Cough for allergy symptoms

Allergic cough: symptoms in children and adults, treatment

A very frequent inadequate response of the human immune system to external factors is allergic cough, the symptoms of which may be associated with a runny nose, a sore throat, an itch in the nose, a cut in the eyes and lacrimation.

Allergy is a real punishment for a modern person, for the fact that in the pursuit of convenience, comfort, enjoyment - progressive technologies give a rapid the development of the chemical industry, the automobile industry, the abundance of electromagnetic fields in the daily life of man - all this has a colossal negative impact on immunity.

And for a long time it is known that any allergic reaction is a failure in the protective function of the body, when the immune reaction is directed at seemingly innocuous, not life-threatening agents - pollen of plants, food, animal hair, even frost and sun can be the culprits of cold allergies or allergies to the sun.

Such a reaction is by nature a person should not, and its appearance in the majority of the population of the planet suggests that humanity is at the point of self-destruction, no one thinks deeply about this, but this is only the beginning of changes that can lead, after several generations, to irreversible global changes in health of the population.

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Already, children are born with innate propensities to allergic reactions, how many children suffer from 2-5 years of bronchial asthma, and to live to just breathe, are forced to use hormonal drugs that depress the already disturbed immunity. How many children suffer from different types of food allergies, when a child can not eat anything from what is sold in ready-made form in stores. If humanity does not stop, soon all products will be generally unsuitable for consumption, and the air can not be inhaled without special cleaning.

Deep causes of allergic cough in children and adults

The pronounced growth of various allergic diseases in humans in recent decades, many experts explain by several theories:

  • Influence of excessive hygiene

This theory is based on the fact that with the progressive development of culture, the emergence of hygiene standards, comfortable living conditions, excessive purity in the premises, a person reduces contact with many antigens, while the immune load, especially in children, is weakening. The human body is so arranged that the immune system must constantly resist, fight with a certain number of infections, viruses, fungi. As congestion weakens, the body begins a war with harmless antigens, perceiving them for pathogenic organisms. This pattern is confirmed by various studies, which state that in families where there are many children, and also where there is a dog in families, there children suffer less often various allergic manifestations than in families with an only child and ideal purity. (Dogs reduce the likelihood of allergies and atopic dermatitis in children). In developing countries, lengthy studies find that as the population's welfare and cleanliness in the country increase, there is an increase in the immune disorders in the population.

  • Antibiotics

It is also noted that the use of antibiotics in the first year of life of the child, as well as children born in cesarean section - more often others get bronchial asthma, suffer from allergic cough and other types of allergic manifestations.

  • Chemical products

Most chemical, non-natural products (with dyes, preservatives, flavor enhancers, flavoring agents, etc.) are themselves allergens for many people prone to allergies, or gradually disrupting the functions of the endocrine and nervous system, create favorable conditions for development of allergies.

  • The true cause of the allergy is still not clear

But, most theories about the impact of modern technogenic environment can not explain why these factors affect some people, but others do not. Of course, genetic dispositions have an impact, in children whose parents are allergic - the risks are much higher than those of those whose close relatives do not suffer from allergies. But, apparently, other reasons will also be discovered and proved in the near future.

What cough is considered allergic?

How to distinguish a cough for allergies from a cough for a cold? This question is of interest to many, since it is often impossible to determine the cause of the disease or to identify a specific allergen only on the basis of the presence of a cough. Most often, an allergic cough occurs after contact with animals, various household chemicals - washing powder, shampoos, soap and toilet paper with flavors, all cleaning products, especially with chlorine-containing substances in the composition, and also pollen of plants in spring-summer period, perfumes or cosmetics - perfume, cream with odors, just home dust or household care products animals. In most cases, an allergic cough is accompanied by the following symptoms, signs:

  • Symptoms of allergies occur suddenly, without other signs of illness, after contact with the allergen.
  • Cough of allergic origin basically has a prolonged course, more than 3 weeks without any signs of a cold - temperature, chills, weakness.
  • In almost all cases, it is accompanied by a symptom such as allergic rhinitis, that is, there is a runny nose, tearing, itchy skin or mucous membranes, so it itches the throat, nose, the person often sneezes.
  • Sometimes a cough appears immediately after or during contact with an allergen: for example, in a perfume, cosmetics or store carpet products, where the pungent smell of chemical dyes and tissues causes both an allergic cough and a severe headache in forehead area. And sometimes the cough only appears at night, and during the day does not bother.
  • Cough for allergies is usually dry, without sputum (causes of dry cough). Sometimes it can be moist, but phlegm in this case is transparent, not purulent (yellow-green), but colorless (vitreous).

Sometimes in the definition of an allergen, difficulties arise, because in the modern world, an allergen can be anything. But, if you are very attentive to yourself and your health, you can understand what exactly causes an inadequate reaction. Even passing by or along a wide highway with a million cars, a person can begin to cough. It is also noted that such a tool as Domestos, in the majority causes bronchospasm or allergic cough, as a result of poisoning with chlorine vapor, which in this agent is very high concentration (Domestos and others. cm. how household chemicals affect health).

With food allergies, too, there may be a cough. Symptoms of food allergy, in addition to coughing a lot - it's skin rashes, and allergic conjunctivitis, and itching of the skin, swelling, redness, diarrhea and even vomiting. Moreover, to identify food products, which are allergic reaction is much easier than other aeroallergens.

There are cases when ascariasis causes attacks of dry cough within 2 weeks, when helminth larvae in the stage of migration, enter the pulmonary tissue. Therefore, when diagnosing a cough, a possible ascariasis should be excluded (cf. Ascaris symptoms, treatment).

