Honda for joints: ointment, tablets, cream, capsules


  • 1Joint preparation for Honda: instructions for use
    • 1.1Forms of release
    • 1.2Capsules
    • 1.3Cream
    • 1.4Pills
    • 1.5Drink
    • 1.6Mode of application
    • 1.7additional information
    • 1.8Contraindications
    • 1.9Combination with other drugs
  • 2Cream and pills Honda for joints
    • 2.1Indications for the use of cream
    • 2.2Features of composition
    • 2.3Method of application of Honda cream
    • 2.4Features of the tablet form of release of the product
    • 2.5Feedback on application of the product
  • 3Honda Evalar
    • 3.1Composition
    • 3.2Form of issue
    • 3.3pharmachologic effect
    • 3.4Pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics
    • 3.5Indications for use
    • 3.6Contraindications
    • 3.7Side effects
    • 3.8Manual for Honda Evalar (Method and Dosage)
    • 3.9Overdose
    • 3.10Interaction
    • 3.11Terms of sale
    • 3.12Storage conditions
    • 3.13Shelf life
    • 3.14special instructions
    • 3.15Analogues
    • 3.16Children
    • 3.17In pregnancy and lactation
    • 3.18Reviews of Honda Evalar
    • 3.19Price, where to buy
  • 4"Honda Evalar reviews, indications, instructions for use, composition, analogues:
    instagram viewer
    • 4.1The drug "Honda Evalar composition and information on the form of release
    • 4.2Cream: Features of the composition
    • 4.3Properties and effects of a biologically active additive
    • 4.4When patients are prescribed a drug?
    • 4.5Rules of reception and dosage
    • 4.6Recommendations for use
    • 4.7Are there any restrictions? Information on contraindications
    • 4.8Is it possible to develop side effects?
    • 4.9The drug "Honda Evalar the price
    • 4.10The list of effective analogues
    • 4.11What do experts say? Reviews of doctors and patients
  • 5Honda instruction manual for capsules 30 pieces
    • 5.1Honda indications for use
    • 5.2Honda Contraindications
    • 5.3Capsules Honda: Analogues cheaper
    • 5.4Capsules Honda: dosage and method of use
    • 5.5Capsules Honda (application instruction) in photos
    • 5.6Capsules Honda: reviews of the drug

Joint preparation for Honda: instructions for use

Drugs with chondroitin have been used successfully for the treatment of joints.

To date, the use of drugs based on chondroitin is considered quite common practice.

When choosing a medicine, most people want to find a quality, harmless, effective, and affordable means.

All the listed advantages have the preparation "Honda" for the joints.

Forms of release

This drug is classified as a biological supplement. Produced by the company "Evalar".

Of course, as the main treatment, it is better not to use such products, but as an additional tool, it is very good.

Can be used in complex treatment activities and for prevention.

Medications for joints "Honda" are made in the following forms:

  • capsules;
  • cream;
  • pills;
  • drink.

All these funds are sold without a doctor's prescription, it is best to consult a specialist before applying them.


The cartilage gradually wears out. These processes are affected by excessive or small physical activity, improper diet and other provoking factors.

Exhausted joints sooner or later will cause uncomfortable sensations and pain. But the cartilaginous tissue of the joints can also be restored if a person starts to lead a healthy lifestyle.

And the capsule additive helps to speed up this process (feeding them, removing discomfort, restoring the mobility of the joints), and then maintain the normal condition of the tissues of the joints. In addition to chondroitin sulfate, the preparation contains plant components that enhance the action of the basic substance.

The medicine must be taken if it is necessary to restore the joints, and it is not possible to do this naturally.

The drug can be effective enough if used as a prophylaxis, or along with other effective drugs.


The joints of a person need continuous feeding, that's why the "Honda" cream for joints is for this. The instruction says that the remedy can be used not only for therapeutic measures and pain relief, but also as a relaxing gel during the massage.

The cream "Honda" has a good relaxing effect and is simply indispensable for professional athletes.

The cream is perfect for people of any age category, especially for those engaged in sports, constantly faces intense loads that can adversely affect the joints, bones and muscle. The cream is perfectly absorbed, does not leave fat marks.

In shops and pharmacies, you can find the ointment "Honda" for the joints, which additionally includes essential oils.

Such a preparation perfectly relaxes, relieves fatigue, triggers blood circulation and eliminates discomfort.

The price of such a drug is slightly higher than the cost of cream without essential oils.


