Cough with the cat

What does coughing in cats?

Coughing is a physiological reflex that occurs when signals are transmitted from the cough receptors to the center of the brain. This property is inherent in both man and many animals, including cats. This symptom can not act as an independent pathology. It almost always indicates any violations of the body's functions, most often, the respiratory tract. What can coughing in cats, what kinds of it happen, and how to determine the cause?

Types of cough in cats and related symptoms

Depending on the causal factor, there may be several types:

  • Duration - acute or chronic.
  • View - dry or wet.
  • Depending on the time of day and the frequency of occurrence: night, evening, day, morning;
  • Strength - coughing or abrupt, accompanied by vomiting;
  • Sound - ringing or muffled.

All these criteria are very important for diagnostic purposes, so the observation of the cat at this moment plays a major role, while the owner turns to the veterinary clinic.

Also, a cat's cough can be divided into two main groups, depending on the causal factor:

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  • Respiratory. The cat coughs in the event that there are problems in the airways. This is characterized by sonorous coughing in the cat. At the beginning of the pathological process, the reflex act is not accompanied by secretions and other concomitant symptoms. But soon, when the underlying disease makes itself felt, it changes character, there is a runny nose, sneezing, systemic changes, purulent exudate is formed, which is released by sneezing or cough. Sometimes, along with phlegm, blood can come out.
  • Cardiac - is associated with pathologies of the heart. It begins with a deaf cough without secretion, and such symptoms require an immediate examination by a veterinarian.

Coughing in cats, as a symptom of various ailments

Pathological processes in the animal's body, which are accompanied by a cough, can cause blockage respiratory tracts of foreign bodies, respiratory infections, oncological processes, worms, viral tracheitis. We will analyze these states in more detail, as well as the symptoms that can manifest themselves in parallel.

Cough in cats for asthma

This disease is often found in cats, and is accompanied by a cough. At the same time, seizures that occur unexpectedly are characteristic, the cat begins to breathe heavily, wheezing may be present. Asthma in cats is manifested by frequent reflex action, mainly in the spring season.

Viral rhinotracheitis

In the event that the kitten often coughs heavily as if choking, while sticking out his tongue, it may be a viral rhinotracheitis. The ailment is accompanied by coughing and cramping. In parallel, the cat has tears, there may be diarrhea, sneezing, and a runny nose. The disease is quite similar to the flu in humans. To avoid infection of a cat with a viral trachea it is necessary to inoculate.

Cough in case of damage

Often a cough in a cat is a symptom of a traumatic injury with inaccurate behavior with self-similarities, falls, bites. There is a forced exhalation when swallowing food, the animal often sneezes, because it loses its appetite, which can lead to complications.

Coughing in cats with worms

Worms often develop in the body of domestic animals, and a reflex act may suggest this. The reflex is manifested in the case when helminths make their way to the lungs and bronchi. As a rule, the animal coughs seem to be surprised: the neck stretches forward, the tongue protrudes. In parallel, you can observe the loss of a cat, loss of appetite, vomiting with blood, in which you can observe those same helminths.

Heart cough in cats

Cardiac cough is also not uncommon in pets, and it shows the pathologies of the cardiovascular system. The animal can cough constantly for a long time. The diagnosis is established only on the basis of the cardiogram.

The presented symptoms require careful observation by a specialist, and therefore for any deviation in the cat It is necessary to remember the nature and periodicity of the symptoms in order to establish an accurate diagnosis and assign a rational treatment.

It is worth noting that regardless of whether the cat nursery or brought from the street, you need to conduct a survey and do all the necessary vaccinations.

How to cure a cat's cough

Diseases of pets can confound their hosts. For example, not everyone knows how to act in the event that the cat began to cough. However, the owner can help his pet even before the visit to the vet.


