What is posture? The definition, types of posture, methods of correction


  • 1Correction of posture
    • 1.1Correction methods for posture
    • 1.2Exercises for correcting posture
    • 1.3Correction of posture in children
  • 2What is posture? Formation of correct posture
    • 2.1Definition of term
    • 2.2Signs of correct posture
    • 2.3Own diagnostics
    • 2.4Causes of violation
    • 2.5Formation of correct posture in the child
    • 2.6Posture and flat feet: are these concepts related?
  • 3Characteristics of correct posture and types of disorders
  • 4How to form a correct posture?
    • 4.1How is the posture formed?
    • 4.2How to determine if your posture is correct or not?
    • 4.3How to keep the posture correct?
    • 4.4What problems can be with health in the case of incorrect posture?
    • 4.5Correction of incorrect posture
  • 5Methods of assessment and correction of posture

Correction of posture

Posture is the habitual posture of a person who is at ease. With the correct posture, all parts of the body are symmetrical about the spine. With proper posture, the person's shoulders are deployed, the head is slightly raised, arms and legs are bent at the joints, and the stomach is pulled up.

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Correct posture can evaluate the doctor. Usually, the doctor evaluates the side, rear and front views. Incorrect posture negatively affects the work of all the internal organs of the body.

Correction of posture - a set of methods designed to form a correct posture or correct existing defects.

Correction methods for posture

Violation of posture is sometimes confused with scoliosis. In scoliosis, the spine is curved as a result of the rotation of the vertebrae around its axis.

Scoliosis can not be corrected, you can only stop its progression. A violation of posture can easily be corrected with the help of special methods of correction of posture.

The use of a corset for correcting the posture is one of the simplest ways.

The corset for posture correction helps to restore the physiologically correct position of the shoulder girdle, and also to relieve the excessive load of the vertebrae of the lumbar and thoracic spine with the preservation of normal muscle tone.

Corset for correcting the posture fixes the person's back in the correct position. Special elastic corset plates contribute to a uniform distribution of the load on both sides of the spine and symmetrical development of the muscular system.

To enhance the effect with an incorrect posture, the doctor, in addition to the corset, can advise the use of physiotherapy exercises aimed at strengthening the muscles. In the future, the instructor adjusts the exercise based on physical fitness and the condition of the patient's musculoskeletal system.

The best results can also be achieved by the joint application of various methods of correction of posture - corset, therapeutic exercises and therapeutic massage sessions. For correcting the posture it is useful to engage in swimming, volleyball and skiing.

Exercises for correcting posture

Exercises to correct posture to some extent help to better own your body and correct the flaws of the figure.

To correct the posture and strengthen the muscles of the back, the following exercises are suitable:

  • stand up, place your hands behind your head. With a force to take your hands to the sides, raise your hands up and bend. To die for 2-6 seconds and return to the starting position;
  • stand up, place a gymnastic stick behind your back. Its lower end is pressed to the pelvis, and the upper one to the head. Lean forward and return to the starting position, bend left, then right. Run every movement 10-12 times;
  • lie on your stomach. Bend over, leaning on hands. To die in this position for 4-5 seconds, then return to the starting position;
  • stand one step away from the wall. Touch the wall with your hands and bend back, lifting your hands up, return to the starting position. Repeat 6-8 times.

To the exercises, you can add the visas on the gym wall for five to six minutes.

Exercises for correcting the posture (lying on the stomach):

  1. hands stretch forward, pull the body into the "strings pull the brushes and socks in different directions for one minute;
  2. hands point-blank, lean on the palm of your hand and lift up a straight leg in turn (10 times);
  3. arms above the head to fold in the lock, raise the shoulder girdle and hold in this position from two to ten seconds (6 times);
  4. raise your arms and head up, with straight hands do "scissors" for one minute;
  5. hands folded in the lock and pull forward, straight legs folded together. Raise your legs, arms and head and hold for one to two minutes;
  6. grasp your ankles and climb up on your abdomen, hold in this position for two to ten seconds (10 times).

The following exercises for correcting the posture should be performed while kneeling:

  • To kneel, hands to lower along the trunk, and then to deviate back. Repeat 10-15 times;
  • sit on the floor to the right and left of the foot;
  • get your knee to the forehead, throw your leg and head back up. Repeat 10 times.

All exercises should be performed at an average pace, while trying to maximally deploy the shoulders back.

Correction of posture in children

Methods of correcting posture in children are based on the study of posture for the main elements, the elimination of stiffness and unnecessary muscular tension, on the development of remembering the correct posture and the ability to restore it in various conditions.

Correction of posture in children occurs by combining manual therapy with therapeutic physical training, massage and psychotraining.

To correct the posture, you can also include walking on a log for training the cerebellum, the vestibular apparatus, and also developing the sensitivity of the muscles of the extremities, neck and trunk.

