What to do with dry cough in adults

Folk remedies for dry cough in adults

narodnoe sredstvo lecheniia suxogo kawliaDry cough accompanies various diseases - pneumonia, bronchitis, laryngitis, colds, allergies, helminths, can also bother if the thyroid gland is enlarged, in any case it needs to be treated. Pharmaceutical medications are not always helpful, which can further exacerbate the disease by causing bronchospasm. In such cases, it is best to pay attention to folk methods of treatment, which are safer.

Popular methods for treating dry cough

If there is a dry cough, there is almost no mucus, so the body is hard to eliminate the infection, the virus, the bacterium, because of this, a strong dry cough starts to bother. So the body displays all foreign microorganisms.

Therefore, in this situation it is recommended to use folk methods of treatment that will help to soften the dry cough:

1. Drink milk in hot form, be sure to add alkaline water, honey, so a lot of mucus will form and dry cough will quickly pass. Effective fatty cream. In cases where a person does not tolerate dairy products, it is recommended to add butter to tea.

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2. The mixture of onions and sugar will help the adults. To do this, you must prepare the onion, then add the sugar, mix everything thoroughly, everything must be infused at night to start to form the juice. The drug is taken sutra, first juice, after you must try to eat the onions. So cough will quickly leave you.

3. Since ancient times, honey with radish is the best remedy for adults from dry cough. For this, a black radish is taken, a small hole is made in it, after which chalk is put. Insist up to three hours. Use in the morning, at lunch, in the evening and at night before eating. The effect will increase if you add carrot juice.

4. Lemon with the addition of honey. To prepare a medicine, you need to take a lemon, add glycerin to it. Mix everything thoroughly, top up with honey. If a dry cough in an adult is not strong, it is enough to eat three times a day. In cases where the cough is very strong and dry, you need to eat the medicine up to 7 times. When you see that it becomes easier, reduce the dosage of the syrup.

5. The best warming agent that will cure a dry cough is dry mustard. To make a medicine, you need to take mustard, flour, sunflower oil, all in one tablespoon, make a cake, put everything in a plastic bag, attach to the back, chest area. Pay attention, on the cardiac area the agent can not be applied.

Herbal inhalation for adults

When the rinse is not effective, it is recommended to use inhalation, soda, chamomile, and oregano are suitable for it.

If you are long disturbed by a dry cough, you need to pour eucalyptus leaves with boiled water. Then construct the funnel, breathe in steam for up to 20 minutes. Also good is inhalation with thyme, mother-and-stepmother, you can put soda and drip eucalyptus oil.

Expectorating folk remedies for the treatment of dry cough

To mitigate cough in an adult, it is recommended to drink liquid in large quantities, alkaline mineral water is best suited. When you see that the cough is moistened, you need to take a decoction, infusion on the basis of medicinal herbs. Well-being helps oregano, mint, mother-and-stepmother, ledum. You can brew separately herbs or use as a collection. In the pharmacy you can buy in the finished form.

From sputum, which is accumulated in large quantities, will help get rid of elecampane, with the help of it you can remove the symptoms of dry cough. To prepare a medicine, you need to brew the root of the plant, insist it. Drink up to three times a day for half an hour before meals. It is especially useful for bronchitis.

The best remedy for a dry cough is the mother-and-stepmother. To prepare the broth, you need to fill the leaves with a glass of water. Insist an hour, eat up to three times a day.

You can quickly cough thyme to prepare a healing remedy, you need to plant the plant grass with a glass of water. Insist up to 25 minutes. Add another glass of water. Drink before eating.

From the unproductive cough helps to get rid of the horsetail field, it needs to pour 500 ml of boiling water, to insist for three hours. Use decoction in small quantities.

An effective remedy is a mixture of milk and onions. To make it, you need to take the head of onions, divide it, pour two glasses of milk. Then boil, the onion should become soft and pale. After the onion is removed from the milk, it is necessary to wait until the mixture has cooled. In the end, honey is added, wait until it dissolves.

Quickly cure dry cough can be with the help of sage, fruits of anise, mullein, licorice, pine buds, althea root. All pour 500 ml of boiling water, insist. Dry cough will help to cure inhalation based on boiled potatoes with fir oil. You need to breathe deeply the couples of broth.

