Why die from pneumonia

Is it possible to die from the disease with pneumonia?

Is it possible to die from pneumonia? There must always be a hope for recovery. Pneumonia (pneumonia) is an infectious disease that affects the respiratory tract, alveoli and tissues around them.

The main symptoms of pneumonia:

  • severe cough with sputum;
  • pain in the chest;
  • allocation of sweat;
  • chills;
  • heat;
  • frequent shortness of breath.

After the onset of the disease, an intoxication syndrome occurs. The patient experiences weakness and aches in the whole body, pain in the bones and muscles. Then comes the fever, the appetite disappears, the sleep is broken, nausea, vomiting.

Mortality from pneumonia in children under 5 years is 15% of all cases of child deaths. Every year, in the world, millions die from pneumonia.

Causes of pneumonia

There are different types of pneumonia. Everything depends on the pathogen. In general, pneumonia begins when pathogens enter the lungs together with air. It happens that the pathogens fall into the lungs with a blood flow or from a nearby inflammation focus.
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One of the most common pathogens of the disease are bacteria such as streptococcus pneumonia, Staphylococcus aureus, hemophilia, Legionella. The effects of influenza and smallpox can also cause pneumonia. The causative agent of the disease are fungi.

Often, while at home, patients are treated with antibiotics. Elderly people, as well as those who have trouble breathing or have heart disease, need to undergo treatment at the hospital. Certain patients need additional air access, procedures for introducing fluid into the vein, mechanical breathing.

The risk of death in pneumonia increases a number of diseases:

  1. Cardiovascular diseases (cardiomyopathy, heart disease, heart attack).
  2. Diabetes.
  3. Diseases of the respiratory system (pulmonary tuberculosis, bronchitis).
  4. Harmful habits (alcohol, tobacco addiction, drugs).
  5. Diseases of the genitourinary system (kidney failure).

The likelihood of a lethal outcome from pneumonia increases with unfavorable living conditions, in a newborn or old age.

Classification of pneumonia

Pneumonia can be:
  • community-acquired;
  • nosocomial;
  • aspirating.

Community-acquired (home) - progresses outside the hospital / hospital. Pathogens are pneumococcus, hemophilic rod. Passes the disease relatively favorably. The probability of a lethal outcome is very small.

Hospital (hospital) - develops at the time of being in the hospital. The disease is very difficult, with a very high probability of death.

Aspiration - occurs when foreign bodies enter the respiratory tract. Most often caused by an E. coli. Severe condition causes a burn of the mucosa of the respiratory tract. During a chronic aspiration, the patient's death occurs quite often.

There are a number of people with a weak immune system. These are people who have suffered from HIV infection, leukemia, organ transplant. Recover such people is very difficult, because they lack their own strength. These people are already terminally ill and die from pneumonia more often than others.

Lethal outcome in case of pneumonia

Incorrect treatment and untimely access to specialists cause complications with a side effect, up to a lethal outcome.

There are a number of complications in pneumonia. Sepsis is the state of the body, in which pathogens get into the blood. In this case, septic shock develops (a serious disease that disrupts the delivery of oxygen to tissues).

For some time there is the opportunity to extend the life of the patient by conducting antibiotic therapy and maintaining viability with the help of a vasopressor.

Infectious-toxic shock is an intensive release of microorganisms, as well as toxins, into the bloodstream. In this regard, the pressure drops, there are problems with the heart and the filtration of the kidneys stops. Vessels spasmodiruyutsya and blood flows well only in the heart and the brain. Such shock in children leads to the development of toxicosis with acute adrenal insufficiency. In this regard, the pressure is reduced to zero, breathing stops and clinical death occurs. Almost in all cases, the lethal outcome is inevitable.

A purulent complication is considered serious. There is a golden staphylococcus, in which the lung dies, a cavity is formed, filled with pus. In this condition, the patient develops fever, blood pressure drops and all this is accompanied by a strong cough that secrete phlegm.

Treatment of this condition is possible only by surgical removal of the lung. But with the slightest physical exertion, a severe shortness of breath begins. Death occurs within a few years.


