Attack of tachycardia: how to relieve an attack at home, what to do

Tachycardia is a medical term for accelerated heartbeat at rest, which is more than 100 beats per minute in frequency. Of course, in any human with excitement, strong emotional tension and experience, as well as during physical exertion, the frequency of heartbeats also increases, it is physiologic. But under tachycardia always mean exactly the symptom, the manifestation of a disease associated with a violation of the heart rhythm.

So paroxysmal tachycardia is a seizure consisting of a sharp increase in heart rate or heart rate( abbreviated as ).Literally in two or three minutes, the heartbeat of a person can rise to 200-250 beats per minute, which is a direct indication for first aid.

Paroxysmal tachycardia attack ends as suddenly, but it can happen in a few minutes or several hours.

Emergency care for paroxysmal tachycardia is necessary even before the ambulance arrives. Otherwise, the heart, from excessive stress can suffer in its weakest zones. Attack of a tachycardia risks to pass in complications dangerous for a life of the sick person - sudden cardiac arrest, work in an idle mode, an acute myocardial infarction.

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Today, we'll talk about how to relieve an attack of tachycardia at home, what to do to stop a sudden attack.


Paroxysmal tachycardia attack: symptoms

The attack develops suddenly, which frightens the sick person and others. With wave, the pulse( heart rate) increases even more, which worsens the condition. Therefore, at the first manifestations of tachycardia, when the attack is about to begin, try to relax as much as possible and calm down. This will help reduce the risk of possible complications.

First symptoms:

  1. Increased heart rate, sensation of pulsation in the neck;
  2. Heaviness and aching pain in the region of the heart;
  3. Dizziness;
  4. Sore throat, lack of air;
  5. Dizziness, headache caused by non-pourable blood flow through the small and large range of circulation, lack of oxygen transport and carbon dioxide release;
  6. Sensation of cold or numbness in the limbs;
  7. Sweating;
  8. Weakness, severe fatigue.

At the first signs of an attack of tachycardia, regardless of whether it happened for the first time or repeatedly, you need to call an ambulance. Only the doctor will be able to assess the patient's condition and prescribe medications that will help to recover faster, minimize the consequences and avoid the recurrence of the episode.

While waiting for doctors, you need to give the patient first aid.

How to relieve a tachycardia attack in the home before the arrival of the ambulance

Many do not know what to do with a tachycardia attack, and begin to panic.

The first thing that is necessary is to provide a person with peace: lay, open a window and unbutton clothes to make it easier to breathe.

Tachycardia is often accompanied by difficulty breathing, dizziness, headache. The horizontal position will help to partially slow the pulse and avoid injury if the person loses consciousness.

In adults,

Many at the first attack of tachycardia are frightened and do not know what to do. You need to ask others to call "ambulance" or do it yourself.

After that, you need to try to relax, drink 1-2 glasses of cold water in small sips.

If there are no problems with eyesight, you can press on the eyeballs for 10 seconds. This method should be repeated 6-8 times.

If possible, drink herbal tea with mint and melissa. Any caffeine containing drinks( coffee, green tea and black tea) is contraindicated, even if the patient has low blood pressure( BP).

Rhythmic breathing helps to calm down and lower heart rate. To do this, take a deep breath for 7 accounts, and a slow exhalation - for 9. So breathe for at least 3 minutes. The second way is to take a deep breath, hold your breath for 5-6 seconds, make a deep exhalation.

You can enhance the effect of breathing exercises by immersing your palms in cold water for 1-2 minutes. But a cold shower or douche is contraindicated: it can cause shock and increase heart rate.

Taking sedatives will help to partially slow down the heart rate. Suitable Corvalol, Valocordinum, alcohol tinctures of motherwort or valerian.

If a tachycardia occurs after a recent meal, you need to induce vomiting and clean the stomach - this will help reduce the burden on the heart.

In children

In childhood, the cause of such a violation can be a disease of the cardiovascular system, neurosis, severe fright or stress.

When paroxysmal tachycardia attacks in children, the same symptoms are observed as in adults.

The duration of the episode - from 2-3 minutes to 3-4 hours. The main difficulty lies in the fact that the child can not recognize the onset of an attack, and at the time of a bright manifestation of symptoms he is already in a serious condition.