Determine if your cat is coughing. The mechanism of this action in felines is slightly different than in humans. The cat, when coughing, makes wheezing, opens the jaws and sometimes puts out the tongue. It may appear that the cat suffocates, but most likely this action will be just a cough.Check the cat's mouth for foreign objects and lumps of wool. This can be one of the causes of coughing. To open the mouth to the animal, insert your fingers into the mouth from the corners of the mouth, wherecatno teeth, and gently push the jaws apart. Be careful, since the animal can strongly bite you.If you did not find anything in the mouthcat, think, could notcougharise due to an allergic reaction. It could be caused by some new substance that appeared in the house. Please note that allergies in cats can occur not only when eating something, but even when inhaling a specific odor. If you suspect a thing for a while, remove it from the house. so you can understand ifcatallergy.Also use various methods of humidifying the air in the house to improve the comfort of breathing for the cat. To do this, you can use, for example, a towel laid on a running battery and evaporating water.Carry out the prevention of parasitic diseases in cats. One of the causes of coughing can be worms. This procedure can be carried out at home, without the advice of a veterinarian. To do this, the veterinary pharmacy sells special drugs that can be added to the cat in food. This procedure will not hurt almost any cat once a year.
  • In the event that the measures taken do not help and the cat still coughs, contact the veterinarian. describe to him all the additional symptoms and behavioral changes. It is necessary to inform the doctor if the animal is eating less, avoiding people and other cats. In this case, the doctor will be able to make a more accurate diagnosis.

What to do if the cat coughs - treatment of diseases

Fortunately cough for cats is rare for their owners. But if a furry pet still has this ailment, its owner should first pay attention to the behavior of the animal, and be sure to consult a doctor. Often the cause of this symptom is the ingress of a foreign body into the pharynx or oral cavity, an allergic reaction to food, dust, and acrid odors. It's about household chemistry, tobacco and so on. Cough in cats can be reflex and symptomatic. How to treat reflex acts in cats, depending on the manifestations and concomitant symptom knows only the doctor. Treatment of this ailment is done by different methods, which depend on provoking factors.

How to treat cough with cats

To cure a reflex act, which is a sign of allergy or foreign body entry into the cat's throat is very simple. To do this, it is only necessary to eliminate the cause of its appearance. The foreign body must be removed. Most often it can only be done by a veterinarian.

The cause of caustic and unpleasant odors (allergens) should be excluded from the field of your pet's sense of smell. If you notice that the cat is coughing convulsively, when you smoke indoors, try to transfer the tobacco ritual to a balcony or staircase. If this symptom appears due to dust, it is recommended that the house be cleaned every day and the ability to remove from it objects that accumulate allergenic particles - books, carpets and carpets, soft toys. To treat cough with cats is necessary with the elimination of all provoking factors.

Symptomatic coughing in cats should be started only after the cause of its occurrence is identified. To do this, it is necessary to take the animal to an appointment with a vet. An experienced specialist will prescribe tests and other diagnostic procedures, will conduct an examination and will be able to say exactly what disease caused the cough in the cat. Here is a list of the most common ailments provoking this symptom and possible methods of their treatment:

  • Acute respiratory infections and common cold. With such ailments, the results of the tests, as well as the type of cough in the cat, are taken into account. Most often the specialist prescribes antibiotics and expectorants to a fluffy patient. Treat the disease should be carefully to eliminate the risk of development of negative consequences.
  • Bronchial asthma. This disease requires regular monitoring by a veterinarian, as well as treatment with hormonal drugs.
  • Diseases of the cardiovascular system. In this case, the specialist prescribes medicines and vitamins, normalizing the work of the heart.
  • Invasive cough, which occurs due to the presence of parasites in the body of the cat, can be cured by taking special pills or suspensions from the worms. They must be given to the animal and in preventive measures once every six months.

Every cat owner should remember that this symptom in the pet can be the reason for the onset of a dangerous disease that needs to be identified and treated at the initial stage.

My cat coughs hard and even wheezes. What to do?



This can be caused by several reasons:
1. The cat caught a cold (blown, walked in damp weather, etc.)
2. Something constantly provokes a cough (threads under the tongue, foreign objects stuck in the throat, damage to the breath. paths, etc.)
3. Cough of cardiac origin
4. Cough due to lung metastases
5. Cough, as one of the signs of a leaking feline viral infection
Variation and accurate diagnosis are possible only after a direct examination of the animal (taking into account other clinical signs and features of a particular animal)
In any case, it is necessary to show the animal to the veterinarian as soon as possible. It is advisable to contact the clinic where there is an opportunity to do an x-ray.


to Veterinar !!!


go to the wind

Amira Odeh

Poor cat! it urgently needs to show the vet!


