Doctor from the cough instructions

Doctor Mom - full instruction

instructions to the drug Dr. MomDr. Mom is a medicinal product that is plant cough syrup and is used as a symptomatic drug for the treatment of respiratory diseases, accompanied by a dry irritant cough or cough with a difficult to separate phlegm. It has in its composition active plant substances that have softening, anti-inflammatory, expectorant, secretory, secretolitic, bronchodilator, mucolytic and expectorant actions based on complete normalization of the disturbance of the relationships between the constituent components of viscous sputum, which contributes to its easier coughing up. Therefore, this drug is one of the medicines that are used in the treatment of bronchitis, pharyngitis, tracheitis, laryngitis, including those resulting from overexertion vocal cords for crying in children or for "lecture" laryngitis in adults, as an adjuvant in the treatment of pneumonia and obstructive tracheobronchitis and other chronic diseases lungs.


At the heart of Dr. Mom syrup are dry extracts from the roots, leaves, seeds, flowers, bark of such medicinal plants: aloe barbados, adatodes vasiki, carnelian elephant, basilica sacred, ginger medicinal, licorice naked, turmeric long, pepper cubebe, nightshade indian and terminalei beleriks. Many of these plants are familiar to the very childhood - licorice and aloe, which are the first remedies for dry irritating coughing of the cold. Their wonderful healing properties are time-tested and are based on a huge number of positive therapeutic effects, with an inflammatory pathological process, localized in the respiratory system. Other vegetable components of the syrup Dr. Mom are plants popular in India - turmeric, an unusually aromatic and bright spice, which is considered a strong anti-inflammatory agent and antiseptic.

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According to the latest research of American biochemists, it is revealed that the molecules of turmeric possess a unique ability to penetrate into the cells of the body, to strengthen their membranes and activate their own defense mechanisms for resistance to infectious diseases by activating the formation of a huge amount antibodies. Also, kukurma has the properties of a plant natural antibacterial drug, which has a stimulating effect on the stomach and intestines.

Ginger - an active herbal medicine rich in trace elements, essential oils and vitamins. It is widely used for catarrhal diseases of the upper and lower respiratory tract as an anti-inflammatory and expectorant. Ginger also stimulates the body's immune system and prevents the reproduction of viruses and bacteria.

Basil, pepper and elecampane are also antimicrobial and stimulating phytopreparations with excellent tonic properties and are effective for prolonged, irritating cough and headaches.

The mechanism of action of the drug Dr. Mom consists in its expressed expectorant, secretory and secretory action. Also, this natural herbal preparation has a stimulating effect on the cells of the glands of the mucous membrane of the respiratory tract, increasing the secretion of mucous secretions in the bronchi and alveoli, and stimulates the ciliary activity of the epithelium of the respiratory system organism. The mechanism of action of this phytopreparation is based on the mild activation of hydrolyzing enzymes of cells bronchial glands and alveoli, and as a result, the viscosity of phlegm decreases and this leads to a decrease cough. Complex interaction of all components of a plant preparation and stimulation of protective forces of an organism.


Dr. Mom is well absorbed from the gastrointestinal tract and has a high absorption capacity when taking any form of the drug - syrup, lozenges or ointment. Metabolism of this phytopreparation occurs in most cases in the liver, and Dr. Mom is excreted from the body mainly by the kidneys.

Indications for use Dr. Mom

Having high efficiency, excellent expectorant, secretory-motor bronchodilator and secretolitic effects, this phytopreparation is used in most cases acute and chronic respiratory diseases, which are accompanied by a dry protracted or irritating cough and / or thick sputum, such as an antitussive means.


  1. Acute pharyngitis, tracheitis, laryngitis;
  2. Acute tracheobronchitis, acute obstructive bronchitis, acute bronchitis;
  3. Bronchial asthma with the formation of viscous sputum and difficulty in its withdrawal;
  4. Infectious diseases of the respiratory tract, complicated by laryngitis, tracheitis, bronchitis or alveolitis;
  5. Chronic nasopharyngitis, chronic laryngotracheitis, chronic laryngitis;
  6. Chronic bronchitis (on the background of respiratory failure or its absence).

Method of application of Dr. Moma

This preparation has such forms of release: in the form of pastilles, syrup for children and adults and a warming ointment and is made by the company Unik Pharmaceutical Laboratories.

varieties of Dr. Mom

Doctor Mom syrup

The syrup is available in 100 ml bottles of dark glass or in green bottles made from polyethylene terephthalate, closed with aluminum lids with mandatory control for the first opening and complete with dimensional cup.

Syrup Dr Mom is dosed: for children from three to five years - on a half-spoonful, which is, ml three times a day, and with six to fourteen years - by half a spoonful to one teaspoon, which is, ml ml of the drug three times in day. Adults and children over fourteen years of age, the drug is prescribed in a dosage of - 1 ml three times a day.

Doctor Mom of a lozenge

The tableted form is a round lozenge: lemon, orange, strawberry, raspberry, fruit, pineapple and berry tablets of 10 pieces in a blister. Orange lozenges have a round biconvex shape and an orange color. Pastilles lemon are biconvex round pastilles of greenish-yellow or yellow color. Pastilles crimson - round biconvex pastilles of red or dark red color. Strawberry pastilles have a round biconvex shape and a red or cherry red color. Pineapples pineapple - a round biconvex green color of the lozenges. Fruit pastilles have the appearance of biconvex round lozenges of reddish purple or purple. The berry pastilles are round, biconvex pastilles of pinkish-brown or brown color. For all types of pastilles, unevenness of the edges and the presence of air in the air bubbles are allowed.

In the composition of pastilles there are dry extracts of such phytopreparations: rhizomes of ginger medicinal, roots of licorice naked, fruit of the medicated officinalis. And in this regard, have anti-inflammatory and expectorant effect. The extract of licorice roots naked has an expectorant, anti-inflammatory and antispasmodic effect. Extract of rhizome of medicinal ginger has anti-inflammatory and analgesic effects, and the extract of the embryo has antipyretic and anti-inflammatory effect. Menthol, which is part of this herbal preparation has antiseptic and antispasmodic effects.

