Osgood-Schlatter disease: symptoms and treatment


  • 1Osgood-Schlatter disease
    • 1.1What is the essence of the disease and its causes
    • 1.2Predisposing factors
    • 1.3Symptoms
    • 1.4Consequences and possible complications
    • 1.5Diagnostic Methods
    • 1.6Treatment
    • 1.7Conservative therapy
    • 1.8Surgery
  • 2Schlatter's disease
    • 2.1The causes of Schlatter's disease
    • 2.2Diagnosis of Schlatter's disease
    • 2.3Prognosis of Schlatter's disease
  • 3Osgood Schlatter's disease: treatment in adolescents and adults
    • 3.1Causes and risk factors
    • 3.2Symptoms
    • 3.3Diagnostic Methods
    • 3.4Treatment
    • 3.5Prevention
    • 3.6Complications
    • 3.7Will they take this disease with the army?
  • 4Osgood Schlatter's disease
    • 4.1Causes of the disease
    • 4.2Symptoms of Osgood Schlatter's Disease
    • 4.3Diagnosis of Osgood Schlatter's Disease
    • 4.4Treatment of Osgood Schlatter's Disease
  • 5Osgood-Schlatter disease: symptoms and treatment
    • 5.1At whom meets?
    • 5.2Symptoms
    • 5.3Causes
    • 5.4Diagnostics
    • 5.5Treatment
    • 5.6Conservative treatment
    • 5.7Physiotherapy
    • 5.8Surgery
    • 5.9Prevention
    • 5.10Possible complications
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Osgood-Schlatter disease

Osteochondropathy is a whole category of musculoskeletal diseases that affect certain areas of long tubular bones.

As a rule, those parts of the bone to which the muscle tendons attach are susceptible to disease, they can still be found in medical literature under the name of tuberosity.

Osteochondropathy affects mainly children and adolescents, in adults this pathology is practically not found. One of the most common osteochondropathies is Osgood-Schlatter disease.

What is the essence of the disease and its causes

With the development of this type of osteochondropathy, tuberosity of the tibia is affected. To this place a patellar patch is attached. In children and adolescents, all bones have a growth zone, due to which the bone grows in length.

This region is located between the epiphyses (distal or lateral) and diaphysis, and it is called the apophysis. It is in this place that the tuberosity of the tibia is located, which also suffers during the development of Osgood-Schlatter disease.

With Osgood-Schlatter disease, tuberosity of the tibia suffers

There are anatomical and physiological predisposing factors in children and adolescents to the development of this pathology:

  1. The bone growth zone (apophysis) has a separate blood supply, and during the period of intensive growth of the child the blood vessels lag behind in growth, that is, the bone tissue grows faster. This leads to the development of tibial hypoxia in the region of tuberosity, to a lack of oxygen and nutrients, which makes the structure of this bone formation very fragile and prone to damage.
  2. If during this period the child actively engages in some sports or is subject to other physical overloads, the vulnerable The location of the tibial tuberosity is subject to constant microtraumatism, which causes a specific protective reaction organism. In this area, aseptic inflammation develops, and the processes of ossification are not activated until the end of the formed tuberosity. Due to such disorders, excessive growth of bone tissue in this zone is observed, which is outwardly manifested by the formation of the cone under the knee in the child. The process can be one-sided, but more often the defeat is bilateral.

Predisposing factors

As already mentioned, Osgood-Schlatter disease develops mainly in children and adolescents. Much more often, pathology is observed in children who are actively involved in sports. In boys, osteochondropathy is more common than in girls.

Children who engage in sports are at risk for Osgood-Schlatter disease

The main peak of morbidity is observed in children aged 11-14.

The disease is quite common and occurs in about 13% of all children who are actively involved in sports.

It is also important to note that among these adolescents, the disease debuts after the episode of some kind of trauma, often not at all serious.

Among the main risk factors for pathology are the following:

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  • Age. The disease occurs mainly in childhood, adult patients can only observe residual manifestations in the form of a tubercle under the knee.
  • Floor. Much more often the representatives of the male sex get sick, but every year the gender differences are reduced, as girls now start to engage in similar sports along with boys.
  • Physical exercise. Osgood-Schlatter disease is 5 times more likely to affect people who engage in active sports.


