Epileptic seizure: treatment, video, how to stop seizures, first aid, what to do

Epilepsy( "falling sickness") is a neuropsychiatric illness, chronic. The main feature of the disease is the patient's tendency to sudden recurrent seizures. Epilepsy has seizures of different types, however, their cause is the anomalous activity of nerve cells in the brain in humans.

Falling disease has been known since ancient times. There is historical information that some famous people - Julius Caesar, Napoleon Bonaparte, Dante, Nobel and others - suffered from this disease.

It's not easy to talk about how widespread this disease is all over the world, as many people do not realize that they have the symptoms of epilepsy. Some patients hide the diagnosis. There are data that in some countries the prevalence of the disease is up to 20 cases per 1000 people. And also that about 50 children per 1000 people, at least once in their life had a seizure with a strong increase in body temperature.

Today we will talk about how to stop epileptic seizures in an adult and a child, how to properly provide first aid to a patient, see a video of an epileptic fit.

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Epilepsy attack in humans: treatment of

Unfortunately, until today there is no method to completely cure this disease. However, using the right tactics of therapy and selecting suitable medications, doctors achieve seizures in about 60-80% of cases. The disease only in rare cases can lead to both death and serious violations of physical and mental development.

Causes of epilepsy: why do epileptic seizures occur

Until now, specialists are not exactly aware of the reasons why a person has an epileptic seizure. Periodically epileptic seizures occur in people with certain other diseases. As evidenced by scientists, signs of epilepsy in a person manifest in the event that a certain area of ​​the brain is damaged, but it does not completely collapse. Cells of the brain that have suffered, but still retain vitality, become sources of pathological discharges, because of which the falling sickness manifests itself. Sometimes the effects of a seizure are expressed by new brain damage, new foci of epilepsy develop.

Specialists do not fully know what epilepsy is, and why some patients suffer from seizures, while others do not. There is also no explanation for the fact that in some patients the seizure is single, and in others, seizures are repeated often.

Answering the question whether epilepsy is inherited, the doctors talk about the influence of genetic dispositions. However, in general, the manifestations of epilepsy are due to both hereditary factors and the influence of the environment, as well as the diseases that the patient suffered earlier.

The causes of symptomatic epilepsy can be:

  1. brain tumor,
  2. brain abscess,
  3. meningitis,
  4. encephalitis,
  5. inflammatory granulomas,
  6. vascular disorders,
  7. craniocerebral trauma.

In tick-borne encephalitis, the patient displays manifestations of the so-called kozhevnikovskoy epilepsy. Symptomatic epilepsy can also occur with intoxication, autointoxication.

The cause of traumatic epilepsy is a traumatic brain injury. Particularly expressed is its influence in the event that such a trauma was repeated. Seizures can occur even a few years after the injury.

Forms of epilepsy

Classification of epilepsy is carried out taking into account its origin, as well as the type of seizures. The localized form of the disease is distinguished( partial, focal).This is frontal, parietal, temporal, occipital epilepsy. Specialists also identify generalized epilepsy( idiopathic and symptomatic forms).

Idiopathic epilepsy is determined in the event that its cause is not detected. Symptomatic epilepsy is associated with the presence of organic brain damage. In 50-75% of cases there is an idiopathic type of disease. Cryptogenic epilepsy is diagnosed if the etiology of epileptic syndromes is unclear or unknown. Such syndromes are not an idiopathic form of the disease, but symptomatic epilepsy can not be determined with such syndromes.

Jacksonian epilepsy is a form of the disease in which a patient has somatomotor or somatosensory seizures. Similar attacks can be both focal, and spread to other parts of the body.

Considering the reasons that trigger the appearance of seizures, doctors determine the primary and secondary( acquired) forms of the disease. Secondary epilepsy develops under the influence of a number of factors( illness, pregnancy).

Post-traumatic epilepsy manifests itself in seizures in patients who previously suffered brain damage due to head trauma.

Alcoholic epilepsy develops in those who systematically consume alcohol. This condition is a complication of alcoholism. It is characterized by sharp convulsive seizures, which are repeated periodically. And, after a while, such seizures appear already regardless of whether the patient used alcohol.

Epilepsy nocturnal is manifested by a disease attack in a dream. Due to the characteristic changes in brain activity, the symptoms of an attack develop in some patients in a dream - biting of the tongue, loss of urine.

But no matter what form of the disease is manifested in the patient, it is important for every person to know how is the first aid in the attack of .After all, how to help with epilepsy is sometimes necessary for those who had a seizure in a public place. If a person develops a seizure, it must be ensured that the patency of the respiratory tract is not broken, prevent zakusyvanie and zapereenie language, as well as prevent injury to the patient.