Pastilles are prescribed only to adults and children over fourteen years in a dosage of one lozenge every two hours with a slow resolution in the oral cavity with a maximum daily dose of not more than ten pastilles.

Ointment Doctor Mom

Ointment Doctor Mom is a drug with a local irritating and warming effect, applied externally for colds of the upper and lower respiratory tract. It has in its composition: camphor, menthol, turpentine oil or turpentine, muscat oil, eucalyptus oil and thymol. All these components are analgesic, anti-inflammatory, locally irritating and antimicrobial. And they are used in ARI and ARVI, which are accompanied by a cough. Ointment is applied to the area of ​​the chest, neck and back from behind and in front with light, rubbing and massaging movements. To improve the warming effect make warm wraps. In ARVI and ARI, which are accompanied by nasal congestion and / or runny nose, ointment is applied to the skin of the wings of the nose, avoiding contact with the eye mucosa. In adults, ointments can be used in the form of steam-wet inhalations.


Medicinal preparation Dr. Mom is a natural photographic drug, then contraindications to its use Only increased individual hypersensitivity or intolerance of its constituents is considered components. Do not recommend the use of syrup Dr. Mohm to children under three years of age, due to the possible sensitivity of the child organism to the complex saturated composition of the preparation, which has a variety of different plant extracts. It is also not recommended to use this drug in the early stages of pregnancy.

Ointment Doctor Mom is used only as an external agent, it should be applied to damaged areas of the skin or on the wound surface, it is also necessary to avoid getting ointment in the eyes and other mucous membranes shell.

Pastilles Dr. Mom is not used in childhood, and it is not recommended to take them in conjunction with antitussive drugs and with medicines that inhibit sputum formation and make it difficult her departure.

Specific guidance and interaction with other drugs

With caution, this medication should be taken by pregnant women and during lactation. The reception of this phytopreparation by pregnant women and with lactation is possible only with the appointment of a doctor and with his constant monitoring.

It is not recommended to take the drug with liver or kidney failure.

Dr. Mom is not prescribed in combination with drugs that suppress the cough reflex. A good effect results in the use of mucolytic agents of plant origin in combination with lazolvanom, ambroksolom and bromheksinom.

Side effects

Side effects of the natural herbal preparation Dr. Mom are the occurrence of allergic reactions with increased sensitivity to the saturated complex the composition of the drug in the application of any form of release in the form of urticaria, allergic contact dermatitis (with the use of ointment), angioedema edema. In the case of prolonged uncontrolled use of the drug, nausea or vomiting may occur (which may explained by the presence in the syrup of an extract of licorice naked, with an indistinct emetic effect).

If any of these symptoms occur, you should immediately stop using the medication and seek medical advice from a medical institution.

Dr. Mom


Overdose of this herbal medicine occurs in rare cases - when taking the drug in lozenges or syrup in doses exceeding the prescribed permissible daily dose, with the accumulation of a drug in the body that can occur with its long and uncontrolled admission or in violation of its excretion from the body in the pathology of the kidneys or liver.

Symptoms of drug overdose Dr. Mom are nausea, vomiting or an allergic reaction in the form of hives, allergic contact dermatitis or angioedema.

Periodically, situations arise when a small child drinks a large amount of a medicine. In the case of Dr. Mom, this can cause vomiting, nausea, or abdominal pain (due to the stimulating effect of syrup or troches on the stomach and intestines). Therefore, if such a situation arises and the symptomatic symptoms increase in the child, it is necessary to urgently apply for medical aid and to spend the child washing the stomach, and if necessary, detoxification therapy.

Also no less dangerous complications when taking a large amount of the drug, both in children and in adults - the occurrence of allergic reactions in the form of edema Quincke or angioedema. They refer to allergic reactions of the anaphylactic immediate type and are characterized by lightning or rapid flow. Therefore, if they arise, urgently need to contact a medical institution.

Application in lactation and pregnancy

Admission of this drug during pregnancy is contraindicated in the first three months of pregnancy and is not recommended to pregnant women in the second and third trimester of pregnancy and in lactation period, since there is always a risk of adverse effects of the drug on the embryo in the early stages or on the developing fetus in the later stages pregnancy. Complex combination of the preparation can negatively affect the baby's body. In any case, the use of this drug in pregnancy and lactation is possible only with the appointment of a doctor and with his constant monitoring.

Also when breastfeeding the baby, taking Dr Mom is not recommended.

Doctor Mom for children

Herbal preparation Dr. Mom is currently one of the safest integrated phytopreparations for children, which is used from an early age and practically have no side effects reactions. A convenient dosage, a pleasant aroma and a wonderful composition of this natural medicinal product is considered a distinctive feature and a guarantee of safety of its application in childhood. Important aspects of the use of this medicine for children is that it is able not only to have a wonderful mucoregulatory and mucolytic effect on the mucous membrane the membrane of the lower respiratory tract, which contributes to the dilution of sputum, but additionally has a stimulating effect on the body's immune system and prevents the multiplication of viruses and bacteria. Also, Dr. Mom has an excellent anti-inflammatory effect and how the mucoregulator accelerates and improves withdrawal, by activating the cilia of the ciliated epithelium.
Dr. Mom is a herbal plant complex drug that actively influences the consistency of sputum, regulating the ratio of its constituents, As a result, the viscosity of the sputum decreases and leads to an improvement in its withdrawal and removal from the respiratory tract of the child, which leads to moistening of the dry and reducing the wet cough.

Also Dr. Mom has an excellent anti-inflammatory effect, reducing the inflammatory response in the tissues of the lower and upper respiratory tract, has antioxidant qualities, as well as bronchodilator and spasmolytic effects. Under the influence of the components of this drug, more immunoglobulins are produced and this promotes an increase in the activity of local immunity in the pharynx, larynx, mucous membrane of the nasal cavity, trachea, bronchi and alveoli lungs.

Also syrup Dr. Mom and ointment is used in pediatric practice for the complex treatment of respiratory infections: measles, mumps, parotitis, scarlet fever or chicken pox with their complicated course and development of nasopharyngitis, laryngitis, tracheitis or bronchitis.

In pediatric practice is used as a syrup and warming ointment Dr. Mom.

