Sophia ointment with bee venom for joints


  • 1Sophia cream for joints: instruction
    • 1.1Types of cream
    • 1.2Properties
    • 1.3Means with glucosamine and chondroitin
    • 1.4Cream based on bee venom
    • 1.5Indications for use
    • 1.6How to apply funds
    • 1.7Side effects and contraindications
    • 1.8Opinion of specialists
    • 1.9Price
  • 2Sophia ointment with bee venom for joints
    • 2.1The origin of bee venom
    • 2.2Composition of cream Sofia with bee venom
    • 2.3Medicinal plants: their oils and extracts
    • 2.4Liposomal-emulsion complex №2
    • 2.5Effects on the body cream for the joints of Sofia
    • 2.6Contraindications for cream Sophia
    • 2.7Features of the application of Sophia
    • 2.8Side effects
    • 2.9Form of issue
    • 2.10Storage conditions
    • 2.11Shelf life
  • 3Instructions for the use of cream for joints Sofia with prices and reviews
    • 3.1Description
    • 3.2The drug with chondroitin + glucosamine
    • 3.3The drug with the poison of bees
    • 3.4From indications to contraindications
    • 3.5Cost
  • 4Sophia Bee venom instructions for use, cream 75 ml
    • 4.1Cream Sophia Bee venom composition
    • instagram viewer
    • 4.2Cream Sophia Bee venom: analogous cheaper
    • 4.3Cream Sofya Bee venom dosage and method of use
    • 4.4Sophia Bee Poison contraindications:
    • 4.5Cream Sofya Bee venom abstract (instructions for use) in photos
    • 4.6Cream Sofya Bee venom: reviews about the drug
  • 5Cream "Sophia" for the treatment of joints
    • 5.1Description of the medicinal product
    • 5.2Indications for use
    • 5.3Composition and principle of action
    • 5.4Contraindications and side effects
    • 5.5Helpful information
    • 5.6Customer's opinion
  • 6Sophia Cream
    • 6.1Composition
    • 6.2Pharmacological properties
    • 6.3Indications
    • 6.4How to apply
    • 6.5Contraindications
    • 6.6special instructions
    • 6.7Adverse Reactions
    • 6.8Price
    • 6.9Analogues
    • 6.10Books

Sophia cream for joints: instruction

The cream "Sophia based on bee venom, is used in complex therapy for the treatment of joints.

For the treatment of joints and the spine, the "Sofia" remedy is often used, the joint cream can be used as a basic therapy, an auxiliary or as a preventative.

Ointment for the joints "Sophia" helps to speed up the healing process, eliminate inflammation, swelling and pain.

The effectiveness of this tool is confirmed by numerous positive reviews among consumers.

The product is considered safe, as it consists of natural ingredients. He has a minimum of side effects and contraindications.

Types of cream

The cream "Sophia" for joints is made in two forms:

  • means using bee venom;
  • cream with glucosamine and chondroitin.

The cream for joints "Sofya" on the basis of bee venom contains the following components:

No. Name Beneficial features
1. Sabelnik Quickly and effectively removes spasm, pain and inflammation.
2. Ledum Stimulates blood circulation, relieves inflammation, helps prevent vasospasm.
3. St. John's Wort Prevents pain in rheumatism.
4. Juniper Has antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory and diuretic action.
5. Sage and Artemisia Ingredients act as an antiseptic, eliminate pain, heal lesions.
6. Aloe Stimulates the immune system, dulls the pain.
7. Cedar Oil Contains many minerals and vitamins.

The second version includes:

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  1. Burdock Extract. It is valuable thanks to vitamin C, copper and zinc. The extract perfectly removes inflammation. Especially effective for gout and arthritis.
  2. Elecampane. Neutralizes pain, fights against fungus and bacteria.
  3. St. John's wort struggles with pain syndrome with rheumatism.

Inside each package there is an instruction.


For treatment, a doctor can prescribe one of the varieties of this medication. Of course, specialists do not have an unequivocal opinion about this remedy. Most doctors recommend a more effective remedy for the patient or, of course, many times better, a set of drugs and measures.

It is impossible to say exactly which tool is better to use. Both variants penetrate deep into the skin layers, are perfectly absorbed and have good anti-inflammatory properties, improve trophic tissue and promote joint regeneration.

However, doctors emphasize that the cream with bee venom is better than analgesic and swelling of the tissues properties, and in the drug with chondroitin and glucosamine - restoring the articular tissues. = Mm8xTqnD-kE

On the video in this article, you can learn more about the information about medicines.

Means with glucosamine and chondroitin

A drug with a similar composition helps maintain a healthy joint condition, reduces the risk of formation of violations from the musculoskeletal system.

The components of the cream act in the following direction:

  • regenerate the cartilaginous tissue;
  • restore the trophism of the joints;
  • reduce the likelihood of osteoarthritis and arthritis;
  • relieve inflammation;
  • blunt pain syndrome.

A remedy with glucosamine and chondroitin "Sophia" (as in the photo) helps to restore joints.

