Hepatic( bile) colic: symptoms and treatment

Hepatic ( bile ) colic is a typical symptom of cholelithiasis( less often dyskinesia of the biliary tract).Colic causes stones that prevent free outflow of bile, acute stretching of the bladder or biliary tract above the obstacle. The code is intended for the indication of hepatic( biliary) colic in ICD-10: K80.2.

Today, we will talk about the symptoms and treatment of hepatic colic in women and men, how to provide emergency first aid for a bout of pain at home.


Symptoms and signs

Provocationconductive factors in the occurrence of an attack are negative emotions, abundant food, eating fat, spices, hot spices, alcohol, exercise, driving on poor roads, as well as work in an inclined position.

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Sometimes, harassment of the attack is nausea, a feeling of heaviness in the right hypochondrium or in the epigastric region, often these precursors indicate the inflammatory nature of the disease.

In women, colic often coincides with menstruation or comes after childbirth.

Acute sharp pain , as a rule, occurs suddenly, often at night, is localized in the right hypochondrium( sometimes in the epigastric region), often radiates to the right shoulder and shoulder blade, neck, sometimes spreading from the right hypochondrium to the entire abdomen. Less often the pain irradiates to the left, into the heart, provoking an attack of angina.

Pain( very intense) can be permanent and cramping.

Attack of the hepatic colic

An attack of biliary colic can be accompanied by repeated vomiting that does not bring relief.

Duration of a pain attack from several minutes to several hours, in some patients up to 2 days. Usually the patient is nervous, moaning, pale, covered with sweat, trying to find a comfortable position.

Sometimes the attack is less acute. During a painful attack the abdomen is swollen, the abdominal wall is tense, the patient spares the stomach with breathing. Palpation of the right hypochondrium sharply painful, muscle protection makes it difficult.

By stihanii pain can palpate an enlarged painful liver, and sometimes an extended gallbladder.

Of the additional symptoms, hyperesthesia of the skin in the right hypochondrium, frenicus-symptom( soreness with pressure in the area of ​​the legs of the right sternocleidomastoid muscle), Ortner's symptom( sharp pain when pounding on the right costal arch) are noted.

Often hepatic colic is accompanied by a rapid and significant rise in temperature, fever lasts for long. Leukocytosis in colic is insignificant.

Diagnosis of .Characteristic of uncomplicated renal colic is the rapid reverse development of all painful manifestations after the abatement of a pain attack.

Hepatic colic may be the beginning of the development of acute cholecystitis.

Emergency care: hepatic colic, what to do

The first first aid in case of biliary colic at home, in order to relieve the pain is as follows:

  1. Put the patient on the right side of the heating pad, give 1-2 tablets No-shdi ( drotaverine).

These measures can be carried out only if the patient knows that he has cholelithiasis.

If a hepatic colic( an attack of cholelithiasis) occurred for the first time - call a doctor.

Among the circumstances that provoke the appearance of colic, great value is a fat and plentiful dinner, the reception of alcoholic beverages. The role of hypothermia, overfatigue, shaking and driving, heavy physical work, harsh emotions, etc.

Colic can end with the exit of the stone into the intestine, and sometimes it is possible to find a stone in the excrements 1-3 days after the attack.

Pain relief: drugs and medications.

Emergency medical assistance for paramedics.

If there is no doubt about the correctness of the diagnosis, prescribe antispasmodics and analgesics( 0.5-1 ml of 0.1% solution of atropine, 1-2 ml of 2% solution of papaverine, 1 ml of 0.2% solution of platifillin, 1-2 ml of 1% solution of promedol or 1 ml of 2% solution of pantopone).

Hospitalization. If hepatic colic can not be stopped - hospitalization in a surgical hospital.

Treatment of hepatic colic at home

Consider a folk method of treating biliary colic, a diet for cholelithiasis, how to relieve hepatic colic and pain at home.