Children of primary school age are required to prescribe exercises based on deep breathing, because at this age the chest grows slower than the whole body.

The process of correcting the posture must necessarily be accompanied by the child's consciously-willful decision to all kinds of activities. Only in this case the mastery of the habit of correct posture will occur naturally.

A source: http://www.neboleem.net/stati-o-zdorove/4717-korrekcija-osanki.php

What is posture? Formation of correct posture

About the posture, of course, heard from childhood. The usual phrases of the parents: "Sit down straight! "Do not slouch "Keep your back straight "Well, you have a posture!".

Many people talk about it: parents, teachers, doctors.

So what is the posture, how correctly it is formed, and why is it so important to keep your back straight? About this today will be discussed in the article.

Definition of term

Now we learn what posture is and what it can be. So, this word means the ability of a person to keep his body in different positions. Posture can be of two types:

1. Correct.

2. Wrong.

In the first case it is the habitual natural posture of a person standing. Here, people without unnecessary stress can keep the body and head correctly. A person with impeccable posture has an easy gait, shoulders are slightly lowered and laid back, the stomach is pulled up, the chest is straightened.

In the second case, a person does not know how to properly hold his body, walks and stands on half-bent limbs, stoops, lowers his head and shoulders, his stomach bulges out.

Incorrect posture not only spoils the figure, but also damages its health.

With such a manner to keep oneself from many inhabitants of our planet, the activity of organs becomes more complicated, which in the end results in a continuous bouquet of various ailments.

Signs of correct posture

  1. The position of the head and spine is straight.
  2. Symmetrical should be the outlines of the shoulder and neck.
  3. The blades are on the same level.
  4. The clavicle line should be horizontal.
  5. Equal length of legs.
  6. The position of the buttocks should be symmetrical.

What is the posture, we determined.

Now is the time to consider how alone a person can learn, in the order of his back and figure or not.

Own diagnostics

You need to go to the wall and, turning your back, snuggle back to her head, shoulder blades and buttocks. In this case, the heels should be a few inches away from the wall.

Now you should try to insert a hand between the wall and the waist, while you can not tear off the shoulders and head from the surface.

If you did it, then there are no problems with posture.

Causes of violation

What is the correct posture, it is clear, now you need to determine what factors lead to its violation. The reasons must be sought in childhood, and this can be such circumstances:

  • - Incorrect position of the body during training (stoop, throwing one leg to the other).
  • - Holding most of the time in front of the TV, at the computer.
  • - Wearing on the back of heavy portfolios, which make the posture wrong.
  • - The regime of the day when sleep is given very little time.
  • - The presence of various diseases, for example: rickets, radiculitis, tuberculosis, poliomyelitis, myopia.
  • - The resulting injury (for example, a fracture of the spine).

Formation of correct posture in the child

At boys and girls the backbone at the young age only forms the bends, muscles are formed gradually, and the kid is easier, than to the adult, to get used to a certain position of a body in space.

The formation of posture in children must necessarily take place under the supervision of an adult. How should parents help the child maintain this important indicator that characterizes physical development? To do this, follow these simple guidelines:

  1. - Mom and Dad have to watch how their baby sits, whether the pose is correctly chosen during the lessons. The child should not stoop, keep his shoulders not on one level, lean sideways.
  2. - It is necessary to properly equip the working place of the son or daughter. It is important to choose a table, as well as a chair that suits the growth of the offspring. It is also necessary to provide the schoolchild with the correct desktop lighting (local as well as general).
  3. - It is necessary to buy a child high-quality shoes, which would not crush, did not restrain movements.
  4. - It is important to buy your offspring the right backpack, briefcase (preferably with an orthopedic back), and not put a lot of books and unnecessary things in there.
  5. - It is necessary to attach the child to the morning exercises. Motor activity is very important during the growth of the baby. You can go for a walk - they will also benefit from posture.
  6. - It is advisable to record a son or daughter for swimming lessons, because it influences perfectly the regular position of the child's body.
  7. - You can learn to temper yourself and train up to this event and your offspring.
  8. - It is important that the baby eat right. Food should contain fresh vegetables, fruits, meat, fish, eggs, greens.
  9. - An important factor in the development of a correct posture is the selection of furniture for sleep. Boys and girls should rest on hard mattresses, and the pose in which children sleep is also important. It is advisable to doze on your stomach, and better - on your back, rather than curl up.
  10. - We should not forget about the benefits of the sun, because it, as many know, helps to strengthen the bones and form a correct posture.
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Therefore, it is necessary to go out into the warm sunny day on the street with your child (but not in the very sun) and engage in interesting and healthy activities (playing football, basketball, tennis etc.).

Posture and flat feet: are these concepts related?

In the human body, everything is closely interconnected, therefore, if there is a failure in one or another organ, then the rest also suffer. This can be said about flat feet, which leads to a violation of posture. How does this happen?

