The leg is hurted from the hip to the knee, aches in the joints


  • 1Why the leg hurts from the hip to the knee: the causes, the treatment of pain
    • 1.1Causes
    • 1.2Concomitant symptoms
    • 1.3The nature of pain
    • 1.4Prevention
    • 1.5Treatment of pathologies
    • 1.6Methods for reducing painful sensations
  • 2Causes and treatment of leg pain from knee to hip
    • 2.1Spine and spinal roots
    • 2.2Hernia
    • 2.3Arterial problems
    • 2.4Diseases of the veins
    • 2.5Lesions of the hip and knee joints
    • 2.6Arthritis
    • 2.7Tumors of bones and soft tissues of the hip
    • 2.8Inflammation of soft tissues
    • 2.9Infections of bone
    • 2.10Soft tissue injury
    • 2.11Injury of femur
    • 2.12Muscular Overstrain
    • 2.13Lymphatic system damage
    • 2.14Emergencies
  • 3The causes of pain in the leg from the hip to the knee
    • 3.1What can be a substratum of pain?
    • 3.2Causes of pain
    • 3.3Symptoms associated with pain are very important
    • 3.4Strong and sharp pain
    • 3.5Aching and chronic pain
    • 3.6Varicose disease of the venous system of the lower extremities
    • 3.7Osteocondritis of the spine
    • 3.8Chronic degenerative processes in the joints
    • 3.9Physical exhaustion and overexertion
    • 3.10Tunnel-Fascial Syndromes
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Why the leg hurts from the hip to the knee: the causes, the treatment of pain

  • Ankle
  • Carpal
  • Knee
  • The ulna
  • Brachial
  • Hip
  • Spine

Daily stress over a long period can cause pain in the leg from the hip to the knee, the causes of which are very different.


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The onset of pain in the leg from the hip to the knee does not always indicate that the problem and the source of the painful sensations lies in the same area.

The leg may ache, or the pain in the thigh has a pulling character, and maybe acute, but the impulses of sensations can come from different points due to the complexity of the structure of the lower extremities, so it is important to understand the possible source of pain, part of the list of which is set out below:

  • leather;
  • subcutaneous fatty tissue;
  • tendons and ligaments;
  • complex of muscles;
  • bones or joints of the hip, pelvis or knee;
  • arteries or veins, other large vessels;
  • nerves and nerve endings, including the sacral spine.

The doctor-neurologist MM will tell about all reasons of pains in the leg, including from the hip to the knee. Sperling (St. Novosibirsk):

Obviously, there can be many sources of pain, why the origin of painful sensations in the knee or thigh can only be detected by a specialist, therefore, it is necessary to refer to the doctor.

Substrates of occurrence:

  • traumatic injuries of the soft tissues of the thigh, which may be abrasions, bruises, sprains of ligaments, muscles or tendons, their tearing, tearing;
  • injuries of bones of various types: fractures or bruises;
  • the development of inflammatory processes that are caused by infections (abscesses, lymphadenitis, etc.);
  • defeat of the hip bone of an inflammatory nature: osteoporosis, tuberculosis, osteomyelitis, aseptic necrosis of the head of the femur;
  • tumor neoplasms: sarcomas, metastases, leukemia;
  • intra-articular fractures and various diseases of the pelvis and knee joints, some of which include all kinds of arthritis and arthritis, one joint can be affected - right or left, or both;
  • pathology of large venous vessels and veins in the thigh, such as varicose veins, thrombophlebitis or phlebothrombosis;
  • arterial pathologies: atherosclerosis reduction of the diameter of the aorta and major arteries of the legs, Lerish's syndrome, embolism, thrombosis;
  • disorders in the work of the nervous system: intervertebral hernia, spine trauma and its tumors, osteochondrosis, neuritis;
  • other causes: fatigue, muscle weakness, chronic knee or back injuries and the consequences of surgery, meteosensitivity, pregnancy.

Concomitant symptoms

For competent diagnosis of the reasons why the leg is hurting, it is also necessary to pay attention not only to pain in the hip, but also on various accompanying signs that will help narrow the range of possible sources of pain.

