Osteoarthritis: pain relievers


  • 1Anesthetics for arthrosis
    • 1.1Analgesic tablets
    • 1.2Anesthetizing injections
    • 1.3Painkilling ointments
    • 1.4Folk remedies
  • 2Effective painkillers for osteoarthritis of the knee, hip, shoulder joints
    • 2.1Nonspecific anti-inflammatory drugs and non-narcotic analgesics
    • 2.2Hormonal medications
    • 2.3Opioid preparations
  • 3Pain Relief for Arthrosis: How to Relieve Joint Pain
    • 3.1Causes of development of arthrosis
    • 3.2The main symptoms of gonarthrosis
    • 3.3Preparations for arthrosis of the knee joint
    • 3.4Drugs for cartilage restoration - hondoprotectors
  • 4Effective medications for joint arthrosis: painkillers, NSAIDs, chondroprotectors
    • 4.1Anti-inflammatory drugs
    • 4.2Healing Ointments and Creams
    • 4.3Antibiotic therapy
    • 4.4Anesthetics with pain syndrome
    • 4.5Application of chondroprotectors
    • 4.6Medical compresses
    • 4.7Intra-articular injections
  • 5What obezbalivayuschie can be taken with arthrosis?
  • 6What medications can I take off with arthrosis of the legs?
    • 6.1Painkillers
    • 6.2Anti-inflammatory
    • instagram viewer
    • 6.3Hondoprotectors
    • 6.4Injections and blockades
    • 6.5Ointments and Gels
    • 6.6"We treat a sick knee"

Anesthetics for arthrosis

Anesthetics for arthrosis are an integral part of the complex treatment of the disease.

Their task is to remove the strong, interfering with the patient to lead a habitual way of life, pain.

Diseases of joints, especially in later stages, manifest pain syndrome, because of which it is difficult to start treatment.

The function of anesthetics is that they contribute to the removal of an acute inflammatory process. Passes edema from the place of the affected joint, the body temperature rises.

Popular non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs are available in the form of tablets, injectable solutions, ointments for topical application. All drugs are suitable for the treatment of coxarthrosis of the hip, gonarthrosis of the knee joint.


Analgesic tablets

Tablets that stop pain during the inflammatory process should be taken on the advice of a doctor. They have contraindications, which the doctor will tell you.

Take painkillers for a long time can not be - not a cure for arthrosis, only relieve pain.

Prolonged intake of drugs contributes to worsening of the condition.

The main pain relievers for arthrosis:

  • Aspirin. During acute inflammation of the knee, the hip joint is often prescribed acetylsalicylic acid. It is a popular non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug. It can relieve pain, slow down the process of destruction of cartilaginous tissue. A day take up to six tablets of aspirin.
  • Indomethacin. The drug has a pronounced analgesic effect. It is able to remove fever, inflammation, edema in place of the knee, hip joint. A day take one tablet of 50 or 100 mg.
  • Ibuprofen. With arthrosis, the drug is prescribed for relief of pain syndrome, reducing the inflammatory process. In a day to take up to five tablets of 200 mg. The exact dosage prescribed by the doctor depending on the degree of arthrosis, the intensity of the pain syndrome.
  • Phenylbutazone. Anti-inflammatory non-steroidal remedy is the strongest remedy for relieving pain. Prescribed in cases of severe, not passing pain. Removes edema, stops the inflammatory process. Take three tablets per day. During the reception of phenylbutazone, it is undesirable to consume salted foods, the drug promotes fluid retention in the body.
  • Corticosteroids. Hormonal drugs used to relieve severe pain with arthrosis of the knee, hip joint. Assign in case the above tablets do not help to remove strong pain. Medications are taken one-time, prolonged use causes the destruction of cartilaginous, articular tissues.
  • Anesthetizing injections

    When severe pain needs to be removed quickly, injections are given with anesthetics. There are for intramuscular injection, intraarticular.

    Painkillers for intramuscular injection:

    • Analgesics. Apply for pain relief of the knee, hip joints.
    • Spasmolytics. They relieve muscle spasms, relieve pain in the knee, hip. Effective medicine - Midokalm.
    • Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs - Ibuprofen, Ketonal. Remove the swelling, stop the inflammatory focus in the affected joint.
    • Steroid preparations. Effectively relieve severe pain with gonarthrosis of the knee, coxarthrosis of the hip. Quickly restore mobility in the leg, facilitate walking, accelerate the process of tissue regeneration.

    Painkillers for intraarticular injection:

    • Corticosteroid hormones are Flosteron. Quickly relieve severe pain with arthrosis, do not treat the disease. They are unable to restore tissues, improve blood circulation. It is recommended to simultaneously prick vitamin B group.
    • In cases of severe pain syndrome with knee joint arthrosis, hip joints, do novocaine blockade. Novocaine is administered intramuscularly, no more than three times a month. Combine with injections of vitamins to neutralize the negative effects of the drug.