Cream based on bee venom

The main active substance has been used in non-traditional medicine for a long time, has a positive effect on joints, and has the following qualities:

  • has an effective effect on the repair of cartilage;
  • helps to produce a synovial fluid that serves as a food for the joints;
  • eliminates pain and inflammation;
  • fights bacteria;
  • improves blood circulation and the process of feeding the joints;
  • prevents accumulation of salts.

Indications for use

Balm "Sophia" for joints is used in the following cases (the cream shows similar indications):

  • as a prophylactic treatment of diseases of the musculoskeletal system;
  • to eliminate processes caused by aging;
  • when there is pain in the joints, which are interrelated with the weather;
  • with chronic forms of joint disease;
  • as an additional therapeutic effect for arthritis and osteochondrosis.

There are no special contraindications. Some patients may develop an allergic reaction to individual components of the balm. Do not advise to apply the drug to those areas where there are various injuries, wounds and irritation.

Creamy curative products can be used for uncomfortable sensations in the joints.

How to apply funds

Ointment "Sophia" for joints has no special contraindications, therefore cases of overdose of the remedy have not been noticed. According to the instructions, the cream should be applied 2 -3 times a day.

Applying the medicine to the skin is necessary, following certain rules:

  • the cream is applied only to the previously cleaned skin;
  • a small amount of the drug is squeezed out onto the palm;
  • The ointment is applied to the painful area, it can be back, elbow or knee;
  • the agent must be rubbed into the skin in a smooth, circular motion until the cream is completely absorbed;
  • After this, it is best to cover the diseased area with a warm cloth or scarf, to create additional heat.

It is best to apply the remedy in the morning, in the middle of the day and before going to bed. If it is possible, then it is necessary to remain at rest. The last application is best done at night, so that the patient rested and regained strength.

A small amount of the drug is applied to the affected area in a circular motion.

The time interval for the use of the medicinal product is assigned individually, it all depends on the severity of the disease, the patient's condition, and its perception of the contents of the cream. The standard course of treatment lasts 2 to 5 weeks. The period of treatment can be prolonged.

Side effects and contraindications

In some cases, when using both creamy products, redness, itching, and rash may be observed. Very rarely can swell tissues, there is difficulty breathing, cyanosis of the face, etc.

Therefore, almost the only contraindication to the use of products can serve as intolerance of individual components.

Opinion of specialists

The opinion of doctors about this product is at variance.

On the one hand, not many specialists prescribe this remedy, usually recommend more effective drugs.

The cream is most suitable as an additional treatment for the removal of edema, pain, redness with inflammation of the joints.

It is important to remember that the cream "Sophia" does not refer to a medicinal product. To some extent it is cosmetic. The cause of pain is not able to eliminate the cream, it can not cure serious illnesses, but only allows you to temporarily cope with discomfort.

Balsam is only useful as an auxiliary drug for the treatment of joints, not more. On the other hand, doctors do not have anything against this balm, because it will not bring any harm to the body.

If a serious ailment afflicted the joints, then it must be treated in a complex way!

According to doctors, both means of "Sophia" can give a good result, if you use them in a comprehensive program, along with other, potent drugs. Otherwise, you will not have to wait for an effective result.


The cost of "Sophia" cream is not high.

On average, it ranges from 150 to 200 rubles per 75 ml, but for 125 ml, the price can reach 250-300 rubles.

A little more expensive is another option - with the addition of glucosamine and chondroitin. In general, the drug is freely sold in pharmacies, is available to the consumer.

The cream and balsam "Sophia" can give a good therapeutic effect. It positively affects the condition of the joints and skin.


Great hopes for these funds should not be imposed, they will not help to get rid of serious diseases independently, but will speed up the process of recovery and recovery from injuries.


The cream will help to remove negative symptoms in inflammation of joints, and balm can be prescribed for chronic forms of the disease, it will help significantly prolong the period of remission. The remedy is ideal for preventive purposes, if a person wishes to prevent the possibility of forming complications in the future.

So do not give up Sofya's funds, but consult your doctor, maybe he will include them in your daily treatment schedule!

A source:

Sophia ointment with bee venom for joints

In the nineteenth century, apitherapy, also known as the treatment of bee products, in particular bee venom, was used in many countries.

Today it is successfully used for the treatment of various diseases, especially inflammatory and metabolic diseases of the joints.

These include osteochondrosis, sciatica, arthritis, osteoarthritis, gout.

Preparations with bee venom reduce inflammation, warm up, anesthetize, disinfect the damaged area of ​​the body. They also increase immunity, improve metabolism in both the joint and periarticular tissues.

Cream Sofya contains ingredients as gifts given to us by nature, and created by man.

Their combination with bee venom allows to achieve the greatest effect in preventive and additional application of the drug for many joint diseases.

Even with prolonged use, the likelihood of side effects is extremely low.

The origin of bee venom

Apitoxin or bee venom is the secret produced by the bees' glands. It is a thick, viscous liquid that has a yellowish color. The composition of bee venom to date has not been fully studied, but it is known that it includes such components:

  1. Amino acids - histidine, alanine, isoleucine, methionine.
  2. Proteins are millitin, histamine, hyaluronidase, phospholipase A.
  3. Mineral substances - magnesium, calcium, cadium, chlorine, iodine, iron, phosphorus.
  4. Inorganic and organic acids (orthophosphoric, formic, hydrochloric).