The drug for the joints "Honda" is also available in the form of tablets. The main difference between capsules is that the tablets contain a larger amount of the main active substance. Therefore, the indications and contraindications of capsules and tablets do not differ.

The "Honda" tablets have the same action as the capsules.

Tablets can be used as a preventive agent, and as an additional supplement to the main treatment. Adults are recommended to take only 2 tablets a day before meals.

It is not recommended to take the drug for more than a month. It is necessary to take a short break, about a month, and the course can be repeated.


Not so long ago, the company "Evalar" released and a drink that has similar properties as the above drugs. According to the statement of the producers, the drink is absorbed faster and better, which means it gives the most effective result.

It should be noted that the drug for the joints "Honda" in the form of a drink has a number of contraindications, in some cases can cause a strong allergy. If the agent has not been prescribed by a doctor, it is best not to use it.

In any case, it is necessary to consult with a specialist. In the photo you can see what the packaging is with the drink.

Mode of application

The medicine for the joints "Honda" is sold together with the instruction, where the rules for taking the drug and contraindications are indicated. Tablets and capsules are used only 2 - 3 times a day before meals. Independently increase the dosage is not recommended.

The course of treatment lasts a month, it can be repeated several times during the year, if the patient does not have an allergic reaction to the drug, and there were no side effects.

The joint cream "Honda" is applied as follows:

  • pre-skin cleansed;
  • squeezed out a small amount of cream;
  • smooth movements of the substance applied to the dry skin;
  • rubbed in until completely absorbed;
  • used within 2 - 3 weeks.

A small amount of cream should be applied to the aching joints.

To make a drink, you need to dissolve the product in purified warm water. Enough of 200 ml. The drug is consumed 1 time per day before meals. The course of treatment lasts 2 - 3 weeks, in the absence of side effects, you can extend the course to four.

additional information

To buy drugs, "Honda" does not require a doctor's prescription. All means should be stored in a dark place at room temperature. Avoid the possibility of getting money in the hands of young children.

All medicines and beverages must be disposed of after the expiration date. The cost of drugs is small. The price fluctuates between 180 and 250 rubles. Are quite affordable for the consumer.

If you buy a gel, which includes essential oils, then such a tool will cost you already about 300 rubles, but also penetrates into the skin, and has a curative effect (according to many consumers) it better.

In the video in this article, you can learn more about the main characteristics of the drugs "Honda".


Like any other drug, the drug "Honda" has a number of contraindications:

No. Form of issue Contraindications
1. Capsules Do not use in children and adolescents, during pregnancy, breast-feeding, if there is an allergic reaction to individual components of the capsules.
2. Cream (gel) It is not recommended for use by minors, during pregnancy and lactation, with increased sensitivity to the contents of the cream, in the presence of open wounds and ulcers on the skin.
3. Pills Have the same contraindications as capsules.
4. Drink Do not use children, expectant mothers, during lactation, and if there is an allergic reaction to individual components of the drink.

Combination with other drugs

During the manufacture of the additive, no special studies have been conducted on the combination of the drug with other drugs.

Many experts recommend using it together with:

  • tea with a saber;
  • tea "Evalar bio
  • hyaluronic acid.

These additives will enhance the effect of using traditional ointments, tablets and beverages. They have a beneficial effect on the condition of the body as a whole and the damaged joints in particular, accelerate the healing process.

These drugs also have some contraindications, so before you start using such a complex of supplements, it is better to consult with a specialist.

Preparations of "Honda" should be included in the complex therapy prescribed by a doctor.

I want to note that such biological supplements alone can not save the patient from severe ailments of joints and spine.

The effectiveness of the drugs "Honda" has not been scientifically proven, and special studies in this field have not been carried out, therefore, it is not worthwhile to rely entirely on this remedy as a panacea.

It is best to use it as a preventive medicine, or as an additional treatment along with other, more effective drugs prescribed by a doctor!

A source:

Cream and pills Honda for joints

With pains in joints of different origins, a new preparation of Russian production - Honda - is a good help.

The product has two forms of release: cream and tablets.

Both options are effective and enjoy well-deserved popularity, but depending on the form of release, the drug has its own characteristics.

Indications for the use of cream

The cream of Honda is manufactured by the pharmaceutical company Evalar. The main advantage of the drug is its completely natural composition.

Thanks exclusively to natural ingredients in the composition, the product has a minimum amount of contraindications. The cream effectively fights inflammation and relieves painful sensations.

After eliminating the discomfort, joint mobility returns normal joints.

