Specificity of treatment of conjunctivitis in pregnant women

Conjunctivitis in pregnancy is a frequent phenomenon, and the specificity of its treatment is the prohibition of most control measures.Despite the fact that the disease itself does not pose a threat to the fetus, some drugs are contraindicated for women during the period of gestation and feeding of the child.

In the case of conjunctivitis in pregnant women, treatment should be harmless for the child. Many future mothers resort to folk medicine. However, drug treatment should be primary. Anyway, the symptoms of conjunctivitis cause a number of discomfort to pregnant women, so let's take a look at how it can be cured in the shortest possible time.


  • 1What it is?
  • 2Causes
  • 3Symptoms
  • 4Is conjunctivitis harmful during pregnancy?
  • 5Diagnostics
  • 6Than to treat conjunctivitis in pregnant women?
  • 7Prevention
  • 8Video
  • 9conclusions

What it is?

Conjunctivitis - inflammation of the mucous membrane of the eyelids, conjunctiva, a very thin and sensitive membrane that connects the inner surface of the eye and the eyeball.

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This inflammatory process is caused, as a rule, by allergens and infections (viral and bacterial).

It should be noted that infectious conjunctivitis occurs significantly more often in pregnancy than allergic or contact. This is due to the fact that in women in the "position" the overall immunity is slightly reduced and they are more vulnerable to infections and viruses.


Fostering a child is always a reduction in immune defenses and a weakening of the mother's body.Against this background, the inflammatory process can appear under the influence of such provoking factors as:

  • catarrhal virus infections;
  • lack of vitamins that provide eye nutrition;
  • violations of hygiene;
  • pronounced nearsightedness;
  • incorrect wearing of contact lenses;
  • acute and chronic diseases of the ear, throat and nose;
  • supercooling;
  • physical or chemical influences (smoke, dust, heat, cold wind).

The appearance of conjunctivitis in pregnancy is caused by the same reasons as in normal cases. Call the disease can:

  • Bacterial infection.
  • Viral infection.
  • Contact with various allergens(pollen of plants during their flowering, animal hair, chemical substances that make up cosmetic products, household chemicals, etc.). Allergen can serve as any substance, however, in pregnant women, allergic inflammation of the conjunctiva rarely occurs for the first time, but is usually recurrent. More often in pregnant women there is a seasonal allergic conjunctivitis, and its exacerbations in most cases occur in the spring or in the beginning of summer.
  • Foreign agents that enter the eyes and cause contact conjunctivitis.
  • Violation of instructions for the use of contact lenses. In this case, contact conjunctivitis also develops.
  • Microorganisms that are sexually transmitted, for example, chlamydia.


The signs of bacterial conjunctivitis are usually:

  • yellow or greenish discharge from the eyes;
  • the swelling of the eyelids;
  • redness of the eyes.

Infection can affect one or both eyes.

With viral conjunctivitis there is a strong reddening of the eyes, itching, although there is no thick discharge.With some viral infections tearing can increase. In most cases, viral conjunctivitis affects both eyes. In addition to the common signs of conjunctivitis, patients may have common symptoms of catarrhal diseases: fever, chills, headache, cough, etc.

In view of the fact that in pregnant women immune defense is weakened, they are more vulnerable than others to the causative agents of infectious conjunctivitis.

The likelihood of developing other varieties of this disease in pregnant women is not higher and not lower than that of other people.Allergic conjunctivitis usually causes redness of the eyes, lacrimation and severe itching. Often, allergens cause other symptoms: a runny nose, sneezing or skin rash.

Is conjunctivitis harmful during pregnancy?

In most cases, conjunctivitis during pregnancy does not present any danger to either the woman herself or her future child.With timely treatment, this disease quickly passes without causing any complications.Contact conjunctivitis develops when eye contact with foreign objects, certain chemicals, and also because of the contact lens wear. This type of disease also passes quickly and without complications.

Infectious conjunctivitis is also considered harmless: the likelihood that its pathogens will be transmitted child, is small, although if it is caused by adenoviruses, it is worth taking measures to prevent colds in child.

Allergic conjunctivitis is not contagious at all and causes discomfort only to the patient herself.

Nevertheless, if signs of conjunctivitis occur, pregnant women should immediately consult a doctor. This will exclude or timely diagnose chlamydial conjunctivitis.

Pathogens of conjunctivitis

This type of conjunctivitis in most cases is a sign of untreated chlamydia, which can affect the health of the child.Women who are infected with chlamydia during pregnancy are more likely to have intrauterine infections, premature rupture of membranes and premature births. It is also proved thatChlamydia increases the likelihood of contracting other sexually transmitted infections, including HIV, and, moreover, this infection can be transmitted to the child during childbirth.