Practical application of Dr Mom for treatment of cough

The complex herbal medicine Dr Mom, which is an excellent development of the pharmacological company Unik Pharmaceutical Laboratories, is currently time is considered to be quite a popular, effective and safe medication, which is widely used in medical practice for cough treatment in children and adults.

Dr. Mom, in any form of use for its antitussive effect, based on its soothing, anti-inflammatory, expectorant, secretory, secretolitic, bronchodilator, has excellent efficacy, both in children and adults, diluting the mucous secret of the trachea, bronchi, alveoli and thick mucus accumulating in the nasopharynx and larynx.

Dr. Mom is widely used in therapeutic and pediatric and practice for the treatment of cough that causes inflammatory diseases mainly the upper and lower divisions of the respiratory tract - laryngitis, pharyngitis, laryngotracheitis, tracheitis and uncomplicated bronchitis.

It is prescribed for inflammatory diseases of the lower respiratory tract of infectious and inflammatory genesis, which are accompanied by a pronounced moist cough - acute and chronic tracheobronchitis, chronic nasopharyngitis, laryngitis and laryngotracheitis, acute pneumonia, acute, chronic and obstructive bronchitis.

Additional positive characteristics of this drug is its excellent tolerability, even with prolonged use at any age.

Dr. Mom is also used to treat prolonged airway inflammation in the elderly, connection with its high efficiency and safety, as well as minimal adverse reactions in a variety of forms release.

Dr. Mom is also used in otolaryngology for the complex treatment of acute, sluggish and chronic inflammatory processes of the nasal cavity - sinusitis and rhinitis, in which stagnation occurs viscous mucus.

"Doctor Mom" ​​(cough syrup): price, user manual and customer reviews

As soon as a child becomes ill and has a cough, anxious parents immediately try to help him and relieve unpleasant symptoms. However, this is not so easy, because a developing organism can be harmed by a variety of medications. In the fight against the defeat of the respiratory tract, the leading place is occupied by the widely known drug "Doctor Mom" ​​- cough syrup. Consider what this means is and how it has earned its popularity.

doctor mom cough syrup

Pharmacological properties

Effective medicine "Doctor Mom" ​​(cough syrup) is a homeopathic remedy. It includes many medicinal plants. In this case, the syrup does not contain alcohol and narcotic components.

Pharmacological properties of the drug determine the ingredients that make up its composition:

  1. The basil is sacred. This component has antipyretic, expectorant, antiseptic and diaphoretic properties.
  2. Licorice is naked. The plant has analgesic, anti-inflammatory, sedative and expectorant effects.
  3. Turmeric is long. The component has a clear antibacterial and anti-inflammatory effect.
  4. Ginger medicinal. It is a strong anti-inflammatory ingredient.
  5. Justice of the adathode. It has an expectorant, mucolytic and antispasmodic properties.
  6. Nightshade Indian. Known as an expectorant and antipyretic.
  7. Nine racemose. Has antiseptic, expectorant and antispasmodic effect.
  8. Pepper cubebe. The ingredient has expectorant and anti-inflammatory properties.
  9. Terminology of the white man. Has an expectorant and anti-edematous effect on the body.
  10. Aloe barbados. Possesses anti-inflammatory and regenerating properties.
  11. Menthol. The component is characterized by antiseptic, excellent antispasmodic and high analgesic effect.
doctor mom syrup from cough price

As can be seen from all of the above, a very rich composition has the drug "Doctor Mom." Cough syrup provides elimination in the body of inflammatory processes, getting rid of cough. He perfectly stimulates sputum evacuation.

Indications for use

Homeopathic medicine refers to the means of symptomatic therapy, perfectly eliminating cough. With a variety of ailments of the respiratory system, accompanied by the above feature, the drug "Doctor Mom" ​​is prescribed. Cough syrup recommends the use of the cough for the control of the following pathologies and manifestations:

  1. Acute or chronic lesions of the respiratory tract (pharyngitis, ARVI, tracheitis, laryngitis, bronchitis).
  2. Pneumonia.
  3. Professional laryngitis (so-called lecture). The medicine eliminates hoarseness.
  4. Bronchitis of the smoker.

The patient quickly gets rid of an unpleasant symptom. Viscosity of sputum is rapidly decreasing, there is a slight easing. The main thing is to use the drug as recommended by the instruction enclosed in "Doctor Mom" ​​(cough syrup). The price of this tool is low, which will also pleasantly please the consumer.

doctor momma cough syrup user's manual

Side effects

As an effective and almost safe tool, which in most cases does not cause complications, the drug "Doctor Mom" ​​(cough syrup for children) has proved itself.

The instruction contains a list of possible side effects. However, they are extremely rare. Sometimes you can meet:

  • allergic reactions, manifested by a rash, itching, slight swelling and redness;
  • failure of the functioning of the intestine, characterized by heartburn, diarrhea, nausea.


Despite the high efficiency, unfortunately, not all people are suitable medicine "Doctor Mom" ​​(cough syrup). The instructions for use give a list of contraindications.

Initially, it should be remembered that babies and toddlers under 3 years of age are not prescribed. The syrup is not recommended for lactating women and pregnant women, since there is no information on the safety of treatment for this category of patients.

It is forbidden to apply the drug to people who are hypersensitive to its components.

doctor momma cough syrup reviews

Dosing recommendations

"Doctor Mom" ​​(cough syrup), the price of which is quite affordable, is allowed for admission to children who have reached the age of three. For infants, as noted above, the drug is not applied.

Recommended dosage:

  • to children at the age of 3-5 years three times a day for half an hour. spoons;
  • children under 14 years three times a day for one hour. spoon;
  • adolescents from 15 years and adults three times a day for one to two hours. spoons.

It is necessary to take the medicine before eating. The syrup has a pleasant taste and is therefore used undiluted.

Typically, the treatment period lasts from two to three weeks. However, in their responses, many consumers note that this tool effectively relieves symptoms in just a couple of days, of course, if the reception is started in time.