Apitoxin relaxes spasmodic vessels, resulting in increased blood flow to the diseased organ and pain decreases; improves metabolism.

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Bee toxin is recommended for use in many articular pathologies, and especially in polyarthritis, which have rheumatic or rheumatoid origin.

In order to receive poison on an industrial scale, bees are "forced" to separate it into special devices under the influence of chemicals or electric current. You can also get it by pressing the bee on the breast with forceps. A drop of poison, which at the same time stand out, is collected in special containers.

Composition of cream Sofia with bee venom

The composition of the ointment includes liposomal-emulsion complex number 2, extracts and oils of medicinal plants, actually bee venom, and hydrolyzate of collagen.

Also components of Sophia cream are beeswax, mummies, Vitamins A and E, D-panthenol, vitanol, and several preservatives (kemaben, cat) with a perfume composition.

How do all these components of the ointment affect our joints? Let's find out.

Medicinal plants: their oils and extracts

These components help to increase metabolism in the tissues surrounding the joint and inside it, and also stimulate the regeneration of cartilaginous tissues.

They qualitatively increase the composition of the synovial fluid, relieve inflammation, reduce swelling, manifest themselves as antioxidants, reduce pain, preventing them from appearing in the future.

  • Cedar oil - it contains a whole complex of vitamins, microelements and amino acids. They promote the growth of cartilaginous and bone tissue. This is of tremendous importance in the treatment of joint diseases caused by impaired metabolism (gout, rheumatoid arthritis).
  • Sea-buckthorn oil - possesses restoring, bactericidal, strengthening walls of vessels, preventing development of malignant processes, properties. It consists of vitamins E and C. Apply for gout and rheumatism.
  • Olive oil is a powerful antioxidant, which includes vitamins E and C, as well as manganese, which helps in the restoration of cartilaginous tissue.
  • Beeswax - has no shelf life. It has antimicrobial properties, so it is added to creams and ointments.
  • Mumiye - has high regenerative and wound healing properties, up to the acceleration of fracture fusion.
  • Aloe vera extract - due to the fact that it is a biogenic stimulant, greatly reduces pain and inflammation in arthrosis, rheumatoid arthritis.
  • Extract sabelnik - has a resolving effect, relieves inflammation and pain. Applied for the treatment of arthrosis, rheumatism, arthritis and other joint diseases.
  • Extract of rosemary - improves blood circulation, relieves spasm of blood vessels, reduces inflammation. Applied with gout, arthritis, rheumatism.
  • Extract of a golden mustache - stimulates trophic processes in articular and periarticular tissues. It is used to treat the calcaneal spur, as an anesthetic, resorptive, antiseptic;
  • Extract of St. John's wort - has analgesic effect for gout, rheumatism, arthritis, radiculitis.
  • Juniper extract - has a pronounced diuretic, bactericidal and anti-inflammatory properties. Used for exacerbation of chronic joint diseases.
  • The comfrey extract - besides the ability to relieve inflammation, also exhibits antioxidant properties. Used for rheumatism, bruises, fractures.
  • Boswellia extract - slows down the destruction of articular cartilage, exhibits anti-inflammatory properties comparable to the action of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. It is used for rheumatism.
  • Burdock extract - contains in its composition vitamin C, copper, zinc. It has an antitoxic effect, reduces inflammation. It is used for rheumatism, arthritis, gout.
  • Extract of elecampane - reduces pain in the joints, has an antimicrobial, and especially antifungal, action.
  • Extract of sage - has antiseptic and anti-inflammatory effect. It is used for polyarthritis, rheumatism.
  • Extract of wormwood - greatly alleviates pain in arthritis and joint injuries.
  • Bryonium extract is a homeopathic substance used as a warming agent for joint diseases, especially for rheumatism.
  • Vitamin A - It is responsible for the assimilation of calcium and phosphorus.
  • Vitamin. E - Helps to strengthen the tissues of the joint, including ligaments.
  • D-panthenol - has a wound-healing effect, reduces inflammation.
  • Vitanol is a powerful antioxidant and biostimulator, and preservatives kemaben, cato extend the shelf life of the drug.

Liposomal-emulsion complex №2

Helps active substances penetrate deep into tissues through the skin, without losing the quality of their action. It includes:

  1. fatty components - Neowax emulsion wax, glycerin, vegetable oil, propylene glycol, beeswax, lanolin, diethylene glycol stearate, dimethicone;
  2. Nimesulide is a preparation with a strong antipyretic, analgesic and inflammatory action;
  3. preservatives - microcosm IT, Grindox;
  4. hydrolyzed collagen.

The cream is more preventive than a remedy. But, despite this, the manufacturer considers it possible to recommend it for use in the following cases:

  • burdened heredity;
  • hypodynamia;
  • chronic inflammatory disorders, frequent hypothermia;
  • prevention of traumatization of various origins;
  • limitation of joint functions due to age-related changes;
  • aches in joints on weather;
  • prevention of spring - autumn exacerbations of joint diseases;
  • standing or sedentary work.

Effects on the body cream for the joints of Sofia

Cream "Sophia" has on the body is not a curative, but rather a preventive effect.