With a smooth foot, the center of gravity changes and the person deviates back, as a result, the balance is disturbed, and when walking, the body of the body tilts forward. A chain reaction is formed, which leads to the development of stoop.

Naturally, flat foot is not a fatal illness, but if it is present, then a person experiences a lot of other problems: his legs get tired quickly, his knees suffer.

Therefore, in order not to launch such a chain reaction, it is necessary to monitor your child from childhood; you need to watch how he goes, visit a pediatric orthopedist.

And if the expert discovers some problems with the legs, then all the doctor's recommendations should be followed so that the offspring do not have a flat foot, which subsequently leads to a number of problems.

Now you know what posture is and what the consequences can be caused by the wrong manner of sitting, standing, lying.

A source: http://.ru/article/183333/chto-takoe-osanka-formirovanie-pravilnoy-osanki

Characteristics of correct posture and types of disorders

Posture is usually called the habitual position of the body of a person who is unconstrained, which he takes without unnecessary muscle tension.

The leading factors determining the human posture are the position and shape of the spine, the angle of the pelvis and the degree of development of the musculature, which largely determines the correctness of physiological bends the spine.

From the standpoint of physiological patterns, the child's posture is a dynamic stereotype (skill) and in younger age is unstable, easily changing under the influence of positive or negative factors.

The non-simultaneous development of the bone, joint-ligament apparatus and the muscular system at this age serves as the basis for the instability of posture. This uneven development decreases with a decrease in growth rates, and with the cessation of human growth - it stabilizes.

Posture depends on the state of the psyche and the neuromuscular system of a person: the degree of development of the muscular corset, from the functional capabilities of the muscles to the prolonged static tension, elastic properties of intervertebral discs, cartilaginous and connective tissue formations of joints and half-joints of the spine, pelvis and lower extremities.

Correct posture is one of the criteria that determines the state of human health.

When viewed from the front with respect to the frontal plane, it is characterized by the following features:

  • the position of the head is straight, shoulders, collarbones, costal archs, crests of the iliac bones are symmetrical;
  • the abdomen is flat, pulled up;
  • the lower extremities are unbent (corners of the hip and knee joints are about 180 °);

when viewed from the rear:

the contours of the shoulders, the lower angles of the shoulder blades and the gluteal folds are at the same level, and the inner edges of the blades are on the same distance from the spinal column; the projection of the spinous processes of the spine has a vertical line, and the triangles of the waist - are symmetric;

when viewed from the side of the sagittal plane:the vertebral column has moderate physiological curves (2-5 cm).

The line, conventionally drawn through the shoulder joint, a large spit, the fibula head, the outer side of the ankle, should be continuous vertical (Fig. 3).

In different age periods of the child's life, the posture has its own characteristics.

Correct posture for preschoolers: the head is slightly tilted forward, the shoulder belt slightly shifted anteriorly, not protruding beyond the level of the thorax (in the profile), the scapula slightly protrude, the line the thorax smoothly passes into the abdominal line, which protrudes 1-2 cm, the physiological curves of the spine are poorly expressed, the pelvic incline angle is small and is 22-25 ° for boys and girls.

For schoolchildren with correct posture, the head is slightly inclined forward, the shoulders are at the same level, the shoulder blades are pressed to back, the stomach is still bulging, but less protruding than in children 6-7 years old, physiological curves of the spine are moderately are expressed. The angle of the pelvic tilt increases, approaching that of an adult, in girls and girls it is larger (31 °) than in boys and boys (28 °). The most stable posture is noted in children by the age of 10.

For young men and girls, the correct posture is the vertical arrangement of the head and trunk with straightened legs, shoulders are pubescent, the shoulder blades are pressed to the trunk, the thorax is symmetrical.

The mammary glands in girls and the nipple mugs in young men are symmetrical and are on the same level. The abdomen is flat, drawn in relation to the thorax, the girls underline lordosis, in young men - kyphosis. The spinous processes are located along the middle line.

The waist triangles are also well defined and symmetrical.

When viewed from the side, the correct posture is characterized by a slightly elevated thorax and a tightened belly, straightened lower limbs, moderately expressed physiological curves the spine. The axis of the body passes through the ear, the humerus and hip joint and the middle of the foot.

