How to get rid of insomnia with drugs

Sleeping pills are forced to take about 15% of people experiencing sleep disorders. Remember that you can not treat insomnia at home with drugs without prescribing a doctor! As a rule, the best medicines that are good for helping, especially for the elderly, are difficult to buy without a prescription, and moreover, that they affect the improvement of sleep without getting used to them.

Before giving the pill to the sick person the cause of insomnia should be fixed exactly! !!

Drugs for insomnia are contraindicated:

  1. for women during pregnancy,
  2. for nursing mothers,
  3. for those who have breathing disorders in their sleep
  4. and for whom the work is related to driving and technical equipment.


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What help cure insomnia

Medicines shouldapply strictly to the doctor's prescription! !!

To start using medicines with a minimum dose of the drug, given the course of treatment: from three days to two weeks. Always take into account the fact of getting used to a sleeping pill. When treating them, the patient is forced to take an increasing dose of the drug, and this has a reverse side to the medal - side effects.

Drugs the doctor writes out individually, how to establish the cause of insomnia. Older people are prescribed sleeping pills with extreme caution, as well as those with chronic liver, kidney, mental disorders, etc.

Under no circumstances should you combine sleeping pills with alcohol! The maximum effect of drugs occurs with combined medical therapy, sleep hygiene, psychotherapy or autogenic training.

What can I buy without prescription

Soothing preparations based on phenobarbital

This is all known and "odorous" Corvalol and Valocordin .Substance phenobarbital inhibits processes in the brain and depresses the nervous system. It calms and has a hypnotic effect. Mint oil, which is part of the drugs, dilates the vessels, removes the spasm of smooth muscles. All this improves the transport of nutrients in the brain.

Valokordin or Corvalolum when taken orally is taken in an amount of 40-50 drops and diluted in a small amount of water. The drug is taken at night, on an empty stomach. Duration of treatment is about two weeks, in order to avoid addiction and the appearance of mental and physical dependence on the medicine.

Means improving the cerebral circulation

Preparations such as Tanakan , The memorial is prepared from the raw material of the Ginkgo Biloba tree. The course of treatment two to three months is sufficient to improve the work of blood vessels that provide life support for the brain. Therefore, the processes of excitation and inhibition in the central nervous system normalize, memory, sleep improve and attention productivity grows.
Take two tablets twice a day, regardless of food intake. Tablets can not be chewed, washed down with a small amount of water.


There are preparations - Melatonone , Melatonin which contains the substance produced by the epiphysis gland in the dark. The hormone is called melatonin, it is responsible for the normal duration and quality of sleep, as well as the regulation of daily biological rhythms. Its entry into the body can treat various types of insomnia, regulate the biological clock and have an antioxidant effect.

At one time inside take two pills at bedtime. Of not chewed, but swallowed. After one or two hours after taking the medicine, it starts to work.

Hypnotics Prescription

Prescription sleeping pills - potent drugs, they must be prescribed by a doctor on strict conditions. In these medications have side effects:

  1. daytime sleepiness,
  2. reduction of motor response speed,
  3. difficulty concentrating;
  4. may cause loss of memory for events that occurred after taking the drug( amnesia);
  5. after the cancellation of their insomnia returns.

The smaller the dose of a hypnotic, the lower the risk of side effects and addiction.


These are blockers of histamine H1 receptors. They help to quickly fall asleep, soothe, but for a long time depress the nervous system. In the morning the person is drowsy and slow. Rapidly developing addiction to drugs, which entails an increase in the once-ingested dose.

This group of pharmacological agents include: loratadine , diphenhydramine , pipolfen , ketorifen , suprastin , diazolin .To improve sleep they are used once in the evening for half an hour before bedtime. The course of treatment is no more than two weeks( 14 days).The dosage of the medication is detailed in the attached instructions for the use of the drug. For example, diphenhydramine 50 mg, pipolfen 25 mg.

Donormil used at half or a whole tablet( last: an effervescent tablet dissolved in 100 ml of water; not effervescent - washed down with a small amount of fluid).And the duration of treatment is two to five days.


Affect calming the central nervous system( CNS), relieve tension, anxiety, fear, irritability, and relax the muscles. In large doses, drowsiness is caused. Here it is possible to allocate tablets: Phenazepam, Nosepam, Seduxen and others.

For example, phenazepam is taken orally 30 minutes before bedtime in an amount of 0.25-1 mg( this is half or the whole tablet).Wash down with a little water. The course of treatment is up to two weeks.


Their action is short, one stops by morning. Do not cause drowsiness and drowsiness during the day. Drugs make falling asleep fast, improve the quality of sleep, the number of nocturnal awakenings decreases. When the dose is exceeded, habituation to them develops, and a sharp abolition of techniques aggravates insomnia.

Somnol take inside one tablet for 30-40 minutes before bedtime. People in old age are recommended a single dose - half a tablet. The course of treatment is from three days to four weeks.

Zolpidem is taken at bedtime in the amount of one tablet. Course: from several days to one month. By the end of the course of treatment, gradually reduce the dose.


Affect calming effect on the central nervous system, reduce the level of anxiety and depression, and insomnia associated with them. Recently, barbiturates are not prescribed widely due to the development of drug dependence and side effects.

Meprobamate in a dose of 0.2-0.4-0.6 g( one to three tablets) at bedtime. Duration: one to two months.