The cream helps people who are worried about one of the following phenomena (or their complex):

  • painful sensations in the area of ​​the joints after physical exertion;
  • tenderness of joints associated with age-related changes;
  • deformation of the joints;
  • pain caused by osteochondrosis, arthritis, arthrosis;
  • hypodynamia (prescribed for preventive purposes to prevent joint disease).
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Features of composition

The high efficiency and safety of the product are explained by its unique composition. The cream includes:

  • chondroitin;
  • glucosamine;
  • extract of burdock root;
  • an extract of the bark of a white willow;
  • auxiliary components.

Chondroitin (sodium chondroitin sulfate) is the natural basis of cartilaginous tissue.

Cartilages in the joints wear out quickly and are susceptible to destructive processes with a lack of chondroitin

Due to this component, in the composition of Honda cream, the drug helps to strengthen the cartilage in the joint.

As a result, the cartilage is easier to tolerate the load and receives additional nutrition, which is especially important for a sedentary Lifestyle, which leads to a violation of blood circulation and a deterioration in the supply of nutrients to the cells of the cartilaginous tissue. Chondroitin also keeps moisture in the cartilage, which increases its elasticity.

This substance is extracted from cartilage of birds, fish and some species of mammals, so that its origin is completely natural. In addition to feeding cartilage, chondroitin provides calcium retention in bone tissue.

Glucosamine (glucosamine hydrochloride) - a substance that leads not only to the restoration of cartilage tissue, but also to the renewal of cells. The elasticity of tissues in the body depends on the level of collagen, namely glucosamine contributes to its production.

The addition of extracts of willow and burdock to the cream makes it possible to increase its effectiveness and add additional properties to the product.

The use of the cream helps maintain the water-salt balance in the tissues of the joint. The extract of burdock root is a substance that exerts anti-edematous action and relieves inflammation.

Extract of the bark of the white willow provides relief of pain and anti-inflammatory effect.

By its action on the body, this substance is an analogue of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs drugs only of natural origin, so when using it, effects.

Read more:Cream of shark fat for joints

The auxiliary components include:

  • fats of animal origin (several species);
  • glycerol;
  • distilled water;
  • rosemary oil;
  • soybean oil.

In addition, to increase the effectiveness of the drug, it may be necessary to use dietary supplements containing the same components that are basic in the cream. So you can achieve maximum efficiency from treatment or preventive use. In 3-4 days the result of taking medications becomes noticeable.

Method of application of Honda cream

After applying the cream, the joints of the Honda penetrate the skin to a depth of 7-8 cm. Thus, the active components reach the cartilaginous tissue in the joint and have a positive effect on it. It is necessary to apply on a site, which hurts, small portions of a cream on 2-3 times a day.

To penetrate as deeply as possible and reach the joint, it is necessary to rub it up to maximum absorption

For this, the affected area with a layer of cream applied is slightly massaged.

Depending on what kind of problem a person is concerned with, the optimal duration of the use of the remedy is determined.

Any drugs containing substances that stimulate the regeneration of cartilaginous tissue, it is necessary to apply courses. The average duration of the cream is 1-3 months.

Long-term use of the drug is absolutely safe, because the active components of the cream are natural substances that are contained in the body, especially in cartilaginous tissue.

You can not apply the cream to those patients who have an individual intolerance to its components.

The onset of an allergic reaction can be indicated by itching of the skin and redness at the site of application of the cream. If there is an allergy to the components of the remedy, then its use must be abandoned.

Also, it is not recommended to use the cream for women during pregnancy and lactation.

Take the pill necessary during meals

Features of the tablet form of release of the product

Honda in tablets is a remedy with almost the same composition and action. It is recommended to use the product for external and internal use at the same time. This will increase the effectiveness of the drug.

Tablets are available in packages of 30 pieces. Each tablet contains 100 mg of glucosamine hydrochloride and chondroitin sulfate. Additional components - burdock root extract, willow bark extract, calcium stearate - are contained in 23 mg, 25 mg and 2 mg, respectively.

Each tablet is washed down with a sufficient amount of water.

Duration of the drug can be up to six months, since the restoration of cartilage tissue is a long process.

As a rule, the drug is well tolerated by patients, so no side effects of taking tablets or the use of the cream does not cause.

Feedback on application of the product

Many patients with diseases of the spine and joints have already tried to try and make their own opinion about the effectiveness of this tool. As a rule, patients are satisfied with the result, if the drug is applied a sufficiently long course and leave positive feedback.