If the leg hurts from the hip to the knee, then this phenomenon may be accompanied by certain symptoms:

  1. A high body temperature, which often accompanies various problems and, in principle, is not a specific symptom. At the same time, the temperature is not typical for pathologies related to the nervous system.
  2. The state of fatigue for a long period of time.
  3. External swelling, which is often localized behind or in front of the thigh, on the knee or in the pelvic region, can also appear on the left and right. Edema reports on inflammation, latent damage as a result of trauma, or disruption of normal vascular function.
  4. The formation of a small seal or tumor, which can indicate a very unpleasant processes of malignancy. If the tumor appeared from behind, then the reason probably lies in the development of Baker's cyst.
  5. Reducing the sensitivity of the skin, numbness, the appearance of a sensation of "goosebumps the outer edge of the thigh is especially prone. Most often, the area of ​​numbness is located in the front and signals the defeat of nerves.
  6. If the skin flushed in those places where the pain is felt, it indicates that there are problems with blood vessels and large veins or that inflammation of the soft tissues of the hip develops.

Sometimes pain should not be considered a sign of the development of any pathology, in some cases the body reacts with painful sensations after physical overstrain as a result of active movement during the day or the next day after classes sports. Therefore, if the leg hurts, you should listen to the sensations - they can go on their own within the next day. In this case, the reasons for concern, most likely not.

Also, many people who suffer from overweight, as well as those who lead a sedentary lifestyle, often experience discomfort and pain in the legs, as well as problems in the functioning of knee joints and pelvis.

The nature of pain

Pain in the thigh, as well as in the knee, can have a different character, but this aspect is of great importance in the diagnosis. The pain of an acute plan in most cases speaks of very serious problems in the work of the organism as a whole. For example:

  • The presence of a suppuration in the region of the hip, pelvis, knee or adjacent areas between them. As an accompanying symptom it is possible to fix edema, a high level of temperature. The pain can gradually build up.
  • Also, acute pain in the thigh is characteristic of traumatic injuries, however, not always appears immediately at the time of injury, especially if it does not show an external character damage.
  • Acute pain between the pelvis and the knee often becomes a symptom of the development of intervertebral hernia, because sprained and unstable position of the latter can cause severe pain and give to the thigh or knee.
  • Also one more disease, the symptom of which is to become hip pain is thrombophlebitis. With the development of pathology, pain, as a rule, increases with movement.

Sometimes the leg can ache, the pain is pulling. Similar manifestations of pain are more common than acute pain. Disturb the pain during a certain period of time, often accompanied by numbness, especially in the front, can occur with some periodicity.

Elena Malysheva in her program also shared information about pain in the hip joints. More in this video:

The reason for the appearance of such pain is not one:

  1. Osteochondrosis, which provokes irritation of the nerve roots in the sacral and lumbar region, so pain can be given to the hip or even to the knee. In parallel, there is pain in the lumbar region, the leg experiences numbness and occasionally muscle weakness.
  2. Varicose pathology provokes periodic pain. As a rule, the leg begins to ache in the region of the thigh, along the inner surface from the groin to the knee.
  3. Chronic pathologies of the joints of the degenerative plan, for example, as a result of a meniscus or osteoarthritis injury, cause problems with joints and tissues around them. As a result, stretching occurs, as well as inflammation, accumulation of fluid in the joint bag. This leads to the transmission of tissues and blood vessels, therefore gives pain, the pulling character of which often signals such degenerative processes. Localization, as a rule, behind, but periodically spreads lower and higher. The left joint is less likely to be affected more often, the right joint more often.
  4. Overstrain or overexertion of the muscles or periarticular tissues can also provoke a painful condition. However, the foot passes quickly.
  5. The cause of the appearance of painful sensations in the thigh can be covered in the tunnel-fascial syndrome. If the muscle that stretches the femoral fascia (a plate of connective tissue from the outside of the thigh), is constantly strained, then it provokes nerve transmission and blood supply interruptions.


Essentially, if there is pain in the knee or thigh, this is evidence of some abnormalities in functioning of the body, and in the absence of serious disease problems can be solved yourself.

Especially it has to do with people who lead a sedentary and sedentary lifestyle, as well as those who are overweight.

Sometimes the load on the limbs is uneven, so the individual hip or knee joint - left or right - suffers.

To level out the risk of developing a number of diseases associated with such a lifestyle, a number of preventive measures should be taken.

First of all, you need to take care of changing the diet, by taking healthy and healthy food for yourself.

