Coughing in a dream in an adult

Cough in adults at night - causes of seizures

Coughing in an adult, arising only at night, when the body is in a horizontal position, is a very serious symptom, indicating the development of serious diseases. For the appearance of such a reflex action, there must be strong grounds. Therefore, it is very important to correctly establish the causes that caused the onset of a severe dry and sudden cough.

It is necessary to understand that not only the disease accompanying this symptom is dangerous, but the very strong dry night cough is fraught with many unpleasant moments. So, one of the serious consequences that can cut a person in a dream can be reflex attacks, leading to apnea (short-term loss of consciousness). Here it is impossible not to mention the process of coughing itself, which can be accompanied by suffocation, nausea, and severe shortness of breath.

Causes of a night cough in an adult

If the reflex act is only present at night, then the following factors may be the cause of its development:

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  • Extremely overdried air in the room. It irritates the mucosa of the respiratory tract, which leads to a coughing attack only at night in an adult. In this case, getting rid of the obsessive reflex act is quite simple. In the evenings, it is necessary to switch on the humidifier in the bedroom. When you go to sleep, you can turn it off.
  • Involuntary action, which appears only in the prone position, may indicate the development of pathology in the work of the cardiovascular system. In addition to this symptom, there is severe shortness of breath, even with minor physical exertion. In severe cases, the nasolabial triangle becomes blue.
  • Negative effects of allergens, which can end in an adult with a violent and sudden attack of coughing with suffocation. Also, loss of consciousness due to lack of oxygen is possible. Such reflex actions are observed in people suffering from asthma. The reason for the night involuntary action is the influence of stimuli, for example, such as pollen plants, got into the room from an open window, or the smallest particles of household dust from the fountain pillows.
  • Chronic diseases of the respiratory tract, in particular bronchitis and inflammation of the pleura. In this case, a strong cough is observed not only at night, but also during the bright time of the day when the person is not lying.
  • Pathology in the work of the gastrointestinal tract.

Cough only at night in adults is an important symptom that requires very serious attention on the part of doctors and the patient himself. A person must necessarily undergo a full medical examination to exclude the presence of serious diseases of the cardiovascular system and the gastrointestinal tract.

Cough at night in an adult: the causes of a severe dry cough in sleep

Cough is a natural defensive reaction of the body, which helps clear bronchi.

It happens that the cough appears or intensifies only at night. He exhausts and does not give a normal rest.

Causes of night cough

Attacks of a night cough in an adult arise from the fact that the patient is for a long time in a fixed horizontal position and can not normally clear his throat, but these are not the only reasons.

At this time of the day, all processes in the human body slow down. Blood supply and resorption of mucus in the nasopharynx are not as active, and sputum, causing coughing attacks, accumulates in the throat.

It should not be forgotten that any cough, and strong is not an exception, is a symptom of a certain disease. And the cough can be both dry and wet.

Most often, night cough in adult patients develops with such diseases:

  1. bronchitis;
  2. whooping cough;
  3. viral infection;
  4. bronchial asthma.

If a person is suffering from asthma, coughing attacks are prolonged. They can last more than an hour and significantly increase at night. Such a cough is characterized by abundant sputum secretion, severe pain in the abdominal cavity and behind the breastbone.

A strong dry cough in a dream happens with a viral infection, when there is swelling of the mucous membrane of the nasopharynx. Not only during the day, but also at night, the breathing of the patient is disturbed, which provokes the accumulation of bronchial secretions. As a result, a reflex cough helps the secretions to get out of the body.

Two concepts are still inextricably linked: cough and bronchitis. It is simply impossible to suffer from bronchitis and not to suffer from coughing attacks, especially at night. At the very beginning of the disease, night cough is dry and frequent, and after a while, mucus is released. The peculiarity of bronchitis is that coughing torments the patient right up to the very cure and sometimes even injections are necessary for bronchitis in adults.

When night cough develops in whooping cough, it is accompanied by abundant secretions. Coughing the patient in this case often and barkingly. The patient notes spasm:

  1. larynx;
  2. abdominal muscles.

A fit of coughing ends with vomiting.

Night cough without fever

There are situations when the adult has no other symptoms, except for a cough. Usually people do not pay much attention to coughing without temperature and general weakness. Visits to the doctor are postponed for a long time, until other health problems begin.

Many believe that a severe dry night cough is a symptom of a lung and bronchial lesion. However, this is not the whole list of diseases in which the patient is tormented by bronchial spasms.

Causes when there is no temperature:

  1. allergic reaction;
  2. frequent smoking;
  • oncological diseases;
  • heart failure;
  • pulmonary tuberculosis;
  • esophagitis.

Surprisingly, the causes of night attacks are often associated with a violation of the stomach. This is a disease of esophagitis. If a person is completely healthy, the acidity of the contents of the stomach has a certain level. The damper, or else it is called the sphincter, does not allow the gastric juice to enter the esophagus and in normal state it works tightly.