Александра, 48 years old
I was advised by a friend. At first I doubted, but then I decided to get a cream, because the pains in the joints were tortured.

Within a week I noticed an improvement in well-being, then I decided to buy pills, so that the result was maximum. I took the course at 4 months, with my degree of development of arthrosis is the optimal duration of treatment.

I am very satisfied, because I practically do not feel pain in the joints now.

Виктор, 55 years old
At me an osteochondrosis. I am engaged in treatment not the first year. Back pain accompanied me constantly, but after using the cream Honda began to feel much better. After each application, the back hurts less and less.

Ирина, 38 years old
In my youth I went in for sports, now I suffer with joints.

I'm saved from arthritis only by Honda, because for many means I have an allergy, and this cream I carry very well.

It has already been 2 courses for 2 months with a break of 4. I will continue to use the tool in the future, so that pain will not return.

A source:

Honda Evalar


As part of the Honda Evalar capsules contain the following components:chondroitin sulfate, bark extract of white willow, glucosamine hydrochloride, burdock root extract.

The composition of the cream of Honda cream includes glucosamine hydrochloride, chondroitin sulfate.

Also in the cream contain additional ingredients: internal fats (pork, badger, mink), essential oils, glycerin, soybean oil, stearic acid, methylparaben, glycerol monostearate, carbopol-940, triethanolamine, distilled water.

The components of Honda Drink Evalar contain the following components: hydrolyzed collagen (peptides), chondroitin sulfate, glucosamine hydrochloride, methylsulfonyl methane, Vitamin C, manganese gluconate,hyaluronic acid, powdered lemon juice, flavoring, riboflavin, citric acid, fructose, sucralose.

Form of issue

It is issued in the form of capsules (the package contains 30 pieces); in the form of a cream (in a tube of 50 g), as well as in the form of a powder for the preparation of a drink (10 sachets in a package).

pharmachologic effect

Honda Glucosamine Evalar is a remedy that ischondroprotector, that is, a drug that supports the health of human joints.

Glucosamine- one of the main chondroprotectors.

This bioadditive helps maintain the spine and cartilage in a normal state, and also determines the active natural renewal of the cartilaginous tissue of the spine and joints. The agent also maintains the optimal level of mobility of the joints.

Substanceglucosamine hydrochloride- product derived from chitin of marine crustaceans. This is a natural component of the articular cartilage. Getting into the human body, it becomes the starting material for hyaluronic acid and the synthesis of chondroitin.

Also, the substance provides stimulation of collagen synthesis, which is also very important for the function of the joints. Accordingly, if the body receives additional doses of glucosamine, gradually the process of gradual natural renewal of the cartilaginous tissue takes place in the body.

The presence of plant extracts in the composition of the drug provides anti-edematous and anti-inflammatory effect, the effect on the body of chondroprotectors is potentiated. In general, the capsules provide an opportunity to provide a restorative and anti-inflammatory effect.

The cream of Honda Evalar acts locally, has an analgesic, anti-inflammatory effect.

As part of the drink Drink Drink contains a set of tools that positively affect the condition of the joints. Collagen, which the body receives in the form of a drink, is more actively assimilated, since only molecules that have been previously split are penetrated into the tissue.

In the composition of the beverage, collagen is present as a peptide hydrolyzate. This substance, obtained by hydrolysis, reaches the maximum amount in the tissues of the joints.

The effect of collagen is enhanced by hyaluronic acid, which improves joint mobility, chondroitin sulfate and glucosamine hydrochloride provide an active process of natural renewal of cartilage tissue.

Methylsulfonylmethaneactivates the transport of nutrients in the tissues of the spine, joints, cartilage.

Pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics

There is no detailed description in the manual.

Indications for use

Take the drug is advisable:

  • in diseases of the joints (osteochondrosis, arthrosis, arthritis);
  • in the presence of joint deformation (ankylosis, subluxation);
  • in the case of a regular high stress on the jointsexcess weight, increased stress, regular exercise);
  • at constant stresses;
  • whenhypodynamia;
  • with the goal of prevention after reaching 40 years.


It is not recommended for dietary supplements to users withincreased sensitivity,also contraindicated agentpregnant womenandnursing mothers.

Side effects

May be manifestedallergic reactionswhen taking this drug.

Manual for Honda Evalar (Method and Dosage)

Adults take 1-2 capsules twice a day during meals.

If there is such a need, you can increase the daily dosage of Honda Evalar, but only after the approval of the attending physician.