It is very important to understand that the drug "Doctor Mom" ​​(cough syrup) is prescribed exclusively for symptomatic therapy. The product excels from signs of respiratory diseases. However, it is not capable of influencing microorganisms that live on the mucosa. That is why such a medicine should not replace a medication prescribed by a doctor.

doctor mom cough syrup instructions price

Use syrup with antimicrobials only after consulting a doctor. It is undesirable at the same time to take the above-mentioned remedy with other antitussive medicines. Such a combination can lead to unpleasant consequences, for example, to disturb the loss of diluted sputum. As a result, the process of recovery will be sufficiently prolonged.

special instructions

The medicine contains sugar in its composition. This should be taken into account for patients diagnosed with diabetes mellitus, as well as for people who are on a hypocaloric diet. One dose for adults (5-10 milliliters) contains, 5 grams of sucrose.

Cost of medicine

Consumers are happy that the price for the drug "Doctor Mom" ​​(cough syrup for children) is low. The cost of the drug varies depending on the regions and retail chains. The role and form of the release also plays a role. So, how much is the drug "Doctor Mom" ​​(cough syrup)? The price of such a tool is on average 124 rubles.

Those patients who want to buy ointment "Doctor Mom will have to spend 62-72 rubles. The cost of pastilles is about 63 rubles.

doctor mom cough syrup for children

Customer Reviews

Quite contradictory people characterize the drug "Doctor Mom" ​​(cough syrup). The testimonials of some consumers indicate that this is an effective remedy to eliminate unpleasant symptoms. Quite often, parents give their drug "Doctor Mom" ​​to their colds. In most cases, the results from the application are positive. Children quickly get rid of an unpleasant cough and sleep peacefully at night.

Some patients, despite contraindications in the instructions, used the drug during pregnancy (solely for the doctor's prescription). They notice that they have got rid of the cough, but not as fast as they would like.

However, there are absolutely opposite opinions. Some parents consider the syrup to be completely ineffective. They say that the medicine did not eliminate the symptoms and did not help the children. At the same time, after a while, more serious diseases were diagnosed in babies, as the infection in the body without prompt treatment progressed rapidly.

doctor mom syrup for cough for children price

What is DrMoM: an ideal way to get rid of unpleasant symptoms in the form of a cough or a brand that does not help at all with ailments?

Having carefully studied the feedback of consumers, it can be concluded that the remedy helps those patients who start taking it before the pronounced manifestations of the common cold. The medicine should be used at the first signs characterizing the impending disease. In doing so, use the drug according to the instructions.

Many consumers note that they combined the intake of syrup with the use of no less than the healing ointment "Doctor Mom". They did not refuse from pastilles. As a result, such patients quickly and easily got rid of the oncoming cold, which completely gives them reason to talk about the drug as an effective cure for cough.

Syrup Doctor Mom for cough treatment

acceptance of syrup by doctor mom

Syrup Doctor Mom is a combined drug that actively fights against coughing in small and adult patients. Its composition presupposes the presence of plant substances, which exert an expectorant effect. Release the medicine in the form of syrup in a glass bottle 100ml. With the use of Dr. Mom, you can remove the pain syndrome, withdraw phlegm and inflammation.

Effect of the drug

Dr. Mom is an anti-inflammatory mucolytic and bronchodilator. He is actively involved in diagnosing a child's respiratory diseases, which are accompanied by a strong coughing and a difficult sputum discharge. Most often, the medicine is used for bronchitis, pharyngitis, tracheitis, laryngitis.

doctor mom cough syrup

When the dosage is met, Dr. Mom manages to achieve the following effect:

  • bronchodilator - it is possible to prevent the development of bronchospasm, to bring the musculature of the bronchi to relax;
  • expectorant - it is possible to remove phlegm from the upper respiratory tract;
  • mucolytic - phlegm is diluted and it is easier to remove it from the affected secret;
  • other effects: relieves inflammation, dilates blood vessels, has an antiseptic and locally irritating effect.

On the photo - syrup from cough Dr. Mom:

doctor mom cough syrup


Such a positive effect of the drug is due to its constituent components. These include:

  1. Rhizome of licorice- eliminates inflammation, removes spasms in blood vessels, dilutes sputum and removes it from the body.
  2. Medicinal ginger- has a pronounced anti-inflammatory effect, allows you to eliminate allergic cough. This component allows you to stimulate the body's defenses, inhibits the development and reproduction of viruses.
  3. Medicinal emblem- normalizes the body temperature, allows to eliminate the inflammatory process.
  4. Menthol- has an anesthetic effect and allows to expand the vessels.
  5. Pepper and basilhas an excellent antimicrobial effect, has a stimulating and tonic effect. Presented substances can eliminate coughing attacks of a protracted nature.
  6. Turmerichas unique properties, as it penetrates into the cells of the human body. It allows you to strengthen and activate the natural defenses. In addition, turmeric has also a natural antibacterial effect.
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The taste of the presented medicine is very pleasant, so there is no need to dilute it with water. The course of treatment will be 2-3 weeks, but it is not uncommon to eliminate unpleasant manifestations of colds in a few days, but with the timely receipt of the medication. Use the medicine before eating. Here you can read the instructions for use. pastilles Doctor Mom.

doctor mom syrup for children's cough

For children

If a small patient is only 3-5 years old, then the reception is done by a ½ dessert spoon 3 times a day. If it is necessary to eliminate cough for children under 14 years, the dosage is 1 dessert spoon 3 times a day.

For adults

For the adult population, Dr. Mom needs to take 1-2 dessert spoons 3 times a day.

pregnant and cough syrup can or not

In pregnancy

Cough syrup Dr. Mom is used during pregnancy. Use Dr. Mom during pregnancy is allowed because of its plant composition, which have a safe effect on the body of the mother and her baby. For future mothers are allowed to use syrup in the amount of a dessert spoon 3 times a day.


You can buy the medicine in any pharmacy. It is worth syrup Dr. Mom 174 rubles.