The simplest and most accessible method for determining the presence or absence of posture disorders is the test card (Table 1). 1). Table 1

Test card to identify posture disorders

No. issue Answers
1 Explicit damage to the organs of motion caused by congenital malformations, trauma, illness Yes
2 Head, neck deviated from the midline, shoulders, scapula, pelvis not established symmetrically Yes
3 The expressed deformation of the chest: chest "shoemaker" (hollowed), "chicken" (changing the diameter of the chest, sternum and xiphoid process sharply protrude) Yes
4 Pronounced increase or decrease in the physiological curvature of the spine Yes
5 The strong lag of the shoulder blades ("winglike" scapula) Yes
6 Strong protrusion of the abdomen (more than 2 cm from the line of the chest) Yes
7 Violation of the axes of the lower extremities (O-shaped, X-shaped) Yes
8 Inequality of the waist triangles Yes
9 Valgus position of heels Yes
10 Explicit deviation in the gait: limp, "duck" Yes

Violation of posture is not a disease. This is a condition that, with timely-begun wellness measures, does not progress and is a reversible process. Nevertheless, the violation of posture can gradually lead to a decrease in the mobility of the chest, diaphragm, deterioration of the spring function spine, which, in turn, negatively affects the activity of the central nervous system, cardiovascular and respiratory systems, becomes a companion of many chronic diseases due to manifestation of general functional weakness, imbalance in the states of muscles and ligamentous apparatus of the child.

There are 3 degrees of violation of posture. I degree is characterized by small changes in posture, which are eliminated by focused concentration of the child's attention. II degree is characterized by an increase in the number of symptoms of impaired posture, which are eliminated when unloading the spine in a horizontal position or when suspended (for axillary cavities). III degree is characterized by impaired posture, which is not eliminated when unloading the spine.

For children of preschool age, I-II degrees of posture disorder are most characteristic, for schoolchildren - II-III degrees.

Defects of posture

Deviations from normal posture are called impairments, or defects, of posture. There are violations of posture in the sagittal and frontal plane (Fig., ).

Violations of posture, in addition to a cosmetic defect, are accompanied by disorders in the activities of various human organs: the function of respiration, blood circulation worsens; adaptive opportunities are declining organism. The weakness of the abdominal muscles and the bent position of the body (stoop) cause disruption of intestinal peristalsis and outflow of bile.

Decreasing the spring function of the spine promotes permanent microtrauma of the brain during walking, running, jumping, which is accompanied by rapid fatigue and headaches. In addition to these disorders, spinal deformities increase the possibility of scoliosis, osteochondrosis and compression of the spinal nerves, which entails the appearance of new abnormalities in the state health.

Types of defects of posture

In the sagittal plane, the following variants of posture disorder are distinguished

Disorders of posture with increasing physiological curves of the spine:

  1. stoop - an increase in thoracic kyphosis with a vertex in the upper part of the thoracic region, combined with a decrease in lumbar lordosis until its absence;
  2. round back (total kyphosis) - an increase in the thoracic kyphosis throughout the thoracic region with an almost complete absence of lumbar lordosis.

In this type of violation of posture to compensate for the deviation of the center of gravity from the midline, there is a compensatory, half-bent position of the knee joints. With a stooped and, especially, round back, the chest sinks, the neck and head are inclined forward, it is easy to determine the spinous procession of the VII cervical vertebra. The abdomen will stand, gluteal muscles flattened. Because of the shortening of the pectoral muscles, the shoulders are brought forward, it is difficult to rotate the full-amplitude movement in the shoulder joint; shoulder blades pterygoid protruding, round-concave back (kypholodotic posture) - all the bends of the spine are strengthened, the pelvic incline angle (60 ° and more).

The head, neck, shoulders are tilted forward, the belly protrudes. Knee joints are maximally unbent, sometimes even out-of-shape in order to retain the center of gravity within the support surface. Muscles of the buttocks and hamstrings, attached to the sciatic tubercle, are stretched compared to the muscles of the anterior surface. With insufficient development of the muscular system, the pterygoid scapula is noted. Because of decrepitude and weakness of the abdominal muscles, it is possible to lower the internal organs.

Disorders of posture with reduced physiological curves of the spine:

  • flat back- thoracic kyphosis is poorly expressed, the pelvic inclination is reduced, flattening of the lumbar lordosis. The thorax is flattened, the shoulders and head are shifted forward and lowered, the scapula is pterygoid. The lower part of the abdomen stems from the reduced tone of the muscles and weakness, usually covering the entire musculature, which contributes to the appearance and progression of the violation of posture and in the frontal plane. Reduction of the spring function of the spine with this violation of posture leads to permanent microtrauma of the brain and spinal cord, violations liquor dynamics in them, the consequence of which is a constant feeling of fatigue, headaches and other manifestations of astheno-depressive syndrome.
  • flat-concave spin- Reduction of thoracic kyphosis with slightly enlarged lumbar lordosis due to a significant pelvic incline, which is accompanied by a pronounced lagging of the buttocks. The chest is narrow, the abdominal muscles (like the whole body) are weakened.

Infrontal planedistinguish one version of the violation of posture.

Violation of posture in the frontal plane is called a scoliotic (asymmetric) posture. The spinous processes of the vertebrae of the erect man create a continuous arc of lateral curvature.