Types of seizures: symptoms

In most cases, the first signs of the disease appear in a person in childhood or in adolescence. Gradually, the intensity and frequency of seizures increase. Often intervals between seizures are reduced from several months to several weeks or days. In the development of the disease, the nature of seizures often changes markedly.

Specialists distinguish several types of such seizures.

In generalized( large) convulsive seizures, the patient develops pronounced convulsions. As a rule, before the attack, its precursors appear, which can be noted for several hours, and for a few days before the seizure. Precursors are high excitability, irritability, changes in behavior, appetite. Before the onset of a seizure, the aura is often observed in patients.

Aura( condition before seizure) manifests itself in different patients with epilepsy in different ways. Sensory aura is the appearance of visual images, olfactory and auditory hallucinations. The psychic aura manifests itself through the experience of horror, bliss. For a vegetative aura, changes in the functions and condition of internal organs are characteristic( strong palpitation, epigastric pain, nausea, etc.).Motor aura is expressed by the appearance of motor automatisms( movements of hands and feet, tilting of the head, etc.).With a speech aura, a person, as a rule, utters meaningless individual words or exclamations. Sensitive aura is expressed by paresthesia( feeling of cold, numbness, etc.).

When the seizure begins, the patient can scream and produce peculiar grunting sounds. The person falls, loses consciousness, his body stretches and strains. Slows down, his face pales.

After this, jerking appears all over the body or only in the limbs. At the same time, the pupils dilate, blood pressure rises sharply, saliva is released from the mouth, the person sweats, the blood comes to the face. Sometimes urine and feces are involuntarily allocated. A patient in a fit can bite his tongue. Then the muscles relax, the cramps disappear, the breathing becomes deeper. Consciousness gradually returns, but somnolence and signs of confusion of consciousness remain for about a day. The described phases in generalized seizures can manifest themselves in a different sequence.

The patient does not remember such a fit, sometimes, however, memories of the aura remain. The duration of the seizure is from a few seconds to several minutes.

A variant of the generalized seizure is febrile seizures, which occur in children up to the age of four, under conditions of high body temperature. But most often there are only a few such seizures that do not translate into true epilepsy. As a consequence, there is an opinion of specialists that febrile convulsions to epilepsy do not apply.

Focal seizures are characterized only by the involvement of one part of the body. They are motor or sensory. With such attacks, a person has convulsions, paralysis or pathological sensations. In the manifestations of Jackson epilepsy, seizures move from one part of the body to another.

After the cramps in the limbs cease, there is paresis for about another day. If such seizures are observed in adults, then after them there is an organic lesion of the brain. Therefore, it is very important to contact specialists immediately after the seizure.

Also in patients with epilepsy, small convulsive seizures often occur, in which a person loses consciousness for a certain time, but does not fall down. In seconds of attack on the patient's face, convulsive twitchings appear, the pallor of the face is observed, the person at the same time looks at one point. In some cases, the patient may be spinning in one place, uttering some incoherent phrases or words. After the end of the attack a person continues to do what he did before, and does not remember what happened to him.

Temporal epilepsy is characterized by polymorphic paroxysms, before which, as a rule, a vegetative aura is usually observed for several minutes. In paroxysms, the patient commits inexplicable actions, and, they can sometimes be dangerous to others. In some cases, severe personality changes occur. In the period between attacks, the patient has serious vegetative disorders. The disease in most cases occurs chronically.

Diagnosis of epilepsy

First of all, in the process of diagnosis it is important to conduct a detailed survey of both the patient and his loved ones. Here it is important to find out all the details concerning his state of health, to ask about the features of seizures. Important information for the doctor is the data on whether there were cases of epilepsy in the family, when the first seizures began, what is their frequency.

It is especially important to collect an anamnesis if there is child epilepsy. Signs in children of the manifestation of this disease parents should be suspected as soon as possible, if there are grounds for this. Symptoms of epilepsy in children are similar to those in adults. However, diagnosis is often difficult due to the fact that often described by the parents of the symptoms indicate other diseases.

The doctor then performs a neurological examination, determining the patient's headache, as well as a number of other signs that indicate the development of organic brain damage.

The patient must carry out magnetic resonance imaging, which excludes diseases of the nervous system that could provoke convulsions.

Electroencephalography processes electrical activity of the brain. In patients with epilepsy, such a study reveals changes - epileptic activity. However, in this case, it is important that the results of the study are considered by an experienced specialist, since epileptic activity is registered and approximately in 10% of healthy people. Between epileptic seizures in patients can be observed a normal picture of the EEG.Therefore, often physicians initially with the help of a number of methods provoke pathological electrical impulses in the cerebral cortex, and then they conduct a study.