Analogues are medicines that are similar in composition and effect. Before taking the analogue of Dr. Mom, you need to get a doctor's permission:

  • Agri. This medication very effectively eliminates all manifestations of acute respiratory diseases, both viral and catarrhal. Use the drug is allowed only to the adult population.
cough syrup Agri
  • Ajikold. Such a remedy is prescribed by a physician to eliminate the symptoms of inflammatory airway ailments that cause coughing attacks. To such diseases it is possible to carry:
    • pharyngitis;
    • laryngitis;
    • tracheitis;
    • bronchitis;
    • pneumonia;
    • Pertussis at the initial stage.
cough syrup from Adjikold
  • Analgol. The medication is very effective in arteritis, myositis, sciatica, radiculitis. In addition, the drug is used to treat the symptoms of tracheitis, laryngitis and pain in the throat.
  • Angin-helel with. This analogue of Dr. Mom is expedient for prescribing with angina of various origins. It also manages to overcome all unpleasant symptoms of chronic tonsillitis. Most often the patient can eliminate tonsillogenic poisoning and the consequences that arose after this ailment.
Angin-gel with cough
  • Angina. For this medicine, the diseases of the oral cavity and upper respiratory tract are not terrible. Actively removes the following symptoms:
    • sore throat;
    • hoarseness;
    • dry cough;
    • inflammatory process of gums and mucous membranes of the mouth.
Cough sore throat

All these manifestations often become the main symptoms of angina, pharyngitis, laryngitis, bronchitis, stomatitis and gingivitis.

  • Antigrippin. His doctors prescribe in the treatment of unpleasant symptoms of flu and colds. During such therapy it is possible to reduce the severity of headache, pain in muscles, joints, sore throat, nose, and chills.Antigrippin for cough
  • Aflubin.This analogue of Dr. Mom is used as a curative and preventive agent for upper respiratory tract diseases. Often the drug is prescribed in a complex therapy for rheumatic and inflammatory diseases.Aflubin from a cough for all
  • Baixitsinge.The drug is actively involved in the treatment of acute respiratory disease, tonsillitis in acute form, as well as in the inflammatory process in the upper respiratory tract.
  • Vito-ho balm.The drug has an excellent anti-inflammatory effect, so it is prescribed for inflammatory diseases, the main symptom of which is cough.Vito-ho balm for coughing for adults
  • Balm Ho. This drug is also used in inflammatory diseases of the upper respiratory tract. During the treatment, it is possible not only to eliminate the cough, but also to improve the sputum discharge. It is allowed to apply the drug not only to adults, but also to children, only carefully following the instructions.

In addition, to treat coughs are mukultin (here you can read if it helps with coughing), cough syrup erespal for children, herbion from a dry cough (here you can see the reviews). Dr. Mom in the form of a syrup is a very effective remedy, actively eliminating cough and other symptoms of viral and colds. Use the drug is allowed even for pregnant and small children, because its composition consists of natural components that have a positive effect.

Doctor of cough instructions for use

For colds, when a sick person is strongly tormented by cough, it is recommended that you take such a cough remedy like syrup or lozenges Dr. Mohm. The doctor of cough, the instruction for which is described below, is made on a plant basis, has anti-inflammatory and expectorant properties.

Doctor of cough - a characteristic of the drug

The doctor is a combined preparation, and its actions are determined solely by the properties of the components that make up its composition.

The components of the preparation are as follows:

1. Extract of licorice root. He is part of the doctor has an expectorant, anti-inflammatory and antispasmodic properties.

2. Extract of rhizome of ginger. Its property is to provide analgesic and anti-inflammatory action.

3. Embolic drug in the composition of the doctor mom. Its extract has antipyretic and anti-inflammatory effect.

Before using any medication, always read the instructions for use carefully. According to generally accepted rules, the instruction should be inside the medicine package.

Doctor of cough - instructions for use

Doctor Mom, pastilles from cough, are used for symptomatic therapy of chronic and acute inflammatory diseases that occur in the respiratory tract. You can start treatment with a doctor for dry and barking cough, which is caused by diseases such as laryngitis, bronchitis, pharyngitis, tracheitis and others.

As with any medical device, in the instructions for medicinal pastilles, the doctor from cough has his contraindications:

- hypersensitivity to one or more of the components that make up the drug;

- Children's age (it is not recommended to take this medication for people under 18 years old).

Recommended doses and methods of drug use

For adults it is considered sufficient to use 1 lozenge every few hours per day. The course of treatment with lozenges and syrup Dr. Mohm is approximately 2 or 3 weeks, the maximum daily the dose of application is about 10 plates, it is strongly recommended not to use more than 10 pastilles for one day.

Possible manifestations of an allergic reaction, as one of the side effects of the drug. And information about the overdose of the use of the drug Dr. Mohm has never been reported.

The drug "Doctor Mom form release, indications, composition and side effects

Whatever the controversy over the treatment of a child's cough, no mother is able to calmly watch how her baby is suffering seizures during the day and during a night's sleep. Choosing a cure for the aforementioned disease, it is difficult to decide on a remedy that would not only save the children from this unpleasant symptom, but also not harm the body. According to experts, cough for colds, as well as for viral infections is best treated using expectorant medicines of plant origin. Such a natural drug for children and adults is the drug "Doctor Mom." To understand what distinguishes this drug from the rest, we will tell about it in more detail.

doctor mom

Forms of release

Currently, the cough drug "Doctor Mom" ​​is produced in the form of:

  • pastilles (lozenges);
  • syrup;
  • ointments.

Cough syrup

Syrup "Doctor Mom" ​​is a preparation of vegetable origin, rendering bronchodilator (eliminates bronchial spasms) and mucolytic (liquefies existing sputum) effects.

Indications for use

Use of such a syrup follows for symptomatic therapy of chronic and acute respiratory diseases, which are accompanied by dry or with a hard-to-separate sputum cough (for example, with pharyngitis, bronchitis, tracheitis, laryngitis and etc.).

Structure of the preparation

doctor instructions

The composition of this drug includes the active components of such medicinal herbs as adatode basil, basil, aloe, turmeric, licorice, nightshade, ginger, terminal, elecampane, etc. As for the auxiliary substances, they can include sucrose, glycerol, monohydrate of citric acid, sodium benzoate, sodium methylparahydroxybenzoate, sorbic acid, sodium propyl parahydroxybenzoate, pineapple flavor, colorant and purified water.

Dosage and route of administration

  • Children syrup "Doctor Mom" ​​should be given depending on the age: from 3 to 5 years - half spoonful (or, ml) three times a day, from 6 to 15 years - on a full dessert spoon (5 ml) three times a day day.
  • Adults, as well as children over 15 years of age, are recommended to use the drug in the amount of 10 ml three times a day for 3 weeks.