Oily, over-flavored, fried foods should go away in the past along with various semi-finished and fast foods.

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Food should be easily assimilated and balanced so that necessary nutrients and trace elements enter the body.


And also find yourself a comfortable version of physical activity. It is not necessary to attend a fitness room and practice on the simulators, if the soul is to dance or swimming. Physical loads should be regular and even. In addition, you can abandon the elevator, walk more often.


It is also recommended to undertake a heroic attempt to renounce bad habits or at least reduce their burden on the body, reducing the amount of alcohol and cigarettes consumed.

Pay the necessary attention to your own regime, allocate the right amount of hours for sleep (at least 7-8 per day). Take care not to overload the body, give him enough time to relax and restore.

Regularly undergoes medical examinations and does not start existing diseases, which, with such an approach, can not provoke the appearance of new diseases and problems.

If you follow these recommendations, then the chances are that many diseases will not occur, and nothing will need to be treated.

Treatment of pathologies

Obviously, treating the symptom of pain in the thigh or in the knee itself is unjustified. Before proceeding to treatment, it is necessary to undergo a complete diagnosis and examination, after which the doctor will make an appropriate diagnosis.

For example, in the case of osteochondrosis, it is recommended to prescribe a complex of exercise therapy, swimming, physiotherapy and related techniques treatment, most of which are used in the acute phase of the disease course, while in the acute phase of the pathology, peace. Approximately, it is necessary to treat and intervertebral hernia, in combination with wearing a specialized corset and taking painkillers.

Therapy of a disease such as thrombophlebitis requires the presence of the patient in the hospital, in some situations, surgical intervention is needed to excise the detected blood clots to reduce the risk health. Need rest of limbs, as well as the use of restorative therapy and medication. Self-treatment with such pathologies is fraught with a lethal outcome.

In the case of joint pathologies, since there are enough of them, the treatment will be differentiated, depending on the exact diagnosis.

In the tunnel syndrome, symptomatic therapy is primarily aimed at reducing pain and increasing motor activity.

Before the end of treatment it is recommended to avoid stress and to ensure the peace of the injured limb.

Directly painful sensations, if the doctor recommends, it is quite possible to stop using medication depending on the diagnosis.

Methods for reducing painful sensations

In the event that the occurrence of pain in the knee and thigh is not associated with inflammation or other pathologies and appear as a result of fatigue or excessive physical exercise (which must first be checked by visiting a doctor), that is, a number of methods that will help to get rid of both pain and the causes of it occurrence. Methods can be used if you do not need to additionally treat co-morbidities, or if the doctor authorizes their use along with other therapeutic methods.

You can take home a warm, but not a hot bath, in which to add a variety of medicinal herbs or fees that help relieve tension and promote muscle relaxation.


Herbs that are recommended for use in such situations: chamomile, oak bark, marigold, linden, nettle, mint and others. Collect the need to pour boiling water in a separate bowl, give him some time to infuse about 15-20 minutes. Then apply to the destination.


By the way, as an alternative to plants directly, essential oils can be used.

And also the use of compresses is recommended.

It should also be a light massage using creams or essential oils. Movements must be done carefully and easily to avoid damage. If the skin has given an allergic reaction or if irritation appears, then immediately stop the massage.

And if there is no time or opportunity to conduct such actions, it is recommended to do the following: lie down on horizontal surface and move the legs to the upper level in such a way that they are higher than the level heart.

The easiest way to carry out a similar physical exercise is to lie on the bed face up and lean your feet on the wall. Each leg in this position will quickly restore normal blood flow and neutralize the feeling of heaviness in the legs.

It is possible to take advantage of folk remedies. For example, prepare a mixture of 1 tsp.

a conventional non-perfumed cream with essential oils of mint, tea tree and lavender, you can also add a squeeze of St. John's wort or pumpkin seeds.

The obtained mixture is gently rubbed into the problem area until completely absorbed.

How to put yourself a prick in the thigh, look in this video:

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Causes and treatment of leg pain from knee to hip

A large load in the human body is on the feet. Femoral and knee joints sometimes can not stand the load and begin to ache. Pain above the kneeoccurs at rest or with little movement and interferes with normal life and work.

Its source can be a large number of pathologies.