If there is an increase in the level of acidity in the stomach and the sphincter does not completely overlap the esophagus, the gastric contents are gradually ejected back into the esophagus. At this time, the patient suffers from severe heartburn in the lower parts of the esophagus, where the cough receptors are located. Such attacks do not occur during the day, but only at night in the horizontal position of the body.

In adults, it is easy to detect heartburn. When referring to a gastroenterologist, the doctor recommends that you limit or completely exclude from the diet foods that may be the cause of the esophageal flap. Such products include:

  1. water with gas;
  2. chocolate;
  3. coffee.

Heartburn can provoke food, which includes mint, menthol.

The doctor will treat the patient with drugs that quickly remove the increased acidity of the stomach, drugs Omez, Omeprazole. After several days of treatment, the night cough in the patient will completely pass.

Another severe dry cough during the night provokes a posterior rhinitis. Another name for this disease is rhinopharyngitis (inflammation of the nasopharynx). Initially, the patient will feel the perspiration in the throat cavity, and afterwards a cough will be added to it. Such a symptom simply can not be stopped quickly even with the help of tablets.

With rhinopharynitis, the rhinitis is not present, only in the throat is there still a presence of viscous mucus, which is difficult to blow out, cough out.

Perhaps, doctors will appoint:

  • washing of the nose with oil and salt solutions;
  • abundant warm drink;
  • vasoconstrictive, antibacterial sprays;
  • antihistamines.

It is important not only to treat the throat, but also to ventilate frequently, to do a wet cleaning in the house. These are just some ways to get rid of a night cough and its causes.

When the heart and vascular diseases develop, the night cough will be very similar to the bronchial cough. This condition is called cardiac bronchitis. A signal of an urgent need to visit a therapist or cardiologist will be an improvement in the condition only in the sitting position.

You can not get rid of such a cough if you do not treat its main causes.

How to help yourself

Together with the treatment of the prerequisites for coughing, the patient needs to take measures to improve well-being. So, it is recommended to humidify the air in the room, where it happens most often. Dry and warm air will necessarily provoke the drying of the mucous membrane of the nasopharynx and a strong cough all night.

Especially relevant is the recommendation for the time of the heating season, when the house is dry and hot. To improve the climatic conditions in the room, you can put a wet towel on the battery or put a container with cold water near it. The ideal way to moisturize is to use a special air humidifier.

To prevent cough, it is useful to drink plenty of fluids during the day. Traditionally, this is a volume of at least 2 liters per day. This method will help saturate the body with moisture for:

  • increasing the amount of mucus;
  • its dilution and rapid withdrawal.

Alkaline mineral water, decoctions and infusions of herbs, honey and milk are good. But you can not drink a lot of water before going to bed, otherwise you can choke on a large amount of sputum.

In addition, you need to do inhalation with a dry cough. If the cough is strong, dry, grass will fit. They will well moisturize the mucous membrane and reduce the viscosity of phlegm. With a damp cough, it is worth stopping the choice of soda solutions. You can make inhalations in the afternoon and in the evening.

If you strictly follow such simple recommendations, after a few days you can forget what a sudden cough, which prevents sleep.

About what causes the cough and how to treat it, the video in this article will be described by Dr. Komarovsky.

How to stop an attack of dry cough at night in an adult home

Cough happens not only against the background of colds, there are many factors that can cause a dry cough at night.

Often children face the problem of respiratory diseases, in which case it is necessary to prescribe the appropriate treatment - tablets, syrups and medicines, which quickly solve the problem.

If you need to learn how to stop an unpleasant cough at home, then first of all you need to determine the cause of its occurrence.

So, what is better to take if an adult has a dry night cough? What drugs will be effective?

Causes of cough

Dry and wet cough is a refractory defensive reaction of the body to irritating factors or foreign objects in the respiratory tract.

A severe dry cough in adults can occur as a result of a number of diseases, so it is very important to establish an accurate diagnosis and only then the appointment of therapy.

As a result, the cough cleanses the bronchus, so that the person does not choke. It can be said with certainty that cough is capable of performing one of the most important functions for the human body.

Speaking about how to stop the cough, it should be noted that it can be divided into several types, depending on the symptoms and causes. Often these are the two main causes - diseases and foreign bodies. If the attack of a cough has started dramatically, especially at night, then it can speak of ingress of foreign objects into the respiratory tract.

If the attacks are stable and acute, then this may indicate an infectious disease of the respiratory tract. Usually such attacks can last up to two weeks. In the event that unpleasant symptoms do not disappear after two months, then it can be considered chronic.

Coughing can be a variety of different diseases. In children, its manifestations are characterized by an infection of the upper respiratory tract, namely, the throat and nose. Usually, his attacks last for two to three weeks. To stop the attack of a strong cough, you need to take special medications.