With inflammatory lesions of the lungs (acute respiratory distress syndrome), edema of the lung tissue arises, microcirculation, clotting of blood is disturbed. Such patients need artificial ventilation. Do not let them die only in this way.

No matter how dangerous the complications are after the treatment of pneumonia, with timely treatment in a medical institution and following the recommendations of a doctor, the disease can end in complete recovery.


Symptoms and signs of pneumonia in adults

Is pneumonia dangerous for adults?

Pneumonia is an acute infectious disease that occurs with inflammation of the lung tissue. Inflammation of the lungs remains one of the leading causes of death from respiratory diseases, despite a giant leap in the development of medicine. Symptoms of pneumonia in adults, children and the elderly, as before, make doctors worry about the fate of patients.

In 2006, 591493 cases of pneumonia were detected in Russia, which amounted to 4 ‰ among adults & 8 years. But these figures from official reports do not fully reflect the true picture. The calculations of scientists show that the real incidence of pneumonia in Russia reaches 15 ‰. The absolute number of cases of pneumonia is 1500000 people every year. According to statistics in 2006, pneumonia and its complications claimed the lives of 3, 70 Russian adults.

If elderly patients & g; 0 years there is a chronic concomitant pathology (chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, cancer; alcoholism; diseases of the liver, kidneys, heart and blood vessels; diabetes), then with severe pneumonia, mortality increases to 30%. The highest mortality from pneumonia in Russia is registered in adult men of working age. Typical for Russians, the risk factor for the fatal outcome of pneumonia is later seeking medical help.

Signs that increase the risk of death from pneumonia in adults:

  • Male.
  • Severe hypothermia before the disease.
  • Dyspnea with respiratory rate & g; 8 in 1 min.
  • Violation of the mental state of the patient.
  • Concomitant diseases - chronic heart failure, decreased immunity, diabetes, atherosclerosis of the heart vessels, oncological processes, chronic renal failure.
  • Low blood pressure
  • Low body temperature

If patients who died of pneumonia knew the first signs of a dangerous illness and turned to the doctor on time, their lives could be saved.

The first signs and symptoms, indicating an inflammation of the lungs:

  • Suddenness of onset of the disease;
  • fever (a sharp increase in body temperature & 8 ° C);
  • chills (muscle trembling);
  • chest pain when coughing and deep breathing;
  • dry or unproductive cough with sputum rusty;
  • shortness of breath - a feeling of lack of air;
  • general weakness and fatigue;
  • heavy sweats at night and at the slightest load.

These signs in a person who has fallen ill with a "cold" should alert his relatives, as he is quite likely to diagnose pneumonia. If you suspect an inflammation of the lungs, consult a doctor.

Objective signs of the disease

The doctor, examining the patient, reveals the objective symptoms of pneumonia:

  • Dullness of sound when tapping over the affected places of the lungs;
  • hard breathing over the inflamed part of the lung tissue;
  • listening to wheezing over the site of inflammation.

The main rule that confirms pneumonia is the asymmetry of objective findings, that is, the presence of pneumonia symptoms in only one lung. After the examination, the doctor will prescribe an X-ray of the chest.

X-ray symptoms of pneumonia

The main radiographic evidence of pneumonia is local dimming of the lung in a patient who has symptoms of inflammation of the lower respiratory tract.

X-rays for suspected pneumonia are performed by all patients: children and adults. This mandatory rule is associated with the risk of complications of pneumonia with a delay in the appointment of antibiotics. The consequences of procrastination can be fatal.

Treatment of inflammation of the lungs

The main component of treatment, determining the prognosis, is the correct choice of antimicrobial agent - antibiotic. Treatment of mild cases of inflammation of the lungs in adults can be carried out at home. In addition to antimicrobial drugs, the patient needs a bed rest for the time of fever, abundant warm drink and adequate nutrition. If the patient coughs up phlegm, then cough can be alleviated with the help of expectorants and compresses on the chest.

Diet for a patient with pneumonia is in frequent fractional nutrition, the food should be easily assimilated and fully-fledged in composition.

In case of a serious condition, the patient is treated in a hospital (hospital).

After recovering from pneumonia, the patient is observed at the clinic therapist for 1 year.

