Treatment of periodontal disease with the most effective folk remedies: the best recipes and methods

Periodontal disease affects the gums and atrophy of the tooth cells, which causes the teeth to loosen and fall out. Inflammatory processes with this disease are absent, in contrast to periodontitis. Symptoms can occur not only in adults, but also in young people and even in children.

Article content:
  • Causes of the disease
  • Symptoms
  • General recommendations
  • Folk methods of treatment
  • What is not recommended to do?
  • Preventive measures

Long-term residence in the Far North regions, the lack of vitamins of groups P and A in the diet also provoke the disease with periodontal disease.

Causes of the disease

The most common cause is improper care of the gums and teeth. If the first symptoms of periodontal disease in the form of bleeding gums and painful cleansing of the teeth are already evident, and there is no possibility to visit the dentist, then folk remedies for periodontal disease can ease the condition and stop the process.

The causes of periodontal disease are:

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  • diseases of the cardiovascular and nervous system,
  • metabolic disorders, which include systemic osteoporosis, protein synthesis retardation, bone tissue regeneration disorder, beriberi,
  • GI disease,
  • malocclusion,
  • tooth or gum damage,
  • hereditary factors,
  • permanent presence on the teeth of a large number of pathogens.
  • hypertension, diabetes, atherosclerosis and the like.

Characteristic symptoms of

Bright signs of the development of periodontal disease can be:

  • pulsation, burning, itching and swelling of the gums,
  • wobbling of teeth,
  • enamel destruction and erasure of teeth,
  • wedge shaped tooth,
  • sensitization and soreness when chewing,
  • small plaque,
  • , thinned gums and bare teeth.

Rapidly multiplying pathogenic microorganisms penetrate deep into the gums, destroying the connective tissue and enamel, forming a tartar. Teeth begin to shift and as a result of weak support take a fan-like arrangement. As a result, their total loss may occur.

Some time after the onset of the disease, the gums begin to sag, exposing the roots, while the shape of the teeth becomes wedge-shaped. There is an increased sensitivity to hot and cold food and beverages. The height of the partitions between the teeth decreases, the color of the enamel changes, and erosion appears. A deplorable result can be the loss of all teeth.

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General recommendations

With periodontal disease, local treatment is carried out, excluding the factors contributing to the disease, and general treatment aimed at strengthening immunity and enhancing the body's defenses.

Severe cases require a so-called scrappy operation. It consists in cutting the surrounding tissue, removing the inflamed granulations and treating the incisions with antibacterial agents.

Treatment of periodontal disease with folk remedies should be supportive of medical methods. Usually in home treatment apply:

  1. baths and rinses,
  2. massage and gymnastics,
  3. applications and irrigation.

Traditional methods of treatment

To folk remedies for periodontal disease include:

  • herbs,
  • bee products,
  • essential vegetable oils,
  • medicinal houseplants.

The most useful and effective folk remedies for the treatment of periodontal disease at home:

  • From the houseplant aloe it is necessary to cut off the sheet, cut into plates and apply a cut to the gums. Daily applications last several hours. The golden mustache is no less effective than aloe.
  • The leaves of the plantain should be chewed several times a day, without swallowing juice and porridge. Pine needles from the tops of branches have the same strong effect.
  • Turundas from gauze, moistened with fir oil , apply to sick gums for 15 minutes once or twice a day. The course of treatment consists of 20 compresses.
  • The sea food salt solution is effective in the form of a rinse. A teaspoon of salt, dissolved in a glass of water, is first used to clean the mouth with a toothbrush. Then the rests of the solution should be rinsed with the mouth.
  • A teaspoon of of the crushed oak bark is poured into a glass of boiling water and boiled for 5 minutes. Chilled broth several times a day rinse the mouth.
  • Pine or spruce resin is poured with vodka and waiting for its complete dissolution. Tincture is used to lubricate the gums and massage with your finger.
  • In the morning toothpaste replace with baking soda .Rinse your mouth with clean water, and then with a teaspoon of hydrogen peroxide, which will begin to foam strongly. After rinsing should pass at least an hour before eating.
  • Juice of sauerkraut use to rinse and chew the leaves. This is a very effective tool.
  • Indian paste for the treatment of periodontal disease is prepared from 3 tablespoons of sea salt, 2 teaspoons of powder from banana skins and olive oil. The creamy mixture is rubbed into the diseased gums and held in the mouth for about 10 minutes. The procedure is carried out at night and in the mornings.

What is not recommended?

In the network, one can meet recommendations for the use of a rigid toothbrush in the treatment of periodontitis. But this is wrong, since it is capable of increasing the wedge-shaped defect. With periodontal disease, you need to brush your teeth with a soft brush, excluding horizontal movements.

First and foremost, you should not make a diagnosis yourself and self-medicate. Without a doctor's recommendation, people's prescriptions can not be used, since some plants are capable of causing an allergic reaction or an individual intolerance.

Qualified dentist assistance is necessary in diagnosing and treating periodontal disease. Running a disease will result in the loss of even healthy teeth. The doctor will clean the periodontal pockets of the stone and foci of infection. If this is not done, and apply only mucosal healing treatment in the form of rinses and applications, you can get only an exacerbation of the disease.

At home, only the treatment of the initial stage of parodontosis, which is called gingivitis, is justified, while following the recommendations of the dentist.

During the period of treatment it is forbidden to drink alcoholic beverages, spicy or fatty foods.

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Preventative measures

The best prevention of the disease is quality oral care .All other recommendations are very simple:

  • Regular brushing of teeth with a good toothbrush and natural pastes.
  • Massage of gums in the form of chewing solid foods, raw fruits and vegetables.
  • To prevent excessive stress on the gums, it is necessary to immediately repair the lost teeth.
  • Rinse mouth after eating so that food pieces do not damage the gums.

Preventative measures also include:

  • application of compresses with fir oil for 15 minutes. Twice a year there is a one-week course;
  • cleaning of teeth with chopped pine needles or oil added to toothpaste;
  • is a well-chosen diet, in which fruit, vegetables, cereals and lean meat should prevail.

Folk methods effectively relieve the unpleasant symptoms of periodontal disease and are used in conjunction with official dental treatment.

Regular preventive procedures will allow to prolong the life of natural teeth.

Complex treatment of medicines prescribed by the doctor, and folk methods will give a lasting effect, eliminate the inflammatory process, strengthen the teeth and gums.

If the disease is not started, the methods of complex treatment will significantly improve the condition and transfer it to a state of stable remission.

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