In most cases, the disease is completely asymptomatic and has a benign character, and is detected accidentally - with an X-ray examination on another occasion. But there are also clinical situations when the disease manifests its symptoms, which causes a lot of inconvenience to the patient.

This formation is immobile and very dense to the touch, there may be a small swelling of the tissues around the bump. The color of the skin over the formation is not changed, there is no redness or an increase in the local temperature, which indicates the non-infectious nature of the formation under the knee joint.

Osgood-Schlatter disease

The second sign of pathology is the pain syndrome. The pain is characterized by a large intensity range.

In some patients it is completely absent, in the latter it appears only in certain movements (jumping, running), and the third pain sensations are constant and disturb even at the usual level of physical activity.

As a rule, pain can be observed until the child ceases to grow, and its bone growth zones do not close. If the pain worries the adolescent, then this is the main indication for active treatment of osteochondropathy.

Consequences and possible complications

As a rule, the course of Osgood-Schlatter disease is benign and by the time of 21-23 years (during this period all the growth zones in the bones are finally closed) all the pathological symptoms disappear. Some patients may have a painless lump under the knee that does not affect the function of the knee joint and the lower limb as a whole.

Complications of pathology are rare. Most often this is a simple cosmetic defect in the form of a bump under the knee.

But in some cases fragmentation of tuberosity of the tibia with separation of bone fragments along with a patellar patch may occur.

In such cases, resort to surgical treatment and eliminate the defect.

The most frequent complication of the disease is a cosmetic defect in the form of cones under the knee

Diagnostic Methods

X-ray image of a patient with Osgood-Schlatter disease

Most often, the diagnosis of the disease does not cause any difficulties. With typical symptoms of the disease, the patient's age, in the presence of the pathology risk factors described above, the diagnosis can be established immediately after the child is examined.

To confirm Osgood-Schlatter disease, an x-ray of the knee joint and adjacent bones in the lateral projection is prescribed. On such X-ray images, you can clearly consider osteochondropathy, the presence of bone fragmentation, if it is present.

In more severe diagnostic situations, survey methods such as MRI and / or CT are resorted to. Additionally, ultrasound examination of the knee joint and adjacent soft tissues is performed.

All laboratory indicators for the disease are within the age limit.

MRI picture of a patient with Osgood-Schlatter disease


As a rule, the pathology can be treated well, has a favorable prognosis, but the main problem is duration of therapy (from 6 months to 2 years) and the need to follow recommendations on the regime of physical loads. Treatment can be conservative and surgical.

Conservative therapy

This is the main type of treatment for this problem. The main goal of therapy is to stop pain syndrome, reduce the intensity of aseptic inflammation and provide a normal process of ossification of tuberosity of the tibia.

The main method of conservative therapy is a sparing regimen of physical activity.

For the duration of treatment, it is necessary to stop all sports and other excessive physical activities.

It is mandatory to use various orthopedic products for the protection of the knee joint - orthoses, bandages, elastic bandages, fixators, patellar bandages

Patellar bandage is an excellent solution for patients with Osgood-Schlatter disease

In complex therapy prescribe and medicamental correction.


In the case of pain, analgesics and non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs are prescribed in appropriate age doses.


Also, all patients are shown calcium preparations, multivitamins. Mandatory component of conservative therapy is physiotherapy. Patients are assigned courses:

  • UHF,
  • magnetic therapy,
  • phonophoresis,
  • electophoresis,
  • laser therapy,
  • shock-wave therapy.

Also, all patients are shown therapeutic exercises and massage courses.

As a rule, such complex treatment brings positive results after 3-6 months, but sometimes the therapy can be delayed. In the case when conservative therapy has proved ineffective, and the disease progresses, its complications develop, resort to surgical intervention.