    Painkilling ointments

    Ointments are used externally, applied to the skin in the region of the diseased knee, hips. Ointments with anesthetic effect contain non-steroidal anti-inflammatory agents, substances that enhance blood circulation. There are preparations with plant components, snake, bee venom.

    The advantage of ointments before tablets is that they do not damage the gastrointestinal tract, have a local anesthetic effect.

    Improve blood circulation, which supplies the affected joint with nutrients. The lack of ointments is that it is not always possible to quickly relieve severe pain during the inflammatory process.

    Depends on the degree of arthrosis, the intensity of the pain syndrome.

    Popular anesthetizing ointments for arthrosis:

    • Voltaren emulsifier. The active ingredient is Diclofenac.
    • Fastum gel. The active ingredient is ketoprofen.
    • Ketonal gel. Ketoprofen makes the ointment a strong anti-inflammatory, analgesic.
    • Nize gel. Has in the composition of Nimesulid.
    • The Dolgit. Removes edema, returns the leg mobility due to ibuprofen in the composition.

    Folk remedies

    Traditional medicine stores prescriptions of effective painkillers for arthrosis:

    • Compress from brewed oatmeal flakes. Pour the flakes with boiling water, insist twenty minutes. Apply a warm compress to the sore spot for an hour.
    • Ointment from the herbs of hops, sweet clover, St. John's wort. Herbs are mixed, a little petrolatum is added, rubbed into the place of the joint affected by arthrosis.
    • Rubbing infusion of herbs, Ledum, burdock, sweet clover, juniper berries. All herbs pour vodka, insist in a warm dark place, a week. Twice a day rub off the diseased knee, thigh.

    A source: http://OtNogi.ru/bolezn/artroz/obezbolivayushhie-pri-artroze.html

    Effective painkillers for osteoarthritis of the knee, hip, shoulder joints

    Anesthetics for arthrosis are an important part of complex therapy for ailment. They provide a relief for the patient, eliminating discomfort.

    In the treatment of the disease, drugs from the group of non-specific anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs), glucocorticosteroids, narcotic and non-narcotic analgesics are used.

    These drugs are used in different dosage forms: ointments, creams, tablets, solution for intramuscular, intravenous and intraarticular administration.

    Nonspecific anti-inflammatory drugs and non-narcotic analgesics

    The regimen for the treatment of arthrosis necessarily includes the use of NSAIDs. This group of drugs has anti-inflammatory, analgesic, antipyretic and decongestant properties.

    This is very important in the treatment of arthritis, since the drug not only alleviates the patient's condition, but also relieves inflammation, contributing to the restoration of mobility in the affected joint.

    The mechanism of action of this group of drugs is its ability to block prostaglandins, responsible for pain and inflammation.


    However, due to this same effect, there is a strong effect on the gastric mucosa, in As a result, the amount of mucus that protects it from the aggressive action of hydrochloric acid acid.


    The modern pharmaceutical market offers a huge number of drugs from the group of NSAIDs and non-narcotic analgesics. These include traditional drugs based on Diclofenac, Acetylsalicylic acid, Indomethacin, Ketoprofen, Ibuprofen.

    They strongly affect the mucous membrane of the stomach, damaging it and provoking the development of erosions and ulcers. Another group of NSAIDs refers to selective agents. Due to this they effectively remove inflammation, but do not affect the gastric mucosa.

    These include Meloxicam, Celecoxib, Nimesulide.

    Anesthetics for arthrosis are chosen taking into account the clinical symptoms of the disease and the severity of the pain syndrome. For topical application with the use of ointments and gels for rubbing into the affected joint.

    To enhance the therapeutic effect after applying the drug, you can apply a compress with Dimexide. This product has unique properties - it helps to penetrate deeper into the skin.

    Thanks to this, their effect is enhanced and the positive effect of treatment is achieved more quickly.

    In parallel with the use of ointments prescribe painkillers from the group of nonspecific anti-inflammatory drugs. In the absence of the desired result, intramuscular administration of medicinal products is permitted.

    During treatment, NSAIDs should be strictly adhered to the doctor's recommendations. This is necessary in order to avoid the development of side effects, especially if they are used for a long time. The most common complications are:

    • from the gastrointestinal tract - nausea, vomiting, stool, ulceration, bleeding;
    • from the cardiovascular system - increases the risk of heart attack, stroke, peripheral vascular thrombosis;
    • from the side of the kidneys and urinary tracts - the emergence of interstitial nephritis, acute renal failure, papillary necrosis and nephrotic syndrome;
    • from the side of the skin - the formation of photosensitization.