Prevention of disease

To prevent the disease will help vaccinate against pneumococcus - the main culprit of the disease. If the vaccine is contraindicated to a patient at risk, you can use drugs such as "vaccine-tablets." Such drugs contain surface proteins of microbial pathogens that enhance immunity. The action of such immunomodulators is regarded as "grafting only without injection. For a competent choice of treatment and prevention of pneumonia, a doctor's consultation is necessary.


What can be dangerous inflammation of the lungs?

Inflammation of the lungs (pneumonia) is an ailment that affects people of any age. Not everyone knows about the dangerous inflammation of the lungs. Although many will call the symptoms of the disease, they say that it is treated with antibiotics, and after the illness the body will recover for a long time.

To make sure of the danger of pneumonia, you must first understand what it is.

What is pneumonia?

This disease is caused by fungi, bacteria or viruses.Normally, for each person, pathogenic microorganisms live on the pharyngeal mucosa, nose, and lungs. But as soon as the body's immunity decreases, pathogenic microbes begin to multiply at a tremendous rate, causing pneumonia. Inflammation can begin directly in the lungs or get there gradually, starting its "journey" from the throat or nose. In such cases, doctors explain that "the infection has subsided."

Inflammation can be exposed to the whole lung or part of it.

Symptoms of this disease are: pain in the side, intensifying with deep inspiration or cough, very high body temperature, dry or wet cough, shortness of breath, chills. For the correct diagnosis, you will need a radiographic examination of the lungs, a blood test and sputum. These studies will help establish the nature of the disease and begin adequate therapy.

When treating pneumonia, doctors usually prescribe antibacterial drugs. Depending on the severity of the disease, the patient can be placed in the hospital, where he is injected several times a day. With properly selected antibiotic, the patient's condition improves after 5-6 days from the beginning of treatment. If no improvement occurs, doctors usually prescribe a different drug to the patient. Further it is important to dilute and withdraw from the lungs formed sputum. To this end, the patient may be prescribed inhalation, massage. In parallel, the patient is prescribed antiviral and immunomodulating drugs. Complete recovery usually occurs 3-4 weeks later.

Inflammation of the lungs is a very serious disease, from which, despite a wide range of modern antibiotics, people continue to die. About self-treatment speech can not even go. This is fraught with serious consequences.

Danger of pneumonia for children

For a child's organism pneumonia is a very serious test, even if the child has received medical help on time. Most often, infirmity affects children of preschool age. Doctors believe that up to 6 years the child is developing immunity. During this period, they are very vulnerable to all kinds of infections, including streptococcal, which in most cases causes babies pneumonia.

In addition to the symptoms of pneumonia listed above, the nasolabial triangle (cyanosis) is often marked in children. This is a very serious indicator, indicating that the disease is not all right with the cardiovascular system of the child.

The danger of pneumonia is also that in the course of the disease the lungs can not continue to function in full: the baby's breathing becomes shallow, he has a feeling of lack air. Therefore sick children sleep very badly, eat, show constant concern.

The following factors aggravate the situation:

  1. Later, seek medical help.
  2. Presence of concomitant chronic diseases in the baby.
  3. Incorrect treatment of the child.
Each of these factors increases the risk of illness for the child several times. At the initial stage, the disease is very similar to the usual viral infection, so doctors prescribe antibiotics not immediately. If antiviral treatment did not work for 3 days (high fever persists and cough does not stop), this is an excuse to contact the doctor again. Such a picture of the disease means its bacterial nature. At this stage, the intake of antibiotics is mandatory. Not all mothers know this. Many continue to treat the child according to the original scheme prescribed by the doctor, losing valuable time. Within a few days the child may develop acute respiratory failure, sometimes death occurs. This is the danger of pneumonia.

Another dangerous consequence of untreated pneumonia in children is neurotoxicosis. It is characterized by first increased activity of the child, his excitement, frequent crying, whims. This state is smoothly replaced by the opposite: the child is apathetic, does not eat, sleepy, muscle tone is reduced. At the third stage, the temperature rises, the child has convulsions, develops pulmonary insufficiency (until the breath stops).