Help bananas, in order to prepare a medicinal mixture, you need to grind them in puree, then add water, sugar, warm everything and drink.

Adults dry cough can be treated with a mixture of wine and pepper. To do this, take the root of the pepper, pour wine, it is best to use white. Use in the morning, afternoon and evening. From a dry cough you can prepare an infusion on the basis of fennel, the root of the althea, use 50 ml to 5 times a day.

Thus, if a dry cough greatly excruciates you, you should definitely try folk methods of treatment, if they are not help, and you notice that the coughing is delayed, it is necessary to consult with the treating doctor, so as not to be complications. Also, be careful about the selection of components for people's methods of treatment, often they can cause serious allergic reactions, further exacerbate the disease, so first check how you react to a certain plant and other products. It is best to consult with a specialist before using folk methods for the treatment of dry cough.


Asphyxiating cough in an adult: what to do if the cough is stifling

The appearance of this kind of cough has different causes. Quite often it happens as a result of ingress of foreign bodies into the respiratory tract or active irritation of the mucous membranes by allergens.

However, usually such a cough should be considered as a signal for the development of diseases dangerous to health and life.

Causes of a suffocating cough

A suffocating suffocating cough happens in heavy smokers. Systematic inhalation of nicotine gums irritates the mucous membranes of the bronchi and larynx.

If a history of chronic bronchitis is present, perspiration in the throat worries a person only in the morning. Inflammatory process in the bronchi in an adult takes a long time, and soon can by itself pass into secondary tuberculosis.

A suffocating cough with a slight discharge of phlegm will indicate laryngitis. At such disease at the patient it is observed:

  1. increased body temperature;
  2. hoarseness of voice;
  3. a sore throat.
Causes of a suffocating coughThe same symptom with severe shortness of breath is typical for bronchial asthma. In addition, the patient may suffer from acute pain behind the thorax, and the bronchial secretion is isolated in a small amount and very rarely.

When a strong cough began after the penetration of a foreign object, it will pass right after the removal of the body from the respiratory tract. The use of drugs in this case will not bring absolutely no benefit.

It is possible that a dry and suffocating cough arose because of cancer. As the pathology develops, the symptom will become more intense, painful, painful.

Often, the reasons are in lung cancer. It happens that dry dandruff in the throat of an adult person occurs after taking some medicines.

Morning, day or night?

The appearance of attacks of suffocating cough only at certain times of the day is a very eloquent symptom of a certain disease. If a person coughs throughout the day, the doctor will detect acute respiratory infections, bronchitis, tracheitis, and laryngitis.

This symptom in the morning will indicate:

  1. chronic bronchitis;
  2. abscess of the lung;
  3. bronchiectasis.

The suffocating type of cough at night indicates heart failure, lung cancer, tuberculosis. The causes of cough and perspiration in the throat are also covered in bronchial asthma. In about 10 percent of cases, this symptom will be the main one. During an attack:

  • narrowed lumen in the bronchi;
  • difficulty breathing on exhalation.

As a result, coughing, wheezing, choking develops. These same symptoms only at night are with emphysema, pertussis and other pulmonary pathologies. In some cases, the cause is in dusty, over-dried air.

It is generally believed that whooping cough occurs in patients of childhood, but this is far from the case. Adult patients also suffer from this disease, and their symptoms are quite strong.

What to do?

Treat dry suffocating coughTo treat a dry suffocating cough is possible only with strict adherence to the prescriptions of the doctor and the implementation of all his recommendations.

Treatment begins with a complete diagnosis of the body, the delivery of tests to determine the cause of the disease.

As a rule, the doctor recommends the patient to use medicines:

  • antiseptic;
  • anti-inflammatory;
  • enveloping.

It is very important to create certain conditions that will positively affect the condition of the mucous membranes and help them to recover. Not the least role is played by the transition of non-productive (dry) cough to productive (wet). This will significantly ease the patient's condition and speed up the recovery process.

To remove the perspiration in the throat and cough, it is shown to treat with various lollipops and lozenges that will soften the mucous membrane. Physioprocedures will be very effective:

  1. inhalation for cough;
  2. gargling.

