Treatment of ARVI in pregnancy 1 term

ARVI during pregnancy - 1 term

As you know, any infection is potentially dangerous during pregnancy, especially in its early stages. So ARVI, which arose during pregnancy, in particular in its 1 trimester, can negatively affect the health of the baby. The disease is most dangerous for the health of baby and pregnant up to 10 weeks. It is until this time that the fetus is laying the main vital systems and organs. So the transferred infection on such term can negatively affect the correct functioning of the nervous system of the future baby, as well as the sensory organs, the cardiac and digestive systems.

Causes of ARVI in early pregnancy

As you know, pregnancy is a kind of stress for the female body. That's why there is a weakening of the immune system, and as a result - there is an infection. In most cases, pregnant women simply wonder how they could get sick. In this situation, even the slightest hypothermia can result in the development of a cold. Thus, ARVI in the first trimester of pregnancy - a fairly common phenomenon. Therefore, women need to protect themselves, avoid places of large concentrations of people, hypothermia, etc., to protect themselves from illness in the early stages of pregnancy.

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How is ARVI treated if the gestational age is still low?

Treatment of ARI in the first trimester of pregnancy is a rather complex and problematic process. The fact is that most antiviral drugs are not allowed at this time. Those who are admitted to admission should be appointed exclusively by a doctor, and from a pregnant woman only strict adherence to medical instructions is required.

However, in most such cases, pregnant women have nothing left to do but treat ARVI with folk remedies. It should be noted right away that it will not be possible to completely cure this disease with the help of folk remedies, but to alleviate the condition - yes. To do this, most often used herbal teas, milk, honey.

Also excellent help in coping with ARVI at the beginning of pregnancy physiotherapy, such as inhalation.

After carrying out literally 2 such sessions, the stuffiness of the nose disappears.

With a sore throat, rinses can help with the use of tincture of eucalyptus, decoction of sage, drinking soda, and also tinctures of calendula.

Thus, pregnant women should be treated with ARV with great care, especially if it is 1 trimester. In this case, do not wait until the appearance of a perspiration and a slight pain in the throat, will pass independently. As a rule, these are only the first symptoms that need to be reported to the doctor.

Treatment of acute respiratory infections in pregnancy

SARS can get sick for everyone, but it is more dangerous for pregnant women, it is accompanied by a runny nose, a cough, strong painful sensations in the throat, it is necessary to treat it in time, because it can affect the future to kid. The first thing you need to distinguish it from other diseases that are similar to the symptoms. Will address to the therapist and the gynecologist, they will appoint harmless treatment for you.

Symptoms of SARS in a pregnant woman

1. Lays the nose, throat.

2. There is a cough.

3. The body temperature rises, muscle weakness is felt.

Especially dangerous is the virus in the autumn-winter period, so you need to take care, take preventive measures. To do this, it is necessary to wash your hands with antibacterial soap after the street, lubricate your nose with oxolin ointment, and stay in public places as little as possible. At home, it is necessary that the premises be ventilated, monitor the humidity of the air, do not contact sick people.

Dangers of ARVI for pregnancy and the unborn child

In every trimester, the disease is reflected differently, it can affect the body of the mother and the fetus. For the first time in no case you can get sick, it can cause a miscarriage. For the first time weeks the child is just being formed, all vital organs are laid down, the ARVI negatively affects them, because of this, different pathologies in development may appear. In the third trimester, it is dangerous to get ARI because the baby is born with the symptoms of a viral infection, because of this the baby is born weak. In the second trimester SARS is considered less dangerous.

Treatment of ARVI in a pregnant woman

Remember, during pregnancy, you can not take all medications, it can lead to serious consequences, become the cause of serious malformations of the child's organs, problems with the reproductive system of a woman, miscarriage, premature childbirth. It is important to call the doctor first. Do not self-medicate.

Treatment of a runny nose in a pregnant woman

When the nose is laid, the child does not receive enough oxygen, he suffers from hypoxia. Therefore, the first thing to do is to get rid of this symptom. To cure it, you need to drip salty water in your nose, you can have a sea water, up to 4 times a day. It is not difficult to prepare the preparation, it is necessary to take 200 ml of water, it is necessary warm, add salt - a teaspoon. Drip solution into nose. It is recommended to wash the nose with this solution.

It is useful to inhale essential oils, especially useful with sage, eucalyptus, orange. It is possible during the pregnancy to dig in the nose with "Pinosol "Sinupretom "Aqua Maris these preparations contain natural ingredients.

Treatment of sore throat during pregnancy

To get rid of discomfort you can use milk with honey and butter. It is advised, as often as possible, to gargle with a solution of salt and soda. You can apply calendula, sage, peppermint. It is allowed to dissolve tablets, which include lemon and honey. Keep your feet warm, put on woolen socks. In no case can you soar your legs during pregnancy.

Treatment of cough during pregnancy

A good variety of inhalations help, with the help of them you can quickly withdraw phlegm. You can use the essential oil of eucalyptus, sage. In the room you can install an aromatic lamp and breathe a couple of essential oils. It is recommended to breathe over boiling potatoes, then you need to warmly dress, take shelter and go to bed.

Than to knock down temperature at ORVI during pregnancy?

Up to 38, the temperature can not be knocked down, higher is needed with the help of vinegar, lotions. You may need to drink paracetamol. Lipa, raspberry has a pathogenic effect. Get rid of the virus can be through a lot of drinking - tea with honey, lemon, green tea helps, well helps with Morse with cranberries, decoction with chamomile, linden, you can add jam in raspberry tea to tea, brew and drink rose hips.

Doctors write out to take vitamin C, note that it can not be drunk in large quantities, this leads to severe swelling, severe allergic reactions, can cause atopic dermatitis in your the kid.

Prevention of acute respiratory viral infection in a pregnant woman

1. Lubricate your nose with a fat cream or use oxolin ointment. Especially advised to use it in the first trimester of pregnancy, the skin is contraindicated in the use of different drugs for prevention.

2. During an epidemic you can not visit public places.

3. Wear a bandage with gauze.

4. After you come from the street, rinse your throat and wash your nose, so you can overcome the viruses that you inhaled in the crowd.

5. Balanced, fully and efficiently eat, take the amount of vitamins you need.

6. During pregnancy planning, you need to make a special vaccination.

Folk remedies during pregnancy with ARVI

1. Inhalation with steam potatoes, fir oil, eucalyptus leaves, you need to cover yourself with a towel and inhale the vapors.

2. The best remedy for coughing is syrup with onions, for this you need to wash the onion with the husks, add sugar, boil.

3. The temperature will help to bring down tea from dried fruits.

4. You need to wipe the cranberries with honey, this will take cranberries, knead it, and add honey, pour boiling water. To drink slowly.

5. Coryza can be cured with a mixture of carrot, beet, cabbage juice.

6. You can drip a nose solution, which includes salt, iodine. Rinse up to 4 times a day.

7. Effective is the collection of herbs from rose hips, peanuts, peppermint, brew all add fir oil, wash your nose three times a day.

8. It is good to bury the juice with aloe, pre-diluted with water.

Thus, ARVI can harm a child during pregnancy, so you need to get rid of the symptoms in time. Self-medication can not be done, only after the appointment of a doctor, you can use the recommended drugs, An alternative method of treatment is folk decoctions, drops, infusions, but they also need to be treated Caution.

SARS in pregnancy 2 trimester - treatment

Treatment of ARVI in pregnancy, in particular in its 2nd trimester, requires an integrated approach. Despite the fact that by this time all the systems of the baby are formed, there is a danger for the fetus - fetoplacental insufficiency. As a result of a future mother's illness during pregnancy of a viral disease, a child can be born before the term, small and with a high degree of dystrophy. To avoid such violations, let's take a closer look and talk about how to treat ARVI during pregnancy, and what can be taken in the second trimester. Features of ARVI in pregnancy

Before you tell us in detail about the treatment of ARVI during pregnancy, we will consider the main features of this disease.

As a rule, all catarrhal diseases begin with the so-called prodromal period, when the first signs appear that an infection or a virus has entered the body. At this time, pregnant women complain of increased fatigue, weakness, headache, perspiration, tingling in the throat, chills, etc.

Such phenomena are not observed for long - about 1-2 days. If the pregnant woman suddenly finds herself with the above signs and feels unwell, you should contact a doctor who, after the examination, will prescribe preventive measures.