Types of allergic manifestations, except for cough

Very often, an allergic cough is accompanied by the following manifestations:

  • Skin allergic reactions - swelling, skin itching, rash, hives, extreme manifestation - is atopic dermatitis
  • Allergic rhinitis - tickling in the nose, itching in the mouth and nose, liquid, watery discharge from the nose, sneezing attacks, nasal congestion with a decrease in smell, sometimes children also have itching, pain, noise in ears. Many spring begins pollinosis, which coincides in time with the flowering of poplars and most perceive malaise as an allergy to poplar fluff, in fact it is a reaction to the flowering of other plants, and to fluff allergies are not it happens.
  • Allergic conjunctivitis - lacrimation, itching in the eyes, redness and swelling of the eyes, secretions from the eyes do not purulent, but only tears, sometimes there is burning sensation in the eyes, a feeling of sand in the eyes, less often observed photophobia.
  • Bronchial asthma - attacks of cough and suffocation.
  • Allergic laryngitis and pharyngitis, for them is characterized by hoarseness, burning and a feeling of coma in the throat.
  • Food allergy - is accompanied, as a rule, by vomiting, diarrhea, enterocolitis, enteritis, as well as cutaneous manifestations, allergic cough.

Where to look for the cause of an allergic cough - the main allergens

Aeroallergens are airborne allergens that are in the air in a huge amount:

  • Pollen allergens are pollen of trees, weeds and even herbs, ornamental flowers and flowers of vegetables and fruit trees.
  • Epidermal allergens - dandruff, wool, down animals and feathers of birds.
  • Household allergens - book dust, house dust, it has an abundance of house mites and allergens cockroaches. Also all kinds of household chemicals.
  • Allergens of mushrooms - both at home and out-of-home.
  • Food allergens - it can also be any product, sometimes allergies are caused not by the vegetable itself, fruit, and its origin, imported processed fruits and vegetables, grown in artificial conditions with an abundance of chemicals, can be allergens because of their non-natural growth, chemical treatment to lengthen the period storage, etc.
  • Drugs - almost any drug, dietary supplements can be an allergen.
  • Allergens of poison of insects - bees, wasps, bumblebees, mosquitoes, midges and other stinging insects.
  • Chemical and biological substances from any industrial production.

One interesting fact is that if a person has allergic manifestations at certain periods of flowering and growth plants, sometimes some foods also cause an increase in its manifestations, the so-called cross-allergic reaction. The table contains a list of products that cause an increase in allergy in hay fever at certain times of the year.

The time of occurrence of allergies, the pollen of these plants causes pollinosis Products that can enhance allergies Medicinal herbs and preparations based on them, which also increase allergy

from APRIL to the middle of May

Alder, hazel, birch, poplar

pears, apples, peaches, nuts, cherries, parsley, honey, potatoes, kiwi, celery, tomatoes, olives, cognac, plum, carrots, apricots pine cones, pine buds, lime blossom, birch buds and leaves

from the middle of May to June

grass, and meadow grasses

rye and wheat bread, pasta, semolina, oatmeal, rice, millet, muesli, beer, wheat vodka, kvass oats, rye, wheat

from the middle of July to the middle of October

wormwood, ragweed, hemp, cyclamen, sunflower, quinoa

halva, sunflower oil, seeds, mustard, zucchini, cucumber, watermelon, cabbage, honey, mayonnaise, melon, vermouth, eggplant, salad, spinach dandelion, chamomile, mother and stepmother, dog rose, chicory, tansy, burdock, wormwood, sunflower, yarrow, string, cornflower
Yeast and mold mushrooms cheese with mold, sauerkraut, kefir, yoghurt, sour cream, grapes, dried fruits, kvass, beer, champagne, dry wines antibiotics of the penicillin series, brewer's yeast, B vitamins

A prolonged dry cough in a child - may be a harbinger of bronchial asthma

Usually, coughing with allergies in children is dry, before it starts, the child can complain that he does not have enough air and it is difficult to breathe - this state is a formidable signal that the child has a slight degree of suffocation, obstruction of the bronchi and trachea, which is threatened later by the development of the bronchial asthma. If the attacks of an allergic cough, the symptoms of suffocation in the child does not stop, it may already be symptoms of the onset of obstructive bronchitis or asthma. Parents should be very serious about any allergic reactions of the baby, starting with the usual diathesis, because it is an alarming signal, the propensity of the baby's organism to allergy in general, which often causes such diseases as bronchial asthma, atopic dermatitis, psoriasis.

Prevention and treatment

How not sad, but if there was an allergic cough, treatment, which is prescribed by the doctor, most often symptomatic, because such serious, profound internal changes medicine does not know how to treat. The main actions of a person suffering from allergies are to reduce contact with the allergen, as well as:

Determine the allergen

First of all, you should determine the allergen that causes coughing and other symptoms in the child or the adult. It is possible to do this by passing a blood test to a suspected allergen and undergo a full diagnostic at an allergist. Knowing the enemy in person, you can try to avoid contact with him or minimize his influence.