Spine and spinal roots

The thigh area is innervated by the nerve roots located at the level of the waist. Therefore, some problems with the lower backcan provoke painin the leg from the hip to the knee.

Osteochondrosis during exacerbation causes tenderness of the loins. Often discomfort is given to the buttock and thigh from behind, spreading along the leg to the foot. The pain is sharp and sharp, arises by shooting at movement.

This phenomenon is called radiculopathy - since the nerve roots are affected.

Depending on which side of the root is affected, there is pain in the left leg or in the right leg.


Intervertebral hernia appears with trauma or with a sharp load -lifting weights. Hernia can develop for several years against the background of osteochondrosis.

If the hernia has struck the intervertebral disc between the lumbar or sacral vertebrae, then there is a sharp, sharp pain in the back, giving to the thigh and knee.

To confirm the diagnosis, a CT scan is assigned.

Neurologists and neurosurgeons deal with problems with the spine. Are appointed:

  • anti-inflammatory drugs,
  • blockade with anesthetic,
  • means, relaxing muscles.

If the medication is ineffective, the neurosurgeons perform an operation.

Arterial problems

One of the dangerous causes of pain in the leg from the hip to the kneearterial disease. Obliterating atherosclerosis is a common damage to the walls of blood vessels that supply blood to the legs. Cholesterol plaques settle on vessels of large and medium diameters.

Arteries, which provide oxygen to the lower limbs, depart from the large aorta. Plaques make these vessels narrow, blood flows to the legs less. There may be a lesion of only the arteries of the legs or the disease also seizes the aorta site.

The latter option is heavier and is called the Lerish syndrome.

The disease begins with numbness, crawling crawling on the legs, hair loss. Pain sensations first appear only in the calf muscles with prolonged walking.

Doctors put the degree of illness, based on the number of meters that a person goes through without pain. After a short rest the pain passes.

Over time, there are severe, aching pains on the back of the thighs during walking, at night.


Smoking is the most dangerous factor, leading to the defeat of the arteries of the legs. If the legs hurt during walking, then you should quit smoking.


Treatment of artery obliterating diseasescomplex.

They use medicines that dilate the vessels - no-shpu, papaverine. Appointed antioxidants - mexidol, tocopherol. They are needed to improve the oxygen supply of tissues.

Almost always people have high cholesterol, so doctors use the means to reduce it: statins.

With a strong narrowing of the vessels, reconstructive surgery can be performed. It consists in removing the narrowed portion of the vessels and replacing it with an artificial implant.

If a person does not receive treatment, obliterating atherosclerosis can quickly lead to amputation of the limbs.

Diseases of the veins

The veins may sufferfrom thrombosis and thrombophlebitis. Contributes to the defeat of the veins of the legs, prolonged immobility:

  • hours of flight,
  • lengthy operations,
  • fractures of the spine and associated immobility.

Blood stagnates in the veins.

With certain features of the circulatory system, the human cells coalesce into a thrombus, the vein wall becomes inflamed. The blood stops flowing, legs swell. Most often, the lower third of the hip suffers.

But vessels with a larger diameter can be affected, then the leg from the groin to the knee is very sore. The body temperature rises, the right or left leg is affected edematous, red, very painful.

If thrombophlebitis affected the superficial vein, then it can be seen as a dense, red cord. Without treatment, thrombophlebitis of superficial veins passes to deep veins.

This is a life-threatening condition. The thrombus can come off and get into the lungs through the blood stream.

Develops thromboembolism of the pulmonary artery - a condition that can quickly lead to death.

Treatment of thrombophlebitis is carried out in a hospital. Assign funds that dilute blood: heparin, clexane. They dissolve thrombi. At the same time, antibacterial drugs are used.

Some situations the doctor prefer to resolve with the help of an operative removal of a thrombus.

Lesions of the hip and knee joints

Hip Jointthe largest in the body. He is often amazed by deforming osteoarthritis. Then the doctors diagnose "coxarthrosis".

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The cartilage between the femoral and iliac bones is destroyed, there is pain in the joint, a crunch when moving. It increases with walking, sitting, climbing the stairs.

The diagnosis of coxarthrosis is confirmed by a rheumatologist using radiographic shots.

Gonarthrosis - knee joint damage.