Patient suffering from hepatic colic, it is recommended:

  1. to comply with bed rest;
  2. organize a split meal( take food in small portions, but often);
  3. to exclude from the food ration products containing a lot of cholesterol: egg yolk, brains, liver, caviar, fatty meat, fatty fish, etc.;
  4. to refrain from drinking alcohol;
  5. regularly visit the Russian steam bath;

Take vodka tincture of birch buds: take 10 grams of birch buds, well mash them in a mortar and pour 100 ml of vodka, insist for several days;strain;Drink one teaspoon three times a day for a quarter of an hour before a meal.

Take infusion of flowers of the immortelle sandy: one tablespoon of dried flowers pour 250 ml of boiling water and insist in a sealed container for about half an hour, strain;drink the infusion in several receptions throughout the day.

During an attack, make an enema with infusion of flowers chamomile: one tablespoon of dried flowers pour a glass of boiling water and insist 15-20 minutes, strain;Enter 100-200 ml of warm infusion into the rectum;after enema, it is recommended to take a warm bath( 15-20 minutes), then go to bed.

For hepatic colic, it is also recommended to take a decoction that is prepared based on the following collection of :

  1. fruit of juniper common - 3 parts,
  2. of sage medicinal herb - 3 parts,
  3. of peppermint grass - 3 parts,
  4. of thyme herb creeping - 2 parts,
  5. herb wormwood grass - 1 part.

One tablespoon of the mixture pour two glasses of water, cook with a weak boil for 1 minute, then insist an hour, strain;drink half a cup eight to nine times a day, then, if there is improvement, reduce the dose to five and up to three times a day.

Prevention of

To prevent frequent recurrences of biliary colic, it is necessary.

Beet syrup. Take a few beet heads, peel, cut and cook them for a long time until the broth thickens and becomes like a syrup. Take this broth 1/4 cup three times daily before meals. To drink such syrup healers recommend for a long time, then dissolution of stones in the gallbladder will occur gradually and painlessly.

Horseradish infusion in milk. Grate 4 tablespoons of horseradish on a grater, mix with a glass of milk, heat almost to a boil( but do not boil) and leave in a warm place for 10 minutes. Then strain, wring out the thick and drink a little during the day.

Drink just 10 glasses of very hot tea for 15 minutes. This greatly softens the stones, turns them into sand and facilitates the exit.

Decoction of dandelion roots. Pour a teaspoon of ground roots with 1 glass of water, boil for 20 minutes. Drink one fourth of the glass 4 times a day.

Decoction of a birch leaf Option 1. Tablespoon with top of birch leaves pour a glass of boiling water, boil 20 minutes, infuse for 1 hour, strain. Drink a long time in a glass of broth 2 times a day for half an hour before meals.

Option 2. Collect and dry a spring birch leaf the size of a penny.2 tablespoons dry sheet pour a glass of boiling water, boil on low heat, until the volume is reduced by half, when it cools down - strain. Take 1 dessert spoon three times daily before meals. The course of treatment is 3 months. It is good to take with small stones. When the stones are released, pain, nausea, and rubbing may occur.

Infusion of birch leaves Drink 3 cups daily.

Olive oil. Take butter for half an hour before meals, starting at half a teaspoon and reaching half the glass. Treatment lasts 2-3 weeks.

Infusion of corn stigmas. Tablespoon stigma on 600 ml of boiling water. Brew, insist and drink one-quarter cup 3-4 times a day.

Rowan red. Forest( unsweetened) mountain ash should be eaten for one and a half months - with anything: with bread, tea, sugar - from stones in the liver and ducts. During the day, eat 2 cups of fresh mountain ash.

Infusion of flowers of the immortelle. A tablespoon of flowers fill with a glass of boiling water, leave for 1 hour, strain. Take one third of the glass three times a day.

Herb infusion of geranium meadow. 2 teaspoons of herbs pour 2 cups of cold boiled water, leave for 8 hours. Drink sips throughout the day. The remedy is used as a dissolving stone in the kidneys and liver.