It is very important in the process of establishing a diagnosis to find out what type of seizure the patient has, since this determines the characteristics of the treatment. Those patients who have different types of seizures are prescribed treatment with a combination of drugs.

Treating epilepsy

Treating epilepsy is a very time-consuming process that does not look like therapy for other ailments. Therefore, the doctor must determine the scheme for treating epilepsy after diagnosis.

Drugs for epilepsy should be taken immediately after all studies have been carried out. This is not about how to cure epilepsy, but, first of all, about preventing the progress of the disease and manifestations of new seizures. It is important for the patient and his close people to explain the meaning of such treatment, as well as to specify all other points, in particular the fact that epilepsy can not be managed exclusively by treatment with folk remedies.

Treatment of the disease is always long, moreover, taking medications should be regular. Dosage determines the frequency of seizures, the duration of the disease, as well as a number of other factors. In the case of ineffective therapy, drugs are replaced by others. If the result of treatment is positive, then the doses of drugs are gradually and very accurately reduced. In the process of therapy, it is necessary to monitor the physical condition of a person without fail.

In the treatment of epilepsy, different groups of drugs are used: anticonvulsant, nootropic, psychotropic agents, vitamins. Recently, doctors have been using tranquilizers, which have a relaxing effect on muscles.

In the treatment of this disease it is important to adhere to a balanced work and rest regime, to eat right, to exclude alcohol, as well as other factors that provoke seizures. We are talking about overexertion, lack of sleep, loud music, etc.

With the right approach to treatment, observance of all rules, and with the participation of close people, the patient's condition improves significantly and stabilizes.

In the treatment of children , with epilepsy, the most important point is the correctness of parents' approach to its implementation. In children's epilepsy, special attention is paid to the dosage of drugs and its correction as the baby grows. Initially, the condition of the child who started taking a certain drug should be monitored by the doctor, as some medicines can cause allergic reactions and intoxication of the body.

Parents should take into account that the provoking factors influencing the occurrence of seizures are vaccination, a sharp rise in temperature, infection, intoxication, and TBM.

It is advisable to consult a physician before starting treatment with medications other diseases, as they may not be combined with funds for epilepsy.

Another important point is to take care of the child's psychological state. It is necessary to explain to him, if possible, about the features of the disease and take care of the baby feeling comfortable in the children's team. There, one must know about his illness and be able to help him during an attack. And the child himself needs to realize that there is nothing terrible in his illness, and he does not need to be ashamed of the illness.


To avoid seizures, patients should completely eliminate alcohol, smoking, fully sleep every day. It is necessary to observe a diet in which dairy and vegetative food prevails. The correct way of life in general and the person's attentive attitude to the state of the body are important.

Author: Marina Stepaniuc is a pharmacist, medical journalist. Specialization: pharmaceutics.

  • Education: Graduated from the Rivne State Basic Medical College with a degree in Pharmacy. Graduated from Vinnytsia State Medical University. MI Pirogov and internship on its base.
  • Work experience: From 2003 to 2013 - worked as a pharmacist and head of a pharmacy kiosk. She was awarded with diplomas and marks of distinction for her long and diligent work. Articles on medical topics were published in local publications( newspapers) and on various Internet portals.

First aid for an epileptic seizure: what to do during a seizure, video

Epilepsy does not always start right away with frightening tonic-clonic seizures( screams, convulsive flinches, head tilts, strange sounds).This form of epilepsy can develop gradually.

The first "bells" of the presence of the disease can be nightmares, nighttime urination, screams, behavioral disorders. Also, persistent short-term stupors( looking at one point, lack of response to others) can lead to a more complex form of epilepsy.

What types of seizures people encounter most often

Attacks happen:

  1. obvious, recognizable( tonic-clonic seizure, complex focal disorders);
  2. less noticeable( aura, absences. ..).

Less obvious seizures may not cause a reaction from others, because they can be confused with the characteristics of human behavior( look at one point, do not answer the question - thought, sudden change of mood - it is also possible).

Not so dangerous and seemingly symptoms can be a sign of an approaching serious attack( as an aura).Or they can proceed independently, without provoking complications.

In any case, if there is a mild form of epilepsy( or suspicion), the person should be protected from all negative external factors( noise, cold, heat), do not try to restrain him in action, help him to settle comfortably.

Whatever the causes of an epileptic seizure, first aid should be given promptly and correctly.

Risk of untimely or improper care in case of an attack

As you understand, it is a question of complex focal or generalized epileptic seizures( with pronounced muscular activity and respiratory failure).