Contraindications and side effects

Despite the fact that the syrup "Doctor Mom" ​​consists mainly of natural ingredients, it is allowed to use it only after 3 years. You should also pay attention to the fact that some components of this drug can cause allergic reactions.

Lollipops for Coughs

Complex therapy of such a disease as cough should be supplemented by symptomatic treatment, which is aimed at alleviating the patient's condition. Lozenges or lozenges for resorption quite effectively eliminate all the signs of this unpleasant diseases (coughing, pain and perspiration in the throat), and also have expectorant and anti-inflammatory act.

lollipops for coughing doctor mom

Structure of the preparation

1 lozenge of the drug "Doctor Mom" ​​includes such active ingredients as dry extracts, extracted from the fruits of the embryo, the roots of licorice naked, levomentola and rhizomes of ginger medicinal. Depending on the excipients, candies can be with:

  • orange flavor(sucrose, orange flavor, propyl parahydroxybenzoate, citric acid monohydrate, methyl parahydroxybenzoate, dextrose liquid, glycerol, mint essence and yellow dye "sunny sunset");
  • lemon flavor(sucrose, propyl parahydroxybenzoate, lemon oil, citric acid monohydrate, methyl parahydroxybenzoate, glycerol, mint essence, yellow quinoline dye, dextrose liquid);
  • crimson taste(sucrose, methylparahydroxybenzoate, propyl parahydroxybenzoate, glycerol, raspberry flavor, dextrose liquid, dye ahorubin);
  • strawberry flavor(sucrose, propyl parahydroxybenzoate, methyl parahydroxybenzoate, citric acid monohydrate, strawberry flavor, glycerol, dextrose liquid, colourant dye);
  • pineapple taste(sucrose, mint essence, propyl parahydroxybenzoate, dye, citric acid monohydrate, methyl parahydroxybenzoate, glycerol, pineapple flavor, dextrose liquid);
  • fruit flavor(sucrose, methylparahydroxybenzoate, citric acid, propyl parahydroxybenzoate, glycerol, fruit flavor, dextrose liquid, grape dye);
  • berry flavor(sucrose, methylparahydroxybenzoate, citric acid, glycerol, propyl parahydroxybenzoate, berry flavor, dextrose liquid, dyes: azorubin and brilliant blue).candy from a cough doctor with different tastes

Lozenges "Dr. Mom instructions for use

For adults it is recommended to dissolve such sweet candies (slowly) in the oral cavity in the amount of 1 piece every two hours. The maximum dose of this drug per day should be 10 lozenges. Duration of treatment - 2 or, weeks.

Contraindications and side effects

Presented lozenges are made from medicinal plants. But, despite this, it is extremely undesirable to accept people under 18 years of age. Although in pediatrics such candies are actively cured and effectively eliminate all the unpleasant signs of respiratory diseases, even in children older than 11 years. But due to the presence of dyes in candies "Doctor Mom" ​​and the lack of data (clinical) about contraindications, this drug should be given to the child with extreme caution. Otherwise, the baby may experience allergic reactions.

cough treatment with the help of the drug doctor mom

Ointment "Doctor Mom" ​​with a cough

Ointment or balm for colds for children and adults is made on the basis of medicinal plants. It effectively removes the existing inflammatory processes, and also has a distracting and antiseptic effect.

Indications for use

Use this tool only externally. As a rule, the ointment "Doctor Mom" ​​is used for acute respiratory diseases (for symptomatic therapy), which are accompanied by a runny nose, muscle aches, a feeling of nasal congestion, as well as with headaches and pain in back.

Structure of the preparation

For the production of a therapeutic ointment for cold and cough use dry extracts, isolated from camphor, levomentol, thymol, muscat, turpentine and eucalyptus oils. To the auxiliary substances that make up this product, you can include soft white paraffin.

ointment of a doctor for coughing

Dosage and route of administration

Ointment "Doctor Mom" ​​is intended for external use only. Use it is necessary in the following cases:

  • With congestion or runny nose. For this, the drug is required to apply a thin layer on the skin of the wings of the nose.
  • With headaches. In this case, the ointment should be applied to the skin of the temporal region.
  • With pain in the back and muscles. To do this, it is recommended to apply ointment to the painful area. And to achieve a better and faster result, the affected area should be bandaged with a warm bandage.

Contraindications and possible side effects

Like other pharmacy products, the ointment "Doctor Mom" ​​has its contraindications. These include increased sensitivity to constituent components, as well as any diseases skin and damage to the integrity of the skin at sites where it is a drug. In addition, it is highly undesirable to use it for children under 2 years old.

Vegetable lozenges Doctor IOM - enemy of cough # 1

Lozenges doctor instructions

Often faced with commercials on TV, colorful booklets and posters in pharmacy kiosks, it is possible to come to a conclusion, that plant pastilles "Doctor MOM" occupy the very first place in the list of medicines for the treatment of respiratory diseases ways.

Properties of the preparation

Doctor Mom pastilles composition

The composition of pastilles Dr. MOM includes effective natural ingredients

Plant lollipops "Doctor MOM" in its complex contain active extracts of oils and medicinal plants.The centuries-old experience in homeopathy confirms their positive impact on health.

The production of drugs of this brand occurs in India, famous for its respectful attitude to nature and the use of its forces in the treatment of various diseases. And although the price is somewhat higher in comparison with competitors, the effectiveness and naturalness of the composition justifies this.

pastilles doctor mom instructions for useThe composition of plant lozenges includes the following components:
  • dry extracts;
  • levomentola;
  • sucrose and dextrose liquid;
  • glycerol;
  • monohydrate;
  • methylparahydroxybenzoate;
  • propyl parahydroxybenzoate;
  • mint flavor.

Depending on the taste of pastilles, which are pineapple, orange, strawberry, lemon, raspberry, fruit and berry add natural flavor and color.

Application features

pastilles doctor mom instructions for use

Pastilles Dr. MOM are sold in pharmacies without a prescription and at an affordable price

The instruction, which must necessarily be enclosed in each certified cardboard pack of pastilles recommends slowly dissolving the lozenges, if you feel a sore throat, pain, dryness and cough.The maximum daily dose of lozenges is ten.