Also individually set the duration of taking capsules, the course can last from 3-4 weeks to 3-4 months.

The cream of Honda Evalar should be applied to areas where pain is noted, and then rubbed with massage movements until the product is completely absorbed. Apply the cream 2-3 times a day.

To obtain the optimal concentration of active substances of drugs in the human body, the combined use of cream and capsules is recommended.

The drug in the form of a soluble drink should be taken from 20 days to 2-3 months, depending on the diagnosis and individual course of the disease.

Before taking it, you need to dissolve the contents of one packet in 200 ml of water, which has room temperature. Drink the drink you need during meals, the optimal dose is 1 cup of drink per day.

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You can practice 3-4 courses of taking the drug a day.


Information on the consequences of overdose is not provided.


There is no information on the interaction of dietary supplements with other drugs.

Terms of sale

All forms of the drug Honda Evalar can be bought without a prescription.

Storage conditions

Store at a temperature not exceeding 25 degrees.

Shelf life

Can store 2 years

special instructions

This agent is an active biological additive. Before using any of the forms of the drug, it is important to consult with your doctor.


A number of other drugs-chondroprotectors are on sale.

Selection of the optimal remedy should only be carried out by a specialist.


It is not practiced to use funds for children.

In pregnancy and lactation

Do not take an additive during the periodof pregnancyandbreastfeeding.

Reviews of Honda Evalar

In the network often there are reviews about the different forms of this biological supplement.

Reviews about Honda Drink Evalar show that the drink is easy to use, since it has a pleasant taste.

At the same time, many users write that after several courses of treatment, the condition of the joints improved, the pain, stiffness, and crunch in joints decreased.

There are also positive opinions about capsules and cream. The users write that with the combined use of topical and oral agents, there is a more pronounced effect of the active components. It is noted that the drug is relatively cheap.

However, there are less enthusiastic testimonials that after the administration of dietary supplements, there was no marked improvement in the condition.

Price, where to buy

Price Honda Evalar capsules - an average of 200 rubles per package of the drug (30 pcs.).

The price of the Honda Evalar cream is 160 rubles per pack for 50 g.

The cost of Honda Drink Evalar is 970 rubles for 10 sachets.

NOTE! Information about medicines on the site is a reference-generalizing, collected from public sources and can not serve as a basis for making a decision about the use of medications in the course of treatment. Before applying the drug, Honda Evalar must consult with your doctor.

A source:

"Honda Evalar reviews, indications, instructions for use, composition, analogues:

Unfortunately, many people are faced with various joint diseases. Weakness, limitation of mobility, pain during exercise significantly reduce the quality of life.

It is in such cases that doctors often recommend the use of the Honda Evalar.

Feedback from experts and patients confirm that the correct use of drugs in this line really helps to get rid of a lot of problems.

Of course, before the start of therapy it is worth to get acquainted with the available information.

What is Honda Evalar? Instructions for use, indications, possible risks, prices and results are, of course, those moments that are worth exploring more closely. This information will be useful for many readers.

The drug "Honda Evalar composition and information on the form of release

To begin with it is necessary to consider the general data about a medicine. "Honda Evalar reviews about the effectiveness of which have a positive aspect, is a fairly biologically active additive to food. The product is available in the form of tablets, powder, and also a cream for the treatment of the skin.

In the pharmacy you can buy tablets "Honda Evalar" - more precisely, capsules for oral administration. One package contains 30 pieces.

This drug is released in a natural composition - the drug contains chondroitin sulfate, glucosamine hydrochloride, as well as extracts of burdock root and white willow bark.

Also, BAA is available in powder form for the preparation of a suspension. The main active components in this case are the same - glucosamine hydrochloride and chondroitin sulfate.

In addition, the composition contains hyaluronic acid, hydrolyzed collagen, ascorbic acid, fructose, riboflavin, citric acid and powdered lemon juice, as well as sucralose, methylsulfonylmethane and flavors. The package contains 10 sachets.

Cream: Features of the composition

Quite popular is the cream "Honda Evalar which is designed to treat the skin in the area of ​​the affected joints. This form of the drug also contains chondroitin and glucosamine as basic substances.

In addition, the cream contains internal, natural fats, in particular, mink, badger, and pork.

The composition contains soybean oil, glycerol monostearate, essential oils, stearic acid, triethanolamine, methylparaben and distilled water.

The cream has a dense consistency, and also a specific, but pleasant enough smell. The product is packaged in tubes of 50 g.