There may be isolated arthrosis of the right or left knee. At the same time, the leg from knee to thigh aches heavily and it does not allow to fully bend and unbend the limb in the knee joint. The causes of arthrosis are:

  • age changes,
  • overweight,
  • injuries,
  • insufficient physical activity,
  • excessive movements.

Treatment of arthrosis includes anti-inflammatory drugs and chondroprotectors. With ineffectiveness of treatment, arthrosis reaches deep expression. Then the joint is replaced with an artificial joint.

At easy stages of an arthrosis methods of national medicine are actively used: rubbers and infusions on the basis of honey, propolis, a root elecampane, a dandelion. They help to relieve pain.


In addition to arthrosis,joints can be affected by inflammation. Infrequently, but aseptic necrosis of the femoral head occurs. This disease destroys the hip joint.

There is a strong soreness, a sharp, obstructing movement. The exact causes of aseptic necrosis are unknown, but it is assumed that the violation of blood supply to the joint is important.

In such necrosis, bacteria and viruses do not participate, so it is called "aseptic".

Infectious causes of pain in the hip are possible: arthritis of the knee and hip joints.

Then the pain symptoms are joined by external signs of inflammation: the joint looks red, edematous, hot when touched.


If the arthritis hit the knee joint, then the leg hurts above the knee.


To treat arthritis and use antibacterial, antiviral, anti-inflammatory drugs.

After removal of acute inflammation, physiotherapeutic methods are used: UHF.

Tumors of bones and soft tissues of the hip

The formation of bones, muscles arebenign and malignant. Tumors develop slowly, causing aching, drawing pain on the thigh.

If the bone is injured, a fracture of the hip may occur in the area of ​​the tumor. With the development of education in soft tissues, it can be seen externally in the form of convexity.

The diagnosis is confirmed with the help of tomography and biopsy.

The tumor is subject to immediate removal. In the future, chemotherapy or radiation treatment may be needed - if the formation is malignant.

Inflammation of soft tissues

Infectious diseasesoften cause pain in the leg. Phlegmon or abscess appear usually at the site of hip injury.

Sometimes, the source of soft tissue abscess is bone inflammation. Soreness in the abscess or phlegmon of the thigh from the inside is very strong, pulsating.

The person's body temperature rises, the foot itself becomes red, edematous at the site of inflammation.

As a special case, erysipelas can appear. Its causes are streptococcus.

To get an infection can both from outside, and be a consequence of the transferred angina. Promotes erysipelas, swelling of the tissue, for example, due to lymphatic stasis.

The leg is very red and hot, you can see the precise boundaries of the lesion.

To treat erysipelas, infectious diseases use penicillin antibiotics: amoxicillin, amoxiclav. Place it is possible to impose bandages with antiseptics.

There are severe forms of erysipelas with the death of tissues - they are treated by surgeons.

Infections of bone

Osteomyelitis -bone infection. The reasons are different:

  • skidding infection with an open fracture of the hip,
  • getting microbes from other organs with blood flow,
  • transition of inflammation from soft tissues.

Osteomyelitis is accompanied by a strong, pulsating, flaring pain in the thigh.

The body temperature rises, the person feels very bad. The thigh can blush, swell. Pain sensations emanating from the bone are one of the strongest.

Osteomyelitis is treated for a long time and is difficult, often turning into a chronic process. Strong combinations of antibiotics and immunostimulants are used.

In chronic osteomyelitis a fistula is formed - a hole with a purulent discharge, which smells unpleasant.

Soft tissue injury

Fall, blowcan provoke a hip injury.

Breaking a femur is not easy, so almost always such injuries result in a soft tissue injury or a hematoma.

On the skin of the thigh there is a bruise, around the bruise may be a swelling. The pain is strong enough, but it easily passes if you take an anesthetic.

In order to exclude a crack in the bone, X-ray of the hip is performed.

Injury of femur

Another severe cause of leg pain from the hip to the knee isfracture of femur. This is the strongest bone of the body, therefore it is very rarely damaged. Usually, predisposing factors are needed:

  • osteoporosis,
  • elderly age,
  • childhood,
  • bone tumor,
  • osteomyelitis of the bones.

The strongest soreness after the injury strikes the hip, prevents the person from moving.

Dangerous fracture of the hip by damage to the vessels passing by - if there is a rupture of the femoral artery, then a person may bleed for several minutes.