The basis for such procedures will be broths of medicinal plants, salt and soda solutions. It is useful to do inhalation with alkaline mineral water, milk. Naturally, the proposed methods are not capable of having a lasting effect, however, they will at least temporarily improve the condition of the adult patient.

Highly effective treatment of dry cough involves the use of drugs that work in a complex way: they envelop the mucous membranes, stop the inflammatory process.

If you treat the problem in a timely manner, such medications will become a powerful antibacterial medicine.

Unconventional treatment and prevention

Unconventional treatment and preventionIf the doctor permits, treatment with folk remedies is fully justified. With attacks of dry suffocating cough in an adult will cope with medicinal herbs. They are used both external and internal.

To ease the condition and speed up the treatment will help warm milk with soda if coughing attacks are associated with a cold. Such a simple remedy will help soften the mucous membrane, remove inflammation and choking in the throat.

It is recommended also a plentiful drink throughout the day. It will help to prevent the drying of the mucous throat, oral cavity, relieving the patient of dry cough.

In addition, it does not hurt to drink a decoction:

  • thyme;
  • elecampane;
  • plantain;
  • black radish;
  • mother-and-stepmother.

In order not to suffer from a suffocating cough, you should do everything in advance to prevent it. In winter, you need to often ventilate the room, moisten the dry air. If the cough has already begun, these activities will help to relieve it and transfer it to the wet one. When the causes of the underlying disease are eliminated, the suffocating type of cough will pass quickly enough.

It should be said that some of the listed ailments that are accompanied by a suffocating cough are saved by timely vaccination. Therefore, this preventative measure should also not be neglected. A cognitive video in this article will help you figure out how to treat a suffocating type of cough.


Dry cough in adults. Home Treatment

Such a symptom, as a dry cough, can be a reaction of the body to allergens. But in

dry cough in adults treatmentmainly it is a sign of many diseases of the respiratory system: acute respiratory disease, laryngitis, tracheitis and bronchitis, bronchial asthma, pneumonia, tuberculosis, etc. In elderly people, dry cough often causes fungal infection of the respiratory system. To establish an accurate diagnosis with the subsequent appointment of a course of treatment, it is necessary to examine the patient and make an anamnesis of the disease by the doctor (to get rid of the underlying ailment). To alleviate the debilitating dry cough in adults, treatment with drugs is desirable to be carried out in conjunction with physiotherapy and folk medicine.

Reactive cough

Such irritants as dust, smoke, pollen of plants, mold, strong aromas of perfumes and powders, household chemicals often cause dry cough in adults. Treatment in this case should begin with the exclusion of contact with the allergen. Attacks of a dry cough sometimes provokes the taking of certain medicines (drug allergies), so before taking new drugs, you should always read the annotations. Allergic dry cough can quickly turn into bronchial asthma. To avoid this, it is necessary to urgently rid the body of the presence of pathogens in it - for this use anti-allergenic drugs, having received the advice of a doctor.

We treat dry cough at home: herbs and infusions

Dry cough. Treatment in adultsIf you do not want to immediately resort to chemical drugs, use medicinal herbs. Phytotherapy greatly facilitates dry cough in adults. Treatment of cold seasonal diseases with folk remedies means, first of all, abundant drinking. A warm tea with raspberry jam, honey, kalina or grated currant helps a lot. These foods are rich in vitamin C, which means they can strengthen immunity and help the body cope with the infection. Cough, thyme, elecampane have an antitussive effect - these herbs are included in the dues with a very strong, debilitating cough. Good to remove attacks of dry cough broth peppermint (you can dilute the tea with a ready-made pharmacy tincture). Try to lubricate the liqueur with a dimple on your throat, if you feel a constant perspiration. It facilitates coughing frequent rinsing of the throat and ingestion of herbal decoctions and infusions with enveloping (althaea root, seed flax), expectorant and anti-inflammatory effect (flowers of black elderberry, 3-color violet grass, chamomile flowers and lindens). We also use plantain grass and alternatives, licorice root, motherwort, valerian rhizome and elecampane root, hips, a mother-and-stepmother leaf.dry cough treatment in adultsA good expectorant effect is provided by essential oil plants - from them are prepared decoctions for drinking and inhalation. This is a marsh feather, seeds of anise and fennel, dill and cumin, pine buds, eucalyptus leaf, lemon balm leaves, sage, thyme. You can make a collection, including in it 1-2 plants with different effects, for example: the roots of the althaea, grass and flowers of oregano, mother-and-stepmother. Or here is the composition: licorice, plantain, mother-and-stepmother. From simple medicines, "Mukaltin" has proved to be well-dry cough quickly softens and becomes moist after taking these pills.

