Is it possible to correct strabismus?

Strabismus is a problem that most often occurs in preschool children. Do not think that this is just a cosmetic defect. Often the visual acuity of the mowing eye is below normal. With strabismus, there is no joint eye work. Violation negatively affects the formation of the character of the child, and in the future narrows the range of choice of professions, reduces the ability to work. Of course, we can not ignore the cosmetic side of the problem, especially for girls. Strabismus can give a person no less problems than other visual defects.

It is proved that a person suffering from strabismus is able to get rid of this problem, or at least reduce its severity. How to correct strabismus?


  • 1What it is?
  • 2Types and forms of strabismus
    • 2.1Friendly strabismus
    • 2.2Paralytic strabismus
    • 2.3Forms of strabismus
  • 3The causes of strabismus
  • 4Symptoms
  • 5Diagnostics
  • 6Treatment
  • 7Exercises with strabismus
  • 8Complications
  • 9Prevention
  • 10Video
  • 11conclusions

What it is?

Friendly divergent strabismus
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We all look at the world with two eyes, but the brain combines two images into a single visual image.Vision with two eyes, as a result of which our consciousness receives a single volumetric image, is called binocular.One of the primary conditions of binocular vision is the coordinated work of all the eye muscles. Each eye has six muscles, which together provide synchronous movement of the eyes. When you change the direction of sight, both eyeballs perform simultaneous movements in the same direction. According to the ICD 10, the strabismus has the code H49.

Strabismus (strabismus) - a violation of the parallelism of the visual axes, in which it is difficult to fix both eyes on the object of sight.

In the symmetrical position of the eyes, images of objects fall on the central regions of each eye.In the cortical parts of the visual analyzer, they merge into a single binocular image. With strabismus, there is no fusion, and the central nervous system, in order to protect against double vision, excludes the image obtained by the mowing eye.

If such a state of vision continues for a long time, then amblyopia develops (reversible decrease in vision, in which one of the two eyes is partially or completely not involved in the visual process).

Types and forms of strabismus

Two forms of strabismus are distinguished: friendly and paralytic.

Friendly strabismus

With this type of pathology, the left eye and the right eye are squinting, while the deviation from the forward position is approximately the same.Statistics show that most often this strabismus occurs in individuals with ametropia and anisometropia.In this case, hyperopia prevails in cases of convergent strabismus, and myopia is combined with a divergent species of strabismus.

Paralytic strabismus

With this violation, one eye mows.The main sign of pathology is the restriction or absence of eye movements towards the action of the affected muscle, as a result of which binocular vision is disturbed, and doubling occurs.The causes of paralytic strabismus can be caused by the defeat of nerves or a violation of the morphology and function of the muscles themselves.

These disorders can be congenital in nature or occur due to infectious diseases, injuries, tumors, vascular diseases.

Sign of paralytic strabismus is also the inequality of the primary angle of strabismus (mowing eye) secondary angle of deflection (healthy eye).

Forms of strabismus

In addition, specialists distinguish the following forms of strabismus:

  • convergent (eye directed to the bridge of the nose);
  • divergent (the eye is directed toward the temple);
  • Vertical (eye mowing up or down);
  • mixed.

Convergent strabismus usually develops at an early age. Most often this type of strabismus is combined with hyperopia of medium and high degree.

Divergent strabism often accompanies congenital or early-onset myopia. The causes of its appearance may be trauma, brain disease, fright, infectious diseases.

Strabismus can be permanent or appear periodically.There are also atypical types of strabismus, which are caused by anatomical developmental anomalies (Down syndrome, Brown syndrome, DWD syndrome, etc.)

Strabismus is classified according to several criteria:

  • By the time of origin: congenital or acquired;
  • According to the stability of the deviation: constant or unstable.
Varieties of pathologies with strabismus

The causes of strabismus

Strabismus, heterotrophy, stability

The causes of congenital strabismus can be:

  • heredity;
  • birth injury;
  • prematurity.

Acquired strabismus, as a rule, is associated with diseases of the central nervous system. Also for reasons include:

  • nervous stress;
  • contusion of the head;
  • infectious diseases.


Friendly strabismus is characterized by such symptoms:

  • when fixing a stationary object, one of the eyes is in a state of deflection in any direction;
  • can alternately mow the left, then the right eye;
  • there is no binocular vision;
  • decreased vision in the divergent eye;
  • presence of ametropia.

When paralytic strabismus constantly mows only one eye. The main symptoms of this strabismus are:

  • restriction or absence of movements of the oblique eye in the direction of the action of the affected muscles;
  • forced deviation of the head towards the pathological muscle;
  • the primary deflection angle is less than the secondary one;
  • presence of constant or periodic dizziness;
  • lack of 3D vision.

