Cough for two weeks without fever in a child

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Cough in a child without fever

Coughing in a child without temperature is a pathological process. This symptom is typical for many colds, as well as infections that can be in the body of the baby.

Before treating a cough, it is necessary to find out the cause of its occurrence. Do it without a specialist is difficult. Therefore, when you have a cough, you need to go to the hospital.

ICD-10 Code R05 Cough

Causes of a child without fever

Causes of coughing in a child without fever may indicate serious health problems. So, the case may be in an acute respiratory disease. The truth for this phenomenon is characterized by the presence of temperature and general weakness of the body.

Cough can be caused by chronic diseases of the upper and lower respiratory tract. In this case we mean chronic bronchitis, tracheitis, pharyngitis, etc. Cough, as a rule, manifests itself with special periodicity and can proceed without temperature.

The mechanism of occurrence of such a phenomenon can become serious problems. An example of this is tuberculosis. True, for him, nevertheless, there is a slight increase in temperature, but in rare cases this symptom is absent.

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Cough is also capable of an allergy, which is often combined with an infection. And it can manifest itself even after the end of treatment. The most complex manifestation of allergies is concealed in bronchial asthma.

Cough can occur during complications after suffering pertussis. This symptom is often disturbed during sleep, occurs with attacks and does not contribute to fever.

Glistular invasion can lead to a dry cough without other symptoms. Usually, the child does not bother, and seizures appear every 2-4 weeks.

Contact with irritants is another cause of coughing. Household chemicals, substances and other "components" can irritate the mucous membrane of the upper respiratory tract. Thus, the occurrence of a cough is provoked without any signs of a general inflammation.

A foreign body can also cause this symptom. A child can choke on candy, swallow a small piece of a toy, etc. These processes are characterized by a sudden appearance of a cough.

Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, such as reflux disease and dyskinesia of bile ducts can be very peculiar. Therefore, if there was a cough in a child without a temperature, it is necessary to diagnose and reveal the true cause of this phenomenon.

Diagnosis of cough in a child without fever

Diagnosis of cough in a child without temperature can be carried out in various ways. First of all, the doctor must listen to the complaints of the baby and examine it. Symptoms of a cold or flu can be seen right away. They are characterized by the presence of temperature and a painful appearance in the child.

But there are cases when, in addition to coughing, the baby does not bother. The first thing to do is to exclude the presence of pneumonia. For this, the child should be auditioned and, if necessary, fluorography is performed.

If all catarrhal and infectious diseases are excluded, it is worth making sure that the baby does not have a foreign body in the body. Usually it's enough to listen to the patient. The foreign body can be accompanied by a swelling of one lung, over which there is a weakening of the breath and, often, a wheezing out breath. If everything is confirmed, bronchoscopy is performed. In any case, the baby should be examined. Coughing in a child without fever can indicate a serious illness.

Who to contact?

Pulmonologist Pediatrician

Treatment of cough in a child without fever

Treatment of cough in a child without temperature should be carried out under the supervision of an experienced doctor. Before starting this procedure, it is necessary to determine the cause of the phenomenon.

If the cough was caused by stress, it is necessary to exclude stressful situations. It is likely that you will have to undergo treatment with a child psychotherapist. Based on the age of the baby, sedatives are selected. Valerian's pills fit. Tinctures the baby is better not to give. Approximately 1-2 tablets a day and after a time all the symptoms will disappear. It is advisable to give the baby a soothing tea with mint.

When a cough occurs against the background of allergies, the first thing to do is to get rid of the allergen. Determine what caused this reaction is difficult, so you have to sort through all sorts of options. The baby may have an allergic reaction to dust. In this case it is recommended to carry out daily wet cleaning and thereby reduce the effect of the stimulus on the baby's body. It is necessary to cleanse the body of accumulated allergens. Finally, taking antihistamines will help improve the situation. Pay attention to Diazolin, Claritin and Suprastin. It is enough 1-2 tablets a day, in order to feel relief. Prescribes the dose of the attending physician.

If a cough has occurred against a catarrhal or infectious disease, you need to act differently. In this case, the problem can be eliminated only by medication. So suitable, anti-inflammatory and immuno-fortifying drugs, as well as analgesics and antispasmodics.

The first type of medicine includes Aspirin, Ibuprofen and Indomethacin. Take them with the consent of the attending physician and in the prescribed dosage. In this case everything depends on the complexity of the situation and the age of the child. Usually 1-2 tablets per day is enough. The course of treatment is 5-7 days.