Often a nightly prolonged cough occurs with bronchial asthma. In severe form, a person may be disturbed by frequent attacks of dry, debilitating cough, which can stop, at times, only pills. If the seizures are more reminiscent of barking a dog, then this may indicate a laryngeal edema, leading to suffocation.

It is impossible to determine the cause of coughing at home, but more often such an unpleasant phenomenon can arise as a result of the following diseases:

  • Asthma;
  • Pharyngitis;
  • Allergy;
  • ARVI;
  • Pleurisy;
  • Heart failure;
  • Whooping cough;
  • Pneumonia;
  • Laryngitis;
  • Whooping cough.

Often, a dry night cough can occur as a result of smoking, especially if the harmful dependence in humans for many years.

Often, after the smoked cigarette, the intensity of the attack decreases, this indicates that there are significant problems in the work of the respiratory system.

Wet and dry cough

Dry cough at night is a typical sign of colds, including tracheitis, ARVI, bronchitis, pharyngitis, and the presence of sputum in the bronchi is not typical for him. As a result of a cold, inflammatory acute processes begin in the throat, mucus is produced in large quantities, the patient has a desire to clear the throat.

Stop coughing can be using special medications. Their action is aimed at eliminating mucus from the bronchial tubes and relaxing the mucous throat. If you need to learn how to stop a violent cough, you can use special medications to block nervous impulses.

The only thing that must always be remembered in this case is that in this case only a seven-volume treatment is carried out. Such drugs are prescribed to a person only in the event that a strong cough at night and during the day interferes with normal life, do not even let us sleep.

The appearance of a wet cough to talk about the presence of a large amount of sputum in the lung, bronchus or trachea. In most cases, a wet cough can begin to develop immediately after dry. During it, the lungs are purified from sputum, which is an excellent means for the formation of bacteria.

In the event that you do not make timely treatment, with a prolonged wet cough begins a chronic form. Cope with such a disease becomes quite difficult. In this case, the patient can prescribe the use of antibiotics and other strong medications to accelerate the healing process.

To sputum better left the lungs, it is recommended to start taking various mucolytic drugs. Due to their use, the mucus becomes less viscous, as a result of which it easily leaves the respiratory tract. If there is a wet cough, then in this case it is recommended to take a large amount of liquid.

Abundant drink helps to liquefy mucus, as a result of which it is quickly excreted from the body, facilitating the general condition of a person.

As drinks you can choose compote, juice, tea on herbs and mineral water without gases.

Treatment of dry cough

Speaking about how to stop a fit of cough, first of all you should choose medications, in particular syrups and tablets.

Before you start taking any medications you need to consult a doctor, only he can prescribe funds, depending on the type of cough and the existing disease.

In the event that there is no spitting during a cough, it must be done so that it begins to be productive. Only after this, it makes sense to prescribe the patient mucolytic and expectorant tablets.

In addition, it is possible to prescribe drugs that can have a complex effect on the patient's body as a whole. The advantage of these drugs can be considered that they are able to simultaneously give an antitussive and expectorant effect. The most common and effective drugs include:

  1. Herbion is a plantain syrup, produced in the form of syrup. The drug is able to have anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial, expectorant and antitussive effect. The drug is able to relieve and soften the dry cough. The main active component of the syrup is the herb lanceolate grass and mallow flowers.
  2. Sinekod - a medicinal antitussive, which can affect the cough center. Tablets and syrup can be used for both children and adults, alleviates the condition of bronchitis, has an anti-inflammatory effect. It is indicated for use in the presence of dry cough of different origin.
  3. Stoptussin - has a combined secretolytic and antitussive effect. Special drugs that make up its composition, help reduce the viscosity of sputum and provide antitussive action. Effective for use both for adults and children, does not contain harmful components.
  4. Kodelak Fito. This medication is produced, both in the form of an elixir, and in the form of a syrup. The main active ingredient with the composition of this remedy is extracts of thyme, licorice and thermopsis in addition to codeine.
  5. Broncholitin is a combined antitussive drug whose action is directed to the suppression of the cough center. As a result of the use of such a drug, bronchial expansion is observed, stimulation of respiration, as a result of which the release of mucus from the bronchi is accelerated.

Of course, this is far from all medicinal tablets and syrups, which will be effective in the presence of different types of cough. In this case, one should not engage in self-medication, since only a doctor is entitled to prescribe drugs.

Some means in uncontrolled reception can only worsen the general condition of the body.

What should I do if I have a strong cough?

Cough is an unconditioned human reflex. This is the required protective reaction of the respiratory organs to a variety of external stimuli. In this case, pollen, various microparticles, bacteria, dust, microbes that can cause an infectious cough can be classified as possible irritants.