    Hormonal medications

    Glucocorticosteroid preparations for arthrosis of the knee joint are used when there is no good analgesic effect from the use of other drugs.

    Hormones are prescribed very carefully, only on the advice of a doctor. This group of medicines has a huge number of contraindications to use and a high probability of serious adverse reactions.

    Therefore, their long-term use is carried out only in very difficult situations.

    Hormonal pain relievers for arthrosis of the knee joint are prescribed in the form of ointments, tablets and injections. The required dosage and frequency of application is determined on the basis of the patient's condition.


    Hormones have a powerful anti-inflammatory and analgesic effect, protect the cartilage from further destruction.


    However, under the condition of long-term use of glucocorticosteroids, the reverse effect may develop, as a result of which they can do more harm than good.

    In some cases, anesthetizing injections for arthrosis are done directly in the knee or other joint.

    In this way, you can achieve the fastest and most powerful effect, since the medicine gets directly into the focus of inflammation.

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    This method of administering medicines is permitted for use no more than once in 10-14 days, since a cumulative effect is possible. During the year, no more than 4-5 injections per joint capsule are allowed.

    Intra-articular injection is carried out exclusively in the conditions of a medical institution. It must be done very carefully, manipulation requires certain skills and abilities.

    This is due to a high risk of damage to surrounding tissues. One of the most serious side effects from the introduction of hormonal drugs in the joint is the attachment of a bacterial infection.

    This can significantly complicate the course of the disease and dramatically worsen the patient's condition. Too frequent intraarticular administration of drugs can provoke inhibition of regenerative processes in the cartilaginous tissue.


    In addition, the use of glucocorticosteroids can disrupt the natural hormonal background.


    To this group of medicines include Hydrocortisone, Diprospan, Kenalog, Flosteron and others. The choice of a necessary preparation can be made only by the expert. After the first intra-articular drug administration, the patient's condition is monitored.

    As a rule, a positive result is noticeable almost immediately. Further use will not be so effective, which is due to its mechanism of action.

    Therefore, if the administration of a glucocorticosteroid to the joint capsule does not have a good anesthetic effect, the drug should be replaced.

    Opioid preparations

    The most powerful analgesic for arthrosis of the hip joint is narcotic analgesics.

    They are prescribed only in extreme cases, in the absence of a positive result from the use of other medications - nonspecific anti-inflammatory drugs and glucocorticosteroids.

    Narcotic analgesics are not available for free and are only available on a special prescription.

    They refer to strict reporting medicines. These are the most effective painkillers for arthrosis.

    However, the use of opioids is fraught with rapid addiction, so they can not be used for a long time.

    As a rule, narcotic analgesics are treated with short courses under strict medical supervision.

    The mechanism of action of the drug is the effect on the receptors of the cells of the brain and spinal cord. Opioids block the center of pain and inhibit the transmission of painful impulses. Thanks to this, a very fast and lasting result is achieved.


    Tramadol belongs to the group of weak opioids. In the case of a severe condition of the patient, especially with coxarthrosis of the hip joint, decision on the need to prescribe strong narcotic analgesics - Morphine, Buprenorphine, Nalbuphine and others.


    Despite the fact that the patient's condition can slightly improve, degenerative-dystrophic processes in the cartilage will continue to progress.

    Gonarthrosis and other joint diseases require an integrated approach, the necessary treatment can be developed only a specialist on the basis of examination of the patient, his complaints and the results of laboratory and instrumental methods survey.

    A source: https://OrtoCure.ru/kosti-i-sustavy/artroz/obezbolivayushhie-preparaty.html

    Pain Relief for Arthrosis: How to Relieve Joint Pain

    Despite the fact that gonarthrosis (arthrosis of the knee joint) does not reduce the life expectancy of a person, the disease has a negative impact on its quality. Intense pain in the knee restricts the motor activity of the limb and can even lead to disability.

    Cope with pain in the knee joint and stop the development of the inflammatory process will help modern medications.

    This topic was created in order to acquaint the reader with the most effective anesthetics for arthrosis that exist today.

    Causes of development of arthrosis

    Arthrosis and arthritis are the most common diseases of the musculoskeletal system. The ailment most often develops in the hip and knee joints.

    Arthrosis of the lower extremities is well known to most professional athletes, who daily experience great physical exertion.

    If you often stay in a stationary position for a long time (standing or sitting), you can earn a pathology of connective tissue of bones.

    Causes leading to joint arthrosis:

    1. Excessive loads on the musculoskeletal system, caused by professional activity or sports, in 5-8% of cases. If the training complex is made up for a 20-year-old, to an elderly person, it can cause significant harm.
    2. Causes of joint diseases in 30-40% of cases are injuries, which include damage to meniscus plates, knee joint dislocations, knee fractures.
    3. Arthritis of varying severity is developed in 10% of cases due to the overweight of the patient, because in such situations, the limb is subject to an exorbitant load.
    4. Inflammation in the joint cavity.
    5. Disorders of the metabolic process.