What should I do if I have a painful dry cough?

Treatment in adults is reduced to frequent intake (in an hour or two) of a decoction in such a composition: aira root, linden flowers or elderberry, leaves of St. John's wort, herb thyme, coltsfoot, pine buds, seeds of anise and cumin (all in equal parts).

If you can not prepare the above-described remedy, use products that can be found in almost every home - onions, sugar and honey. Grind 500 g of onion, mix with 350 g of sugar and 3 tbsp. l. honey. Dissolve all in 1 liter of water and protil 3 hours at low heat. Cool and strain. The finished medicine is stored in the refrigerator. Take it you need to 1 tablespoon every 3-4 hours, pre-warmed. It is said that this remedy very well relieves dry cough in adults. It is recommended that the treatment be complemented by rubbing into the chest area a mixture of goat's fat with honey (take in equal amounts). Then you need to wrap the body with a compress paper, top with a downy shawl or woolen cloth and go to bed.

mucaltin dry coughAdvice to those who cough dry cough too often - prepare a healing wine from the root of elecampane, fruits of anise, grass of a thousand-year-old grass and a herb of St. John's wort - to take everyone by 20 g. To these ingredients add 50 g raisins and pour all dry red wine of good quality (about, l), infuse for 14 days. Take a glass for half an hour before eating.

The last advice is very important

With prolonged dry cough, it is necessary to be examined in a polyclinic. Only the doctor will determine the cause, which caused a dry cough. In adults, treatment with some folk remedies may be ineffective, especially if the disease is more severe than the common ARD.


What to take with a dry cough. Dry cough: what medications will help

It is difficult to argue with the fact that cough is one of the most unpleasant symptoms of a cold. He interferes in the daytime to perform their work duties, and at night - to fully sleep. In addition, a cough can exacerbate physically or cause psychological discomfort. After all, who will enjoy the attack during the lecture or workshop? An unpleasant symptom should be eliminated when it first appears. And before you start treatment, it is necessary to find out the causes of the ailment.

Why does cough appear

Coughing is not a disease, but only a symptom. The reflex response occurs when a foreign body or sputum enters the respiratory tract. Inflammation due to the action of bacteria and viruses can also cause coughing. The danger is that such a symptom accompanies not only acute respiratory disease, but also complex diseases such as pneumonia, tuberculosis, complicated bronchitis, and so on. Therefore, when you have a cough, you should first contact a specialist. Self-medication, the patient runs the risk of serious complications.

what to take with a dry coughWith each disease, cough has its own characteristics. It can be dry, wet or barking. Caution patient may be impurity blood in the sputum or pain in the chest. Fighting a dry cough is much more difficult. In some cases, you have to use antibiotics.

Causes of dry cough

Before choosing an effective remedy for dry cough, you need to identify the cause of its appearance. It is worth noting that any catarrhal disease can begin with a dry cough. Bed rest and generous drinking contribute to the transformation of dry cough into a productive cough. The term of treatment does not exceed seven days.

dry cough remedyIf the symptom does not resolve within a few weeks, a serious cause for concern arises. The patient can decide on his own what to take with a dry cough to temporarily remove an unpleasant symptom, but only a qualified therapist should deal with full-fledged treatment. After a preliminary examination, the doctor can prescribe tests, which are fundamental for the selection of medications.

The main diseases that can trigger the appearance of dry cough include various viral infections, laryngitis, diphtheria, tuberculosis, heart failure, influenza, ARI, etc. Dry cough can also be normal for a smoker. At the same time, it is difficult to answer the question what quickly helps with dry cough. A person should just get rid of a bad habit - and an unpleasant symptom will go away.