First of all, it is necessary to understand that coughing is not a disease, but only a symptom of a particular human disease. The majority of existing outpatient and bacterial infections can cause severe attacks of cough. Therefore, it is necessary to start treatment of the disease directly, determining its exact diagnosis.

How to cope with an unexpected attack of cough? In this case, you can try different herbal decoctions, aimed at alleviating the general condition. In this case, you can try a decoction from the mother-and-stepmother of their chamomile. With its help, it is possible to remove accumulated sputum from the respiratory tract, while removing pulmonary edema.

Not less effective means is a decoction of an ordinary ledum. Regular use of brewed herbs of 50 ml at a time, will allow for a few days to remove unpleasant coughing attacks, calming it and reducing the intensity.

If the attack began at night, then you can calm him down from the bed and slightly tilt the body forward. You can get rid of an attack with simple pull-ups, you just need to stand up, raise your right arm and stretch very well.

No less effective remedy for severe attacks of cough is an ordinary chamomile tea. It not only facilitates the general condition, but also positively affects health in general. About how to cope with a cough will tell in the video in this article a specialist.

Dry cough at night (inside)



Dry cough at night, which occurs after a person falls asleep - is a very common phenomenon. Dry cough, caused by a variety of causes, is usually worse at night - coughing starts every two to three hours and lasts for several minutes. Common causes of dry cough at night include common colds, asthma, whooping cough and, in some cases, emphysema. In general, cause a dry cough, worse at night, can cause any lung disease.

Dry cough at night can be observed as a result of postnatal syndrome, laryngitis (inflammation of the laryngeal mucosa, for which characteristic coarsening or loss of voice and abrupt "barking" cough), tracheitis (inflammation of the trachea), obstruction (obstruction) of the respiratory ways. Finally, dry cough, worse at night, can be a direct consequence of chronic dry cough, low air humidity, smoking.

In order to finally cure a dry cough, you need to know the exact cause that caused it. But to make attacks of dry cough at night less painful, to suppress a cough that disturbs sleep, you can yourself, using the means of traditional medicine.

First of all, various herbal decoctions and teas are especially useful for constant dry cough at night. Make attacks of dry cough less intense helps the broth of oregano, and green tea with honey or tea with ginger before sleep calms the throat and reduces the frequency of attacks of dry cough (ginger tea is not in vain considered an excellent remedy for colds). It helps well from dry cough at night and tea with anise, which should be drunk just before bedtime. Instead of tea with anise for the night, you can drink warm milk with honey, which not only calms a dry cough, but also helps you fall asleep quickly.
Very effective, although not too pleasant to the taste, a remedy for dry cough at night - onion juice. Squeeze the juice from one fresh onion, mix a teaspoon of onion juice with a teaspoon of honey, leave to infuse for four to five hours - and a natural quick-acting cough syrup is ready. To suppress dry cough, this syrup should be taken twice a day in a teaspoonful.
To facilitate attacks of dry cough, you can prepare medicinal pastes from fruits and honey. So, for example, to prevent dry cough at night, a soothing throat paste from raisins will do. Sufficiently mix one hundred grams of crushed raisins and one hundred grams of sugar, adding a little water, and boil the resulting mixture until thickened (ready-made pasta in consistence should resemble dense sauce). In the morning and at bedtime to facilitate a dry cough you can eat a paste of chopped almonds with honey and a small amount of oil.
If the attacks of dry cough at night causes increased dryness of air, you can switch on the humidifier for the night in the bedroom. In addition, the room needs to be ventilated and vacuumed more often, so that the air is fresh, and the dust does not irritate the airways and does not cause a dry cough at night. I wish you good health.

Sweetness Samarin

try the lozenges of the doctor to dissolve. and so to the doctor it is necessary, do not joke!


chronic pharyngitis! it is so irritated by the back wall of the larynx, the premermeisiest thing, she herself suffered in the spring at night. the most interesting is that he really does not get treated, will be repeated from time to time. better go to the doctor, he will appoint that at least remove the unpleasant sensations

Dervish from Tabriz

sinecode from a dry cough or write a prescription for kodelak-it suppresses the cough center More unlikely to help

Severe dry cough in adults: types, causes

A severe dry cough in an adult can be triggered by various causes. Catarrhal diseases come first, as well as diseases caused by viral and bacterial infections. However, paroxysmal reflex action may not be associated with diseases of this nature. That is, dry, debilitating and protracted cough may be caused by other causes. Here we mean the ailments provoked by age-related changes in the body (cardiovascular diseases, lung pathology, etc.). At the same time, one can not discount the cough caused by allergies, foreign bodies entering the larynx. Since there are many reasons for the development of a reflex action, it is quite difficult to establish the true cause of forced exhalation.

