Viral conjunctivitis: causes, types, diagnosis and treatment
Unpleasant sensations in the eyes from time to time arise in all people. They can have different character - from banal discomfort to sensation of sand and strong rubbers. The main cause of these phenomena is the damage to the mucous membrane or conjunctiva.The most dangerous is viral conjunctivitis, because it is contagious and spreads quickly.Emergence of pathology can occur at any age, including the elderly and newborns.
1Definition of disease
2Types and Classifications
5Possible complications
7.2Folk remedies
Definition of disease
Conjunctivitis is inflammation of the conjunctiva, that is, the outer transparent mucosa (it covers the inner surface of the eyelids and the sclera).Viral conjunctivitis causes infections of the upper respiratory tract (adenovirus, herpetic), they can appear and with a common cold. The disease spreads quickly.
Conjunctivitis causes viruses of different types. The disease is epidemiological in nature.
Herpetic- the main cause of its development is infection with the herpes virus, which usually occurs in childhood. The disease is accompanied by the defeat of the eye, a strong inflammatory process affecting, inter alia, the skin and cornea. Character - vesicular-ulcerative or follicular. Urgently address to the doctor - he will appoint or nominate correct treatment which will help to avoid progressing of a pathology.
Adenovirus- the disease most often occurs in children, infection occurs by airborne (often) or by contact (less often). The incubation period is 3-10 days, but it can be stretched up to 2 weeks.
Infectious (epidemic)Is the most contagious variety of conjunctivitis. From it, both children and adults suffer equally. The main causative agent is adenovirus infection. The incubation period is 3-14 days, the person remains infectious until 2 weeks.viruses that cause conjunctivitis
The epidemic form of viral conjunctivitis is the most contagious. In this case, most often it occurs in the territory of medical institutions.
Viral conjunctivitis is transmitted from a sick person to a healthy one, and infection can also occur through infected items.The main types of disease, depending on the pathogen:
isolated- pathology is caused by enteroviruses, adenoviruses, herpes, shingles, Coxsackie;
infection-induced- usually it's flu, mumps, chickenpox, rubella or measles.
Disease affects both eyes- first it manifests itself on one, and then goes on to the second one. Most often, infection occurs during enteroviral, adenoviral epidemics, so viral conjunctivitis in 70% of cases is accompanied by pathologies of the upper respiratory tract.
The main way of infection is contact. But if the pathogen is herpes, the disease can be transmitted, including by airborne droplets.
The main symptoms of infection are:
redness of the eyes;
formation of serous discharge;
enlarged lymph nodes that are in front of the auricles;
sensation of foreign body, sand;
corneal opacity;
decreased visual acuity;
a constant sense of fatigue in the eyes;
purulent discharge(may be scarce or very abundant);
swelling of the eyelids.
Normally the disease passes by itself within a week, but if you want to alleviate the symptoms and accelerate recovery, treatment is necessary. With weakened immunity, it is highly discouraged to neglect the matter - otherwise, acute conjunctivitis will pass into the chronic and may cause a number of complications (inflammation passes to other parts eyes).
Possible complications
The most common complication is the transition of inflammation to a chronic form. Another unpleasant symptom is keratitis,and inflammation of the cornea can lead to complete loss of vision. When the infectious process spreads to deep tissues, a phlegmon or purulent conjunctivitis forms, the final stage of which is an abscess.
Conjunctivitis is diagnosed by examination on a slit lamp, but in some cases the doctor can take a smear(if it is necessary to determine the type of microorganism and the nature of the cellular reaction of the macroorganism for the purpose of effective treatment). Increasingly, in recent years, cytological, immunofluorescent (MFA) and immunoenzymatic (ELISA) studies have begun.
Viral conjunctivitis is treated with medication and with the help of folk remedies.
In the therapy of adenoviral conjunctivitis, antiviral drops with interferon are used. Basic:
Actipol.Ophthalmoferon is used in the treatment of viral conjunctivitis
Drugs are instilled up to 6-8 times a day for 1-2 drops in each eye.Only a doctor can prescribe them. If necessary, the drops are applied together with ointments (Florenal, Bonafton, Tebrofen), with the ointment applied after half an hour after instillation at least three times a day.
If the herpes virus also affects the skin around the eye, it is necessary to take oral antihypertensive drugs and immunomodulatory therapy. Antibiotics are also used, but usually for the prevention of relapse.
Folk remedies
Folk recipes in the treatment of viral conjunctivitis are recommended to be used only in combination with traditional drugs and after consulting an ophthalmologist.The most popular therapeutic method is lotions. Do them 3-8 times a day.
Folk recipes:
Compresses with freshly squeezed dill juice.
Lotion with rosehip broth- two teaspoons of berries, insist on a glass of boiling water and use for gauze compresses.
Gadgets with freshly squeezed potato juice.
Rinse with infusion of cornflower- Pour a couple of tablespoons of dried herbs for half an hour and use for eye rinses. For the compresses, the broth is also suitable.
Similarly, infusion of cornflower, prepare the infusion of sage or chamomile.
In the treatment of acute conjunctivitis, the main thing to eliminate pus is that it is a bacteria-friendly medium. Then you can bury Tebrofen or Florenal.
The main measure of preventing infection is the exclusion of contact with the patient. In the period of mass epidemics, it is better not to visit places of congestion. Useful at this time courses of vitamin therapy, aimed at strengthening immunity. When you come from the street, always wash your hands, and in public places for disinfecting the skin, use special preparations (napkins, gels).
Viral conjunctivitis is transmitted from a sick person to a healthy person, outbreaks are noted during periods of mass epidemics.Types - herpetic, adenoviral, infectious. The incubation period can last from 3 to 14 days. For the treatment of medicinal preparations (drops, ointments), folk remedies (herbal decoctions, lotions with dill juice, dog rose, etc.) are used.