Bronchoectatic lung disease: symptoms and treatment with folk remedies

Bronchoectatic disease is a chronic lung disease characterized by the development in the bronchi of cylindrical or sachet expansions with complication of secondary infection. Bronchiectasis usually develops on the background of chronic bronchitis, after repeated pneumonia, more often they are located in the lower lobes of the lungs, more to the left, which is explained by the worst drainage of these departments.

Here we will examine the symptoms and treatment of bronchiectasis with medical drugs and folk remedies.

Bronchiectasis is a pathological uneven enlargement of the bronchi. Usually this process is accompanied by a deep lesion of the bronchial wall and surrounding tissues with the development of destructive changes. When bronchiectasis becomes infected, they fill with purulent contents - then they speak of bronchiectasis.


Causes The most common causes of bronchiectasis is chronic bronchitis, pneumonia, pulmonary fibrosis.

Symptoms, signs, stages

Symptoms. The most common cough with sputum discharge is mainly in the morning( morning "bronchial toilet").Sputum may have an admixture of blood, in rare cases a complication in the form of severe pulmonary hemorrhage may occur. When examined, they often find changes in the shape of the fingers and nails( "drum sticks", "watch glass").When listening, the most characteristic are strong sonorous wheezing above the lesions. The course is usually wavy, in the period of exacerbation there is a subfebrile condition or fever. Finally, the diagnosis is confirmed when carrying out bronchography.

The clinical picture of bronchiectasis depends on the stage. There are three stages of the disease. The first - the initial, when the clinical picture is dominated by signs of chronic bronchitis, periodically exacerbated. The second stage - the height of the disease with pronounced clinical manifestations and the third - when along with the pronounced changes in the bronchopulmonary system, hypertension of the small circulation and pulmonary heart failure develops.

At the of the first stage of the development of bronchiectasis, patients complain of coughing with the release of a large amount of sputum, often purulent, sometimes with blood veins. The deterioration of the general condition in autumn and winter is noted. This period can last for years, and its duration depends on the frequency of exacerbations of the process, working conditions, everyday life, nutrition.

In the of the second stage of the , patients are more and more worried about coughing with the release of purulent, sometimes fetid sputum, with most of it excreted in the morning.

The appearance of the patients changes: they grow thin, the face becomes puffy, the cyanosis of the skin appears, the thickening of the fingers: the fingers become "drumsticks."

Because of the persistent discharge of purulent sputum, patients always feel a purulent taste in their mouth, lose their appetite, develop disorders from the gastrointestinal tract. The temperature is usually elevated only during the period of exacerbations.

In the of the third stage of the , the patient's condition worsens more and more, the symptoms progress, and, ultimately, patients die from cardiopulmonary insufficiency or pulmonary hemorrhage.

Complications of

With bronchoectatic disease, the following complications are possible: development of cachexia, amyloidosis, pulmonary suppuration, less often - other purulent-septic processes( brain abscess, septicopyemia).

Treatment of bronchoectatic disease: general recommendations

Treatment of bronchoectatic disease should be started as early as possible - an important role is played by timely diagnosis. Considering the exhaustion and loss of appetite, it is necessary that the patient's food be full, varied, rich in vitamins( especially group B), containing a large number of proteins, fats, carbohydrates.

Treatment with folk remedies for bronchiectasis

General advice and recommendations

Traditional medicine, with bronchoectatic disease, recommends using as a medicine such herbs and plants as licorice root, anise, Icelandic moss, infusions and decoctions of thermopsis, aloe, birch andespecially pine buds and other herbs and plants used in the treatment of chronic bronchitis and pneumonia. The decisive factor in the treatment of bronchiectasis is the methods of cleansing and hardening of the body, inhalation therapy, physiotherapy exercises, the strength of the sport.

Recipes V. Kara with bronchiectasis

I bring as examples examples of home remedies from folk healer Valentin Kara. Be careful. Consultation of a doctor is obligatory before the use of medicinal products of traditional medicine, especially with regard to the treatment of a child.

RECIPE № 1. Elder flowers, sundew grass, plantain leaf, violet tri-color - in equal parts. Broth: 2 tbsp.spoon collection pour 0.5 liters of water, infuse 2 hours, boil 2-3 minutes, drain. Drink at 3 times during the day.

RECIPE № 2. Turnip vegetable.1,.Juice turnips and honey - in equal parts. Take 2 tbsp.spoon 3 times a day. Course: 3-5 weeks.2. Broth: 2 tbsp. Spoon the shredded root vegetables with 1 cup boiling water, cook for 15 minutes, drain. Drink half a glass 4 times a day or 1 glass at night.

RECIPE № 3. Pine buds, leaf of plantain, leaves of mother-and-stepmother - in equal parts. Broth: 2 tbsp. Spoon mixture pour 1 glass of cold water, infuse 2 hours, boil for 5 minutes, insist 15 minutes, drain. Drink for 3 meals during the day.

RECIPE № 4. Thyme, coltsfoot, three-tone violet, anise fruit - 10 g. Broth : 2 tbsp. Spoon mixture pour 1 glass of cold water, infuse 2 hours, boil for 5 minutes, insist 15 minutes, drain. Drink for 3 meals during the day.

RECIPE № 5. Bedrenet-saxifrage. Tincture: 2 parts of roots into 5 parts of vodka to insist 8 days in a dark place, shaking daily;strain. Drink 30 drops per 1 tbsp.a spoonful of water 3 times a day.

Medical preparations, procedures and medications

In the prevention and treatment of bronchiectasis, treatment of acute infectious diseases of the lung is important;a special role is played by the elimination of residual phenomena, as well as foci of chronic infection in the nasopharynx. When exacerbation of the disease is treated, as with abscess of the lungs. With localized lesions, surgical treatment is possible. Without exacerbation it is important to have adequate nutrition with sufficient vitamins. According to the indications, expectorants and bronchodilators are used.

Of the conservative treatment methods, antibiotics are most important. They are most effective when injected into the lesion with a bronchoscope, as well as in an aerosol.

Antibiotics through a bronchoscope or catheter are administered at 300,000-500,000 units. The procedure is repeated every two to three days. The course of treatment - 12-15 introductions. In the future, patients are on dispensary supervision.

Along with antibiotics, sulfonamide preparations( Norsulfazole, Ethazol, Sulfadimethoxin, etc.) are used.

In the event that the phenomena of bronchospasm with attacks of bronchial asthma are added to the disease, add desensibilizing, bronchodilator therapy( Calcium Chloride, Dimedrol, Euphyllin).

Do not forget about the drugs that cause sputum( thermopsis, licorice root, etc.).

Given the exhaustion and loss of appetite, patients with bronchoectatic disease are prescribed large doses of vitamins C and B group.

For severe forms of the disease and the phenomena of pulmonary heart failure, Strophantine, Corlikon and other cardiac agents in usual dosage are prescribed.

The development of pulmonary insufficiency and arterial hypoxemia requires treatment with inhalation of oxygen( moistened oxygen with masks, nasal catheter or oxygen tents).

Patients with advanced forms of the disease need surgical treatment( removal of the lobe or individual segments of the lung).

Operation is contraindicated in the presence of severe heart failure and with bilateral diffuse lung involvement.

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Presenter: Irina Lisitsyna. Practicing doctor of the 1st category: Anna Maslennikova. Information reference. It is necessary to consult with specialist

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