At the same time, a painful and suffocating dry cough in adults is often accompanied by additional symptoms. An analysis of the complete picture of the development of the disease allows the doctor to make the correct diagnosis.

Causes of dry cough in adults

Despite the fact that the jerky force forced exhalation can cause a huge number of ailments, in depending on its nature and its attendant symptoms, it can be assumed that the dry strong cough.

The paroxysmal unproductive reflex act is typical for the following ailments:

  • A prolonged asphyxiating dry cough in adults is a sign of an allergic reaction. Attacks begin because of the influence of various stimuli, for example, pollen of plants, animal wool, etc.
  • Barking reflex act occurs in the case when the person is strongly swollen larynx and the vocal cords are compressed. This involuntary action is very painful and debilitating. When barking jerky, you can not talk, as this can lead to severe changes in the vocal cords.
  • The cause of frequent incessant and dry cough in adults can act and a common cold. If you start to treat it immediately, then the reflex act will become productive in 2-3 days.
  • A rare prolonged dry cough in adults is a companion of those who smoke and consume alcoholic beverages, including beer. As a rule, the attack of such involuntary action happens after a dream in the morning. Even if you quit smoking, then the cough will be only after a few months. It is this much time that the body needs to make the lungs clean of harmful substances.
  • The cause of a constant and long cough in adults, as a rule, are chronic respiratory diseases, such as bronchitis, pneumonia, etc.
  • Neglect of personal protective equipment in the performance of their duties. This category includes not only employees of the chemical industry and metallurgy. In the risk zone there are also people working with flour, next to fields or green spaces in the open air.
  • Oncological neoplasms in the pharynx. In this case, the enlarged tissue irritates the cough receptors, which is the reason for the occurrence of a permanent involuntary act.

Why you need to treat dry cough in adults

Dry cough in adults is a very important symptom, which can be the first bell of a serious ailment. Turning in time for help to a doctor, a person is guaranteed to be protected from the development of complications. In no case should self-medication be done, especially if the reflex act is prolonged and does not pass for several weeks or months.

What to cure (stop) cough in adults

Each person experienced such a common symptom as coughing. This reflex act is very multifaceted, and it is rather difficult to treat it correctly. In some cases, an experienced physician can make an accurate diagnosis, at the first visit of the patient, only on the basis of an examination of a person and his story about the onset and course of the disease. However, not all the ailments are so easily identified.

Particular difficulty in diagnosing and treating cough in adults is pneumonia. The thing is that pneumonia can cause a large number of different pathogens. Therefore, in order to establish an accurate diagnosis, it is absolutely necessary to carry out a complete biochemical examination of sputum, in addition, sputum analysis and X-rays should be done. The danger of setting up an inaccurate diagnosis is that when an antibiotic of the wrong group is prescribed, inflammation of the pleura may begin or the illness may become chronic.

Determine the nature of cough in an adult

The first thing that needs to be determined is whether the reflex act is caused by colds, bronchitis, laryngitis, pneumonia or it has a completely different character of origin. For ailments caused by viruses and bacteria, the following symptoms are typical:

  • Redness of the throat.
  • Chryps in the bronchi or lungs, which are clearly audible when listening with a phonendoscope.
  • Significant temperature increase. It should be noted that in some cases, a viral infection is observed the opposite process. The temperature drops below 36 degrees.
  • Increased sweating.
  • The adult coughs throughout the day and night, and not just after a morning's sleep or when the body is horizontal.
  • In the early days of the disease, dry raucous or barking cough can be observed, which, as a rule, after the treatment on the third day becomes productive. Sputum is greenish or yellowish in color. Its consistency has an average degree of viscosity.

How to stop coughing in an adult

The choice of medications that can cure an adult can be directly related to the nature of its occurrence. If it is a bacterial infection, the prescription of broad-spectrum antibiotics is a necessity that can not be refused in any case. In the viral nature of the disease, medications such as interferon, amyzon, and the like are taken. Antibiotics are prescribed only in those cases when the disease passes into severe form, and complications such as pneumonia or obstructive bronchitis appear. To cure the reflex act, not only tablets are required, but also special procedures.

How to calm cough in adults

From cough to adults, the following activities will help:

  • Paraffin applications.
  • Mustards.
  • Inhalations. To calm a cough in an adult, you can use special nebulizer devices.

However, these procedures should be used in conjunction with drug therapy, as well as folk remedies.

How to treat wet cough in adults

To treat a wet cough in adults, you can use a means to reduce the viscosity of phlegm. At the same time, it will increase in volume, but it leaves much easier. From coughing adults are helped by an abundant warm drink. It will help to withdraw phlegm from the respiratory system, in addition, the process of coughing will be much easier.

Such mucoregulatory drugs, like bromhexine, ambroxol, are able to restore the viscosity of mucus. This will ensure its rapid elimination. Mucolytic agents lead to a secret secretion. They are appointed by doctors in the event that there is a pathology of the bronchi or lungs.