In this case there is an asymmetry of a greater or lesser degree of severity between the right and left halves torso, uneven triangle of the waist, one shoulder and shoulder blade are pubescent in comparison with others. There is a flattening of muscles from one side of the neck and chest.

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Since asymmetric posture does not clinically or radically identify torsion of the vertebrae, this violation of posture is not a scoliosis. The curvature is completely corrected when the muscles are released in the supine position or in the vise on the gymnastic wall.

When the forward is inclined, there is no costal hump characteristic of scoliosis.

A source: http://ossanka.blogspot.ru/p/blog-page_23.html

How to form a correct posture?

In this article we will tell you how posture is formed, what posture is correct and what can be done to improve posture? Our article is informational in nature. To check the posture and the choice of ways to improve it, be sure toconsult your doctor.

Posture is a position of a person, which he takes when moving and at rest.

Each person has his own posture, which is determined by the structure of the body, heredity and other factors.

In the process of individual development (child, adolescent, adult, elderly person) - the posture changes during life, this is a normal physiological process.

How is the posture formed?

Posture begins to form in the process of the appearance of physiological (normal) bends of the spine. After all, children are born with an absolutely straight backbone.

In the process of his individual development:

  • in, -2 months the child starts to hold a head - the physiological cervical lordosis is formed;
  • from 6-7 months the child starts to sit - the physiological thoracic kyphosis is formed;
  • from 8-9 months the child stands holding on to the support - the physiological lumbar lordosis is formed;
  • from 11-12 months the child independently walks - the physiological sacral kyphosis is formed.

In the formation of normal bends of the spine and the formation of a correct posture, the harmonious development of skeletal muscles (muscles) and ligament apparatus plays an important role.

How to determine if your posture is correct or not?

Common signs of correct posture:

  1. The cervical-oblique angle is obtuse (not acute and not straight).
  2. The location of the clavicles and nipples is symmetrical (the right and left halves of the body are compared).
  3. The blades are closely attached to the chest.
  4. The lower angles of the blades are located symmetrically.
  5. The navel is in the middle line.
  6. Gluteal folds on one level.
  7. Popliteal folds on one level.

The first signs of a violation of posture:

  • Slouch.
  • Back pain, a feeling of "crawling crawling" on the back, numbness in the back.
  • Fast fatiguability.
  • Asymmetry of the right and left halves of the body.
  • Frequent colds (more than four per year).

Violation of posture is the result of bad habits (wearing heavy bags in one hand, improper sitting at the table, improper lifting of weights), diseases of the spine in childhood rickets, tuberculosis of bones, osteochondrosis of the spine, complicated by intervertebral hernias), insufficient physical activity during the day and, as a consequence, weakening of the muscular skeleton. And now you are not able to keep your body for a long time in the right position.

Types of violations of posture:

  1. Round back - pronounced thoracic kyphosis, head tilted forward (stoop).
  2. Flat back - the back is straight, like a "stick". All normal bends of the spine are strongly smoothened.
  3. Flat-concave back - sharply strengthened lumbar lordosis. If you look at such a person, you can see that the hips "go" in front of the body.
  4. Concave-round back - pronounced lumbar lordosis and thoracic kyphosis. This is a man with a "hump on his back" and in front of the body "walking hips."

How to keep the posture correct?

There is a very simple method of keeping the posture correctly.

To do this, you need to lean against the wall in such a way that the back of the head, shoulder blades, buttocks, calves legs and heels touched the back, and between the lumbar spine and the wall could fit palm.

Now you can safely move away from the wall and look at yourself in the mirror on the side and in the profile - that's your correct posture. Try to constantly adhere to it and avoid many problems with the spine.

What problems can be with health in the case of incorrect posture?

  • Myalgia - pain in the muscles of the back.
  • Cervical osteochondrosis of the spine - pain in the cervical spine.
  • Shoulder-scapular periarthritis - pain in the neck, in the shoulder on the right or on the left.
  • Cervicobrahialgia - pain in the neck with irradiation in the hand, numbness of the hand.
  • Thoracic osteochondrosis of the spine - pain in the thoracic spine.
  • Lumbar osteochondrosis of the spine is pain in the lumbar spine, which increases with movement.
  • Lumboeishalgia - back pain with irradiation in the leg, cramps and numbness in the leg.
  • Osteochondrosis of the lumbar spine complicated by a herniated intervertebral disc - low back pain with irradiation in the leg, numbness and weakness in the foot.
  • Scoliosis - curvature of the spine. Constant pain in the back, rapid fatigue.

Correction of incorrect posture

  1. Back massage 1 time in 6 months.
  2. Wearing corrector posture.
  3. Gymnastics.

Do all the exercises slowly, to the maximum possible volume of movements, avoiding the occurrence of sharp pain. Each exercise should be repeated 3-4 times.

To strengthen the muscles of the neck:

Perform sitting, the back is tightly pressed to the back of the chair.