The group of immune-restorative drugs include Aflubin, Levamisol, Immunal and Dibazol. Regarding their method of reception, one must consult a specialist. The group of analgesics include Omnupon, Promedol, Fentanyl and Dipidolor. Spasmolytics are No-sppa, Papaverin, Dicetel and Dospatalin. They need to be taken under the supervision of a child therapist.

A good effect can be achieved with the help of physiotherapy procedures, as well as traditional medicine. Pine kidneys are a great help. For the preparation of infusion it is necessary to take 500 ml of milk and pour into it a tablespoon of kidneys. Then all this is put on gas and languishing for about an hour. To drink a baby you need a warm infusion of 50 ml every 1-2 hours.

Badger fat is also an effective remedy. It is given to the child, -1 teaspoon before meals 3 times a day or rubbed into the back, chest and feet.

Onions are often taken in folk medicine. From it you can make a good syrup with sugar. On one shredded onion, 2 tablespoons of sugar are used. The resulting product is infused overnight and applied in small portions every 1-2 hours.

Juice made from aloe can achieve a certain result. So, it is enough to mix this ingredient with melted butter and honey in equal quantities. The remedy is taken for 5 days 4 times a day before meals. Before cooking, it is desirable to keep the leaves of aloe in the refrigerator for 10 days. To treat a cough in a child without temperature can be different, the main thing is to know the true cause of this phenomenon.

In addition to treatment

Treatment of dry cough in a child Cough remedies Cough tablets Antibiotics for coughing

Preventing cough in a child without fever

Prevention of cough in a child without temperature is very important, it will help to avoid serious consequences. So, completely avoiding colds at this age is not so simple, but to prevent their occurrence is all the same possible.

The best way to prevent this is hardening. From the first days of life, the child needs fresh air, walks and water procedures. Do not constantly expose your baby to overheating. The temperature in which he bathes should not exceed 20-22 degrees. It is advisable to let the baby walk barefoot and swim in safe water. An excellent way to strengthen immunity is to visit the pool. The maximum stay on the street and active games also have a positive effect on the child's body.

Do not forget about the humidification of air. The baby's room constantly has a certain level of humidity, not exceeding 50-70%. Dry air can dry out the respiratory tract and thereby cause the onset of inflammatory processes. To achieve the necessary moisture, you can use a household humidifier, steam or ultrasonic.

Not the last place is the right food. The baby's diet should contain enough vitamins, minerals and nutrients. In the period of breastfeeding it is important to follow what the mother eats. In spring and winter it is desirable to take vitamin-mineral complexes. In this regard, it is worth consulting with a doctor.

It is necessary to comply with the rules of hygiene. If a kid learns to monitor himself and the purity of his hands, then no microbes can penetrate into his body. Cough can and allergies. Therefore, first of all you should get rid of allergens. Observance of all the rules will help to avoid problems in the future and a cough in a child without temperature will not manifest itself.

Cough prognosis in a child without fever

The prognosis of a cough in a child without a temperature is favorable in most cases. But do not relax. If you have a negative symptom, you should immediately seek help from a doctor. The fact is that cough can indicate the presence of serious diseases.

This symptom without temperature is one of the signs of pneumonia, which takes place in a complicated form. If you do not start treatment on time, everything can be fatal. After accumulated sputum is excreted, but the body does not fight infection.

The cause of coughing can be an allergy, eliminating the allergen can save the child from an unpleasant symptom. Serious illness and even a foreign body can cause consequences. Therefore, the reaction of the parents depends on what will be the prognosis for their child. Do not self-medicate. This is fraught with serious consequences for the baby. Coughing a child without temperature can carry an unfavorable prognosis, so it is necessary to act immediately.

Prolonged cough without fever

Many people pay attention to cough only if it is accompanied by fever. In the remaining cases, the symptom is not serious, they are waiting for an unpleasant phenomenon to pass by itself. They do not even think about going to the hospital, and a long cough without temperature persists for months.

The frivolous attitude to a signal of an organism in most cases comes to an end pitiful enough:

  • The underlying disease that caused the cough and was not treated for a long time, grows into a severe form.
  • The patient begins to show additional ailments, caused by a permanent weakening of the body's immune system.
  • Treatment requires large financial costs.
  • The patient falls out of active life for a long time.
  • Often the neglected form of the underlying ailment that caused a cough without temperature, because of untimely medical care, can not be cured completely. A person for a lifetime gets a chronic illness.