Shockwave therapy allows you to get rid of pain and eliminate inflammatory changes in Osgood-Schlatter disease


Indications for the appointment of surgery in patients with Osgood-Schlatter disease are:

  • long-term course of pathology and inefficiency of conservative therapy (when the course of treatment lasts more than 2 years);
  • the presence of persistent pain syndrome, which is not eliminated by other methods of treatment;
  • if the fragmentation of the tibial tuberosity is observed with the help of X-ray diffraction and separation of individual bone fragments is observed;
  • If the age of the child at the time of diagnosis of the disease is 14 years or more.
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The operation itself is considered technically uncomplicated. The surgeon removes all the detached bone fragments and conducts the plastic of the tendons and ligaments.

Rehabilitation after surgical treatment is not long.

After a course of conservative treatment, the child can again lead an active lifestyle and completely get rid of the disease.

A source: http://MoyaSpina.ru/bolezni/bolezn-osguda-shlattera

Schlatter's disease

Schlatter's disease- Aseptic destruction of tuberosity and the tibial nucleus, which occurs against the background of their chronic trauma during the period of intensive growth of the skeleton.

Clinically, Schlätter's disease is manifested by pains in the lower part of the knee joint that arise when it is bent (squats, walking, running), and swelling in the region of tuberosity of the tibia.

Schlätter's disease is diagnosed on the basis of a comprehensive assessment of the history, examination, X-ray and CT of the knee joint, as well as local densitometry and laboratory research.

In the majority of cases, Schlätter's disease is treated with conservative methods: a sparing motor regimen for affected knee joint, anti-inflammatory drugs, analgesics, physiotherapy, Exercise therapy, massage.

Schläter's disease was described in 1906 by Osgood-Schlätter, whose name she wears.

Another name for the disease, which is also used in clinical orthopedics and traumatology, reflects the essence of the processes that occur during Schläter's disease and sounds like "osteohondropathy tuberosity of the tibial bones".

From this name it can be seen that Schlatter's disease, like Calvet's disease, Timann's disease and Koehler's disease, belongs to the group of osteochondropathies - diseases of non-inflammatory genesis, accompanied by necrosis of the bone tissue.

Schlättter's disease is observed during the most intensive growth of bones in children from 10 to 18 years, much more often in boys. The disease can occur with the defeat of only one limb, but is often found Schlätter's disease with the pathological process in both legs.

The causes of Schlatter's disease

Trigger factors in the development of Schlatter's disease can be direct injuries (knee ligament injury joints, fractures of the lower leg and patella, dislocations) and permanent microtraction of the knee during lessons sports.

Medical statistics indicate that Schläter's disease appears in almost 20% of adolescents actively involved in sports, and only 5% of children who do not deal with the variety.

To sports with an increased risk of developing Schlätter's disease include basketball, hockey, volleyball, football, gymnastics, ballet, figure skating. It is the sport that explains the more frequent occurrence of Schlätter's disease in boys.


The recent involvement in the sports sections of girls has led to a narrowing of the gender gap in the development of Schlätter's disease.


As a result of overloads, frequent microtraumas of the knee and excessive tension of the patellar ligament, occurring at contractions of the powerful quadriceps femoris, blood flow disorder occurs in the region of tibial tuberosity bones. Small hemorrhages, rupture of patella ligament fibers, aseptic inflammation in the area of ​​bags, necrotic changes in tuberosity of the tibia can be noted.

Schlättter's disease is characterized by a gradual, low-symptomal onset. Patients, as a rule, do not connect the occurrence of the disease with a knee injury.

Schlättter's disease usually begins with the appearance of non-intensive pain in the knee when bending, squatting, climbing or descending the stairs.

After increased physical exertion on the knee joint (intensive training, participation in competitions, jumps and squats in physical education classes) there is a manifestation of symptoms disease.

There are significant pains in the lower part of the knee, intensifying as it bends during running and walking and subsiding at complete rest.

There may be acute attacks of cutting pain localized in the anterior part of the knee joint - in the area where the patellar tendon is attached to the tuberosity of the tibia. In the same area there is swelling of the knee joint.

Schlatter's disease is not accompanied by changes in the general condition of the patient or local inflammatory symptoms in the form of fever and redness in the place of puffiness.

When examining the knee, its puffiness is observed, smoothing out the contours of tuberosity of the tibia.

Palpation in the region of tuberosity reveals local soreness and swelling, which has a dense elastic consistency. A hard protrusion is palpable through the swelling.


Active movements in the knee joint cause painful sensations of varying intensity.