Therefore, it makes sense to use it in those cases when it is necessary to prevent the disease.

For treatment, this ointment can be used only when it is not a basic, but an auxiliary medicine.

Soft effect of the product provides safe use in combination with a significant effect of the components of the cream.

Improvement of microcirculation in the area of ​​action, reduction of edematous syndrome, expansion of the wall of the vessels contributes to an increased influx rich in oxygen and outflow of stagnant veins of blood.

Contraindications for cream Sophia

Do not use this ointment if you have previously noted an allergy to one or more components. The cream is not intended for application to open wounds, mucous membranes. Strictly forbidden to use it for suppuration of wounds and deep vein thrombosis.

Features of the application of Sophia

It is recommended to rub the cream in circular movements for about 4 minutes, 2-3 times a day.

After applying the balm, the treated area needs to be heated. To do this, it is enough to wrap, cover or put on something warm.

The duration of use should not be less than 3 weeks.

Side effects

Considering the fact that Sofia's ointment with bee venom was created on the basis of natural potent components, it is possible to develop allergic reactions. In case of pruritus, swelling or rash at the place of use, stop immediately and inform your doctor.

Form of issue

Tuba 75 and 125 ml.

Storage conditions

According to the requirements of developers and manufacturers, cream-balm should be stored at a temperature of 5-25 ° C, that is, both in the refrigerator and outside it.

Shelf life

2 years

A source:

Instructions for the use of cream for joints Sofia with prices and reviews

Cream Sofya is designed to eliminate the symptoms of joint and spine diseases and strengthen bone and cartilaginous tissue. Has a natural composition and an affordable price. In the reviews, people note the ease of use of the drug and the absence of side effects.


Sophia is produced in two forms - with bee venom and chondroitin + glucosamine. The first is used to relieve exacerbations. The second for the restoration of articular and cartilaginous tissue. Let's consider each variant:

The drug with chondroitin + glucosamine

The first relates to a group of chondroprotectors that help maintain normal joint function and prevent the development of degenerative-dystrophic changes. Chondroitin and glucosamine are the main components in the composition of the cream. They have the following effects on the musculoskeletal system:

  • Strengthen the articular and cartilaginous tissue.
  • Normalize trophic joints.
  • Prevent the formation of cracks.
  • Have an anti-inflammatory effect.
  • Relieve pain in the joints.
  • Reduce the risk of osteoarthritis, osteochondrosis, arthritis.

Sophia also includes collagen, extracts of burdock, elecampane and St. John's wort. They stimulate metabolic processes, improve blood supply, accelerate recovery.

The drug with the poison of bees

The second type of Sophia is with bee venom.

In addition to it, there is collagen, beeswax, cedar, sea-buckthorn, olive oil, St. John's wort, juniper, sage.

These components stimulate the processes of cartilage repair, activate the production of synovial fluid, which prevents friction and destruction of the joints.

Bee venom has long been used to treat diseases of the musculoskeletal system. It removes inflammation, reduces pain.

It also disinfects, activates blood circulation, improves the nutrition of tissues, exerts antispasmodic action, prevents the deposition of salts.

With preventive use, Sophia almost twice reduces the risk of arthritis, arthrosis, and osteochondrosis.

Important is that the poison of insects warms the skin and promotes rapid penetration deep into the tissues of all other components of the remedy. And this, as noted by the reviews, accelerates the effect of the drug - for example, the pain is gone within 15-20 minutes after application.

From indications to contraindications

Before using the ointment, it is important to carefully read the instructions, a list of indications and contraindications. Among the indications for use are:

  • Arthritis.
  • Osteoarthritis.
  • Osteoarthritis.
  • Radiculitis.
  • Neuralgic pain.

Sophia can also be used to prevent diseases of the musculoskeletal system in the presence of predisposing factors - increased stress on joints, recurrent inflammatory processes, hereditary predisposition, hypodynamia.

Contraindications include the presence of hypersensitivity to the components of Sophia. In this case, the use of the cream can cause serious allergic reactions. Do not apply the product on the skin in places of damage, irritation or in the presence of rashes.

Instructions for use recommend the use of the drug 2 times a day.

If the pain is very severe, then the cream is allowed 3-4 times with a break in a couple of hours. Apply the product by massage circular motions.


Then the affected area is better covered with a towel or some kind of cloth for 30-40 minutes.


Cream with bee venom is used until the pain disappears completely (usually 1-4 days).

The duration of Sophia's course with chondroitin and glucosamine is determined on an individual basis - the diagnosis, the severity of the pathological process, the age of the patient and the severity of the symptoms are taken into account. On the average, the instruction recommends to apply it for a month.


In comparison with many other ointments for the joints and spine Sofia has the advantage - an affordable price. The table shows the average cost per cream:

A drug Price
With bee venom, 75 grams 150 rubles.
With bee venom, 125 grams 180 rubles.
With chondroitin + glucosamine, 75 grams 130 rubles.
With chondroitin + glucosamine, 125 grams 170 rubles.

Sophia has well proven itself in the cream of a remedy for the treatment of joint and spinal pathologies.