To reduce the risk of developing a baby's inflammation of the lungs, my mother has to adhere to a few simple rules:
  1. Try to breast-feed at least 1 year.
  2. Do not give up vaccinating the baby.
  3. Ensure the child's diet of foods rich in zinc.
  4. Engage in tempering a child, spend a lot of time walking in the open air.
  5. Observe the basic rules of home hygiene: more often to ventilate the premises and conduct wet cleaning.

Effects of pneumonia in adults

No less dangerous is pneumonia and for adults. The most common consequences:

  1. Abscess of the lung.
  2. Fibrosis of the lung.
  3. Bronchial asthma.
  4. Heart failure.
  5. Respiratory failure.
Especially dangerous are the first two diseases.

Abscess of the lung is the decomposition (decay) of the lung tissue in the part where there was inflammation. The hearth can be one. Sometimes there are several. During the period of abscess formation, the patient's fever rises, weakness, lack of appetite, difficulty breathing, severe pain in the chest, cough. In the next stage, the formed abscess is opened, sputum in large quantities (up to 1 liter per day) exits through the respiratory tract. With the right treatment for several years, the tissue of the lung becomes scarred, and a full recovery comes.

Fibrosis of the lung is a condition of the patient, in which the connective tissue begins to form on the site of the damaged pulmonary tissue. Lungs can not work at full power, breathing becomes difficult, chest pain occurs. The disease progresses very quickly, so it requires immediate treatment in a medical institution. It is impossible to get rid of lung fibrosis completely. Treatment is usually aimed at alleviating the symptoms and preventing the further development of the disease. In extreme cases, the patient is shown lung transplantation.

How to avoid the negative consequences of pneumonia?

The mortality from pneumonia in our country, despite the sufficient level of development of medicine, remains quite high.

To quickly recover and avoid negative consequences, you need to be very attentive to health.


In Russia it is accepted to go to the doctor when there are already very serious problems. It is not right. In the case of pneumonia, this can lead to death. Medical care should be handled as soon as the first symptoms of the disease have appeared, and the temperature is still not so high. Do not neglect and analysis, which appoints the doctor. Their results will help the doctor immediately make a scheme for effective treatment.

Mom, caring about the health of her baby, should know that at the slightest suspicion of any disease she must show the child to the doctor. Statistics show that the largest infant mortality from pneumonia is observed among toddlers under the age of 1 year. In the case of children's pneumonia, do not neglect hospitalization.


Both adults and children will be protected from pneumonia by physical training, proper nutrition, vitamins and microelements, hardening, frequent stay in the open air and close attention to your health.


Pneumonia in a child - symptoms, treatment, causes

Inflammation of the lungs or pneumonia is one of the most common acute infectious and inflammatory diseases of a person. Moreover, the concept of pneumonia does not include various allergic and vascular lung diseases, bronchitis, and also pulmonary function disorders, caused by chemical or physical factors (injuries, chemical burns).

Especially often there are pneumonia in children, the symptoms and signs of which are reliably determined only on the basis of X-ray data and a general blood test. Pneumonia among all pulmonary pathologies in young children is almost 80%. Even with the introduction of progressive technologies in medicine - the discovery of antibiotics, improved methods of diagnosis and treatment - until now this disease is among the top ten most frequent causes of death. According to statistics in various regions of our country, the incidence of pneumonia in children is, %.

When and why can a child develop pneumonia?

Lungs in the human body perform several important functions. The main function of the lungs is the gas exchange between the alveoli and the capillaries, which envelop them. Simply put, oxygen from the air in the alveolus is transported to the blood, and from the blood carbon dioxide enters the alveolus. They also regulate body temperature, regulate blood coagulability, are one of the filters in the body, contribute to the purification, removal of toxins, disintegration products arising from various traumas, infectious inflammatory processes.

And when food poisoning, a burn, a fracture, surgical interventions occur, in case of any serious injury or disease, there is a general decrease in immunity, it is easy to cope with the filtration load toxins. That is why very often after a child has suffered or is suffering from injuries or poisonings, pneumonia occurs.