Living conditions

Create the best living conditions for an allergic person. Since in winter the person spends most of the time indoors, and the air during heating is always dry - this intensifies coughing and other symptoms. Treatment should be to reduce the provoking factors in the apartment and at work:

  • Daily wet room cleaning, the use of various moisturizers and air purifiers - improve climatic conditions and alleviate the symptoms of rhinitis and cough of allergic origin.
  • Get rid of all carpets, carpets and other "dust collectors books should be stored in closed cabinets and periodically vacuumed them.
  • Also, the source of allergy can be the earth from under houseplants, or the plants themselves can serve as an allergen.
  • Curtains should not be heavy to wash them as often as possible and they dry faster.
  • Wallpaper for the room should be chosen as smooth as possible, since dust accumulates in the folds and protrusions.
  • An allergen can be a woolen or duvet or a pillow - replace it with an artificial one.
  • For children, it is better to minimize the presence of soft toys, try to buy rubber or plastic toys, preferably not cheap Chinese, which exude sharp chemical smells
  • Cosmetics, hygiene items - everything should be hypoallergenic.
  • The doctor can recommend various antitussives to alleviate allergy symptoms.


To ease the condition, of course, antihistamines are indicated, in this article there is a complete list of all allergy tablets, which today are most preferred, which do not have a sedative effect and have a prolonged effect - Cetrin, Zodak, Zirtek, etc., the effect of which occurs already after 20 minutes.

Inhaled glucocorticoids, cromones

Hormonal drugs are prescribed by a doctor with bronchial asthma: budesonide (benacort, pulmicort); ciclesonide (alvesco); budesonide (benacort, pulmicort); ciclesonide (alvesco); azmocort, triamcenolone acetonide, flunisolide (ingacort), fluticasone propionate (fliksotid).

Cromons (stabilizers of mast cell membranes) are weaker in effect than glucocorticosteroids - Cromoglycate sodium (intal), nedocromil sodium (tileed).


Also, with an allergic cough, treatment with enterosorbents brings its results. To do this, you can use Polysorb, Enterosgel, STI Filter, Activated Carbon, Polyphepan, and others. However, their use should not be long (not more than 2 weeks), as sorbents reduce the digestibility of vitamins and and they should be taken in between meals and separately from other medicinal products. means.

Allergic cough, what and what to do

Allergic cough is one of the most unpleasant manifestations of an allergic reaction, it is quite difficult to distinguish it from the symptoms of an ordinary cold, such a cough lasts for several weeks or even months and the usual antitussives do not help it to get rid of.

This cough arises because of the ingestion of an allergen into the body, it can be accompanied by a runny nose, lacrimation and even a spasm of the larynx. To get rid of the clinical manifestations of allergies, you can only exclude contact with the substance that caused allergies or suppressed immune reactions of the body.

The mechanism of development

Allergic cough is not a disease, it is one of the symptoms of an allergic disease. It develops as a result of the ingress of the allergen into the upper respiratory tract of a person, the bloodstream receives mediators inflammations and other substances that provoke swelling and inflammation of the mucous membrane of the nasal passages, larynx, trachea and bronchi.

This condition leads to the development of complications from the respiratory system - constant edema and respiratory tract spasm leads to a violation of normal breathing, there is hyperventilation of the lungs, which can cause bronchial obstruction and seizures suffocation.

Causes of development

The causes of the development of an allergic cough do not differ from the causes of any allergic reactions. Such a cough can develop against the background of a person's complete health, even if he has never before had no manifestations of allergy, but most often, such a symptom appears in people with an increased risk of developing allergies. At risk are children who have suffered from various types of diathesis in infancy, those suffering from immunity disorders, helminthic invasions or receiving hormonal treatment.

In adults, an allergic cough develops less often, most often in people working in conditions of severe air pollution, with the evaporation of poisonous substances, paint and varnish materials, lovers of cigarettes or suffering from another allergic disease - atopic dermatitis, urticaria and so Further.

An allergic dry cough appears due to an increased sensitivity of the body to any substance when it enters the human body through the upper respiratory tract, then edema and spasm of the walls of the bronchi develops, and a constant cough is a protective reaction of the body trying to remove the allergen from respiratory ways.

Symptoms of the disease and the main signs of the difference between an allergic cough and other diseases

Allergic cough, especially at the onset of the disease, is difficult to distinguish from symptoms of SARS and colds. But, if you carefully observe the patient, you can see the following features:

  1. Cough for allergy dry, "barking the patient can not clear his throat and cope with bouts of a severe debilitating cough - this is due to a strong irritation of the bronchial mucosa with an allergen, laryngeal edema does not allow breathing normally, but is not accompanied by sputum and does not bring relief patient.
  2. During coughing attacks, the patient may not have enough air, there is a feeling of suffocation or even, panic.
  3. At allergic reactions there are no signs of catarrhal diseases, such as: fever, chills, headache.
  4. Cough can be accompanied by a runny nose, lacrimation, skin reactions.
  5. Cough intensifies under certain conditions or at a certain time - with the use of some food, the appearance in the air of some substances (for example, when using perfume or other aromatic substances, in the presence of a pet or after sleeping on a feather pillow).
  6. Perhaps the emergence of cough in certain seasons - for example, in the spring, with flowering herbs or in the fall.
  7. Cough and other manifestations of the disease do not disappear after the use of conventional drugs, but are quickly stopped by taking antihistamines.

As manifested in children

Very often this kind of allergic reaction develops in young children, already in the first years of life or even from the moment of birth, and causes obstructive bronchitis.

Such a cough occurs suddenly, without signs of intoxication and increased body temperature. The child suddenly starts to cough, most often coughing and shortness of breath occur at night, during the day the symptoms of allergy are somewhat reduced. Cough in this case is dry, if slightly sputum is allocated, it is clear, viscous, without the admixture of pus. In addition to coughing in children, there may be a lot of lachrymation, separated from the nose, itching in the throat and nose.

When these symptoms appear, it is very important to try to catch the dependence of the occurrence of coughing and attacks of suffocation on those or other events. Strengthens or there is a cough at the exit from the house, contact with pets or eat some food.