    The main symptoms of gonarthrosis

    Gonarthrosis, as well as any other disease has the characteristic symptoms:

    • aching pain in the joint, which is enhanced by palpation or movements in the limbs;
    • aches observed during hypothermia;
    • crepitation (crunch) in the joint, which increases with time;
    • stiffness of joints,
    • local swelling accompanied by mild pain.

    In the initial stage, the gonarthrosis itself does not manifest itself. With arthrosis of the knee joint, the very first sign is a minor pain that occurs during physical exertion and quickly passes at rest. The longer the disease lasts, the brighter its manifestation:

    1. discomfort and malaise are worse;
    2. pain is not allowed to sleep;
    3. often get rid of them does not help even rest.

    Preparations for arthrosis of the knee joint

    With arthrosis of the knee joint, ointments based on non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs will help to remove moderate pain. The most popular with arthrosis ointments today is indomethacin and diclofenac, which is due to their effectiveness.

    Despite the fact that the ointments are applied only to the surface of the skin, they penetrate deep into the epithelium and even into the cartilaginous tissue. NSAIDs have a pronounced analgesic and anti-inflammatory effect, so it is possible to relieve pain relatively quickly.

    Preparations for internal use. These include:

    1. Paracetamol.
    2. Ibuprofen.
    3. Diclofenac.
    4. Indomethacin.
    5. Rofecoxib.
    6. Etoricoxib.
    7. Celecoxib and other coxibes.
    8. Tramadol (narcotic drug).

    Paracetamol is a highly effective and affordable anesthetic. In addition, for the gastrointestinal tract it is much safer than other means used for arthrosis of the knee joint.

    Many drugs effective for arthrosis of the knee belong to the group of indiscriminate drugs (indomethacin, diclofenac).

    The indiscriminate action is that these medications are not only able to relieve pain in the joints, but can also provoke unwanted phenomena in the body:

    • the formation of ulcers in the stomach or intestine;
    • blood pressure jumps;
    • increased risk of stroke and heart attack;
    • destruction of cartilaginous tissue (indomethacin).

    The most effective and safe painkillers to date are NSAIDs of selective action. These drugs with gonarthrosis, having an anti-inflammatory effect on the joint tissues, do not affect the stomach, intestines, cardiovascular system and cartilaginous tissue.

    The disadvantages of these drugs are their high cost. But if we are talking about elderly patients and people suffering from cardiac and gastric pathologies, taking drugs from the group of anticoagulants in this case, it is acceptable to treat only the NSAID of the selective actions.

    Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs of selective action include rofecoxib, etorikoksib, celecoxib and others. Slightly inferior to them in safety, but still better than indiscriminate NSAIDs - nimesulide, meloxicam.

    To remove the prolonged and intense pain, typical for exacerbation of arthrosis of the knee joint, the doctor can appoint tramadol - a medicine that is released solely on prescription, because it is the drug.

    Drugs for cartilage restoration - hondoprotectors

    Previously, it was considered that cartilaginous tissue is not capable of self-renewal. However, recent studies of medical professionals convinced the contrary. This scientific discovery was the impetus for the creation of drugs in which the active substance is hyaluronic acid, chondroitin and glucosamine.

    All these components with long-term treatment gradually restore the structure of the cartilage, resulting in the disease stops, the pain disappears, the volume of the knee increases movements.

    hyaluronic acid for joints is not ingested, it is injected directly into the joint cavity. Such injections are recommended to be done twice a year. After the procedures, the patient experiences considerable relief, and mobility is restored in the damaged joint.


    Launched gonarthrosis is not treated with conservative methods, but requires surgical intervention.


    The effectiveness of treatment depends primarily on the stage of the disease the patient has applied for medical help, from the correct diagnosis and discipline of the patient in terms of performing therapeutic recommendations.

    A source: http://sustav.info/bolezni/drugie/obezbolivayushhie-pri-artroze-kolennogo-sustava.html

    Effective medications for joint arthrosis: painkillers, NSAIDs, chondroprotectors

    Treatment of arthrosis is a long process.

    To restore the motor ability of joints requires a comprehensive approach, including the reception medicines, physical therapy procedures, exercise therapy, diet and sanatorium-and-spa recovery.

    The medicine for arthrosis is prescribed to relieve the pain syndrome, reduce the inflammatory process, prevent destructive destruction of the cartilaginous tissue.

    Anti-inflammatory drugs

    Medicines of the NSAID group have analgesic, anti-inflammatory and antipyretic effects due to suppression of prostaglandin production. The medicine is used systemically and in the form of local treatment of joints with ointments.

    Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs for arthrosis are divided into selective and non-selective.