Schlätter's disease has a chronic course, sometimes a wavy course with a marked period of exacerbation. The disease lasts from 1 to 2 years and often leads to recovery of the patient after the termination of bone growth (approximately at the age of 17-19 years).

Diagnosis of Schlatter's disease

To establish Schlätter's disease allows a combination of clinical signs and a typical localization of pathological changes. The age and sex of the patient are also taken into account.

However, the decisive factor in the diagnosis is an X-ray examination, which for greater informativeness should be carried out in dynamics. Radiography of the knee joint is performed in a straight and lateral projection.

In some cases, an additional ultrasound of the knee joint, MRI and CT of the joint. Densitometry is also used to obtain data on the structure of bone tissue.

Laboratory diagnostics is prescribed to exclude the infectious nature of knee joint lesion (specific and nonspecific arthritis). It includes a clinical blood test, a blood test for C-reactive protein and rheumatoid factor, PCR studies.

In the initial period, Schlätter's disease is characterized by an x-ray picture of the flattening of the soft tuberosity tibia and raising the lower border of bleaching corresponding to adipose tissue located in the anterior part of the knee joint. The latter is due to the increase in the volume of the podnakollonnikovoy bag as a result of its aseptic inflammation. Changes in the nuclei (or nucleus) of ossification of tuberosity of the tibia at the onset of Schlatter's disease are absent.

With the passage of time, the displacement of the ossification nuclei forward and upward by an amount of 2 to 5 mm is noted radiographically. Unclear trabecular structure of nuclei and irregularity of their contours can be observed. Gradual resorption of displaced nuclei is possible.

But more often they merge with the main part of the ossification nucleus with the formation of a bone conglomerate, the base of which is tuberosity tibia, and the apex - a spike-shaped protuberance, well visualized on the lateral radiograph and palpable in the area of ​​palpation tuberosity.


Differential diagnosis of Schlatter's disease should be performed with a fracture of the tibia, syphilis, tuberculosis, osteomyelitis, and tumor processes.


Patients with Schlatter's disease usually undergo ambulatory conservative treatment from a surgeon, traumatologist or orthopedist.

First of all, it is necessary to exclude physical activity and provide the greatest possible rest to the affected knee joint. In severe cases, a fixation bandage can be applied to the joint.

At the heart of the medical treatment of Schlätter's disease are anti-inflammatory and analgesic drugs.

Widely used also physiotherapy methods: mud therapy, magnetotherapy, UHF, shock wave therapy, paraffin treatment, lower limb massage. To restore the damaged sections of the tibia, electrophoresis with calcium is performed.

Classes of physiotherapy exercises include a set of exercises aimed at stretching the hamstring and quadriceps muscle of the thigh.

The result is a reduction in the tension of the patellar ligament, which is attached to the tibia.

To stabilize the knee joint in the treatment complex also include exercises that strengthen the muscles of the hip. After the treatment of Schlätter's disease, the load on the knee joint must be limited.


The patient should avoid jumping, running, standing on his knees, squats. Employment of traumatic sports is best replaced by more sparing, for example, swimming in the pool.


With severe destruction of bone tissue in the region of the tibia head, surgical treatment of Schlätter's disease is possible. The operation is to remove necrotic foci and to sew a bone graft that fixes the tuberosity of the tibia.

Prognosis of Schlatter's disease

Most of those suffering from Schlätter's disease have a pineal protrusion of tuberosity of the tibia, which does not cause pain and does not violate the function of the joint.

However, complications can also occur: patellar mixing up, deformities and osteoarthritis of the knee joint, leading to the pain syndrome that constantly arises when bent knee is bent.

Sometimes after Schlatter's disease, patients complain of aching or aching pains in the knee joint area that occur when the weather changes.

A source: http://www.krasotaimedicina.ru/diseases/traumatology/osgood-schlatter

Osgood Schlatter's disease: treatment in adolescents and adults

Osgood-Schlatter disease belongs to one of the pathologies of the musculoskeletal system.

In the scientific literature it is called osteochondropathy of tuberosity of the tibia during which necrosis of the apophysis of bone tissue occurs.