Why it is important to start treatment faster

Dry cough is debilitating and unpleasant. Irritant effect leads to the appearance of complications. So, ordinary bronchitis with untimely seeking medical help can provoke pneumonia. Pneumonia requires in-patient treatment with the use of expensive drugs. What to take with a dry cough at the beginning of the disease, everyone should know.

what drugs should be taken with a dry coughIt is very important, when a symptom appears, to reveal that it does not belong to such serious diseases as tuberculosis and malignant tumor. In any case, the faster the patient turns to the therapist, the greater the chance of a positive outcome.

Drinking plenty will relieve dry cough

Many know that ordinary water during colds is just as important as medicines. At the same time, some people forget to drink plenty of fluids. Meanwhile, warm teas and tinctures of herbs contribute to the rapid dilution of phlegm. Dry cough quickly turns into productive.

You can drink not only mineral water, but also various vitaminized drinks. It can be non-cold fruit drinks, compotes from dried fruits, teas from raspberries and medicinal herbs. The main thing is that the drink was not hot and not cold. The ideal temperature is 37 degrees. Effective expectorants with a dry cough may contain honey. You can make an ordinary tea with lemon and honey. The warm milk with honey and butter also has a positive effect.


Effectively soften dry cough assisted by inhalation. Such treatment is perfect for both adults and kids. Children older than five years can successfully breathe over the steam. But inhalation for small children is not recommended. It can be dangerous.

preparations for dry cough for children and adults which medications will helpInhalations can be carried out at home. In pharmacies special devices are offered - nebulizers. They are just the same and are intended for the treatment of various respiratory diseases. The main thing is to choose the right solution for inhalation. An excellent remedy for dry cough is the infusion of chamomile. Its preparation does not take much time. Dry herbs, purchased at the pharmacy, pour boiling water and insist for 15 minutes. For inhalation, you can use sage, dog rose, St. John's wort, calendula, and raspberry leaves.

It does not matter if you purchased a nebulizer failed. At home, you can use the old grandfather method - pour a warm solution for inhalation in a saucepan and breathe over it. On the effectiveness of this method is no different. But, unfortunately, it is less convenient.

During the inhalation can also be used drugs from dry cough to children and adults. What medicines will help in a particular case, the doctor will tell. Such syrups as "Lazolvan "ACTS "Ambrobe "Fluimucil etc., have an excellent effect. A few teaspoons of syrup are added to the solution for inhalation.

Massage with dry cough

Helps to get rid of unpleasant coughing attacks massage. It promotes the dilution of sputum and the improvement of blood circulation. But the impact should be correct. In addition, with certain diseases, massage is generally contraindicated. You can not do it also if the patient has a fever.

Massage with a dry cough should be done correctly. The technology is quite simple. First of all, a little special ointment or essential oil is applied to the hands. What to take when a dry cough tells the therapist. Therapeutic balms, such as "Doctor Mom" ​​or "Eucabal have an excellent effect. Ointment should also be applied to the area of ​​scapula and thorax. These places must be influenced first. In addition, it is necessary to massage the neck and lower back. After a massage, you can not go outside for half an hour. It's good if the procedure is carried out at home.

Compresses for dry cough

Any warming procedure can be helpful in eliminating an unpleasant irritating symptom. Compresses also apply to them. It is not necessary to do them only at an elevated body temperature. Compresses improve blood circulation. As a result, the immune system begins to work better, and the sputum dilutes and easily emerges from the lungs.

what to take with a dry cough what medicinesFor compresses, various solutions can be used. Popular methods are popular. To get rid of a cough, simple boiled potatoes help. After heat treatment, the vegetable is slightly cooled, rubbed and placed on the chest of the patient. It is very important to avoid the heart area. This compress can be put on at night. Just a few procedures will be enough to make the dry cough transformed into wet.

Effective is also a solution of vegetable oil, vodka and honey. The ingredients are mixed in equal proportions and heated in a water bath. In the resulting solution, a bandage, folded several times, is wetted. It should be put on the area between the shoulder blades. So that the solution does not evaporate too quickly, a cellophane bag is placed on top of the compress.

Plants to help

There are plants that help cough as fast as possible. Women used them to treat their relatives from ancient times. The pharmacies offer ready-made breastfeeds. They are used not only for inhalations, but also for oral administration. Plants such as sage, chamomile, mother-and-stepmother, oregano, plantain, are able to quickly eliminate dry cough. What to take in a specific case, the doctor will tell.