A rise in body temperature is the first sign that the virus has already begun its effects on the body. In such cases it is necessary to start treatment of the disease.

How is ARVI treated in the 2nd trimester?

As a rule, after a short time to the elevated temperature of the body, symptoms such as a runny nose, coughing, lacrimation, aches in bones and muscles are added. It is they who point to the viral nature of the disease. The time period during which similar phenomena can occur is usually 4-7 days. It is at this time that the pregnant woman needs help from the doctors.

It is worth noting that the treatment of viral diseases during pregnancy is more symptomatic, those. primarily aimed at suppressing the manifestations of the disease and improving the overall state of the future mother.

So, with the appearance of the first signs of the disease, the pregnant woman should reduce physical stress on the body and observe bed rest. At this time she needs a plentiful drink, which can be used as tea with raspberries, mors, compote. At night you can drink a glass of warm milk with the addition of 1 teaspoon of honey, if a woman does not have allergies. This product perfectly reduces the temperature by increasing sweating.

If the pregnant woman suffers from a runny nose, then to wash the nose you can use saline, which is sold at the pharmacy. The use of vasoconstrictive drugs during child-bearing is strictly prohibited. Instead, you can use ready-made sprays based on sea water (Aquamaris, Aqualor).

With pain and perspiration, it is necessary to rinse with a decoction of herbs such as chamomile, mother-and-stepmother, plantain leaves, black currant. It is also possible to prepare a solution based on soda drinking and salt (for 250 ml of warm water take 1 teaspoonful).

To prescribe a specific treatment, you need to contact a doctor, - you can not use medicines yourself.

Is it dangerous in the second trimester?

With a long absence of ARVI treatment that occurred during pregnancy in the 2nd trimester, there may be negative consequences, which are manifested as follows:

  • feto-placental insufficiency;
  • violation of the formation and development of the nervous system in the fetus;
  • spontaneous abortion at week 14;
  • a disruption in the development of the endocrine system;
  • violation of intrauterine oogenesis (subsequently can lead to infertility in the birth of girls).

The listed consequences of ARVI in pregnancy in the 2nd trimester is far from a complete list of disorders that can be affected by the fetus as a result of a pregnant disease.

ARVI in pregnancy, 2nd, 3rd trimester

ARVI during pregnancy in women is considered the most common disease. However, even outside the state of pregnancy, colds are leading among all others. Doctors say that if correctly and sensibly to treat this disease during pregnancy, then it can be cured quickly enough and without any consequences and threats to life and health child. Of course, if this disease is not treated, then it can lead to serious consequences.

In this article we will consider:

  • Danger of ARVI in pregnancy
  • The diagnosis of a "cold" is not
  • Pregnancy for trimester and ARVI
  • Effects of colds during pregnancy
  • ARVI before delivery - than threatens?
  • To panic or not?

Danger of ARVI in pregnancy

Is there a threat to the pregnant woman and the fetus in case of a cold disease during pregnancy (any term of pregnancy is meant). Doctors answer this question in the following way:

Any disease, if left untreated (cold, flu, measles, etc.) can lead to serious and very serious consequences.

The pathological manifestations that arise in a woman during pregnancy require an even more serious relationship than an ordinary person could.

Most pregnant women during all 9 pregnancies are prone to having colds. It is also worth noting that immunity in women during pregnancy is significantly reduced. And therefore, the body of a pregnant woman is susceptible to most infectious and inflammatory processes.

Treating a cold at home without consulting a doctor is unacceptable. This can lead to spontaneous abortion, that is, miscarriage or cause developmental defects in the child.

It is extremely difficult to tolerate a cold in a pregnant woman in the early stages of pregnancy. Here we mean 1 trimester of pregnancy. In the early stages of pregnancy, signs of a cold in the form of fever, weakness in the body, coughing, runny nose and muscle pain lead to that it is extremely difficult for the body to fight the disease and at the same time to spend internal resources on bearing and preserving pregnancy.

The diagnosis of a "cold" is not

There is no such diagnosis as a cold in medicine. This is just a general concept of colds, which are used to be so, say in the people. In the medical card, the doctor will write you a diagnosis - ORVI or ORZ. What does this mean?

ARVI is an abbreviation, meaning - acute viral respiratory viral infection. ARI is an acute respiratory disease.

With respiratory disease, the patient is severely affected by the upper respiratory tract, as well as general intoxication of the body.

Under the general intoxication of the body is meant a rapid rise in temperature, up to 40 degrees, cough, runny nose, muscle pain, a state of weakness and weakness. It is for these symptoms that the severity of the viral disease lesion is assessed.

Pregnancy for trimester and ARVI

Both gynecologists and therapists allege that the severity of SARS depends directly on the trimester of pregnancy in which the woman is currently.

Pregnant women should be especially careful in the first trimester of pregnancy. This is explained by the fact that in the first three months the fetus (the fetus it becomes with the 10th week of pregnancy) is not protected. The placenta is not formed during this period, and pregnancy is maintained only by isolating progesterone from the pregnant hormone and its overall healthy state. Any viral infection can have a serious consequence on the fetus in the form of malformations and retardation of development.

Catarrhal disease, which attacks the female body during the second trimester, does not have a critical effect on the child. This is explained by the fact that starting from the 2nd trimester, the fetus is reliably protected by the placenta. Placenta due to its anatomical and physiological properties, is a serious and reliable protection against infections, viruses and other pathological manifestations.

But, if in the second or 3 trimester of pregnancy the patient has such complications as: gestosis, severe form of chronic pathology, which were in the pregnant woman before conception, the threat of miscarriage, it all goes to the fact that any catarrhal infection can significantly exacerbate the condition of the fetus and pregnant woman.

Effects of colds during pregnancy

An acute respiratory viral infection that strikes a pregnant woman in the first trimester - the beginning of the second - leads to serious malfunctions of the central nervous system in the fetus. There may be failures in the laying of the spinal cord and the brain in the fetus (here we are referring to the first weeks of pregnancy).

SARS, acute respiratory infections, influenza, and angina in the 2nd trimester of pregnancy lead to infection of the fetus. The fetus may begin to develop inflammatory process in internal organs, in particular - encephalitis, meningitis, as well as pneumonia.

Under the influence of colds in the 2nd trimester, the fetus may experience oxygen deficiency and nutrient intake into the body. All this leads to a significant lag in the physical and mental development of the fetus.

ARVI before delivery - than threatens?

In case the pregnant woman "picked up" the cold immediately before childbirth (in a few days or weeks), then there is a risk that the baby will be born with the primary signs of hypoxia. At birth, the baby will be very sluggish, the skin of his face will not have a pinkish hue, and pale, the first cry is weak, barely audible, the baby can be quite difficult to breathe. The presence of these signs indicates that the child will be sent to the intensive care unit.

To panic or not?

It makes no sense that you, catch a cold during pregnancy, start to panic, worry and get nervous. According to medical statistics, almost 80% of women suffer a cold during pregnancy. And, with timely access to a doctor, everything ends well - the baby is healthy and the woman feels fine.

ARVI during pregnancy. Effects of ARVI in pregnancy

In the autumn and spring period the acute acute respiratory viral infection arises during pregnancy. It is very difficult to protect yourself, the body is already stressed by the bearing of the fetus, there is no remaining for the maintenance of the immune system. And sharp fluctuations of weather and an abundance of sneezing people around raise the chances of getting sick at times. Let's try to figure out how much it can be dangerous for the future mom and her crumbs.

What exactly is ARVI?

This is an acute respiratory viral infection. In order for us to get sick, we need a certain amount of viral particles, which, when ingested, begin to multiply. Usually, the disease manifests itself in the form of stuffy nose and throat, as the disease develops, cough begins. This is a natural defensive reaction of the body. There may be fever, weakness, and aching in the muscles. To catch viruses can take us anywhere, therefore, in order to avoid ARVI during pregnancy, you need to take preventive measures and be careful.

ARVI, ARD - what to be afraid of?

ORZ, unlike a consonant colleague, can be caused by both viruses and bacteria. Difficulties in diagnosing usually does not happen. Viral disease occurs with fever, nasal congestion and throat from the first day. Bacterial ARI - a green discharge from the nose, thick sputum, expectorating from the throat.

The most dangerous ARVI in pregnancy is the flu. This is an exclusively seasonal disease, which is quite difficult. From the first day the temperature rises sharply, there is an ache in the joints, muscle pains and weakness. 3 days later runny nose and cough. Approximately 7 days are spent by the body in order to overcome this virus.