In medical practice, the disease is common among adolescents and adolescents (11-17 years), when the body continues to develop bone tissue (in adults, virtually no occurs).

Causes and risk factors

The main reasondiseases areintensive physical activity, which the body experiences during long sports and active games.

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In adolescents, bone and cartilage tissues are still very vulnerable, so they can easily be damaged during excess physical exertion, impact or accidental fall. Constant overload of the knee area and its trauma create a fertile ground for the development of the disease.

Risk factors:

  • Passion for such sports as football, hockey, figure skating, basketball, weightlifting, gymnastics, volleyball, downhill skiing, kickboxing, tennis, curling others. Also, people who are keen on wrestling (sambo, judo) and professional dances are also exposed.
  • Sexual differences Among young men, the disease occurs about five times more often than in girls. This is because boys are more likely to get involved in active sports at this age.
  • Age group from 11 to 17 years.


    Osgood-Schlatter disease is manifested by the following typical symptoms:
  • Pain sensations in the knee region localized in the place where the upper part of the tibia connects to the tendon. The pains are of an increasing nature, intensified when doing physical exercises, while climbing the stairs, squatting, getting up from the bed in the morning.
  • Swelling and swelling in the knee area.
  • Appearance of tubercle (lump) under the knee in the zone of tibial tuberosity.

The disease is characterized by the appearance of only external signs. Body temperature, skin color, general health remain unchanged.

Diagnostic Methods

As a rule, the diagnosis of Osgood-Schlatter disease is not difficult. First the doctor collects a detailed anamnesis: an examination is conducted, external signs and the nature of complaints are evaluated.

Assign auxiliary diagnostic methods:

  • X-ray picture, with which you can see the changes in the attachment point of the tendon of the patella (patellar tendon). With a long-flowing process, tuberosity is noticeably deformed, and brush-like blemishes are traced. If the picture is soft, you can observe a thickening of the ligament.
  • Radioisotope study, assessing the metabolic activity of tissues and the state of blood flow. The accuracy of the equipment makes it possible to know the localization of the pathological focus.
  • Sometimes an ultrasound may be required, to differentiate the disease from other similar pathologies, to look at the condition of internal tissues, the presence of an inflammatory process.
  • Lab tests(blood for rheumatoid factor, biochemistry, general blood test) are not usually prescribed, but may be required to exclude the infectious nature of joint damage.


Osgood-Schlatter disease is well treatable and characterized by a favorable prognosis. The duration and mode of therapy are selected by the doctor individually for each individual case.

The main condition for rapid tissue healing is the exclusion of any physical activity. After recovery, the patient will be able to return to full-fledged sports, favorite hobbies and an active lifestyle.

Methods of treatment

With easy flow and a good recovery of tissues, only local medications are needed.

In case of more serious damage, patients are prescribed physiotherapy, laser therapy and (extremely rarely) surgical intervention.


  • From medicines, the patient is prescribed drugs to ease the condition and remove pain. A good analgesic effect has external means (Fastum-gel, Finalgon, ointment with indomethacin, Alor and others).
  • To stop the inflammatory process, Ibuprofen or Diclofenac may be used.
  • To strengthen the body, vitamin-mineral complexes are recommended. A good result is the reception of calcium preparations (1500 mg per day), vitamins E and group B.

Immobilization of the joint
It consists in applying a special lining, a fixative or a bandage to the knee area.

Even simple fixation with an elastic bandage will reduce the load on the knee and adjacent tissues, so that the healing process will occur faster.

Specially designed fixatives well relieve swelling, swelling, relieve pain.


Physiotherapeutic procedures have a good therapeutic effect, but their duration should be at least 3-4 months. The physician selects the type of procedure individually, guided by the study of the radiographic picture.

