
An arthroker is a remedy that is used for osteoarthritis.

In its composition there is a substance diacerein. This component decomposes in the body to rhein, which inhibits inflammatory reactions and the decay of cartilaginous tissue. Treatment of the Artrocore occurs gradually - the effect becomes noticeable by the end of the third week (on average).

On this page you will find all information about Artkroer: the full instructions for use on this medication, average prices in pharmacies, complete and incomplete analogs of the drug, as well as reviews of people who have already applied Artrocera. Want to leave your opinion? Please write in the comments.

Clinical and pharmacological group

The drug used for inflammatory and inflammatory-dystrophic diseases of the musculoskeletal system.

Conditions of leave from pharmacies

It is released on prescription.

Price list

How much does an Artcrock cost? The average price in pharmacies is at the level of1 000 rubles.

Form of issue and composition

The drug is available in capsules, each weighing 50 mg. The package contains 10 pieces of capsules for 3 or 10 blisters. Capsules with gelatin caps are designed for use inside. On the surface is the inscription micro / micro - the name of the Indian manufacturer. Inside the capsules is placed a fine-grained yellowish powder, a gray base and a blue lid. It is not recommended to open capsules.

  • In the capsule of arthrocker, the main component is diacerein (50 mg).

There are also auxiliary substances, such as povidone, lactose monohydrate, sodium lauryl sulfate, magnesium stearate, colloidal silicon dioxide. The capsule itself is made of gelatin, water, blue and yellow dye and titanium dioxide.

Pharmacological effect

Getting into the body, the active substance blocks the production and activity of the mediator interleukin 1, which takes part in the development of inflammation, regression and resorption of cartilage tissue in osteoarthritis. In addition, diacerein inhibits the synthesis of collagenases, enzymes involved in the lysis of cartilage and simultaneously activates the production of proteoglycans and does not affect the synthesis of prostaglandins.

Therefore, when the drug is used, undesirable gastrointestinal effects, such as gastritis and peptic ulcer, do not develop.

Indications for use

The arthroker is indicated for use in primary and secondary osteoarthritis.


Instructions for the use of arthroker warns patients that the drug can not be taken in the following situations:

  • glucose-galactose malabsorption;
  • pregnancy;
  • lactation period;
  • inflammatory bowel disease;
  • lactose intolerance;
  • deficiency of lactase;
  • individual intolerance of the components of the drug Arthroker or high sensitivity to anthraquinone drugs (eg laxatives);
  • severe hepatic or renal insufficiency;
  • intestinal obstruction;
  • children's age (under 18 years).

With caution: patients with irritation of the lower intestine - only in special cases.

Application in pregnancy and lactation

"Artkroer" is contraindicated for use during pregnancy, because its active substance may be negatively reflected on the development of the fetus and the health of the pregnant woman. For the same reason, it is prohibited for use during lactation.

Instructions for use

In the instructions for use, it is indicated that the standard reception of an arthroker is 1 capsule 2 times / day (morning and evening) after a meal. They should be swallowed whole, not liquid, and washed down with water.

  • The effect of treatment should be expected in 2-4 weeks.

The arthroker is applied continuously for a long time or by courses lasting not less than 4 months. The length of the break between the courses of treatment is set by the doctor.

Side effects

The drug, as a rule, is well tolerated by patients, and only in rare cases are possible:

  • at the beginning of therapy, there may be a loose stool, nausea, abdominal pain (in this case, the daily dosage should be 50 mg);
  • with individual intolerance, allergy may appear in the form of itching, rashes and skin irritation (requires drug cancellation);
  • depending on the pH, urine can be stained from yellow to brown, it has no clinical significance, does not require a change in the dosing regimen, but it may affect the interpretation of the result when testing is given.


In case of an overdose of Arthrocry, weakness and loose stools are observed. Treatment is prescribed depending on the symptoms. With expressed diarrhea, it is necessary to maintain the water-salt balance of the body.

special instructions

The duration of therapy depends on the result achieved and can be quite long. Prior to the development of the therapeutic effect, the capsules of Arthrocera can be taken in conjunction with other NSAIDs and non-narcotic analgesics.

Periodically, monitor blood counts, liver enzymes, urine composition. Impairment of kidney function is the basis for reducing the dose of the drug or its withdrawal, at the discretion of the attending physician.

Drug Interactions

The drug is not recommended to be taken concomitantly with antibiotics and chemotherapeutic agents that affect the intestinal microflora and there may be undesirable phenomena from the intestinal tract. It is not recommended to use an arthroker in combination with a large amount of fiber, since antacids reduce the absorption of the drug.

The duration of treatment depends on the result of therapy and can be quite long. It is acceptable to take it along with non-narcotic group analgesics and non-hormonal anti-inflammatory drugs. During the treatment should monitor the blood, urine and liver enzymes. With the aggravation of these indicators, the doctor adjusts the dose downwards or decides to cancel the drug.


If you consider reviews of the Artrocore, you can see that patients with osteoarthritis often take this drug. And many drink it for a long time, for several months. From this it can be concluded that Artrocer allows them to improve the condition of the joints. Although, we must add that the enthusiastic reports that this drug completely solved the health problems - no.

There are different opinions regarding side effects. People who studied the instructions and did everything right, did not experience any discomfort. Patients who took the medicine along with antibacterial agents, all suffered from diarrhea. Do not repeat their sad experience. If there is a need for antimicrobial medication, cancel the arthroker for a while. It will be right.


Pharmacological industry produces a lot of drugs with a similar active ingredient, therapeutic effect. The price policy of the Arthroker analogs differs depending on the country of the manufacturer, the auxiliary components (the less of them, the less the risk of side effects).

The analogs of Artrocker include:

  • Diacerein;
  • Arthrodarin in capsules (manufacturer Argentina);
  • Diacerein-Mac;
  • Diaflex Rompharm (produces remedy Romania).

Before using analogues, consult your doctor.

Storage conditions and shelf life

The drug should be stored in a dry, protected from light, out of reach of children, at a temperature of no higher than 30 ° C. Shelf life - 3 years. Do not use the drug after the expiration date

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