The following dangerous events are possible:

  1. ingestion of saliva, blood, food in the respiratory canals;
  2. hypoxia( due to respiratory problems);
  3. further disturbances in brain function;
  4. coma( with prolonged epilepsy);
  5. death.

First aid

First aid for an epileptic seizure is of paramount importance and can save a person's life.

How to recognize an approaching attack?

If you know that a person has previously suffered epileptic seizures, then the following signs will indicate the next danger:

  1. increased nervousness, irritability;
  2. violation of habitual biorhythm: hyperactivity or excessive drowsiness;
  3. lack of response to others;
  4. dilated pupils;
  5. sometimes causes anxiety and tearfulness.

Preparing for an

Seizure If you suspect an imminent problem, you need to do the following:

  1. clean around all objects that can be dangerous in case of a complex fit( sharp objects, electrical appliances);
  2. try to provide the patient with physical and psychological comfort;
  3. ask the person if he has experienced epileptic seizures( if you do not know), offer your help;
  4. ask simple questions - to test the reactive capability;
  5. free the neck from the pulling clothes( tie, shirt);
  6. put something soft under your head;
  7. provide sufficient space for the room.

How to help a person during an epileptic seizure

With the first symptoms of epilepsy, timely first aid is very important. Everyone should know how to help in such cases:

  1. Do not be afraid of foam from the mouth, seizures. The life of a person can depend on your concentration and ability to react.
  2. Remove or loosen the pulling clothes( tie, tight jacket or pants, tight belt).
  3. Try to turn the person's head sideways( without applying significant physical effort!).Hold your head, if possible( so that saliva and tongue do not interfere with breathing).
  4. Do not try to force the epileptic force in a certain position, you can put a pearl to it.
  5. If the jaw is closed in the epileptic, do not open them. From this action, it makes no sense, and it is unlikely that you will succeed.
  6. Do not let him drink.
  7. Put something soft under your head.
  8. If the mouth is ajar, insert some object in it, not a very hard one - a folded handkerchief, for example( to prevent biting the tongue).
  9. If breathing has stopped - do not panic. This is usually a temporary phenomenon. However, just in case, check the pulse.
  10. In case of involuntary urination, cover the patient below the waist with some clothes or polyethylene( so that the smell does not become an additional irritant).
  11. If the seizure site is safe for the life of the epileptic( it's not water, the edge of the cliff or the road), do not move it to another place. However, in the opposite case, be sure to transfer the patient, taking his armpits and pulling him over the upper part of the torso.
  12. Do not perform artificial respiration or cardiac massage.
  13. The resuscitative measures specified in paragraph 12 will be necessary if the attack occurred in the water and the patient's breathing pathway gets water.
  14. Do not try to give medicines, they will still work at least half an hour later.

Remember, first aid for epilepsy should be clear and quick without the hustle and bustle.

What to do after an attack of

A tonic-clonic or strong focal seizure is completed when the muscles of the epileptic have come to a normal state and it shows the first signs of consciousness.

Less often, the end of an attack is accompanied by a relaxation of the bladder( urination), and the reaction to the outside world is missing for some time.

What to do after the seizure:

  1. Try to put the patient's relaxed body on one side( so that the root of the tongue does not fuse).
  2. Politely ask to disperse the accumulated people( for psychological comfort).Those who are able to help in case of a seizure or before the arrival of a doctor remain with the patient.
  3. Sometimes, when small twitchings of the body or limbs are still observed, the person tries to stand up: try to hold it while walking. If you are in a high-risk area, try to keep the epileptic recumbency until complete cessation and recovery of consciousness.
  4. Usually, for absolute normalization of the state, it takes 10-15 minutes.
  5. After the return of consciousness, a person can decide whether he needs medical help. Some people know the specifics of their disease thoroughly and are aware of what to do.
  6. Do not attempt to give medication to a victim: if this is not the first attack, he probably has a special order from the doctor, and if the first one - then a thorough diagnosis is necessary before selecting the necessary course of treatment.
  7. After an attack, it is advisable to avoid taking caffeinated drinks, spicy seasonings, marinades, salty foods - these foods provoke the excitability of the nervous system.
  8. Very often, after an attack, the epileptic tends to sleep. Provide all necessary conditions.

When to call an ambulance

If the first medical care for epilepsy is provided, but there are circumstances that can embarrass you, you should call an ambulance:

  1. fit with a pregnant woman;
  2. attack lasted more than 3 minutes;
  3. the problem occurred with an elderly person or child;
  4. during the seizure was injured;
  5. is the first in the last 5 years or for a lifetime attack;
  6. in case of remission of the condition;
  7. breathing is heavy, difficult after a fit;
  8. the patient does not regain consciousness;The
  9. attack occurred in the water.