Even medicinal herbs should be included in the treatment only on the advice of a specialist. Some plants can have the opposite effect. As a result, there will be a dry cough of an allergic nature. Quite often such a symptom is difficult to eliminate.

Dry cough of an allergic nature

Despite the fact that cough for allergies is not a symptom of the disease, it causes a lot of trouble. It can be difficult to calm down. And if you do not give a cough to the value, not far up to bronchial asthma.

Identify an allergic cough is simple. He is intrusive. Cough does not abate due to the reception of classical drugs. It is possible to get rid of the problem only after removing the object that causes allergies.

Before taking pills for the treatment of dry cough, it is worth to find out what exactly is caused by an allergic reaction. A fairly common symptom is spring, when nature comes to life. Pollen of plants and dust can provoke the appearance of all cold symptoms. This can be not only a cough, but also an inflammation of the nasal mucosa. Problems are solved in a few weeks. And to temporarily eliminate unpleasant symptoms, you have to use antihistamines.

What to take with a dry cough

If cough is not allergic, it can easily be eliminated with medications. But self-medication is not worth it. What medications should be taken with a dry cough, only the therapist will tell. The appointment is made based on the form of cough, as well as the concomitant symptoms of the disease. Sometimes simple antitussive pills are not enough. In advanced cases, the doctor may prescribe antibiotics.

which quickly helps with dry coughTreatment can give good results if it is complex. Dilution agents are used together with antiviral drugs. In addition, you can use folk remedies. But all actions should be carried out in agreement with the expert.

In pharmacies are offered combined preparations that are both expectorant and antitussive. These include Sinekod, Bronholitin, and Libexin. These drugs are effective only if they are properly taken. Non-compliance with dosage leads to sputum stagnation. In the results, the cough does not cure, but only progresses.

Drugs of central influence

Drugs of central influence are effective in the treatment of dry cough. These are medicines that affect not the phlegm, but the cough center of the brain. Such drugs can be narcotic and non-narcotic. Both these groups perfectly eliminate the dry cough. What medicines to take, the expert will tell.

Narcotic drugs are used only in the most neglected cases. The main drawback is the possibility of addiction. Non-narcotic drugs, although they do not start to act so quickly, have fewer drawbacks. Just a few days later, the use of coughing becomes much less.

Peripheral antitussives

In contrast to drugs of central impact, peripheral drugs reduce the cough reflex due to the effect on the mucous membranes of the respiratory tract. Such drugs are less effective, but they do not have any shortcomings. Therefore, often there is no question of what to take with a dry cough. What medicines will help, knows everyone who once faced an unpleasant symptom. Medicines can be produced in the form of tablets or as a syrup.

Effective expectorants for dry coughPeripheral antitussive drugs can be prescribed not only to children, but also to adults. Particular attention is paid to dosage. Regardless of what preparations should be taken with a dry cough, the course of treatment is prescribed by a doctor. Usually, peripheral drugs are taken for at least five days.

A wide range of medicines can catch a patient by surprise. It can be difficult to decide what to take with a dry cough to avoid side effects. Timely appeal to the therapist will speed up the recovery process and avoid complications.


Why does not a dry cough go away? Causes of dry cough in children and adults

Coughing is a reflex, just like breathing itself. And his appearance indicates that there was some kind of pathogen - allergic, infectious, viral, that is, the cause of dry cough, serious or not, which causes irritation in the respiratory tract and causes the body to clear them of the - allergen, infection, virus or foreign body.

Cough itself is not a disease, it is a symptom of over 50 different diseases or allergic manifestations, from common cold to tuberculosis, oncology, bronchial asthma or heart disease. Most often, a dry cough lasts for several days, moving into productive, moist with sputum, but can sometimes be prolonged. The duration of dry cough is divided into:

  • Acute - which after a few days passes into the wet or passes
  • Prolonged - which lasts from 3 weeks to 3 months
  • Chronic - which lasts more than 3 months.

Let's see why the dry cough does not last a long time, which diseases are the cause of dry cough.