    The second group inhibits the synthesis of COX-1 and 2, so it can cause side effects from the gastrointestinal tract, upper respiratory tract.

    Selective agents inhibit the production of only COX-2, so that side effects on the part of the digestive tract decrease, but the probability of thrombotic complications increases.

    Selective NSAIDs include:

    • Rofecoxib
    • Tselekoksib
    • Nimesulide
    • Parecoxib
    • Meloksikam
    • Etoricoxib.

    With caution should take such medications for joint arthrosis with ulcers, erosion of the gastrointestinal tract, uncompensated cardiac, renal failure, cirrhosis and patients older than 65 years.

    The selective group of anti-inflammatory drugs for arthrosis is prescribed by courses for 2-3 weeks. In severe forms of the disease, longer treatment can be performed. The dosage and the scheme of therapy are selected by the doctor taking into account the individual indications of each patient.

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    Non-selective NSAIDs include:

    • Indomethacin
    • Paracetamol
    • Diclofenac
    • Ibuprofen
    • Naproxen.

    Paracetamol with arthrosis acts at the level of the central nervous system, it is used in conjunction with Diclofenac or Indomethacin to enhance the anesthetic effect.

    Painkillers with arthrosis cause side reactions that develop after a long reception.

    There is a lesion of the mucous membrane of the stomach, duodenal ulcer with the formation of erosions, ulcers, bleeding.

    NSAIDs can cause bronchospasm, this complication occurs in patients suffering from bronchial asthma, chronic rhinosinusitis.

    Healing Ointments and Creams

    Tablets from arthrosis joints are combined with external application of ointments on the affected area.

    Dermal gels based on Diclofenac, Indomethacin are absorbed by the skin, concentrated in the joint fluid and cartilage tissues.


    Ointments act directly in the epicenter of inflammation, reducing the production of prostaglandins, removing pain syndrome. The drugs are prescribed for swelling of the joints and a pronounced inflammatory process.


    With arthrosis, which occurs without signs of synovitis, warming gels can be used that improve the flow of blood to the joint. For this use Menovazine, Nikofleks, Espol.

    Antibiotic therapy

    Antibiotics for joint arthrosis are prescribed only with the development of complications, purulent inflammation, sepsis, reactive form of the disease. Preparations for treatment are selected taking into account the cause that caused the acute inflammatory process.

    With bacterial infection of the intestine, preparations of the group of fluoroquinolones are prescribed: Ciprofloxacin, Ofloxacin.

    This means a wide range of action, causing the destruction of the DNA of pathogenic microorganisms.

    If arthrosis was provoked by a bacterial infection of the upper respiratory tract, the reception of semi-synthetic penicillins, cephalosporins or macrolides (Ampicillin, Erythromycin, Cefazolin) is indicated.

    Antibiotics have a large number of contraindications, so therapy should be controlled by a doctor.

    To cure arthrosis, the tablets are selected after bacterosov synovial fluid from the affected joint.

    In the laboratory, drugs are determined, to which the bacteria that trigger the inflammatory process are sensitive.

    Anesthetics with pain syndrome

    Anesthetics for arthrosis are prescribed from a group of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. In complex treatment, the pills help relieve acute pain, increase the mobility of the joint.

    If the disease progresses, NSAIDs do not give results, shows the intake of weak opioid drugs. This group includes Tramadol, Codeine, such medications can only be purchased with a doctor's prescription.

    Opioid analgesic tablets cause rapid addiction, negatively affect the liver, depress the breath, so the reception starts with small doses. Narcotic drugs for the treatment of arthrosis are prescribed if all of the above means are ineffective.

    To achieve rapid anesthesia, the medicated blockade is performed in the affected joint.

    At the same time, Novokain injections are injected into the periarticular region or into the cavity of the affected joint.


    Injections with arthrosis help to relieve spasm of surrounding tissues, reduce edema and inflammation. As a result, the mobility of the synovial joint increases.


    In addition to anesthetics, intra-articular injections of antiseptics, antibiotics and corticosteroids are made. The choice of drugs depends on the form and severity of the disease.

    Application of chondroprotectors

    Chondroprotectors for arthrosis help to strengthen and restore cartilaginous tissue of joints, prevent dystrophic changes, improve the motor ability, stimulate natural production synovial fluid.

    Preparations of this group are classified depending on the composition of the active components:

    • Chondroprotectors of the first generation are made on the basis of extracts of the cartilaginous tissue of animals - this is Arteparon, Mukartrin.
    • Strengthening funds from arthrosis of the second generation have a complex composition, it includes hyaluronic acid, glucosamine and chondroitin sulfate (Gialgan, Arthron-flex).
    • Preparations of the third generation are the most effective combined means, having a composition of 2 generations with addition of vitamins, minerals, microelements and polyunsaturated fatty acids (Teraflex, Moveks, Chondroitin).