Sometimes strabismus manifests itself not immediately, but, for example, closer to the evening, during the period of the child's activity. A defect can occur periodically, and parents tend to think that the child is indulging, and sometimes do not pay attention to it.

Strabismus requires immediate correction. The timeliness of treatment depends on the results.


Strabismus in a child or an adult can be determined during an ophthalmological examination by a doctor.Diagnostics includes:

  • visual acuity check;
  • the definition of the refraction of the eyes with wide and narrow pupils;
  • the determination of the volume of movements, the position of the eyes and the angle of strabismus;
  • study of 3D vision;
  • examination of the fundus, anterior segment and conductive eyes.

In the process of examining the children, the oculist first conducts a survey of parents to determine when and under what conditions circumstances, a squint was observed, as it manifested itself: suddenly or for a certain time. Congenital pathology is usually associated with fetal injuries in childbirth or with diseases of the central nervous system. The acquired form is associated with refractive error anomalies.


With strabismus, the ability to see normally is usually preserved only by the eye that performs the vision. The eye, squinting to the side, sees over time worse and worse, its visual functions are suppressed. Therefore, it is important to start treatment as early as possible.

Treatment of strabismus implies an integrated approach and can include:

  • optical correction (glasses, lenses);
  • treatment of amblyopia of the eye with the help of hardware procedures;
  • development of binocular vision;
  • consolidation of achieved monocular and binocular functions;
  • surgery.

The surgery is used mainly to achieve a cosmetic effect, because in itself it rarely restores binocular vision.The surgeon determines the type of surgery already directly on the operating table, since here it is necessary to take into account the particular arrangement of muscles in a particular person.One or both eyes are operated at once. Operative intervention is aimed at strengthening or weakening one of the muscles that moves the eyeball.

The operation to correct strabismus is performed in one day under local drip anesthesia. The recovery period takes about a week, but after such a surgical operation, doctors recommend a course of hardware treatment for optimal recovery of visual functions.

Exercises with strabismus

In the task of gymnastics for the eyes with strabismus (myopia, hyperopia and other types of abnormalities vision) includes: complete relaxation of the eye muscles, focusing on one point, combining the two pictures.If at the final stage it was possible to achieve the combination of two pictures, then we can talk about victory over strabismus.

Each of the exercises, which are given below, should be repeated at least 16 times.

  1. Put your hand forward and fix your eyes on your index finger. Bring your finger to your eyes without taking your eyes off, and remove it.Repeat the same thing, putting your hand down and lifting it up.
  2. Leave your eyes to the left- to the right, then upwards and downwards, drawing the g-8's gaze.
  3. Keep an eye out for moving objects, for example, at the ball when playing ping-pong.
  4. Look long afar, through the window. Then focus on the nearby objects.
  5. Stand with your back to the sun, close your palm with a healthy eye. Then turn your head toward the mowing eye until it sees the sun's rays. Return to the starting position and again start the movement in one rhythm (at least 10 times). Do not need to turn around with your whole body or pull your head, because the purpose of training is to treat the eye, and not to strengthen the muscles of the trunk.
  6. If the left eye mows to the bridge of the nose, close the healthy right eye. Pull the right foot forward and reach out to her toe. After that, in the slope, raise your hand, as if pointing to the sky on the left side of the body.
  7. If the left eye mows to the temple, push forward your left foot and stretch your right hand to the toe of your left foot. Point your hand to where the affected eye should turn. If the right eye mows, the left leg should be set forward. Tilts are necessary to enhance the movement of blood in the eyeballs.
Gymnastics with strabismus

A necessary condition for obtaining the effect of exercises for the eyes is their regular execution.


Strabismus can not go by itself.Moreover, in the absence of treatment, serious complications can develop.That is why when the first signs of strabismus appear, you should immediately consult an ophthalmologist.

With strabismus, work is disrupted in virtually all areas of the visual analyzer, so treatment should be comprehensive.

On the mowing eye, the visual acuity gradually decreases, that is, amblyopia develops. This, in turn, leads to an even greater deviation from the norm. Thus, a vicious circle is launched.


The main way to combat strabismus is early diagnosis. Wanted:

  • mandatory early examinations of children, more frequent - in children at risk(parents with visual impairments, birth traumatism, etc.);
  • annual medical examination;
  • observance of norms and rules of hygiene of sight.

If a child is assigned glasses, you must wear them in the recommended mode and visit an ophthalmologist every six months to prevent the development of strabismus and amblyopia in time.



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So, strabismus in children and adults is not only a cosmetic defect; this is a pathology leading to a further reduction in vision and development of other eye diseases. If you notice that your child sometimes kills the eye (or both), be sure to hurry to the doctor. Strabismus in adults is a violation that can be corrected.

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