Exercise # 1

Tilt your head forward, to the limit, trying to put your chin on your chest.

Exercise # 2

Slow head inclinations back.

Exercise 3

Sitting straight, looking in front of him, try to put his head first on his right shoulder, then on his left.

Exercise 4

Slow turns of the head to the right to the limit, with an attempt to look over your shoulder. Then the same turns to the left.

Exercise 5

Sitting straight, look straight ahead. Trying to put his head on his right shoulder, while resisting his right hand for 20 seconds, then relax. Do the same exercise 3 times to the left.

For the shoulder girdle:

Performed in a standing position.

Exercise # 1

At a deep inspiration, lift your shoulders, stay in this position and release it with a slow exhalation.

Exercise # 2

Put your hands along the body. Circular motion shoulders back, then forward.

Exercise 3

Release your hands along the body. At a deep breath, take your shoulders back, bringing your shoulder blades together to feel the slight tension of the muscles between them. On a slow exhalation, return the shoulders to their original position.

Exercise 4

Pull your arms out to the sides at the height of the shoulders, bend at the elbows at a right angle, then exhale to expose the elbows in front to feel the muscle tension between the shoulder blades. Return your hands to their original position and relax.

For the thoracic and lumbar spine:

Exercise # 1

Lie on your back, head touching the floor, pull your hands behind your head. Bend the legs in the knee joints and pull them to the chest. Return to the starting position.

Exercise # 2

Lying on your back, grasp your hands under your knees and pull your hips to your chest. Place the chin between your knees at the same time. Return to the starting position.

Exercise 3

"Kitty stand on your knees and lean your hands on the floor. Bend your back up and down.

Exercise 4

Exercise with a roller: stand on your knees and hold the cushion with the muscles of your abdomen. Hands should be clasped behind. Straighten your back without lifting your buttocks from your feet.

Exercise 5

Sit on the edge of the chair, freely lower your shoulders and back to your knees. Take a few deep breaths (2 minutes).

Observe the correct fit at the table:

  • The back is straight to the back of the chair or chair.
  • The legs of the legs are parallel to the floor.
  • The feet are firmly on the floor.
  • The arms are bent at the elbow joints at right angles and lie on the armrest of an armchair or table.

The main task of posture is to protect the human musculoskeletal system from overloads and injuries. Keeping a correct posture, you protect yourself from many problems with the spine in the future.

A source: http://www.kadrof.ru/st_osanka.shtml

Methods of assessment and correction of posture

In the external appearance of man, his habitual posture, or posture, is of great importance. Professor B.K. Dobrovolsky defines posture as a habitual posture of a person without restraint without active muscle tension.

Posture, as a habitual position, posture, is to a certain extent conditioned by constitutional, hereditary moments, but is formed in direct dependence on the conditions of physical education of a person.

The concept of posture consists of taking into account the position of the head, the condition of the shoulder girdle, the configuration of the spine, the pelvic incline and the axis of the lower limbs.

Leading is the position of the spine, which has in the sagittal plane four physiological bends that attach spine stability, resistance, increase its spring properties and facilitate the possibility of conservation equilibrium.

Normal posture is characterized by a vertical direction of the trunk and head, unbent in the hip and knee joints of the lower limbs, slightly backward shoulders, tightly adjacent to the thorax by the shoulder blades and "retracted" belly.

Posture disorders can be in the sagittal and frontal planes. Violation of posture in the sagittal plane: flat back; stooped and round back; round-concave and flat-concave.

Flat back - the degree of curvature of the spine is smoothed, the pelvis has a more horizontal setting, the pelvic angle is reduced, the spinal resistance is reduced. The back gives the impression of a board.

Due to the poor resistance of the spine, lateral curvatures (scoliosis) are easily formed, compression fractures of the spine with mechanical action, as well as degenerative-dystrophic diseases (osteochondrosis).

Slouching back (total kyphosis) - increased thoracic kyphosis with simultaneous smoothing of the lumbar lordosis, shoulders brought forward, paddle-shaped paddles.

Round back is a more localized enhancement of the thoracic curvature of the spine in the upper part, the coordination of cervical lordosis with a sufficiently pronounced flexure of the spine. The kind of people suffering from this disorder of posture is very characteristic - the head protrudes forward, the neck is inclined, the spine is considerably protruded at the level of the shoulder blades.

Rounded back - all physiological curvatures of the spine have been increased, its resistance increased, the pelvic incline angle increased, the head, neck, the shoulders are tilted forward, the belly protrudes, the knees are maximally unbent, the muscles of the back, abdominals, buttocks and the back surface are overgrown thighs.

Flat-bent back - thoracic kyphosis is smoothed, and lumbar lordosis is increased, while the angle of pelvic inclination is also the chest is narrow, the abdominal muscles are weakened, the muscles of the back, buttocks and back surface are overgrown hips.