    The best chondroprotectors for arthrosis are new drugs that combine non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs and substances that protect cartilaginous tissue (Teraflex Advance).

    The use of third generation products should be combined with the use of anti-inflammatory, analgesic tablets, exercise therapy, physiotherapy procedures, diet.

    There is a moistening of the articular surfaces, which provides easy sliding, feeding cartilage, removing spasm of blood vessels.

    Application Teraflexa with arthrosis stimulates the production of hyaluronic acid, prevents the destruction cartilage tissue, relieves inflammation, reduces pain syndrome, improves mobility of knee and hip joints. The minimum duration of treatment is 8 weeks, after that take a break for 3 months, if necessary, repeat the course.

    Medical compresses

    To remove acute pain and reduce the inflammatory process, compresses and applications are applied to the affected joints.

    The use of Dimexide in arthrosis can reduce the clinical manifestations of osteoarthritis, gonarthrosis, alleviate the condition of the patient. In a medicinal solution impregnate a gauze and put to a knee or other joint.

    The drug is well absorbed into the skin, increases the susceptibility of tissues to the effects of other medications, relieves pain syndrome.


    Dimexide for arthrosis is used for 2-3 weeks, the procedures are carried out once a day. After the course of treatment, a break of at least 10-14 days is necessary.


    Therapy with compresses can cause skin irritation, allergic reactions, development of dermatitis.

    Side effects are observed in people with individual intolerance and with an overdose of the drug.

    Another effective anesthetic for arthrosis is medical bile.

    Compress from this tool allows you to reduce pain, inflammation and swelling, restore metabolic processes, thereby increasing the mobility of joints.

    Marl thickly covered with a plastic wrap, if you incorrectly apply a bandage, you can get a skin burn. The compress is left for 24 hours, the medical bile with arthrosis is applied by the course from 6 to 30 days.

    The use of Bishofit allows you to get rid of rheumatoid nodules, has a warming and anti-inflammatory effect. Such a remedy can be used if there are no symptoms of synovitis accompanied by severe swelling.

    The mummy helps with arthrosis of the joints. From this substance make tinctures, compresses and medical ointments. Mountain tar quickly removes inflammation, restores blood circulation and metabolic processes, promotes regeneration of affected tissues.

    Intra-articular injections

    The injections to the affected joint are most often done with inflammation of the knee, if symptoms of accumulation of a large amount of synovial fluid are observed.

    For the introduction of corticosteroid hormones: Hydrocortisone, Diprospan, Kenalog. Injections contribute to the rapid elimination of inflammation, pain, swelling.

    Treatment is carried out once every 10-14 days, in total no more than 4-5 injections per joint.


    The drug creates a protective film on the surface of the cartilage, improving the glide during movement and protecting against destruction. Therapy is carried out by courses of 3-4 injections with a break of 2 weeks between each injection.


    Used for intraarticular injection chondroprotectors (Hondrolon, Alflutop) give a worse therapeutic effect. In addition, one patient needs to perform up to 20 injections, and this is an additional injury to the joint and discomforting sensations.

    Medical treatment of arthrosis should be carried out in a complex manner. Patients are shown the use of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, analgesics, chondroprotectors. A good therapeutic effect gives the external application of ointments and compresses.

    Intra-articular injections, novocaine blockades help to quickly remove pain syndrome, act directly in the lesion focus. Treatment schedule, duration of drug intake is prescribed by a doctor individually for each patient.

    Physiotherapeutic procedures are carried out in complex, exercise therapy, a special diet is observed.

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    A source: https://sustavlechit.ru/artroz/lekarstvo.html

    What obezbalivayuschie can be taken with arthrosis?

    With arthrosis of the knee joint, pain does not appear overnight, it has an increasing character and begins with minor noisy sensations in the affected area. A person gradually gets used to the discomfort and draws attention to it only with an increase in the load on the legs or with a sharp change in the weather.

    At the first degree of arthrosis of the knee joint, one can manage short physical rest, tight bandages and rubbing ointments with NSAIDs in the composition.

    As the disease progresses, the pain intensifies until it becomes intolerable. Then the time comes for strong anesthetic drugs, which only a doctor should prescribe.

    Anesthetics for arthrosis of the knee joint are considered an obligatory component of complex therapy. With their help, a person gets the opportunity to lead an almost habitual way of life, reduce temperature, reduce inflammation and swelling in case of exacerbation of pathology.

    The most common non-steroidal anti-inflammatory and anesthetic products are available in different pharmacological forms, in the form of tablets, ointments, solutions for injections and the like.

    What to choose from all this diversity?

    Tablets painkillers for arthrosis of the knee joint are accepted only after consultation with observant physician, and apply them to eliminate discomfort during an exacerbation disease.