Than to treat dry cough in adults

If a productive reflex act is provoked by abundant sputum, a dry cough in an adult occurs against the background of irritation of the cough receptors. Therefore, the treatment will be aimed at suppressing the cough reflex. That is, in this case, there is no such treatment of reflex action. The effect is symptomatic, since constant trembling acts do not benefit the body, but vice versa. As medicines, ferveks, kodelak, coding, antitussive pills and syrups are excellent.

Causes of a night cough in a child and in an adult

Cough is a familiar symptom. And most often it appears or becomes especially strong precisely in the evening or at night. People habitually associate an unpleasant symptom with problems in the bronchi or lungs, but, as practice shows, the causes of a night cough in a child or of an adult may be hidden not only in pulmonological diseases, but also in violations of the digestive tract or in pathologies of the cardiovascular system.

What kind of diseases can cause attacks of a night cough, we will discuss in this article.

Why cough becomes strong at night

Perhaps you paid attention to the fact that if in the daytime a sick child or an adult only slightly podkashlivaet, then at night this symptom turns into a painful process, depriving sleep and rest. Why does this happen? What happens to the body at night?

It turns out that nocturnal coughing attacks are provoked by the patient's horizontal position, and also often in the same posture. This leads to the fact that the mucus, which continues to accumulate, slowly flows down the back wall of the throat. That, in turn, causes irritation of the mucous membrane and causes a cough.

In the lying position, sputum, in addition, tends to stagnate, and this provokes a coughing push. Such impulses, by the way, have a reflex character and contribute to getting rid of pathogenic microorganisms accumulated in the respiratory tract.

But, in addition, night cough can provoke dry air in the bedroom (especially during the heating season) - it also irritates the mucous, causing an acute desire to clear your throat.

The baby's teeth are teething

A night attack of coughing in a child, by the way, can sometimes be explained not by a disease, but by a physiological process. For example, the fact that the baby's teeth are chopped.

The fact is that in such cases the production of saliva is significantly increased in the crumbs, and it is simply not always able to swallow it all up. Especially it is difficult in a dream, which leads to getting into the respiratory tract and causes coughing attacks at night, which so frighten moms. But as soon as the process of eruption of milk teeth is over, the anxiety symptom will stop.

Viral respiratory tract infection

But accompanying ARVI night attack of a cough in a child or an adult is, perhaps, the most common phenomenon. And it lasts, as a rule, up to three weeks. And in some (especially in weakened patients) a viral cough occurs several times a year, which makes it seem close to the patient that the patient coughs almost constantly.

And it should be noted that with a viral infection this symptom is usually not a single symptom. It is joined by weakness, perspiration or sore throat, runny nose, fever and other signs known to all.

At the initial stages of this disease with a cough is quite easy to cope with. For this, only it is worth consulting with a doctor.

Cough with sinusitis, laryngitis and adenoids

The causes of night cough in adults and children can be covered in sinusitis (inflammation of the paranasal sinuses). Incidentally, in these cases, it sometimes acts as the only sign of the chronic form of the disease, so it is very important not to treat the symptom every night lightly.

Cough accompanies and inflammatory process on the mucous membrane of the larynx, called laryngitis. At the onset of the disease, he is usually strong, dry and barking, but with time, the patient develops sputum discharge. This cough is especially painful at night. It is usually accompanied by pain in the throat, hoarseness, weakness and headache. And, by the way, a dry night cough in a child, from which he wakes up all sweat and suffocates, can testify to a serious form of acute laryngitis - a false croup.

In adenoids, a night cough is not a typical symptom, but still occurs quite often. And it occurs, as a rule, with the growth of lymphoid tissue to 2 and 3 degrees, which causes irritation of the nerve endings in the pharynx and nasopharynx. That is, in cases when the disease takes a serious enough form.

Timely appeal to LOR in all these cases will help to correctly establish the diagnosis, and along with the elimination of the cause will pass and cough.

Allergy is a common cause of coughing

An equally common cause of cough in children and adults is an allergy. And in an overwhelming number of cases, this symptom is one of the first manifestations of this pathology, and then a coryza, lacrimation and sore throat can join the cough. By the way, with allergies, it often appears for the first time just at night.

It should be mentioned that one of the characteristic features of an allergic cough is its spontaneity and unproductiveness: the patient he coughs suddenly, for no apparent reason, he can not clear his throat for a long time, he does not get sputum, and he does not bring a cough relief.

Therefore, the repeated night dry cough, the reasons of which are difficult to explain, should alert and cause Urgent to see a doctor, since an allergic reaction in a patient can be the beginning of development of the bronchial asthma.

In bronchial asthma, there is also a cough form

A sign of the onset of development of bronchial asthma may also be a dry night cough in a child or an adult. Such a cough pursues the patient not only at night, but also at any physical effort.

