Microphthalmus: diagnosis, treatment and prevention
Microphthalmus is a rare eye disease characterized by a decrease in the size of the eyeball. Most often the problem is innate and easily diagnosed. Determining its availability is important at any age and at any stage, since it is important to know what consequences it can cause and whether it can be eliminated.
1Definition of disease
4Possible complications
Definition of disease
As a rule, ophthalmologists diagnose microphthalmia in case the length of the axis of the eyeball is less than normal.In this case, it usually does not exceed twenty-one millimeters in an adult and nineteen in a child.In many cases, against the background of the course of the pathology, there is a deterioration in the quality of sight, up to its complete loss.
Microphthalmus is a decrease in the size of the eyeball. As a rule, combined with the developmental defects of the eye
Among the main causes of microphthalmia are pathological processes in the womb. They can be inflammatory and degenerative and often occur against the background of the development of infectious diseases.
Most often the disease is transmitted by inheritance dominant way.
The disease can also be acquired character. Among the main reasons in this case:
Operations on vision in childhood;
Retrolental fibroplasia;
Irradiation with X-rays in childhood.
The most pronounced symptom of the disease is a smaller size of the eyeball than normal.In addition, pathology often gives rise to the following symptoms:
Increased intraocular pressure;
Ectasia of the sclera of the posterior wall;
Low visual acuity;
Retinal detachment (in severe stages);
The bulb of the optic nerve.
In some cases, along with the microphthalmos can be observed and other pathologies of development.
In connection with the complex nature of pathologies of development in the child, in the event of the occurrence of at least one It is recommended that you carefully monitor and periodically check the patient for the presence and progression others.
Possible complications
In the event that the development of the disease is not stopped in time, there may be a high probability of complete loss of vision. Therefore, timely diagnosis is necessary, especially in the early stages. In an advanced degree of progression, the disease can seriously worsen the appearance.
Not all cases of microphthalmic treatment can be effective. However, in the early stages, the progression of pathology can be stopped.If the patient completely loses sight, he is offered cosmetic prosthetics.At first, correction with telescopic glasses is usually shown.
Medications in the treatment of microphthalmia are used only as an additional means.So, in this case, antiseptic solutions are used:
Solutions for the treatment of contact lenses;
Chlorhexidine.Miramistin has a pronounced antimicrobial effect
When carrying the prosthesis, solutions must be used with caution. It is not recommended to apply eye drops on the prosthesis.
Surgical treatment of the disease, as a rule, is appointed no earlier than the age of seven to eight years. It is performed in the presence of glaucoma, retinal detachment and cataract.It is also possible to conduct plastic surgeries to improve the appearance with the subsequent installation of the prosthesis.
Types of prostheses
The main preventive method, which prevents the development of microphthalmia is a periodic visit to the hospital and supervision by an ophthalmologist. ATAgen analysis of each stage of the disease and changes in the organs of vision that it generates.
To avoid the appearance of a congenital microphthalmus, during pregnancy it is important to observe the diet, take care of the overall health of the body, and also be observed by the doctor.After a birth of the child necessarily periodic inspection at doctors of all specializations, including at the oculist.This will help to avoid possible causes of pathologies.
Continuous wearing lenses
Than to treat a newborn, if the eyes of the child are festering, this article will tell.
Definition of age-related farsightedness http://eyesdocs.ru/zabolevaniya/gipermetropiya/vozrastnaya-dalnozorkost-osnovnye-podxody-k-lecheniyu.html
Microphthalmus is one of the serious pathologies of the organs of vision, which are practically not amenable to treatment with complete restoration of functions. Nevertheless, the prevention of this disease is possible even before the birth of the child, as well as in early childhood. In the case of eye injury, this treatment is reduced to stopping the progression of symptoms, as well as improving the appearance of the patient with the possibility of prosthetics.
Also, read about conjunctival chemosis and definition of hemophthalmia.