X-rays help confirm the diagnosis. Treatment of hip fracture is long, often - operative.

Long rehabilitation necessarily requires the appointment of calcium tablets for bone healing.

Muscular Overstrain

Often, after a long walk there is pain in the leg above the knee in front.

Usually, this sensation is symmetrical:equally hurt the right and left legs. The reason for this is the accumulation of lactic acid by the muscles of the thigh.

A prolonged physical load leads to the fact that oxygen does not have time to enter the muscles.

With oxygen deficiency, glucose, the source of energy for muscles, splits with the release of lactic acid. This causes pain in the thighs, here the largest muscles of the body. The most injured is an untrained organism. No special help is required: just rest and enough drinking.

Pain on the front surface of the thigh usually occurs when walking and riding a bicycle.

Lymphatic system damage

Lymphadenitis of the inguinal lymph nodes can be isolated or part of the lesion of all the lymph nodes of the body. There is soreness in the right or left inguinal region.

Nodules enlarged, edematous, reddish. Body temperature may rise. Almost always there are changes in the blood test.

Treatment with strong antibacterial drugs brings relief.

Lymphedema or elephantiasis -violation of outflow of lymphatic fluid from tissues. Legs with lymphedema swell from bottom to top.

The limb becomes thick, edematous, the skin looks taut. The person suffers from pain in the affected leg from behind and in front, gravity, feelings of bursting.

Violation of the outflow of lymph can be associated with injuries, burns, surgery to remove lymph nodes.

Treatment is very long, includes lymphatic drainage massage, physiotherapy methods, diet.


Often the pain from the hip to the kneehas a special danger. There are a number of conditions under which one should urgently take a person to a specialist:

  • thrombophlebitis,
  • hip fracture,
  • infection of tissues in an elderly person or child,
  • infection, accompanied by a severe general condition: temperature above 3 degrees Celsius, frequent breathing, inhibition,
  • suspicion of osteomyelitis.

A person with an open fracture of the hip should not be touched before the ambulance arrives.

Damage to the femoral artery by bone fragments is very dangerous. It is possible to help a person to lie more conveniently, if he is conscious, to give an anesthetic pill - if a person reports that he or she does not have an allergy to this remedy. Be sure to tell the doctor if the victim has received a drug.

Infectious diseases -phlegmon, abscesses, erysipelas- can dramatically worsen a person's condition. If the temperature of the body is constantly growing, the patient often palpitations, breathing, severe weakness - then the treatment does not help and need specialist help.

Thrombophlebitis is dangerous with thromboembolism of the pulmonary artery. The person has the strongest, sharp pain in the chest, shortness of breath, breathing is frequent and difficult, the upper part of the body turns blue.

This urgent condition needs prompt medical attention. Before the arrival of an ambulance you can comfortably seat a person, unfasten all clothing on the upper part of the trunk.

It is better not to give the victim to drink water and no medicine.

Pain sensations from the hip to the knee can hide severe pathologies. Here are the largest bones and muscles of the body and one of the largest vessels.

Any injury or illness can be both deadly and non-serious.

It is true to say for what reason the pain has only developed after the examination and further research.

With any suspicion of a serious illness, do not hesitate to contact a specialist.
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  • Does pain limit your movements and full life?
  • Are you worried about discomfort, crunching and systematic pain?
  • Perhaps you have tried a bunch of medicines, creams and ointments?

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The causes of pain in the leg from the hip to the knee

The lower limbs of the human body are subject to constant stresses.

Against this background, even in the strongest muscular and skew-joint structures of this segment of the musculoskeletal system, breakdowns occur.

One of the frequent manifestations are pain from the hip to the knee or in any other segment of the limb. This article is devoted to the description of this symptom and its correct interpretation.

What can be a substratum of pain?

The localization of pain in the gap between the thigh and the knee does not always correspond to the same zone of pathological changes.

A similar phenomenon is due to the presence of multiple anatomical formations in the femoral and knee area, as well as higher and lower lying areas.

