Cure for cough from onions and honey

Recipe for cough onions with honey

Cough accompanies a variety of diseases, in particular, colds. In order to get rid of such an unpleasant symptom as quickly as possible, the patients resort to both various pharmaceutical preparations and to all kinds of folk remedies.

For example, honey with a cough onions, which help to cope with the disease, is very popular. After all, both of these drugs are excellent antiseptics and fight against pathogenic microbes well. Of course, they can be used separately, but they are often confused.

Why are onions and honey used for coughing?

For many decades, many diseases have been treated with honey and onions, but most often they are used to get rid of cough.After all, both of these ingredients contain very valuable substances that help the body to cope faster with the disease. For example, honey is rich in glucose, which has a restorative effect, stimulates the work of the nervous system.

It is very important to choose a truly high-quality product, in which no extraneous ingredients, for example, sugar syrup, are added. To combat coughing, fresh, not yet sugared buckwheat honey, which is best bought from beekeepers, is best suited.

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Of course, honey is not useful to all people. It is contraindicated for those who suffer from diabetes, as well as those who have allergies to it. And patients who have pathologies of the liver or pancreas, it can be taken, but with caution. To treat small children, honey and onions are allowed only after consultation of the pediatrician.

Onions are very rich in antiseptic substances that kill various pathogens. As a result of taking onions and honey, the human body is strengthened, which contributes to a speedy recovery and serves as a preventive measure for recurrent disease. Taking onions, it is worth considering that it contains essential oils that irritate the walls of the stomach, so those who have any pathology of this body, it is worth consulting with a doctor.

Juice made from onion and honey

Juice made from honey and onions is considered one of the best remedies for coughing caused by sore throat, ARVI, bronchitis or influenza. For its preparation, half a kilo of fresh onion should be crushed thoroughly, and then mixed with a couple of tablespoons of sugar and 50 grams of honey. After that, the mixture should be poured with a liter of boiling water and let it stand for an hour.

Ready juice is recommended for taking on a tablespoon 5 times a day after a meal. Honey helps to soften the sore throat, and also destroys germs. A bow irritates the bronchi and nasopharyngeal mucosa, thus helping to sputum. Typically, this treatment helps fight cough in about one week.

Kashitza made of honey and onion

The recipe for making medicinal gruel is extremely simple, therefore it is often used for the first symptoms of cold and flu. To make it blender, you need to grind one medium sized bulb, and then add the same amount of liquid honey in the mashed potatoes and mix everything well. Ready mix can be taken on a tablespoon three times a day. In the event that the honey is too thick, then it needs to be heated a little in a water bath, until it becomes more liquid.

Mixture of honey and onion

To prepare the medicinal mixture, four pre-cleaned bulbs must be crushed well, and then add 400 grams of sugar and 50 grams of honey. After this, pour a liter of hot water into the mixture and cook on very slow heat for about an hour. Then the broth should be cooled and filtered, using a clean gauze for this.

Store the finished mixture in a refrigerator, in a tightly closed container. Before using this mixture, it needs to be heated slightly, using a microwave oven. Take this medicine four times a day on a tablespoon.

Resorting to such tried folk remedies as onions and honey, do not forget about those medicines that the doctor prescribed. After all, any disease with the help of people's means alone can hardly be defeated. If after a few days of using honey and onion cough still does not disappear, it is worthwhile again to consult the doctors and undergo a survey.

Onion with honey from cough

Useful properties of onions and honey against cough

Honey in combination with onions was used with success by our ancestors for the treatment of cough. Even an intense cough can be effectively eliminated by the use of this remedy.

Honey is an excellent treatment, characterized by remarkable bactericidal and anti-inflammatory properties. Onion is a natural antiseptic that can qualitatively eliminate pathogens and microorganisms. This explains the fact that the combination of these two natural components ensures the creation of a quality medicinal product, natural and at the same time very effective.

Onion is an excellent preventive. In cold epidemics, it is recommended to eat at least one of its small lobules and the body will be reliably protected from the impact of pathogenic microorganisms.

Honey provides a sweet taste of the drug. It is important that the product is natural. Very often, unfortunately, on the shelves of shops is honey containing synthetic additives. Therefore it is extremely important to buy honey directly from the beekeeper.

Who is contraindicated in honey and onions

There is no question of the effectiveness of honey with onions for cough. Nevertheless, this product has a number of contraindications to the use of certain categories of patients. In some cases, it is possible to cause harm to the body when using these products in combination with one another. In particular, the combination of onions with honey is contraindicated if the patient has one of the following problems:

  • with liver diseases;
  • with diseases of the organs of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • with diabetes mellitus;
  • when allergic reaction to one of the components of the drug.