    Each remedy has an impressive list of contraindications, which must be read in advance.

    To use such anesthetic is categorically forbidden for a long time, since there is a possibility to worsen the current state.

    Anesthetics for knee arthrosis:

    1. Aspirin is a common non-steroid drug with anti-inflammatory properties. With its help, it is possible to block the pain and inhibit destructive processes in the cartilaginous tissues. To achieve these effects, take six tablets a day. Despite its apparent harmlessness, these pills are forbidden to use with a tendency to internal bleeding, allergies, asthma, diseases of the digestive tract, renal dysfunction, pregnancy, etc. The dosage of the drug is determined only by the doctor, but can not exceed 8 pills in day.
    2. Indomethacin is a product with pronounced analgesic abilities. With acute arthrosis of the knee joint, it lowers the temperature, relieves swelling and reduces the manifestations of the inflammatory process as a whole. Admissible daily dose is determined by the doctor, but can not exceed 200 mg. The drug is fully ordered for peptic ulcer pathologies, pregnancy and breastfeeding. Because of its ability to cause dizziness, Indomethacin is cautiously prescribed to drivers, machine operators, etc.
    3. Ibuprofen, which in the case of arthrosis of the knee joint, pains much faster than other drugs, simultaneously removing inflammation. The daily dose is calculated taking into account the intensity of pain and the stage of the disease, but never exceeds 200 mg. Ibuprofen has a bad effect on the condition of the mucous membranes of the digestive tract, and therefore it should not be used in pathologies of the intestine, esophagus or stomach.
    4. Phenylbutazone, anesthetic, anti-edematous and anti-inflammatory agent, which is prescribed in cases with severe and prolonged pain with arthrosis of the knee joint. The product delays the fluid in the body, and therefore for the period of treatment with phenylbutazone it is necessary to abandon all salty and thirst-provoking. A day is allowed to take no more than three pills. Note that the tool has a very impressive list of contraindications, and therefore you can use it units. People with gastrointestinal diseases, asthma, allergies, puffiness, a problem with pressure, hepatic pathologies, etc. are forced to look for an analogue.
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    The strongest pain with arthrosis of the knee joint can be cured only by emergency measures, using drugs for intramuscular injections.

    All of them are divided into four huge groups, namely:

    • Analgesics that relieve the pain itself;
    • Spasmolytics. Their task is to remove the spasm from the muscles surrounding the diseased joint. Among them, the most pronounced analgesic abilities are demonstrated by Midokalm on the basis of tolperisone hydrochloride. The list of contraindications to this drug includes: an allergy to the medication itself, myasthenia gravis and age to one year;
    • Non-steroidal preparations with anti-inflammatory qualities like Ibuprofen and Ketonal, which simultaneously relieve pain and swelling. The active substance of the last product is ketoprofen, due to which the painful sensations are removed. Dosage and regularity of administration is determined only by a doctor, he also introduces a person in the course of contraindications. And they, it is worth noting, a lot. Ketonal for arthrosis of the knee joint is forbidden to people with hemophilia, Crohn's disease, gastrointestinal disorders, dyspepsia, pregnant, lactating, etc .;
    • Steroid drugs, which quickly return the joint mobility, facilitate movement and accelerate the restoration of damaged tissues.

    Painkillers for injections directly into the joint are divided into two large groups:

    • Hormones of a corticosteroid type that do not have medicinal properties and require the simultaneous administration of liquid vitamin B. Among them, with arthrosis of the knee joint, most often use Flosteron or betamethasone in a liquid state. Supporting and emergency dose of medicine is determined by the doctor, as well as the method of administration (dropper, injection). Take into account the huge list of contraindications to this product, relevant only in the case of intra-articular injection;
    • Novokainovye blockades, implying simultaneous intramuscular injection of novocaine and vitamins, excluding the negative introduction of the main medication.

    Pain sensations, invariably accompanying destructive processes in the knee joint, can sometimes be removed by applying external preparations - ointments based on herbal ingredients, snake or bee venom, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory inclusions etc.

    Among all the variety, the following drugs can be distinguished:

    • "Diclofenac" or gel "Voltaren" with the same active substance, but a solid difference in price;
    • Gels "Fastum" and "Ketonal" on the basis of ketoprofen - a powerful anesthetic and anti-inflammatory substance;
    • Nyz gel based on nimesulide;
    • "Dolgit" based on ibuprofen. Due to it, edema and pain leave the knee joint.

    It is difficult to say exactly which drugs from the above will help remove pain from your joint. All this is established by trial and error, the number of which can be reduced with the help of a professional therapist.

    Observing the course of joint disease and the state of the body as a whole, he can quickly select appropriate drugs that quickly and effectively relieve the symptoms of acute and chronic arthrosis. And they are aimed not only at anesthesia, but also at slowing down the destructive processes in the joint tissue.