  • For the first radiological group, a course of UHF and magnetotherapy can be recommended.
  • For the second group, electrophoresis with a 2% solution of ice medicine, overlapping the L3-L4 region, which is subsequently replaced by calcium chloride electrophoresis and nicotinic acid.
  • For the third group - electrophoresis with potassium iodine and aminophylline, and then with calcium chloride and nicotinic acid.
  • Magnetic TherapyDeserves special attention. In modern physiotherapy - this is one of the newest areas, characterized by high efficiency (about 60-70%) and ease of use. Its action is based on the influence of low-frequency magnetic fields on the affected area. The method can be used as an alternative treatment, when other methods did not bring the desired result.
  • Shockwave therapy (UVT)It consists in the action of shock waves of different energy degree, which are obtained by electromagnetic radiation or pneumatically. When the region of the knee joint and surrounding tissues are affected, focused waves are most often used, capable of penetrating deeply into tissues and relieving inflammation. The arrival of waves in the tissue is regulated by special nozzles.
  • Laser therapy (quantum therapy)A relatively young method, widely used in physiotherapy, although it was discovered in the sixties of the last century. Assumes the use of low-intensity laser radiation on the affected tissue region. This effect allows you to dilate blood vessels, relieve inflammation, promote better tissue healing, and relieve pain.

Operative intervention
For the treatment of Osgood-Schlatter disease, surgery is extremely rare and only with certain medical indications:

  • With severe damage to the knee area, when a radiological image reveals a noticeable separation of bone fragments from the tibia.
  • With the long course of the disease, when other conservative methods did not bring the proper result.
  • Operative intervention should be appointed only after the child reaches the age of fourteen. Only a few clinical cases can be an exception to this rule.

After the operation, patients are prescribed rest and conservative treatment, consisting in taking medications, applying ointments, and physiotherapy.


The best prevention of pathology is the observance of caution in exercising sports. It should be remembered that during a period of intensive growth the young organism is very vulnerable to even minor injuries, which can become a fertile soil for the development of the disease.


They are extremely rare. Sometimes there is a prolonged (chronic) pain in the region of the knee joint and a persistent swelling of the tissues. These symptoms are easily eliminated by cold compresses and the intake of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs.

Will they take this disease with the army?

Osgood-Schlatter diseaseis not a basis for full exemption from draft military service.

At the age of 17-18 (when the conscript age comes), the disease is extremely rare.

If, at the time of recruitment, it takes place, a young person may be given a temporary respite (for 6-12 months) until the tissues are completely healed.

The considered pathology in medical practice is not uncommon at all.

Despite the long course and treatment, it is characterized by a favorable prognosis, and in almost 100% of cases it is completely curedin young people and teenagers.

The most important thing is to pay attention to symptoms in time and start restorative therapy on time.

How to forget about joint and spinal pain?

  • Does pain limit your movements and full life?
  • Are you worried about discomfort, crunching and systematic pain?
  • Perhaps you have tried a bunch of medicines, creams and ointments?

A source: http://zdorovya-spine.ru/bolezni/osteohondropatiya/osguda-shlattera.html

Osgood Schlatter's disease

Osgood Schlatter's disease is a disease characterized by destruction of tuberosity and the tibial nucleus.

There is such a pathology against the background of their constant trauma in the period of intensive growth of the skeleton.

Because this disease affects children and adolescents aged 10-18 years, especially those who engage in active sports.

Osgood Schlatter's disease appears in the area just below the patella of a painful cone. In most cases, the pathology will self-destruct without medical intervention, as soon as the growth of bone tissue stops.

But even if treatment is required, recovery is almost one hundred percent.

Rarely remains a residual deformation resembling a cone, which requires additional treatment, since it is possible to develop such complications as:

  • Restriction of movement of the knee;
  • Hypotrophy of the muscles of the affected limb;
  • Complete immobilization of the foot.

Causes of the disease

Trigger (trigger) factors in the development of the disease can be as direct injuries (dislocations, patellar fractures and shins, knee ligament injuries), and periodic, even non-serious microtraumas of the knee in the classroom sports.

The reason lies in the tubular bones, which contain growth hormones. They consist entirely of cartilaginous tissue. And since its strength is minimal, it is easily damaged, which is manifested by painful sensations in the knee area and edema.

In some cases, loads lead to rupture of tendons - this is also a "provocateur" for the development of Osgood Schlatter's disease. At the same time, the growing organism, as a rule, tries to cope with such a problem on its own - it builds up bone tissue to close the formed defect.

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As a result of this build-up, a cone is formed.

According to medical statistics, Osgood Schlatter's disease occurs in about 20% of adolescents actively engaged in physical exercise, and only 5% of children who are not engaged in sports.

