles, when performing it, the patient should not feel pain, as soon as the first pain in the gym is discontinued.

The next exercise is performed in the supine position on the back, the legs are slightly bent at the knees. Next, you need to stretch out your right hand, and her brush on your left knee. The left leg should be bent and at the same time it is necessary to rest with the right hand in the knee, the hand should not approach the head.

Exercise is done with some effort for a few seconds. Then the same thing, repeat with the other hand. Repeated up to 10 times. As a rule, after performing the exercise, the patient will not feel very much pain in the muscles, but it will pass after several trainings.

Performing exercises, the patient will strengthen the muscles of the trunk.

Simultaneously, for a speedy recovery, you will need medication, a massage that can be performed at home, perhaps by folk remedies. If you need help with the exercise, ask your family to help you.

Massage - this is a great way to get rid of the pain symptom, and to achieve in the shortest time a positive result in the treatment of radiculitis.

Carrying out the massage with different technologies, the patient's body undergoes positive changes aimed at eliminating pain syndromes, the spine becomes more plastic and mobile.

That's why except that the patient is prescribed medications, exercises, you also need to use a massage that will provide additional effective help.

Despite the fact that first aid for the development of pathology - a belt from radiculitis, the disease must be treated in a comprehensive manner, using all possible methods and medications.

Folk remedies

Of course, gymnastics with radiculitis, like massage, is very effective help, but you can treat pathology at home using natural means.

In the people for the treatment of the pathology of the spine, black radish is used to prepare a compress, which is applied to the waist region.

If the pain does not recede, medication will be required.

It is also possible to prepare tincture from the sedge, which is taken inside. Prepare a bandage for the waist from furatsilina, mustard plasters and honey.

Mustards must be dipped into the solution with furatsilina and honey, and then superimposed on the area of ​​localization of pain syndrome.

Loin with superimposed mustard plaster should be wrapped in plastic wrap and woolen shawl for the whole night. In the morning, take off.

Some practice to treat radiculitis with raw potatoes on a sore spot. Prepare the mixture with aloe and honey, and then take it inside, use compresses from the leaves of burdock.

Despite many ways to treat the spine, many of which are really effective.A person who once has such a pathology should strictly follow his health in the future, and above all, avoid physical exertion, and overstrain.

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Sacral Radiculitis - Symptoms And Treatment

Perhaps there is no family in which one of the household members or their relatives at least once in their life did not get radiculitis.

This is a very common disease of the peripheral nervous system, characterized by infringement and inflammation of the nerve roots of the spinal cord. Pain with radiculitis occurs always unexpectedly. It is enough to make an embarrassing or abrupt movement.

Sometimes there is cervical-brachial sciatica, in which pain also extends to the occipital part of the head, but the sacral sciatica most often develops. Symptoms and treatment of this ailment are well known to neurologists and rheumatologists.

With this pathology, spinal nerves in the lumbar region are pinched, with pain in the buttock, thigh, and shin.

Causes of development

Lumbosacral radiculitis can occur for a variety of reasons.

Predisposing factors are increased load on the lumbar region (lifting weights), hypothermia, the consequences of injuries, curvature of the spine (scoliosis, lordosis, kyphosis), faltering of the intervertebral disc, formation of vertebrae of osteophytes (bone growths). But all the same most often the radiculitis pains appear against a background of an osteochondrosis - a degenerative-dystrophic disease, in which the elasticity of the intervertebral discs is lost and the distance between vertebrae. As a result, with an unsuccessful turn of the trunk, the nerve roots are squeezed, pain arises, and lumbosacral radiculitis develops.


Pain syndrome with sacral sciatica is so strong and sharp that a person almost completely loses motor abilities. At the slightest attempt to lean forward, tears appear on the eyes.

No wonder many people call radiculitis pain "lumbago". When sneezing or coughing, the intensity of pain is only increased.

In the first minutes of an attack a person, even when lying down, can not find a suitable position for a long time, which could reduce severe pain. Later, taking a forced posture, the patient lies, bending his leg from the affected side.

If a person is put on his back and lift his leg from the side of defeat, then the diseased nerve is stretched. This action again causes sharp pain in the lumbar and gluteal regions (Laseg's symptom).

For a lumbosacral radiculitis, a person can not sit down and stand up for a long time. Sometimes the disease is accompanied by subfebrile temperature and increased sensitivity to cold. At the slightest physical or nervous strain, a painful attack appears again.


The treatment process for lumbosacral radiculitis should be of a complex nature: combining medical therapy, physiotherapeutic procedures, massage (with the exception of manual therapy, which can be used only at the final recovery of the patient).

In the acute stage of the disease, first of all, it is necessary to stop the pain. To this end, use non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, mainly in the form of injections - Ibuprofen, Ketonal, Diclofenac, Indomethacin. With a particularly strong pain syndrome, the injections of the Ketanov drug help well.

Also, Novocaine blockades, drug electrophoresis with dicain and phenol are carried out. For muscle relaxation additionally prescribed muscle relaxants - Baclofen, Sirdalud, Midokalm.

Certainly, the treatment of sacral radiculitis is not complete without the use of external ointments, which can be anesthetizing (Voltaren, Nurofen), warming (Amizartron, Viprosal) and locally irritating (Capsicum, Finalgon). Drug treatment is combined with vitamin therapy: a course of injections of vitamin B12.

The complex of recovery measures for lumbosacral radiculitis includes also physiotherapeutic procedures (galvanic currents, ultrasound), lumbar massage, exercise therapy, mud applications, hydrogen sulphide bath.

In order to increase the distance between the vertebrae and release the jammed nerve endings, the technique of spinal traction is used.

During the period of remission it is very useful to purchase a permit for sanatorium treatment, where the patient will be provided with a full course of necessary procedures.

In order not to collide in life with sacral radiculitis, symptoms and treatment of this ailment, it is necessary in all possible ways protect the spine: avoid lifting weights, hypothermia, stress, follow the posture, train the lumbar muscle corset.

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