Allergic cough can lead to dangerous complications, especially in young children, they have very quickly develops obstructive bronchitis, which after 2-3 years of illness can go to the bronchial asthma. Because of the constant hyperventilation of the lungs, the thorax increases in size, the lungs press on the inner organs and even change the shape of the chest - the lower ribs expand, and the baby's chest becomes barrel-shaped. Therefore, at the first signs of an allergy, it is necessary to start treatment as early as possible and pay special attention to the prevention of the development of allergic reactions.

Treatment and prevention of allergic cough in adults and children

Treatment of an allergic cough should be comprehensive and include:
  • Exclusion or restriction of contact of a patient with an allergen,
  • taking antihistamines,
  • increase of general immunity and level of resistance to diseases,
  • prevention of allergic reactions.

Even just to determine what exactly the allergic reaction has developed is difficult enough, it can be related to anything and this reaction can be caused by several substances or their combination. If it was possible to determine exactly what the allergic reaction is, then you should try to limit the impact this allergen - to exclude this product from food, stop using feather pillows or remove from home all plants.

Reception of antihistamines - this treatment of an allergic cough quickly and effectively relieves the patient from coughing or choking, so if there is a risk of allergies, such drugs should always be hand. Today, there are many different antihistamines for children and adults, in the form of tablets or inhalants, it is very convenient in treating children. The most popular of them are: suprastin, diazolin, claritin, tavegil and others, but only the doctor will be able to choose the most suitable preparation and the desired dosage. With inhalation of these drugs, the effect occurs after 10-20 minutes, and the tablet forms ensure the long-term effect - up to 12 or 24 hours.

To cleanse the body or strengthen its protective forces, it is recommended to take vitamin preparations, if on them no allergies, hardening, walking outdoors, proper nutrition and lack of nervous overvoltage.

If allergic reactions provoke very severe attacks of suffocation, which are not stopped by the usual methods of treatment, the doctor can prescribe the intake of hormonal drugs, corticosteroids, in the form of inhalations or tablets. Despite the effectiveness of such treatment, one should try to do without it - hormonal preparations cause strong changes in the body and can lead to serious complications with health. If their reception is necessary, it is better to choose corticosteroids, in the form of inhalation - they have less systemic effect.


In addition to limiting contact with allergens and increasing immunity, the following can be advised for the prevention of allergies:

  • having come back from a walk or from work to process the nasopharynx with a warm isotonic solution or at least clean warm water, this will help remove accumulated dust and harmful substances from the nose and mouth, you can use inhalations to wash the nasopharynx in small children,
  • refuse to use aromatic substances, cosmetics or detergents with flavors and so on,
  • limit the use of preservatives and dyes,
  • daily do wet cleaning and get rid of indoor plants, old furniture, soft toys, carpets and other items where dust can accumulate.
  • during allergic reactions use an air humidifier.

This cough is quite serious and unfavorable symptom, therefore it is necessary to immediately start treatment and prevention of allergies, without waiting for the development of complications.

Attack of an allergic cough

Violation of the protective function of the human body, in which the negative consequences can at first seem innocuous substances, is called allergy. To unexpectedly harmful factors include food, pollen of different plants, animal hair and even sun or cold. How to recognize an allergic cough? The immune system of an allergic person manifests an inadequate response to a specific type of pathogen. Cough in this case is accompanied by a number of other symptoms, details of which are described below.

Causes of the disease

As a rule, the allergy manifests itself in spring or summer, less often in cold seasons. With the penetration of allergens into the body, immunity begins to attack foreign substances. As a result of this, there are symptoms - itching, redness, tearing, runny nose. Cough for allergies begins as a result of irritation of the respiratory tract pathogen. Often a symptom is accompanied by inflammatory processes in the throat, trachea, bronchi. The causative agents of this cough, as a rule, are light volatile substances:

  • wool of pets;
  • pollen;
  • dust;
  • mold spores.

Varieties of cough due to allergies

There are a large number of possible allergens that can cause this symptom in healthy people. However, a serious paroxysmal, suffocating cough, as a rule, is a proof of the body's reaction to the entry of the pathogen. The symptom speaks of the presence of a person in a phenomenon such as an allergy. Cough, inherent in the disease, can be recognized by several signs - this is the absence of temperature, skin manifestations, duration and suddenness of seizures. Cough of the allergic type is divided into 3 main types:

  • dry;
  • barking;
  • wet.


Causes of dry cough can be chemicals, gases, tobacco smoke, pollen, wool and many other substances. The manifestation of a symptom indicates an attempt by the body to eliminate an irritant that has got inside. Less often cough occurs as a side effect after taking medications - for example, tablets that regulate blood pressure. If the cause of the allergic reaction is the use of medication, the reaction appears immediately after they are taken.


Cough with phlegm is often a sign of allergic rhinitis - inflammation of the nasal mucosa, which was caused by some allergen. Recognize the disease can be by frequent sneezing, itching in the nasal sinuses, abundant secretion of mucus. Allergic wet coughing causes a lot of inconvenience to a person, disrupting sleep, reducing mental and physical activity.


This symptom can cause an allergy to a certain product, plants, smells, household chemicals, pet hair. Often it occurs in young children in the winter, when the air in the dwelling becomes too dry due to the rare airing. This leads to irritation of the airway membrane. Typical signs of an allergic barking cough are:

  • absence of fever and cold;
  • seasonal character with periodic manifestations;
  • increased symptom with close contact with the allergen.