Incidentally, in addition to the classical form of this disease, there is also cough-related asthma. And for it just do not have symptoms in the form of dyspnoea or wheezing. As a rule, it appears only chronic, lasting about 2 months, a cough that, in the absence of treatment, gradually acquires known signs of asthma: shortness of breath, whistles and wheezing in his process, a feeling of squeezing in the chest, profuse sweating and seizures fear.

By the way, it is very important not to miss the initial stage of this disease and in time to see a doctor, which will greatly facilitate the course of the disease.

Cardiac cough

The causes of a night cough in a child or an adult can also be covered in heart problems. Most of these pathologies lead to the fact that the said organ ceases to cope with the function assigned to it to pump the required volume of blood. Because of this, it can stagnate in the lungs. The mucous membrane covering the respiratory tract swells, which leads to a cough reflex. As a rule, the described symptom is most strongly manifested in a horizontal position, at night, and is accompanied by a feeling of lack of air, suffocation and shortness of breath.

Such a cough passes only after the removal of heart failure.

Causes of a night cough in a child and an adult: gastroesophageal reflux

With gastroesophageal reflux, relaxation of the lower sphincter of the esophagus is observed, which can be accompanied by penetration of the contents of the stomach back into the esophagus.

Most often this is a normal physiological phenomenon, which helps to free the stomach from food swallowed while eating. But if the functioning of this sphincter is broken, a pathological form of reflux develops, with which ejections increase, and the contents of the stomach causes as a result irritation or even ulceration of the mucosa esophagus. In some cases, reflux is so strong that it can cause damage to even lung tissue.

All these phenomena are accompanied by heartburn, sour taste in the mouth and dry cough, which is especially amplified at night.

Ascaridosis in the early (migratory) phase

Night attacks of cough may be a symptom of the initial form of ascariasis. When infecting these helminths, at the beginning of the disease, the most common symptom is a dry or sputum cough, as well as complaints of shortness of breath and chest pain. When examined, such a patient listens to dry or wet rales, and on the roentgenogram, infiltration (inflammation), up to 4 cm in size, which change their location, due to movement of larvae ascarids. These foci usually disappear after only 5 days, but may last for about a month.

In addition to this feature, the disease is also accompanied by an increase in the blood of eosinophils (cells that are part of the leukocyte group and perform protective functions).

Night cough in an adult: the reasons are in smoking

People, often and many smokers, a lot of reasons for the occurrence of cough. Cells of the mucous surface of the respiratory tract can not cope with the withdrawal of accumulated mucus, smokers often have bronchitis and a high risk of lung cancer.

Because of all the above mentioned, lovers smoke a cigarette-another cough in the morning and at night. The accumulation of mucus causes a reflex desire to clear your throat when you change your posture during sleep or when you rise from bed in the morning. This cough is accompanied, as a rule, by the departure of thick sputum and can cause a lot of trouble.

If this habit does not lead to a chronic illness, then a simple quitting will result in getting rid of the exhausting symptom.

Night cough - this is serious

As you can see, the causes of a night cough in a child or an adult can be very diverse. Infections, inflammatory diseases, cardiovascular pathologies, gastrointestinal problems, allergic reaction and even bad habits - this is an incomplete list of phenomena that can cause a night cough in rights.

It is clear that only this symptom can not accurately indicate what exactly happens in the patient's body, so it is very important to track whether there are any concomitant manifestations, and be sure to undergo a survey at the doctor's. Only in this case, treatment of a night cough will be successful, and you or your child will get rid of the painful symptom that does not give to sleep. Be healthy!

How to treat cough in adults

People breathe air, filled with different particles. The human body tries to neutralize irritating factors. He does it with the help of a cough. Reflex exhalations and air expelled from the lungs clears the larynx, pharynx, pharynx, trachea, bronchi and other respiratory organs from the "garbage". After a quick elimination of the irritating factor, the shocks are no longer repeated. In this case, it is a natural reaction of the body, which is not evidence of any pathology.

If the seizures are frequent, prolonged, or any other symptoms are added to them, then it is already a matter of the disease. In this case, it is necessary to begin immediate cough treatment in adults. A huge role in the success of this process is played by a timely call to the doctor.

When is it necessary to treat cough in adults?

Delay with the beginning of cough treatment is extremely undesirable and dangerous. There are accompanying symptoms, in which a visit to a doctor should not be postponed even for one day. The main ones are:

  • Difficult breathing, which prevents even talking.
  • Dyspnea.
  • Fainting.
  • Swelling of the feet.
  • Pain in the chest.
  • Expectoration in blood.
  • Rapid weight loss.
  • Abundant sweating.
  • Chills.
  • A rise in body temperature that lasts more than 3 days.
  • Sudden severe attacks lasting longer than an hour.
  • Bronchitis, repeated several times a year.
  • Excretion of purulent sputum.
  • Change of voice.