The risk group includes people who are addicted to:

  • Gymnastics;
  • Football;
  • Basketball;
  • Hockey;
  • Volleyball;
  • Ballet;
  • Figure skating;
  • Weightlifting.

Not so long ago it was believed that boys are sick 5 times more often than girls. However, in recent years there has been more active participation of girls in sports sections, which has led to a break in the ratio of morbidity between the sexes.

Symptoms of Osgood Schlatter's Disease

The first signs of the disease are:

  • Unpleasant or painful sensations in the knee during walking and squatting, sometimes even during rest;
  • Pain in the knee that occurs during physical exertion;
  • Tumor and / or swelling in the knee:
  • Local pain symptoms in the lower part of the knee.

All these symptoms are a serious reason for visiting a doctor.

It is worth noting that for a long period of time, only pain in the knee joint can be disturbed during exercise, and there will be no other symptoms at all.

Diagnosis of Osgood Schlatter's Disease

This disease is established on the basis of a set of clinical signs and complaints of the patient, taking into account his age, sex and lifestyle.

To confirm the diagnosis, an x-ray examination of the knee joint is prescribed.

In some cases, additional MRI, CT and ultrasound of the knee joint are required.


Data on the structure and mineral density of bone tissue are obtained using densitometry.


To eliminate the infectious nature of joint damage, laboratory tests are performed: a clinical blood test, PCR, as well as a blood test for rheumatoid factor and C-reactive protein.

Treatment of Osgood Schlatter's Disease

The disease is treated by three methods:

  • Medicated;
  • Physiotherapeutic;
  • Surgical.

The first condition in the treatment of Osgood Schlatter's disease is the exclusion of physical exertion and ensuring the greatest possible rest of the affected joint, up to the application of a fixative bandage or a bandage.

As a medicamentous therapy, anti-inflammatory and anesthetic drugs are prescribed, as well as calcium, vitamin E and B vitamins.

Physiotherapeutic methods are also used: magnetotherapy, mud therapy, paraffin therapy, shock wave therapy, UHF, massage. The fractured tibia is restored by electrophoresis with calcium.

All patients are recommended therapeutic exercise - it includes a set of exercises aimed at stretching of the quadriceps femoris and hamstrings, as a result of which the ligament tension is reduced patella. To stabilize the knee, special exercises are performed to strengthen the muscles of the hip.

After physiotherapy treatment, all patients should temporarily limit the load on the knee joint: avoid running, jumping, squats, kneeling. Traumatic sports are recommended to be replaced by more sparing, for example, swimming in the pool.

The surgical method of treatment of Osgood Schlatter's disease is applied only in extreme cases, if:

  • the disease has been going on for a long time;
  • conservative treatment was ineffective;
  • there is a complete demarcation of bone fragments from the underlying apophysis.

Surgery for Schlatter's disease involves the removal of necrotic foci and the lining of the bone graft to fix the tuberosity of the tibia.

A source: http://zdorovi.net/bolezni/bolezn-osguda-shlattera.html

Osgood-Schlatter disease: symptoms and treatment

Osgood-Schlatter disease in medicine was called "necrosis of tuberosity of the tibia". On the edge of the bone are growth zones, consisting of cartilaginous tissue, which is not distinguished by strength. Damage to the tissue causes swelling and pain.

The disease is unpleasant in that it restricts movement in the knee joint, causes pain during physical exertion, a lump appears under the knee.

Characterized by a violation of blood circulation in the knee joint, which can result in the destruction of the nucleus of the bone and inflammation of the tibia.

In IBC-10, the disease is assigned the code M92.5, which belongs to the group of chronropathy.

At whom meets?

Mostly, adolescents, mostly males, who are in puberty, aged 11-19, are engaged in sports, ballet, and other heavy physical activities.

This is a teenage anomaly caused by the destruction of bone tissue. As you grow up, the disease often passes by itself.

In complex cases with severe pain syndrome, treatment is prescribed, right up to surgical intervention.

Sometimes adults who engage in sports sometimes get sick, especially at the age of 23.


They can also develop Osgood-Schlatter disease as a result of knee injury, dislocation, sprain.