The most common pathogens are pathogens - pneumococci, streptococci and staphylococci, and recently cases of lung inflammation from such pathogens as pathogenic fungi, legionella (usually after staying at airports with artificial ventilation), mycoplasma, chlamydia, which are not often mixed, associated.

Pneumonia in a child, as an independent disease that occurs after a serious, strong, prolonged hypothermia, it is extremely rare, as parents try not to allow such situations. As a rule, in most children, pneumonia occurs not as a primary disease, but as a complication after an acute respiratory viral infection or influenza, less often other diseases. Why is this happening?

Many of us believe that acute viral respiratory diseases in the last decades have become more aggressive, dangerous their complications. Perhaps this is due to the fact that both viruses and infections have become more resistant to antibiotics and antiviral drugs, so they are so hard for children and cause complications.

One of the factors contributing to the increase in the incidence of pneumonia in children in recent years has been the overall poor health in the younger generation - how many children are born with congenital pathologies, malformations, lesions of the central nervous system. Especially severe pneumonia occurs in premature or newborn babies, when the disease develops against the background of intrauterine infection with insufficiently formed, not mature respiratory system.

In congenital pneumonia, the herpes simplex virus, cytomegalovirus, mycoplasmas are not infrequently causative agents, and with infection during labor, chlamydia, group B streptococci, opportunistic fungi, E. coli, Klebsiella, anaerobic flora, when infected with hospital infections, pneumonia begins on day 6 or 2 weeks after birth.

Naturally, pneumonia often happens in cold weather, when the organism is subjected to seasonal adjustment from heat to cold and vice versa, there are overloads for immunity, at this time there is a lack of natural vitamins in foods, temperature changes, damp, frosty, windy weather contribute to children's hypothermia and their infection.

In addition, if a child suffers from any chronic diseases - tonsillitis, adenoids in children, sinusitis, dystrophy, rickets (see. rickets in infants), cardiovascular disease, any severe chronic pathologies, such as congenital lesions central nervous system, malformations, immunodeficiency states - significantly increase the risk of developing pneumonia, weighed down its course.

The severity of the disease depends on:

  • Extensibility of the process (focal, focal, draining, segmental, lobar, interstitial pneumonia).
  • The child's age, the younger the baby, the narrower the airways, the less intense gas exchange in the child's body and the heavier the course of pneumonia.
  • Places where and for what reason there was a pneumonia:
    - community-acquired: most often have an easier flow
    - hospital: more severe, because it is possible to infect bacteria resistant to antibiotics
    - Aspiration: when inhaled foreign objects, mixture or milk.
  • The most important role in this is played by the general health of the child, that is, his immunity.

Improper treatment of influenza and ARVI can lead to pneumonia in the child

When a child falls ill with an ordinary cold, SARS, influenza - the inflammatory process is localized only in the nasopharynx, trachea and larynx. With a weak immune response, and also if the causative agent is very active and aggressive, and the treatment in the child is carried out incorrectly, the process of reproduction of bacteria descends from the upper respiratory tract to the bronchi, then bronchitis. Further, the inflammation can affect the lung tissue, causing pneumonia.

What happens in the body of a child in a viral disease? Most adults and children in the nasopharynx always have different opportunistic microorganisms - streptococci, staphylococci, without causing harm to health, because local immunity holds them back growth.

However, any acute respiratory disease leads to their active reproduction and with the correct action of the parents during the illness of the child, immunity does not allow their intensive growth.

What should not be done during ARVI in the child, so as not to cause complications:

  • You can not use antitussives. Coughing is a natural reflex that helps the body to clear the trachea, bronchi and lungs from mucus, bacteria, toxins. If for the treatment of a child, in order to reduce the intensity of dry cough, use antitussives that affect the cough center in the brain, such as Stoptosin, Broncholitin, Libexin, Paxeladin, then sputum and bacteria may accumulate in the lower respiratory tract, which ultimately leads to inflammation lungs.
  • It is not possible to conduct any preventive therapy with antibiotics for colds, with a viral infection (see. antibiotics for colds). Against the virus, antibiotics are powerless, and with opportunistic bacteria immunity should cope, and only when complications arise according to the doctor's appointment is shown their use.
  • The same applies to the use of various nasal vasoconstrictors, their use contributes to a faster penetration of the virus into the lower respiratory tract; therefore, galazoline, naphthysine, sanorin should not be used in case of a viral infection safely.
  • Abundant drink - one of the most effective methods of removing intoxication, dilution of sputum and rapid cleansing respiratory tract is an abundant drink, even if the child refuses to drink, parents should be very persistent. If you do not insist that the child drink enough fluids, in addition, the room will have dry air - this will help to dry the mucosa, which can lead to a longer course of the disease or complication - bronchitis or pneumonia.
  • Permanent ventilation, lack of carpets and carpeting, daily wet cleaning of the room in which the child is, Humidification and air purification with the help of a humidifier and an air cleaner will help to cope faster with the virus and prevent development pneumonia. As clean, cool, moist air helps to dissolve sputum, quickly remove toxins with sweat, cough, wet breath, which allows the child to recover faster.

Acute bronchitis and bronchiolitis - differences from pneumonia

With SARS usually the following symptoms:

  • High temperature in the first 2-3 days of the disease (see Fig. antipyretics for children)
  • Headache, chills, intoxication, weakness
  • Qatar upper respiratory tract, runny nose, cough, sneezing, sore throat (it does not always happen).

In acute bronchitis with Orvy, the following symptoms may occur:

  • Minor increase in body temperature, usually up to 38C.
  • First the cough is dry, then it becomes wet, there is no shortness of breath, unlike pneumonia.
  • Breathing becomes hard, on different sides there are variously scattered rales that change or disappear after coughing.
  • On the roentgenogram, the intensification of the pulmonary pattern is determined, the structure of the roots of the lungs decreases.
  • There are no local changes in the lungs.

Bronchiolitis occurs most often in children up to a year:

  • The difference between bronchiolitis and pneumonia can be determined only by X-ray examination, based on the absence of local changes in the lungs. According to the clinical picture, the acute symptoms of intoxication and the increase in respiratory insufficiency, the appearance of dyspnoea - very much resemble pneumonia.
  • In bronchiolitis, the breathing in a child is weakened, shortness of breath with the help of an auxiliary musculature, nasolabial the triangle becomes a bluish hue, a common cyanosis is possible, a pronounced pulmonary-cardiac failure. When listening to a boxed sound is detected, the mass of scattered small bubbling rales.

Signs of pneumonia in the child

With a high activity of the causative agent of the infection, or with a weak immune response of the body to it, when even the most effective preventive medical measures do not stop inflammatory process and the child's condition worsens, parents can for some symptoms guess that the child needs more serious treatment and urgent examination doctor. In this case, in no case should not begin treatment by any popular method. If it really is pneumonia, it will not only not help, but the condition may worsen and time for adequate examination and treatment will be missed.

Symptoms of pneumonia in a child 2 - 3 years and older

How to identify attentive parents with a cold or viral illness that it is necessary to urgently call a doctor and suspect a pneumonia in the child? Symptoms that require an X-ray diagnosis:

  • After Orvi, influenza within 3-5 days there is no improvement or after a slight improvement again there is a temperature jump and increased intoxication, coughing.
  • Lack of appetite, sluggishness of the child, sleep disturbance, capriciousness persist within a week after the onset of the illness.
  • The main symptom of the disease remains a strong cough.
  • The body temperature is not high, but the baby has shortness of breath. In this case, the number of breaths per minute in a child increases, the rate of breaths per minute in children aged 1-3 years 25-30 breaths, children 4-6 years - a rate of 25 breaths per minute, if the child is in a relaxed calm condition. With pneumonia, the number of breaths becomes larger than these figures.
  • With the other symptoms of a viral infection - cough, temperature, cold, severe pallor of the skin is observed.
  • If the temperature is high for more than 4 days and antipyretic agents such as Paracetamol, Efferalgan, Panadol, Tylenol are not effective.

Symptoms of pneumonia in infants, children under one year of age

The onset of the disease can be noticed by the mom by changing the behavior of the baby. If the child constantly wants to sleep, become sluggish, apathetic or vice versa, a lot of naughty, crying, refuses to eat, while the temperature may slightly increase - mom should urgently turn to pediatrician.