The severe consequences of ignoring a prolonged cough without fever are explained by the fact that often it is a companion of quite serious and dangerous processes occurring in the body. They can affect various organs, as well as worsen the state of the immune system as a whole.

Prolonged cough, chest pain without fever due to chronic bronchitis

Reflex spasms of the respiratory tract often serve as a sign of ailments, not necessarily having a sharp form. A prolonged cough (more than a month) without a temperature is very often observed with chronic bronchitis. Its main features are:

  • Parallel appearance of painful sensations in the chest.
  • Gain in windy and damp weather.
  • Allocating abundant sputum.

Prolonged disregard of the symptom and lack of adequate treatment of the underlying disease can lead to the development of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease.

Long cough without fever with tuberculosis

In addition to protracted bronchitis, there is a more serious respiratory disease, which can be evidenced by bronchospasm, which do not give rest for a long time. A prolonged cough (3 weeks) without fever can be a sign of such a terrible ailment as tuberculosis. The symptom that accompanies this disease has the following characteristics:

  • It may be dry or with a small amount of sputum.
  • Has a metallic sound.
  • It manifests itself mainly in the morning hours, after the patient got out of bed.
  • Individual seizures can be quite long.

The danger of ignoring a prolonged cough without the temperature caused by tuberculosis is that during reflex spasms, which are becoming more intense, respiratory organs can be injured and pulmonary bleeding. The main disease in the absence of adequate treatment will progress, growing into a more severe form.

Constant cough without temperature in smokers

Reflex spastic exhalations, which last for a long time, can be caused not only directly by diseases of the bronchi or lungs. Often they develop due to the presence of a harmful habit - nicotine addiction, which provokes the beginning of the development of various pathological processes in the respiratory organs.

If the cough lasts 3 weeks (no temperature), while a person has a long experience of a smoker, it is worth paying attention to the following symptoms:

  • Are there any signs of any infectious diseases.
  • Does cough appear most often in the mornings, after physical exertion (even fast walking), with sudden inhalations.
  • Are bronchospasm accompanied by the release of dense clots of mucus.

If a prolonged cough without temperature in a smoker is accompanied by similar symptoms, then there is a high probability that an unpleasant phenomenon is caused by the constant inhalation of tobacco smoke.

The only way to get rid of a prolonged cough without temperature in this case is to stop smoking. All other methods (inhalations, mint or eucalyptus sweets, softening the throat of the rinse) may slightly weaken the intensity of reflex spasms, but they will not be able to completely rid themselves of them.

Just as it is impossible without abandoning the harmful habit and stop the pathological processes that began in the respiratory system. After all, very often a prolonged cough in smokers develops into chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, which threatens with serious consequences for health.

Prolonged cough without fever with heart disease

Continuous reflex spasms of the diaphragm can be caused not only by pathological processes occurring directly in the respiratory organs. If, for example, a cough lasts 2 weeks without a temperature, then it is worth paying attention to other sensations and signs:

  • A symptom without temperature, accompanied by the separation of mucus and blood clots, will indicate a possible failure of the right ventricle of the heart, which appeared against the background of atrial fibrillation. The prolonged course of this disease causes stagnation in the lungs. As a consequence, there is a thromboembolic syndrome that causes bronchospasm.
  • A sharp dry cough, accompanied by pain, not only in the heart area, but in the entire chest can be a sign of pericarditis or rheumatism. The absence of treatment of these diseases for a long time is fraught with the onset of heart attacks.
  • A prolonged, exhausting and loud cough without temperature, which occurs after a person's stay for some time in a supine position, may indicate a heart failure of the left ventricle. It is accompanied by a strong choking. Coughing in this case brings noticeable relief.
  • A prolonged dry cough without fever can be a symptom of a strong increase in the size of the left atrium. An unpleasant phenomenon can be accompanied by weakness and abundant sweating.
  • In children, a prolonged cough without fever can indicate the presence of congenital heart disease. This disease is fraught with various complications. However, a child can outgrow it.

Prolonged cough without fever in allergic reactions

Supersensitivity of the organism to various stimuli can also cause reflex spasms of the respiratory tract. The unpleasant symptom arising from the action of allergens can be quite long. He pursues a person until the patient's contact with the provocateur is excluded. If the cough lasts two weeks (without the temperature), then it will not be superfluous to visit the hospital and take tests to identify various intolerances.