Paroxysmal paroxysmal attack in a child should not cause panic in adults: their task is to soothe the baby as much as possible and do everything to alleviate his condition. Ignoring the symptoms can lead to a violation of hemodynamics and heart failure.

When tachycardia in a child, emergency care should be provided as soon as possible, before the arrival of an ambulance.

If the child is 3 to 7 years old

  1. Perform a light neck massage in the area of ​​the carotid artery, first on the right side, then on the left, for 5-10 seconds. This will help normalize blood circulation, reduce the pressure on the vessels, artificially reduce the heart rate.
  2. Close the nose and ask the child to tighten up, as if trying to breathe out through the nose( Valsalva test).

If the child is older than 7 years old

  1. Provoke a gag reflex( affect the inside of the pharynx).
  2. Give a sedative - tincture of valerian, motherwort or Valocordin, at the rate of 2 drops for each year of life( for a child at the age of 7 years - 14 drops).
  3. Wipe the child with cold water.
  4. Give half a cup of water a sip.

You should not give yourself medications for arrhythmia, designed for adults. The appointment of drugs and the choice of dosage should be performed by a doctor.

In pregnant women

In women, especially in later periods, the heart rate may increase with the slightest strain, especially if there are already cardiovascular diseases. The attack of tachycardia in pregnant women is dangerous for three reasons:

  1. It can provoke miscarriage or premature birth;
  2. Disturbance of blood circulation can lead to hypoxia and impaired fetal development, especially if episodes are repeated;
  3. Most drugs can not be taken.

The causes of an attack in a pregnant woman can be fever and colds, overweight, anemia, dehydration with severe toxicosis, the use of certain medications and a number of other factors.

First aid for tachycardia in pregnant women before the arrival of a doctor should be limited to "folk remedies and methods", without the use of medication:

  1. Cold compress on face or washing with ice water;
  2. Breathing exercises - a deep breath, holding your breath for a couple of seconds, slow exhalation. This method helps in 2-3 minutes to reduce the heart rate by about a third;
  3. Cause severe coughing or vomiting;
  4. If the condition can not be alleviated, you can take the most secure means - Corvalol or Valocordin.

However, under item 4 - there is an opinion that it is impossible to use Valocadin or Corvalol for pregnant women. So in advance, consult a gynecologist about the use of these drugs.

After relieving the condition, you need to consult a cardiologist and gynecologist, leading the pregnancy, regarding the means that will help prevent a second episode.

In elderly

people In elderly people, these symptoms may indicate the presence of a serious cardiovascular disease or exacerbation of a chronic one. Tachycardia is especially dangerous for them: the heart has weak areas that can not withstand the load. Therefore, "cores" are recommended to regularly drink drugs that reduce the risk of increased heart rate. They can be taken at the first sign of an attack.

How to quickly remove an attack of tachycardia in the elderly:

It is necessary to lay the patient, to facilitate access to the air, to give a mild sedative, to cause a cough. Do not immediately take medications from high blood pressure, even if the patient himself is a chronic hypertensive patient: at this time, the pressure on the contrary decreases. Therefore, first you need to measure the BP blood pressure monitor and try to normalize it.

It is also not possible to carry a neck massage in an elderly person - this can lead to a stroke.

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Treatment of tachycardia at home

On the video channel "LIFE OF HYPERTONIC".

The causes of tachycardia may be different, but there are universal methods that will help to adjust the heart. How to calm the heartbeat with home remedies?

Acute attack

With a sharp attack, the patient suddenly becomes so bad that the entire body covers a sticky sweat, it is hard to inhale, a syncope is possible. How can I help stop an acute attack of tachycardia?

  1. Remove, undo all clothing that presses on the throat and heart area.
  2. Apply a cold compress on the forehead.
  3. Strongly strain the muscles of the abdomen, arms, legs.
  4. Breathe in air and hold it as long as possible.
  5. Close your eyes and put your hands on the eyeballs.
  6. Induce vomiting reflex.

The most important thing is to calm the patient, because with tachycardia, inexplicable fears and anxiety arise. Panic provokes increased heart rate. The patient should be laid, give hot sweet tea, drip heart drops( motherwort, valerian, corvalol).

Chronic disease

Some diseases are accompanied by periodic attacks of furious heartbeats. When there is a constant tachycardia, treatment at home is to adjust the regime of the day and adhere to a special diet.