Pain pulses can come from:

  • skin and subcutaneous fat;
  • muscular-fascial complexes;
  • tendons and ligaments;
  • bones and joints (femur, knee and hip joints);
  • large arterial vessels;
  • superficial and deep veins;
  • peripheral nerve trunks on the thigh;
  • nerve structures in the lumbosacral spine (nerve roots, spinal cord and its membranes).
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Important to remember! Pain in the upper segment of the lower limb (from the hip to the knee) is a nonspecific symptom. The reasons for its occurrence are so many that it is only the specialist who can determine the most probable one correctly!

The hip consists of a number of structures and formations. Each of them can become a source of pain impulses

Causes of pain

Possible causes and conditions in which the lower limb hurts in the upper parts are given in the table.

Group of reasons Diseases accompanied by pain
Soft tissue injuries
  • bruises and abrasions;
  • stretching and tearing of the muscles and tendons of the thigh;
  • stretching and tearing of the ligaments of the knee and hip joints.
Injuries to bones
  • bruise and subperiosteal hematoma;
  • full and incomplete hip fracture;
  • fractures of the neck of the thigh.
Inflammation of soft tissues
  • purulent infections in the skin and subcutaneous tissue (lymphadenitis, phlegmon, fasciitis, abscess);
  • myositis (inflamed muscle);
  • Tendovaginitis.
Inflammatory and other types of damage to bones
  • osteomyelitis (acute and chronic form);
  • tuberculosis of bones;
  • aseptic necrosis of the femoral head;
  • osteoporosis.
Tumor lesions of bones and soft tissues of the hip
  • leukemia;
  • osteosarcoma;
  • myosarcoma;
  • angiofibrosarcoma;
  • metastasis of malignant tumors in the femur.
Lesion of the hip and knee joints
  • intra-articular fractures;
  • deforming arthrosis;
  • arthritis of various origin.
Diseases of superficial and deep veins
  • expansion of veins against a background of varicose veins;
  • thrombophlebitis;
  • phlebothrombosis;
  • venous and lymphovenous insufficiency.
Pathology of the arteries
  • narrowing of the aorta lumen and large arteries of the lower extremities against the background of atherosclerosis;
  • thrombosis and embolism of the main arteries;
  • Lerish syndrome.
Irritation of the structures of the nervous system
  • neuritis;
  • herniated intervertebral discs;
  • osteochondrosis;
  • tumors and spinal injuries.
Other reasons
  • physical overfatigue of the feet;
  • meteosensitivity;
  • suffered injuries and leg surgery;
  • weakness of muscles;
  • periods of growth in children;
  • pregnancy.

Symptoms associated with pain are very important

To determine the cause of pain in the leg, localized in the segment from the hip to the knee, the symptoms that accompany the pain are important.

Another significant point of their evaluation is the definition of the connection of the pain syndrome with the available concomitant symptoms.

This means that they can be both a manifestation of the same disease, and a consequence of different pathological processes. Perform such a differential diagnosis in the forces of only an experienced specialist.

Among the main symptoms, which are most often accompanied by pain in the hip, are:

  1. Edema. Can be local in nature, located on a small area corresponding to the zone of pathologically altered tissues. It can be anterior, lateral, posterior surface of the thigh, knee joint, hip area, etc. The presence of edema suggests an inflammatory origin of pain, vascular disorders, or traumatic injury tissues. Long-lasting edema indicates traumatic or defeat of the femur by the osteomyelitic process.
  2. Numbness of the skin with a feeling of crawling. Almost always localized on the external surface of the thigh and is evidence of irritation of the peripheral nerves of the femoral region or their roots at the exit from the spine.
  3. Redness of the skin. Can have a limited character in the form of a reddened band or a rounded focus. The first variant is most typical for acute thrombophlebitis of superficial veins of the thigh (large subcutaneous and its tributaries), the second - a sign of inflammatory-suppuration processes of soft tissues in the region of the thigh. If the redness is widespread, almost circular from the knee to the thigh, it can talk about erysipelas and fasciitis.
  4. Increased body temperature. A nonspecific symptom that can accompany any disease, manifested by pain in the femoral segment of the lower limb. It is not typical for diseases of the structures of the nervous system.
  5. The presence of a dense tumor-like formation. If the pain in the thigh is combined with the presence of limited additional education in the form of a tumor, this often indicates an oncological process. The location of the tumor behind in the popliteal region may indicate Baker's cyst.