Properties and effects of a biologically active additive

As already mentioned, this agent contains glucosamine in the form of hydrochloride, which is derived from chitin from marine representatives of crustaceans.

This is one of the main chondroprotectors.

This substance is part of the articular cartilage and, getting into the body, becomes the main material for the synthesis of chondroitin and hyaluronic acid.

The course of therapy helps to improve the condition of the musculoskeletal system.

This biologically active additive contributes to the processes of natural regeneration of cartilaginous tissues.

In addition, the plant ingredients that make up the medicine help to remove the inflammatory process, eliminate swelling and reduce pain.

Powder for the preparation of the suspension additionally contains collagen, which is quickly absorbed and used by the body for the synthesis of cartilaginous tissue. Hyaluronic acid improves joint mobility, and methylsulfonyl methane improves the transport of nutrients to articular structures.

The cream "Honda Evalar" is used as an anesthetic. It quickly removes swelling, helps to cope with the pain syndrome and eliminate stiffness of the joints.

When patients are prescribed a drug?

In what cases do patients receive the help of the Honda Evalar line? Instructions for use indicate that the dietary supplement helps with different problems. The list of indications is as follows.

  • Diseases of the joints, including arthritis, arthrosis, osteochondrosis.
  • The presence of deformations, which is observed, for example, with subluxations, ankylosis.
  • As a prophylaxis with increased stress on the joints (in this case we are talking about intensive training, the presence of excess weight).
  • Doctors recommend taking the drug periodically and people leading a sedentary lifestyle, because hypodynamia leads to weakening of muscles, ligaments and, consequently, to increased loads on the joints.

As you can see, "Honda Evalar" is applied from joint diseases.

Nevertheless, the manufacturer recommends from time to time to undergo treatment to all people over 40 years of age.

Such prevention will help prevent the development of joint diseases, strengthen the body, give strength and slow the aging process.

Rules of reception and dosage

Of course, before you start taking dietary supplements, it's worth talking to a specialist and handing over all the tests.

As a rule, doctors recommend taking 1-2 capsules twice a day. It is better to drink tablets during or just before meals.

Duration of therapy can be different - from 3-4 weeks to 3 or 4 months.

Powder, which can also be purchased from a pharmacy, is used to prepare a suspension. The contents of one sachet must be dissolved in a glass of warm (but by no means hot) water.

Doctors, as well as the manufacturer himself, recommend taking one sachet a day. If necessary, a glass of drink can be divided into 3-4 meals per day.

The course of therapy lasts 2-3 months, but not less than three weeks.

Recommendations for use

In fact, the cream is very easy to use. Before the procedure, it is recommended to wash your hands, and it is better to apply the product on a clean, dry body.

Squeeze a small amount of ointment from the tube, distribute evenly over the skin over the affected joint and rub it gently with gentle movements until completely absorbed.

This procedure is recommended to repeat 2-3 times a day.

By the way, experts advise to combine the funds of the Honda Evalar line. The patient's feedback, as well as the results of the tests, confirm that the therapy is more effective if both cream and capsules / powder are used simultaneously.

Are there any restrictions? Information on contraindications

This biologically active additive has a natural composition, therefore it is considered safe for health.

Nevertheless, before you start taking capsules or powder, you should carefully read their composition - in the presence of hypersensitivity to any of the constituent components of therapy is refuse. The same goes for the cream.

It is not used in pediatrics. The use of the drug during pregnancy and breastfeeding is possible, but only with the permission of the doctor.

The matter is that clinical studies on this group of patients have not been conducted, therefore, there is no exact information on the possible impact on the body of the child.

If it is a question of using a cream, it is worth remembering that the remedy can not be applied to the injured skin (in the presence of wounds, scratches, ulcers, decubitus).

Is it possible to develop side effects?

Can the therapy with the use of dietary supplements of the Honda Evalar line be dangerous? Testimonials of experts confirm that most often the treatment is successful. Only occasionally patients face side effects.

Most often, problems are associated with allergic reactions. Reception of a preparation can be interfaced to occurrence of reddenings, a burning sensation and an itch on a skin. Sometimes the therapy is accompanied by the development of urticaria, swelling. If any violations occur, visit a specialist.

The drug "Honda Evalar the price

Before the start of the application of a particular drug, even if it is a question of bioadditives, you need to read the official data. An important factor for many people is the cost.

How much will the drug "Honda Evalar" cost? The price, of course, can depend on the policy of the distributor and the pharmacy.