Body temperature

In the first year of life, pneumonia in a child, a symptom which is considered to be high, not knocked down temperature, is different in that at this age it is not high, does not reach 3, or even 3, -3,. The temperature is not an indication of the severity of the state.

The first symptoms of pneumonia in an infant

This causeless anxiety, lethargy, decreased appetite, the baby refuses from the breast, the sleep becomes restless, short, there is a loose stool, there may be vomiting or regurgitation, a runny nose and a paroxysmal cough that worsens during crying or feeding child.

Child's breathing

Pain in the chest with breathing and coughing.
Sputum - with a damp cough, purulent or mucopurulent sputum (yellow or green) is secreted.
Shortness of breath or an increase in the number of respiratory movements in young children is a clear sign of pneumonia in a child. Dyspnoea in babies can be accompanied by nodding to the breath, as well as the baby blows his cheeks and extends his lips, sometimes there are foamy discharge from the mouth and nose. The symptom of pneumonia is considered to be the excess of the number of breaths per minute:

  • In children up to 2 months - the norm is up to 50 breaths per minute, more than 60 is considered a high frequency.
  • In children, after 2 months to a year, the norm is 25-40 breaths, if 50 or more, this is an excess of the norm.
  • In children older than one year, the number of breaths more than 40 is considered a shortness of breath.

The skin relief during breathing changes. Attentive parents can also notice the retraction of the skin during breathing, more often on one side of the patient's lung. To notice this, it is necessary to undress the baby and observe the skin between the ribs, it retracts when breathing.

With extensive lesions, there may be a lag of one side of the lung with deep breathing. Sometimes you can notice periodic stopping of breathing, disturbance of rhythm, depth, breathing frequency and the child's desire to lie on one side.

Cyanosis of the nasolabial triangle

This is the most important symptom of pneumonia, when the blue skin appears between the lips and the spout of the baby. Especially this sign is pronounced when the child sucks the breast. With severe respiratory failure, a slight blueing can be not only on the face, but also on the body.

Chlamydia, mycoplasmal pneumonia in children

Among the pneumonias, the causative agents of which are not banal bacteria, but various atypical representatives secrete mycoplasmal and chlamydial pneumonia. In children, the symptoms of such pneumonia are slightly different from the course of the usual pneumonia. Sometimes they are characterized by a hidden sluggish current. Symptoms of SARS in a child can be as follows:

  • The onset of the disease is characterized by a sharp rise in body temperature to 3, C, then a stable subfebrile temperature of -3, -3 is formed, or even a temperature normalization occurs.
  • It is also possible the onset of the disease with the usual signs of ARVI - sneezing, choking in the throat, a bad cold.
  • Persistent dry debilitating cough, shortness of breath may not be permanent. Such a cough usually occurs with acute bronchitis, and not pneumonia, which complicates the diagnosis.
  • When listening to a doctor, scanty data are usually presented: rare variegated rattles, pulmonary percussion sound. Therefore, according to the nature of wheezing, it is difficult for a doctor to determine atypical pneumonia, since there are no traditional signs, which greatly complicates the diagnosis.
  • In the analysis of blood in atypical pneumonia there may be no significant changes. But usually there is increased ESR, neutrophilic leukocytosis, a combination with anemia, leukopenia, eosinophilia.
  • On the x-ray of the chest reveals a pronounced enhancement of the pulmonary pattern, non-uniform focal infiltration of the pulmonary fields.
  • Both chlamydia and mycoplasma have a feature that exists for a long time in the epithelial cells of the bronchi and lungs, therefore, pneumonia usually has a prolonged recurrent character.
  • Treatment of atypical pneumonia in the child is carried out by macrolides (azithromycin, josamycin, clarithromycin), because the pathogens to them are most sensitive (to tetracyclines and fluoroquinolones, too, but they are children contraindicated).