Treatment of hepatic colic by medical means

Treatment of the disease can be conservative and surgical .

Conservative treatment is as follows:

  1. The use of alkaline salts, mineral waters to facilitate the evacuation of bile from the gallbladder and its dilution( Carlsbad salt, burnt magnesia, Essentuki-20 and other mineral waters).
  2. Compliance with a diet restricting foods containing cholesterol, fats and animal proteins.
  3. Regulation of food intake;it is necessary to advise patients to eat moderately, regularly and often, since eating is a natural remedy that contributes to the outflow of bile.
  4. The purpose of thermal procedures: warmers, diathermy, compresses, etc.
  5. If there is no doubt about the correctness of the diagnosis, the patient is prescribed antispasmodics and analgesics( 0.5-1 ml of 0.1% solution of Atropine, 1-2 ml2% solution of Papaverine, 1 ml of a 0.2% solution of Platifillin, 1-2 ml of 1% solution of Promedol or 1 ml of 2% solution of Pantopone).

For non-stopping hepatic colic, hospitalization is carried out at the surgery hospital.

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What is biliary or hepatic colic? Biliary colic, sometimes called a gallbladder attack, is a condition in which gallstone blocks the bile ducts temporarily, causing acute pain in the upper right quadrant. This video shows pathophysiology, manifestations and symptoms, as well as treatment of biliary colic.

Gallstones in the gallbladder: symptoms of biliary colic

Gallstone disease is a disease characterized by the formation of gallstones. The main symptoms of the disease are pain and biliary colic.

This disease is also widely known as "cholelithiasis", and it is often possible to find its name in the form of such an abbreviation "LCD".

Gallstone disease does not occur without a characteristic cause. If the stones in the gallbladder or its ways are formed, it means that the body has been disturbed by cholesterol and bilirubin metabolism. Due to the violation of the metabolism of these substances, outflow of bile is difficult, bile stagnates, and stones are formed from it.

Accordingly, stones in the bile can have different composition: they can consist of bilirubin, cholesterol, and potassium salts. As a rule, stones form in the gallbladder, and people can not feel them for a long time, even their whole lives. However, if the stones suddenly moved and moved, this process will not remain invisible. The person will have symptoms, which are described in the article below, after which there is an urgent need to stop the attack and treat the disease.

It should be noted that female patients often suffer from cholelithiasis. Thus, among the patients who applied for medical help in this situation, the majority of women aged 45 years and over who had an overweight were noted.

Gallbladder: treatment in a safe way

Treat the gallbladder in yet another simple and safe way at home.

My name is Viktor Vladislavovich Kartavenko. I am a professor, MD, one of the authors of the "School of Safe Health of Dr. Kartavenko."

Today we will talk about the problems and conditions of the gallbladder and safe folk methods of treating those most unpleasant sensations associated with the gallbladder.

For 2 minutes I must tell you how to quickly rid yourself of the state of heartburn, nausea, from the state of impending nausea. That is, from such unpleasant sensations that are associated with bloating of the stomach, with a feeling of nausea.

Just a few days ago on our website www.doktor-kartavenko.ru we posted an article called "Disturbance of the outflow of bile and the secret point of Genghis Khan".

Located here in such a convenient place for everyone: landmarks such - the intersection of the first wrist and the base of the thumb. That's it in this place and is a wonderful, long "closed" point of Genghis Khan.

How is it remarkable? It is remarkable and characteristic that it can be used almost constantly. Are you in the subway, are you in a traffic jam for a long time, are you in front of the computer, do you experience unpleasant sensations before some stressful situation, or are you called "on the carpet" or a few seconds before the exam. .. In short, you experience those sensations, about which we spoke. This is nausea, heartburn, a feeling of swollen abdomen.

And this point will help to cope with these problems associated with the state of the gallbladder and is a simple and safe means of folk treatment for colic gallbladder.


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  3. G.Nasgov. Official and traditional medicine. The most detailed encyclopedia.- Moscow: Izd-vo Eksmo, 2012.

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