For an unpleasant symptom caused by an allergy, the following course is characteristic:

  • Appearance after contact with a specific stimulus.
  • Absence of such signs of painful conditions, such as: fever, fever, pain, weakness.
  • Possible presence of itching, runny nose, sneezing.
  • Absence of phlegm.

A prolonged cough without fever can be evidence of an allergic reaction of the body to such common things as:

  • Pollen of plants.
  • Food.
  • Wool.
  • Frost.
  • The sun.
  • Cosmetical tools.
  • Household chemical products.

The reasons for the development of allergies and the occurrence of a prolonged cough without temperature, can be:

  • Excessive hygiene, which reduces the protective function of the immune system.
  • Antibiotics.
  • Food saturated with chemical elements.

Unfortunately, drugs that treat allergies do not exist. Therefore, the only way to get rid of a prolonged cough without temperature is to completely exclude contact with the stimulus that causes intolerance.

Of course, the general knowledge of the causes of reflux airway spasms is not enough to independently diagnose and prescribe treatment. Only a doctor can correctly understand why an unpleasant symptom arose, analyze all available clinical picture and identify a disease that causes an unpleasant long-term cough without temperature. Only after this, the specialist appoints the optimal treatment regimen, which will help the patient in the shortest time to get rid of an unpleasant symptom and the underlying ailment.

Cough without fever

Some symptoms of colds run without temperature and, therefore, sometimes do not cause much concern. In fact, they are very dangerous. For example, a prolonged cough without fever and cold suggests that there is a latent infection in the body. This symptom is extremely serious. Let's take a closer look at the causes of this phenomenon and how to get rid of it.

Causes of Cough without Temperature

If a person coughs for a long time, but does not have temperature, a cold or sneezing, this can be a sign of such problems in the body:

  1. Hidden inflammation or allergic reaction. This cough in the throat is accompanied by a runny nose and sneezing, but the temperature of 37 does not rise higher.
  2. Heart failure.
  3. Venereal disease. With this pathology, a constant cough accompanied by skin irritation, a rash, and the temperature does not increase.
  4. Pneumonia or ARVI.

Sometimes people cough not because of a cold, but because of the pollution of the environment. Often this symptom, along with a runny nose, is observed in people working at a mine, metal processing plant or chemical plant. Very often, without a runny nose and temperature, smokers cough for a long time. In people with allergies, this condition can be caused by feather pillows, in which mites are found. To understand how to be treated for a prolonged cough without a cold and fever, determine whether it is dry or wet.


The main causes that can cause a dry cough (sometimes with wheezing) without fever and cold are:

  1. Allergy to external irritants. The body tries to release the respiratory system from irritating particles, for example, dust, animal hair, household chemicals.
  2. Ecology. If you live in an environmentally unfavorable place for a long time, then barking cough with a runny nose without temperature can be caused by environmental pollution. Long-term smoking exacerbates the situation. All this sometimes leads to chronic diseases of the respiratory system.
  3. Heart problems. In this situation, the condition worsens when lying down. Sometimes it becomes difficult to breathe because of this.
  4. Papillomatosis of the larynx. The larynx is covered with papillomas. Another patient feels uncomfortable in the throat, but there is no fever or runny nose, like with a cold.


The reasons for this cough (in the absence of fever and cold) can be the following problems:

  1. Bronchitis, tracheitis, other similar diseases. As a rule, this symptom is a residual phenomenon of the inflammations, the maximum duration of which is a month.
  2. False groats. With this diagnosis, a person has a very strong cough without a runny nose and fever with painful bouts. The sputum practically does not clear the throat.
  3. Tuberculosis. A dangerous disease, which often does not show any other symptoms. Coryza and cough with phlegm containing blood.
  4. Cold. In ARVI, a person suffers from a runny nose, even if the temperature remains normal.


Such a cough in the absence of a runny nose and temperature is very dangerous. Man, suffocating, his throat is very sore. This in no case can not be tolerated or treated at home. It is necessary urgently to address to the doctor who will define, by what symptom such such attacks are a symptom. If you sometimes cough up almost to vomiting, the reasons for this may be:

  • bronchial asthma;
  • whooping cough;
  • ARVI;
  • a tumor in the lungs or bronchi;
  • pneumonia.


A dry cough at night can be a sign of an allergy to natural pillow fillers. But he is also a symptom of other dangerous diseases. It is necessary to try to understand what other signs are observed, for example, a runny nose or sneezing. If you have snot with no temperature at night, you have snot, it's either a cold or an allergy. Often people cough at night because of the wrong structure of the skeleton or internal organs, or inflammation of the nerve endings.