Perhaps he choked on something, it is necessary to verify. Or caught a chill that also happens to them, if they walk to the street

Alexandra Muzrukova

It may be allergic to flowers or to feed, but most likely it is feline flu.
Be sure to call a veterinarian !!!


Give valerians and something to eat


quickly in an Internet search for the nearest veterinary clinic (district cheaper), call there and ask, at such symptoms it is better to call or it is necessary to bring
can be pneumonia

Personal Cabinet Removed

Your cat urgently needs to vneshnyarna!


rather take the poor thing to the vet until it gets worse, it's better not to delay such cases

Arishka R

Try a warm milk for a couple of days to serve, but not what kind of dry food... All food should be mild. If after a couple of days no improvement, then sign up for the veterinarian.


1. the cat could swallow something. drag in a veterinarian, will make an x-ray.
2. if the cat is fluffy, then it may have a blockage of the upper respiratory tract with hair. also in the veterinarian for X-rays.
3. he could get cold. for example from cold milk or food. The advice is the same: in the veterinarian. self-medication is best not to deal with.


I think it's worms. For a long time did not marinate? If so, they simply choke him. Immediately de-worming! Pneumonia is also not excluded. Call the Vetenara, he will solve this issue without public advice, which sometimes are just dangerous.

Personal Cabinet Removed

bring him to the vet


coughing and wheezing in the lungs is more often caused by viruses. when swallowing threads or other foreign things, then the cough does not arise at all, the cat wheezes more often, tries to take it out himself and has an abundant salivation (drooling). Better go to the blizzard. hospital and you will be prescribed symptomatic therapy. (most likely prescribe antibiotics, which must be used intramuscularly and vitamins, such as gamavit)


my, for example, coughed from the fact that the food crackled dry. As soon as I finished and I was lazy for a week after him, I stopped coughing. concluded that from Wiskas. Now, in general, I do not feed him with dry food and everything is fine.
But it would be better to go to the wind

Personal Cabinet Removed

To comb out often. 2 times a day. Most likely he when he washes, swallows his own hair. At my cat, clumps of wool began to come out. Since then, I began to comb it out every day. If it does not help, then see a doctor.

Exquisite Corpse

n, oh cat, too, snore, then nothing. but at the expense of a cough... most likely, it's in the liquid liquid, or just more, maybe the lungs themselves... in general, go to the vet

At a cat cough and snot flow, than it is possible to treat?



The cat has a viral infection. You need a few preparations, all - in injections, will you be engaged? Scheme I will write.
Do not give any tetracycline, we will be advised here. The virus is treated with antiviral drugs, the antibiotic is used as an aid to prevent secondary infection.


Razstolkite in a spoon the ordinary tetracycline, dilute with water and give.. Half a tablet at a time. once a day. where it's five days. although you will have to roll the cat into the sheet, then open it and open it. otherwise I could not.


One tip-to the doctor! Just so cats do not have a snot! Very similar to an infection. Address to the veterinarian.

selenium mystery of the night

Cats have such symptoms either with viral rhinotracheitis or with herpesvirus. it is treated almost endogenously. It is necessary to prick fosprenil 1-2 times a day calculation of 0.1 ml per 1 kg of weight. and gamavit once a day calculation of 0.2 ml per 1 kg of weight. in the nose drip maximin 0.015% 3-4 times a day or anandine intralnonazalny 2 times a day. can alternate. wash the nose with oksolinovoy ointment. if you do not have these drugs, give Arbidol to a child on the floor of a pill once a day. from antibiotics biseptol children's on a floor of a tablet 2 times a day. treatment 5-7 days. in the drinking bowl dissolve vetom1.1.i and thermal cough regimen let's give licorice syrup or mukaltic any. 3-4 times a day

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