    A source: http://jointcare.ru/artroz/chem-lechit/obezbalivayuschie-pri-artroze

    What medications can I take off with arthrosis of the legs?

    To remove pain with arthrosis of the legs can be done with several types of drugs:

    • non-steroidal anti-inflammatory, relieve pain and prevent the development of inflammation;
    • analgesics that block pain;
    • hondoprotectors, restoring the joint, resulting in decreased pain in the legs;
    • blockades - injections that are injected directly into the joint, as well as corticosteroids, adrenal hormones that relieve pain.

    All medicines can have different forms, i.e. be in the form of pills, injections and ointments. Depending on the stage of the development of the disease, a certain type of medication will be prescribed.

    One of the most effective pain relievers are drugs in tablets and capsules.

    These drugs are of several types, and have some differences between the mechanisms of their effects.


    As a rule, they do not have any curative effect, but only relieve pain in the patient. For each type of arthrosis, doctors advise a certain subspecies of painkillers. For example, Ketorol is an anesthetic for coxarthrosis of the hip joint.

    It is a disease in which the gialgic cartilage is affected by arthrosis, resulting in further destruction of the bone surface of the joint.

    Analgesics for arthrosis of the hip joint are simply necessary, as the pain that arises in the joint, and gives to the organs of the small pelvis, prevents movement and committing any movements.

    Tramadol (80 rub.) Paracetamol (20 rub.)

    Analgesics for arthrosis of the knee joint - this concept is applicable to a fairly broad group of funds.

    It includes a harmless, but effective at certain stages of the drug "Paracetamol."

    Also here include "Tramadol" - narcotic analgesic, used in case of discomfort, which does not go away after using non-narcotic drugs.


    Anti-inflammatory drugs act not only as medicines that relieve inflammation, which is their main advantage, but also as strong enough painkillers. These include most tablets on the market: Ibuprofen and its more expensive counterpart Nurofen, Orthofen, Diclofenac, Indomethacin, and others.

    Such a medicine is effective enough for any degree of development of the disease. However, it is worth remembering that anti-inflammatory, or so-called NSAIDs, can not be taken with long courses.


    You can not drink them with ulcers, gastritis or inflammation of the gastrointestinal tract, nor should they be used for liver and kidney disease.


    Do not use painkillers of two types at the same time, and you should forget about them during pregnancy.

    Diclofenac (114 rub.) Nurofen (144 rub.)


    In the early stages of the process of arthrosis can still not just stop, but also reverse. For this, substances such as hondoprotectors are used. These substances restore and strengthen the damaged joint tissue. As a result, the pains decrease noticeably and cease altogether.

    Prescribed primarily drugs with coxarthrosis and gonarthrosis in the early stages - this is exactly the hondoprotectors.

    But they do not necessarily have to be applied when they are sick, this is an excellent preventive tool. It's true that before using, you still need to consult with your doctor.

    The most popular means from this group are "Artra "Struktrum" and "Don".

    Injections and blockades

    This group is injections that have not only an anti-inflammatory and analgesic effect, but also a long-term therapeutic effect on the damaged joint.

    Most often they are prescribed for severe pain, then when ordinary painkillers can not cope, or in order to provide enhanced treatment of the joint.

    Anesthetic tablets are absorbed into the body for a long time, and to feel their action, you need to wait long enough.

    Anesthetic injections with arthrosis put directly into the joint, resulting in time from getting into the body before the onset of action is reduced, but the time of the action is prolonged.

    Ointments and Gels

    Buyers are considered the safest of all possible variety of products, applicable to eliminate this problem.

    Gels and ointments usually have a warming, analgesic and anti-inflammatory effect on the affected joint. They are very easy to apply, and to buy drugs do not need to take a prescription.

    Another plus of ointments is that many of them are made from natural ingredients (bee or snake venom).


    But the minuses of ointments also exist, and these are not only side effects. Drugs can not always eliminate the symptom of your anxiety - pain.


    In addition, eliminating pain and inflammation, they can not eliminate the very cause of the problem - arthrosis, will not restore your joint.

    In addition, abuse of ointments is also not worth it, since the active substance used in them accumulates in the body, which can lead to negative consequences.

    Voltaren (465 rub.) Ketonal (305 rub.)

    As for the most popular drugs from this group, we can distinguish "Capsicum "Voltaren "Ketonal "Finalgon" and others.

    In general, I would like to say that it is better not to get sick, but to prevent the disease. Therefore, try to eat properly, do exercises and do not forget to undergo a regular examination with a specialist.

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    "We treat a sick knee"

    From this video you will learn how to get rid of arthrosis of the legs.

    A source: https://prospinu.com/medikamenty/obezbolivajushhie-pri-artroze.html