Why is SARS so Pregnant?

It is impossible to predict the possible consequences of a mother's disease by 100%, therefore it is very important to carry out preventive measures carefully. It is especially dangerous to transfer the flu in the first trimester. At this time, there is still no placental barrier, which means that all toxins and decay products will affect the fetus. The second reason is the formation of all the vital systems and organs of the child. Any intervention in this process can lead to the most devastating consequences.

After the beginning of the 4th month, this disease no longer carries a threat to the life and health of the child, but it seriously weakens the mother's body, so you need to take care of yourself during the entire period of bearing the baby.

The beginning of pregnancy, the cradle of life

As already mentioned, ARVI during pregnancy is dangerous at the very beginning. The fetus is only being formed and has no protection, the mother's body is engaged in restructuring and preparing for maternity. No one knows for sure what mutations the flu virus can cause in the embryo at 3-5 weeks, but often the mother organism aborts the fetus after the disease. Apparently, the protective instincts are very strong and do not allow a pathologically sick child to be born. Further, up to 14 weeks, there is a high probability of disrupting the development of the child after a mother's illness. It is necessary to avoid ARVI during pregnancy. The first trimester is the most important period, the foundation of the foundations with which the baby (and mother) to live on is formed. From 3 to 14 weeks, the baby's brain is formed, from 2 to 7 - the cardiovascular system, from 4 to 7 - the organs of vision, from 7 to 12 - the hearing aid, from 8 to 10 - the main organs of the abdominal cavity. In addition, the influenza virus is able to affect the nervous system, which is laid from the first week.

ARVI in pregnancy, 2nd trimester

Now we can not say about the direct threat to the development of the child. But all the same ARVI during pregnancy is extremely undesirable to carry and during this period. From 3 to 5 month the virus is able to disrupt the placenta, making it more permeable for other microorganisms. Numerous studies show that mothers who have been ill with the flu during this period are more likely to enter the maternity ward a little earlier. In this case, low labor activity is often noted, contractions have to be stimulated.

The last three months, the quietest

If it would be necessary to choose the most favorable period for ARVI during pregnancy, the trimester would undoubtedly win. The virus itself can not damage the newly formed baby, in addition, it reliably protects the placenta. The mother's body has already become accustomed to the new situation and is ready to rebuff the alien cells. Moreover, the doctor is already much easier to conduct treatment. The placenta protects the child from the harmful effects of medicines, so the choice for effective therapy is more than large. At this time, there is no reason to be afraid of flu and cold, but prevention has not hurt anyone yet.

Treatment of a future mother

If the disease is still overtaken, then you can not neglect it. Being at any time, you need to consult a doctor. Treatment of ARVI during pregnancy should take into account all individual characteristics and be as gentle as possible. We will give the basic advice that any person can use.

  • First of all, you need to provide yourself with rest and plenty of drink. Tea with lemon, mineral water - this is necessary to ensure the withdrawal of the virus and toxins from the body.
  • It is considered absolutely safe to use herbal decoctions and tinctures, but do not forget that some of them may be stronger than chemist's drugs. Consultation with a doctor is necessary. The most neutral option is the color of the linden tree. It has an anti-inflammatory effect. In addition, your friends will be fresh berries: raspberries, currants, cranberries and cranberries.
  • Interferon, presented in various drugs, will help to transfer the disease in a lighter form. This means "Viferon "Gripferon" and others.

Coryza and cough: what to do

Problems with mucous membranes do not give a normal breathing, which is not only bad for the mother, but also can cause oxygen starvation in the child. Treatment of ARVI during pregnancy necessarily includes procedures for removing the edema of the nose and larynx. A saline solution is suitable for this. It can be bought at the pharmacy ("Aquamaris") or prepared by yourself. For 100 g of warm water you need to put a teaspoon of salt and bury it with a pipette in the nose. Effective is the inhalation of essential oils of sage, eucalyptus and orange. In addition, it is possible to warm a nose burnt on a frying pan by sand or salt. And in the nose to drip the juice of Kalanchoe, garlic or onions, previously diluted with water in a ratio of 1/10.

From a sore throat warm milk with honey helps. You can gargle occasionally with a solution of salt and soda. Lollipops with mint, sage and lemon will somewhat relieve stuffiness and facilitate breathing. If there is a cough, then the best way to cope with it is inhalation. Add essential oils or herbs to the water and breathe over the steam several times a day.


While the thermometer's column does not rise above the level of 38 degrees, it is not necessary to knock it down. If the temperature exceeds this threshold, acetic wipes and preparations based on paracetamol are recommended. Do not forget to call an ambulance if the thermometer is nearing 40 degrees.


ARVI is the most common disease in the world. Every year, every third inhabitant of the planet transfers one of its forms. The risk group includes children, the elderly and pregnant women. According to different sources, from 55 to 82% of all pregnant women suffer this disease. At the same time, we once again emphasize how dangerous is ARVI in pregnancy. The consequences can be the heaviest, and the fact that the disease passed quickly does not mean that the risk for the child is less.

What to do in order not to fall ill

Prevention of ARVI during pregnancy is a simple task, because all measures are simple and accessible. The health of the child is wholly dependent on the mother, so it's worth trying. You need to limit the circle of communication. This does not mean that for 9 months you need to lock yourself in the tower, but the choice between a noisy party of unfamiliar faces and an evening at the company of the closest is obvious. Avoid places of large concentrations of people, as well as contacts with people who are sick. Even if these are your relatives, find someone who will accomplish this task without you. Dress on a season, more be on fresh air, but avoid hypothermia.

Nutrition and intake of vitamins - this is another important point. A balanced diet will allow the body to resist viruses.

Folk remedies

Stock up with dry rose hips or pharmacy syrups. From the very beginning of pregnancy, you can drink tea with it, it will support immunity and provide a lot of vitamins. The usual onions and garlic are two more mates. They are good for eating, juice from them dripping for prophylaxis in the nose, and you can also arrange the chopped onions at home. Before you leave the house, smear the nose with oxolin ointment, and if you go to the polyclinic, put on a gauze bandage. Good help to resist various infections honey and lemon, drink with them delicious tea more often. Be sure to eat more vegetables and fruits, and try to work less. A good sleep, a relaxed atmosphere at home - all this creates a positive attitude, which helps a person maintain good immunity.

Let's sum up the results

No one is immune from the disease, but we in the arsenal have many ways to avoid it. Of course, there may well be a situation when the future mother did not yet know about her interesting situation, and already suffered a severe form of flu, plus treated her with strong drugs, contraindicated at first weeks. ARVI during pregnancy (1 trimester especially) is fraught with malformations of the fetus. True, nature usually regulates these processes, and if after a flu has happened something went wrong in development, then a miscarriage occurs. If the pregnancy is preserved, and you want to reliably know how much the disease affected the child, then there is only one - to undergo a survey. Mom can pass the analysis of hormones and amniotic fluid. If they are normal, pregnancy goes on smoothly and ultrasound is OK, then most likely everything turned out.

ARVI in pregnancy

Acute respiratory viral and bacterial diseases often affect the human body and are the cause of the onset and development of the common cold. Pregnant women are also not immune from the risk of getting colds. The cause of ARVI during pregnancy is a physiological decrease in immunity, because the fetus is half the alien genetic information, with the presence of which the body should normally be fight.

ARVI is a group of diseases that affect the upper respiratory tract. The cause of the disease are viruses and bacteria. ARVI are accompanied by various symptoms, such as:

  • temperature increase to low-grade figures;
  • a sore throat;
  • nasal congestion;
  • cough;
  • chills;
  • general decrease in working capacity.

It is especially dangerous to get sick with the influenza virus, which is known for its complications.

SARS in pregnancy 1 term

ARVI during pregnancy and the consequences of transferring this disease in the first trimester are quite dangerous. In the first trimester of pregnancy, the formation and formation of all organs and systems of the future baby takes place. In this period, the fetus is very sensitive to any effect, especially from the side of viruses. So, the effect of the virus on the fetus can lead to a defect in the development of any body system of the unborn child. Multiple defects caused by the pathological action of the virus can cause spontaneous miscarriage. But if after a pregnant woman has transferred an acute viral infection in the first trimester, pregnancy proceeds without pathology, it means that the probability is high that the viruses or bacteria did not significantly affect the organism of the future child.