The main causes of dry cough associated with the respiratory system

The most common causes of dry cough are inflammatory diseases of the upper respiratory tract, which are caused by viruses and pathogenic bacteria.

In this case, a strong organism with a strong immune system cope on its own, and if the immune response the virus or infection is weakened, then antibiotics or antiviral drugs come in for ARVI and influenza.

When parainfluenza and the flu should always consult a doctor, as these are very insidious diseases, which recently become very aggressive, leading to a mass of complications. How to distinguish the flu from ARVI read in our article.

If during the acute respiratory viral infection, flu or other infectious disease, a dry cough does not last for a long time, it can be caused by:

  • firstly, because the immune system in a person is significantly weakened
  • Secondly, that there are provoking factors that affect the duration of dry cough, they include: smoking and drinking alcohol, very dry air in the room and taking in insufficient amounts of fluids for cold or viral disease.
  • thirdly, the attachment of a secondary infection or complication after a viral disease, when bacterial bronchitis, pneumonia, tracheitis, pharyngitis develops, etc.

Diseases of the pleura and lungs can also be accompanied by a dry, painful cough - pneumonia, pleurisy. Most often there is a high fever, shortness of breath, chest pain.

Atypical forms of pneumonia

It should also be borne in mind that a prolonged cough can be a consequence of mycoplasma and chlamydia, these pathogens microorganisms can cause atypical pneumonia, bronchitis, which can occur for a long time, periodically recur. To differentiate the pathogen that caused pneumonia or bronchitis, you can take a blood test using ELISA.

Pertussis, measles, false croup

Pertussis can cause dry cough in children, and in adults. Pertussis is considered to be a childhood infectious disease, although vaccinations have reduced cases of whooping cough among children, but they occur, in addition, weakened adults also sometimes recorded cases of whooping cough. With this disease, a convulsive cough is so severe that it often leads to vomiting. In this case, you should take antitussive remedies for dry cough, such as Sinekod, Libeksin, Bronholitin, and others.

In addition to pertussis, among childhood diseases characterized by a strong dry cough, measles and false groats can be identified. Measles, other than cough, is also characterized by rashes on the skin and mucous membranes (see Fig. symptoms of measles in children). With false croup, the vocal cords, larynx, trachea and bronchi are involved in the inflammation process, so it is characterized by a barking cough. This disease is more likely to affect children under 3 years old.


Tuberculosis is a formidable disease that has also been epidemic in recent years, not only among low-income as it is commonly believed, but also among the wealthy strata of the population, with the development of favorable factors for its progression. Constant nervous tension, stressful situations, lack of adequate nutrition and good rest, fascination various depleting diets, can lead to the development of tuberculosis even among businessmen and high social status.

Causes of dry cough

By 20-30 years it is believed that each person is infected with a stick of Koch, but a strong immune system copes with it. It is only necessary to weaken the body and mycobacterium tuberculosis can become more active and cause pulmonary tuberculosis and extrapulmonary forms.

As for the dry cough, it can be caused by tuberculosis of the lungs, bronchi or trachea, larynx. It begins with a dry, unproductive cough, obtrusive coughing, weakness, while body temperature rarely is more than 3, -3, most often it rises to low-grade figures and only in the evening.

Tuberculosis can be the cause of dry cough in adults, as well as in children, which is especially dangerous, as tuberculosis today is not the tuberculosis that was 40 years ago. Now a large number of drug-resistant forms of this terrible disease are registered, which require a longer and expensive treatment, and in combination with other chronic illnesses in the patient or HIV infection lead to lethal outcome.

Laryngitis, pharyngitis, tracheitis

are also frequent causes of dry cough. With pharyngitis, the mucous pharynx is involved in the inflammatory process, and with laryngitis, the mucous larynx is involved. Both these diseases are both acute and chronic, cough while it is dry, barking, exhausting, intensifying at night. With frequent inhalation of dusty air, dry, cold, and also in the presence of irritating gases and vapors in the air, tracheitis can develop - both acute and chronic. There is also a painful dry cough.