Main signs and symptoms

Cough of an allergic type does not apply to diseases. It arises as a result of the action on the respiratory tract of certain allergens. This kind of cough sometimes leads to inflammation of the trachea, bronchi, and throat, which is typical for other pathologies of the respiratory system. For this reason, the symptom may give an incorrect diagnosis. Find out the signs of an allergic cough in adults and children.

In adults

Often has a paroxysmal character, starting suddenly. On average, it lasts several weeks without raising the temperature. More often a cough of an allergic type begins at night, in the afternoon attacks happen less often. Coughing attacks at night in an adult cause serious inconvenience, preventing sleep allergic and his relatives. This becomes the main stimulus of going to the doctor. Symptoms may include:

  • phlegm without any impurities;
  • itching in the nasopharynx or throat;
  • sneezing.

Allergic cough during pregnancy can not be cured by yourself. At this time, most drugs and traditional medicine are contraindicated to a woman. If you do not go to the hospital in time, the allergy can serve the development of more serious diseases - for example, bronchial asthma or chronic bronchitis. Such pathologies can damage not only the mother, but also the baby.


Allergies are more susceptible to children, who in infancy suffered diathesis rashes. This indicates their predisposition to the disease. Paroxysmal cough in a child can be stimulated by even a minimal amount of allergens. Symptom sometimes occurs as a result of malnutrition of the baby or untimely vaccination. A coughing attack at night in a child, as a rule, is not accompanied by sputum secretions and more often occurs during the off-season. The reasons can be different: flowering plants, viral infections, and others.

Methods of diagnosing the disease

To determine the nature of cough, people temporarily take antitussive drugs. If the drugs do not affect the disease at all - the symptom speaks of allergies. However, it is better not to experiment and immediately go to the doctor, since the treatment of such a cough, as allergic, has a specific character. In the hospital you are examined to identify the pathogen, from which you should get rid of, prescribe medication.

How and what to treat an allergic cough

Completely get rid of the disease allergy sufferers is impossible, but you can ease its course. It is possible to relieve some of the symptoms, including cough. The main thing is to determine in time what caused the allergic reaction and stop contact with this substance. The doctor can prescribe the reception of antihistamines, will advise a suitable diet. Let us dwell on each method of cough therapy as a symptom of allergy.

Detection of the allergen and termination of contact with it

The first step to recovery will be the determination of the allergen, which provoked a negative reaction of the body. Sneezing, nasal congestion and cough are the main symptoms of allergies. Modern medicine still does not know how to find the pathogen. It will be necessary to check the reaction to every possible allergen. To do this, the following measures are taken:

  • alternately remove from the menu products that could serve as an allergen;
  • daily perform a wet cleaning of the dwelling, if a reaction to dust is possible;
  • for a while they give the pet;
  • change household facilities (for washing, washing dishes);
  • make tests (skin tests with prick methods, scratches).


How to cure an allergy? The allergist doctor for successful therapy appoints, in addition to taking medication, a special diet. Allergies are prone to manifestations of various symptoms of the disease. They better stick to the prescribed diet constantly. Especially acute situation becomes during an exacerbation of an allergy when the organism becomes hyperactive. At this time, even a fleeting contact with the stimulus can lead to active development of the disease. To reduce the risk, you must adhere to the diet and exclude from the menu:

  • eggs;
  • seafood, fish;
  • spicy, salty, smoked, spicy, fatty foods;
  • broths;
  • sausages, sausages;
  • liver;
  • sauces such as ketchup, mayonnaise;
  • sauerkraut, pickles;
  • nuts;
  • mushrooms;
  • bright vegetables (tomatoes, radish, Bulgarian pepper);
  • citruses, berries;
  • sharp, melted cheeses;
  • chocolate, cocoa, coffee;
  • honey;
  • sweets with flavors.

Medication Therapy

When an allergic cough occurs, a course of treatment with antihistamine drugs is required, which the doctor prescribes after determining the pathogen of allergy. As a rule, the taking of such drugs is prolonged - it can last for 2-3 months. In special cases, antihistamines are taken for life. The group of antihistamines include:

  • Suprastin;
  • "Loratadin
  • "Cetirizin."

Since modern pharmaceuticals do not have drugs for complete cure for allergies, the main goal of therapy is to suppress the symptoms of the disease. With allergic manifestations, the doctor prescribes a remedy whose action is directed at an unhealthy organ. When you cough, you often use an inhaler. The drugs used to make inhalation include:

  • "Ventolin
  • "Eufillin
  • "Pulmicort."

When treating allergies, the doctor may prescribe the intake of enterosorbents. Substances act as additional therapeutic agents. Their use should not last longer than 14-16 days, as enterosorbents worsen the absorption of vitamins and nutrients coming from food. In addition, it is forbidden to use such drugs simultaneously with antihistamine tablets, since their effect will be reduced. The group of enterosorbents include:

  • Enterosgel;
  • Polysorb;
  • "Filter STI".

If the originator of the person's allergic reaction is wool, pollen or another volatile substance, the doctor prescribes a nasal antihistamine spray. Such sparing drugs are shown even to small children. Spray effectively moisturizes the mucous membrane of the respiratory tract and helps to remove unpleasant symptoms. There are the following nasal agents for allergies:

  • Allergodil;
  • "Kromogeksal
  • "Levokabastin."