ARVI in pregnancy 2 trimester

As pregnancy develops, the placenta grows and develops - the fetal protective barrier from harmful effects. An exception does not become this function of the placenta and when exposed to viruses or bacteria. ARVI during pregnancy and its consequences in the second trimester are not as critical as in the first. When transferring ARVI in the second trimester, there is a possibility of the development of placental pathology, the violation of oxygen supply of the fetus, which can lead to fetal hypoxia and its weakening as a whole.

How to treat ARVI in pregnancy?

ARVI in pregnant women and its treatment have a number of features. In pregnancy, many pharmaceuticals used in common cold are contraindicated. It is necessary to use a minimum of preparations, but also it is not necessary to take a great interest in folk remedies. Treatment of ARVI during pregnancy should start when the slightest indisposition occurs, while remembering to monitor the condition of the baby's future.

Medications during pregnancy in ARVI

In pregnancy, for the removal of headache, temperature, you can use drugs containing paracetamol. Do not take drugs containing aspirin. To remove nasal congestion, it is possible to use preparations containing sterilized sea water, it is impossible - drugs with the active substance oxymetazaline hydrochloride. Also, the use of a large number of antibiotics is contraindicated in pregnancy, with the exception of locally applied drugs. Pregnant to maintain immunity can take multivitamins, to reduce the symptoms of intoxication - drink plenty of tea, mors, compotes. For sanitation of the oral cavity, a decoction of chamomile and sage will suit, but a decoction of calendula will not do. Warm socks for the night will also help the pregnant woman

a woman quickly recover.

Thus, ARVI during pregnancy and its treatment requires increased attention from the most pregnant women and by doctors, since any infectious impact is a risk for the successful development of the future the kid.

Prevention of acute respiratory infections in pregnancy

To prevent ARVI during pregnancy, you can use oxalic ointment, going to crowded places. You can maintain your immune system with vitamins, a balanced diet. Warnings of hypothermia will also help a pregnant woman stay healthy.

ARVI in pregnancy

ARVI in pregnancy is the most common diagnosis. To be frightened of this disease it is not necessary, therefore as anything terrible it in itself does not carry. But it is also not necessary to neglect ARVI. Because complications can be very diverse.

If you find a malaise and general symptoms of the disease, you need to seek medical help from a doctor. It is strictly prohibited to resort to independent treatment! Detailed information regarding ARVI during pregnancy will be announced below.

ICD-10 code J06.9 Acute upper respiratory tract infection, unspecified

Causes of ARVI in pregnancy

ARVI is a viral disease, therefore, in order to develop an acute respiratory viral infection, two factors are necessary: ​​weak immunity and, in fact, a virus.

The main cause of ARVI in pregnancy is the weakness of the immune defense, which occurs as a consequence of hormonal rearrangement in the body. Additional factors that contribute to a decrease in immunity, can serve as the following conditions:

  • frequent stressful and conflict situations, depressive conditions, nervous breakdowns;
  • instability of the digestive tract function, intestinal dysbacteriosis, enterocolitis, helminthic invasion;
  • exacerbation of chronic diseases, sluggish chronic diseases (eg, caries);
  • hypothermia or overheating of the body.

Infection with ARVI occurs from another person who has become ill. Viruses are transmitted mainly airborne, but sometimes contamination is possible through household items (cups, cutlery, bath-laundry supplies).

Frequent ARVI during pregnancy can be associated with a dramatic change in the way of life of a woman: after learning about pregnancy, many stop all active life, switch to a "sparing regime spending time in anticipation of birth child. This is not quite right: a baby in the womb, like his mother, needs fresh air, moderate physical activity, a full-fledged vitamin nutrition. You can consult a doctor and make an appointment for yoga classes for pregnant women, special fitness or respiratory gymnastics. It is very important to go out for walks, especially to go out on the nature and breathe fresh air.

ARVI in early pregnancy

SARS at an early stage of pregnancy is often very frightening to expectant mothers. The fact is that all diseases associated with respiratory organs during this period are rather difficult. There may also be complications. Moreover, ARVI during pregnancy can adversely affect the development of the baby. Which is simply unacceptable. Because the child should be healthy.

The causes of the disease may be the articles of ordinary hormonal changes. After all, the immune defense decreases considerably, which leads to the penetration of various infections into the woman's body. All protective functions are restored closer to the second trimester of pregnancy. That's why getting sick early in the journey is dangerous.

At an early stage of pregnancy, ARI is tolerated by almost half of future mothers. In this there is nothing to worry about. The main thing is to start timely treatment! This issue does not lose its relevance, because many people are affected by this disease. It is important to recognize ARVI during pregnancy and start treatment. Because the "launch" of the problem can lead to serious consequences.

SARS during pregnancy in 1 trimester

Is ARVI dangerous during pregnancy in the first trimester and what is fraught with it? The fact is that at the very beginning of a long journey, even the most simple disease can harm. Therefore, you need to carefully monitor your own health. After ARI can cause both serious problems with the health of the baby, and lead to a miscarriage.

It is important to monitor your own health and prevent disease. This is difficult to do because the woman's body is weakened. He finds it increasingly difficult to fight infections. The immune system for some time is not capable of acting as a barrier and blocking all "viruses". Therefore, take care of your health yourself.

It is necessary to understand that at this stage of pregnancy the future of the child is in the hands of the mother. If she will follow preventive measures and promptly treat the diseases that have arisen, then there will be no problems. Otherwise, there may be pathological changes. ARVI during pregnancy is quite a serious disease, because everything that is associated with the respiratory system, a woman in a position to tolerate is quite difficult.

SARS at 3 weeks of pregnancy

If a woman falls ill with ARVI at the 3rd week of pregnancy, special care must be taken. During this period, the fetus is only just beginning to form gradually. Now we need to provide the body with complete protection from external adverse factors.

The immune system of a woman in this period is somewhat weakened. It is not able to perform its direct functions, namely to protect the body from the influence of unfavorable factors. In addition, there is no protection from the fetus. That's why you need to be extra careful. This period is the most dangerous and requires a trembling attitude towards one's own health.

SARS in the early stages can lead to a number of problems. This can be both pathological changes, and miscarriage. If you find the first signs of the disease should seek help from an experienced specialist. Because you can not treat yourself. Such interference can be fraught with serious consequences. In general, ARVI during pregnancy is dangerous only in the early stages.

SARS at 4 weeks of pregnancy

Is ARVI at 4 weeks pregnant and is it worth it to be afraid? In fact, this is the most difficult period in all senses. The body is just beginning to "understand" what happened to him. Start hormonal changes, preparation for a long process of bearing a child and to the birth itself.

Against this background, immunity weakens. Now the body is more difficult to fight diseases. Moreover, it is not so easy to avoid them. Barrier functions of immunity are not able to cope with their basic functions. In this regard, any infection can enter the body. The same goes for the common cold.

In fact, acute respiratory infections early in life is very dangerous. If it does not start in time to treat, then the development of pathologies is possible. In addition, it is not excluded and miscarriage. In general, the first trimester is the most vulnerable. A woman is capable of losing a child, no matter how regrettable it may sound. Therefore, you need to monitor your health very carefully. In the second trimester, everything is already much easier. Even ARVI during pregnancy at this time is no longer frightening.

SARS at 5 weeks of pregnancy

ARVI at the 5th week of pregnancy carries a risk for the child. The fetus begins to form, and the body at this time to prepare for a long process of bearing the baby. Therefore, there is no security at this stage.

The immune system of a woman is not capable of providing barrier functions, so any infection can enter the body. Thus, harm will be done to both mother and baby. In addition, the placenta is not able to protect the fetus from negative effects. Proceeding from this, problems can arise.

In the first trimester, you must carefully monitor your own health. Because at this stage, pathologies can occur and even miscarriage may occur. Even an ordinary cold can cause serious harm.

It is necessary to monitor your own health, especially during this period. It is impossible to treat colds alone, it can be fraught with consequences. ARVI during pregnancy requires immediate treatment. Otherwise, problems may occur.

ARVI at 6 weeks gestation

ARVI for 6 weeks of pregnancy is especially dangerous. At this stage, the fetus is formed. Now the body is engaged in the solution of a slightly different problem, he has no time to fight with colds. Immunity is weakened, it does not have barrier functions. Therefore, any infection freely enters the body.