Diseases of ENT organs

Against the backdrop of various diseases of the nasopharynx, such as sinusitis, sinusitis, or chronic rhinitis, allergic rhinitis, the appearance of night dry cough is due to the syndrome of postnasal swelling. When these diseases acquire a chronic course, not infrequently, the mucus that is separated from the nasal sinuses begins to flow down the back wall of the pharynx, it irritates the cough receptors in the tracheobronchial tree. This cough may seem productive and moist, since nasal mucus is released during cough, but this cough should be considered dry.

Oncological diseases of respiratory organs

Cancer of the bronchi, lungs, trachea, throat cancer, and mediastinal organs (organs located between the sternum and the spine - the heart, bronchi, aorta, etc.). If the dry cough does not persist for a long time, it worries both day and night, as soon as possible, turn to doctor, blood test, X-ray of lungs, according to indications, MRI of mediastinal organs, bronchoscopy, oncolikers. With any chronic cough it is necessary to find out the exact cause of its appearance, for today the oncological tension is getting stronger, cancer appears even in young people, and everyone knows that the timely detection of cancer increases the chances of recovery or significant prolongation of life.

Only on the basis of the examination the doctor can not establish the cause of a protracted cough - this is not possible, therefore it is necessary to pass the tests and pass several examinations according to the indications - blood test, sputum, spirography, spirometry, X-ray, bronchoscopy, bodipletizmography, tussography, MRI, CT.

Causes of dry cough, not associated with inflammatory processes of the respiratory system

Allergic cough

In recent decades, the number of people suffering from various allergic reactions has increased significantly among the Russian population, especially in children. Almost all children today have any allergic reactions, if not food allergy, so allergy to dust, wool, pollen, ticks, etc. Pollinosis - a seasonal allergy to the pollen of flowering plants, which appears in spring and summer, has a hay fever very a large number of people, it is manifested by sneezing, runny nose, tearing, itching mucous and dry allergic cough.

Bronchial asthma

a very common disease, characterized by a chronic, painful dry cough and attacks of suffocation. This disease can not be considered only a disease of the bronchi, it is a serious pathology, which is associated with a general violation of immunity, nervous system and allergy.

The impact of toxic substances in everyday life

household chemicals containing chlorine, washing powders, etc., the presence of cities in the air, megacities of the abundance of exhaust gases, leads to the emergence of an allergic dry cough. Also pay attention to when you started a dry cough, it may be somehow connected with the purchase of new furniture, new repairs, purchase of household appliances. Modern industry, especially the production of plastic, furniture, building materials, even children's toys, often uses abundance toxic chemicals that can irritate mucous nasopharynx, bronchi, causing chronic chemical poisoning. If there are a lot of such products in the room, they are new and exude a smell - this can be the cause of a dry cough.

Glistular invasion

Occasionally, cases of ascariasis are recorded, during which, during the migration of the ascarid larvae along a small circle of circulation, they linger in the lung tissue, causing a superficial dry cough. Getting into the lungs, the trachea and the bronchi, they cause irritation of the cough receptors, the migration phase with ascariasis is 8-14 days (see Fig. ascarids-symptoms and treatment).

Professional dry cough

The reason for its appearance may be related to work in harmful production, where in the air a mass of suspensions of toxic substances that cause dry cough in the workers is formed. Workers of the stone-working and coal-mining industry often develop silicosis of the lungs. Also among occupational diseases that cause dry cough is the disease of American farmers or fibrosing alveolitis, where dry cough is only a debut of pathology, the outcome of which is a severe respiratory failure.

Some diseases of the gastrointestinal tract

Some diseases of the gastrointestinal tract provoke a dry reflex cough without temperature, it happens after eating with diverticula of the esophagus, esophagus-tracheal fistula, reflux-esophagitis.

Acceptance of certain medicines

as a rule, ACE inhibitors, which are used to lower blood pressure and treat other cardiovascular diseases. In 20% of patients, these medicines cause a dry cough, if after discontinuation of the drug it disappears, therefore, this cough was a side effect of the drug taken.

Cardiovascular diseases, heart failure may also be the cause of dry cough

The cause of allergies, a provoker of allergic reactions can be established with the help of tests, which will be directed by an allergist. It is worth taking seriously any manifestations of allergy, as it is not just a dry cough, runny nose or a rash, with a strong an allergic reaction can occur anaphylactic shock, Quincke's edema, which without timely medical care can be deadly.


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