To relieve exacerbations, you should choose Sophia with the poison of the bees, and then start using the agent with chondroitin and glucosamine to restore the joint and cartilaginous tissue.

The drug can also be used to prevent arthritis and osteoarthritis.

Zhukov E. D., orthopedist

I was convinced of the high effectiveness of the drug called Sophia. In 87% of my patients who tried Sophia, exacerbation of arthrosis or arthritis took place in a couple of days.

Diseases of the joints arise mainly due to the violation of local blood supply and cartilage degeneration.

Means, all measures on treatment should be directed on stimulation of a blood-groove (together with a blood will come also useful substances necessary for restoration of joints). The bee venom from Sophia does it well.

A source:

Sophia Bee venom instructions for use, cream 75 ml

Sophia Bee venom is a medicinal product of natural origin with anti-inflammatory and antispasmodic effect.

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It is used for the prevention of diseases of the spine and joints (including articular "meteorological dependence" and seasonal exacerbations), etc.

Produced in the form of a cream.

Body Lotion SOFIA.
Beef venom is a natural effective remedy for joints and spine diseases.

Helps improve the functional state of the musculoskeletal system, has anti-inflammatory, spasmolytic effects. Stimulates the normalization of metabolism in the joint tissue, inhibits destructive processes.

Prevents formation of salt deposits, reduces painful manifestations, reduces the risk of development and progression of arthritis, osteoarthrosis and osteochondrosis.

Application area:

  • preventive maintenance of diseases of joints and a backbone at presence of risk factors (a sedentary way of life, heredity, increased stress on joints, viral infections, chronic inflammatory diseases, supercooling);
  • prevention of painful manifestations of various genesis in the region of the joints and spine;
  • to improve the condition of the motor support apparatus with age-related changes;
  • joint "meteozavisimost" (discomfort in the joints with changes in atmospheric pressure and high humidity);
  • in the complex treatment of destructive-inflammatory diseases of the joints (arthritis, osteoarthrosis) and spine (osteochondrosis) in complex therapy as an auxiliary;
  • prevention of seasonal exacerbations of joint diseases.

Photo of the cream packaging Sofya Bee venom, which shows the composition and storage conditions

Cream Sophia Bee venom composition

Water, liposome-emulsion complex number 2 (wax emulsion Neowax, glycerin, vegetable oil, DEG stearate, propylene glycol, dimethicone, wax beeswax, lanolin, nimesulide, IT micro microcar, GreenDox antioxidant), bee venom, cedar oil, olive oil, sea buckthorn oil, mummy, aloe extract, saber extract, wormwood extract, sage extract, golden mustache extract, St. John's wort extract, ledum extract, juniper extract, extract elecampane, burdock extract, comfrey extract, bosvelia extract, vitamins A and E, collagen hydrolyzate, D-panthenol, vitanol, DMP micro-perfume, perfume composition.

Bee venom- highly effective natural remedy for the prevention and treatment of a wide range of diseases of the joints and spine. Since the end of the XIX century apitherapy is included in the arsenal of official medicine in many countries. At present, bee venom is successfully used in the treatment of various pathologies, especially osteochondrosis, radiculitis, arthritis, osteoarthritis, gout. Bee venom has a pronounced anti-inflammatory, warming, analgesic, bactericidal, immunocorrecting action, activates blood flow, improves metabolism in the joint and nutrition of the joint tissues. Increasing the permeability of the skin, bee venom promotes the deep penetration of medical components into the problem area.

Extracts and oils of medicinal plantsprovide joints with nutrients, improve metabolism in articular tissues, stimulate the recovery processes in the cartilage, increase quality of intra-articular fluid, have anti-inflammatory, anti-edematous and antioxidant effect, prevent the development of painful syndrome.

Collagen hydrolyzateis a building material for the musculoskeletal system, promotes regeneration and strengthening connective tissue of the spine, joints and ligaments, increases the depreciation properties (elasticity) of the cartilage and synovial fluid.
Liposomal-emulsion complexpromotes the rapid and deep penetration of active substances, without reducing their effectiveness, through the skin to the interior of tissues. Advantages of body cream SOFIA. Bee venem. The recipe and technology for the production of cream was developed by a group of scientists under the direction of Dr.Sc. (Biology), professor, winner of the State Prize BN. Orlova. The effectiveness of the cream is confirmed by clinical trials and many years of extensive practice in Russia and abroad. The combination of bee venom, extracts of medicinal plants and oils, collagen and the patented antioxidant vitanol allows to achieve the maximum effect in the prevention and treatment of joint and spinal diseases (as an auxiliary facilities). Thanks to a patented system of long-acting, penetrating microcapsules, the components quickly and easily losses enter deep into tissues, accumulate to the required concentration, providing a long-term Effect. Does not cause negative side effects and addictive, even with prolonged use.

Cream Sophia Bee venom: analogous cheaper

Cream Sofya Bee venom dosage and method of use

The cream is applied in a circular motion for 3-5 minutes until completely absorbed 2-3 times a day. If possible, provide warmth and peace. Duration of application is 3-5 weeks.

Sophia Bee Poison contraindications:

individual intolerance of components. Do not apply to open wounds, mucous membranes, in the presence of purulent processes, deep venous thrombosis. In case of allergic reactions, discontinue use and consult a physician.