There is no "protection" for the fetus itself. The placenta can not repel all harmful factors from the fetus. Therefore, much depends entirely on the girl herself. You need to monitor your own health. If the cold does "appear" it is necessary to liquidate it immediately. But it's forbidden to prescribe the treatment yourself! Do not take medicines in any case!

Not timely treatment can lead to a number of pathologies, including the violation of the formation of the nervous system. There may be more serious problems, such as miscarriage. To monitor your health you need to carefully, because now the woman is a big responsibility. ARVI during pregnancy requires immediate intervention by specialists.

ARVI at 7 week of pregnancy

What are the effects of ARVI at week 7 of pregnancy? This period is the most dangerous. We must carefully monitor our own health. The fact is that at this time the formation of the fetus is just beginning. It can affect a lot.

The fact is that the fetus is not yet under the protection of the placenta. There is not the same barrier that should protect the baby. In addition, the mother's body is weakened. Immunity does not fulfill its barrier functions, therefore infectious diseases are able to penetrate into the body without much difficulty. Therefore, it is recommended that you carefully monitor your own health and prevent colds.

What is fraught with ARVI in the early stages of pregnancy? The fact is that this can lead to both serious pathologies and miscarriage. To be concerned with your own health needs very carefully. All responsibility at this stage lies on the shoulders of the future mother. To transfer ARVI during pregnancy is necessary only under the control of the attending physician, especially it concerns the early terms.

SARS at the 8th week of pregnancy

If a woman "picked up" ARVI at 8 weeks of pregnancy, is it worth worrying about this? It should be noted immediately that in the first trimester, many diseases are transferred quite difficult. Even more so, they are capable of harming both mother and child.

Now is the most dangerous period. It is necessary to start treatment on time and do it right. Because the fruit is just beginning to form. Any impact, especially drugs, can be harmful. Naturally, all this can lead to a miscarriage. Follow this need more carefully. If you find the first signs of a cold, you should immediately seek help from a doctor. It is forbidden to start treatment independently.

The fact is that for 8 weeks of pregnancy the fetus is very vulnerable. At this stage, there is still no protection from the placenta. Therefore, various complications can arise. In addition, the mother's body is also weakened. The immune system does not fulfill its barrier functions, thereby allowing any infection to enter the body. ARVI during pregnancy is a fairly common phenomenon, which must be addressed in a timely manner.

SARS at the 9th week of pregnancy

How often does it occur on the 9th week of pregnancy? This disease is quite frequent. And much depends not on the time of the year when the girl is in such a position.

The fact is that ARVI can come at any time. Because the mother's body is somewhat weakened. At this stage begins the formation of the fetus, the body is preparing for the future process of bearing the child, as well as birth. So to say now a slightly different problem is being solved. In this regard, any infection is able to penetrate the body. It is important to diagnose the cold in time and begin treatment. What is fraught with neglect of a cold in this period?

The child can have various pathologies. Including problems with the nervous system. But this is by no means the worst. In the first trimester, more serious problems, namely, miscarriage, can develop. It is necessary to carefully monitor the health, so that the ARVI during pregnancy does not cause harm, both to the mother and the child.

SARS at the 10th week of pregnancy

SARS at the 10th week of pregnancy is a catarrhal disease that can harm a baby's body. In the early stages of the formation of the fetus, so it is very vulnerable.

The mother's body is also weakened, the basic functions of immunity are not fulfilled. Therefore, any infection is able to freely enter the body. This is the main danger. The future mother needs to carefully monitor her health.

What pathologies can occur in a child with untimely treatment of ARI? First of all, the nervous system suffers, this is fraught with serious consequences. In addition, a miscarriage may occur. The first trimester is the most difficult. The body just begins to get used to its main task and prepare for the process of a long gestation of the baby. He needs time to cope with this task.

It is important to monitor your own health. Because now is the most "responsible" time. ARVI during pregnancy is not dangerous if diagnosed and started treatment on time.

ARVI at 11 weeks of gestation

Is the risk of ARVI at 11 weeks pregnant? During this period, only the fetus is formed, many things can affect its development. Including common cold. Therefore, care must be taken to treat this disease in a timely manner.

In the early stages, various pathologies can arise. It is not excluded and miscarriage. The fact is that the mother's body is not able to provide protection for the child at the desired level. Because immunity at this stage does not fulfill its barrier functions. In addition, the placenta also does not protect the baby. This is the main danger.

When the first signs of the disease appear, you should immediately seek help from your doctor. In no case should you take antibiotics. In general, the use of any medication alone can be harmful. Such questions are solved only together with a specialist. ARVI in early pregnancy can cause many problems in the future, so it requires timely elimination.

SARS at 12 weeks of pregnancy

ARVI at 12 weeks of pregnancy is a dangerous cold disease. Everything that is connected with the respiratory system, can give its complications. Therefore it is necessary to show special care and at the first display of signs, to go on consultation to the doctor.

At week 12, the fetus is just being formed, and therefore is vulnerable. The mother's body is not yet able to provide him with some protection. Immunity is weakened, there is no possibility to fight infections and much more. In addition, the placenta is also not yet able to protect the baby. That is why during this period you need to be careful and watch your health very carefully.

In the early stages, pathologies may develop and even miscarriage may occur. Therefore, "joking" with a cold is also dangerous. Do not wait until everything goes by itself, you should start the appropriate treatment. Such a question is dealt with by the attending physician. ARVI during pregnancy can be a dangerous disease, if it comes to the first trimester.

SARS at the 13th week of pregnancy

ARVI at the 13th week of pregnancy, the consequences of the common cold and is it dangerous? The second trimester has started, which means that the threats have become much less, and the fruit has practically formed. Now it's not so terrible ordinary colds.

It is necessary to understand that in spite of minimal threats, they do exist. Because timely not cured disease can harm the child's nervous system. That's why you need to monitor your own condition, so that it does not affect the baby.

In addition to problems with the nervous system, nothing terrible will happen. But, despite this, to treat ARI needs on time. Self-dealing with this is fraught with consequences. At this stage, the immune system is able to provide the necessary protection, both for the mother and the baby.

It is important during this period to monitor your own health and timely eliminate all problems. In general, ARVI during pregnancy in the second trimester is not as dangerous as at the first. But all the same, it is important to avoid it.

ARVI at 14 weeks of gestation

The first trimester has come to an end, whether it is necessary to be afraid of an ORVI on 14 week of pregnancy? The most dangerous are the first 3 months of pregnancy. A lot of different problems can arise during this period. But is it dangerous in the second trimester?

The fruit is practically formed, there is nothing to be afraid of. But, nevertheless, ARVI is capable of causing some harm. So, there may be problems with the nervous system. As for pathologies or miscarriages, such phenomena are excluded.

In this period, you should not be afraid of ARVI, but neglect treatment too. Because the infections are seriously treated and can damage the woman's respiratory system. At this stage, it is necessary to start treatment on time and in no case do it yourself. The fact is that most drugs at this stage are banned.

Treatment is controlled by a doctor, it is not necessary to resort to this alone. ARVI during pregnancy does not carry special danger. It is important to diagnose it in time. It must be remembered that the health of the baby is in the hands of the mother.

ARVI in pregnancy in the 2nd trimester

ARVI during pregnancy in the 2nd trimester does not bear such severe consequences as at earlier terms. During this period the common cold does not carry such a danger. Therefore, it is not worth worrying about, but you do not need to start the disease either. By the second trimester, the fetus is formed, it is no longer affected by viral infections.

Relax definitely is not worth it. The transferred ARVI in this period may cause fetoplacental insufficiency. This expression is understood as a violation of the functions of the placenta. This phenomenon can lead to oxygen starvation. In addition, in the second trimester, a cold can affect the nervous system of the child.

No defects of acute respiratory infections in the second trimester can not be caused, but this is no reason to relax. The cold should be healed in any case. It is not recommended to get rid of it on your own. It is advisable to consult a doctor. He will advise how to do better and what medicines can be taken. Because ARVI during pregnancy is not a complicated disease, but requires an individual approach.

SARS at 15 weeks of gestation

Worried about ARVI at 15 weeks of pregnancy? It is important to remain calm and start the treatment process on time. The fact is that the second trimester, in fact, is not at all dangerous.

During this period, the woman begins to feel much better. The barrier functions of the immune system are again ready for fruitful work. Now many infectious diseases are not so terrible. In addition, the risk of miscarriage and various pathologies is virtually excluded. The only thing that can happen is disorders from the nervous system. That, in itself, is not a particularly good process. That's why a woman should begin to carefully monitor herself from the very first day of pregnancy.