To ease the condition, you must take the lozenge after two hours, especially if the patient suffers from professional laryngitis.

cough with phlegm after eatingHow to cure cough with phlegm after eating, is indicated in the article.

How to use the cough syrup for children Dr. Mom, you can learn from the article.

How quickly treatment with folk remedies of dry cough occurs, is indicated in the article here:

Since pastilles "Doctor MOM" are released in a pharmacy without a prescription, it is recommended not to abuse their use, but to buy with the following diseases:

  • chronic or acute pharyngitis;
  • laryngitis;
  • tracheitis;
  • bronchitis;
  • with respiratory diseases with difficulties of sputum discharge and coughing.

The drug can help with mechanical irritation of the throat (mucous membrane), eliminates the symptoms of micro-inflammation. Effective with pneumonia, but exclusively in combination with prescribed medicines.

Pregnancy and children - limitations

is it possible for pregnant women to sleep with a doctor?By analogy with most medications, "Doctor MOM" pastilles are not recommended for use during pregnancy. Flavors, preservatives and colorants are unlikely to benefit the fetus, given that the body gets into the body with food.It is not necessary to increase the amount of negative harmful substances in the body of a future mother, giving preference to folk natural remedies for the treatment of sore throat.Instead of pastilles, you can use safer cough syrup from Alteyka.

The instruction does not recommend buying vegetative pastilles for children, limiting the age of application to adulthood. It is obvious that the producer is reinsured with such a high age threshold, and it is obvious that the trout will not harm teenagers. For very young children, it is better to use the popular cough recipes for children.

The main frightening factor is a fairly large size of the lozenge, which the child can swallow entirely without being able to fully rassosat. In this case, it is desirable to replace the tablets with a syrup with similar properties in order to avoid suffocation and other troubles.

Obvious contraindications

It will be more expedient to abandon the use of plant lollies "Doctor MOM if resorption, you will feel additional inflammation, burning, you will see a rash on the body (the so-called urticaria). Probably, to you the above-stated structure does not approach, as on the face signs of a medicinal allergy are shown.

medication cough smokerHow is medication cough medicines smoker, you can learn from the article.

What are the causes, when persist in the throat and coughing, is indicated in this article.

What to do. when strongly pershit in the throat and dry cough, is indicated here:

Since the maximum number of lozenges per day is the number ten, the help in softening the throat can in parallel provide a warm drink or gargle with ordinary warm water.

Price category

plant lozenges from cough doctor mom instructionsIn their category, medicines of the "Doctor MOM" series refer to more expensive medications. This is explained byPlant lozenges are made in India and include in their composition natural ecologically clean components.
  1. Depending on the location of the pharmacy, packing of plant pastilles is within ninety - one hundred and twenty rubles. For example, in an online pharmacy the cost is 98-100 ruble depending on the taste of the lozenges;
  2. In Kaliningrad: 91-98 rubles, depending on taste;
  3. In Moscow, the price is about one hundred rubles;
  4. In St. Petersburg - 103 rubles;
  5. In Yekaterinburg - 110-115 rubles.

Customer Reviews

Dr. Mom Cough lozenges reviewsEkaterina, Kirov: "As for a high school teacher, my voice machine is very important to me. Very often for the lesson the children are breathing in the classroom, after which it is necessary to open the window for ventilation at a change. Constant opening of doors provokes a draft, and I feel cold symptoms on myself quite often. Therefore, in the bedside table, I always have the pastilles "Doctor MOM which I quietly dissolve before the beginning of the lesson.They really always help, and the lesson can be held at a high level, without coughing and tearing. I recommend to everyone".

Alice, Moscow: "I'm a tour guide on a pleasure boat in Moscow. Every day at work I have to tell tourists about the sights of the White-stone. My voice is a kind of visiting card, and I can not afford to be hoarse. Unfortunately, the weather in Moscow is often windy, especially near the water, so colds are a real scourge of my profession.In my purse I always have candy "Doctor MOM" with citrus taste.As soon as I notice the first signs of a cold, I immediately take candy, and literally in the shortest possible time again I can conduct an excursion. Possessing an antipyretic agent, this drug allows me to protect myself from the complex course of the cold. "


Video will tell you how to make effective cough drops at home:

In conclusion, it should be noted that the plant components of Dr.Mom release have a huge number of pluses and allow you to choose everything you need with quality treatment. It is very useful to use ointments, various lollipops and syrups as a preventive measure.

Ointment "Doctor Mom" ​​- first aid for coughing

Doctor on coughing

The remedy against cold "Doctor Mom" ​​in the form of ointment helps to softly and quickly relieve cough. Ointment "Doctor Mom" ​​has an organic basis. Thanks to this and the external form of application, the danger to the body is minimal.

The appearance of the ointment is represented by an almost transparent white mixture, which has a fresh smell of menthol.The drug is suitable for both complex treatment of colds, and for single use. Can be used as a prophylaxis of viral diseases.


doctor moth ointment for cold instruction

Ointment has a warming and antimicrobial effect. One jar of 20 grams is enough for a long time

The basis of the preparation is made up of natural ingredients.

  • Camphor.It acts as an irritant and helps to anesthetize.
  • Levomenthol. Provides a pleasant smell of the drug, dilates the blood vessels when ingested. Causes a feeling of chills on the body. Also, like camphor, plays the role of an anesthetic.
  • Thymol.It serves to fight against microbes, plays the role of antiseptic, has an antifungal effect.
  • Oil of eucalyptus and turpentine.They serve to irritate the skin, and how snoring is treated with sea buckthorn oil, is indicated here in the article.
  • Muscat oil. This component effectively reduces the production of prostaglandins in the body.
  • White paraffin.This soft substance is taken as the basis for the drug.

In addition to the ointment, under the brand "Doctor Mom" ​​are produced and other dosage forms, such as cough syringes Dr. Mom.

Properties of the preparation

Ointment provokes the appearance of a reaction of mild irritation of the skin receptors, which distracts them. It has a warming and antimicrobial effect. Also helps to fight inflammatory reactions. When applied to the skin forms a cool layer.