If there is no chill during prolonged cough, this does not mean that there is no danger. Constant coughing may indicate that the body for some reason does not respond to the virus with high temperature. If this lasts a very long time, you need to undergo a medical examination. The reasons for this condition can be:

  • heart diseases;
  • tuberculosis;
  • allergy;
  • pneumonia;
  • ARVI;
  • complex form of bronchitis.

How to cure a cough

To cure a prolonged cough without fever, it is recommended to use medicines and folk recipes. If you prefer the first option, first visit the doctor so that he can determine the cause of the problem and prescribe the prescription for the appropriate medication. If it's a cold without temperature, then the tablets that dilute sputum will help. These include Mukaltin, Ambrobene, Brommgeksin. In more severe cases, antibiotics will be needed.

Wet cough at home is treated and folk medicine. Very effective will be a mixture of mashed cranberries and honey (in equal parts). It is also recommended to drink honey with lime blossom and birch buds in the proportion glass. The mixture is boiled in a water bath for a quarter of an hour, filtered and drunk three times a day on a small spoon. If you do not know how to stop a cough and how to treat this condition, rub your chest with badger fat, which has an anti-inflammatory effect. Be sure to drink plenty of warm liquid. Different approaches are used to treat cough in children and adults.

In adults

To cure a strong prolonged cough in an adult, you need to determine the cause of the symptom and eliminate it. Dry cough at night is treated with antitussive drugs so that a person can normally rest. If it is associated with an infection of the upper respiratory tract, then you will need to drink pills for colds. The most important thing is to understand what to take to turn a permanent dry cough into a wet one. To do this, prescribe drugs that stimulate expectoration:

  1. Reflex. Drugs that drink with a prolonged cold. They affect the areas of the brain responsible for the cough reflex. The most common example is the leaves of mother-and-stepmother, plantain. Of the drugs - Codeine.
  2. Resorptive. Preparations that dilute sputum. Thanks to them, the lungs are intensively cleaned. Often, such medications are used for inhalations. Examples: ATSTS, Amtersol, Ascoril.
  3. Proteolytic. Make sputum less viscous. They include Gelomirtol, the herb of thyme.
  4. Mukoregulators. Tablets for increased production of phlegm, used to treat colds in most cases. For example, Ambroxol, Bromhexine.


A cough in a baby without temperature is normal, if the child is not naughty and sleeps well, behaves very actively, does not complain about a stuffed nose or weakness. But if barking, dry or wet cough does not pass, then you should consult a doctor. Pain when coughing and frequent long bouts, which sometimes lead to vomiting and do not give the baby in 3 years of sleep, talk about the presence of serious diseases in the body.

To treat a prolonged cough without fever, the child is prescribed:

  • remedies that soothe spasms (Dzhoset, Ascoril, Kashnol);
  • drugs for liquefaction of sputum (syrup Thyme, ACC, Bromhexine);
  • expectorants (Stopoutsin, Bronchicum, Plantain syrup).

If your child has a dry allergic cough without a cold, the treatment should be comprehensive. In this situation, you need to drink antitussive drugs and visit an allergist who will identify the allergen and eliminate it. This can be household dust, pet hair. The specialist will write antihistamines (antiallergic), tell you what to drink for general strengthening therapy and improve immunity.

Video: Komarovsky on cough treatment in a child

Watch a video in which the famous children's doctor Eugene Komarovsky tells in detail how to treat a bad cough without a runny nose in an infant. Doctor's advice will help you understand why a cough occurs, what you need to do, so that the ailment quickly passes. Having looked at the video below, you will stop considering the cough something frightening and incomprehensible, and when it appears you can take correct steps without delay.

Prolonged cough in a child without fever

Caring mothers always worried and continues to worry the situation, when without the temperature the child has a prolonged cough. Sometimes there are no prerequisites for him, or the baby is already treated, but coughs. An unpleasant symptom can arise both independently and be a consequence of hidden processes occurring in the body.

Causes of prolonged dry cough in a child without fever

Nursing dry long cough or a rare cough in a child is always alarming, because often it is a symptom of such a formidable disease astuberculosis.And although many inhabitants are sure that it must necessarily be accompanied by a subfebrile temperature, practice is not always the case, and therefore if this condition lasts more than 2-3 weeks, consultation is necessary phthisiatrician.