At 25-50% of children born from a mother infected with chlamydia, in the first days after childbirth develops conjunctivitis, and from 5% to 30% of babies in a few weeks or months after delivery fall ill pneumonia.

Chlamydia often runs almost unnoticed, and women can for a long time not even suspect that they are infected.Even if the pregnancy has already come, timely treatment significantly reduces the risk of complications associated with chlamydia.

Conjunctivitis, which is caused by other microorganisms, usually do not affect the course of pregnancy and the health of the child.


The diagnosis of "conjunctivitis" is determined by the oculist after examination of the pregnant woman.In order to determine the exact cause of the disease, the doctor asks the patient about the illnesses and conditions of work.

Sometimes the doctor additionally assigns an analysis of the discharge from the eye to determine the pathogen.In some cases, it may also be necessary to consult other specialists (urologist, gynecologist, allergist).

Than to treat conjunctivitis in pregnant women?

To determine the method of treatment of conjunctivitis, you must first establish its variety. Partly to cope with unpleasant symptoms will help home remedies, for example, warm and cold compresses.To do this, you need a small piece of cloth or a towel dampened with water, which is applied to the eyelids for 5-10 minutes.Instead of water it is better to use a decoction of chamomile or mint.

In the morning on the eyelids and eyelashes can accumulate dried plaque, which must be carefully removed with warm water. If itching occurs, you should never rub your eyes, as this can aggravate the situation and prolong the healing process. To relieve swelling and redness, doctors recommend using moisturizing drops from conjunctivitis, which is also called "artificial tears."

The main complaints of a pregnant woman:

  • burning;
  • feeling of sand in the eyes;
  • photophobia.

Obligatory condition before any medical actions - consultation at the oculist. At terms up to twelve weeks it is necessary to minimize reception of any medicines, limited to local anti-inflammatory therapy. Absolutely safe herbal remedies: washing the eyes with a decoction of chamomile or sage.Any other medicines in the first trimester of pregnancy should be used only with the permission of the doctor.

In the second and third trimesters, a doctor can safely prescribe medications such as:

  • astringent drops (, 5% zinc sulphate, 1% resorcinol solution);
  • drops of interferon used for viral conjunctivitis;
  • eye antibacterial solutions, approved for use in pregnant women;
  • ointments for the eyes with antimicrobial action.

Categorically contraindicated all drugs, which include hormonal components, toxic antibiotics, solutions for the eyes with salts of heavy metals.

Treatment of conjunctivitis in pregnant women with antibiotics is prescribed only in cases where the patient the bacterial form is diagnosed, and improvement from local remedies does not occur in a week or more. Also, antibiotics will be needed for pregnant women with immunodeficiency.It is especially important to timely treat Chlamydia conjunctivitis, the dangers of which were discussed above.In this case, both partners must receive treatment. Before the end of the course of therapy, one should refrain from sexual contact: this can lead to a repeated infection with chlamydia.

With allergic conjunctivitis, the doctor can prescribe to the patient antihistamines eye drops. This is safer than taking antihistamines inside, and very rarely leads to complications. Allergic conjunctivitis in nursing mothers can also be treated with eye drops with antihistamines: most of them are excreted in breast milk and do not pose a danger to the baby. However, you can take antihistamines only as directed by your doctor.Remember: to take any over-the-counter drugs during pregnancy and lactation on your own initiative is strictly prohibited.


Catarrhal diseases can become the main cause of conjunctivitis in pregnancy. Comprehensive prophylactic effect on the body of a pregnant woman is necessary to enhance the protective functions of the body. Usually, the doctor gives the following recommendations:

  • taking multivitamin preparations;
  • treatment of inflammatory diseases in neighboring organs (otitis media, pharyngitis, tracheitis, tonsillitis, sinusitis, rhinitis);
  • clear compliance with the rules of wearing contact lenses;
  • timely correction of visual acuity;
  • protection of the eyes from harmful environmental factors.

To raise immunity with the help of special preparations to pregnant women it is impossible, therefore the main task is to be careful, do not overcool, do not rub eyes and wash hands regularly.



So, conjunctivitis in pregnancy is a frequent problem, but it can be solved. The main thing - do not take any medicine without consulting an oculist. If everything is done correctly, conjunctivitis in pregnancy, which is treated only by the eye doctor, will not become a serious problem for the vision of the woman and for the health of the baby.