Now it is important to diagnose the disease in time and begin treatment. The risk for the child is still present, but it is not so great. Therefore, much depends on the woman herself. But to relax obviously is not worth it, ahead of a complex process, the end result of which is the birth of a baby. So ARVI during pregnancy in the second trimester is immediately "clean".

ARVI at 16 weeks of gestation

Second trimester or ARVI at 16 weeks of gestation. It sounds awesome, but nothing dangerous in this. Much depends on the woman herself, if he carefully monitors his health, then nothing terrible can happen.

During this period the fetus is actively formed, but in spite of this it is protected by the mother's placenta and immune system. Therefore, infectious diseases have very little chance of harm. Indeed, no pathologies at this stage are no longer frightening. It is important to simply monitor your own health and prevent the development of the disease.

Miscarriages and pathologies are left behind, now you can breathe a sigh of relief. But it's too early to relax. Because ARVI is able to harm the nervous system of the baby, which is fraught with consequences. On this basis, the exclusion of the cold and its timely treatment is an indispensable process.

ARVI during pregnancy requires timely and correct treatment at all times. Because it is about the health of the baby, in the first place. After all, all negative factors can be reflected from mother to child.

ARVI during pregnancy in the 3rd trimester

ARVI during pregnancy in the 3rd trimester is not dangerous, but requires timely elimination. Any woman experiences how the disease can affect her child. This is normal, because caring for a child is one of the most important tasks of any mom. Therefore, to monitor their own health is simply necessary.

Much depends on the period of pregnancy, because at a later time, SARS is not so dangerous. During the third trimester, it is quite possible to breathe a sigh of relief. Because viral infections are no longer capable of inflicting a strong blow to the baby. The fact is that the placenta already protects the fetus. It also serves as a kind of conductor, both oxygen and nutrients. In addition, it is a barrier against negative interactions with the outside world. Therefore, there is no point in fearing ARVI in the third trimester.

You can not start a disease. But you have to start it on time. Because there may still be some problems. In general, SARS in pregnancy late in life does not carry any danger.

SARS at the 27th week of pregnancy

ARVI at 27 weeks of pregnancy is there any risk of getting serious problems? In fact, there is always a risk, but much depends on the strength of the immunity of the mother herself.

At this stage, the fetus is formed, so no infectious diseases do not carry such a danger. The second trimester is not at all dangerous. The only thing that can arise is problems with the nervous system.

Start the fight with ARI needs from the first day. It is recommended not to resort to medication. It is quite possible to simply lie down, and to take up the national means. If the temperature does not go down and it does not become easier at all, you should not pull it. It is recommended that you immediately seek help from your doctor.

It is important at this stage to quickly get rid of the common cold. But it is better not to admit it at all. For this, preventive measures are perfect. The best of them are walks and proper food.

ARVI during pregnancy is not a verdict, especially at later dates. It is important just to start treatment in time.

ARVI at 28 weeks of gestation

If found ARVI at 28 weeks of pregnancy, then you should not worry. This disease is especially dangerous in the first trimester and slightly in the second. Therefore, at the 28th week, one should not worry.

At this stage, the woman's immune system completely protects the baby from the impact of harmful external factors. In addition, the placenta itself and amniotic fluid are also a powerful barrier and do not allow infection to penetrate the baby's body.

But, despite this, "relax" is clearly not worth it. Because in this period there can be problems with the nervous system, as a result of incorrectly cured ARVI. Therefore, you still need to take some vigilance and do your own health, so as not to harm the baby.

ARVI during pregnancy can cause harm, both to mom and baby. But this happens only in case of untimely liquidation of this phenomenon. Therefore, in order not to expose yourself and your child to danger, you should immediately seek help from a specialist. ARVI during pregnancy is not a sentence, but a way to think about your own health.

SARS at 33 weeks of gestation

There came that period when ARVI at 33 weeks of pregnancy practically does not cause any harm. Why practically? Yes, because the child already does not threaten anything. Unpleasant sensations arise only in the future mother.

Now, practically nothing is scary. The immune system of the mother returned to the usual course. Now barrier functions work completely, which will not allow infection to enter the body. Moreover, the baby himself is perfectly protected with the help of the placenta and amniotic fluid. But this does not give a 100% guarantee that nothing can happen.

From this it is necessary to draw only one conclusion. Treat ARVI immediately, but under the supervision of a doctor. Otherwise, the consequences can be deplorable. No, there will be no miscarriages and pathologies, but on the immune system of the baby it is quite capable of affecting.

SARS during pregnancy should be eliminated quickly, but without the use of medication. In general, everything depends on the specific situation. It is forbidden to drink medicines on your own, because the consequences can be quite serious.

ARVI at 34 weeks of gestation

ARVI at 34 weeks of pregnancy does not carry any danger. During this period, the fetus is almost completely formed. It is under the sensitive preservation of the placenta and amniotic fluid.

The mother's organism in the last weeks actively prepare for the natural process of childbirth. The immune system fulfills its basic functions. Now no infection is able to penetrate the mother's body.

During this period, colds are not terrible, but their timely elimination is mandatory. It is forbidden to take medicines on your own, because all this is done individually.

Pathologies, changes in the body of the baby, as well as miscarriages are excluded. Everything is under the strict control of the mother's immune system. It remains only to prepare for childbirth.

ARVI during pregnancy can not be called a dangerous phenomenon. But, again, everything depends on the term. So in the first trimester, this disease can harm a child, in the second and third, the risk is significantly reduced.

ARVI at 35 weeks gestation

Is it possible for ARVI at 35 weeks of pregnancy to harm a baby? In fact, this is impossible. Approaching the end of the third trimester, at this stage the body does prepare for the process of birth. No catarrhal diseases can not hurt during this period.

Fruit and all systems are already formed. There is nothing to fear at this stage, because the mother's body is fully able to exert "resistance" to any infection. It is important to diagnose the disease in time and begin treatment.

Now neither the mother nor the fetus is affected by any harmful factors from the external environment. Because the immune functions of the body of a woman are fully fulfilled. In addition, the fetus itself is protected by the placenta and amniotic fluid. There is nothing to be afraid of in this case. But despite this, ARVI treatment is still necessary. Because it can grow into a more complex form.

ARVI during pregnancy should not be confused with more serious stages of the flu. In this case, everything is much simpler and easier to eliminate, if the time to deal with this issue.

ARVI at 36 weeks of gestation

ARVI at the 36th week of pregnancy and the consequences of such a "phenomenon." In fact, it's not worth worrying about at this time. Because the mother's body is already able to protect her child. The immune system fights against infections without difficulties and does not allow them to harm their health.

The placenta fully performs its functions. The baby is completely protected from harmful environmental factors. For experiences there is no reason. But this does not mean that you need to completely relax and not watch your own health. It is necessary to cure a cold in any case. But do it yourself is not worth it, everything is done under the strict guidance of the attending physician.

The last trimester of pregnancy significantly reduces the risk of many diseases. In addition, the baby does not have any influence. Pathological phenomena, miscarriages, etc. are not at all scary. The fetus is formed, moreover, it is protected by the placenta. Therefore, it remains only to "reach" the last days. ARVI during pregnancy in this case no longer carries danger.

SARS at 37 weeks of gestation

What can affect SARS at 37 weeks of pregnancy? In this period nothing dangerous is gone. The health of the baby and the mother is not in danger. The fetus is formed, it is protected by the placenta. It is also a natural barrier against many negative factors.

At this stage it's time to prepare for the process of childbirth. Naturally, to treat ARI is necessary. Because my mother can not feel very well, but there is a laborious process ahead. Treatment appoints the attending physician, starting from the general symptoms and well-being of the woman. Self-medication is strictly forbidden! Because many drugs are under strict prohibition.

During this period, the cold is not capable of causing harm. As a rule, the whole threat remains only in the first and second trimester. On the last terms, everything is much simpler. It is important to begin timely treatment. Because this can not be neglected in any case. SARS during pregnancy in later terms is easy to treat and without any harm to the baby.

ARVI at 38 weeks of gestation

Was ARVI on the 38th week of pregnancy? It is necessary to push all fears aside. The most dangerous for a woman are the first and second trimester. The fact is that for the first time 3 months any infection can cause irreparable harm to the baby. In addition, in early terms, almost all drugs are contraindicated. This, in turn, aggravates the situation.