For violations of posture in the frontal plane, the displacement of the vertebral axis to the right or to the left is characteristic.

To violations of posture in the frontal plane is an asymmetric posture, in which the symmetry between the right and left halves is broken torso, the vertebral column is an arch facing the top to the right or to the left, the triangle of the waist (the space between the lateral the surface of the body and the inner surface of the freely lowered arm) because of this they become unequal: the shoulder and shoulder blade on one side are omitted.

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Violation of posture in addition to a significant cosmetic defect is often accompanied by disorders of internal organs.

Various violations of posture, although they are functional disorders of the musculoskeletal system, are not considered in the full sense of the term diseases, however, accompanied by impairments of the function of the nervous system and a number of internal organs, make the body more susceptible to a number of diseases and, first of all, diseases vertebral column.

Sighting forward.

The examinee must lean forward, without bending the legs in the knee joints, with hands freely lowered and the head bent to the horizontal level of the back exactly.

To assess the presence and severity of the muscular cushion and rib bulging, the back should be viewed not only from the side of the head, but also from the buttocks.

Anthropometric measurements

1 The length of the body, standing and sitting, is determined by the growth meter.

2 The circumference of the chest is measured by inhalation, exhalation, the amplitude of the respiratory span is noted.

3 Spine - to measure the deviation in the frontal plane, a plumb line of the spinous process of the 7th cervical vertebra is used.

To measure the severity of kyphosis, lordosis and triangles of the waist, a ruler and a triangle are used, and Gamburtsev goniometer, and to measure the level of standing of the shoulder and pelvic girdle, a centimeter tape.

A more objective and accurate measurement of posture is carried out with the help of the "Mig-1" benchmark. The results are processed on the computer.

To calculate the indicator of the state of posture, the distance between the extreme bony points protruding above the right and left humeral joints is measured. The measurement at the front characterizes the width of the shoulders, and at the back - the value of the arc of the back. The formula is:.

In norm the indicator of a condition of a bearing fluctuates within the limits of 100-110%. If it is less than 90 or more than 125%, then this indicates a marked violation of posture.

Assessment of mobility of the spine.The mobility of the spine is estimated from the starting position standing by using a centimeter tape from the spinous process of the 7th cervical vertebra before the beginning of the interannual fold.

The same measurement is made at the maximum backward inclination with legs straightened in the knee joints. The difference between the measurements indicates the mobility of the spine back.

In children from 7 to 11 years, the mobility should be at least 6 cm, and from 12 years and older - not less than 4 cm.

To assess the mobility of the spine forward from the standing standing position, it is necessary to bend forward, without bending the legs in the knee joints. Normally, the subject should touch the tips of the fingers of the floor. When the mobility is limited, the distance from the third finger to the floor changes.

The lateral mobility of the spine is assessed when tilted to the side exactly in the frontal plane without bending the knees. The distance from the 3rd finger to the floor is also measured. The lateral mobility is normally between 15 and 20 cm. The symmetry of measurements on both sides is compared.

Methods of assessing posture

To identify violations of posture, inspection, anthropometric and functional measurements are carried out. Medical examination is carried out by a doctor.

It is advisable to spend an inspection in the morning in a well-lit room.

In the standing position, the subject should place his feet on the width of the foot and parallel, so that the body weight is distributed evenly.

When viewed from the front, study:

Face - reveal asymmetry, slopes, turns to the right, to the left.

Thoracic cell - determine the shape of the chest and deformity of congenital, rachic or scoliotic origin.

Determine the type of breathing - thoracic, diaphragmatic or complete.

Belly - note - whether it is pulled, evenly protruded or protrudes in the lower part; in the prone position, assess whether there is a divergence of the rectus abdominis muscles.

When viewed from the side, they study: mark the arrangement of all parts of the body from top to bottom, the position of the head, the shoulder girdle, the configuration of the thorax, abdomen, pelvic angle, the axis of the lower limbs, the severity of the physiological bends of the spine (smoothed, lordised or kyphosized).

When viewed from behind study:

1 Head - determine laterofleksiyu and turn on the location of ear lobes.

2 Shoulder Belt - assess the level of the shoulder-blades, the angles of the blades, the wingedness of the blades, their deviation from the central spinal axis.

3 The triangle of the waist - note the symmetry and depth.

4 Spine - mark the level, length and top of the arc of curvature.

5 Taz - the position of the pelvis is determined from the anterior upper lumbar spines of the iliac bones in the front, and from the interannual fold and the posterior upper lobes of the iliac bones - from behind.

6 Lower limbs - mark the shape of the legs (straight, O or Cusp, as well as recurvation in the knee joints, valgus or varus position of the heels and the presence of flat feet).

Correction methods for posture

The main means of preventing violations of posture and harmonious physique is physical culture, which is understood in broad sense and includes a general regime, a special static-dynamic regime, as well as special physical exercises.