If a cough accompanied by one of these symptoms is observed, the doctor should be contacted immediately.

Determination of cough treatment methods in adults

To identify ways that help to combat the disease as effectively as possible, the specialist performs an examination of the patient. The doctor determines how to cure a cough:
  • It fixes the nature of sharp reflex exhalations.
  • Sets the cause of their occurrence.
  • Appoints methods of fighting the disease, considering: the diagnosis, clinical manifestations of the symptom, the individual characteristics of the patient, the properties of the drugs.

The main thing when fighting with an ailment is that the cause that causes it, and not only the symptom itself, is treated. The doctor selects the individual for each patient complex of the most effective methods.

Treatment of cough in adults with medication

To combat various types of cough, different drugs are prescribed. For successful treatment of a phenomenon caused by acute respiratory disease or a cold, unproductive reflex exhalations without sputum production must be regenerated into moist ones. To do this, antitussive drugs are taken:

  • Plantain syrup.
  • Oxeladin.
  • Butamirate.
  • Tusuprex.
  • Broncholitin.

After coughing in adults, it becomes wet to prescribe medications that ensure the excretion of sputum from the respiratory tract:

  • Mucolytic (bromhexi, ukopron, cetylcyste, lyumitsi, Mbroxol).
  • Expectorants (hexapnevmi, hippopotamus).
If a patient has pneumonia or bronchitis, then the treatment is done with antibiotics. They help to suppress the activity of microbes.

The use of antibacterial agents for asthma and COPD is used in complex therapy with other drugs and is infrequent. If the reflex thrusts of the diaphragm are caused by tracheitis, pertussis or asthma, then steroids are used more.

Medication can not be prescribed for yourself. All of them should be taken only after consultation with the doctor.

Treatment of cough in adults with homeopathic remedies

Preparations, which include plant components, are an auxiliary tool in the treatment of cough. They can not independently defeat the disease that causes such a symptom, but they are an excellent additional method that promotes an increase in the body's immunity.

At attacks it is recommended to accept:

  • Gepar Sulfur.
  • Ipecacuanha.
  • Stanum.
  • Lukopodium.
  • Conium.
  • Doctor Mom.
  • Antimonium Tarkarikum.
  • Bromium.

There is a lot of positive feedback about treatment with these drugs. However, even though they are made on the basis of plant components, they are still medicines, therefore it is impossible to take them uncontrolled. Only a doctor can prescribe such remedies.

Treatment of cough in adults by folk methods

If the fight against the disease for any reason should be carried out with minimal use of medicines, then doctors recommend doing various inhalations, rubbing the patient, applying compresses, and also using herbs and fees. These methods perfectly help to fight with pathology.

For compresses and grindings, products such as:

  • Honey.
  • Badger, goose, bearish fat.
  • Vodka.
  • Potato.
  • Essential oils.

If decoctions or herbal tinctures are made, it must be remembered that the proportions in the recipes can not be changed, because some of the plants in large doses can be poisonous. The most commonly used components are:

  • Rhizomes are elecampane.
  • Sage.
  • Pine buds.
  • Thyme.
  • Kiprej.
  • Mother and stepmother.
  • Yarrow.
  • Ledum.

Perfectly help in the treatment of the disease milk, bananas, onions.

For inhalations, boiled potatoes, eucalyptus, mint, lavender, cedar essential oils, baking soda are widely used.

A lot of recipes for treatment with traditional medicine can be found on thematic forums.

Features of cough treatment in children

If a cough is seen in the child, it is necessary to closely monitor it. At the first suspicions of occurrence of any disease it is necessary to consult with the doctor and to receive the scheme of adequate treatment. Do not forget that the doses of drugs in children differ from adults and make up half.

It is very important for a speedy recovery, along with taking medications and applying the prescribed methods to combat the disease, to create a suitable regime for the child:

  • Provide coziness and peace.
  • Exclude strong odors.
  • Make hot foot basins.
  • Provide inhalation of vapors.
  • Give plenty of fluids.
  • Be sure to include in the diet liquid porridge, mashed potatoes.

General recommendations for the treatment of cough in adults

In the fight against any kind of cough, there are several ways to reduce suffering and discomfort from the sensations caused by its manifestations. The main ones are:

  • Refuse to smoke, including passive.
  • Often to ventilate the room.
  • Humidify the air.
  • Maintain a room temperature of about 20 degrees.
  • Drink plenty of fluids, preferably warm.
  • Suck special candy.
  • Gargle.
  • Patients with chronic respiratory diseases should try to stay in the area with clean air for a longer time.

If you do not delay with the reference to a doctor and follow all the recommendations prescribed by a specialist, then you can cope with the cough quickly and successfully.

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