Folk remedies

Apply in "grandmother" medicine salt preparations, garlic, lemon:

  1. Garlic syrup. Finely chop a pair of garlic cloves, mix with a tablespoon of honey. When the composition of the cough is applied for 14 days, take the drug every morning on a tablespoon. The course of treatment is 2 weeks. Syrup can be taken additionally when a fit of coughing begins.
  2. Saline solution. During flowering of allergic pathogens several times a day, wash the nasal sinuses and throat with sea salt solution (1 tablespoon per cup of warm water).
  3. Lemon jam. Pass 1 citrus through a meat grinder, mix with 4 tbsp. water and 2 tbsp. honey. Cook the ingredients on low heat until the mixture is completely homogeneous. Cool the jam and take from cough 5 times a day for 1 tablespoon.

How to relieve a child's coughing

If the baby has a stifling cough, immediate measures should be taken immediately:

  1. provide the child with sufficient fresh air;
  2. give antihistamine;
  3. wash the nasal sinuses and throat with a weak saline solution (2 tsp per 1 tbsp. water) to remove particles of the pathogen from the respiratory tract;
  4. If the baby does not get better after the measures taken, you need to call an ambulance.

Prevention of disease

An important element of assistance for allergic events is preventive, it includes:

  • Cleaning and airing. More often wash floors in the house, at least thrice a day ventilate the room. Give up thick carpets as they collect dust, which can provoke an allergy. Get rid of other items in / on which the dirt collects (figurines, decorative things of intricate forms).
  • Minimal use of household chemicals. If you are allergic, try to do without aggressive detergents. Give preference to cosmetics and household chemicals on a natural basis, without perfumes.
  • Preventive measures. When coughing, allergic type is recommended 2-3 times a day to rinse the throat and nasopharynx. If possible, adhere to the prescribed diet.

Video: how to distinguish an allergic cough from colds

The cause of the cough of an allergic type is always what the person recently contacted. Allergens, when ingested, irritate the respiratory tract, resulting in a coughing attack. However, the cause of this symptom may be not allergies, but other diseases: ARVI, influenza, bronchitis, and others. After watching the video, you will learn how to distinguish the allergic from cold cough.

Allergic cough in children. Means for allergic cough

One of the protective reactions of the body is a cough. And it does not always mean a cold or flu. If you get into the respiratory tract of an allergen, there is an allergic cough. Children often do not manage to recognize it on time.

What is an allergy in children?

She acts as a defender of the immune system in response to an attack of stimuli. Provocators can become inhaled chemicals. Unlike catarrhal, allergic cough in children arises abruptly, without the attendant symptoms of an infectious disease. The throat does not hurt, the temperature does not rise, there are no migraine attacks, and the appetite is normal.

Causes of an allergic cough in children

Most often provocateurs can be substances that are contained in the inspired air.
  1. Dust that rises in when moving air masses.
  2. Pollen of plants - in the flowering period of herbs it is quite a lot in the air.
  3. Spores of fungi - they are borne by the wind.
  4. Wool of animals.
  5. In addition, an allergic cough in children is possible as a response to a foreign protein. It can enter the body after the introduction of the vaccine. Plasma and serum should be added to this list.
  6. The smell of perfume can also cause a cough of an allergic nature.

Symptoms of the disease

Most often, manifestations of an allergic cough last for a couple of weeks. A runny nose is possible. There is itching in the throat and nose. The child sneezes. Many hours can last a dry allergic cough. Symptoms in a child can come back periodically for weeks.

Seldom sputum during coughing can be rare. It is transparent and does not contain impurities.

Symptoms of this disease worsen at night, and in the afternoon, on the contrary, the condition improves.

How not to confuse an allergic cough with other diseases - bronchitis or whooping cough

Bronchitis is an inflammatory process in the bronchi, and whooping cough is an infectious disease that often occurs in toddlers. So, an allergic cough in children is very similar to the one that occurs with these diseases. But there are obvious differences.

  1. In case of allergy cough in rare cases is accompanied by sputum discharge - it takes a lot of effort to remove it from the respiratory tract.
  2. Because of the edema of the bronchial mucosa, before the allergic dry cough begins, the child has difficulty breathing and shortness of breath appears.
  3. Before the attack, parents notice that the baby was in contact with some objects. Perhaps he sniffed flowers on the street while walking or stroking a cat or dog. Or maybe there were other provocateurs, because of which an allergy in children is possible.
  4. The disease of a seasonal nature is not affected by the temperature of the surrounding air, whereas bronchitis usually occurs during the cold season.
  5. The temperature in a child does not increase if the cough is allergic.
  6. Effective for the treatment of antihistamines - they stop seizures.

Doctor Komarovsky about an allergic cough in children

This doctor is very popular with moms, because he gives good advice for treating various childhood diseases. As to how to cure an allergic cough in a child, Komarovsky says the following:

  1. Here, a whole chain of first actions is built up - the doctor diagnoses symptoms, then the treatment is prescribed. The doctor is in charge of everything.
  2. In fact, with the help of a cough, the body clears the lungs of accumulated mucus, which cleanses the bronchi and neutralizes viruses, bacteria.
  3. To prevent the drying up of sputum, so necessary in the process of self-healing the body, you need fresh air and plenty of drink.
  4. If an allergen that caused the disease in a child is found, all contacts of the baby with it should be excluded. It can be a woolen blanket or flowers.

Diagnosis of an allergic cough

If in the treatment of parents alone can not succeed, giving the baby antitussive drugs, then they lead him to see a doctor. The expert conducts a thorough diagnosis and identifies the exact allergen, after which you can begin treatment. First, the doctor examines the child, whether he has symptoms of other diseases that could cause coughing attacks. Then tests are conducted, with the help of which it becomes possible to determine the allergen. They are made in order to be able to determine how to cure an allergic cough.

On the skin of the forearm, small scratches are applied by the scarifier. They are dripping solutions with certain substances. So allergic test is carried out. If the spot drops irritation, the desired allergen will find. Although there may be several. Such diagnosis is contraindicated in children under 3 years of age.