Produced by:OOO KorolevFarm, 141074, Russian Federation, Moscow Region, Korolev Str. Pionerskaya village 4 for the order of OOO NPO ForaFarm, 129626, Russian Federation, Moscow, Kulakov lane, etc. 9, building 1 Tel. for consumers: (495) 686-08-42 Complies with TR ТС 009/2011

Form of issue:
tube 75 ml, 125 ml. = B8D92ZSs1fk

Photo of tuba cream Sofia Bee venom, obverse

Photo of a tube of cream Sofya Bee venom, the reverse side

Storage conditions:
Store at a temperature of +5 to + 25 ° C.

Photo of the cream packaging Sofya Bee venom, which shows the composition and storage conditions

Shelf life:24 months.

Date of manufacture is indicated on the seam tube.

The declared effect is confirmed by clinical trials.
It is not a medicinal product.

Organization that accepts claims in the RK:
Representation of CJSC Exportfarm in the Republic of Kazakhstan: 110000, Kostanay, Baimagambetov street, 166a, tel. (7142)54-08-42

Cream Sofya Bee venom abstract (instructions for use) in photos

Photo instructions for the use of cream Sofya Bee venom, part 1

Photo instructions for the use of cream Sofya Bee venom, part 2

Cream Sofya Bee venom: reviews about the drug

Alena Pavlova, Korolev

I got a spine on my spine once, and that's bad. I wrote off this for increased load, because on the same day I carried a lot of heavy bags.

At first I ignored it, I thought, I will endure it. After a couple of hours I became worried and turned to my mother. My mother advised bee venom, as she uses it herself.

I tried it - I liked it! The cream gives a good warming effect and relieves inflammation and pain relatively quickly.

After a couple of hours of torment, I felt a noticeable relief for about 10 minutes after application. This cream has no side effects. Therefore, I recommend it to everyone!

Svyatoslav Andropov, Tyumen

The drug is a placebo. By the way, the manufacturer also talks about this, just clever enough. In large letters, he writes that the cream helps from the joints, thereby attracting all those who have these joints for several years already (as it was in my case).

So I bought it, smeared it, waited, but there was no effect. I open the annotation, I read and understand everything. It turns out that this drug has a purely prophylactic effect. That is, if you smudge them since childhood, in old age, probably, there will be no problems.

Outcome: I do not recommend it, it's a sell of clean water.

Semen Yeliseyev, Penza

Good "first aid" for joint pain. The product is natural, has no side effects. I use it regularly because my work is associated with strong physical stress.


It happens that when I return home, the spine and joints of my hands ache to impossibility. At such times bee venom helps out. In addition to removing pain, it also has a pleasant effect on the skin area. I liked the drug very much.


I recommend it, at least, try it. Especially since it costs a bit.

Sergey Yudin, Yaroslavl

This cream is definitely not a cure. It does not heal the disease and does not relieve the pain. The pharmacist drove me this medicine under the guise of a very steep and effective painkiller. Yeah, anesthetized.

Suffered from severe pain in the neck for 2 hours, anointed with this miracle cream, suffered another 2 hours, swore and threw the cream in the urn - that's all my experience. I do not advise anyone, guys.

Better more radical methods like massage from a qualified manual. Personally, this is what saved me.

Olga Eliseeva, Tambov

This cream is not a panacea. This is the main thing that you need to know about it before buying. Do not rely on him alone. There must be a proper effective massage.

In a complex these two components can quite give the necessary result.

I go to the masseur with this cream (he also approves of it) and, ugh-ugh, I have not had any problems with joints for a long time.

Natalya Dyakova, Moscow

I used this cream in two cases. First, when I had a lot of pain. Then I regularly smeared this cream, but bestolku - the pain was saved. She got rid of it with the help of other medicines and manual therapy.

And the second case came immediately after the pain was eliminated. I decided to use the ointment as a prophylaxis. And since then, even after heavy loads, I have not experienced such pain syndromes. So it became clear why this drug is needed.

I hope my experience will help someone.

Grigory Tsvetkov, Elektrostal


As for me, the drug is rather weak. I used it for severe pain in the joints of the legs and back. The effect is, but very insignificant.


Completely painful syndrome, it does not eliminate. I would recommend looking for a stronger medicine.

In the pluses of this cream, I would take a completely natural composition and the absence of side effects.

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Cream "Sophia" for the treatment of joints

In trying to cope with pain in the joints, mankind has long enjoyed the use of external means.

Healers and healers used compresses, ointments, rubbers, etc.

Modern medicine offers a wide range of external means for the treatment of joints, among which one can distinguish a cream of sophia.

More details about the types of ointments for joints can be read here.

Description of the medicinal product

The peculiarity of the means of Sophia is that it is made of absolutely natural and environmentally friendly components. Until now, it is produced according to the ancient prescription of a doctor who worked at the court of the royal family.

Due to the fact that the components of the ointment sophia are matched in the right proportion, its penetrating ability has increased many times.

Indications for use

The cream of Sophia has a wide range of effects. He heals:

  • rheumatism,
  • osteoarthritis,
  • arthritis,
  • osteochondrosis.