In the last trimester, there is nothing to be afraid of. It is necessary to prepare for childbirth and not to worry. If found ARVI, then it must be cured and all. No pathologies in this period are no longer frightening. The only thing that can bring discomfort, is the temperature increase. Simply put, the child does not affect the disease in any way. Discomfort is experienced only by the future mother.

It is important to diagnose the disease in time and begin its treatment. In general, there is really nothing to be afraid of. If mom watches her own health, eats properly and leads an active lifestyle, then the child does not face anything. SARS during pregnancy at this time is not at all dangerous.

ARVI at 39 weeks of gestation

If ARVI at the 39th week of pregnancy was taken by surprise, it should be urgently liquidated. At this stage, you should not worry about the cold. The fact that the baby is already fully formed, now he does not face anything. The mother's body can easily cope with any infection. Barrier functions of immunity work remarkably.

Now do not worry about the common cold. It is important to diagnose it in time and begin treatment. It is not worth doing this yourself. Because pregnant women do not accept many medications. Therefore, without the control of the attending physician from such an "adventure" should be abandoned.

At this stage, all the forces should be directed to the forthcoming birth. You should not focus on the cold, but you do not need to run it. On the body of the child nothing can affect. It is under the "protection" of the placenta and amniotic fluid. In general, ARVI during pregnancy does not carry a danger, if it comes to later terms.

SARS on late pregnancy

What is fraught with acute respiratory viral infection in late pregnancy? In this period, it is no longer necessary to worry so much about this. Because the fetus is formed and carefully protected by the placenta.

What is dangerous for SARS in this period? In fact, the infection is not capable of causing any harm to both mom and baby. But to fight the disease you need on time, because in a complicated form this can be said on the future mother. If we talk about the second trimester, which is a late period, then in this period there may be problems with the nervous system of the baby. Therefore, it is necessary to fight the disease on time. At this time there is an active development of the nervous system, it is not worth starting this process. Infection is no longer capable of causing harm, but something can spoil all the same can.

As for the third trimester, everything is much simpler here. No threats, both to the health of the baby, and to the mother. Now nothing is scary. It remains only to follow the course of the disease and all. ARVI during pregnancy requires timely treatment.

Symptoms of ARVI in pregnancy

The clinical picture of ARVI during pregnancy is very similar to an ordinary cold. However, during the period of gestation, the risk of inflammation of the paranasal sinuses increases, because of the large the amount of progesterone in the body easily there is swelling of the nasal mucosa, which can later develop into sinusitis.

Symptoms of SARS may be somewhat different, depending on what type of virus infection has entered the body. For example, with adenovirus infection or enterovirus, the symptoms of the disease may be slightly different.

Symptoms do not always appear all at once: some may be more pronounced, others less, and others may not appear at all. However, a number of signs of acute respiratory viral infection are still more characteristic of this disease:

  • general weakness, weakness, drowsiness;
  • increased temperature, fever, chills;
  • obstruction of nasal breathing, discharge from the nose, swelling of mucous membranes in the nose;
  • pain in the head;
  • periodic pain in the muscles;
  • dry cough, with time passing into the wet with sputum discharge;
  • edema and soreness in the throat;
  • redness of the eyes and lacrimation.

If there are several of these symptoms, a pregnant woman must visit a doctor. The doctor will write out a certificate (if the pregnant woman still goes to work) and will prescribe an adequate treatment. To transfer illness or disease "on legs or foots" in no event it is impossible! Just as you can not prescribe yourself medications from a viral infection, without consulting with your doctor. Many medications can harm a growing fetus, and even pregnancy itself.

SARS without fever during pregnancy

Without a doubt, it can be argued that the course of ARVI in pregnant women is not much different from that of other people. The same signs of illness - runny nose, fever, weakness, cough. Unless immunity during pregnancy is not so strong that it threatens the development of some complications.

Because of the weakness of immune protection in expectant mothers, the temperature during the disease may not leave the norm, or increase slightly (within 37 ° C). Often, doctors diagnose ARVI without fever during pregnancy. To understand why this happens, it is necessary to have a basic understanding of the features of the temperature response.

The rise in temperature is the body's reaction to the introduction of a viral or bacterial infection. Simultaneously, the production of interferons - biologically active proteins that help fight infection. Interferons form in the body when the temperature rises above 37 ° C and stop producing at a temperature of more than 3 ° C.

If the immunity of a pregnant woman is weakened, then the body does not have the strength to raise the temperature and fight infection. Accordingly, interferons in this case will not be developed, which means that a full-fledged attack on viruses will not happen either.

SARS without temperature is also bad because the woman, finding herself at normal levels, concludes that the disease is insignificant, therefore, it is not necessary to treat it. This is fundamentally wrong: with the first symptoms of a cold, regardless of whether the temperature rises, or not, you must immediately begin treatment. Certainly, only under the supervision of a specialist.

Temperature during pregnancy with ARVI

Is there a fever during pregnancy in ARVI? In fact, this phenomenon is quite normal. In addition, the temperature is able to appear and independently for no reason. Because during this period, a large amount of the hormone progesterone, which affects the processes of thermoregulation, is released.

But what if the temperature showed up against the background of ARVI? It is necessary to observe it. If it fluctuates within 38 degrees, then this is quite normal. Much higher, then it is necessary to move to more serious measures. In general, with the appearance of temperature, you need to seek the help of a doctor in charge. Because it is not necessary to talk about a cold.

The temperature is quite normal in ARVI, because an infection appeared in the body and the latter in turn tries to fight it. But to wait until everything goes by yourself is not worth it, you need to start treatment. It all depends on the period of pregnancy. In the later period, there is nothing wrong with this, in the early stages it is necessary to take up the treatment thoroughly. In general, ARVI during pregnancy does not pose a particular danger, but only at a later date.

Is ARVI dangerous during pregnancy?

Do you think ARVI is dangerous during pregnancy? Naturally, any disease, if not treated, is capable of harming the body. Especially when it comes to the future mother and her baby. Do not hide that most women are very susceptible to infection with ARVI. The fact is that the barrier functions of the immune system are somewhat reduced during pregnancy, which is why "infection" occurs. It is important to begin correct and competent treatment. Independently nothing to do is not worth it. because untimely treatment can lead to miscarriage and fairly "annoy" the baby. Therefore, to monitor your health, you must. Naturally, it is desirable to avoid infection altogether, but if this could not be done, then competent treatment rushes to the rescue.

It is important to avoid this disease in the early stages, that is, in the first trimester. This time is the most dangerous. Because it can happen as a miscarriage, and processes that are not reversible. ARVI during pregnancy can cause harm, so it's important to diagnose it and start treatment. After all, the future of the child at this stage is in the hands of the mother.

Effects of ARVI in pregnancy

What are the consequences of ARVI in pregnancy and is it worth thinking about? In fact, this is a very urgent topic for reflection. The fact is that if you do not diagnose the disease in time and do not start treatment, then this can lead to different kinds of problems. About them it will be a little lower.

So, one of the consequences of ARVI is pathology. And it can be diverse and "damage" any organs and systems. This is because the woman's immune system is not capable of performing her barrier functions. Therefore, any infection can penetrate the woman's body. In addition, in this way, there is also infection of the baby. In general, the consequences can be more deplorable. So, in some cases, miscarriage is not excluded. Therefore, it is necessary to diagnose and treat the disease on time.

ARVI in pregnancy is a common problem. Do not start immediately panicking. There will be no consequences if all is rectified on time. It is important to seek help from a specialist doctor.

In addition to the negative impact on the developing fetus and on the very course of pregnancy, SARS can reduce the already weak immunity of a woman. In turn, this can lead to exacerbation of already existing in the body of chronic diseases, such as rheumatism, bronchitis, cholecystitis, etc. In addition, there may be secondary bacterial complications. If the disease is not treated, treated incorrectly, or transferred "on legs then the infection can spread further into the body. Subsequently, it can lead to pneumonia, chronic pharyngitis or laryngitis, sinusitis (inflammation of the maxillary sinuses), otitis, etc.

To prevent negative consequences, it is very important not to ignore the symptoms that appear and to consult a doctor in a timely manner. After all, in pregnancy, the load on the body and so large enough. The addition of a viral infection gives an additional burden to the kidneys, the heart. Because of coughing and sneezing, a woman has to strain the abdominal muscles, which can affect the increase in the tone of the uterus. A stuffy nose makes breathing difficult, which can lead to a lack of oxygen in the fetus. Therefore, consultation of a doctor and competent treatment of ARVI should be mandatory, and unpleasant consequences can be avoided.