Do not use the drug to treat children under the age of one year. In all other cases the contraindication tool does not have and can be successfully applied.

Onion with honey from cough recipe

There are many recipes for applying honey in combination with onions for treating cough. Some of them are proposed for consideration.

Juice of onion with honey from cough

Using an ordinary sieve, the onion is rubbed on a fine grater, after which the juice obtained with grinding is mixed with honey in the same proportions. The resulting composition can be used both internally and for use when applying compresses or for rubbing. When grinding with juice of onions and honey, it is necessary to hold them before the patient leaves for bed, followed by wrapping him with a warm blanket or handkerchief. The chest and back of the patient must be rubbed.

Milk with onion, honey from cough

Milk with onions and honey from cough is one of the most effective methods of its treatment. Onions contain a lot of iron, as well as a large number of vitamins and phytoncides, which effectively eliminate microbes that cause colds. In turn, milk has the ability to calm the body well. Drinking a glass of milk before bed, you do not have to worry about the subsequent onset of insomnia. In addition, the headache is well eliminated.

When coughing, it often suffers from a throat. The use of such a product as milk with honey and cough onions helps to get rid of cough and eliminate perspiration in the throat.

It is recommended that such a recipe for cough medicine. A medium sized bulb is taken for one glass of milk. Onions are cleaned and cut into small pieces. After this, add the finely chopped onion into a saucepan and place it on the fire. When milk is brought to a boil, the fire decreases, the pan is covered with a lid and cooked for an hour. After that, the fire should be turned off, and the composition should be cooled and mixed with honey of a similar volume. Reception is carried out three times a day for one tablespoon.

Onions, honey, sugar from cough

The following cough remedy is recommended, using honey, onions and sugar.

One medium bulb should be cleaned and cut into small pieces. Then it is ground using a meat grinder or a blender. In the resulting mass add a couple of tablespoons of sugar and equal in amount of honey, after which the whole mixture is mixed.

For the treatment of a cough, it is recommended to take the obtained formula one tablespoon three times a day. The positive effect is achieved already on the third day of use, and to completely eliminate the cough, one week of intake is enough.

Onion, lemon, honey from cough

The combination of onions with honey and lemon is a good tool for treating cough in the home. For preparation of a medicinal product it is recommended to take two bulbs and grind them using a blender or meat grinder. Then in the resulting gruel add squeezed juice to half a lemon of medium size and honey, taken in the volume of milled onions. Mix the resulting mixture thoroughly. You can take one table spoon three times a day. After a few days of regular use of the cough, only memories will remain.

Honey, onion, garlic from cough

The combination of onions with honey and garlic is a widely known folk remedy for coughing. To prepare the medicine, it is recommended to take five bulbs of medium size and one large head of garlic. Vegetables are finely chopped, then placed in a small dish, poured half a liter of boiling water and cooked until all the ingredients are softened. Improving the taste and giving the decoction of additional antibacterial properties is facilitated by the addition of a certain amount of fresh natural honey. The mixture is taken throughout the day for one tablespoon with hourly intervals between receptions. Treatment takes about three days. The remedy is so effective that in addition to eliminating cough, it helps to remove pains in the chest and throat, to withdraw phlegm from the lungs, and also to remove mucus from the throat. Practically, the catarrhal disease is completely cured, without resorting to other methods of its treatment.

Onions with honey from cough for children

For the treatment of cough in children, it is recommended to prepare a decoction. Cleaned and cut finely onion in the amount of half a kilogram. Its lobules are placed in a saucepan, where milk is poured in the volume of one liter. The mixture is cooked on low heat until the onion is softened. After that, 100 grams of honey is added to the composition. The mixture is thoroughly mixed. Apply this tool should be one tablespoon per hour. The healing power of the drug is excellent. It is able to cure a child's cough at almost any stage of its development. In addition, pain in the throat area is eliminated. It is recommended to take the solution until the cough completely stops.

Onion syrup for cough

Onion is not only a useful vegetable, it has a variety of medicinal properties and is often used in folk medicine. One of its main features is the presence of a large number of phytoncides - volatile substances that have a harmful effect on microbes, viruses and bacteria. The onion is very effective in the treatment of cough and other respiratory diseases.

Onion is a good cough medicine

Cough is the most common sign of a disease of the respiratory system. It occurs when inflammation of the mucous membrane of the respiratory tract and lung tissue. Cough can also be of an allergic origin, arise during excitement, emotional stress, when inhaled dust, tobacco smoke, corrosive gases, etc.