Packing, consisting of 36 capsules, will cost about 700-800 rubles. You can buy and 60 tablets dietary supplements. Their cost will be approximately 1100-1200 rubles.

The cream is slightly cheaper - for a tube containing 50 g of funds, you will need to pay about 400 rubles.

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The list of effective analogues

Unfortunately, not all patients who suffer from joint diseases can use the products of the Honda Evalar line. Analogues of dietary supplements, of course, exist.

If you are talking about external means, then as substitutes you can consider such drugs as "Glucosamine Chondroitin" or "Chondroglucid".

These drugs help alleviate pain and inflammation, improve the mobility of joints.

If necessary, to take oral preparations containing chondroitin and glucosamine, doctors often prescribe such tablets as "Artra "Teraflex "Inoltra "Glucosamine-Chondroitin Plus." Of course, it is not worth it to arbitrarily use such drugs - it is better to entrust the selection of medicines to an experienced doctor.

What do experts say? Reviews of doctors and patients

You have already read information about the properties and rules for taking a dietary supplement. But what do experts say about the facilities of the Honda Evalar line? Reviews the doctors and patients leave positive.

Both tablets and cream help to cope with diseases of the musculoskeletal system, prevent the onset of degenerative changes in the joints, improve well-being.

Specialists pay attention to the lack of contraindications and the minimal probability of side effects - these are undeniable advantages.

Patients who have already completed at least one course of therapy also notice positive changes. Gradually, pains in the joints disappear, which makes it possible to move more freely.

Stiffness leaves, and overall well-being improves. The cream almost instantly reduces the intensity of the pain syndrome, and the swelling gradually goes away.

By the way, the cost of this dietary supplements, especially if you take into account its effectiveness and the prices of similar drugs, is quite affordable.

A source:

Honda instruction manual for capsules 30 pieces

Honda capsules are a natural complex that helps get rid of joint inflammation and restore worn cartilage. The preparation is based on a large number of vitamins and other substances that favorably affect the condition of the musculoskeletal system of a person.

Trade name of the preparation:Honda

Dosage form:capsules

A photo of capsules of Honda on which the composition is indicated

Composition per 1 capsule: sodium chondroitin sulfate ** -100 mg, glucosamine hydrochloride ** - 100 mg, willow bark extract, 25 mg, burdock root extract - 23 mg.

Promotes the natural renewal of the cartilaginous tissue of the joints and spine, and improves the mobility of the joints.

Articular cartilage is a natural shock absorber that softens all our movements: tremors, jerks, bumps. Wear and renewal of the cartilaginous layer are the natural processes taking place in the body.

If there is discomfort of movements, it can say that with food in the body will not feel necessary quantity of nutrients - chondroprotectors - necessary for building and updating cartilage tissue.

Chondrintin and glucosamine are, perhaps, one of the most sought-after complex honeprotectors for maintaining a healthy state of cartilaginous tissue. They are the structural elements of the cartilage itself, which are necessary for building cells of cartilaginous tissue and its natural renewal.

The Honda complex nourishes cartilaginous tissue, promotes its natural renewal, improves the structural condition of the joints and spine, and supports their functional capacity.

Chondroitin sulfate of sodium maintains the functional capacity of joints and reduces the discomfort of movements.

It protects cartilage and has the ability to support the natural renewal of cartilage tissue cells.

Glucosamine hydrochloride is the natural component that protects cells of cartilaginous tissue, stimulates the production of collagen, is a structural component of tendons, joint fluid, connective tissue, skin and bones.
Adding to the complex "Honda" extract of the bark of willow white and extract of burdock root additionally helps to maintain the functional state of cartilaginous tissue and water-salt metabolism.

Regular intake of sufficient amounts of chondroitin and glucosamine, which contains a complex of "Honda promotes normal processes of natural renewal of the cartilaginous tissue and improvement of the functional state of the joints and the spine. Glucosamine and chondrite are natural substances that a person should receive from food, so their long and regular intake is safe *, and the results can be kept long after the end reception.

* In the framework of recommendations "on use, except for cases of individual intolerance.

Supplement your choice with a cream "Honda" for the area of ​​the joints and spine. The cream "Honda" also contains chondroitin and glucosamine.

Ingredients: sodium chondroitin sulfate - 3%, gayukosamine hydrochloride - 3%.
The cream should be applied 2-3 times a day to problem areas and rubbed with massage movements until completely absorbed.