Tachycardia itself is not a disease, it is a symptom that accompanies various conditions: heart diseases, metabolic disorders, chronic stress, menopause and others.

Observance of the regime strengthens the body, makes life measured and predictable - it is necessary to protect the heart from premature aging.

The daily regimen for tachycardia includes:

  1. 5 meals a day in small portions;
  2. Walking in the open air for 20-30 minutes;
  3. Daily exercise is not burdensome;
  4. 8-hour sleep;
  5. If possible, daytime sleep - enough 15-20 minutes of adequate rest.

One must learn to remain calm - the most difficult condition for the treatment of tachycardia. If it is difficult to calm down - let the doctor prescribe a sedative. Try the techniques to relieve stress - you need to learn to calm down before the heart starts to beat wildly. Take measures to calmly sleep at night: ventilate the room, take a walk before going to bed, take a bath, watch a quiet television show.

The diet for tachycardia involves the use of light food, which normalizes the blood levels of potassium, magnesium, calcium, sodium and glycosides.

Which foods are best excluded from the diet?

  1. Alcohol;
  2. Coffee and strong tea;
  3. Fatty foods;
  4. Meat.

Useful for cores porridge, fish and any seafood, vegetables and fruits. Some products have a curative effect.

Useful any herbal tea based on herbs with calming effect: motherwort, mint and balm, hawthorn and valerian. It is known that herbal therapy gives a slow effect - it will take at least 2 months to drink the preparations to show the effect of recovery.

What you need to know about paroxysmal tachycardia

On the video channel "LIFE OF HYPERTONIC".

Published: 16 Sep.2016

Paroxysmal tachycardia is an increase in heart rate, which can last hours and days, destroying the cardiovascular system of the patient.

Tachycardia - accelerated heartbeat. In the normal state, the heart of an adult man is reduced 70-80 times per minute. With an attack of tachycardia, the pulse beat rate is more than 100 beats per minute, in particularly difficult cases reaches 200 beats per minute. Inside the heart is a small organ - a sinus, which sets the heart rhythm of work. Sometimes, with intense excitement or fast running, the sine "speeds up" the heartbeat - this is normal.

It happens that there is a malfunction in the functioning of the sine itself. Then the heart is reduced for several minutes without any external causes. This condition is called sinus tachycardia. In paroxysmal tachycardia, the function of the sinus node takes on a different part of the heart - the atrium, the ventricles or the atrioventricular junction.

In these cases, the sine does not have the ability to "straighten" the abnormally fast heartbeat, and tachycardia without medical intervention can last several days. Such a dangerous condition as paroxysmal tachycardia should be under medical supervision.

The attack always begins suddenly, catching the patient by surprise. Suddenly, there is a sensation of failure in the heartbeat, and then begins a frenzied heartbeat. Abnormally fast organ contractions lead to its wear and tear. The stomachs do not have time to fill and the general circulation of blood is disturbed. As a result, all organs and tissues of the body are exposed to oxygen starvation.

During myocardial infarction, aggressive ventricular fibrillation can lead to rupture of the heart tissue and death of the patient. In this case, only immediate application of electric shock can help: the electric discharge completely stops, and then "starts" the heart. When "reset" is very likely that the sinus node will take heartbeat under its control and normalizes the pulse.

Classify the disease( PT), depending on the organ that takes on the functions of the sinus node.

1. Supraventricular tachycardia combines two types of paroxysmal tachycardia:

  • Atrial Fri;
  • Atrioventricular.

2. Ventricular Fri.

The course of the disease also occurs in different ways:

  • In acute form( paroxysmal);
  • In chronic form;
  • In the form of a continuously recurring PT.

In children and adolescents there is a separate species of PT - idiopathic PT.The exact causes of the disease are not established, but their relationship with the emotional state and the increase in adrenaline in the body is revealed.

Each form of the disease has its own reasons for occurrence. Paroxysmal ventricular tachycardia occurs with damage to the heart muscle: inflammatory processes, dystrophy, necrotic or sclerotic lesions of the musculature of the organ.

Publication source:

  1. Video on the topic "Life of Hypertension".
  2. Revision of the article from the website http: // kak-snyat-pristup-doma.html .

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