The common cause of coughing is an infection of the upper respiratory tract. For example, a cold, flu or bronchitis. Most often, cough occurs in the cold season. Pharmacies sell medicines (syrups, pills, ointments) that help cope with this ailment. Traditional medicine also has a large arsenal of very effective recipes for coughing. Many of them are based on the healing properties of the common onions.

All kinds of syrups, prepared from onions, sugar and honey, help cough very well. For example, with bronchitis it is recommended to remove the core from the bulb and pour in the sugar and leave it overnight. The next day, take 2 teaspoons of onion syrup every 2 hours. In this recipe, sugar can be replaced with honey. From a cough it is useful to eat onions, toasted in butter and mixed with honey.

Another effective tool, suitable not only for adults, but also for children. First of all, it is necessary to clean the bulb and grind it. Then add 3 tablespoons of honey, stir well and pour onion-honey mixture half a glass of water. Then put on a quiet fire and cook for 5 minutes. After this, remove from heat and press for 2 hours. Then strain and take the prepared syrup from cough 4 times a day for 1 teaspoonful.

Recipe for baby cough syrup

As an expectorant help all kinds of drugs from licorice. The root of this plant is very popular in Chinese and Tibetan medicine. In the pharmacy, you can buy breastfeeds, powders and extracts, which include the root of licorice. On their basis, you can prepare broths and syrups. A decoction, prepared from onions and milk, helps cough. It is necessary to pour 2 peeled bulbs ½ liter of milk and bring to a boil. Remove from heat and drink the resulting broth warm 3-4 times a day on a tablespoon.

And our folk medicine has long recommended onion syrup as an effective cough remedy for children and adults. To make it, you need to mix half a kilogram of peeled and chopped onions with 50 grams of honey and 3 glasses of sugar. All ingredients carefully stir, add 1 liter of cold water, put on a weak fire, cover the pan tightly and cover the syrup for 3 hours. Then cool, pour strained syrup into sterile bottles and cork. Keep it in the refrigerator. Adults are recommended to take 5 times a day for 2 tablespoons. A syrup is also given to the child 5 times a day, but 1 teaspoonful.

Onion with honey from cough

For sure, each of us has repeatedly heard about the benefits of honey and onions. During a cold, sometimes these products are among the first to come to the rescue. Most often, of course, honey and onions are used individually. But in the treatment of cough, including bronchitis, a mixture of onions with honey helps a lot.

Recipes based on onions and honey

Onions with honey from a cough are very easy to cook. Depending on your desire, you can use one of the following recipes.

Recipe # 1:

  1. Grate the onion on a fine grater and squeeze the juice using a sieve (or gauze).
  2. Mix it with the same amount of honey.

Recipe # 2:

  1. To prepare this recipe for cough, you need to grind half a kilogram of onions, add 20 grams of sugar and four or five tablespoons of honey.
  2. Pour the mixture with one liter of boiling water and let stand for about an hour.
  3. Then strain.

Recipe # 3:

  1. Three large or four medium-sized onions finely chopped and mixed with 350 grams of sugar. Add 50 grams of honey and mix.
  2. Pour hot water and simmer for at least an hour.
  3. Strain and store in the refrigerator.

In emergency cases, to treat a cough, you can simply mix grated onions with honey in equal proportions.

You can take all these medicines three to five times a day.

In addition, you can prepare a fairly pleasant mashed potatoes from honey and apple onions. For him, the products are rubbed on a fine grater and mixed in a ratio of two tablespoons of apple, two tablespoons of honey and a tablespoon of onions.

Advantages and disadvantages of the drug

The undoubted advantage of this recipe is the complete naturalness of the mixture and its high efficiency in the treatment of cough. Honey is a storehouse of vitamins and nutrients, which stimulate the immune system and exert a restorative effect on the body. Also, honey has powerful antibacterial and antiviral properties, helping the body to fight the disease.

Onions contain phytoncides, which give it a powerful antibacterial effect. A large number of vitamins and mineral salts contribute to the normalization and restoration of water-salt metabolism in the body during illness.

Despite the naturalness of the mixture of onions with honey and sugar from cough, this remedy also has some contraindications. If there is a food allergy to honey, take this medicine categorically is contraindicated. But do not despair. You just need to exclude it from the recipe and add a little more sugar.

In diseases associated with the gastrointestinal tract, especially in the phase of exacerbation, it is also worthwhile to refrain from taking this medication.

It is not necessary to give a combination of these, undoubtedly, useful products and children up to a year and a half or two.

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