Basic rules of static-dynamic mode:

1 Bed should be rigid, even, stable with a low flat cushion. To sleep it is necessary on a back or on a side, but not having curtailed.

2 Coming home after school you need to lie down, rest an hour and a half to rest your back muscles and release the spine from the load.

3 It is necessary to organize the workplace correctly:

a) the lighting should be scattered and sufficient;

b) the height of the table should be such that the distance from the eyes of the person sitting to the surface of the table is about 30 cm;

c) the height of the chair should be such that an angle of 90 degrees is formed between the thigh and the shin;

d) have a support for the back and feet, so as not to cause additional muscle contraction during prolonged occupations in static tension.

4 You must observe the correct working posture while writing or reading. The basic requirements for working posture during classes are the maximum support for the trunk, arms and legs, as well as a symmetrical position.

Correct, symmetrical installation of the same parts of the body is done sequentially: feet in the support on the floor, knees under the chair at the same level (in the ankles, knees and hip joints should be bent at right angles), a uniform support on both halves of the pelvis, the trunk periodically rests on the back of the chair, between the chest and the table the distance from, to 2 cm (the palm passes the edge), the forearms are symmetrical and free, without tension, lie on the table, the shoulders are symmetrical, the head is slightly tilted forward, distance from the eyes to the table 30 cm, when writing the notebook is at an angle of 30 degrees, the lower left corner of the sheet on which the student or student writes, must correspond middle of the chest.

5 It is not recommended to wear a briefcase in the same hand.

6 It is necessary to fight with vicious postures - the so-called oblique position of the shoulder girdle when writing, when the left hand is stitched from the table, or oblique the position of the pelvis, when the writer or the reader is sitting with his foot under the buttock, the habit of standing with the support of the same leg, bending the other in the knee.

Physical education of persons with defects of posture must solve general and special problems:

1 To promote the activation of activity of all organs and systems of the body, strengthening of the respiratory muscles, the formation of full breathing.

2 Create physiological prerequisites for correct posture. To develop sufficient strength and general endurance of the muscles, especially the muscles of the back and abdomen.

To contribute to the formation and improvement of motor skills.

Particular attention is paid to the leading task - the correction of the existing defect in posture, the development of the habit of correct posture.

For all types of violation of posture, physical education classes at school and university are not contraindicated, except for individual exercises.

Of the sports activities, swimming and skis are recommended, rowing, cycling, tennis and other kinds associated with a significant asymmetric load or incorrect posture are not recommended.

Special tasks depend on the nature of the posture disorders.

In the presence of a flat back, a weak development of the whole musculature is determined, the mobility of the spine is normal or increased. The main goal of the classes is the harmonious strengthening of the entire musculature.

Exercises are made from the original lying position. The initial position of the visus, as well as the knee-wrist position, are contraindicated as increasing the mobility of the spine.

Uniform strengthening of the muscles of the back and abdomen will help reduce the curvature of the spine.

Special work to increase the angle of pelvic incline should not be carried out, since it is associated with the risk of getting a flat-bent back.

With stooped back (lumbar lordosis), the exercises are aimed at increasing the mobility of the spine, strengthening the muscles of the back, Increase the pelvic angle by strengthening the long extensor of the back; initial positions are used: lying, from the knee-carpal.

With a round-concave back, the focus is on reducing the curvature of the spine (thoracic kyphosis and lumbar lordosis).

The exercises are aimed at increasing the mobility of the spine (especially the thoracic region), strengthening the abdominal muscles and gluteal muscles, which help to reduce the pelvic angle.

The initial positions are applied: lying, from the viscus and knee-carpal.

Violation of posture in the frontal plane is often combined with the presence of a flat back and in some cases - with an asymmetric weakening of the muscles of the back. Classes should be aimed at strengthening the muscles.

Assessment of the effectiveness of posture correction

When using gymnastic exercises to correct the posture, the shifts will, in the first place, with respect to the function, not the form.

Functional examination includes determining the mobility of the spine forwards, backwards and to the sides, as well as determining the strength endurance of the muscles of the back and abdominal press.

Evaluation of the strength endurance of the muscles of the back is made from the initial position lying on the abdomen on the couch, while the upper part of the trunk to the crests of the iliac bones is on weight, hands on the belt. The time for holding the trunk is determined by the stopwatch and is equal to -2 min.

Evaluation of the strength endurance of the muscles of the abdominal press is performed in the initial position lying on the back in two ways:

1 lying on the back, legs fixed, hands on the belt - the number of transitions from the prone position to the position sitting at a rate of 16-20 times per minute is determined, the standard is 25-30 times;

2 the initial position lying on the back, hands on the belt, straight legs at an angle of 45 degrees are held by weight, the standard, -2 min.

A source: https://infopedia.su/12x7cbd.html