Epilepsy is a disease that can manifest itself relatively harmlessly. However, symptoms that threaten a person's life or its further full-fledged functionality are possible.

First, everyone should know how to help in case of a seizure. You may encounter this problem at any time. The doctor can not always be found immediately.

Secondly, it is very important to treat epileptics, as well as to other people - without excessive trepidation and fear. People who are prone to epileptic seizures are full members of society.

Your task is to help them if necessary.

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Each of you may encounter a situation where it may be necessary to provide first aid, just on the street. After all, an epileptic attack or heart failure is quite a life phenomenon.

And it's important to know how to do it right, and what mistakes can become fatal.

Watch video from certified rescuer of Emergency Ministry Ed Khalilov and you will find out:

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  2. misconception that can cost a person's life,
  3. how to determine cardiac arrest,
  4. how to do artificial respiration,
  5. how to move a person unconscious in the easiest way.

Do not rely on others! It is important to take control of the situation in time.

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Leysan .I am 30 years old. I have seizures from 2 to 5 times a month. Began from the age of 13.I take depakin chrono 250mg x 2 r per day and tegretol 200 2 tab.2 r per day. It helps that earlier attacks( without drugs) were up to 8-10 times a month. Even with more attacks, the system is rescued in the hospital( magnesium).Someone was cured of this disease? And how long can you live with these bouts?

Aigul .Hello! Help me please. My daughter has had epilepsy since 11 years. In October she will be 15 years old. Appointed depakin chrono 500mg. Having recently read the instructions, I learned that depakin can not be administered to teenage girls and women of childbearing age. If there are those who are cured completely of epilepsy, please tell us how and where to be treated. Help advice.

Roman .One time recently I had something similar. He stayed in the hospital for 2 days, he did not want to be treated anymore. The diagnosis is epilepsy. The attack happened on the street. My wife and I returned home from the waiting room, where she got to the ambulance. Of course, I was very worried about her. Was under the influence of a strong substance. I did not sleep and almost did not eat before the attack for about 2 days. I was very tired and worried about my wife. Suddenly, dizziness began, and I realized that I was about to fall. I sat down on the bench - I do not remember anything else. I came to myself near my house. Consciousness was clouded for about a day. My wife told the following: I lost consciousness, convulsions began. It lasted about 5 minutes. An ambulance arrived. I woke up, did not even recognize her. Sent all and one left. My wife found me at our house. How I got there and how I sent everyone out there - I do not remember. The doctor with the ambulance told my wife to find me and called him again, because he already knows what's going on and has already seen me. So she did. After 2 days I was already at home. Was it an epileptic fit? No one in the family and I myself have not had this before. Should I wait for a repeat? I do not know what to do now.

Vladimir .There were also a couple of such seizures. But during or after a week of drinking. The conclusion is one, in any case, I have - no alcohol, no seizure.

Lubawa .Even to read scary, terrible disease. The employee also has a child with epilepsy, as they were suffering, poor ones, until they were advised to go abroad, such as advanced technologies. Well, they were looking for, they eventually took the girl to Germany, had an operation, now the state is much better.

Natalia .Hello, Thanks for the article, very useful and interesting information. At me once a year or in two years time in a dream at me there is an epileptic attack. Last time or two attacks in one night( this was the first time).Almost two weeks came to, this was also the first time, usually 1-2 days then just an unreal surge of energy, brain enlightenment, activity, unreal working capacity. On the survey, nothing was revealed, they put cryptogenic epilepsy. What to do? How to treat? I work and drive a car, from drugs I lose a sense of reality. Took Finlepsin, now I am looking for folk remedies. If the seizures are 1-2 times a year, why take the drugs every day, and to predict the attack is also impossible, a state of extreme fatigue, it haunts me almost every Friday - the end of the week, and the last attack was on Monday. I would like to know your opinion.

Stanislav .Hello! My sister is ill from the age of 7.Now she is 20. By the menstrual period, she's all right. Attacks are difficult: fainting, cramps, followed by a dream. Appointed tablets Enkorat, Seizar. Drank carbamazepine, Depakn Chrome seems, just do not remember. Went on "HEALERS" said that she had it from fright. From the dog. She supposedly frightened her. There was such a case, the dog bit her, she was frightened, screamed and cried. Help! Hands are released, mother almost without hope!


  1. http: //neurodoc.ru/bolezni/epilepsiya/ pristup-epilepsii-pervuya-pomosh.html
  2. http: //medside.ru/ epilepsiya-paduchaya-bolezn