All these pathologies share one thing: they are associated with a sedentary lifestyle, so the amount of synovial fluid decreases significantly, and the cartilage begins to wear out.

The remedy is used not only for the treatment of joints, but also for preventive purposes.

Composition and principle of action

The cream of Sophia contains a huge amount of vegetable oils, among which are:

  • corn oil;
  • olive oil;
  • Palm oil;
  • extract of wheat germ oil, chamomile, horse chestnut, burdock;
  • water-alcohol extract of horsetail, hazelnut, sage, rosemary, propolis.

In addition, vitamins (A, E, D), as well as water, preservatives, perfume and purified water.

Properly selected composition of the drug promotes good penetration of substances directly to the focus of the pathological process

Experts argue that the cream of Sophia is a good alternative to influencing bee venom.

Moreover, it has the advantage already in that, unlike bee venom, it does not have any unpleasant sensations.

After applying the ointment on the skin, there are pleasant sensations, similar to a relaxing massage.

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Thanks to the regular use of a medicinal ointment, the following goals are achieved:

  • removal of puffiness;
  • effective control of the inflammatory process;
  • restoration of joint mobility;
  • increase in traffic.

Contraindications and side effects

The drug practically has no limitations and contraindications. The only thing that can serve as an obstacle to its use is the individual intolerance of any component that is part of the medicine.

As for side effects, there are isolated cases of allergic reactions from the skin.

Helpful information

The medicine can be stored for no longer than one year at room temperature, but in a place inaccessible to children.

In pathological processes, the remedy can be rubbed into the joint several times a day, but after that it must be bandaged with a warm woolen cloth

Duration of treatment is approximately one month.

Bee venom is an active component of this drug, which is a highly effective natural remedy. It gives good results in the prevention and treatment of joint diseases. Bee venom has a number of unique properties, among which are the following:

  • anti-inflammatory;
  • anesthetizing;
  • warming;
  • bactericidal;
  • immunocorrecting;
  • activation of blood flow;
  • stimulation of metabolic processes;
  • improved nutrition of tissues, surrounding joints.

Recommended reading:Shark oil for joints

One more active components of the preparation are oils and extracts of oils that can exert such an effect on the body:

  • providing joints with nutrients;
  • improvement of metabolism;
  • stimulation of recovery processes;
  • improvement of the quality of synovial fluid;
  • anti-edematous action;
  • antioxidant effect;
  • prevention of the development of pain syndrome.

Another important component is the hydrolyzate of callogen, which is the most important substance in the entire locomotor system. The functions of this component are as follows:

  • "Construction" of the whole musculoskeletal system;
  • restoration and strengthening of tissues, cartilage and joints;
  • improved cartilage and intra-articular fluidity.

If, after applying the cream, an allergic reaction appears, stop treatment immediately and consult a specialist

Still it would be desirable to note separately a liposome-imylsionnyj a complex which plays the major role in penetration of all active substances through integuments.

Customer's opinion

Drug buyers' opinions converge in one: it gives a good effect and has practically no disadvantages and side effects.

Users note a pleasant herbal smell due to the presence in it of a large number of medicinal herbs.

Of course, the cream is not a panacea, but it has a good auxiliary effect for various joint diseases.

Considering all the above, it can be concluded that the cream of Sophia is an excellent treatment for joints, yet before its use should be consulted with a doctor who could rule out the presence of sensitization on the components of the drug.

A source:

Sophia Cream

Cream "Sofia" with bee venom is used to treat pathological changes localized in the area of ​​various joints, as well as the spine.

Take this medical product to a group of high-performance chondroprotectors.

Due to the unique composition, it is possible to quickly stop the inflammatory process, which contributes to an early recovery.


The drug for joints has in its composition the following list of components:

  1. Bee venom;
  2. Water enriched with silver ions;
  3. Vitamin A and E;
  4. Beeswax;
  5. Sea-buckthorn oil and olive oil;
  6. St. John's wort and sage extract;
  7. D-panthenol.

It is available in the form of a cream, packaged in tubes of 75 or 125 milliliters, then the product is placed in a branded cardboard box, where the instructions for use are put.

Pharmacological properties

The main active ingredient of the drug is bee venom. This substance is characterized by several simultaneous actions: analgesic, warming and anti-inflammatory.

In addition, applying bee venom to the skin helps improve the protective function of the body, the normalization of blood circulation and the exchange of nutrients in the tissues of cartilage.

Due to the high heating effect, the permeability of the skin is increased several times.


Due to this, additional components can penetrate into the deep layers, reaching a pathological focus.


Sophia cream with bee venom

Cream "Sophia" refers to medicines, based on the natural composition. All substances in the complex contribute to the restoration of damaged cartilage tissues, as well as their enrichment with useful substances.

With proper and timely use of the drug, it is possible to prevent premature aging and destruction of cartilaginous tissues, which is especially important for joints that experience a strong physical load.

Often, doctors prescribe cream "Sophia" to patients who are prone to developing degenerative changes in joints, which makes it possible to call it an effective preventive tool. Given that all components of the composition are natural, the drug can be used for a long period of time.