In children under 10 years of age it is rare, and can be caused by a knee injury, or hyperactivity, in which the child gives a strong load on the tendons and cartilaginous tissue.

Are they taking the army with Osgood-Schlatter disease? It all depends on the degree of joint damage.

Exemption from conscription can be obtained by men, if a physician orthopedist-traumatologist has witnessed a significant violation of the function of the joint: the limitation of mobility and the presence of pain syndrome.

Having studied the pictures, the orthopedist or the doctors of the draft commission, can determine the state of the functionality of the joint, and make a verdict on the validity or exemption from military service of the draftee.

Often adolescents with Osgood-Schlatter disease manage to get rid of all symptoms before the age of recruitment, and are recognized as fit for service. Conscripts with confirmation of bone necrosis are released.

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The main manifestations of the disease:

  • pain and swelling under the knee in front;
  • pain during walking, bending at the knee, squats, jumping and after running;
  • limited movement of the joint;
  • muscle wasting, characterized by excessive mobility of the joint.

If a teenager has frequent pains under the knee joint, if there is a history of trauma, even a slight swelling is visually observed, an urgent appeal to an orthopedic trauma specialist is necessary.


In adolescence, when bone growth is occurring, excessive physical exertion, with sharp slopes, squats, weight lifting, jumps, can lead to the development of Osgood-Schlatter disease. The problem can also be aggravated by:

  • infectious knee disease;
  • suffered trauma;
  • inflammatory bone disease.


To make a correct diagnosis, an orthopedic doctor examines the problem area, assesses the patient's feelings, obtains information about infectious diseases, suffered injuries, medications taken, previous body signals, genetic diseases. To clarify the diagnosis is also used:

  • x-ray of the knee;
  • ultrasonography;
  • radioisotope scanning;
  • CT scan.

Read more: diet for gout.


As a rule, the disease is successfully treatable if the duration of therapy is observed (6-12 months), and the physical exercise regime is strictly enforced. The methods of treatment in this case include:

Conservative treatment

The maximum rest, refusal of exercise stresses, taking of vitamin complexes, calcium in prescribed doses, medication on the results of examination by an orthopedist is shown. And:

  1. Mud baths.
  2. Anti-inflammatory ointments.
  3. Analgesics.
  4. Sanatorium treatment.
  5. Fixing a knee with a bandage with a pad or tight bandage.


The procedures required for Osgood-Schlatter disease are prescribed depending on the radiologic pattern. These may include:

  1. electrophoresis;
  2. massage;
  3. Therapeutic physical training, including stretching exercises of tendons;
  4. UHF;
  5. phonophoresis;
  6. magnetic therapy;
  7. shock-wave therapy;
  8. laser therapy.


If the process of treatment with conservative methods does not yield the desired results, the pathology is too long, or the patient's age is above 14 years, surgical intervention is indicated. After the operation, it is necessary to undergo a course of rehabilitation, during the month wearing a pressure bandage, adherence to recommendations for medicamental and physiotherapeutic treatment.

Important! Restorative treatment should last 3-6 months to achieve a lasting result. You can start sports activities in six months.


When doing sports, you need:

  • proper nutrition;
  • absence of heavy loads on the joints;
  • before the sports load, a thorough warming up of the muscles, warm-up of the joints;
  • alternation of loads and rest periods;
  • knee protection;

At the first symptoms described above, an immediate reference to the orthopedist is recommended. Compliance with these conditions will help to avoid Osgood-Schlatter disease, and other joint problems.

Possible complications

Often the disease is almost asymptomatic, the teenager does not consult a doctor. As a consequence, complications are possible:

  1. Acquisition of a chronic form of the disease, in which the pain is felt constantly.
  2. The appearance of a bump under the knee, initially not large.
  3. Swelling of the knee joint.
  4. The destruction of the joint.
  5. Muscular atrophy

Osgood-Schlatter disease is not infectious nature, it is not transmitted from another person, it is treated simply, but for a long time. With timely access to an orthopedist, treatment will be effective, if neglected, can lead to many negative consequences.

A source: https://polzavred.info/bolezn-osguda-shlattera-simptomyi-i-lechenie