Indications for use

ointment doctor applicationOintment can not be ingested.You can not lubricate her inner surface of the nose!The drug is sold without a doctor's prescription. It is intended for adults and children over 3 years. Ointment "Doctor Mom" ​​is used as a separate treatment. But it can also be part of the complex to combat acute diseases. Used ointment for headaches and lumbar pains, edema of the nasal mucosa.

The drug cures dry and wet cough.In the first case, the remedy facilitates coughing, has a curative effect. And in the case of the second type of cough, ointment helps to break down sputum.

Indications for use in pregnant women and children

Is it possible to give pregnant women a moth ointment

Pregnant you can use the ointment "Doctor Mom but you should consider the possibility of a strong allergic reaction

According to the instructions, ointment is not recommended for treatment of children under the age of three. But in practice, many young mothers, certified by the pediatrician's prescription, use ointment for early signs of a cold in the baby.

Adult very strong cough before vomiting

The adult has a very strong cough before vomiting, which is indicated in the article.

What can be the causes of cough without colds in adults, indicated in the article.

How to cure a dry paroxysmal cough at night and at bedtime, is indicated here:

You need to apply a minimum amount of money to the feet and the tip of the baby's nose. It is recommended to wear warm socks for the night and give warm milk, mors or compote to the baby before going to bed.

Contraindications for pregnant women to use the drug there.This is a herbal preparation of external action, so the possible harm to the health of the baby and mom is minimized.However, future mothers should consult their doctor for an allergic reaction.

If even before pregnancy an allergic reaction to the ointment was not observed, this does not mean that an allergy can not occur during the ripening period of the fetus. It can be caused by weakened immunity.

Proper Use

doctor-mom-maz8In the case of cough treatment, there are several ways to use:
  • As an inhalation.In the event that cough occurs in a very severe form, you can use an ointment for inhalation. About how the rhinitis is treated with inhalations with a nebulizer, is indicated in the article here.
  • External application.With cold cough ointment is applied to the sternum and neck. You must carefully rub it into the skin. To enhance the effect from above, a warm thing or place is put on, lubricated with ointment, wrapped in a scarf.

Carefully apply ointment, do not let it get on the mucous membrane of the eye, otherwise there will be burning and abundant discharge of tear fluid. After applying the ointment, wash your hands.

The procedures are repeated several times a day. The course of treatment is not more than 5 days.

Side effects

An allergic reaction may occur, accompanied by itching and rashes. In this case, it is necessary to stop treatment with this drug. It is not recommended to use "Doctor Mom" ​​ointment together with other creams.


doctor mom ointment

Do not use ointment "Doctor Mom" ​​for allergic reactions to the components of the drug

Ointment is contraindicated in people who are allergic to the constituent components of the drug. It is also worthwhile to refrain from using the drug in the presence of mechanical damage (cuts, wounds) in the area of ​​use of the ointment.

People suffering from skin diseases are advised to refrain from treating colds with the help of "Doctor Mom" ​​ointment.

If you have contraindications for using ointment, use folk recipes for coughing at home, for example, cook burnt sugar from a cough. And you can also try a very good product that almost always helps, milk with cough oil.


doctor mom ointment analoguesVirtually all drugs have their counterparts. Ointment "Doctor Mom" ​​was no exception.
  • "Star".A small jar with a star on the lid contains an ointment, similar in composition to the ointment "Doctor Mom." There also includes camphor, menthol, eucalyptus oil and other substances. But the price for this drug is slightly lower.
  • Adjikold Plus. With the exception of paraffin, the composition of this analogue practically coincides with the ointment under consideration.
  • "Vix Active" balm.Its composition differs from the composition of the "Doctor Mom" ​​ointment only in the content of cedar oil.
  • Travisil.The constituent part of this ointment includes various types of paraffin, which distinguishes it from the analogue.


The price for this drug varies from 140 to 160 rubles.

Customer Reviews

Many people who tried treatment with such a drug, remained satisfied with its effect. But there are those to whom the ointment did not produce the proper impression.

doctor mom ointment reviews- "For me it's like a wand-rescue wand, a remedy for all occasions. Due to heavy loads, the daughter always has a headache, and it is not a hunt to spoil the stomach with antibiotics, and they do not help either.And here it is enough to rub this ointment into the whiskey, and the pain goes away!I use ointment when I cough, rubbing my chest and wrapping myself in a blanket. And if the lymph nodes increase, I also apply this drug to them at night, and by morning, as if nothing had happened. The main thing after using the ointment is to stay warm, otherwise the opposite effect may occur. A big plus is that the product is natural. "

- "I have been using this ointment for more than ten years, and I have never regretted it! He coughs well and heats up very well. With a cold, I put ointment on the heels and chest, and under the blanket. The composition is completely natural, but children under two can not. Although, I put my foot on and in infancy.In a jar with ointment "Doctor Mom" ​​only 20 grams, but I also have enough of it for 2-3 years.And the price is adequate! "

- "I decided to try this ointment after a lot of advice from colleagues and positive feedback on the net. I tested first on myself, before I treat the ointment of a child. It just hurt my throat, and my nose did not breathe freely.She put ointment on the sternum, as it was said in the instructions, at the same time and anointed the wings of the nose.Pleasant smell of menthol and cold on the skin

Doctor on coughingthere were palpable minutes so 15. But, having woken up in the morning, she found nothing but increased pain in the throat, which she then treated with standard methods. But, I think, maybe it did not help me, but it will work for the child. A daughter always has a severe cold, which is difficult to treat. She put it on her nose, but she also complained about the coolness of the ointment, but the sense of zero. I was upset because of this fact, now I will only use the good old "Star". It even smells sharp, but it gives an effect. "

"Having a cold, I learned about this ointment. They advised to smear on their feet, put on woolen socks, drink hot tea with lemon, and go to bed. Then the cold will go away. But she stayed with me on the second and third day of illness.I concluded that the drug is effective only in complex treatment, and if only smear it, there will not be any sense.In addition, the shape of the jar is not comfortable, it is difficult to get the ointment when it is already finished. Of the pluses you should note a pleasant smell and a warming effect. "


Watch a video about the main mistakes in cough treatment:

Ointment "Doctor Mom" ​​is an excellent organic alternative to antibiotics, which should be taken orally. It gently fights with two types of cough, and when treating serious diseases it becomes an effective element of the complex of measures.

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