Indications for hospitalization

The decision on where to treat a child with pneumonia - in a hospital or at home, the doctor takes, while he takes into account several factors:

  • The severity of the condition and the presence of complications - respiratory failure, pleurisy, acute disorders of consciousness, heart failure, falls AD, lung abscess, pleural empyema, infectious-toxic shock, sepsis.
  • The defeat of several lobes of the lung. Treatment of focal pneumonia in the child at home is entirely possible, but with croupous pneumonia treatment is best done in a hospital.
  • Social indications are poor living conditions, inability to perform care and doctor's prescriptions.
  • Age of the child - if the infant is sick, this is the reason for hospitalization, because the pneumonia of the baby is a serious threat to life. If pneumonia develops in a child under 3 years of age, treatment depends on the severity of the condition and most often doctors insist on hospitalization. Older children can be treated at home provided that the pneumonia is not severe.
  • General health - in the presence of chronic diseases, weakened overall health of the child, regardless of age, the doctor may insist on hospitalization.

Treatment of pneumonia in children

How to treat pneumonia in children? The basis of therapy for pneumonia is antibiotics. At a time when there were no antibiotics in the arsenal of doctors with bronchitis and pneumonia, a very frequent cause of death of adults and children there was pneumonia, therefore, in no case should one refuse to use them, no folk remedies for pneumonia are effective. From the parents it is required to strictly follow all the doctor's recommendations, the proper care of the child, the observance of the drinking regime, nutrition:

  • Reception of antibiotics must be carried out strictly in time, if the appointment of the drug 2 times per day, this means that there should be a break of 12 hours between meals, if 3 times a day, then a break of 8 hours (cm. 11 rules how to take antibiotics correctly). Antibiotics are prescribed - penicillins, cephalosporins for 7 days, macrolides (azithromycin, josamycin, clarithromycin) - 5 days. The effectiveness of the drug is estimated within 72 hours - an improvement in appetite, a decrease in temperature, dyspnea.
  • Antipyretics are used if the temperature is above 39C, in infants above 38C. Initially, antibiotic treatment of antipyretics is not prescribed, as the evaluation of the effectiveness of therapy is difficult. It should be remembered that during a high temperature in the body, the maximum amount antibodies against the causative agent of the disease, so if the child can tolerate the temperature of 38C, it is better not to knock down. So the body quickly cope with the microbe that caused pneumonia in the baby. If the child had at least one episode of febrile seizures, the temperature should be knocked down already at 3, C.
  • Nutrition of the child with pneumonia - lack of appetite in children during illness is considered natural and the child's refusal from food intake due to increased strain on the liver when fighting infection, so you can not force a child to feed. If possible, prepare light food for the patient, exclude any ready-made chemicals, fried and fatty, try to feed child simple, easily assimilated food - cereals, soups on a weak broth, steam cutlets from low-fat meat, boiled potatoes, various vegetables, fruit.
  • Oral hydration - in water, natural freshly diluted juices - carrot, apple, weakly boiled tea with raspberries, rose hips infusion, water-electrolyte solutions (Regidron and etc).
  • Airing, daily wet cleaning, use of air humidifiers - ease the condition of the baby, and the love and care of parents works wonders.
  • No restorative (synthetic vitamins), antihistamines, immunomodulating agents are not used, as often lead to side effects and do not improve the course and outcome of pneumonia.

Reception of antibiotics for pneumonia in a child (uncomplicated) usually does not exceed 7 days (macrolides 5 days), and if bed rest is observed, perform all the doctor's recommendations, in the absence of complications, the child quickly recovers, but for a month there will still be residual effects in the form of a cough, slight weakness. With atypical pneumonia, treatment can be delayed.

In the treatment of antibiotics in the body, the intestinal microflora is broken, so the doctor prescribes probiotics - RioFlora Immuno, Acipol, Bifiform, Bifidumbacterin, Normobakt, Lactobacterin. Analogues of Linex - a list of all probiotics). To remove toxins after the end of therapy, the doctor can prescribe sorbents, such as Polysorb, Enterosgel, Filtrum.

With the effectiveness of treatment for general regimen and walks, it is possible to transfer the child from the 6th to the 10th day of the disease, the hardening to resume after 2-3 weeks. With a mild pneumonia, large physical exertion (sport) is allowed after 6 weeks, with complicated after 12 weeks.


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