In addition, before starting treatment of an allergic cough in children, it is necessary to determine the level of immunoglobulins in the blood. With the help of this modern and accurate method, it becomes possible to reliably state that a child has an allergic reaction.

It is necessary to gradually protect the baby from suspicious substances, as well as objects. If as a result the attacks stop, then the allergen has been found accurately.

Types of an allergic cough

There are the following types of cough:

  • Dry. It is exacerbated in the winter season, as well as in the summer. This is the main indication that there is an allergy in children.
  • Barking. It can not be confused with another kind of cough. The child's hoarse voice, the ringing during attacks, similar to the barking of a dog. This allergic laryngitis - the larynx is inflamed and the lumen narrows. The baby suffers from breathing due to a decrease in airflow to the lungs.
  • Night. It is paroxysmal and does not stop for a long time. The eyes start to water, the child has a runny nose. At the same time, the temperature does not rise as in the case of colds.

In what cases can we assume that the child has an allergic cough?

  1. If seizures occur more often at night.
  2. Cough is dry.
  3. The temperature does not rise.
  4. Most often the child coughs in the summer or in the winter.
  5. Attacks cease with the use of certain medications - "Tavegil Suprastin" or "Diazolin".
  6. There are strong discharge from the nose, but the vasoconstrictor does not bring relief.
  7. There is redness in the nasal passages.

Effective treatment of allergic cough in children is the key to a child's well-being. After all, due to the impact on the respiratory system of the child's stimulus, slight asphyxia is possible on the background of puffiness. In order to get rid of the stimulus, the baby coughs - this is an attempt by the body to protect itself from the negative effects of allergens.

Than to treat an allergic dry cough in the child

To effectively combat frequent seizures use a variety of drugs, as well as folk remedies. If there is an allergic cough, the child's symptoms do not quite look like a cold, because the body temperature does not rise, for example. In any case, you need to first consult with a specialist and only then proceed to treatment.

Allergens that cause coughing

These include:

  • Household. Dust, mold fungi, cockroaches and their products of vital activity.
  • Reaction to pollen.
  • Food. Often there is an allergy in children to milk or eggs, cereals. In this list, you need to add honey and strawberries, as well as citrus fruits. And also - chocolate and nuts, sesame.
  • Epidermal. Wool, saliva, dandruff, down, feather, excrement of domestic animals.
  • Reaction to insect bites, manifested as an allergy.
  • Medicinal. On antibiotics or anesthetics.
  • Fungal.
  • Helminthic.
  • Physical factors. Wind or heat, cold or mechanical irritation.

Methods of treating allergic cough in children

There are many effective drugs, but they can be prescribed only by a doctor - self-medication here is unacceptable. There are other effective cures for allergic cough.
  1. At home it is necessary to maintain cleanliness as much as possible. Several times a week, you should do a wet cleaning.
  2. Do not smoke in a room where the child lives. Even because of the clothes of a smoker, an attack of coughing in the baby is possible.
  3. In case of allergy to animal hair, children's contact with the pet should be limited.
  4. Products with a high risk of developing allergies should be excluded from the diet.

Allergic cough medicines for children

There are many effective tools, among which are:

  • The drug "Herbion" is syrup with plantain. It is absolutely harmless to the child and is an excellent remedy for dry cough. From contraindications should be allocated individual intolerance and diabetes. This syrup helps to get rid of irritations against the backdrop of the negative reaction of sensitive nerve receptors to allergens.
  • In order to stop the attack, use pills for an allergic cough. Preferably antihistamines - Suprastin Diazolinum and Loratadin. The effect of their reception comes in about 20 minutes.
  • If the doctor allows, you can do inhalations with medicines or herbs. Brewing medicinal plants, you need to breathe the resulting steam. In this way, the child's condition can be alleviated. But first you need to make sure that the components are not allergic, otherwise the situation will get even worse.

Folk remedies for allergic cough in children

Rinse the child's throat and mouth several times a day with warm water - especially after walking in the fresh air. Rinse your nose and nose several times a day. Add sea salt to the water.

Prepare a mixture of bay leaf, boiled in water, a couple of teaspoons of sweet honey and baking soda. At attacks of a cough at the child it is necessary to accept means.

For the excretion of phlegm, drip a few drops of aloe juice into your nose.

Onion honey will soften the walls of the respiratory tract. Boil a couple of small onions in 1 liter of water - the water should be half evaporated. Strain and let's drink with strong attacks.

Preventive actions

Even during pregnancy, a woman should often go out for walks, breathe fresh air and get rid of bad habits. Since birth, with the slightest suspicion of diathesis, you need to see a doctor. When allergens are identified, they need to protect the child.

How to deal with allergens

Observing a few simple rules, you can protect the child from allergies:

  1. Every day should be wet cleaning, rooms should be ventilated.
  2. Pets should not be allowed into the crib to the child.
  3. When food allergies should be excluded from the diet of food-allergens.
  4. Before the child goes to bed, it is necessary to ventilate the room.

Whatever the parents' assumptions about the origin of the cough, it is necessary to turn to a specialist. Only after that start treatment. The doctor will conduct the necessary examination of the child, identify the cause of the allergy and help get rid of unpleasant symptoms. The process of recovery will be rapid if the parents do not resort to self-treatment by various unverified methods.

Allergic cough in children: treatment and symptoms | How to treat a cough for an allergy in a child

When a child begins to cough, concerned parents at a doctor's appointment ask what to do. Pediatricians note that, firstly, it is important to learn to distinguish between an allergic cough in a child. And only then try to treat it.