Acute thrombophlebitis is a dangerous cause of hip pain

Strong and sharp pain

One of the important headings in detailing the pain syndrome localized in the segment of the lower extremity from the hip to the knee is the nature of the pain. Acute severe pain always indicates a serious problem in the body. Its appearance can signal the presence of:

Read the article:Causes of leg pain

  • Suppurative processes in the hip and adjacent areas. In this case, the pain syndrome is accompanied by swelling, a slight reddening, painful movements and walking, an increase in body temperature. The anamnesis of gradual increase of pain is characteristic. Within a few days the leg hurts moderately with an increase to a critical level.
  • Traumatic injuries of bones, tendons, muscles, ligaments and articular structures of the hip, knee and hip area. Pain does not always occur at the time of injury and can appear after a while. The accumulation of blood and fluid causes a feeling of bursting at the back of the knee. Therefore, the fact of trauma and its objective signs in the form of bruises, abrasions, bruises must be taken into account.
  • Progressive intervertebral hernia. Increased size or instability of the intervertebral hernia always causes severe pain in that part of the spine in which it is located. Very often, this pulls the leg or there is a sharp painful attack along the nerve, coming from the corresponding segment of the spinal cord. Patients describe it as a chamber on the outer surface of the thigh.
  • Acute thrombophlebitis. The inflammatory process in the large saphenous vein is accompanied by the formation of thrombi in its lumen, the surrounding tissues are involved in the process. An inflammatory infiltrate is formed along the vein from groin to knee, dense and sharply painful. The pain is worse in all movements.

Aching and chronic pain

The most frequent type of pain in the leg from the hip to the knee is chronic pain, which worries a person for a certain period of time.

It is aching, stinging, accompanied by numbness, occurs against a background of certain factors or spontaneously, is periodic character, passes by itself or as a result of certain actions, as a rule, is limited to a certain anatomical zone hips. Almost every person in everyday life faces such pain.

If a person has a foot aches, it can talk about:

  • physical overwork and overexertion;
  • tunnel-fascial syndrome;
  • varicose veins of the lower extremities;
  • osteochondrosis of the spine;
  • chronic degenerative processes in the joints.

Varicose disease of the venous system of the lower extremities

This disease is accompanied by periodic pain along the veins, prone to varicose dilatation. Most often this is the inner surface of the thigh above the knee. Such pains are provoked by a long stay in a vertical position and heavy physical exertion.

Osteocondritis of the spine

With prolonged existence, osteochondrosis causes irritation of the nerve roots innervating the thigh area.

This is manifested by frequent or persistent aching pain in the zone of branching of the irritated nerve from the buttock to the knee.

As a rule, parallel pain occurs in the lower back, muscle weakness of the lower limb and numbness of the painful zone.

Pathology of the spine and intervertebral discs is one of the frequent causes of pain in the lower limbs

Chronic degenerative processes in the joints

Older injuries, meniscus damage, osteoarthritis cause not only damage to articular cartilage, but also tissues that support joints in a stable position. Against this background, there is a hyperextension, chronic inflammation, possibly accumulation of fluid in the twists of the joint capsule.

All these conditions are accompanied by compression of surrounding tissues, which is manifested by aching pain. As a rule, it is localized behind the knee near the affected joints and can spread to higher and lower lying areas along the outer surface of the thigh. The right leg is more often affected.

Physical exhaustion and overexertion

On their background, muscles and periarticular tissues are in a stressed state, which is naturally manifested by irritation of the pain receptors and sensation of soreness.

If it is an excessive load for unadapted muscles, the pain in the thigh is caused by the accumulation of under-oxidized substances (primarily lactic acid).

Against the background of rest such pains pass by themselves.

Tunnel-Fascial Syndromes

On the external surface of the thigh passes a dense connective tissue plate - a wide femoral fascia. Between her and the muscles, and also through her thickness, peripheral nerves pass.

If the muscle that stretches the wide fascia, is in a long time in tension, it leads to compression of nerves and disturbs their blood supply.

As a result, drawing pain, accompanied by a feeling of crawling and numbness of the external surface of the thigh.


Important to remember! The pains in the femoral-knee segment of the lower limbs, being a nonspecific symptom, still have a certain specificity.


It is important to know the possible variants of the pain syndrome and be able to correctly differentiate it. Do not do it yourself.

Appeal to a specialist is the only correct decision in this situation.

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