The main feature of the ointment is that it is able to activate the protective function of the skin and restore the cells that, due to age-related changes, function worse. Using the tool will help to forget about the unpleasant crunch in the joints and return the joints the former mobility.

Excretion from the body occurs with the help of the kidneys, some of the elements are removed during defecation.


In most cases, doctors advise using the drug in these conditions or diseases:

For preventive purposes, the ointment is indicated with such diagnoses:

  1. Infections of a viral nature;
  2. Subcooling;
  3. Inflammatory pathologies of a chronic type;
  4. Pain and discomfort in the spine and lower extremities.

By itself, the cream differs sufficiently thick consistency and a yellowish hue. When applied to the skin, there is a pleasant smell of sage and sea-buckthorn.

How to apply

For joints, as well as when there are painful sensations or symptoms of neuralgia, it is necessary to carry out the procedure of rubbing the drug in the area of ​​the lesion in the morning and in the evening. The average duration of therapy is 10 days.

If the patient is diagnosed with arthrosis or arthritis, then the cream should be rubbed into the affected joint three times a day.

After the procedure, it is necessary to make a dressing of the treated area. To do this, it is best to use a warm scarf or woolen shawl.


The average course of treatment is one month.


When it is required to get rid of sciatica, patients are advised to apply ointment in the zone lumbar, with the layer of the drug should be thin, rub should be light, circular and massage movements. To improve the effectiveness of the drug, after the procedure, the back should be kept warm (tied with a handkerchief or scarf). Duration of treatment on average from a week to 10 days.


Ointment "Sophia" is inadmissible to use for treatment in the presence of the following contraindications:

  • In the area of ​​application on the skin, there are open wounds, scratches or abrasions, as well as other injuries;
  • Do not apply the cream in diagnosed skin pathologies, for example, dermatitis or eczema;
  • There is an individual intolerance of the components of the drug cream.
  • Thrombosis of veins;
  • Infections on the skin with purulent exudate.

It should also be clearly understood that it is unacceptable to apply the cream on various mucous membranes, for example, eyes, nose, mouth.

In those situations, if the remedy nevertheless got into such places, they should be washed well with warm and pure water.

Before starting therapy, consult your doctor.

special instructions

Doctors do not advise to use the cream "Sophia" for the treatment of patients who are carrying a child.

The fact is that in its composition there is a powerful active component in the form of bee venom.

This substance can adversely affect the development of the fetus, as well as worsen the health of a pregnant woman.

During the lactation period, the drug can be used, but it is first necessary to consult a leading specialist in this regard. In some cases, if the treatment is prolonged, the woman will have to finish the natural feeding and transfer the child to artificial mixtures.

Adverse Reactions

In the process of therapy, there is a certain risk of developing negative manifestations. Most often, they are associated with the symptoms of allergies, therefore arise as:

  1. Appearance of itching sensation in the application area;
  2. Presence of irritation spots on the skin;
  3. The patient may feel a burning sensation;
  4. Appears redness and rash.

Also, negative reactions from the digestive system may develop, for example, nausea, vomiting or congestion. Among other reactions, patients complain of the appearance of: chills, fever, headache. It was rare that patients had an increase in body temperature and blood pressure.


The average cost of cream "Sofya" in various pharmacies in Russia is in the range of 116 rubles for 75 milliliters and 200 rubles for 125 milliliters. The drug is on sale, so you do not need a prescription from your doctor to purchase it.

Store the ointment in a dry place, preferably at a temperature of 25 degrees. It is very important that children do not have access to the medicine. The manufacturer declared a shelf life of 24 months. At the end of the period, the medicine can not be used, it must be disposed of.


Among the analogues, the doctors distinguish the drug Alflutop. It comes in the form of an injection solution, it also has a natural composition and promotes recovery. Cartilage tissues. Its price is about 1800 rubles for 10 ampoules.

Among cheaper substitutes it is worth considering Dimexide. The average cost of a bottle of a solution of 100 milliliters is 50 rubles.

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Round the clock. Russia, Moscow, Orlovsky pereulok d. 7 +7 (495) 241-49-38

Interpretation of the results of PET CT from another health facility - 5700 rubles. Remote telemonitoring of the state of health - 5800 rubles.

Doctor's consultation / Consultation:

  • orthopedist-traumatologist - 10700 rubles.
  • Surgeon 10700 rub.
  • Lecture of a specialist doctor - 35000 rub.
  • Foreign surgeon-traumatologist - 9600 rub.

Russian-Israeli Medical Center "Re-Clinic"

Mon-Fri: 0: 0 - 1: 0 Russia, Moscow, 2nd Tverskoy-Yamskaya Pereulok, 10 Building 916) 053-59-08, +7 (910) 003-03-83

  • Admission Ph.D. for arthroplasty of joints - 3000 rubles.
  • The professor's admission for arthroplasty is 5000 rubles.
  • Admission Ph.D. on arthroscopy of joints - 3000 rub.
  • Removal of intraarticular bodies - 24000 rub.
  • Reconstruction of the stop - 97000 rub.
  • Endoprosthetics of the hip joint - 410000 rub.
  • Endoprosthetics of the knee joint - 400000 rub.


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