Symptoms of allergic cough in children

Allergic cough is a common sign of allergy. And if there is still a runny nose with such a cough, then serious problems occur in the airways.

Symptoms of the disease are as follows:

1 cough with allergies appears suddenly, it is paroxysmal. Its duration is two to three weeks in the absence of temperature. True, it can be accompanied by a runny nose.

2. The cough is dry, mostly happens at night, and in the daytime it may stop or become less frequent.

3. can appear transparent sputum without pus; the appearance of sneezing, itching in the throat and nose.

4. The mucous membrane protects the person's airways, but is unable to cope with the allergen. This leads to swelling of the larynx. For this reason, before such a cough begins, the child may not have enough air and it is difficult to breathe.

5. When coughing, there is no sudden increase in body temperature.

6. cough for allergies can become stronger with the appearance of pets, in a dream (if the pillow is down).

7. seasonal exacerbations. As a rule, it is winter and summer.

Differential symptoms of cough caused by allergies

There are symptoms on which parents can see for themselves, an allergic reaction causes attacks of severe dry cough or not. First of all:

1. There is no elevated temperature;

2. Cough intensifies under certain conditions (if nearby a pet or feather pillow);

3. Seasonality (often allergic cough in children manifests itself in summer and winter, when the child spends a lot of time in confined spaces);

4. A positive reaction of the body to taking antihistamines, such as Tavegil, Suprastin, Diazolin.

5. With such a cough sputum is difficult to get rid of.

6. Cough dry and barking cough.

7. complaints of the child for lack of air and difficulty in breathing.

8. The state of suffocation due to puffiness of the mucous larynx and bronchi.

Allergic cough in children is important to distinguish from whooping cough or bronchitis.

How to treat traditional methods of cough in children with allergies?

The most important thing to do when an allergic cough occurs at home is to try to get as far away from the pathogen as possible. To remove the attack, the treatment is prescribed by the doctor an allergist, as well as a nutritionist, since with such a cough it is still important to follow a diet.

Treatment of an attack of a cough caused by an allergic one needs to be done on time. If you do not give the child timely help, the risk increases that the dry cough will develop into chronic bronchitis with a component of asthma. Then there is the risk of bronchial asthma. Therefore, even with no apparent suspicion of allergy, you need to conduct a thorough medical examination and get advice from an allergist and pediatrician.

Principles of drug treatment of children's allergic cough

Attacks of an allergic cough in children can be removed due to modern drugs, which are called antihistamines. If at the time of making an injection, for example, Suprastin, the cough will stop after five to ten minutes. If you take this drug in tablets, then in twenty minutes. Suprastin is active for about twelve hours. Then the drug is excreted from the body together with urine.

In the treatment of children, antiallergic drugs such as Diazolin and Tavegil are also used. Thanks to them, an attack of suffocating allergic cough slowly ceases.

Do not give the baby any cure for glucocorticosteroids! This is a dangerous drug that makes a child, in fact an addict. Ask physicians in the severe case at the first stage to limit the treatment of the disease to drip infusions of glucose and fiz. solution. These drugs will reduce the concentration of allergens in the blood of the child and help his recovery.

Study the prescribed methods and choose the most bezlopastnye, because the chosen treatment depends on the life and well-being of your child.

Features of treatment of an allergic cough by folk remedies

Many parents are lost and do not know what to do with a continuous tearing cough in the child. Even with taking all sorts of medications and using folk remedies, coughing may not go away. It is not easy to remove an attack of an allergic cough.

In the treatment of the disease, folk remedies can be used.

1. every day several times rinse your mouth and nasopharynx with warm water.

2. treatment with herbs from laurel leaves, honey and soda (food). For this, the leaves boil for five minutes, add a tablespoon of honey and baking soda. Take during coughing attacks (one-fourth of a glass a day).

It should be noted that the treatment of an allergic cough process is quite long. It happens even more than a year.

Causes and prevention of pediatric allergic cough

The allergic type of cough is much more common than we think. The most prone to this disease are children who have had diathesis since their earliest childhood. Therefore, even the smallest "dose" of an allergen can cause cough in such children.

Since the earliest years, the first signs of a strong reaction of the body may appear. They can be different and depend on the type of allergy. It can be an allergy

  • on the flowering of trees,
  • on the dust,
  • on the wool of pets.

It can also be the body's response to foreign proteins, if, for example, they have entered the body with a vaccine or serum.

Prevention of allergy and cough in children

To start to be engaged in prophylaxis it is necessary still during pregnancy, before occurrence of the child on light.

1. first, do not eat foods that contain allergens or reduce their intake.

2. as much as possible to be out in the fresh air.

And after the birth of the baby, carefully monitor his skin. Daily housekeeping and airing of rooms are also required.

Prevention of coughing in children with allergies

The state of an allergic cough in children requires effective prevention, with complex therapy. It is necessary for a child to carry out a diagnosis in order to detect the presence of possible allergens. After these allergens are detected, they should be completely excluded from the diet or the use of the baby.

Prevention of an allergenic cough in children should be prolonged. It often takes months, and even years, for a full recovery. Be careful when watching your child.

You need to be careful to your children that an allergic cough, if it has already appeared, has not passed into a chronic stage. As chronic bronchitis can gradually form. And if the treatment is unproductive, wrong, not at the time, then the disease can go to bronchial asthma. Parents can receive detailed recommendations from an allergist and a nutritionist. Remember that any manifestation of allergy in your child - this is a symptom that in the future may be the cause of a serious and serious disease.

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