Lamblias, ascarids, pinworms and other parasites,inhabiting the body, sometimes cause a dry cough, if the invasion spread throughout the body. That is why it is so important to regularly take tests and undergo preventive treatment with the whole family.

Not the last of the reasons why a prolonged dry cough in a child without a temperature can occur is residual afterwhooping cough,when the cough center is irritated and the child is suffering from a nasal cough (up to three months). If such a diagnosis was made, the doctor always warns Mom and prescribes antitussives in case of attacks.

But most often dry cough caused by ordinaryhouse dust and dry air indoors.Lungs should be cleaned independently, and therefore a cough reflex is produced. In the period of flowering plants - from the beginning of spring to late autumn, a dry cough can be triggered by an allergy to their pollen.

Prolonged wet cough in a child without fever

The reasons for a wet cough against a background of normal temperature are less than that of dry cough.

Most often it is an obstruction in the bronchi, chronic bronchitis, asthma or an infection of the ENT organs, which can take a long time.

Some allergic children react with a moist cough to the stimulus. This condition is often accompanied by an inflammatory process of the broncho-pulmonary system, and therefore requires the use of antibacterial agents.

Whatever cough the child has - dry or wet, if it continues for a long time, then parents should not guess at the coffee grounds, but should consult a pediatric doctor who will prescribe a complete examination to determine the cause and purpose of adequate treatment.

Cough does not pass 2 weeks - what to do?

What to do when the cough does not pass for 2 weeks, directly depends on many factors, but the main one is the correctness of the diagnosis. A usual cough caused by a cold or flu should subside within 7-10 days. If this did not happen, then the treatment was not selected correctly. The reason for this is most often the faulty diagnosis, or its absence at all. After all, admit, not all of us after the first sneeze run to the doctor.

Why does the coughing last 2 weeks or more?

The fact that coughing for two weeks does not go wrong with the mistakes in the treatment. Usually with colds, we try to knock down the fever as soon as possible and cope with a runny nose and cough. But after all, all these symptoms are not the disease itself, but the reaction to it of the organism! And the nature of these symptoms is quite logical: at a temperature of 37-38 degrees, bacteria lose the ability to multiply and perish.

The same goes for viruses. With the help of a cold the human body cleans the nasal passage, washing off new bacteria from the mucous membrane, well, coughing serves for the removal of the products of vital activity of pathogenic microbes and mucus from the lower parts of the organs respiration. That's why, when a dry cough does not pass for 2 weeks, you should take not antitussive medicines, but mucolytics. They contribute to the dilution of phlegm and make the cough moist. When the bronchi are cleared - the cough will stop by itself, without the use of medication. This will avoid such serious complications as bronchitis and pneumonia.

Also, one should not forget that drinking with colds should be abundant, otherwise the body will not have the opportunity to produce mucus, remove toxins and metabolic products. Incidentally, it is the excessively dry air in the room and the lack of fluid in the body with an increased external temperature most often caused by coughing in children. It may not be associated with a cold at all, being a reaction of sensitive mucous nasopharynx to climatic conditions.

In addition to colds and complications on its background, the reason that an adult can not cough for 2 weeks may be such factors:

  • allergy;
  • smoking;
  • Chronical bronchitis;
  • presence of benign and malignant tumors in respiratory organs;
  • cardiovascular diseases;
  • neurological diseases;
  • defeat of pulmonary structures.

Than to cure if it does not pass 2 weeks?

The first thing that should be done with a prolonged cough is to consult a doctor. Only after the true cause of this symptom is identified, it will be possible to talk about treatment. Do it yourself is very difficult: to recognize pulmonary tuberculosis, bronchitis, or pneumonia without special manipulation is impossible. In addition, often the cause of coughing may be an allergy, a reaction to medications, or chemicals. It has long been noted that many drugs used in the therapy of heart disease cause a cough as a side effect. Also, the cause of a protracted cough may be osteochondrosis or cramping of the neck muscles. There are cases when a cough provokes excessive emotional stress and stress. Agree, it is better to entrust diagnostics to professionals.

If you are sure that the cough is caused by a cold, we can recommend such ways of fighting it:

  • bed rest and copious drinking;
  • cleanliness in the room, good air humidity;
  • reduced temperature in the patient's room;
  • peace;
  • if necessary - the reception of expectorant medicines, antibacterial and antiviral drugs.

Under these conditions, the body is much easier to cope with a bacterial and viral infection on its own. But it is worth remembering that this is possible only if there is enough good immunity.

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