ZAO Evalar also produces the Honda forte complex *** with an increased chondroitin content of 500 mg and glucosamine 500 mg. Just 1 tablet a day-and at a bargain price.

Recommendations for use: adults 1 tablet per day with meals. Duration of admission - at least 1 month. Reception can be repeated 4-6 times a year.

New items of the Honda series:

  1. Collagen drink "Honda drink" *** for strong nutrition of joints and
    the spine. Contains peptide hydrolyzate of collagen in a complex with chondroitin, glucosamine.
  2. Cream-gel "Honda" with a roller - contains a complex of chondroitin and gayucosamine with essential oils.

** Chondroitin and glucosamine of natural origin, obtained by isolating pure substances (substances) from cartilaginous tissue of cattle.

Honda indications for use

It is recommended as a biologically active additive to food - a source of chondroitin sulfate, glucosamine.

Honda Contraindications

Individual intolerance of components, pregnancy, breast-feeding. Before use, consult a specialist.

Capsules Honda: Analogues cheaper

Capsules Honda: dosage and method of use

Adults take 2 capsules 2 times a day with meals. Duration of admission - at least 3 days.

Form of issue

30 capsules of 350 mg each placed in a blister.

Picture of blister capsule Honda 30 pieces

Storage conditions

Store at a temperature not exceeding 25 ° C.

Shelf life

2 years.

A photo of capsules of Honda on which the series is indicated, the date of manufacture and up to what data the capsules are suitable

The text of the leaflet was confirmed by voluntary certification.
Colored promotional booklets about the products of the company "Evalar" are invested in consumer packs of every fifth lot.

A photo of the capsules of Honda with the price

Capsules Honda (application instruction) in photos

Photo instructions for the use of capsules Honda, part 1

Photo instructions for the use of capsules Honda, part 2

Capsules Honda: reviews of the drug

Vladimir Lvov, Samara

I have been taking Honda capsules for a long time. The fact is that I have problems with joints and musculoskeletal system.

It began a long time ago, when I was in the army. During the hand-to-hand fight, I was struck out by a cup, the pains were very strong. Immediately sent to the medical center to restore joints.

After the operation, the doctor advised him to drink capsules of Honda. He said that he very well helps during the recovery process, accelerates healing.

A few months later, I really felt good results. There were no more pains, everything was normal.

Svetlana Ivanova, Tomsk

Recently I had problems with joints. After work, I could do nothing, fell down for several hours. My relatives and relatives were very worried about my health. They were advised to take capsules of Honda, which are sold at the nearest pharmacy. Has bought or purchased, has started to accept at once.

After some time, I felt that the pains had weakened, and the work of the musculoskeletal apparatus was restored. I did not think about simple capsules will help me like this so well. I am very glad that I took the drug.

It is worth noting that they are not very expensive, everyone can afford to drink a full course.

Damir Petrov, Syzran

I bought the Honda capsules a few months ago. I decided to drink a course to restore the cartilaginous component of the joints. Many assured that the result will be fine. My work will improve, there will be no more pain. Took quite diligently, as well as it is necessary.

A week later I felt that in the lower back there was a lot of pain, which did not let me sleep peacefully. A week later, pains began in my legs and hands. I stopped taking the drug and went to a specialist. After the examination, I was told that I needed to undergo treatment.

I was very disappointed in the drug, I will not advise anyone.

Ekaterina Sivtseva, Kazan

This drug did not help me much. Has bought at once some packs, thought, that capsules of Honda will help by all means, but I was mistaken. Money wasted, nothing was received.

Pain in the joints remained the same as they were. I found it on the Internet to find out why such a result. Knowledgeable people said that this is possible because of individual intolerance of the components.

In general, I realized that nothing will turn out, and stopped taking capsules.

Vladimir Kostin, Kaluga

This drug did not help me, I did not get the result I wanted. Of course, someone can use Honda capsules, but not for sure. I reconciled myself to the fact that the pain in the joints will continue, it is necessary to somehow live on and look for another drug.

Tamara Ilyina, Syktyvkar

I have problems with joints and musculoskeletal system. Because of this, I can not walk and enjoy life. I decided to purchase an interesting tool called Honda. A few weeks later the result was, and quite good. Means worthwhile, you can try.

Ekaterina Stepanova, Tyva

The drug helps to restore the cartilaginous basis of the joint of the legs. It is necessary to take a long period to feel the result.

If you do not drink capsules every day, it will not work. Capsules Honda are not very much, a quality tool.

Pleasant sensations after a full course.

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