Diagnosis of ARVI in pregnancy

Diagnosis of ARVI during pregnancy is based on symptoms, as well as information obtained during the interview and examination of the patient. Presence of characteristic signs of the disease (temperature, cough, runny nose) and epidemiological data is usually enough to correctly establish the diagnosis.

In some cases, doctors can prescribe laboratory methods:

  • Immunofluorescence reaction - detection of antigens by the method of processing the material with appropriate antibodies;
  • PCR assays - the procedure for detecting the causative agent of the disease by the presence of the virus DNA in the material taken.

To clarify the diagnosis, serological diagnostic methods are sometimes used:

  • enzyme immunoassay - a study of specific antibodies, which is carried out at the initial stage of the disease, as well as repeatedly at the stage of recovery;
  • complement binding test - a study based on the ability of antigen-antibody complexes to bind to complement;
  • the hemagglutination inhibition reaction is the identification of the virus or the detection of antiviral antibodies in the patient's blood serum.

If in the course of the disease microbial complications are added, then for their diagnosis, it may be necessary to consult the specialized specialists, for example, an ENT doctor or pulmonologist. For the same purpose, an additional X-ray examination of the respiratory organs, rhinoscopy, oto- and pharyngoscopy is prescribed.

Who to contact?

Pulmonologist Obstetrician-gynecologist

Treatment of acute respiratory infections in pregnancy

How is ARVI treated during pregnancy? To remove the temperature, you need to use paracetamol. But we are talking about a pregnant girl, which means that this way of treatment is prohibited, in any case, in the first trimester. Therefore, it is recommended to seek medical help from a doctor. Medication and dosage are prescribed only by him.

In general, during pregnancy it is better to resort to folk medicine. Simply put, lie down and take in full armor tea with lemon and jam. But in this case everything depends on the specific situation.

To get rid of a cold and sore throat, it is better to resort to folk remedies. So, tinctures of eucalyptus, soda, calendula and sage are perfect. If pains in a throat excruciate, on an initial term aerosols Geksorad and Stopagin will approach or suit. From the second trimester it is allowed to apply Cameton. Do not prescribe yourself a dosage yourself. It is necessary to look in the instruction, but all, to consult to the attending physician.

ARVI during pregnancy is not a terrible disease, but it can damage the initial terms. Therefore, it is important to begin treatment, but do not resort to it yourself.

The scheme of ARVI treatment during pregnancy should pursue the following goals:

  • the prompt removal of the virus and toxic substances formed as a result of its vital activity, from the body;
  • strengthening and support of immunity;
  • alleviation of the symptoms of the disease.

In order to quickly remove the viral infectious disease from the body, it is mandatory to observe the drinking regimen - to drink a lot of heated liquid. As a drink, green tea with a spoonful of honey or a slice of lemon, a decoction of raspberry sprigs, lime-colored infusion, broth of wild rose, berry juice. If there is a cough or sore throat, warm milk helps with the addition of honey and a pinch of soda.

When using large amounts of fluid, pay attention to whether there are swelling on the body, especially at the end of pregnancy.

When a sick woman leaves the room in which she spends most of her time, the room should be ventilated, at least 3-4 times a day.

In order to support the immune forces, you need ascorbic acid, which is in sufficient quantities contained in citrus fruits, currants, dogrose. Sometimes a doctor can prescribe multivitamin preparations.

With regard to alleviating the symptoms of the disease, it should be noted a few nuances:

  • You can not take those cold medicines that you usually take - most of these medicines are dangerous to use during pregnancy. Among such prohibited substances - acetylsalicylic acid, analgin, kold-flue, fervex, antigrippin, etc. Among other things, in no case do not take antibiotics: in ARVI, they not only do not benefit, but also harm;
  • to the advice of traditional medicine also can not be treated with absolute confidence, because among the folk remedies there are those that are contraindicated to pregnant women. For example, it is not allowed to soar your feet and take infusions of many medicinal plants.

How to treat the disease?

Medications for ARVI in pregnancy

What drugs for ARVI during pregnancy can I use? It's no secret for any woman that many medications are banned. This especially applies to the first trimester of pregnancy. At this stage, only just begins to form the fetus, this process can affect many negative factors.

Now it is worth returning to medicines. Only need to take them in extreme cases. In particular, if the risk of death of a child exceeds the occurrence of pathologies.

The authorized drug is VIFERON. But it is allowed only from 14 weeks, earlier you can not take any medications. This drug is antiviral, it is able in a short time to get rid of all the most common signs of a cold. Before taking the medicine, you need to get a doctor's advice.

In general, ARVI during pregnancy can be cured without medication. But it all depends on the individual situation and the course of the common cold.

With a sore throat, warm tea and milk with honey helps a lot. It is recommended to rinse your throat (after meals and overnight) with the addition of soda and sea salt. Effective and safe lozenges like Halls (for example, with honey and citrus), as well as any mint candies and even chewing gum with mint and eucalyptus. In order to warm your feet, you can wear woolen socks: many do not remove them even at night.

  • With a cold and difficult nasal breathing, it is recommended to wash your nose with a solution of sea salt or rock salt, and also instill such a solution in the nasal passages (in the absence of sea salt, you can buy ready-made salt solutions in pharmacies, for example, Aqua-Maris). Suitable also oil drops (Pinosol). It is better to abstain from using vasoconstrictive drops. Good reviews can be heard about the homeopathic preparation Sinupret, which is approved for use by pregnant women. This drug restores immunity and helps the body to fight viruses.
  • When coughing, inhalation is considered the best way. Usually they are spent in the morning and in the evening for about 15 minutes. You can use folk methods like boiled potatoes, or use herbal infusions, such as mint and eucalyptus. Usually, persistent relief of the condition may take from 3 to 5 days of inhalation.
  • At a temperature of 37-3, ° C take measures to reduce the temperature should not be: at this temperature, the body is easier to fight the virus disease. If the indicators exceed 38 ° C, then it is necessary to take measures. Try to apply compresses of vinegar on the forehead, neck, shoulders. Tea of ​​lime color or raspberry helps a lot. In extreme cases, take a tablet of paracetamol or a dose of Panadol.

If you adhere to all the above recommendations, then you can get rid of ARVI in 3-4 days.

Viferon in ARVI during pregnancy

Are Viferon taken during ARVI during pregnancy, and is this drug legal? This medicine is prescribed only after 14 weeks. Until then, take the drug in any case impossible. Because there is a risk of developing pathologies and even miscarriage. But it depends not only on this medicine. More precisely, not only can it provoke such "problems".

In complex therapy, women use Viferon for ARVI treatment, but only as early as 14 weeks. This antiviral agent belongs to the group of recombinant interferons. They are most often used by future mothers in the period of various infectious and inflammatory diseases. The composition of the drug includes interferon alpha-2b with antioxidants. They release the product in the form of ointments, gel and suppositories.

Viferon is able to block the multiplication of viruses, in addition, it increases the body's resistance to their interaction. This is necessary for pregnant girls, because their immunity is not able to cope with a different kind of infection. Therefore, taking Viferon in ARVI during pregnancy is not dangerous.

Prevention of acute respiratory infections in pregnancy

Preventive measures to prevent ARVI during pregnancy are very important. Due to weakened immunity, colds and SARS can often "knock" on pregnant women. The task of the woman is to protect herself and the future child from the disease.

In order to prevent ARVI, it is enough to observe some simple rules:

  • Do not go for a long walk in the rain and windy weather, protect your feet from getting wet;
  • regularly drink tea with the addition of lemon, dog rose, black currant;
  • During the flu epidemic and colds, try not to visit public places, do not travel by public transport (especially during rush hour);
  • If in one apartment you have a sick SARS, then take simple security measures: wear gauze bandage, ventilate the room more often, place in the room incised chives and garlic onion quarters;
  • in sunny weather, try to go out into the street, walk in the park or in the courtyard;
  • ventilate the room, especially at bedtime, and regularly wet-clean;
  • dress according to weather conditions, do not overcool, but do not overheat.

ARVI during pregnancy is not an obligatory event. In your hands - your health and your future child, so do everything to this period in your life went only with pleasant memories.

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